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Durham Review (1897), 12 Oct 1905, p. 8

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Corner Yonge tad Alexander su. Our Immune: " our "ll Opening Wu Five Tim” um: astitat clans-co. This he: opens for itself. Write to: alumna-t mm Inter Sow Shoe D We have just, opened a new stock of men'" unlined wot king Gloves in various styles 1nd prices lt will pay you to ex- amino) these goods before purchasing elsewhere. Custom work and repairing " usual We nre showing same good values In Man‘s heavy home for fait wear, La- dies', Misowt,' and C'hiidrenU heavy or light wear, Men's Working Gloves TERMS: CASH OR PRODUCE ll LITTLE wn AT LITTLE PRICES CI NICARTHUR YOUR LITTLE BOYS 1 Reg. price, $1.25 per pair bHOES NOW, 75 cents per pair. Don't miss this Sale of Children 's Boots for 30 days. Extra value in Fall Shoes at The People'n Store oe Ureasmgs Of many kinds. Try half time for your next. It ism good polish and has been a good tseller. escapes k, I'htithturs at lowest price The People Store Cosy Furs TORONTO. ONT. all Footwear A big ramp- ot White and Gray VERYWHERE throughout our Store will be found mil departments. E which indicate that cur Full and Winter Goods have all arrived. Careful attention in evegfy detail has been a feature of our buying, and as a result, we have one the moat oomph-to and best stocks in every wav. of Dry Goods, Ready-made: and Fun ever seen in Durham. We invite you to call and make a minute inspection. and are tgtititttied you will he delizlmd with your treatment. our Goods, and our Store. We call your attention to our new Dress Goods $95533)... Waist Goods Wrapperettes, Flannelettes 33,1,2i'1i TERMS. CASH. Down Town SHOE STORE Complete Fall Stocks --BRING ALONG- l We can supply them with Remember Eu, 107': l I c I lraith W. J. ELLIOTT. hind”! All the season's stock ot Furs have arrived. which gives all intending purchasers ot 3 winter For wide and varied choice. Caporines, Rum. Boas, Mitts, Man for Women and Children. Coats, Caps, and Collars. for Men, Women and Children ir.l The Mplt's Store l All kinds of FARM PRODUCE Wanted Highest Prices paid in Cash or Trade, TWEEDS, MEN'S SUITINGS OVERCOATING, all newly am ROBT. BURNETT "ttttay, In all Departments. Cottons 79: per Pr . - - w ”m “Illu- The anniversary services is to be held in Salem Methodist church on Sunday, October 15th and a tea meet- ing on the night following. Good time luxpec‘od. Quite a. number of tii, 'young people of the Park took in the Show Concert in Priceville and report a good time. NRC, __ . Rev Mr Campbell of Dromore preach- ed preparatory service " St Aridrew'a church on Wednesday last and about . dozen united with the church. A very pleasant event took place at the home' of Mr Donald McCormick. when his daughter Jessie was united in marriage to Mr John Nichol ot Price- ville. We wish them a happy and prosperous journey through life. Scarlet tever instill raging in the Park but as it is a mild kind them in not mach danger. Mr Ray Wilson has arrived home from the West and as the brpnehois well rented we expect alivel'y time among the fair sex. "__ -- ... ...n an "all. uuu ', his sister Mrs Wm Hastie. of Egerton. while on the hostess’ side were Mrs Wm Renwick, Mrs Thos Atchison and Miss Edith Henry. Manv other re- lations were unable to be present ow- ing to the distance. Mr Jas Renwick in Dakota, Mrs Salter and Mrs Hines, of Toronto and John and George l Henry in Hepworth, Wm detained at l home and Mrs Reid (Aggie) of Hep- I worth and Mrs Jamieson Mary.) A large family on either side all blessed with good health. The family of the hosts number five I viz Thos, Will, Norman, Bertha and lAlma. The two former grown into I man be big Ft the two latterjust bad. I' ding into lair and gentlewomanhood. I The Renwick name and family have long been identitied With the early history and progress of Dromore and contribute largelv to its good name and I its industrial standing After a good i supper had been served. all went into enjoying themselves as best they may I while the gay and younger portionl betook themselves to the Russell hall adjoining and there engaged in the terpsichorean art well on into the morning when all went home wishing them happy returns of the day. The closing up meeting of the beef ling at Mr Wm Brown's was hefd there on Wedutsday evening last, when all was s1ttisf'aetorly settled. and steps taken to have it going again next summer with an additional 8 weeks to be added to the 16 now pre- vailing. A good quality of beef was provided this summer all being near ofthe one qualitv and Weight averag- ing 418 and one-half lbs. Alter bus- iness was transacted the patrons were treated to a substantial lunch by Mrs Wm Brown. many of the patrons' wives being present. A hearty vote of thanks was moved in very felici- tons terms by Mr John Adams and seconded by Councillor Walter Fergu- son. to Mr and Mrs Brown for their unfailing courtesy and hospitality on these measions. Mr Wm Thompson is the appreciated butcher for the I association. Alnrge number of the relatives, friends and neighbors of Mr and Mrs (Kit) Christopher Renwick, gathered at thelr home on Friday the 6th inst. to celebrate the 25th anniversary of their marriage. There were present on the hosts side ot the house, his bros. Wobt, Thos, John and Wm, the latter 1.4...- .A La _. . - being a pjdtuUiriiw' 37 inches wide elettes at, per yd, only 10c will be disposed ofduring the next two weeks " Bargain Prices. all newly arrived. Swinton Park Dromore and The People’s Store The People's Store Best French Flannel. etc as well, and The undersigned offers his lip} property in Up?" Town for sale, We an. app y to We welcome Mr Sullivan and fam- ily back again in our midst. _ Married on Wednesday the 4th inst by Rev Mr Matheson, John Nichol Jr to Miss Isabella McCormick, youngest daughter ot Mr D McCormick of Proton. As some one else no doubt will be ttiv- ing an account of the event better than we can do, we will only say that Mr. Nichol may feel proud as the husband of such a fine and pleasant young lady and on the other hand Miss McCor- mick may feel the same for she eap- I tnred one of our fineat young men when she became the bride ot Johnnie Nichol and all We wish is that they may long sit side by side " they did at the Communion table last Sabbath at Swinton Park. Dr Atkinson left to attend College of Physicians at Chicago a. few days ago. Also John McArtbur is attending Den- tal College, Toronto. We are sorry to lose two of our tine young men. Robt Fisher and Edward Sullivan. are away this week moving Patrick Sullivan 'g effects back to the South Line again. lh Hutton. Allan McKinnon, Miss McKinnon, Jno Clark, Dan Ferguson. Tom Swallow, Arch McDoueall, Jno Nichol, Mr and Mrs John Me- G' wan, Barnster Dunn and others all troxu Durham attended the Show at Priceville on Friday last. Mr and Mrs Arch McCannel of Ar. ran are Visiting iriends on the South Line, Glenelg at present. Miss Meadie Hincks is at home at Tied with her father and mother, rieeville, Also Miss Ida Williams epenta tew days visiting old friends at Priceville and other places. Captain D McLachlin of Ceylon is in the Toronto Hospital. He was operat- ed on for a seVere case of appendicitis and as far as heard he is doing well. also Mrs Arch McLean. South Line, Artemosia is in the hospital at present tor some serious inward trouble. Mr. McLean is also laid up with some ail- ment ofa weakening nature. We hope to hear of all regaining health soon. . Jas Webster of Vancouver is renew- mg old acquaintances in Pricevillo at present. Sacrament. held in the Presbyter- ian elsnreh last Sabbath a larger num- ber than usual out on the occasion. Rev Walter Nichol attended his brothev's wedding on Wednesday last. Professor McLeod and Mis: McGill were good entertainers at the Concert. We didn l hear the receipts but they must be very good. So this is ail about our show The lady drivers did well only there was not many competeing but they de- serve credit for their good skill in handling the reins. The concert at night Wasa grand success, the Hall stuck fall to the doors. Warden McArthur always makes a good chairman for he has a good com- manding manner about him. The Show outside and inside was without exception the best ever held in Prieeyille and President D McMil- lan must haveielt a happy man on the success ot his first ye " in that ot- tice. Veterinary MacIntyre madea good gate-keeper. He would nut even let the President or Warden in without a ticket so Mae is no rcspector of per- sons. Secretary Neil McKinuon was kept base as " nailer. As the Dur- ham editors were present it is need- less for us to say more for We saw the Review Ed.and Mrs and daughter there, also the Chronicle editor was there and no doubt justice will be done to the occasion among them all. been windy one hand would have to be reserved to keep on their head gear and it must have been a source of pleasure to them (the ladies) that they could wear their beautilulsum- mar hats Without fear ot being removed - The calmness at tho day afforded the ladies opportunity to use both hands .wi,th lreedou;tur had the day Warden McArthur was a busy man all day assisting the managers tomake every department as entertaining as possible. _ Th, crowd was entertained bv the beautiful strains of the Pibroch trom Professor Hector McDonald's new pipes lately sent to him from Edinburgh. The twalittle girl dancers drew at- tention, also Alex 'PieDonald, piper's son gave a good highland fling. Never did the elementsof nature favor the good citizens of PriceVille and neighborhood more than it did on Friday last at the annual exhibition held in the fioaruhine little town. The President and managers were they given the power to select asuitable day could not have improved on it. Hundreds of both sexes. old, young and middle aged enjoyed themselves under the beautiful canopy ot the heavens with the temperature cool enough to enjoy the rays of the beau- tilul sun. either sitting in the shade or standing in the sunshine. The school has been closed tor 3 week now on " aunt ot the Scarlet Fever. We do Dot know whether it will be open next week or not. from Durham iidr1iirihi "iiiiaii"r"i; Convention this week. We hope they are not disappointed. Some ofthe boys of the Park are wearing a happy smile now " they {Ire exPecging the young ladjea home FOR SALE. Priccville Joan Rommzsos, ¢--- ONTARIO ARCHIV‘ TORONTO his splendid t. For Class i2-iatditts' Work Pumpkin pie-Jorph Oliver, A D McLeod. Lemon tsie-M, Harlow. T A Ferguson. Angle Pie-D McMillan, A D McLeod. ruit tthae-John Me. Arthur, H Watson. Bread, homemade .-NeiiMekinnon. Jos Oliver. Bread, ' 11 Miller's priae)---Neit McKinnon. Hut-ow. Tutr-n McMillan, TIA, Fergulon. Wm White. Bttl-gotiii er. I Best and largest variety field roots, Jno. McArthur’s special. . D McMillan, D McCormack. JUDGES: Wm. Smith, J I Graham. I Class 8-Fruit ! Northern Spy-Wm Watson, C C I James. Golden Russett--CC James.C ' Tryon. Apple, winter, any othere-U l Tryon, J McBeth. t3now--C Th yon, John Eckhardt. Colbert-J Eckhardt. I Alexander-D McMillan. John Meltae. ! St Lawrence-CC, James, Apples, tall , any other-H Watson, D McCormack. I Cull. Apples-C' Tryon, C McInnes. l, Crab apples, large-D McCormack, lArchie McArthur. Crab Apples, me- 2 diam--T A Ferguson. Jas. Oliver. l Plt1msr.- H Watson. Pears-U nu. Eclcl ( hurdt. Grapes-H Watson. l Class 9--Flowers i uand boqaet---W J Meade, H Wat- son, Table 't.'g1sevtii2, Watson. Coll I house Planta-- Watson. I Class io-Maisy and other Produce Honey in txytnb---H Watson. Honey extracted-James Aussem. Roll but- ter-D McMillan. D Harrow, D McCor. mack. Crock butter-Jos Oliver, WJ Meade, D Harrow. Tub butterI -Jos01iver, D IIeMilleu. WJ Meade. Maple Molasses-Wm White, T A l Ferguson. Heaviest Hen 1ilgetr--D McMillan. The Judges made comment as fol- lows: "We highly commend the l butter'and feel that all the exhibits were worthy of a prize. " , J UDGFS D MCARTHUR I G B HOOD 1 Government Judge. ' Class 1t-iuuaftustures Rag Carpet-Jams McPhail, G Ar- l rowsmith. Flannel-Jane Momma]. ' Blankets-Jennie McArthnr, D " ' mum , JUDGI: Mrs Gamon, Mrs Martin» - 0*" -, - -i--.._"-... unutc, ""+ oto00 . . R MeEaehern, D McCormack. Tar- nip bee,r..D MeCortnack, ll Watson. Ptirsnips..H Watson, lr' Arrowsmith. Radishes, black..A Muir, I A Fergus- 'on. Cabbage, oxheart. . W Watson, D McCormack. Cabbage, any other ya- riely..Wm Watson, Dun McCormack. Cauliflowers..U Watson, Don McCor- mack. Onions, potato. .Arch McAr- Lhur. D. 1lc'Cormaek; Dutch sets..T A Ferguson, 11 Watsou ; tops. .D Mc- Uormuck ', from black seed..D McCor- mack, A Muir. Pumpkins. yellow.. G Atrowinuith, A D McLeod. Pump- kins, any other kind..M L McIntyre, DMcCormack. Squash..A D McLeod, H Watson. Celerv. .J Oliver, J Aus-, Bern. Citrons..G Arrowinnith, A D) McLeod. Tomatoes. .H Watson, A D McLeod. Cucumbers, pickling..A D McLeod, J Nichol; ripe..H Watson, TA Ferguson. Collection ot vegetab- les..T A Ferguson. n”. -- -v_i.._rf...F'%.rB.. nailGV' -’ l rowed -A Muir. Oats, White-A Muir ‘(l Armwsmith. Oats, blaek-A Mair. A DMelusod. Peas, large-S Arrow- sminn. A Mair. teas, small-4) Me- Millan. 'l' Nichol. 6 cars Corn-di Watson, A Muir. Tituothv Seed-A Muir. D McMillan. White Beans-T AFergason. Colored Beans-g hieBerls, D AlcUornmck. Flax Seed--] Turner, T A Ferguson. Class 7-Roots and Vegetables Potatoes, elephant..J A McDonald, I) McMillan. Potatoes, Beauty at He- bron.. w J Meads, D McMillan. Coll. of potatoes. .Jos Oliver, It Mel'lachern. Potatoes, any omer kind . . T A Fergus- on, I) McMillan. 'rarnipy, SWede, .Iumbo..l) McMillan, A Muir; an)" other variety swede..Jotm Nichol, Ji, Mephail. Tarnips, green top. .A Muir. D McMillan ; any other variety green top..'i' A Ferguson, A McEachern. Mangolds, globe. . Jno Barnet, A Muir. Mangolds, long red.. D MeC'ormaek, J Barnet. Sugar beets..A Muir, D Me- Cormaek. Field carrots, white..Herb Watson, N Watson. Field carrots. red ..H Watson. R. Melilaehern. Short horn earrous..H Watson, W Watson Table carrots, any onher..H Watson, W Watson. Trbleultnips..T A Fer- guson, P, McMillan." Beets. long blood Class 6--tlrain ana Seeds Spring Wheat, White 1tassian-A Muir. T. Nichol. Spring Wheat, Fyfe --A Mair. Spring wheat, ony otlet-- J Turner, C McIunes. Barley. f, rowed ---A iiinir.__R Niqholson. Barley. 2 1 Continued from page 1. 1 Shropshire ‘ Aged Ram..R McEachern. ) Oxford. l Aged Run ..Jno Fairbaim. Wm. ( Fuzrbairn. Bh. 1tam..Wm Fairbairn _ l & 2. Ram lamb..John Fuirbpirn ‘ l & 2. Aged Ewes..Jno Fairlmrn l & 2. Sb. Ewes. .Jas Oliver, Jno Pair bairn. Ewe lumba.W Fuirbaim l & 2 JOHN JACKSON: GOVERNMENT Jtmn. Class 6--Swiue, Buck Brood: Boar..C McInnis. John Eeklurdt. Sow..Jno MeBeth, Jno Eckhardt. Spring Pig. . .Joo Eckhardtl & 2. White Breeds. Sow..John Eckhardt. Spring Pitt ..Wm Watson, Jno McBeth. Jens JACKSON: Govmxuzx'r JUDGE. Class 6--Poultrr Wyandotte. . W Conkey. Bt1ff Coch in. .T A Ferguson. White Leghorn... James Turner, Thos Nichol. Barred Plvumuzh Rock..T A Ferguson. Pon., McMillan. White Plymuuth Roek..) G Arrowsmith 1 and 2. Pair Ducks.. I G Arrowsmith, W Watson. Pair Tur. keys..Jno MeRae, W J Heads. Pair Geese..T A Ferguson, G A Arrow- smith. Priceville Show Prize List. or noon" to "i Li2ii ""l'1'l'll!%hua,, op iff, Out cm Bd. Trudeau. Top Gun, Ont A “cations Will he received by any of £2 undersigned to Nov lat next for teacher tor school section N o 10 Glenelg and Egremont. holding a. second clu. eertitietste mm testimonials. Apply. stating salary if by hrttrr to Priceville Show WAS taken in the ftrtrt day by D K McArthur, then A H Burnett and J McArdle on the second my. Thee Bil recommended it and what good they did by going t. Considerable sickness in this n - borhood now-MN Angus stir',',,',',"),,"'.,,-, still very ill and Mrs W J Glenister has had a bad turn. Mrs Russel tir is also indispoaed. Esp“ church. He goes toToronsoto take his finialung course. All felt nor. ry to have him leave and the. people wish him the best succcss in his future career. On Sunday the 8th Mr Wm Lee, the able and kind student who has been here for over3 years 'lf/its,',', some summer months attending liege has preached hip tnrgwell sermon in the II: Toilet tret-D McMillan. W J ‘Meads. Lamp eughiotr--T A Ferguson. D Harrow. Bun cttshion---Jennie Me. Arthur, DMcCormack. Spider wet, etwhioo--.D McCormack. Jennie Me. Arthur. Homemade ,1ippers--D Har.. row. Drawn thread work-Jennie McArthur. Jtuttenlturq--3ennie Me. Arthur. Table tmirror/teve-r-Jennie McArthur, G Arrmvamith. Sofa cush- ion-Jaue hicPln.il. Jennie McArthur. Datmitw,r,---J A McDonald, Donald McMillan. Button holeir--H Iv"tqon., Best Lnundered wh. Shift.-\an Reilly I special-Annie Jaunes. l I McMillan. Wrtt \Vhite. Woollen yarn, double-Wm White, John Mcltae. \Voollen yarn. sutWe--R McEachern, G Aarowumith. Men's s-twks-Arno Me- Millan. G Arrowsnulh. titockings-- J A McDonald, Jane Mel’imil. Men's Mitts-ho McMillan, Wu, white. Ladies' Mittse-Jatte Mvthul. John Me.. Arthur. Quilt, patchwork-Jennie Me. Arthur, Jane McPhail. Quilt. log cah- in-Wm White. w J Meade. Quilt, _knitted---John McArthur. Jennie Mc.. Arthur. Quilt cmz -w J Meade, Jennie McArthur. Tal", fancr--Wm White, Jennie McArthur/Berlin wool, work, raitsed--Jane McPhail. T A Fer- anson. Berlin wool work, not raised--, TA Ferguson. 1vrenth-I A Forum-i on. Gent's shirt, homemade-H Mtnt-.l, son, Wm 1Vhste. Hooked mrttr--Mr J Monds, D McMillan. Crochet in cotton --Wrn White, Jane Mthail. Crochet in xvool--Gne McPhail. Knitting in wool-G Arrowumith. Knitting in' trotton-Tennte McArthur, Jane Mc,’ Phail. BraidinR--.htne McPhail. Tin-i ting-ine McPhail. Emb in Cottonâ€"l Jennie McArthur. Emh in silk-Jennie McArthur, G Arrowamith. Outline work-D Harrow. Jennie McArthur. Woollen work on caiivgnfpgk Fergus g TEACHER WANTED. OUR NEW CUTLERY J'.' BON AX I) Buck's Radiant Home Buck's Pilot AhandsomeB Aluminum Oil Heaters Famous Buck Stoves, of Brantford The Happy Thought Ject"'i1g,',e/txits,oit,1c',r,g,'thoera',,ed' To know where you can get THE VERY BEST Stove made in either Heater or Range, the Hardware ! Hardware ! J.yo. McDotrar4t. ___V_ -_.-- "my". - .0 -_ .... ".--, Burner. heats a million homes. Not to kgow about Iii"ifii Heater as a 'o')"alls, of cutting down coal bills, is to be without a knowledge of one o the best methods of heatin the home. Prices iron1...... ...... /."ryf'f...u.'.e. ..... $5000 to 6050 x The most perfect coal or wood Range. If.ap p y Thought made. There is ttothitttrquitesorood and nothing could be better. We can show you over forty testimonials from people you know, who are happy users of Happy Thought Ranges. ALEX. RUSSELL THE BIG STORE Hopeville Guns and Ammunition SMOKELESS SHOT SHELLS always in stock guaranteed perfect. THE HOUSE or QUALITY This Will Interest Yon New Idea Patterns kept in Stock. A handsome Base Burner at a moderate price li) / Town ot Durham. County of Grey 1 To Wit l ) BY VIRTUE of a warrant issued un- ) der the hand of the Mayor of the Town of Durham. and the seal of the Corpor- ation of the Town of Durham in the County of Grey. hearing date the hh day of August A. D.. 1905, and to me directed. commanding me to levy upon the lands hereinafter described for the arrears of taxes 'ie'lrSi,p,,1.r., due there- on, together with s 1 costs incurred.' I hereby give ttotire that. pursuant to the assessment Act. I shall on Friday the Nth day of November A. D.. Igat, at the hour of one o'clock In the after.. noon, at the Town Hall in the Town of . Durham in the Countv of Grey. proceed to sell by Public Auction so much of the said lands as any be necessary for the payment for the arrears of taxes, and charges thereon. unless such or- remand ch? shell have been soon- er paid. All e umtermeniGiiiii lands are patented. Int Street Taxes :Costs Tota 9 Bruce E "LEt 85.71 "tttt E. l 18 Comte-W 9.51 .182 12.33 8 pm!) Gar. W. 11.70 an 1100 TO Win at! " .3 AT " 116 " " .O " All-Ion B. Jackson. Tron-am. Town TREASURER? SALE OF LANDS FOR ARREARS OP TAXES The undersigned will sell house and lot on West, Bruce St. built in 1904, lo outed between Furniture and Cream Separator factories. 30 x 32 feet., 2; stories. double cellar, cement floor in one half. furnace in the other half. ft rooms. Inudernand convenient. Good well on Pt'etuises. mnall barn will: alone stable underneath. A bargain to quick Inuyvr. Apply on the premises or to Mar. LEnal-‘w'rv J an. 2, 190.3 Thorough Bred Cattle and Yowkshlre Hogs. All registprud Stock and like!) nulls. Apply to -- ‘ wm he sold, or rented! separately if desired, that well-knuwn bowl and de- sirable stock farm on the Hub Roy. Lot 10 and ll, (Jun. l. S. D. It., (Harlem. 09; acres in farm, more orl-us. Itlackt,mitti Sho on on» corner. Hotel new“ the roqu Every field well watered. ladle from school, and 1 mile from postMiee. Four miles from Durham. Good brick house with 10 moms. stable with stone foundation. frame barn, stone pig pen. and good hearing orchard. Terms to Milt putchturev, Apply Box 11 Durham P. t). G. RYAN. Prop HOTEL & FARM for SALE or to RENT. The King among Base Burners. Very handsome in appearance. Are smokeless, absolutely safe. explo- tion impossible. equiped yith safety 53:55 ust marked off. EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE. mop SE FOR SALE FOR SALE. l‘Hos. Scum & Sun. Rocky Bungee!) P. 0 mall barn will: A bargain to the premise-3 a. LEGGE‘I'I'E Box W, Durban ‘, take down In Ute after.. *the Town of 1her.prGGiii 1 Io much of "WW for l Mum, Mt, Durham likely ani Every shell 33k: In meat variety. z§llllllll VOL. Kid

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