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Durham Review (1897), 19 Oct 1905, p. 4

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Hm'nn. Kz-m. Lumhtun. [um-uh). Mid. dlesex, Nurfvlk. Untariu. Oxford. Pcel, Perth. Shun-0. Victoria. Waterloo, Welhtogtort, 1velland. Wentworth and York. Also many Business and Resi- dential properties for Sale in all parts of the province. "you hares Farm or other property for sale. write for our terms of selling Real Estate. The Watch Real Estate Exchange. Lat. London. Ontario. Daring ch'.arvastsrs for Sal I Useful Articles' in Leather, Goods Earlinggs 32mg f5nure wilh contents frmn 82to $20 JEWEL CASES from $1.00 to 10.00 Comb. collar and ('uff Cases from. . . . . . .. . . . . . ....91.w to 3.00 TRAVELLING CASES SEWING '0ltH'AN_ioNs-Fa'vevy wo- mun knows the omvenience & Lulu» of Irtttt of the,or. . .82 to $7 ll' H w. w. RAXAGIE. Agent, Thistle. While thiwe's "an all the year round demand" forZLhese gems of mm'l-nivm-v. the coming gift season requires increased attention ”will us to them. We'tv mentioning a little list below ol the most useful "prdcles---it may suggest to you a present need or future gift. -I-t-ql. Our Ladies' and Children's Mantles are very stylish, wry'icvublc unJ nice!y finished. comprising the latest styles and shades in Hack. Lawn, grey, green and brown mixtures. Our Millinery Openings were more successful than ever. it pleased us very much to see our customers so well satisfied with our display of Fashionable Millinery. including . 'Pictures fats, Poto Gurbans, vogue.» Wade! J?eaay-to-tvears and Chitdren's 3teadumur. i~9x gear. eiaril. ll FOR SALE Stock Nosrctanolete in all Departments and We have already booked Elgiu. Gr Lamhton .NF.w IN \VASHI-ZRS " Ar?? 'lllittht my ll gouthers used are good qmtlity--moroeeo crushed plain, pin seal. walrus. seal-all goo: value. 2)cvA'ing's, 1.59.5 nun nwm Gres m " (‘nnn t ies- Haldi mand ncoln, M id Cash and One gar/co. 5 IV, W I'll rapttcrs, Very much uureFitiiiii't"h"e A thorough and practical course inc following sat-few- Shonhand System.) Tour Typewrmug, Pa 1Lrly,y5Cutter-wWiid and sea Practice. d nts admitted It nay time. Full Stu gm to nay address tree: The!" "r??-ot'af'/irgitHsr, 1‘ . Ja/afllé/M/g/ YOUNG MEN To is a large‘demand tor y mphers, very much Inner mm Purses and Wallets from Joe to Mmic I'asvy.-Chain Purses, _hand Bags. Card cases. cigarcases. MAN1t 'ORE SETS. solid Ladies' Toilet cases, solid tillin,urs . . . . .. .....,tit5.(g; ord e rs fall Want/es We have just received a large consignment of Milad Brand of Ladies' and Misses' Skirts. in black, brown, grey tweed effects from &ytish Jam Hugs $2.00 in 6.00 ll for Christmas ' . Eng Druggzsts. Address: C. A. FLEMING. Prin Middnu av" waged-man the supply.' a acdcal course including the ectg:--. Shonhand (l'ttman', t TrtwrttiiiF. Penmanship. r-wriung and general 0am the AND WOMEN ‘M‘IAV . 4/1 a"uur"2"ir. Ix H solid ehnn)’ $5.00 to 20.00 Full particulars id Phony " $3.00 to 7.00 ly men steam rtt the Idea Wcod , and 1K) For Breen beef-ring hides, free of cuts and holes. horns and tail-bone out, I will pay 9 as per lh, 2 ttm I?" hide. tare. 5 . Sun's. 0'? the time spent among them. Thev regretted that her term had been so short but wished her much succees in her future studies, Miss Calling feel. ins: deeply touched. accepted the gift as a remembrance and wished the pupils a very successful future.--Com. READING ItooyL--We n-fer elsewhere to the effort twin}: made to provide at- tmrtivv t'umus for Young pimple to spend part of their evenings in. We hope the mnvvmvnt may prove slivers;- ful. In the nwantime the attention of all young people should be directed to the opportunities of the Reading Room. wnm-e splendid magazines, chess and checkers at» provided to Miami " profit- able hour. MrJohn McQueen, formerly of Hooth.. ville, bus svt'urvd the Mussvy-Havris ngem-y in town. Mr McQueen) has had experience in this line of hueine-ss and " wide "tuuaintanve in the commun- itv and with goods of a reputable firm. :h-rmld. and 1m doubt will, enable him to make n “ACCESS of it. Dundalk rpened a new Town Hall 0mm: when H. H. Miller M. P.. T one of the spmkers. Mr Arthur Laidlaw was home for. a few days over the Week end. He is now in a rtsponsihle position with u Concrete Steel Ile-iuforcing Co' of the United Slates and has the handlingof large (-ontmcts. He is to have control of one of their omees in Scranton, Penn. Congratulations to our young towns- man on his commercial success. -..--r- -V o i------ THE DURHAM REVIEW Mt. Philip McKc-chnie came home from Halilntrtcn last week and will re- illl'll with wife and children in a tvw days. In company of Miss Ruth John. stun, Mr. and Mrs. Mi-Kechiue Visiled over the week end at hisold home at the. Itothy. Miss Vessie. of Rocks b'augeeu, left Thursday lust fur Toronto. Mr Allan Culinphvll. of Osprcy, was visiting at Mr I). Mtl“u)‘den's nu the avelbue last Friday. He hurugm the young lady teacher of his section, Miss Iza Campbell, to the Convention. and accompanied her to her Proton haun- Saturday. MI Geo. Husson went toGuelph tc- (by. Wednesday. Miss Pear) Warner, of Durham, in visiting Misses Nyrtleand Minnie Or- 0th. .MI' Cu Mrs Geo. Calder attended the funeral in Durham: of their nephew. Wilfrid Culdu'. on Wudnesda.v.--Hol- stein Lender ' Mr and Mrs it, w. Benton and little drtugltter.nccoutpunied by Miss Sum, of Mt Forest. spent Snndnv with Mrs 15’s parents. Mr. Geo, Morton left on Mnnday for Aim-rm taking with If") n can-of stock and vffucts. His wife will join him in a week or so, Mr Griersou. of Bentinck, left for Waterloo Tuesday. Mr Val Hahn of the Knapp House WH5 in Palmerston Thur-sduv. Miss Dick went to het home in Hens- all Mnnday owing to her father's Illness. Mr A ylirrg. bricknmker. and family. moved hast Thursday to the house lately occupied by Mrs Alexander, Upper Town, Mr and Mrs McChwgor. Sullivan, visit, ed on Sunday last at M: and Mrs Jun A. Black’s, tht, latter a sisLH-of Mrs McGregor. Mrs C. MacLean and Miss Rennie left last week for Toronto. where they wtll spend the winter. Rev. Mr. Ross. Peter horuugh. preach- ac Borns'church Rocky Snugeen. last, Sabbath and will next Sahlmlh also. Mr Trail] and the Misses Rife of Wulkerton, visited Sunday at G. L. McCaul's and other friends in town. Refs Newton and Pineo an: attend- ing the Baptist Convention in London this week. Mrs Henry. of Alsfeldt, was a guest during Association days last week at MrJuhn A Black's. 't Dliss Belle McKinnon, of Queen Hill. Bruce Co. is visiting hu- cuusm. Miss A. L. MucKenzie. Miss Johndrow. of Buffalo, spent a week or su with her sister., Mrs. F. Peel, and returned Thursday. Muss E Wilson. teacher nvnr Mark- dale, at East Grey Inspectorrtte, attend- ed the Cotryention here last week. Hides ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO was "n Rummnxnum - 3Irowros.--O l , - nesday, October llth, at manhunt; Durham by the Rev Wu, Farquhau': ion. 5g't.'t 1ir,'ed Royehoroukh of Lam-awn , o al' ar t . ' of Bentinck. g e Jane Mighton "--------"---"-----------------., Review to il 1 'i) an. , l, tf l Sir Henry Irving, one ot the great- est of the worlu's actors and stage managers died last week, and died al. most in harness. He had been per- forming the evening he died and had 1just returned to his rooms when the summons came. The British press and public are greatly moved. and _ telegrams of condolence from cruwncd and uncrowned heads in many civi- lizcd countries Were received by the family. lie is to he buried in Wert. ininster Abbov. Senator Fullbrd. of Jktekrille, was thrown out of an automobile near Newton, Mass, a week ago. His chautl'cur died in three days from in- juries received, and it was thought the Senator would recover. Howewr, he is dead atthoage off»? and leaves ntortunc of 55.0JU.UUD behind him. Asthe proprietor ot “Pink Pills for Pale People." he is known the world oyer. He bought the rceeipt fora mere song about 20 years ago. and his surpassing business plrility did the the rest. He was an enthueiastie Lib, eral in politics and was appointed a Senator a few years ago. Brock- ville sincerely mourns her disting- uished citizen. In On the 21st day of this month, one lhundred years have rolled by since [that famous victory in Trafalgar Bay. (which placed Britain tirmlv in pos- session of the Seas. and cost her the life oi her darling ideal and Admiral, Lord Nelson. The lapse of time has not dimmed in the memories of his grateful countrymen admiration oi ‘the victor nor lessened the eff'eetsof his victory and it is becoming as this 100th milestone approaches, that no- tice should be taken of the great epoch before it passes by. '"'" -- .----.-, We celebrate this your of grace, nineteen hundred and five, thecenten- nry of the sailor-hero who wrung from the nations of the world the command of the seas making the country he loved so dearly mistress ofthe waters. It was this vast achievement which rendered the Peninsula War possible ', it was the victories of Wellington in Spain which broke the power of Na- poleon ; it was the destruction of that military genius at Waterloo which which terminated military despotism, and enabled Europe to enter upon the prosperity it enjoys to-day. The ultimate eifect of an action ap- prizes its real value; and viewed in this light, Nelson's battles, culmin- ating in the glorious victory at Pra- falgar must be regarded as the most important conquest-x Won in modern times, for through them war was re. placed hr peace, chaos to order, and through the ensuing peaca Britain be- came the mighty and pre-eminent na- 1 tion she is to-dav. 1 " It is impossible to ascribe too much glory to the wonderful sea-king whose victories laid the ioundation of our present political and commercial supremacy. The whole English- speaking race rises to-day to do him nonor; every true Briton doff's his cap this centenary year in honor of the hero of the seas. who, despite insur- moutahle obstacles, affected his mis. sion gloriously, spending his noble patriotism tor the country he loved so l much, and giving its sons for all ages ( thatinsniring motto which none can ever read or listen to umnoved--." Eng- land expects that every man willdo his tlttt.vl"--Itiehard n Holme, "The Lite, of Nelson." The wooden walls in those days would be toys in modern warfare. bat though wood has given place to steel, the use ot wind to steam. and three- masters to battle ships that are float- ing forts, to improvement is expected nor is found on the courageous and patriotic human heart that on 21st October, 1805. wept down to death victorious. We make a selection from a thong httul article: On Oct. 21st, the British Empire will celebrate the hundredth anniversary of Nelson 's death. It wasa sad. and yet agreatdav " England. the 21st day of October. 1805 ', and because the sun went down on the cold still form of the nation 's hero!.great because it saw the majestic dawning of the greatest pawl-r the world has so far known-tre naval supremacy of Eng- land. After the lapse of a century, during which developments have takenplae" of which the wildest vis- ionary of Nelson's day never dreamed it is possible to look back upon upon that day with feelings in which sor- row has no pmt-feelings of unalloycd pride and admiration in which the whole Empire shares and in which even the bitterost enemies of that Em. pire will not denv that its sons are whollv justified. F r Nelson, in 1805. was the nation 's darling and the na- tion's pride and "Nelson " in 1905, is the name of a man who died as he lived. in the .serviee of his country whose luurels remain untarnished alter the lap-c of a hundred turbulent years whose name lives forevor in the hearts of the nation in whose glorious list of heroes he stands, by virtueof his ac- hievements and 'hesinglo grandeur o of his career. a dominant figure of honor, devotion and patriotism. Great Men Dead, -'-"""'H mm...‘ A A Horatio Nelson. ----_.i----- MARRIED - V_-._... In. I r, numtive town, making it I most ka"gll,'l', elidence. FEES: " per month in Manse. WmJolmmn. Jan. c. Run II Chum... 'ui. Intending Students should enter king of the term if possible, Bond e edat rensonnble rule-s. Durham is . “gram town, making it s most (in tiugsfma. for iufhiiiiG tion work. The followh charge I THOS. ALLAN, Ist c, MISS L. h. FrtRr..rt MODEL BAKERY. LOWER TOWN department of our establishment. LASTI.Y, our prices arc absolutelyfair, Give us a call and see lor yourself A first class line of Bread, Cakes, Pastry, always on hand at Rowe's store. FIRST of all, we use only the 1eesti Flour and other ingredients. 'i.'2 . SECONDLY, we are artists in our line. I THIRDLY, cleanliness reigns in every I And therefore we hear nothing but ' prase for our bread, cake"s, pies, and every desirable variety of pastry. ITSUITS TOA T/ Just opened out--- signment of Horse Bl in price from sec to 5 Rugs ranging from $1 South uf New Hunter Block. Durham We are doing the stove trade of the town, because we have the variety, quality and right price. In Coal and Wood Heaters we shine. There is nothing to equal the " Penn Esther tt Range. A few second-hand Heating and Cooking Stoves in stock. 15': and 20c earl. CHILDREN'S (‘UATS Mud many other an idea of excellent. Wurknmnshm and value. Buy some of m and Door Mats and l dirty floors. BARGAINS F OR ALL 1Jon't fail to call and get your share of the bargains; they can't be repeated The MEN'S FURNISHINGS SHIN, Pea jackets and ovttturats. :ADIES' FURNISHINGS Skirt-n, \Vinlvr (Ruth. t'tavenettta t'outs,i'apttiues, “Humans, Waists. DRESS GOODS. SILKS. EM- bvoiuetol'tockitsgs, Fun uellette. BOYS' FURNISHINGS BLANK PETS. TA ISLE LI NEN, Tum“ 1Jilclotlrc, '..'0,: per yd. “mums, 15': and 205 each. Durham School 19ttl e anything yo}! Science,' History and M 155 MARY GORDON. First class Graduate of Ontario Senna! ( Mntllematics And Englisl during Model Term. G. H. STINSON. MISS FLOSSI if GOOD REASONS f Staff and Equipment The whom] is lhorouuhly [',ry,lpe,i it ity. in uln-micnl and clrtatri,u, si" ,_t J LEV/NE TRY h PENN ESTHER Classics. Moddius and English. :8 “0581?; 5!t.r.KpptRAcrir:it. First Class Certificate and third year undergraduate of tlueen's I1tiversity. to KEEP CLEAN FLOORS STINSON'S $3000 worth of Dry Goods Stock must be sold below cost. I have decided to give up the busi- ness and will sell the stock as quickly as nossible. early buyer will get the best bar- gains. We have space only for a mere list. . WEDDING CAIiCs' HARDWARE I to the Store where y HORSE BLANKETS Made to order in Styles on shortest State where you can get on Ttyy/tfee.'-' Needle Carload of gammy ll BLACK ---an immense con- Blankets (ranging soo,) and Buggy $1.25 to $4.oo. our Foot Scrapers ' you will not have 'ertificate, Pr enLer at pm t?egin, ui bed in @g-aYsunpU attest notice Ind (30mphy . Run a... 30cm " anil' M tent tittt h Uighur with honors 'olloge. m be obu'iiii. 1ttl.thy 9nd In teaching plies nnd tit Matriculm .5181! am in ucipul 'plAc; WINNIE” 21pL//t' A. W. Watson Buns and Biscuits in great w! All kinds oankes made to l I WEDDING CAKES our spec: About 7 tttiles from Dun-hum Gut-nufl'uxu Ihmd. Title “Mud. sin" a! mum. must he sold. Am J. P. Tr 100 Acre FARM for bi, F irst=Class Manitoba = Flour For Sale Durham. Feb. Watson',,, Brv: you personally, hence m try to talk to you earnest- ly through our announu- ments here. We would, if possible, convince you that our drugs and mod: cmes are pure and absol- utely true to label and in vite you at all times, l; come to our Drug Stun for any kind of goods Ily,' ually kept by druggish We Dnrlml It's ing PEEL. Money=Savers . . . WK and SI Bargain Tania Are taking advantage Uglivn tLo ot but inun- OCTOBER 19, 1905 We have more new ranges in. All makes, styles and prices. Call and inspect these. We have one to suit You. mum good buying. and eudets pl‘ulll' Ive “use: Barclay & Bell PARKEl2'S Drug Store ... ASUSUAL... Seem to be all the go. They are handsome and WAREROOM S opposite Middaugh Ho. Stables. as everybodv knows they are the most dur able rig on the market Call and examine them T U D H 0 P E CARRIAGES :Ier high-grade Man per barrel .85.60 to RANGES Ray " 22 The Shocmaz Ml n1|ll~nl pet lmrl t d " “IL-b. ad (Nu Cannot see and talk to each one of it All tot) Acre 125 Acres N 150 Aer Illflll9) Durharv Pinces hum: Bustre ICC Acre III F. LENDS Mt OCTOBE bel W Wime Iy sm Chinc Cro Tulip “Va "

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