West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 19 Oct 1905, p. 5

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mvmce you s and medi- ; and absol.. label and in- hi1) GES ou earnest- EP'S Store Ire. Frill d Reliable. I announce- We would. {OPE AGES Cannot see and talk to each one of , hence we run: variety tde to order m spec is!!! i times, to )rug Store f goods us- druggists. " IS " t Bell tson 19, M ur Manitoh. 60 to " n nrhum on the m MI. Po- I' SALE fables cman, Apply to .Trzu‘olw. " tt HI 86 at: bi?) tid The Hanover Conn'ynncer,' LENDS MONEY at very lowest um. Pisces Mam-”mg. of nll kindsln tenable l minimums. Counts Dom. Am»..- Buslnou Difm"Mtles, Draw. Winn... and Sells C.P. R. Tickets to I" points. Besides other lands he ofters the following ..'..|n.: 100 Acres Norm-why Bomb-Wm of VI! my : h'f,1ui,'gptg'g,d, and In extra good Fun: on m-r boum to go west. 125 Acres Norm-uh, Con 18; Wemoeated und improved. Will rent " not sold goon. 150 Acre? Brunet North of Allan Park nth-ml c Imp or quick sale. W. H. BEAN Illfilf'glll)llfhaWi8l] 100 Acres Bum-lot Ne" Rocky Smitten Wrll unprovul and owner any: has enough tim I” to pay priceuked. l‘ln- Hanover Conyeyancer. Hnnoeer P1ie""interveatsoom....................meup l hum-en's Winter Vesta, all “when. .....18c up Meu's 031mm Jnehets “...“OLOO Ind 1.40 cull Durham Residence Owned byJ.L. NEW nuNEY---Just in. F'UR CA I'HRINES " b3.00, 5, 6, 6.50 and 9.00 each' FI'R RI'FFS at. . . . . 31.50. 3.0). 4.13 and 3.0tt ench. ll omen‘s outside SKIRTS for Fall and Winter It 3.250. 3.00, 3.50am] 4.50 not: Ltrrge size bed comtortertli.gs, 1.75, 2, 2.23, 3 each [arm- 11-4 the tinm:e?ette blankets. white and my,.............31.mnpuir MI 4 ll) l I. H. MILLER Pltotogmpher. Alro u Inge number of other hum and Town "operthsr. Jruggists ' Buoksallors MacFarlane & Co. H. H. MILLER, _ In FUR RUFFS we ha.ve them from $2 up to $9. Also nice assortment CAPBRINBS. C. L. GRANT. Venetrans, bargesJVloh and Henrietta. can't beaten. Don't neglect setting out a hed fur enlly spring ftowi,rs. Noth. ing ulcer in the tiower garden and little tumble. Do it now. Ourl50c values in allwool I Chinese Sacred I Lilies 10 can“ each. _ilqliDANr" fDVRESS _ GOODS Nottung given “mu-r aaturne, mm for touch a "an" outlay. Winter and Ear- ly Spring bttom Bulbs Crocus lo cts Id"! 50c per 100 double. any culor. 5 rem. each or 50 coma pn- dozen q Single tine Tulips and. 20edoa Double tine mixed,25c dost Hyacinths TFURS (llll,tiil'll "li i)llllllllll ,Mohai rs Call and see us. Sing. la or $1420 I pair Browne m Matthews & Latimer MS RN!) [MID An invitation is also extended to the Bureau ot Forestry at the United States. the American Forestry Assoc- iation and the mute Forestry Bureaus and Association» to send reprLSentu- tives to this convention. . t (Signed) \VILFRED mena. JUST ARRIVED- A earload of illli)lrlllfil, fMIlll HIE!) $332.33 Thty'tie. [RUNS I afM)lllillf I therefore hereby calla public con. vention in 111064. in the Uity ot Ottawa on we 10th, 11th and Pdtlt or January 1906. under tho auspices at clieCan- ndiun Forestry Assuuiatiuu, and to this convention are spccmllv invited: Members ' f the'b'etsatc, and House at Commons, Lieatenaut-uoveruons ot the Provinces, Mamba! of Legislative councils and Legislative Assemblies oi the Provinces, Dominic“ and Pro- vincial Exes; Uttietals, Mamba“ ot the Canadian Forestry Asswmion. Reprtttsenttsuves of Ltuubenneu's Ar sucinuou, ut Boards ot Trade, ot Uni- vanities, ot Agricultural Colleges, ot Farmer's Institutes, ot Runway Unm- panies, ofthe Canadian Mining Instit- me, of the Canadian Society ut Civil Engineers, Amiatwus ct Land Sui- ve) on), Fish and Game A8sueiatiune, and all others who take an interest. in Forestry, _ _ - - _ The Reliable Grocery . . . . These conditions are not new; they hayetrom time to time received pub- lic attention, and during the Session jusu closed Parliament authorized the uunumoning of a convention for the more thorough discuaiun ot the same. The earl y construction of the Trane. continental Railway, and of other railway 8, through our northern forest- ed districts and the cpnsequent open- ing oi those districts to general trattie, will increase the danger irbm tire which has already been a most active " gent oi destruction. In all! the older provinces the clear- ing at the soil lias,heen carried to such an extenuhat the ill sstieett, on the water supply and on agriculture are clear] y marked, while on the western prairies the need ot sheltering trees tor houses and tields is Seriously felt by the settlers. WANTED; brtt'hicatro wholesale house, spec- ial repeerative for each province in Canada. Salary 9.1).00md expenses paid weekly. Ex. petPI' money Viv-need. Business lace-ennui; milion permanent. No investment nquln-d, Hons expedence net eraentitn to engaging. Address General minus", 132 Luke Street. Cttieago, Ill. U. B. A. be regulated to a grant extent by Water, which forms the greatest source of power in all countries, and some at our western districts are de. pendent on irrigation to ensure the success of agricultural operations. iSir Wifred Litnrier on Forestfy, The preservation of the streams in perennial and constant flow, which is largelv controlled by the forests on the watersheds, will have an impor- tam iniiaeuee on the 'tndnatrialiuut agricultural development of the Do. minion. The expansion of our elect .rieal and mochauical industries will A mt My unventum is to "he bold but." Mun thelOth-to the y Mlth d January next. under moot a.. ltimhhed anew. The following letter from Sir ilfrgd Leader to the ipre- will xpleln the matter. . Th weight ot his great name as President will do much to amken interest to the nemlty of Jodielone preservation ot our lore-ta and of the re {meeting of ‘meny nthou-wile uncle. areas. Dulce of the Erime Minister '0! Canada. 3 _ Ottawa, 2tat Aug. 1906. ; To the 2ffe of the Dominion of Cen- 1 a a. Canada possesses one of the largest are” Ot virgin foreat of any country in the world and is ranked by European expem timt, or among the tim. of the important sources at the world‘s tim- ber supply tot the huure. q “Arm; $4.442; (Jno. Rose's Old Stand.) --ir-ze-azzis'i- A full stock of Coleman 's, of Kincardine 'llllhi)ll 3m .-. Uni“: CAPITAL. Authorized. A. ...82,0fVO CAPITAL. Paid up. ......... 1,000.0”. RESERVE FUND ' ......." Lawton AGENTS in all prmcipal points m Ontario. Quebec. Manitoba. United Rum and England. . w. P. COWAN. President. 630. P. 8310. Hunger. Strictly eonfideutial.--chm, attention. (llllllilllili) BANK OF (IMAM A general! Banking business tram-d Drafts issued and collection tmade on .11 points. Deposits received and inter not moved st curt-9M no“ “VIIGS we; intern, nllowod on gain.- but deposits of "tlo and up- wu'do Prpnpt attention out over, be!!!" afforded ell-tomor- {hing It. tytme people patronize a doctor till he wants his pay, .then they change doctors. diam. DURHAM AGENCY Every onge in " while we run net-ms anmn who thinks you can’t believe hardly anything you hour. any more. Everybody onvirs a worltingtuan's' np- petite, sitting under a [we outing udin- Her our of a little tin bucket. Pete, JGmitton Jigenoy ' . Jpriny Implement! . . 3turt"tsthts Median-y . _ . t)rderrs dhstt _ With 1t.'McMtcken at the Hahn JIouse Stable or at the REVIEW OFFICE. will receive our best attention. . Jt. Jiit Magellan --The Signatures of the Czar and Mikado have " last been affixed to the Peace treaty, and the war is over. It lasted 615 days. --Rlota, murder and bnmbshelis are still the rage in Russia. l" L"? rFltf." 251123 sw. --Toronto has a civic scandal on hand. It is charged an alderman accepted a sum of money to vote in the interesm of Paddy Bros. who own abattoirs. An investigation is on. A 9mm“): Rmma.--. Hugh Clark. the “maid member for Centre Bruce, treat: the patronage question with the fine tense of humour with which he treats every-thing else . He was at the Parliament Building: on Friday says the Telegram. .. No." said Mr. Clark in answer to a question, “There is no big clamor for Governmentjoln in my riding. I have one vacancy on my hands and can't get anvllod) to fall it. Ilsa bailiffahip. I think the man re- signed in order to make trouble for me. I thought. sl Jud aux-an to fill it once, but he escaped before Lhad him landed. Another ofhknnl is well known as an ac- tive partisan, but no one wants him dis m imsed--Herntd. il,tn'igr Man f, 06,150 MAM. Bun BOLD '.h-lt is currently w- ported that the sale has been enacted of a propeny near Ben Allen of thuty acre. of mar! land the price 'tated in the rumor being 34000. The Times is unable to ttontlrtu the report though it in thought. by 1oetueetuenr, men that if the sale has transpired it was forthe Durhhm interetrts.--Owen Sound Times SSUER of Marriage Licenses. Lt 52, Con. l, N. D. R, glenelg. W" a: In MArre.-ahe happiest use in the world in the common. even-ye ' a». who not: his own living. pay: his :hlll. has a littlefnioney at he noe- elong, but doeln’t Ilia-into get 3 corner on the' output, and is neleve neither to ambition or society. He levee hie God and " fellow men, thinks " there is no piece like home," the haven of rent. pretext the compeny of hit wife and children to anyone else, never has to sit up at nights to poultice his liver endlet live. and when he en- counters any of the needy he doegn't stutter with his pocket-hook. The plain man in happy because he is utisiied and does not spend the heat part of his ( life yearning for things tour sites too I large for him. l TOPICS OF THE WEEK Ploughs, Harrows, Drills, Scuff1ers etc. Enquire at this agency. Everything in readiness for the Spring season. Do you want any Rakes, Mowers, Binders, etc., of. this famous firm's make. They give great satisfaction. Prices and terms to suit purchasers. Head Office, Toronto. M. ADDITIONAL LOCALS THors. NICHOL a KELLY o-- 25% mars) Agent The Down '] THE human REVIEW Custom work and Inquiring us must]. . TERMS, CASH. Telescopes & Clu‘ulmga at lowest price Shoe Dressings Of many kinds. Tr, lmlf lime for Four man. It inn good polish and has been a good sell”. We have 'nst. opened A new stock of tnen'te unlined] won king moves in various styles and prices It will pay ynu to ex- amine these goods before purchasing elsewherv. Weare nhuwinu 3mm. good values In Men’s heavy boom for (all wear. Ist. li/it?': Mines? and GhildretN heavy or Men's Working Gloves light'. wear. Sir Wm link-eh. has occupied she widen since 1896 and it is not too much to say. has revolutionized . the old order of wings. He not only sr- 'Iested the old recurring detitsitg of his predecessors and changed them to e surplus. but he reduced inland postage rates tram 8 m. to 2 " end foreign ram from 5 on. to 2 ate. and in spite niall this gave e better service. " lnss irom the cabinet is the greeted Laurier has yet "Ruined but it iattrat. itvintr to see his place Mied by such an able man " Aylrswonh. Mr. Wm. l has been appointed to the Chief Judge, ship ofthe Exchequer Conn. . i Fall Footwear The one. and cum duh. attatth- ing tn the above position compelled Sir Wm Unlock lent week a resin the position on neonatal his beelth. Ill-A B Ayleeworth u, been even in as his eucceeeor. 'eissassaasaasssi8iisstanagagau! ftil,, G. J, MoKeohnie i The New Poqtmener.ti N, G , J. McKechniaé I"'"'"""""-'"'""'"" Call and examine for yourself. It will only . lea pleasure for us to show you-our goods. We would strongly advise the people who are looking for Spring Gozds and right prices to be sure and strike McKechnie's for a nice line of Lace Curtains from Just opened up, Linoleum, and Floor Oils, IP. and 2 yds wide. Also a nice line of . Mollraitk JAPANESE . MATTINGS Town SHOE STORE LACE CURTAINS (The popular Cash Store. CARPETS TORONTO 300 a pair up to $5.00 Ol? BEBT QUALITY. Grocenes. Dry Goods, Boots & Shoes, Crockery, bx We can give you Bargains. 'e We ask inspection of our Teas.” TWEEDS d; YARNS Watctuunker, Jeweller, and Optician away or conducting our no: . out of pure generonily for the public. We sell no 810 watch for ‘5 or W) diamond ring for 810. We claim l0 be at fair dealing Jeweller--almtrt, giving you full honest value for your money. and ever ready to make any wrong right. Surely no one wilt or can give you more for your money than We give you-and you can do no het.tee thnn to patronize us. We own the success of our business to P"" continued patronage which we helwye. you will never regret. _ . S. SCOTT. “Open Confession is Good for the Saul" We are not giving Watches ttillhlltL.a=ttthtit; _Ag/i,,ii'ii rd! upon It Madam bronchitis. tttrt-green. “they will tell you low " ttepl0tlutstf1t ul!!- - £0,3er In: fi?,eiilr,r1ir', Old Coughs Cherry Pectoral WE CLAIM, no monopoly on honesty. and mum do we tbMttttte all the virtue in the laud. A. GORDON, GIVE US A C JA LL. I .-un.rra, ott1tte----LowErt TOWN. DUB" " Jonpuny and print. Fund- to Luna or, low. " luv.“ m of lawn“. \‘nlustion mm W a comma: and “an! vaumr. ottiee-Unueru Block, over P i3oNettion. nd Annoy promptly attended Willa. Duh. lot “on. homo, Agreement! £0.erme pawns. Erato: of avenged per- wnn loom “to: and Executor: and Adminis- truou' Account- nropmd and ttret Sump“ Court Baum-a. Puma of Wil Jon-n of Ad mtmuo. and Gnu-Imam!» Obtained. Qan- ohu and. in Baal-u: on“ and Titian mpoHad 0- Barrtsum, Solicitors. Conveywcors c. Money to hum. HONOR GRADUATE Tomato (hives-my. and Hate _Rotrat Collette Dena! surgeon: of out Dentistry in "all tu bunches. JOHN CLARK) A. G. MICRO, K.C. W. F Dunn Notary Public. Commissioner.Convey sneer, anuuor, lnsunnco Agent. ac D. MoPHAIL.) HONOR GRADUATE of Tomato University. graduate of Royal College of Dental Sum-son- of Ontario. Rooms. Over J & J HUNTER»: Na... 9...“ Barrister, Solicitor in Supreme ,Court Notary Public. Commitment. to. J. a. mrhotr, u. n. Duh-In. Nov. Mk m. L. R. C. P., [m w“ 10-day" You” or ”we- at Ere, a. x. Mille. a gum-mam ""'"""""?gretay may...” loom manom- O mama mu. on EdLTh.e.t. Oitue, " no“ M, By denham_§1ntyal Rte mlmnt to loomeld'a to Knupp'u (New York) lam M Bundling: “400nm“: sud tttq0egte In town and villa... _'tlililll.lit -.ttthttt1oy?trrA.trr.tteras. 9ttq0diK' iiraVdiiilirtiiF9iirbd" Wig-BEE aiai'iiriit mama! mum trlr'nttB'dh"'ttgtlloht,tvt'f."ttatt M2,h2ta,tt',egmttt,eltgtrrlt uh ',=i,t.t,'l'tt'nt'a'ldtlt “and?!” Par-mull TOM-o - J. & Term moderate. Arrangement: for 85106 " to antes. Ac., must be made at the Review Of- tioe, Durham. bar (Wyondenw warmed them, or to Ceylon P,0., will be promptly attended to, Thshtuonappltrstiott to D. IGPIAIL. Ceylon P. U or to C. BHAGE. Durham Licensed Auctioneer to the County of Grey. ”new Auctioneer toe the Go. of any. Ellen 533%.. be 13: gm: Implement. 'tlt. log-g k'l,hll,utluh'lh', anthem BARRIITI’R. OOIGITOR. uoarnv mono commune... ' .C. PICKERING th D S., L. B. S lice. McIntyre mock, over the Bank men. McKenzie'n Old Sand, Durham ' Money to Loan. mee, over Gordon's Jewelry More. Auctioneers. Jumpra CON, "teP"tteatittat-orru-o, Vanadium. Will be a the Intuit Ball-e. Damn. the In: Wednesday 0 etch month "on " B. III. will 4 p. m. J. F.GRANT. D. 0.3. L. Egg. Eat-.1!!!“ & Tin-bit Private Money to Loan. Collec- tions of all kinda promptly cuten- ded to. F Arms bought and sold MEDICAL. - Cerlmt bu Btetephoue once Licensed Auctioneer for Co. Grey L... -- Hp... t-4 3).. Tum Con-mm... ko. m MACKAY d: DUNN, DEN TAT... . LEFROY McCAUL. J & J HUNTERS we; 33.}; A. B. JACKSON, HOURS J. P. TELFORD J. I. ”‘19-. DIP-ll DB. BROWN, Fire Insurance Co. mum in new. DR. BURT 01'th noun H p. I. J.hed, Hun-he's Btoeo I ' to " A... ftetd't, (In-don. Fug) and York) Me Human. M9Ndtaaa and Goon. Old Mew. Moderate r. and “am Owen Sound ‘mt C m ce In. tho so -6t - m “In it? it

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