West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 19 Oct 1905, p. 8

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5.11 corner Yonge 3nd Alexander Sta. During rvcent months has received ten tttteen (“NIH and even titty times In tinny can: {or sten- Wml'iwn. tooth-even. eta. n It 1nd students xrmhuuing during the same months. This in the ichoul to attend. Write for tttagptiticent We Enter Now TERMS : Cash or Produce. Please do not ask for credit at these prices. GIRLS' COARSE BOOTS. reg. price. l.15, now50c pr in sizes 8, 9, lo, ll. LADIES' FINE SHOES in size: 3 and t. We sell now far below cost to clear them out. NOW is the time for dainty little ladies to get. ndainty pair Shoes CH EA P. These shoes are light in texture and suitable for comfortable houseWPr-r. Rome mher, sizes 3 and 4. Ch MCARTHUR Ladies’ Boots & Shoes cheap fo; 30 days BOYS' COARSE BOOTS. m price LE, now 75c. In the: ll, 12, 13. Also Bull Ball in all "29*. SOME PLAIN FACTS The People’s Store rc) ELLIOTT r', .ir," :7 a”), , b/ , C" L/ 4/ ",1t92'o' TAD numn All!!! FOR TiTrf"L7l"frEy"i7e have macs}: RMirtiip"iiii7ireTi." etc} FOR THE MEN we have Fur Coats, Caps and Mitts. Stylish FURS for the Coming Season Also a new Stock in this line and the beat that can be secured. All sizes, styles and prices of these Overcoats, in checks and plain. We can satisfy all. Winter Overcoats for Men and Boys We ask you only to drop in and see them, .feeling sure you will be thoroughly pleased. A wide range for choice, new Coats in latest styles for very moderate prices. - New Coats for Ladies, Maids and Children The cold weather season is now setting in and reminds you that you require greater protection against Nature's elements. We have planned for you and already have a complete Stock of New Goods in in all Departments. This week we specially refer to About our Bargain Boots and Shoes. These consist of For Fall and. Winter Wear TORONTO. ONT. Don't buy your new Fur before teeittg_our exhibit in this line .'....~ -_eer-zer_-- w. J. ELLIOTT, Principal All kinds of FARM PRODUCE Wanted. Highest Prices paid in Cash or Trade. ROBT. BURNETT I Another old resident of Proton has departed this life in the person ot Mrs Dorthu Coulter, wife of George Coul- ter, Who Was many veers a resident of Proton. on the 15th con. Her death was on Fridav 13th in the Hamilton Asylum where she went about a year ago for some mental ailment. At the same time Mr Coulter had sold his iarm and he and his sons had taken up land in the North West and moved there one son. Joseph, remaining here. He and Mrs Coulter's brothers had her body brought to Dundalk arriving with Saturday night train. She was buried on Sunday 15th at the Dundalk cemetery and the funeral was very large. the Church of England minister ottieiating, Mrs Coulter was the old- est daughter of the late Wm BIO- Donald, one of the pioneers of Proton, and was rceve of the township for many veers. Mrs Uoulter leaves to mourn her departure, her husband and ten children all in the north West only Joseph, her mother, four brothers and one sister. the latter all at the funeral only one brother in the North West. The sick people here keep very low and Angus Ferguson the blacksmith‘ whose wife is so very ill are all laie I up. "I‘he Rev Mr Moot occupied the Pal, pit in the Esplin church on Sunday. Ham Allen has gone to New. On- tiopeville The People’s Store . Review 81-00 to Jan. I, 1907 w. Campbell, Rev Wm Farqnhurson. from Durham. Mr Campbell led the way claiming an acquaintance with boy life in the neighborhood to: the last 19 years. He gave a practical address on church life and work under the striking title of "How to Nail up the. Church Door." Next in order came Mr. H. H. Miller. After the. usual compliments of which the ladies got a. Rood armful. he gave an interesting and helpful address on "How to make the Most of Life," drawirg happy illustrations from the illustrious careers of the late Dr Bur- nndo and air Wm Mulock who has just retired from the where of politics to ‘ accept an important position on the bench. In bringing up the tear Mr., Parquhurson spoke on " Scottish Char- _ actenetics " ahowmg the need of thrift. patience and perseverance in securmg personal or national progress. The in- terest of the audience from the opening of the meeting tothe closing word at eleven o'clock was well customer] and in everyway Mr Stephenson and his co- workers " Ebenezer me to beeonttrat-. nhted on the success of their entertain- ment.-com. I The church at Ebenezer was well ti0ed on Monday evening last the oc- casion being the celebration of then Anniversary and Harvest Home Fes- tival. The building was tastefully dec- orated the abundance and variety of the fruits of the Earth standing as a tangible evidence of the good Lhings our land prcdnces. The chair was gracefully tillea by Me Stephenson the young minister. in charge. and [unsic was supplied by the ghostly gratin)- phone under the care of Mr Mills and try real living men and women of the Durham Methodist. choir. The wands of applause told that the gramophone has stilln power to stll‘ the human soul with its varied notes even though its voice is husky and iLssung but the sepulchral.echo of the dead past. The choir. was in good form and with an- thems. solos and quartetts charmed and 3 delighted the auditory. Recitation; Weie happily rendered by Mr Dezelle and avery pleasing number was given in the form ofa drill by six boys and girls under the care of Miss Vickers. The speakers of the evening were Mr. M'iller. l ye. tem li-gnqur and Mr N. Messrs Bert Martin and John Chis- lett visited W Heard Sunday. We wonder who the young man was that ran away with the cook so that the czar could not thrash on Dundalk show day. Miss Lizzie Ferguson has returned home from Toronto we expect times will be slack around there for a while. Two young ladies of the park when out walking found a, horse and buggy the horse ran away horn Mr Donald Ferguson's gate, It belonged to D McCannel of Boothville. . We are sorry to hear of the death of Mrs Geo. Coulter who has been ailing for about two years. Mr W Glenister has finished the contract of Mr'George Haw's house. Adds greatly to the appearance of the park. - The young people of Durham are home enjoying their holidays. Mr James Knox drives a swell team in the buggy. He cuts quite a shine. The young lady who had the meas- leg says she got a sure cure. It came from Durham. Mr Samuel Kinnel had a party last Wednesday evening. We understand the largest part of the crowd came from Prieevilre. They report a good timeand went home when the snow was falling. Mr and Mrs Samuel Kinnel have re- turned home from their trip to the west. They were out seeing their daughter Edna and-report great crops prosperous times in the west. Quite a number of the people of the park took in the show in Dundalk on Friday and report it the best show of the season. They say the show of horses could not be beat this aide of Toronto and they say the concert was excellent. The .proceeds of the con- cert . amounted to_about $300. Mr Arthur Weir, who is attending Owen Sound Collegiate. was home for slew. days lately. Miss Amy Edge was also home. Mr and Mrs Jno H McFayden and his mother visited friends in N ormau - by last week. Miss Kate Mchb. who has resided near Ottawa this summer. came home recently. Her sister Marion intends leaving tor the West shortly. tario to spy out the land 1fit he flow- ing with miik and honey there mll be likely , rush from here. Wm J Glenister has finitthed build- ing tour dwelling-houses this year. A large farewell party was held last Thursday and Friday " Mr Jas. Atkinson's. in the event of his daugh- ter's. Miss Bessie. return to Toronto, who left in the morning. Nothing has been heard for the last week or so but the hum of the steamer. Mr and Mrs Hannah of Holland Centre. were visiting at her motherh Mrs Allan, last week. Mr J no Firth a thoroughbred lamb from Mr ton. Mr Wm Ritchie, teacher, tt the excursion to Guelph Friday. Mr Jos Atkinson moved into his new home a few days ago and gave a penny housewarming to all the neigh- Ebenezer Harvest Home. Swinton Park Edge Hill v-.---- -- --.-.-.- Edge Hill. purchased Oxford Down ram Cousins, near Harris. _,W ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO is to buy a cook-hook and tr to 192:1: what she should have kuown Ltflle,'l'i,'l 1y by constant practice. " Prof McCery conducted the My through the Museum where n splendid collectwn of snimsls. minerals and M- ice are found. One might mail a week hue wobbly under him instrugion; , Ph, now luncheon time hndaerfetnatdthe aimiiiiG' AGrGii "iCti " in Professor Creelman. president of the College. in his address of welcome out- lined the programme to he followed for day, and Introduced the professors who should conduct the party through the different departments. The notable remark he made was that it was ridicu- lous to him that our public schoolq teach evervthing to girls except what they most need to ty.iowreoklnir and‘ sewing and everything toluoys except what countl-ivI boys most "quire--Air- riculture, "T e first thinv many a new- I y "erte. lady Leashes does 'totardart in On up -MAI- A --" -, A . - - *--- ___ ._. *"" 1L"Pi""'""k Mitt' Ourpartyso furliad icpt‘togetlier pretty well, l seemed to agreeably uffeet the people I but was now completely tired out with the almost form happier'. merrier lot would he lmrd continuous lumping from pluceto eried, .und it to find. I brake-into email Froupf, The? “out ed their way . . I tst '2y.leyi 'A"t."i.'"tdlttelx"y)li'jJtru'/y'/gL"gro,t,e'? Arriving at. Guelph. the part y, PT: l [i)'2'1",7ir,dtlllt, carrying a load of " eary yet en- teeedud hyt‘tu' to the College, W splendid l thusiustie ptevugert., and reached it destination pile of huildmgs Two of these build. ( slsortlytUtér nine o'clock. Inks. tSidM/tid/pt"t1heh,ett,,i,,tgt, and the: '""-r"r"r"e"--e""e-e"-e--e----. -- V 7 ___ H . - ,7 - Macdoua a are t e result of a mag-i A -. nifieent gift of 817i5.000 by Sir William FOR SALE. . . Macdonald, of Montreal. The Hall hi The undersigned: offers his splendid a residence for women students. and {property in Upper Town for sale. For the Institute is for the instruction of particulars, apply to i farmers’ daughters and others in the JOHN ROBERTSON. 1 ditferent branches of Hollue 'tntl",: --e-----------, "---------- and for equipping teac era in ature Study. Manual Training and Home FARM FOR SALE Economics. In the spacious auditorium Being lot No. 20 on 2nd Con, N. D. R. of the Institute the party was received and 22 and 2;, on the 3111 Con. N. D. R. Mid welcomed hythe Col etre professors. Gleuelz. containing 150 acres. more orI 0n the day previous the stuff t had less. 125 acres cleared. halanee hard- churge of n. similar body of teachers wood hush. u miles from P. o. and from wet Grey: runny of whom ,Stilllschool. church on property. Weit rut, remained in the City and fraternlzed cred, wel1t'apdrurank 39.4" ' Build- with our pat-tr. Many ot our teachers inns In good repair. Witt Tie told on were glad to have a. handshake foe the reasonable terms ..'tt miles from Durham sake ofAuld Lang Syne "ml Mr Btw- and from Priceville. If sold possessing 299s. now Public Behoot etri',',t,o.y,5, given tor work this fall. Pull possess- North Carey. 3113 pl',,',""',',"), Hack um and ion in March. Clear titlegiven. Applyi rs2'iit,rc'.t the wen ouu Collegiate i to the proprietor. D. Gunny I simiists boarded the. train at Durham. about twerity more at Holstein and a- bout twelve more at Mt Forest, Taking a totaluf near-Iv one httndred Visitms lo the (LA. G. The morning appeared dull hut before the train reached Its destination at 10.10 a. In. the clouds had cleared and the day roved an ideal one to: the visit. The {brightening dew summed to agreeahly "tfeet the people fora happier'. merrier lot would he hard to flnd. The new officers: are.. Pres. __ Alex. Reid ', lst Vice Pres.-Mot, Form: t 2nd Vice-Miss Beattie ', b'ecy-Treas--Thos. Allan: Managing Cotu.--Messts Rowe and Carmichael. and Misses Small, Neilly and Dale. Auditors: Misses M. McKenzie and Meredith. 2ND DAY. The second day's programme of the Teachers' Association consisted of a visit try train to the Ontario Agricult- ural College at Guelph. The purpose of the trip was lo give the teachers a. better uPietstandlng of the work of Nature Study. and lo equip them, so far as u hurried acquaintance could do, with new ideas for teaching the sub- ject in the public schools. The enter- l prise and enthusiasm of the teachers in thus willingly spending thew hurd- enrned-mcnev are to he commended. At. 7.30 m. m._ahout sixty, excnr-l A resolution was passed supporting the idea of organizing the Trusteeship of the country into Conventions on lines similar to that of me Teachers as introduced at the last meeting of the Trustee section of the O. E. A. and warmly supported by the Inspectors, acopy to he sent to the Dept. and to Secy. of the o. E. A. MrTJ Tolehard gave an udmimhle talk on Writing, which should have heard-and treen-to he appreciated. He favored the Spenceritu, and insisted on the teaching of principles. and even claimed that peumanship was a valu- able aid to moral training. He found the best tune to take the lesson was Ire. fore the forenoon recess, He gave ex- cellent Illustrations of movement drill, counting &c. Gtterov---crouns--'ruat this Council empoww we [have to draw money trout I'rekrurer to pay for new bridge on com. 4 and 5, lot 21, when completed. Cmmin--0riertoa-TUt the next nom- mutiou meeting be held at Elquod in- "eud of at Allan Park. Tue you and an.” being called for, there Vuwl for the motion-Metso, Cronin. Griersuu and Turry. "ttttima-iii-us. Motion declared curried. Willy-lorry-Tun this Council do now adjourn to meet. in the Clerk's Otfiees, Hanover. on the 15m of December next. lot the lrnunction of twine“. ctoniu--ariertson-- That this, Céuncu grant no more money to Mn Jest, Smith no .he can now go to the Home at Refuge. Willis-- Grim-non - That F, W. Finhel he paid 810 damage to hurue breaking through bridge, can Mt, lot 2. Torre-Cronin-itat the clnim of J no 5mm: per Mackay a Dunn be not enter- tmiued until funtuer proof in gn-eu to this G uncil of Alleged damage to his property. The folluwmg accounts were ordered to be paid : " in Myrtle Pepper for lemm- ing and putting up fences while bridge was building oo con 12. 14:2: " to Ohms W.leineon for hauling a. dead ham: " ta J ohn Mitchell for adverbiuiug old timber sate; 1.50 to South Urey Rogiatry Office for neural: of eolleettrU Emotion; " to Christopher “any for taking widow Smith to Home of Refuge; " to Henry Rely for 9 moutlm' ten: of Imus. to widow Smith. George Leslie and Alex. Me. Donald were uppoinoed pound-keepers. Mot " Elmwood on Saturduy. the 14t.h inst. a eminent all present. the Been. In the chnir. Minute: of August meeting road, planed and ttorttira"sd. The Reeve imported having expended sun-e has meeting as follows: t284 in building new bridge on com. " and 18 " lot 2, and 10.85 in repairing old bridge. Come Torry. Willis and Cronin reported having expemlm' since last Immune cs follows: in Div. No 2. 56.20. in No 3, 9.60 and In No 4. 3."5. in the Improvement of roads. Repnrts ordered to be received and cheques issued. South Grey Teachers. Continued from page l Bentinck Council. buxom CAMPBELL. Clerk. IQ? Or Devonian A plications mil he'received by ttttF of tKe undersigned to Nov lat next for teacher for school Region No 10 Glenelg and Ezremont. holdyrg , second eluii trertifteate Inch testimomUhr. ' Apply, outing ulna-y if by lettu- to l ALBERT McthaNrotr Vamey. Oct 3rd. 1% Came to the premises of the sizned about 7th September. a y: heifer. Owner will please tlai perty and pay .penm. Being lot No. 20 on 2nd Con. N. D. R. and 22 and 23. on the 3rd Gon. N. D. R. Glenelz. containing 150 acres. more or less. 125 acres cleared. balance hard- wood l-ush. " miles from P. o. and school. church on property. Well wat- ered, wells and running spring: Build- ings In good repair. Witt sold on reasonable term :6 miles from Durham and from Prieeviite. If sold possession given tor work this fall. Full passes:- ion In March. Clear title given. Apply anaLA _____2‘A,, - " - t "t'r'l to the proprietor. D, GRAHAX, Prieevtitr, or to A. H. JACKsox. Solicitor. Durham I mull to 'ri "V ef - . "11'lltl.U'ara, ”nag. Ont Chump: Bd. Trustees. Top Ctitttt ' Then Professor Zavitz led us through the farm and tiower departments. He explained how the experimental plots were laid out, how the gains were sowed and gum red. We [tossed through the butter and pheeqemakuur room where students Were at work under supervision. It wu now ohout tour o'clock, so the party proceeded to the Connol- idated School to see the 2,'eg, entering nun to be conducted to their various omes. This is the tirttt school of its kind in Ontario and is I grand Means " iurnishes all the advantages of n graded school at I very slightly ntcreosed expense. equipped Gymnasium was filled up w ith tables to receive us. We had brought our own eatahles and the College kine- ly supplied ten and coffee. After doing justiceto the lunch no time was wast- ed. The partv was led through the different departments of the Mundan- 'lld Institute', the Profess:". Itriefiy ex- tplaining the purpzwe of each as he passed. Here was the Manual Training department where boys are taughtbo use their hand: in all classes at wood- work. Here again was the kitchen where the girls learn to cook bv making and the sewing room whewsewing is taught. Here was the dining mom: for lessons on table setting and Waitress; work, a class laundrv. apantry and, npattments for practice work in house.. l keepine. An amusing feature way the wow the patty chanted after the Proms-l sor through the doors and along the corriders. l TEACHER WANTED THE SLATER SHOE The Slater Shoe don't spatula“. You’d him It ahrars by the gyAesl pig find tin te1ietehit good makeotG'ac-ASoures in god ' “him and. Antreg on the wk: "The Slater Shoe" but one." Perfect fitters and perfect lockers. Prices mun testimonials. . A -__ try if by lettor to pptr, Mt. ichOXALg. 809,5 ESTRAY HEIFER THE BIG ST_Q_RE ALEX. RUSSELL Every Genuine Slater Shoe bears Union Stamp No. 350 Shoes bearing this Stamp are best in quality and cost no more. See our South Window. ', l 75.11ng 33mm or QUALITY aim prd; Correct Styles-ss under- Lot Street Taxes Tlea 9 Bruce E 821.2% 85.71 E. l 18 Couan 9.51 :;2.& 8 [my Aur. w. 11.10 ' an“ . . ""e"V ... .u. In“ '"rretirtt and charges thereon. unless rears and charges shall have h er paid. All the undermentioc are patented. $3.50, 4.00 and 5.00 i Town at Durhrun. County or Grey To Wit t I BY VIRTUE M a warrant issued un- der the hound of the Mar"' of the Town My! Durham, and the and of che Corpor- atmn of the Town of Durham in the (‘uunty of Urey. hem-int: date the 7th day of August A. D.. "In and to me directed. cmmlmnding me to levy upon the lands hereitmttel.' described for the arrears of tun-a respectively due there- on, tuguthvr witlriit cmtu incurred. I hon-by givenmivo- that. pursuant to the-aswssmvm Art. t shrtll on Friday the 24th day of Now-mlwr A. D.. MI06, at. the hour of one n'clnck m the after.. noon, u the Tow" Hatt in the Town of Durham in the County "(Gm-y. Proceed to null My Public Auction to much of the mid lands as may he necessary for lt payment Cot the Arm-n- " “"- TREASURER.c _ -"-e-_ mm“. cement ttoor in one half. furnace in the other half. " rooms, modern and convenient. Good well on premises. sum" ham with stom- stuhle nudernenlh. A bargain to quick buyer. Apply on the premises. or to 1vsr.:LtroUGGi' Box 92, Durham. Ipyrn J The undersigned will lot on West Bruce kit, cated between Furnit: Separator factories. 1 stories. double cellar. one half. furnace in ll rooms, modern and can well on premium 9"..." ‘HOTEL Jo FARM for SALE I or to RENT. Thorouzh Bred can. and Yowkshlre Hogs. All registarad Stock and libel: mods. Apply to T303. SCAR? & ti Jan. 2, 19tB. Ror.irv 'l-,.-, m." u" "oe corner, Hotel amuse the i1iii2.' Evan-y field welt watered. gmile from school, "nd 1 mile from post office. Four miles from Durham.' Good brick house with 10 moms, stable with stone foundation. {mum harm stone pig pen. and good hearing orchnrd. Terms to slut purchaser. Annlv Mrtll be sold. or rented separately if desired, that well-known hotel and de- sirable stock farm at. the Huh Roy. Lot Wand ll. Con. 1. S. D. R., dinnelu. iAl.h acres in farm, more urban. Blacksmith Shop on one corner. Hotel Across tits, That the discriminating men of Durham and vicinity appreciate these advantages is evidenced by our enormous sale of SLATER SHOES. (by far the largest sale in the world)can be attributed to their assured correctness of style, perfect fit and durability. Much of the prestige SLATER SHOES l 16 Lot HGUSE Fort SALE ‘1'... “a ‘1.) Wm a}? " " FOR SALE. {'9 SALE " LANDS FOR ABREARS or TAXES If once worn, you will wear no other. "e 9.51328: 12.88 '. 11.70 gas». may 'er .88 AT 135 [.75 m " - JAcuox. mum. may be necessary for the urn-an of ham. wean. unless such an “lull have been noon-”i uttdertnentiona lands rues. NO x 32 feet," "ei.lar, cemettt floor #22.st 85.71 min THOS- SCAR? & Sosa. Rocky Sumeen P. 0 I will sell house and ce kit, built in 190t, lo 'yfnit.ug:e, n95! AJreat" Apply --_ - ll Durham P. o. G. RYAN, Prop - - -ev , _...." mile from poirttlce. Durham. Good 0 moms, stable with trauma harm, stone pig ring‘ orghnrd. Tern"! in,” will sell and likely uni “It vs Tota Pt if (i g- I art 31M! xxx, VOL In Bovi ma m It " R K l' lb "

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