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Durham Review (1897), 26 Oct 1905, p. 1

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hoe \SHOES advanta {CW OES Mt t sale in the bated to their scr1nunat1ng atlt '~ - . . MOCK . a at no ao nd 5.00 prestige Dur ot n nity i',ii'i Ladies' Dress Goods 'ir-ar-a-or-ra-Tri, i' James Ireland. ca' irit1t"iir1hh/iihhGWihr' WWWWWWW VOL. xxvn. To ~:-::-::-:5:5:mammmzmmmsmmmfi It is impossible to complete lists and prices--- we only ask your inspection' and you _wi11 realize that our stock of these goods is all we claim. In addition to Underwear we are making a big specialty of HOSIERY and GLOVES-NO bet- ter stock seen anywhere. Black Tights For ladies and children, 5oc to ' Boys' Natural Wool Underwear I In Children's Goods In Ladies' Underwear EePavte,teche1,Pmu-, In Men's Underwear This year it con- sists of over Our store has long been noted for carrying a stock of MEN’S, WOMEN'S and CHILDREN'S Underwear, which is more extensive and of better value: than is usually shown in a town of this size. l BIG ADVANCE has taken place in both Woollen and Cotton Yarns but we bought early. Our prices are the old prices, and in some cases lower. The Cash Store ASTRACHAN FUR JACKETS in different lengths. ...... . ...... Ai, ..... ...... ...... ...... ....3000, 32.50,35.00and $40.00 J, moms and NECKPIECFS in every conceivable fur and stvle. , prisesfrom...... .... ...... .... ...... . ...-500tor25.00 1: Men's New Neckwear Going 12am 1ler/s and Boys' BOW TIES. new goods. . . .10c or 3 for 250 lUdoz Men‘s TIES. regular 25e for.... .... .... .. ......15c eatttl BLACK VICUNA CLOTH Coat . . . . . . . . . . . . regular 10 00 for 88.50 TWICE!) Coats. , length, fashionable sleeves. ..15.00, now $12.50 BLACK FRIICZE Odd Coats.... .... .... ..... ......2.50to $5.00 CHILDREN‘S Winter Coats. . .2.25, 3.00, 4.50, 5.00, 5.50 and $6.00 LAI 'Iris' RAINPROOF CRAVENErprE Coats to clear " ' . . . . . . . . "..... .... . w-.. .... .... .-2trpisrtssmtoffrettularprie" LADIEa" WOOL GOLFBRS. new goods. . .. .... .. ...1.50 to $1.75, Swell Showing of Ladies' Fursg‘; 1il1ileiiihrellZagarzsegp:egegefiagegggaiigngggggs: LADIES' SKIRTS. well ignored. LADiibiikiiiiiiiriiiiis I‘WEED SKIRTS. also black and navy . . . . . . . . . . . . .250 to K.00 SATEEN and MOREEN...... ...... .... . ...... ....1.25w $2.00 Ladies' Coats at Low Prices Suitable for SUITINGS. SEPARATE SKIRTS and COA'IB, (l, 54 inches wide. wool goods . . . . . . . . . . . .. were 1.50 for $140 as: TARTANS, fieeked and plain goods, now...... . ......2thsto50tt i4 NEW “was. finest goods, beautiful e17ects......%l.25 to 1.50 g1 There are times when it is profitable to make it lots n order to sell them all have been constantly asked for. We have it this year in all sizes, per garment. . . . . close prices. PENMAN'S in all _w_eighta,-2S, £743, 4; and 125. Also COMBINATION SUITS '-' -- - "'"" WF - ities from 50c pgr mGra"Gii, including the famous BRITTANIA and PENMAN'S UNSHRINKABLE. HIGHEST PRICES FOR BUTTER AND EGGS, UNDERWEAR mm Sounds odd, doesn't it? One Hundred Dozen 'f we have mark ed them very close We have much the same lines as Ladies ', all marked at very We have all weights and qual- TAN, HYGEIA’N’ '55}: Sr,3Px.15, So, 60, 75, 100 . I b ) I H. H. Mockler .1??? 40 to 750 it} This is a line we l u , A. H. Jackson, has a. few the "rms, iand Durham propelties for min. i' Mr. Fred A, Lewis. piano tuner, ex- ,ipectsto be in Durham in November. m. It you want to see the largest and ‘most varied stock of pipes in town. Miilii at Darling's. “I Cattle wanted to Winter. Terms '38 i retusonahle, apply to A. MCULIN'I'ON. i DURHAM LADY RoNomm.-.A North l Bay paper of Sept. 29th. has the follow- iing: .. Mrs. J. A. Thomas, nee Dora l Banks was. on the' occasion of her marriage, the recipient of a. very hand- some chair which was presented to her l by the Methodist chair of which she has iiong been a member. The followmg is ithe address which accompanied the 'chair. Deer Mrs. Thomntr,-UThe mem.. . hers of the choir of the North Bay ; Methodist church desire on the occasion iof your marriage to express to you in 'eome shrht wsy their congratulations 'and tr wishes. It iselso eqjled that 1you should ecce t this gift as further ; evidence of good) will and appryeiatiop "; of your semces to the chain end church dating the ,'t',"a'g hare been e velued I member. We esire to extend to Four seltelul husband our hesrtisst and best wishestor the'futnre. Signed on he. may. choir. c. win-Ins. choir I CUTTING OUT Tm: BAR.--The move- :,' ment, in OwenrNound to run hotels with- .out the bar attachment is reported to ', he successful. With out doubt the ex- _ periment is being watched with interest I over the Province, and is bearing fruit do the way of imitators. Markdale, we I understand, is contemplating doing isomething on this line, and some whis- j per-inf; that even in Durham an attempt ' may made to buy or rent one of the idown town hotels to conduct it in- fdependently of a bar. We have called _ it sn experment. but this is ecsrcely I correct, for the Lucas House on Louisa. Bt., Toronto has for 18 years been con- ducted on this principle. and the propri- etor has prospered, ind guests by thous- ‘ands will testify that it is both reput- _ able and respectable, and has all the ac- 'irgTd"ioi" necessary outside of the l rink. 1 Anniversary services in the Fresh - erian church will be held on Sabbath. land Monday. the 12th and 18th of No- ivelnher. The Rev Thos Wilson of ‘Walkarton WI” preach morning and :evening on Sabbath and on Monday _,' evening at. 8 pm will give a. lecture on I “Thier years with South Bea Canni- :hals "illustrated by 75 beautifully col- ored pictures prepared by Pro essnr Weeks of London. England. Special f music will be supplied at all the nervices ghy members ot the choir and others. 3 A free will offering foe the Manse fund ‘will he presented at, both services on [ Sundav and at the meeting on Monday. All are cordially invited. The famous drama. East Lynne. which perlmps. is played oftener than any other on the stage. was given here last Salim-day evening. The Raymond and Poore Co is above the average of the travellingr shows that come here from both the publisher'" and public’s standpoint. The hall was comfortably filled. It was very regtettahle that the conduct ofa few boys made a rebuke from the stage necessary. } Thanksgiving Services will be held in the Presbyterian church on Thunda’ e, 10.80 a. m. All are cordially invit ‘to join in the service of praise and prayer. “Xe righteous in the Lord rejmce -..-1". It comely is and right, , That “Fright turn shall thankful be e Shun d praise the Lord of might." A Co1uurerros.-.an. C. Melnnete Yeovil, writes: .. In your report of the Arteuiesm Exhibition some mistake has crept in. I was awarded 2nd rize for Berkshire boar, not Ist, Me Echo McBeth capturing that, I offer this correction in justice to Mr MeBeth, who was the exhibitor of the better hog. ' '; Put AND Box 8octAL.--On Fridai. Tov. 8. low, the brethren of 689 L. U. . will hold a Pie and Box Social in their :Ball at Yarney. Good programme in preparation. Admission 10 cts. La- dies bringing pies or boxes free. ing of thd "ihiiiitrir. "SEEKS: "for the lesson. We hnve to acknowledge a. kind invitation to be present. LTO-night, Wednesday, Sn t. Wm. Young and his Sundmy trio't'lteorlvef.'a',' will have a social evening in the school- .house ff rfectign No. fl. to mark the clos- Rev Wm Fnrquharson on Sunday .hvt"12'f, took for his topic " The Christ- ian So dier," and drew' many fine lea. sons from the life of the great Lord Nelson the centenary of whose death at Trafalgar was on Saturday last. TAX Norrtm.--The iiratt instalment of taxes must be paid at once; or 3 per cent. will he added. and proceedings taken to collect. It won intend to lttsve n sale. get. your hills printed at the Review OtBee. A free notice will he given in the REVIEW to all so doing. Good smmt boy wanted to learn the drug business. Try Stinson’s. homemade bread-ttus best. In great demand in town and surrounding villages. Over four times as lynch used as a few months ago. Dr. Burt, Speclnliat. in diseases of the Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat will he at. the Middnugh house. Durham, for consultation. on Net]. Nov. Ist., from 10 to 4 pun. Eyes tested, glasses fitted. TAX tfP,rr.tT,--.r.tte iitatt instalment of DURHAM, THURSDAY. OCTOBER " 1905 ttil, iit-,.-thtrNight iillk5iahié'g A. H. JAcreos, ' Winter. Terms A. MCULIN'I'ON. Varney P. oat J. A. DARLING. .tWsht'8jyE?i'er,, tit ilil,toi-iijit). Trezisurer. tb - "--"__ ~â€"-_ nwvv WAVE UM patriotic lines. The school flag was displayed " the back of the platform, alahte In? of the world showing the expsn ing British Empire was hung out, and on the curtain was attached Th'llege2 Nelson's inspiring signs]: " Enzlsn Expects Every Min Witt Do His Dow. " The little talks hit very good order. but had their ownl ens u to how long applause should last. Between the speeches were most agreeable and tl'ree,t,t selections. Mine Meredith an er pugils furnished “Heroes and Gentlemen ' in splendid style. Miss N. Meredith residing at the piano. At the clone t ey gave“Men of the North; " a loyal {patriotic Canad- ian piece: their per ormance added at}; to the day's proceedings. Mr IT. eltord was right in line with the; s irit of the day and gave " The Death 1 elf, Nelson" as a solo, Mrs Newton OCH compunying; Miss M. Gordon of the High School Stall, recited the poet Lhsippbellu classic "Ye Mariners; of En rand," while Mrs Newton and MI '2N'l yr. Lauder both gave solos on Rev Messrs Newton. Bice, Coiling and Furquharsen and Mr Wm. Irwin in the order named. touched on various features of the hero's life and character. drawing therefrom lessons of patriot- ism, devotion to duty. ete., and "W; ing them to modern' conditions. he changes in material conditions in the 100 years were noted, and incidents in the life of the great duty lover were in- terestingly told. ,-_. -e. -.......... "a: yu-uu UI uur- . . -- "f-r.".'" n" v"""""', were I ham.) All were lined "P’md an impm- a?" l" evidence and in quality it would mg array they made wlth small fiagtt difficult to (ind hertet, anywhere. tlying over their "eatlrd00heads. A Althouth this district is in the cheese large ttag kindly loaned by Postmaster [and corn Y.eit the exhvhtt of hogs i,, very [ Smith was carried at the head of the l djsappoituine there “In Ieine nmnv recession, thehsr e, school fi . _th:-re and of no extra quality. Th - ll . g as being . . . ere raped m the Hull. Innis]? very good displnv of all kinds of ti,',?,'," problem of seating the young- (l'1l)fl2, On the whole the show Watt a a ere was a. matter of ackin n , I. . though extra seats were p1',"Jfriefg/,',f, I “an: rs 'll', re; bout L50 delegates present of the visitors. who must have GaGLI'i,'it a d l. reedom of the Show and ed 40 mu50, had small comfort. l Wetlantgd “git, as they pleaacd. On In the absence of Mayor Hunter. who l in a Hall tn',':",',.",' 't 'l"i'itoi'e.t,"y held was intended for Chairman, that posi- l em- The Hon iii 'lil',', It . h . mm“ pres- tion was taken by Mr C. Ramage. Bee (It Was miller a. than on ’elt' m tly.cutr. of the SchoolBoard. who very ifr',ieecir;ir'i:'d')1'e'il itself too :pmlnlinu utfaur. It explained the steps taken in getting up -admira.tion sOCiet “lined [Into a mutnnl the demonstration and the inlormnl Eimz’ the Show mdvtbee Shaun“ admir- character of the gathering. intended to I wiring the dele ate ow people ad. tleg that Durban) had hearts 'ie')Yi'? prtuetital 1'l,'I','ltfd, e'i';te/il'u'pttgeo'h en a appreciative of heroism M " . ' as other places. ' as well i “It: Sz,t.nct.,hy,tra??yaraii of Irtsire I About, half-pint two the classes in Cuider’s Hall and Public Library march- ed to join their comrades at the .. hig school " (which is no longer hiq enough however. to contain the youth of Dur- ham.) All were lined upund an impm- ing array they made With small fiagtt tlying over their "eatlrd00heads. A large flag kindly loaned by Postmanter Smith was carried at the head of the 1'.1"i2','1',',m, thelurge school fiag being raped in the Hall. The problem of seating the young- sters was a matter of packing and though extra seats were procured Bomel of the visitors. who must. have numlier- l ed 40 or so, had small comfort. I The world-wide interest in the cen- tennial of the death of Nelson at Tm- falgar, had its counterpmt- in Durham on a. small scale. It took the form of a massing of the pupils of the public school in the Town Hall on Monday af- ternoon last. Many f1atrepintr notices have. appear- ed in the pres.- where Mr Wilson but given the lecture. The foliowing from the London Free Press may he taken as a. sample. "Rev Thos Wilson delivered for the second time in the Adeltude St Baptist church his illustrated lecture on " Dr Patton's work among the Cem- nilmls of the South Ben." Thursday night. The church Was Med and the audience young and old. was spell hound for nearly an hour and it half as he told this thrilling storv. This in the tlventr.thitx1 time that Mr Wihron has given this lecture in London and the in- terest in it increaeee."--Mr Mriburn will give this lecture in the Presbyterian' church u the Anniversary Services on 'r Monday evening, 13th November. l Devonshire England, where he wns married to his wife, (at sister of Mr. Jae. Issue) who died nlnut three years ago. Since her death he has never been strong and he passes aWILy full of years and honors. He has heen a resident of Bttremont for over forty years and was nlwnys highly respected. ,,_ r.....v~ n-vuuun. “IV!!!“ ’it that nee. The surrounding WILL Loan AN Brrr.-Latst Saturday! ?,s,),'l','itv'R ttood Mtrtettlttttnt 'M't?titttt. Irvine. the little mn of. Mn. Arthur i and yet a " n uul‘prise to pee .0 much Whitman, was at play With a WWW” hmkenl in that section. The soil in ion who had an air rifle m his hand. In Night and ndy “a grown good wheat this was some small shot and the Illy‘mt.‘ c and pumpkins. On everv 'l.difn't know It was loaded." It mu than be seen " field or more of ditchurgod. the eye amosho‘d. and "Him-gin t . V hock ready for huskinz and leurnlia heyond tr'teintt. , We 've _l':",riitli, StUtMt old sown broadcast with for the hoe, hut WP don t “PM” th",yellow pa plans. [thus been thehnme incident will entirely remove the care- ofthe Wand many atarmm “moat Ivonne-as which seems too often to attend {entirel l cod with nine stumps, nnd the use Of firearms. the t'l','h, nve even to he made small TnahLu-z At m2"ef:aRrpttg.t ito use up I the material. newnt itt wee reco at 9 " . " " Simmoh been for some time noted, well-known 'ten!!yuey tt the 'H"! "I" for holding a very successful fair ofu‘ of 77 Petit". His family consists of purely micuiturul nature. and the three sons. John and flung: at‘home. (Ontario Department of Agriculture l Josegh, n Professor m Zion (InlltIBge, lwisbin tgr encourage such shows all Michigan. and 'lrurghterg, Mrs leo m- over Lie lProviuce. invited delegu'es’ me. Mrs Alfred Tucker, and Mill; Bw." ‘from all the Societies in “7“,”... n" "mm at homo, He was a natnm an - WILL Loan AN Brrr.-Latst Saturday; Irvine. the little mn of Mer. Arthur;' Whitman, was at plny with a coaupun- I it? who had an air tittle In his hand. In i H. Y. P. th-A rally of this body! will he held afternoon and evening 0!" Thanksviving Da in the Baptist. Church here) to wzich alt are invuled.i If ynu want the very heat of home.. nuuie bread. call at Stinsona Mkory. and mun» it or ask to have the wngon deliver it at your door. The ream-tr quarterly social ovenfn of the Epworth League Will he to]: next Monduy evening. A good time is expected. Darling I Drqutore for Pipee--timok era Burtdriese-Tohaceo & Cigars. Temhen' agreements tor “In at this otBee. Nelson Centennial. Durham Celebrates He. {was k {native of 'ieraRe TORONTO new to Jan.1,’07, til ri Two years ago the main building of I l, the Society was burned, afterwards they ii'adopted the plan of erecting smaller ' separate buildings of one story. They . lane of a light frame with corrugated . non roof and cement floors. They are ' neat. clean and admirably adapted to _ their purpose and lthink much better ( than one large building. Another Rood , idea was the display of potatoes in half- bushel crates provided by the Society. I Sheep and hog pens we.e also 2T ‘ complete and conveniently arrange . The Departments of Agriculture at Ob. tawaand Toronto had exhibits in dif- ferent lines: In cheese. good makes, and some sponled in the making in dif- ferenc ways. In apples showing the difference between sprayed and un- spra ed trait, an exhibit of weeds and wearseeda, a display of grass and clover seeds and Impurities found therein. Another exhibit was those of utility feeding crates and methods of packing for market. It was stated that these exhibits could be sent to other fairs if a number could be arranged in a circuit sothat it would not entail too much expense. 1he Society :has a number of experimental ltrials on their grounds containing di erent kinds of potatoes. corn. turnips. rape. milletn, [clover-s. grasses. ete,, but Were few seemedto take any interest in the matter. Biz. teen years ago the Society ado ted the expert singlejnd'ge system, and has ever since retained It. and they think that: no up todate show can have any other. 11efUygeiiiGiiii'i"GGiJtT. Beside- them - department as con- trollsd by n Superintendent over all. Raving: both]. town and country I an“ to - 3:223“! possible to make tho-boiim'm'“ "___ w...“ my and one or two others. , In spite of a. downpour of min there was quite a. large amount of stock on hand. This seems to he the home of tthe horse, " large number ofall classes f uniform and good qualilv, were brought I under the eye of the judge. In cultle dairy classes predominated, and the I Holstein, Ayrshire and Jerseys were there m tee, numbers and excellence. lThe heed New 8 Were poorly represent- ed and had nothing partir ulnr to Pet om- Fr/iii them. Sheen. in all plasma ......... , I may any first that the show was severely ndicuppedou account of tmd weather. etit wan good one. The ‘ tttst day lug dry the inside depart- ' menta w e well filled. In grain there ' were twelve entnea of wheat alto eth I er, oats ttt Pen 8 and very good, gar-- _ ley5. Beam: u, Flex 19, and Bnumtter of eutriee'ot Rye. Clover and Tnnothy I seeds, alt-J The unlity was very good except, ering when. There were large exh vita In all classy; of roots ex- cept, turnips and excellent in quality, turnips ”null every way. There was at tsp1endiduzhitrit of apples. pears and amped few reaches and two or three lots of muerab e plums. There Were a few flowers in the Women's Institute; ht, They are along way behind in l at line. In tine arts, ladies' work “ed a such there was tut immense display exhibitors coming front all over Western Ontario. There Watt menace [OLWJmlong hytwelve inheuzht close. - "H V __-‘. .... nut“ urlcsn'l‘u from alt the Societies in Western On. taritr-a dimilnr show being held In the Eastern put of the Pt'oyuiee--to view the Shay in actual Ti'it,t,t",; to puck up new idea and to iscuu with etch other the best methods of conducting an agricultural exhib‘tion. ,7 ._..vr_, .- um u-Iu IIIIIUFL caudal I cod with nine stumps. and the tie I ave even to hetuade sumll to me up I the lantern]. Simmeh been for come time noted, for bomb: " very successful fair ofa purely agricultural nature. and the. Ontario Department of Agriculture wishing: tp encourage such shown all over L o fl?1't1e.e:, invited delegates from Kilt e smiufinu in “In...“ In : Thin fair. is held in Simone County. ‘Town of Norfolk and is a. uninn he- tween the North and South Rulings. ESimcoo inn mum of some 8000 nhnhit- mut- trmttlty mutated. shouts miles ‘from the Ibores of Lake Erin. It IS, (ii,",;";',;",'.'.)'.'," an old town, and teams tobipuedd in (ha middle of a dense Far.. tfees growing in newly every t",tt and in private grounds. giving I ft -. q....--.---- 'mc, -- [We no indehted to Mr Geo Binnie for Ibo tullowimr ttne account of the “Rodd Pair." at Simeoe to which he and “Laundlon were delegates but week. . [on socie? the delegates admir- ihow m the Show people ad. he delegates. yet Lhme were a ticipeiietsei especial” that of mu. tfuItrinteniialii of Fairs Norfolk Union Fair. ___ -- =e ___.. - q...“ (mg hytwelve in height clos- w paintings, (In wings, &c.. u "riori'iiWe"hihie merit; and work proper is simply beyond "G.. .nmg particular to Pet om- Sheep. in all classes, Were. 'e and in quality it would V n_ " I . we: of wheat who eth 8 and very good, fi',?,.'.', Finx 19, and a number V flyer, and Tuuothx 5135 my. R. B. Illllhllll tad SONS A Window Full of Snaps [Ill REVIEW to Jan. t, "zrr'-t----------------, - Thumb-ail mama] from no. to Jan. I. la over-8 mo- l only lie. tund " to vour fur- ' any My 'V girl. They will oak-y the home news. bet {an ttter know about it. I , itto y. -"-"--------------, i " cents. Subscribe NOW ll New Millinery West of Midduuxh Home - “hm-than oumdrfmm , Dental-n.1, Itil i,')':',?,).,'?;'.,'," i only lie. tund n to vour tur- . smut-0' 'V girl. They will "by the home news. Let I iii':':';'),','; ttePr know uhout it. i Itto F. -'--------------, I " can“. Subscribe NOW “mm New Blacksmith Shop e A meetingol' the Directors of the ce. P meat 00. an held In titratford on I Iondny. Ttus good work of reducing the debt Mill (on: on. a payment made . on Tuscany leaning the 'uttetuttt 835.01). - When it in remembered that at the be- ' ginning of It!” the debt stood " over , $120,000 it will he mute-d what. profit. I stile huelnm [m been done. It is the 1 intention of the Directors to run for two month. mun before ehutting down, " which time the deht will be of small proportions. This excellent showing. however, In not entitinctorv to the board who have decided that much greater platinum be made by numufucturtng from the rock and will law before share- holders at next unnu-tl meeting, at prop- osition to move the plant to the Now- I m District where A suitable rock depots. . It, it in alleged. exists. Should this can y. the prtmta, of next. year's make here will be used to con- etruct foundations there, to which the movable parts of the grant plant will be taken, leaving to Durham in mor A scrap iron heap and some picturesque rum! ‘4“ a reminder of fuirv hues, broken promises and vanishing dividends. What does Durham think of it? The lngernoll Chronicle of rec-mt date, amni- the death of Mrs. Geo. lnghmu. on the 10th of October. she wu Elizabeth Jane Jacques. who: family is well-known here. She was buried on Fridny. 18th inst. The paper adds : “Mn. lnghan mu. fork number of mT."testreeted and consistent member of Chat-Isa street Methodist church. and long Italic! ion wan home with Christian "cinnamon. Bheleaves at husband and the children -who sincerely "mum u faithful. and lawn; wife and mother." Why, at Katie's, of course. See our South Window dug week. What we say we do a- -- - -.-_ ...--.-L ‘1; I'M!" A. ham and “trinity. I wish to intimate that I have opened up: Hormslmoing and Gem-rut Btu-humid] shop in Liviteton',, old stand. west of Midd4ugh tita, hies and solicit. a share ot your trade. Interfering horses or hot-m with diseunui tee', I guarantee to cum. Best of work done neatly, cheaply and promptly. ”We, ‘g9m¥§t~$e; To the ttettemU public of Dur. has" and w....'_:;._ . - . . TheB-8toeeoerthe "qrthetteqmaarn. Wm. McCalmon. cage mum}: Cement Directors Meet. Where ? WE DO. ..e.. ”was.” ad m Penn-m. Stable. . If! " m ITl A

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