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Durham Review (1897), 26 Oct 1905, p. 4

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ate: 'ii',' en a 2:“: l [ti . cerzn servaccablc and nicely finished. comprising the latest styles and shades in black, fawn, grey, green and brown mixtures. Our Millinery Openings were more successful than ever. I pleased us very much to see our customers so well satisfiedt with our display of Fashionable Millinery. including Pictures fats, Poto guréans, 'tioques, Wary tReady.. to-wears and Chitdren's 3teudumar. " 5:792:77, (itlarh. ._ 'n'x'-‘<!tn: hock; "Inventd I w 1 " How you are twinned." , c", skrtch er model of your in-S ' t l n c V t.ct1t and wewili tell you; . , , ", 'w "hether it i: prob:1b'.y inland npp'detrtittrts have often “ 3.2:: 7‘.':-~rc;¥¢d by us. We - ' W __ -----N --- "r-""-"-""'-"-"--'."-------- , e-',',': red I' mu in Montreal 1011' thisrpvartr,c-, usto prompt- ELL! ork and quickly Rectum Patents . on ' .v.veuticn. Highest reference iifttllt ~13»! through Marion & Mr 'd o , m not!“ without c in _ "f... diatrihucpd “xx”! 1'0an mm: “I ah u \Viihvlm's wriratcrs, all n it!!! 'Illlitrm my mire quiz; a mere list of ouvgvods. but m qualitynnd rilily to t e needs of South (Envy we are not exn-lh d: , Barrows. Wilkinson Ploughs. Heney‘s Har- ztlznerston Buggies. Renowned articles, fail-wiry: 3 Al' anaesters knian-i g: NY IN WASHEh's: The Pvrfmwtvd Drun Of Wear a CHAMOIS VEST D u " gg r95t In their line us: we handle only the best 1 Cf. Warlock. iugs, Perfumes. Fancy Goods and the largest stock of Rubber Goods in town -0n Sale Here. We know they will appreciate the quality of the goods offered as well as the modesty of our rices. Not a cent spent here is wasted ; we challenge you to prov: the contrary. r, v) Machines nt for the wise people to be careful 'of their expenditures. It is to this class that we cater particularly. We are always glad to have them examine the Cash and tu, yuan It's a Hobby/o McClary HS VEST and keep out the cold We have them. ---A storm of 36 gel m1 the lakes la: Jay and resulted in and over .10 craft w Enter Now. t'orner Yonge and Alexander an. During recent months bu received ten iUteen lwch and even my times " my all: 'hi' neu- ogmp ers. mothers. etc., as it had students graduating during e same months. This is the School to attend. Write for matrrtiitersnt “one tht Our Ladies' and Children's Mantles are very stylish, Jar/l Want/es We have just received a large consignment of Milad Brand of Ladies' and Misses' Skirts, in black, brown, grey tweed effects from &ytish Jam -e- TORONTO, ONT. .52. th? {a 6. 00 Stoves for Stay Fence. by ‘i 'esulted in at leash 23 deaths 40 craft wrecked. A tow doors South of the Mimlunuh House. n of M hours' duration ra- lakes last Fridayand Satur- arm alum: Moo w. J. ELLIOTT, may; Jf aohinery. f Ayr. --M\' in the Idea cal t r Wood ou.ue' THE DURHAM REVIEW In presenting the chums of other pap- ers we weutld like to emphasize the im- portance of the Weekly Ban as a far- mer's paper, It is a paper both for the Farm and Homeuttr pagan are hee from aensa. ionalism, every reader young and old, will find health‘y reading matter in its pages, and the armer who follows the marketa,--tuMt what progressive farmer doesnt P-will tind them inter- estingly written up. Oluhhed with th Re ' till Jan 1, 1907. e View for 81.76 Thanksgiving services will be held in th Andrews en Thursdry the 26th by Rev. W if Roach. I wonder who the young gentltman was who went out Coon hunting with the horse and buggv on Monday night and when he got back he had a tor- toise wilh a shell on it. Miss Bell is engaged to teach in the school for another year. We notice a young gentleman with a very pleas- ant smile since he heard it. Mr Alex Richardson and MISS Mag- gie McCaffrey visited Dromore on Sunday last. We hear there wasa great noise in the park a little over a week ago but I guess it was only a couple of people getting a hule gas off their stomauh. Weare glad to state that a scarlet fever patients are better. We are sorry to state, thatold Mrs Aldcorn is on the sick list at present, We hope soon to hear of her reeovert Mr Jno fl Richardson lost a valuable colt on Saturday night. One of the other horses kicked it and it was dead in the morning. We are sorry tostate that Mr Robt, Knox got hart at Mrs Jno Hardy's threshing on Friday. While climbing into the mow, he either tainted or mir sed his footing and fell, hitting his head and shoulder on the machine, which rendered him unconscious tor a time but an latest accounts, he was gemng better. Mr Jan Pattison, nur worthv mer- chant, has his sign up to sell out. A great map for a quick purchaser. The teameeting at Salem held on Monday was a great success, over $50 bejyg made - THE YovrrN COMPANION, 144 Berkeley Street, BOSTON, MASS. These will give a foretnste of the good things in store for 1906. full Illustrated Announcement of which will be sent In nnv address free with sample copies " the: paper._ .- ___ _ Néw' subscribers will also receive a giftof the Uompanion's "Minutemen" Calendar for 1906, lithographed In twelve_colors and golfi. The new subscriber to The Youth'" Companion for 1906 who at, once sends the sulsst'riptiott price, $1.75. will receive free all the renmming issues of I he. paper for 1905. These issues will contain nearly 50 complete stories. besides the opening chapters Grace tl. 1tit.hnsond'a serinl. "The Churchills' Latch-String." a sequel to her stoty of "The Second Violin." which appeared in the early weeks of this yenr. Madame Semhric-h will cuntrihme an nrticle tBrt Sovereigns l HaveSung To." and there will be three stories by May Roberts Clark under the title, "Tales of a Pu wnee Hero," T. Livingstone, manager of the Far- mer's Manufacturing & Supply Uo., Durham, made a business call herd Friday. .(Junstahle Carson, of Durham, madam hminesq trip here Wednvaday mnrning..Mrs Thus. Brown. at Dur- ham. and Mr John Brown. of Seattle, Wash., called on friends here on Mon., day mot'niug.--Holsteiu Leader. Mr w J Adams attended the funerhl oTri'iTad neighhor Mr Wan Snell on Monday. He left Tuesduv mnrnmg for Guelph. where his sister. Mrs Philips is still critically ill, Dr. Arthur Gun was in Toronto on Thursday. Mess-s. G Mekeehnie. director. H. H. Farr and John Ehrhardt, attended a. meeting of the N. P. Cement Cu Bomd in Straufmd Monday. Miss Margaret Harris went to Toronto last Fridn y. Inspector Campbell and family spending Thanksgiving with his bl er in Harriston. Mrnnd Mrs Bronker left Monday for Slrntford, where Mrs Brooker will be operated upon in the Hospitalfot'an internal trouble. Mr and Mrs Brown. of Palmerston. visited at w B Vollet’s last week. Mrs R. J.Jobnston and lmhy have for their home in Cannington Thursday. Mr. R. B. Keeler‘s sister, of Mitchell, spent» week at his home here and returned Thursdav. M.ss Myrtle Orchard of Holstein spent afew days this week with her grand- mother, Mrs ti. Orchard and aunt, Mrs A. McCloeklin. Mst, Rev. Farr and children left Thursday for their' new home in Barrie after spending several weeks with her relatives here. Miss McCallum, a trained nurse. of Toronto, spent last week in town with her cousin, Mrs Juo. w. McKechnie. Mrs Gilchrist and daughter of Sebring- ville returned home Saint-day after vis- iting at, her sister‘s, Mrs. McKnight, Durnoch. Sixty Weeks For $1.75 Swinton Park The Sun, to state that all the -0. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO broth- Mr Jeo Louise, of Waics. has en- gaged with Mr Michel Burkfor the winter months. Wonder how Pat liked playing with his fingers when Gary took the bow. Mr and Mrs Colin McIntyre. of Bruce. spent a few days at the latter's home, Mr Archie Keaton, ofthe Centre. Master Murray Thorne, of Detroit, is s -nding a few days with his uncle. 'lr/gg, Beaten. Miss Angeline McCormack. of the Middaugh House, Durham, spent her holidays with her mother, Mrs Methsr. [ mack. Lachie says he would like if; she would get more holidays. i "iyit. Chas McC!ocklin sold a fine team of spring colts on the sale of Will Edwards for good money. Charles smiles and says nothing pays like horses. Conducter Mr and Mrs Lavdle, of Stratford, formerly of Durham. visited a tew days here with the O'Neil fam- ily, Mr Jno McVicar gave a few of the mung people a party one evening last week. Mr Will Boaks, of Kine, visited with his sister, Mrs Archie Beaten a. short time ago. Mrs James Carter and little daugh- ter of Owen Sound. spent a few days with her mother, Mrs Peter O'Neil. Miss Vinie Anderson, head waiter of the Walker House, Toronto. is spend- ing a law pleasant days With her mother. Mrs Irving Anderson. Threshing is about oyer now ploughing is the whole go. A touching service at St Paul's London, on Saturday was duplicated at thousands ot places. Sunday last many pulping referred to the man, his work and his memory. In all the celebrations there is nottt trace of re senlment to the defeatod nations ot that day. Amongst the wreaths at the Nelson column in Tratalgar Square, London, was one to" the brave sailors of France and Spain who lost their lives at Trafalgar. " It, is heroism in the abstractthatls honored more .ban the Admiral, and Nelson's memory is a valuable assat ot the Empire. All Britain and her colonies went through the forms oi rejoicing without the heart, for their darling one-armed one-eyed hero Was dead. Dead, but nottorgotten. He is not likely to be. Very strangely, Montreal, a French city, erected in 1808 the tirstmuna- ment to his memory, other memorials have followed and the century era has shown that deep down in the hearts ot the citizens of the empire there is a glow for Nelson which needs little tanningto warm up. About noon the battle began, at 5 p. m, it was over. The hero was shot from the tops of a French vessel and lived about 3 hours, long enough to know that the enemy was over- whelmed and to express his " Thank God, I have done my duty. " l Nelson was thanked by the West India merchants and by everybody. For nearly two years he had never been off his ship. and had displayed such energy as was never seen before. To recruit his health he retired among his iriends bat not many days elapsed before word came of another massing of the enemy's fieets and who like Nelson to oppose them. nis decision to again take command brought torch the most remarkable exhihitions of love and devotion from the. populace. ererreceived by man and he entered the " Victory tt for thelast time. The end soon came: the fleets were at Cadiz, alraid to come out. Nelson took means to stop their supplies, and by keeping back his own fleet, en- couraged them to come out. He had everything planned, the " Nelson touch " was written out at length and distributed among the fleet, and when at last on the morning of 21st of Oct- ober 1805 he saw that battle was im- minent, he issued his famous signal, to "please the fleet " ashetsaid,-- .. England expects every man will do his duty. " On Saturday last one hundred Yell” had rolled round since that famous day in Trafalgar Bay when the com- bined fleets of France and Spain were crashed into impotence tn, Britain's greatest tailor Admiral Hernia Nel.. son. Daring 1803, 180t and the firntt halfof1805 he had been scouring the seas to get into touch with the fleets of Napoleon. and though never getting into battle Clcaeneas with them he established so well the terror of his name and prowess that he Kept the enemy in anxiety, prevented them from doing injury to British interests and not tor an hour could they boast of controlling the English Channel, The combined fleets had dodged about in the liledi:erranean and suc- ceeded in getting through the straits into the Atlantic. Nelson lost weeks by weather which tavored them, bat he followed every clue most shrewdly deciding they had gone to work harm in the Wost Indies. He followed them, gaining gradually, got tothe islands and found track of them " ways a. day or two late. for they knew he was on their track. After some time in this hide and s ek game, un- able to do injury, the enemy sailed for Europe, soon followed by the ever vig- ilant Neuron, who found Ireland and the shores of Britain sale still. The Nelson Centennial. ---.-- Pomona 1905 and SAVINGS BAH: -nteres allowad savings bank deposits of '1.00 and wards Prompt attention and e! facilitv tstrordird customers living distance. A general Banking nnsiness transacted Drafts issued and collection 'made on all points. Deposits received and inter est allowed nt curl-em rates AGENTS in all principal oinu' Ontario. Quebec. Mammha? Uni State: and England. w. F. comm, President. GEO. P. REID, Manager. 9um1Ny1 AGENC) CA PITA L. Authorized CA PITA rd Paid up? RESERVE FUND.. 8AAAAAAABAAA AA alill department of our establishment. LASTLY, our prices are absolutelyfair. Give us a call and see lor yourself. A first class line of Bread, Caken, Pastry, always on hand at Rowe's store. MODEL BAKERY. LOWER TOWN Flour and other ingredients. 1'te SECnNDLY, we are artists in our line. THIRDLY. c1tatlliness reigysjn every FIRST of all, we u§e only the finest And therefore we hear nothing but prase for our bread, cake"s, pies, and every desirable variety of pastry. ITSUITS TOA TI Bouth of New Hunter Block, Durham CHILDREN'S COATS and "may odler articles of excellent workmanship nu) Value. Don l fail to call and get your share of the bargains; they can't be repeated Table Oik-luths. 20e per yd. uroouu/, 17r: and 20c each. Suits, Pea jackets and Ova-coats. IADIES' FURNISHINGS Skin-ta. Winters Conn, Cmvenette Coats. 1htperiuts, Wrappers, \Vuints. DRESS GOODS', SILKS. EM- Ia'oiderrstockings 1iTutnellette. -- _13LAyifE'1ls., TABLE LINEN, Suits, Crxvenette RniIu-nala. Win. ter Uoars, working Mid flue Shims. Um.. lm-llnl-r, Pen-jackets, Guerneytt. Swan-r: and Cnpi. BOYS' FURNISHINGS We are giving ax ay ty package of the best BAKING POWDER that can be found anywhere with different pieces of Graniteware. Try one package of W. Black's Baking Powder and you will be ccnvinced there is nothing to equal it in Durham. MEN'S FURNISHINGS GREAT SALE OF GRANITEWARE I AT THE HARDWARE STORE 83000 worth of Dry Goods Stock must be sold below cost. I have decided to give up the busi- ness and will sell the stock as quickly as possible. The early buyer will get the best bar- gains. We have space only for a mere list. We can supply the wants of the poorest as well as the richest in Coal and Wood Heaters, also Coal and Wood Ranges. The "Penn Esther" Range is getting widely known. BARGAINS F OR ALL A fresh supply of Guns and Am- munition has arrived. We are deter- mined to satisfy your wants. Our sin- gle-barrel, breech-loading shot gun is the talk of all sportsmen. GOOD REA SONS , J LE? VINE Head Office, Toronto, SSyCtCttSrSiK2aSr"tB H. STINSON. Made to order in Ute.) Styles on shortest notice WEDDING, (TAKES J KELLY, Agent Now going on RANGES GUNS BLACK alloweg on W and up- 1nd ever)- living at a 32.0000 1.000.": n 1.000.000 mm m United mummy 2ieai'?i,et) AAV. Watson Buns and Biscuits in great variety All kinds ofCakes made to order WEDDING CAKES our spciairv First=Class Manitoba Flour For Sale Walson’s Btu-mt Th Rs 't Dm hum Money=Savers . . It's 9x111 gnud buying. my...“ inn and oUrts pruning-Hy done TSc and SI Bargain Tables PEEL, Are taking advantage of Peel's OCTOBER M, 190.5 Aha other high-grade Manilnha Flour-u. per barrel .86.60 to 5.75 Ogllne’s Royal Uuuwlu ' per harm] " Five Roses." QGrInd Mogulis not exposed toslge dug or am The clean, airtight pacltages are the " canes to you free from aguttwiort---the nic.. a possible _blgnd of the finest ms of Ceylon-and Jud: you double the sa- diam. of"iust as good" mg that Are sold in bulk, or paelred in poisonous lead. Grand Mogul appeals to the pakte and tones up the "mqMeI. Not a. mere sub. stitute for hitters. Grand Mogul Tea We have more new ranges in. All makes, styles and prices. Call and itsspcct these. We have one to suit you. mmw&3w WAREROOMS opposite Middaugh Ho. Stables. . . . AS USUAL . . Seem to be all the go They are handsome am as everybodv knows they are. the most dur able rig on the market Call and examine them T U D H U P E CARRIAGES Grand Mogul RANGES Pure, inferiority and The Shoeman, One" Snund you free div} in $6 I” Will H. H 100 Acres N 125 Acres N 150 _Au-es fliil til LEN DS I Flue-I insu tlhaBtnet" om 100 A Our OCTOB it Ii W int Iv s, Cro live' Tuli N

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