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Durham Review (1897), 26 Oct 1905, p. 5

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Mogul ofthe Ceyksrt--and Alethesa- M, 190t The clean, sgesarethe .proteaion nority and Tea old in bulk ,isonougknd. cprxealstothet mes up the amerensbe GES rmdMowlTu with“ gulis atson amend”. was“ taisoetisdvidd Ht St Y, re. Frock nd Reliable. Mogul “.6115 YOU tree t variety to order 4; wintry Manitoba J to 5.76 or is: an, W " M El (E7 4ist, tfil, NE a; SELLS It CHEAP W. H. BEAN Place. In'IPIIIOOI ot nu magnum-me "omptstties, Comm Dom, Arr-ago. Business cum-mm. Drum Wm»... .qu Sells C.P. R. - to I“ points. Besides other buds be we" the following uy..|n.2 100 Acres“ Norm-ab, 'stsuttt-we't.o!. V" " R CA PERI,” " '8.00, 5. 6, 6.50 and 9.00 etch yt' R Ill" FEE at. . . . . 51.50, 8.00, 4.75 and 5.00 each, Illljlnlill)llihtlllfWltll] . - Tue; Tw"i,if {inf-6;; Lar In ext). good Farm " her Lou]: to to west. 125 Acres Normality 001118: We111oeated and unmoved. Will rent i! not sold soon. N EW HONFt.--Juiyt In. Call and no In. 150 A n B I I NortholMlannrx i',m'Y.l htd p13" gawk rule. 100 Ac no Bontlnck Neqtr Rock! 8mm Well irnt roved and owner 9.)" In. enoughum n r to pay ”Rented. Durham Fqqaidqgtoq Owned by J.h. Womte run‘mgrapher. Also a lone number of other hum and Town Properties. Lama's" winter Vests trom.. . . . ..... ......... .26etsp l hihlren's Winter Venn. " um- lmm.. ....13c up Men's cardigan Jacket: ttt. . . . 31.00 Ind L40 each Wornetrs outside SKIRTS to: Fullnnd Winter " "tn, 3.00. 3.50 and 4.50 no]: MI 4 !! Lug!» _size ted mmhmen..1.25, 1.75, 2, 2.26, 8 cut: 1'iu. Huuuver Conveyancar. Hanover [mm- 11-4 Are thsm1elette Nuke“. white Ind "er,......... The Hanover Conwynncer, LENDS MONEY at Yer! lowest um. lean lunar-nag. of Oil kind: in "Bible IL H. MILLER across]: as. 1006 _ MacFarlane d Go. RW.Ti; raggists ' anukselleIs Don't neglect setting out n hed bu. wuly spring f1owiers. Noth. ing Im-m- in the tiowee garden and little Ilouhle. Do it now. H. H. MILLER, Not h um: given ttrratrr "ttirfae.. tton tor nut-Ins small outlay. Winter and Ears ly Spring bloom Bulbs them Venetians. Derges,ir"" and Henrietta. can't beaten. Our 50c values in allwool Chinese Sacred Lilies 10 cent: oaeh. NEW DRESS GOODS Crocus 10 cl. 1 do: Mc. per too q Single fine Tulips mxd. 20'.- doa Double thte Inixrd.25c doa q Sing- Hyacmths it, or double. any color, 5 (ems Put-h or 5-0. (-0an par dozen FUR RUFFS we hare FURS from $2 up to ice assortment GRANT. (llllf)ill'4 BUN}! DURHAM y:2tgi' ,Mohairs £1.20 a pair raeg'd: ram: In the midst of life we are in death. The sympathy of the villagers was a- roiwed on Tuesday evening by the sudden death of Mr A. U. Prior. Mr Plior'wnrked as usual during the day. at Mr Moyer's new house. and at. 6 "'clock went home to tnkehie qupper. Mrs Prior having gone on a. casual visit to friends on the 2nd conceeeion of Noriuinnhv he prepared his own meal and after taking hi, supper he drove up to the station in George Kleump's has, about 830. apparently in his usual health. When the hue hacked up against the Nation platter-m he fell sideways on the seat. in which position he remained, and hiu comrade thinking he WM taking his enee of sleeping. paid no attention to,him untilthe train came in about half nu hour later. when they went to awaken him but to their surprise found thehody lifelese. The coroner in Mt. Forest was sent fcr and hi: verdict was “Death emu-ed by an affection of the heart." Deceased was 48 years of age and leaves a widow and a. daughter 10 year-I old. urarcely old enough to realize the loss of her father. The funeral takes place Friday afternron to Reid's, eemeterv. Rev. Mr. Holmes will of. fleiatr. We extend our heart felt eymmthy to the Widow and her little girl in the hour of their "rtttion.--. Holstein Lender. Leslie‘s planing mill was the scene of exciting actwitv for a short time on Tuesday. About halt pvt twelve Mr and Mrs J. H. Addison, driving past. noticed smoke inning from the engine house. Mr Addison run to tho house to give the alarm. hut met Mrs Leslie who had also noticed tho inwke. Mr A. J. Le-lie and the others. on entering the engine-house. found a. heap of shavings in flames, having been no doubt ignited by n. chance spark. and at once set to work to extinguish the tbuttet, with pails of water. This they succeeded in doing before the hriande. which had been summoned by the ringing ofthe alarm in response to ntelcphuue mes- sage. had well left the fire hall. lr, was in eed fortunate that. the blaze was seen earl y. --Uon federate. Mr R L Down. editor of the "futili- ton Erwin-w hadn- farewell to his readers in but. weeit'tr iyeeue.ort hat paper. He in going to Butte, Muutnun. Mr Dewar is an energetic young man, and as u nvwnpnpw man is pososetmed of no menn ability. He has many friends, In Har. ristun, especinlly numngsl: the young "ion. as he alwnys took nn activoin- ton-st in promoting sport's. etc, and wtll be much mistwd in that eircle. The Review will m future he edited by Mr F, H Dewar. and will, no doubt, umiulain itgreputntion oflwingn blight. clean and new” sheet.--(ttelpts Mer- nil-v. The moulding of the new town belt atthe Dnndulk lron Workn unalter- day Inst was witnessed lnyu some " so of the citizens, including the Mayor and (mm-vul- two of the ttmtrteitlotr. It, mm a little an" 12 when the Int-lid trad reached the [In per dam-pa of brat asp-d ulna! five hundied pounds was poured into the huge mould. It, was un inter- estinx light. to new the liquid unponr- in“ from the cnpoln and it took a num- tsee of man marry“ in the large pots to the mould. Thu work was done un- derthe 'mperintersdetwe of Mr RJ \an- sun and wow» complete sum-ms. The hell WI” he hum: m the hum-y. of the new “gym hall this week-Herald. 'it with typhoid forer for “will“ Inch. All that medical ukill and kind nursing could do pun-ed of I'm'auil. be gradually oinking until death relievnj him of " intense suffering. The cir- nmmanm of this death are pamculur» ir and on account of the tel-ions illne. of Mrs Whyio and um minor member! of the family with the same oreaded div-aw. and alto that a family of six ”null children. the youngestof Whoa is only three weeks old have been be. "m. Overused was low." of age and has been a resident of this virinlly hom the time of bin birth. He was A good llPillilv-r and a kind and "eetiottate husband and father. The fumrullukn Place mm (Thursday) to Reid's cemet. err. Rev Mr Holmes will conduct the nervice ---Leader. ..-we understand a. movement in on foot. in Mandala to organize a com- pany to conduct. a fhst-elase hotel without shun The intention is to hue out one of the prvsent hotels in Mari- dale. "this cannot be done tho pre- pusttinn is to build "hotel. It. is said that the projeet is renewing Connider. able tinnneial nipport. from the Citizens, The rompnny will seek aprnvlncinl charter. and Will be cnpititlized at, S20.000. ~Sun. For green beef-ring hides. free of cuts and holes. horns and tail-hone out. I will my 9 as per lh, 2 Wager hide. mm r, . 8mm. We regret to hw- Lo-cbroulclo tbs (loath of “flu-par ),,PoTi'Ut which net-Ind than! pic-"n o'etoe outlines, ly {Hyman let, tad been oermgsly Pete, 3tamitton Aspmey . _. Everything in readiness for the Spring season. Do you want any Jpriay Implomcnia . . Ploughs, Barrows, Drills, Seufflers etc. Enquire at this agency. 30""!th Mummy . . tbderr It” With RPMeMtekett at the Hahn House Stable or at the REVI'RW OFFICE. ml] receive our best attention. .72. JP. 7%.L'ollan Txuprmmcn HOTEL IN MARKQALE 7L"'a' Rakes, Mowers, Binders, eta, of this famous firm 'tt make. They give great satisfaction. Prices and terms to suit purchasers. Ext-{e Esteem A Wall Pruning}! Vina and Bush Hides "it”?! " There are almost us [may systrma of tuinwu the gram-vine a there are kinda of gropon, but for northern uectiom One of thelow mm renewal ttV,teustq is best. as this {Minutes the laying down and cover- ing of the vines where that is necessary. In “anthem section: tlo. knifhsu Or one of the high arm systems In more eouvetMent. Whatever method of training may be adopted. the mun object of me mum»! pruning in to remuve all superfluous wood and "duos the “no to ia" what in suUfie. ion: to but a Hall crop ot fruit Thirty " forty buds " usually all tlust Is necessary. and those should be evenly distributed over the vine. Annual. Council met in the town hull on Saturday. Oct q. Members all present, the leave in the chair. Minutes of last meeting road and tsontitrueti. Com. muniontiona were read as tolloWts: N W. Campbell. Public School Inspector. award of nrbiuationu in the matter ot tt union who"! with Osprey and Euphrnniu: Jas. TrWortt and R. J. Porter. report of expen- imro on side-walks at Prowl) b'titttotn Hickling Bron. account. tor damages to rig on gravel road. 810.00; H. Wilson. ac- cunnt for repairing tho grader and scrap- err. " 96; D. Me'Iuvir,h. account. for wood for T. Murder: in December. 1004, balance 07.60; Hon. Nelson Montnibh; lcttor re amendment to Country Council: Acts; the no“. reports on bridges, on Toronto lino n his 180, unsung 8467.00. and on the Uollinngod road, lot 26. costing $39.50. In this way the whole bu h is renewed in mm yearn. The and of the new growthuhould be shuneued enough LO twp the bush symmetrical. Raspberries and blackberries have perennial too“ but biennial cunes; that is, the mote live through a number of years, hanhe canes the aunt fruitiug at the end ot the second “will”. Some kinds have more or less ol an annual fruiting Ubit; that in. they bear fruit and die in one sear- ou. With such bushes. then. the annual pruning eoneiete in cutting out all the cause which ham, borne fruit. The new canoe else should be thinned out so u to leave only six or eight of the beet canes touch bin-h; or it the burhee are grown in the hedge row instead of the hill Iyetexn, the thinning should lone the can“ mix or eight inches up“: in the row. T All to whether the tops of raspberries or blackberriy bushes should be headed heck in the fall, depends largely noun locality. In some" wlme the can" do not kill back in the winter, they may be headed back in the full; bat where the cane: have to be laid down and covered. or where they kill back more or lose during the winter. it in best, to have the heading back bill spring, than they can be cm hack to round wood. The height to which smnnl canes ahold he out back varies from than: to five feet. depending upon the vigor oi the hush. A: Icon to the Invo- uo on in the "tegggtet much of the pruning of van» and bush rmu any be done to better adv- . ”than by leaving is non spring. Much. of oonm ' dopandu upon the Malay. in southern sodium, when no winter plowct- ion of "not and bushes is needed, the pruning may he iett all some convenient um. during We only Iprmg. bin in north on: muons. when gape ttUMM and berry bashes have to be laid down In the lull and covered mtu "gait aad other muting be. fore wine: ”tum. it is udvmme so do the pruning before such covonug in noceasuy. Curr-u: nod tyrosoberry bushes are u) hardy that they need no water pruuretiotn oven m we norm. and they lent out. an early m the 'sitting mu it " Well to has them pruned in the tall. It is bent to grow them In the buds form, allowing about. en canes to the bud». And as tho but fruit is borne on wo 'd not more ' three years old, it in wed to adopt a renown] custom of pruning, whereby unc- thiql of the bush is renewed each Yeo' This on b. done by cutting out 'ivo d the ordeal. can» each 30.". um! gin-mug mo " {be new purer- to take their plaoois. Bett--Purviis--Tlmt H. Wilson be mid his accnum of 88.95 for repairing grtsder--thwritr'd. MeKermsie-- Best-Chi" the men‘s report of expenditure cu vallev road be received and the amount expended. MI 47, be wud-Carried. . MeEeuaie--Carson-That the reeve's report of expenditure on bridge on Tor. onto lines at lot 180, be received. and that check be drum on the treasurer for the mount expended, t467.oo-Grried. catmsu-itst---Tliat thn men‘s and Mr Purvis' report of expendimre un bridge on the Collmgwoad road at. lot M, be received and that. check be issued for the expenditure, "9.o6--ctttrte1. MeEenzie--Cartam--Thu the ropmt of Mean. Trtxllord and Portér to Si'le-WIIWS at Proton Station be received and t o 40 00 be paid for the sumo as per resolu- tron of this eotttteirrc'orr_ied, "rnevir.--Best--That J. C. Wright be paid 052.00 for So rods of ditching on west. bark hue near lots 187 and ")8--earried. amon-PurvH---Tbttt R. Whmnker be pad " oo for gravel we] on mm]. as eertilUd [pr ptythtteyssrr.csrrud. MeEonrmr--Pnrvia--That Artomraia'. share cl arbitratoru’ fees re union n'chool, Artemesi. Oaprov and Euphrasn. 021:00, be paid to Public Schooi Inspector N. W. Campbell. "Bob-Pursue-must the ace tt It of D. MoTnvi-h for wood supplied to Tho», Minder: in 1904. 87.50. he paid-tVries?. ausron.-Thst---That the claim of Him:- line Bros. be hid over " further consid- "ation-tid. P---Bont--'rut thin council now adjourn to meet on Nov. 18, 1906.-thtr. tied. WANTED ; minim wholesale house. W 1.1 MW for each province in Canal. my mmwd avenues pm weekly. h- umane: almond. Busine- Ml; Mtl' mt. No Investment Mun-ed, m can“ man's m i"a1hi','& ' . ' cue-co. w, U. s. A. Comm] aiu'tturt"d.--Adeottse. By Ir. L. mu, B. s. A. Artemesia Council. Fruits. on-.. Wri% THE huKRA " Custom work and repairing as usuul. The Down Town SHOE STORE We 'rate','; opened n new slack of nwu's unlinw won king Gloves in various styles and prim-s lt will pay you toex. amine these goods before purchasing elsewhere. There is a Inge demand for young men new: mphers, very much Inger then the supply. A thorough and Eunice] course including the following an 1'"?p,-, shorthand (Pltmsn'l System) Tout: Typewritiux. Penmmhip. Spelling, Letter-writing 5nd general omce Practice. Students admitted st any time. Full Meal-n sent to any Midi-en wee: We are showing some good values In Men'" heavy honh for fall wear. La- dies', Misses“ and Children's heavy or light wear. Men's Working Gloves Shoe Dressings Of many kinds. Trr half time for your next. It isn good polish and has been a good sellel. Should take a course of training in Show and Typewrltiug n the YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN. Watclutraker Jeweiler, Have you a Reason for not having any of our new Japan china? Fall Footwear if; 'elescopes & Cluhhagn at luwest price . S. MCIIraith mssassaaassaayr4%isyaahisyii- , If we can 't satisfy you on every count, there is no harm done. Your money is not ours till you're tsatisfied in every par- ticular. It will cost you nothing but a few minutes time. Call in at any time and we will be pleased to show you our beau- tiful goods. There is only one reason we know of and that is because you have not seen it. N, ll & J. McKechniea 1ltt8tt-ittMtll8tt "NP'""""'" A. GORDON, be sure and strike Mekechnie's for a, nice line of Lace Curtains from Call and examine for yourself. It will only be a pleasure for us to show you'our goods. We would strongly advise the people who are looking for Spring Gocds and right prices to Just opened up, Linoleums and Floor Oils, 1% and 2 yds wide. Also a nice line of [IR/7127?]. hX TERMS, CASH. " G. J, McKeohnie J APANESE' MATTINGS Address: C. A. FLEMING. Win 6WD In: TORONTO LACE CURTAINS (The popular Cash Store.) '/titi'caiy nod Opticiun CARPETS 300 a pair up to M.00 Imam; Student: should enter " the begin- ning of the term If possible. Bond an be obtain- ed mble lites. Durhtm is I healthy sud may. wwn. mung it s most desirable plsee Bilbao. sun and Equipment. The school is more M " at In ten-hing ability, in chemical iirel'ite,tlers11',3ett and m “up. 450.. for full Junie: Leaving Ind Matricula- tion work. The following competent mu! m in chug: ' T308. ALLAN, ut Ch» Commune. Principgl H188 L. It. FOR? ..R. B A.. tarmuohnrton,gr., G. Rama... Chum». Bantu llhtir Vigor Weak Hair di,'. " 'sr,"thta . tfk?E,.s'rlr.r:r't'it tqt'th1tttg,t.'!'2','.'tMe, tthrtltaTSp. ' In" 'l? 'l' "I. n’m 'Altlt,nltk sun I W0. 1. G. Am 00.. Att aw for 11'ra1 la. Durham School cu/lite)',';- Bttrttr1mrrr,t3trth%gmef, short hair? Of count you dont. Do you like thick, heavy, smooth hair? Of course you do. Then why Vigor irmtes beautiful heads of hair, that’s the whole story. Sold for so years. not be plated? Arrr's Hair cmciibdéahs Ind English. was 13108809 HMRACNER. MM (Elna (mom sud thud you unde-dunte of queen's Bahama". Science. not: And Geognphy. ll“ IABY GORDON. Hm elm with honors, Guam of 011mm Normal Collage. Mummies 1nd English (immu- during Model Tem. tbTet'd "Us? Sttriie.it.fre,e.F4r'.tHr kl FEES: 81 per month in .deanee, Au, U'nll "il "hum. F? g; III!" but“. munching, J. G. BUTTON. M. D. Llama-5.. "'"t-ereu-a..atkviA'a'ii'7i7 Md We, In. None. and Human. Sanction. Conveytutmrrs, 0. Honey to Loan. (Yum McIntyre Block, over the Bnnk W. a. Manny no. w. F Dunn ottitte---homat 10WN. DURH‘I. OtBee.-Ctud erU Block. over Post Ottire Jonpny and {than Fund. to Lou on Mortgage. at low m of “an“. "ttratios, mm 't snowman.“ ttamrut Vuluuwr. Plum: {OM00 - J. b HONOR GRADUATE Toronw Univerri V m Itoral College Dental Surgeon s ( Dentistry in all In bunches. otBoe,urhtetttt, - F HONOR GRADUATE of 2hronto University. graduate of Royni College bf Dental Surgeons: of Onlwrio. Rooms. Over J a J HUNTER»: N...» 12...... [Ah mutant to Mouth)!!! (London. PM) Ind to Knapp'l (New You) Eye Human. demotion- “a may promptly Inland"! Wills. Duds. lone-cu. has“, Acne-aut- Oc. col-mu] 9W. Enha- of deco-nod per- loll loom utter Ind Executor- 1nd Admin-- "my Amour“ puma um ruled Burton“ Court Bulls..- Prob-u of Wit Jaw-ru- " Ad munch-uno- and Quantum-hip Obtained. - chm and. ite may on“ and Title. "pm JOHN CLARK.) Barrister, Solicitor In Supreme Court Notary Public. Commissioner. to. Notary Public. Commissioner. Convoy ancer, Voluntary Insurance Agent. to D. Mo Durham. Nov. 16. NB. By desntmmU.rrrt;y_tl Inlurel Fun Building! um mum-nu Dwelling 3nd Conant. In towns and villages. ik in tannin. um Dy menu, than. i'tgtHgetyJll'l"get m the {an mates tttr. and the stock 00-: he or In“ tty 'eq" F!“ 1tt1qeeets? " “.1 her,, - .. "-r'"--e'-""_" - '3tt5ilii'5tlPdti,ItSt'i Ittpitr2'it “at"; Tam nodes-m. ”Imam for "slos u to um. ac., must be " the Review 0t- uoe. Durham. Hr (mmxdumc addressed more. or to Caron P.0., will be promptly “waded to, In. on Imitation to Licen-ed Aucli once:- to the County of mer. noun-as! "tttMere, hr, the Pt.1t' 98239.! 'GGFii"r"GiiiaFii His." 'nim reaim m.bti. We',',' n" be left at his Implement W» 'oe, Mettinmm'so1drtnad, an the” ABTEUR GUN. MEDICAL. "M WWII than to Duane! a Woman and Children. aoarav wauc "ooiGrraGieieG, C PICKERING o. D S., L. o. S wm hen: the Kidd-uh Rome, During. the am WW, ot each month In. 10.. M. till I p. m. Lyegazggse as Throat J. EGRANT. D. D.tr, L. G. LEFROY McCAUL. “one, to Loan. (Bee, over Garden'- Jewelry Store. nice. McKenzie'a Old Stand, Durham Auctioneers. 91:3ng fen, salonon orto Private Money to Loan. Collec- tions of nil kinda promptly amen. ded to. Fun): bought, and sold. DEN EAL. MACKAY a: DUNN. Licenued Auctioneer for Co. Grey mu Burg-mm of Ontario. Rooms. J & J HUNTERS New Store HOURS 2 2LCEKS-aec:IL. IR.. BROWN, A. B. JACKSON, J. P. TELFORD J. I. mun-l. lun- D. ”WI. Ceylon P. 0 C. BAIAGE, Durham Ceylon bu Itelephone oitice. Fire Insurance Co. maul-bed in In). DR. BURT :PHAIL.) J. Std. Hut-m" Sun no 10‘... Maura.” a tad Thu-on :S'"Tt'=$z~.~9 Owen Sound 929.030!“ ama F, ’4’.- I. " r, (ind of Ottt an In R422! tl ’f L:

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