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Durham Review (1897), 2 Nov 1905, p. 1

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page. Made. il CH Irl ill 29H W‘ t Review Clubbing Ram i RIVIIW and 'lornmo Daily Star $1.8): t RIWIW and Toronto Daily News 8115‘ Rtvmw and Daily Globe. . .. .. . . “.501 't ki",',".",):',',',', Weekly Glob?" . . . . 'tHy, RI": and W. Mail & Empire. "ttfi RIVIIW and Western Advertiser "oth' Rmrmw and Weekly Bun........ 81.76: Run"! and Faun. Her & W San- 81.75I RIVIIW and Weekt WINIPSI... "ttth' . REVIEW and Mon. 'alll',' Herald.81.$: Mucus-“I g Ladies' Coats at Low Prices. é 'iiii*i,?jii1tiit5,trr 'iiihiilANiiiiYrliiiil:., ___ rm... In-.. cu.-.“ u " NINJA-.. irc' fix3.1-:Exaamggmmxmgmmmmfi , Lidies, Dress Goods 1‘14 Rr""")"'"'""""'"'"" a-8e8e3ea. ---- RIVI'W and lot-onto Daily Star .1.” Run"! and Toronto Daily News 31.86 RI"!!! and Daily Globe. . .. .. . . 34.50 annlw nd Weekly Globe...... $1.1!) iri"vl'llyl',l'l W. Mail & Empire. 81.75 Rnllw and Western Advertiser 8M!) RN!" and Weekly tian........ 81.76 RIVII' and Faun. Her & W Sm $1.75 RIVIIW and Weekl WitnOSI... '1.tto Burn"! and Mon. \zoexly Herald.81.m It is impossible to complete lists ind prices-- we only ask your inspection and you will realize that our stock of these goods is all we claim. A BIG ADVANCE has taken place in both Woollen and Cotton In addition to Underwear we are making a big specialty of HOSIERY and GLOVES-NO bet- ter stock seen anywhere. In Ladies' Underwear In Children's Goods Black Tights For ladies and children, see to $r Boys' Natural Wool Underwear 2 Our store has long been noted for carrying a stock of MENS, WOMENS and CHILDRENS Underwear, which is more extensive and of better values than is usually shown in a town of this size. This year it con- sists of over In Men's Underwear The Cash Store TWEED Coats. 2 length, fashionable sleeves. . ..15.00, now $12.50 BLACK PRIEZE Odd Coats.... .... .... ..... ......2.50to $5.00, CHILDREN '8 Winter Coma. . .2.25, 3.00, 4.50, 5.00. 5.50 and $6.00 LADIES' RAINPROOF CRAVEN1irW'E Coats to clear at . . . . . . . . . ...... .... . .... .... .... ......25parcentoffregular priees LADIES' WOOL GOLFERS. new goods . . . ASTRACHAN FUR JACKETS in dilrerttttt lengths, .. . . . . . . . . . . . ..... ...... ...... ...... ....30.0t), 32.50,35.00and $40.00 STOLES and NECKPIECES in every conceivable fur and style, pricesfrom...... .... ...... .... ...... . ......’500to$25.00 BLACK VICUNA CLOTH Coat. . . . .. ...... regular l0 00 for 88.50. Men's New Neckwear Going E IP. doz Men's and Boys’ BOW TIES, new goods . . . . 10c or 3 for 250 10 doz Men's TIES, regular 25e tor.... .... ... . .. .. ... 15e each Suitable for sun 'NGS, SEPARATE SKIRTS and COATS. 54 luchea with wool goods . . .. .. . .. . . .. were 1.50 for $1.00 TARTANS. necked and plain goods, now . . . . . . . .. . . . . 25c to lias NEW TARTANS, finest goods, beautiful effects. . . . . .tt.25 to I.” LADIES' SKIRTS. well tailored. LADIES' UNDERSKIRTB TWEED SKIRTS. also black and any . . . . .. ...... .2.50 to tet SATEEN and MOREEN...... ...... .... . ...... .....125 to tit. 5 Swell Showing of Ladies' Furs n. 11. 1v1uuxLEK. - J)i,)lirdl)l)g)li"Jdfidt, In order to sell them all, we have mark ed them very close H. H. MOCKLER. $$'t'dF,il,'"; PENMANS in all weights-s, 35, G, " 50, and 125. Also COMBINATION SUITS. including tho famous, BRITTANIA ind' PENMKN7§ UNSHRINKABLE. close prices. have been constantly asked for. We have it this year in all sizes, per garment. . . . . Yarns but we bought early. Our prices are the old prices and in some cases lower. HIGHEST PRICES FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. James Ireland: UNDERWEAR T. One Hundred Dozen I“ 'rl-i, "v, l" ' .2 V ' Rate. i ricrt,vtr"'s" . I Star 'l.80 hitL _ laws 81.86 . ' W it}; 31:75 L"i'r) $l " Riser (M.00 ' ' T C an . r, x - M... "tto "es. x“ lerald.81.5! ,3, " We have much the same lines as Ladies', all marked at very “CREW sos piiiser1ntsn"t_ur, We leve all weights and qual- We have stocked PURI- TAN, HYGEIAN and H. H. Mockler . ...... ...1.50to$1.75 '.T.' 40 to 75c ' 75, This is a line we 'Ci "sys'?' 531 '4; I Anniversary services in the 2e2.- lerian church will he held on Submit. ' and Monday. the 12th and 18th of No.. Evemher. the Rev Thou Wilson of |Wulkerton Will preach morning and itrte.i.e!..t. on Sabbath and on Monday f evening at 8 p m will give a lecture on WThirtv years with South Bea Cunni- lihale"illustrated by 75 beautifully col- ored pictures prepared by Pro essor iWeeks of London, England. Special i music will be supplied at all the services Iby members ot the choir and others. I A free will offering for the Manse fund jwill he presented at both services on i Sunday and at tho meeting on Monday. I All are cordially invited. l, By an not passed at the lust amnion of Ithe ontario Legislature it is provided 1 that after the first, of January. 1907, it Ishull he unlawful to use sleighs on (countis roads, which have runners less ‘thun four feet apart. unless the council ( of any muntv passes a. br-law provid- ling that, this law shall not go into oper- lntmn. It will now he in order for the (farmers to make up their minds wheth- ‘ or they would prefer to leave thingd as ltbey are now, urallow the new law to come into operatiom-Ex, THE Hicxs ALMANAC Fon 1900.--The Rev. Irl R. Hicks Almanac will not he gulilished lfor 1900, hut his Monthly ournal. Word andWorks. has! been changed into a. large and costly Matte zine, nmeit will contain his storm and weather forecasts and other astronom- ieal features 'corzglete, The November number, now2re y. contains the fore- casts from J snuary to June, 1006. The January, number, teeny Decrnber wtb. will contain the forecasts from Julv to December. 1006. The price of this splen- did Magazine Is one dollar tb var. See lt and you will have it. The ovemher and January numbers containing Rev. lrl R. Hicks forecasts for the whole Lear. and more complete than ever, can had by sending " once 5 cent- to Worm AND Wow Pmennm Cou- pm. m1 [non-t Street. St. Iona. Mo. HUNTERS on THE DmgR--Mondav lust Messrs A McLachlan, Wm Calder. Walter Brown, Rom McCrncken and Jake Krona left with guns and dogs, for Musxoka, where during the two weeks allowed them they will engagein deer hunting. A number of young men are huntinglhe dear at home hut are not compelled by law to wear a. distinctive uniform as the wild-woods men have to do to prevent accidents. We hope they may allhuve a Rood time and come home in rollicking health, with venison a-plenty. Hrs ANKLE BRoKBN.--While assist- ing in raising apipe at the cement works last, Fridiw, Mr Peter Mutheson met with an accident which will lay him off duty for a few weeks. A rod fell striking him on the ankle and breaking the bone. Pete came through the lacrosse season this year without any serious injury. but his time has come. now. However. the cloud been silver lining, for he had taken out an accident insurance policy two or three days before. which will not come amiss. Stattdf1eidtr. all wool, unnhrinkable underwear in Menu and Women's at Grant's. tohms. Setltatuisaiiatjr,g ' teretrtingand stirring lactura I hnveever attended."--' Mr Wilson will give his lecture m the Presbyterian Church Monday Nov. 13 at 8 p. m. lf you want to see that largest and most varied stock of pines In town. pull at Darlingfa. TAX Ntmctt.--.The f1rnt instalment of taxes must be paid at once: or 3 per emu will be added, and proceedings taken to collect. I, The Epwox th League spent a very suc- cessful social evening on Mancini. A good program was provided and re resh- ments served. Try Stinson'd. hnmemade hretui--the best. In great demand in town and trumoupdirig villages. Over tour times as much used as a few months ago. Mina Anniq Lawrence’s paper on Nature Studv, appearing inthiuiasue. We cOmmend to (sachets and young people genemlly. Cut it out. save it and use it. FOR t9ALR.--TW 0-year old mare. General purpose. Alsnsome well-bred i,egt,tr1t Ram Lambs. Terms reus- onab e. Apply to .1, . WM. EDGE. The G. T. R. engine at present has to leave town ingluriouslv tender and tail fimt whilea new turntable is being In- stalled. If vou intend to the n. sale. net. your hills printed At the Review OMce. A free notice will he given in the REVIEW to all so doing. Special discount to Sunday School- " our lzooku. Stock " about complete now. MucFarlane& 30. Cattle wanted to winter. Terms "Monahlo. apply to A. MCULIN'I‘ON. Varney P. o. Ladies' Ready Made Wail-u in Black Satin and the in Cream Lustre " Grnnl'I. DURHAM, __ THURSDAY. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir 2, 1905 Agtit anortmont of Luiies' faner It Belts at Miss Dick's. Good value. in Caperinea. and Fur Ruth, from $2 mambo. at Grant’s. A. H. Jackson, has a few-tine farms. and Durham properties for sale. Mr. Fred A, Lewis. piano tuner. ex- pectsto he in Durham in November. (ll-il:"',))-.,,),),']-')!-)?), C)"? ji r T, 0P! A. H. JACKmN. Treasurer. The Wild chimericnl proposal to move such a. Plant to such a place, where. not far off or many years a. rock cement has been made that is admittedly inter. ior to Portland Cement, is unexplain- able by anything that appears on the surface. The Interest of every shareholder re.- IIT that no check be made at the awn of prosperitv. The mill is work- ing beautifully. machinery is now thor- oughly understood, a set of workmen trained to their duties are in charge, and but for the initial mistakes. (to speak mildly,) there would this your be a diyidend of from 10 to 16 per cent, and stock would be q a premium. The persistent err of vanishing marl will be first examined. White no one believes in the early prediction,-which was supposed to be based on accurate "aminution--tGt there was marl to last 100 or 200 vears. there isodeeg seated conviction based on thoroug local knowledge as Well as expert test. imony that the end of it Is not nearly in eight, and that long before Itiu SE. boosted. with management such as we have had this veer. there will be not only dividends, but such returnees will reimburse every shareholder for the delay and the outlay. To move would furnish a. repetition of adverse conditions. would be 's-firing tn ills we know not of. and would oer- loinlz put many years " the Donal hil- ityo shareholders having unv return. Don't kill the goose that lays the golden An o tt letter on 8 deals with this unseen m an “stems; manner. Director Gilbert McKechnie waited on the council last Wednesday evening and laid before them the possibilities of the proposal for removal and urged it upon their attention as coming within the sphere of their duty. The council have renpouded as n. unit and a commit- tee has been a painted consisting of the Mayor. Dr gumieson. M. P. P,, and Mr McKechnie who will examine into the question on its merits. Since we wrote our article last week a. grant comment has arisen and action ta en to ward " the threatened inter- ference with the mill here. SUNDAY SCHOOL Es'rmvrAtssrrrNr.-- The Annual Sunday School entertain- ment will he held in Knox Church Nor- manliy. on Friday evening, November 10th. Agood programme in being pre- pared. Addresses will he grven by Messam Dr Brown. of Holstein. and Rev Mr Stephenson. of Varney. Music by Messts Rumme and loan. of Dro- more. The Church choir and others will also contribute to the evening’s entertainment. Doors open at 6.30. Refreshments served during the even- Ing. Admission 10 and 15 eta. Everv- body welcome. 33 for Flivlng. It we primal! we hem we'd soon he with the angels. In or- der to please the people we must print only the nice things Raid of them and leave the rest to gossip. Yea it’s tt fact. we don't publish all the news. If W9 did wouldn't it make lpicy reading? Bat it would he one week only; the next week you would read our obitu- ary-in some other paper. All the news in all right when it's about the other fellow.--Elmore Gazette. A man told us the other day that we dott'totthlish all the things that happen- ef. We sh.puld my pot. In the ftret Halloween passed off here in the usual manner. all manner of pranks being plan-d and in some cue. mater. ial damage done to awnings. knees. etc. The sanction of an old custom should not be given in deeds of pure mischief. The spirit of 1mm fun should not run Into malit-ious channels. and home "tnfluettce should to the utmost be med to prevent both. A course of 'tpetuhitsermom, will he given in the Baptist Church by the pastor, Rev W. L. Newton, on Sabbath evenings during the month of Novem- her. On Sunday, Nov. 5th " The Mar.. ket of Munch" will he the subject. This sermon is specially intended for young men. All are corditlly invited. Subjects for the remainder of -lhe month will he puhlushed each week. Luge: jjipiViiUiiii"iiir'iii;i Ti'lTe7r'.l,11i, in the Pmshyterian Church on Monday Noe 13, at 8 p. m. Rev It Johnston. D. D. Montreal, says: ' I listened with great, interest to the lecture by Rev Thoi, Wilson in the Life and Labor-a of Dr Paton. Thalecbure is instructive and interesting, the story is you tythtet) the views are excellent.‘ Rama!) THEIR Hotetr.-.ahe Minus McIntosh have tented their upper town property to Mr. Tho. Mrcomh who moved to on Tuesdav. We welcome our new neighbors. while regretting to lose the old. Miss Lizzie McIntosh goes to Toronto. while M isa Mary will visit among relatives fornwhile. We wish for both of them health and prosperity. If you mutt the very but. of home- made bread. cull at Still-om: bakery. and secure it or Mk to have the wagon deliver it " your door. Good smart boy wanted to learn the drug hminm. Don-lira: I Drsztore for Pi pos-tdat).. er: Sun rutr-.Toltneeo & (Jim. Photographer Fda nmkn an " tmtive otter in raga. to lame photo- graphs, see his Id on page 8. Bee the new china we are opening up -prettier than ever at MturPiuhsneN. Men'n For Coats, for team. Indies' lam Cant: " 828, 83) and 887.50 at rant% Teachen' agmmentc for uh- at this otttee. The Cement Situation, '93-: 1toiittt). l - ’ . J. A. DARLING. bit 'gWid5 ARCHN TORONTO Rev Mr Norton, Owen Bound, on being called upon. announced e chenge in " subject from what he formerly intended, and spoke on " Powers in Christina Service. " He defined power itasU-elear1y proving thegreet thing needful in this world today is Power. Where do " re- ceive it? Direct from God through payer. He next deal: on ita trans- mission and closed with its ttnal des- tination and use in Christian Service. At intervals throughout the addres~ Mstriseltstuiotts were rendered by the Durham Baptist Choir, under the careful training of Mrs Newton, which delighted the endiwee. In the musical line also. a. marked feet- ure of the evening wee the appearance ofnnew voeellst to Durham, in the person of Miss Irving. Owen Sound. whole well-rendered eolotn her high, tweet voice was en inaplratimtto1t11 pe-tnt. Towards the close ot the evening e hearty vote at than lto what creed they inclined, and lbring the gospel to the people, where Ithe people, would not come to the iehareh. Ree W F Price, Meaford, GG the next speaker called upon, 'and geve an earnest and forcible tut. ,dress under the name of " An Altered lMotto " In an interesting tet',") ' !he told how the Spaniards lieved ‘the rocks of Gibraltar and the opposite shore to be the Pillars of Hercules and as the wide Atlantic then seemed on- limited the end of the world. As a result. Spanish coins were stamped with the motto " Ne plus Uitra"CNo more beyond. This, he affirmed, tip- peared to be the motto of at great many societies, churches, and individ- uals in this land to-di-tlo More Be- youd-they were content to rest on their oars without striving for some- thing better and grater. He eon- clnded with an earnest appeal for our societies and ourselves to follow the new motto, u the Spanish afterwards engaaved on their eoing---" More Be- yon . rt i Evening Session. A well-tilled church greeted the delegates in the evening. Owing to the absence of the president, Mr (George. of Port Elgin and the Vice. {Mr MeNedl, of Paisley, the chair was tably filled by the Rev T l" Kepp, {Struthavom After a Prayer and (Praise Service conducted by Rev Mr lPineo, Mnlock. greetings were extend- led to the delegates at the rally from ithe Epworth League and the Presby- fterian Guild ot town. by Messrs J If Hammer and J S Drysdale respective- y. l Rev. Mr. Kepp. the chairman, then delivered a fine address. He took tor lnis topic " Young People in Evangelis- ltic Work " and showed how the young peOple inn. congregation could assist and lighten the pustorhlabots, He believed in visiting oil the non-church- !going people in. big diatr.ietr.tp jmatter I After a solo by was Irving of Owen 160nm. Miss Fischer. wt Paisley. are. ve inn excellent Pit on " The Relation “we B Y P to Society " and Rev I D'Neill of Paislev gave an eloquent Mrrxsat' upon bt Preparation. tt iiittg, E Norma then cloned the ti ernoon {ensign by an impressive l The afternoon lesion was opened by a -iets of prayer and thanksciving Jiiiiii Hril Norton of Owen Sound. Mu W L Newton then warmly wel. corned the visiting delegates. and am» plilied the weleome by taking two texts " the foundation of sermonettes appropriate to the occasion. " Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth where moth and rust doth corrupt tke. " and " Enter into thy closet and when thou but shut the door pray to thy ,hther ae." Mr J Strachan of Thorn. bnny responded. The President's (iii'ii,ii, owing minis unavoidable ab- sence in Memphis. Tennessee. wee ‘read by MrsW L Newton and then ithe following omeers were elected. Pretx-Rov L F Kipp, Strathavon. lat Viee..Pres-.Mr J A MoNeill, Paisley 2nd viearPres-hfr J Norton, 0.Sound. &re-'Ilteae--Nigg Elnora Patterson _ Wiarton. A paper by Mr R George retiring President on " Our C C Courses was read by Miss E Patterson and Rev W LNewtnn gave a most interesting ad- dre. upon " Bible Reading and Christian living. " Devotional Service. The vonng pie were especially delighted to hr: the nee of Rev W ENorton, Home 'ali'l'l'l'r".v' they. who has always shown himoelf who dogply ipterested itt_B. Y. P. U. work. The 12th ennui rally om. young page of the o. B. Annotation. me: win the Baptist young people of this hinge on the “tel-noon end evening of Ink-giving Dev. (he: 26. Although the attendance did not come up to that at former yen-e. deep spiritual feeling end announces pervaded both unions. Representatives from the 1ol)ot'?mt Baptist _chuy_ches wens PF”: out; Odin Sound. Wisdom Malina Baum. Thombnry. Stadium. ngdford and Ptisley. '. ll. Rully. l fl. lfllllllllll and SONS give you a special bargain in ony o these Hubs. We are as interested and you are to make I. hat truly becoming and give you the heat work and attention and " n reachable price. We invite you _to call at any rate and see the new A Window F all of Snaps Now that the Winter season is fairs ly here. we Invite our many customers to cell and have tb look M. the new style of velvet fur tttsta. Hamutrrm, and ' tiful are the new shade- in velvet. the plum color, purple end mauve and all make pretty end becoming toque: for winter. We hen-just received some of the new shapes en the-e can be copied in any color. The gun metal grey is en- other leading color.' that, _e, Earning at ' Special Price We have over 50 Turban, and Hats West of Middnugh Home Sables New Blacksmith Shop y Sweat! Btttaa.-.At six o'clock this l morning, Nov bt, the around we: ‘hlsek: as we write " 9.30 at. m, we hen the sound of sleigh hells. no rapid and so haw: hes keen our ttrat. real "alt of snow ere. Hunter. will now here " the tracking feellities they re. all". though many farmers will wish r turnips had been up ttmt. A Cranium Pumas. A Sample copy of the new premium picture issued by the Funny Herold and Weekly Star. of Montreal. has come to hand. " is certainly a decided change from their pictures of former yum. and a change that will he apprec- iated. it he entitled "Queen Alexundra. Her Wandettttdeen, and Dot." I. most charming and interesting subject. it portrsys Queen Alexsndrn. on s viait to the Roysl Kennele. accompanied by her Grandchildren. The picture of the Queen and the children in an excellent one and the handsome collie: and hounds are on lifelike that one full: in love with the picture at once. All sulmctihera to that great weekly will receive A copy of this beautiful picture. size 22 I 38 inches absolutely free, on receipt of one dollsr for “you " subscription. The publisher of the Family Hemld have also issued this year It book of immense value to farmers. [tie entitled: "The Farmer‘- Mnnunl and Veterinary Guide." This hook is said by competent uuthoritien to he thehert of the kind ever issued. it cennot he bought. but can he had free on conditions which may he lied on up- plicstinns st thin office or by writing to the Fundy Herald and Weekly Stun. Montreal. ll ' t J l 'tf $1 mew i) an. , , Winter Millinery moved by Mr honnn macaw Mr Price. was given try tho delextdtmto the local Young People’- Union. for their kind Human: and plenum and perttitable day spent in Durham. And in limo-g gvgry color.. We wilt wunnunu um I " eon-nod tttt a Hone-shoeing so; Gengrnl Blacksmith than in Livinmtnn‘a old stand. weart of Midd‘ugh Bu. hlel and soiieit A share of your trade. Interfering horses or homes with diseased feet, I nulnmtee m cure. Best of work done neatly. chenpl y and promptly. TO the general public of Dar. ham and vicinity. I wish tointiysate that I hare owned Miss Dick. Why, at Kecler's. of course. See our South Window thm week. What We say we h, CRAB BAKAGI. Punt. an Pullman The Busty Store on the My Comer, Datum. H.-' Where ? . McCalmon. WE DO. 'r. Pita: I,', )rtriiiiA'l - in. to il iii- u'

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