West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 2 Nov 1905, p. 4

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SOMETHING NE“? IN WASHERS: The Per Also Wilhetm's Wrineers, all made Raymond; Sewing Machines. McClary Agent for the Dillon Hinge cBearing 2i?arveaurs J7ohn Shark. Wear Progress Brand Overcoats and you will be sure you have the correct Style and Fit. We can giveonlg a men- list of our-goods. but In qlnlitynnd adapmhilily to t . needs of South Grey We are not excelled.. Deering Barrows. Wilkinson Ploughs, Heney’s ILar- ness, Palmerston Buggies. Renowned attic-lea, fair prices J2?eys ' All our Overcoats have that finished appearance which characterizes the best tailloring. They hold their shape and they fit equally as well whether they are buttoned or not. They don t spring up in thelback. The Collars do not bulge andlhave style and smartness about them that gives a man a good appearance. ' ”an s ar, Ct ats made in the it Crey Beavers, I by Twwds and mu. The best In their line appearance that makes the boy want to wear PROGRESS OVER COATS. This season's Coats are better value than ever in smart Raglanettes & Heavy Frieze Ulsters and Reefers from.. . $2.25 ”P A, [a r,, Men’s fur and fur-liked Coats ats made in the wry newest Overcoming in Fine Black Grey Beavers, Imported Irish Frieze, Nob. Tweeds and neat stripe effects. Prices from J'? At " Darling, fthe Of wise people to be careful of their expenditures. It is to this class that We cater particularly. We are always glad to have them examine the Drugs. Perfumes. Fancy Goods and the largest stock of Rubber Goods in town-On Sale Here. We know they will appreciate the quality of the goods offered as well as the modesty at our prices. Not a cent spent here is wasted ; we challenge you to prove the contrary. 2ariss's Brag gape ear a 'reress fraud V“ have some special bargains to offer. Ca.“ and an: Srbvee. It's a Hobby--. CHAMOIS VEST and keep out the We have them. Overcoat: 'aglanettes ms we handle only the beat RUBBERs--co, & fine in abundance “my are sun some Bargains left in unr andy-uuxdes. We have several dozen gmd pairs of t"T_ts--eareellerit m- hw for the money. Also short heavy cloth Oiexumls and DI few suits which We sell by Umpires if desired. Don't forget our Shiny Sale of boom and Shoes. A splendid varielv from which to choose. . Good Tweed Pants gheap J1 nd (Farm MaOhinoz-y. This Way, Gentlemen I aiaiip-iiaatgatl There are . MCARTHUR Perforated Drum. unlv in the Idea -r--.----x-=-----i, ' 'ortoek. by \V‘ntsnn of A Stoves for C Stay Fence. A in" doors South 0: the Midduugh House Our Boys' Clothing gives the boy a manly 1bmtu's Draggist. still some Bar Wm want We have these stylish make of Ay r. cal C r Word cold. Mrs Jos w Smyth, son and daugh- ter of Hamllton. left for home Tuesday. With Mr Smyth, they. were visiting at Me P. W'atson’s. Glenelq. near Marta dale, for a. few days. Mr S. willre- main a few days yet with his uncle, Mr. Chas Watson 'u Egremont and other friends. m South Grey. and make my. en! hunting tripe. Mrs Anderson, Niagara Falls. N, Y., visited her parents. Mr and Mrs Chas. McArthur, Buneesan, for a tew days and returned on Friday, taking with her, her little son, who has been with his grand parents for some time. Master Chas. Fatquharson went to Toronto last Week to secure eye treat- ment. He was accompanied to George- town by his mother, where. both spent Thanksgiving at her bvother's, Mr COlltls Mrand Mls John Patterson, parents of Mrs Bean, and. Mr and Mrs A. E. Cooper, the latter a sister, were guests at Mr w. H. Bean's during the Thanks. giving season y Mrs. Chas. Brown and daughter, Mrs. ‘Geo. Stimuli, spent from Thursday to Monday with their daughter and sister, Mrs. H. Ball, of Btrattord, Misses K "theriue and Belle Cameron, unending the Macdonald Institute. Guelph. spent the holidays lust. Week with their parents here. Miss Alma Leith, daughter of Mr David Leith, Ninth Rust. Noriimnhy, returned linue Sutuiday after spend- ing two months pleasantly with friends in Toronto. Mr David McFaxlano, Unledon. Mr Geo McFarlane, Glencoe, their two little daughters visited tn ives here fora few days. Mr R, B. Lcdingham. who is tering at \Vnhlenmr, near Orang visited friends and relatives in ovtuuThttnumvirw. Mrs Cameron and baby, of Mar is visning her parents, Mr and MI Carson here, spent, Thanksgiving da yes in Toronto. MissJean Brown Tuesday week after two months with l Alpena, M‘chigun. Mr Wm. MeDomud, who mm in the employ of M C. Voile” here A few months ago, spent Thanksgiving holi. days in lown. Mills. spent Thuhkmivimz with his hrother Angus and relatives at the Rocky. THE DURHAM REVIEW Misses May McUloeklin and Margar- et Caldwell, of London Normal, spew t the holidays at their homes. Mr John Munlgomery. of the School here, spent Thanksgiving his parenlsat Orange Valley. Mr Ed. Allan. and his bride. of Tor. onto. Were guests of his parents here d uring the holidays. Mess" T. Swallow. IV. Black. and H. H. Morkler 9pm! over Thanksgiv- ing Dny in Toronto. “M rs Fulcbard Nassugweya. visited her parents, Mt. and Mrs. John Hunt during thanksgiving holidays. J A McKinnon, teacher, Laughton Mrs A. S. Hunter, and daughter, Mist; Margaret, spent Thanksgiving holidays in Toronto. Miss Bessie Hughes spent, ing with Port Dover relati turned Monday. Mr. Martin of Arthur Pngxgeid this week as assistant Shoemaker with Mr. J. S. McIlraitb. Mrs McCrae left on Monday to v her part-Ms. Mr and Mrs Cousins 1rowirrrdge. "e "re pleased to lam-n that Mr. John Reid is recovering from his attack t f typhoid. Miss Cousins. of Trowhridgo. is visit- ing her sistor, Mrs H. McCrae at Pretr- ent. Mrs Wm Black left Tuesday morn- ing for Toronto. Mrs Roht. Burnett. spent. a. week over Thanksgiving with Guelph friends. Mrs A. G. McDonald has retmned from a visit with friends in Flesherton. Mr J. L. Flarity ate Thanksgiving turkey in Palmerston. Mr John Smith went to Toronto Wednesday on business. Min Lizzie Weir-left this week on n Vivi: to f: Sends in Townm. Mr Duncan, of Berkeley. was a guest at Mr E. T. McUlocklin'a last week. Barrister Dunn mm in Toronto over Thanksgiving. Mr John Cameron. truvollvr, In Ipending a few dnys at home. Mr Oscar Hahn left Monday toat. tend Mt. Forest Business College. Miss I. Dick spent over the holuiar but wesk at her home in Hanan“. M rs. Duffield and dnughler of Toronto visited Muss LizzieMcIntosh last week. Neare plensed to Th Brown returned to town after spending almost with her relatives near luzhes spent Thanksgiv- Dover relatives and re- rts. Mr and Mrs Jae. Thanksgiving holi- Thanksgiving with' 's, Mr Coutls lenrn that Monday to wait. Orangeville. is minis. ONTARIO ARCHWE‘S TORONTO a. and and rain. .. who town M odel mm Now. Corner Yonge Ind Alexander Stu. During recent months has received ten fifteen (waltz nnd even any times " may (311510! Men- ognp ers. bookkeem, etc., " it had student- matlng during e Esme month; This ig the l to Amend. Write for magnum: 'attrlapte Inn: Na- - . .-----, For green beef-rim and holes. horns n willpay 9 cts per lb, , of He " nlm an authority on gt has a large collection of 8000 , All too few find a. hobby or a fad in nature study and the enl'buuinsm we have written of might well find imita- tors. Mr Townsmd came in on the afternoon train and before night, fell had visited his Lest frwnds first with hammer in hand-the rocks near the McGowan Mill~nnd secured " few llipnlnnnho specimens. Mr Townsend's .' Natur- Studv’, was begun and followed up ur'ely for the love ot it, but his 'lo'/t"dl'i'i'tia, to various collections have yielded him nearly 81000 and he has a. good collec- tion yet, Mr Townsend is noted as a Scientist on [zoological lines. heing perhnpa more than “if other luau, conversant with " the foesi ifelous chtuacter ot the Guelph :nnd Niagara formations. His collec- tiune at Elam and Durham grew to such proportions and excellence that scientists heard of it with the result, that often were. made him from the Geological Survey at Ottawa and iater from Tulontu University foe sets of specimens far in advance of anything they had. in fact it was found that he had discovered new species, some of which will for all time recall this town and their discoverer by such mum-a in geological works as Monomerelln IhTramieiusis, Pleurotomarik Towns- endii, etc. Mr Townsend began his career as a. printer in the old Advertiser office in Guelph, later worked in Elma and Fer- gus. struck out to Dundalk, and from 1878 to 1885 brought the "Grev Re.. view" into public notice and favor. Since the latter date be han lived .hiefly in Toronto and in and About the big Publishing house there. Old Father: Time is dealing lightly with him, looking with fares. no doubt on the activity that has persisted in div. ing into Nature's secrets whine pursu- Mr the daily round of life's prosaic dub. ies. 'fi,ji.itii'a';"i'iCi'i')'ifiiiotji-,., Mr Jose sh Townsend, of the Method. at Book Loom. Turonto, visite-d Dur. ham {mm Thursday to Saturday last week. As is well known he wuu the founder of the Review in 1878. having for about a yrnr .ory"tously polished the 66 Dundalk Guide " Power to express our though". Poor word- are nodequnte. We will Allow the hearts tocommnne in a Wngungre which is much "ronter-aitectiomste sympathy. We wish you every success during the het",',,",,",'?! {can of Four life Ind pray that God will haunt . ully bless you in all your undertakings nod mny your example continue to be a light to all with wnom you come in contact. Signed on behalf of Hutton Hill Sunday School: Plane Iccept thil toilet set Gn vULii,, poem! as a slight token ot the deep regard 3nd esteem which 'yfettrtaiIt tot you. _ It iayot within our Your regular attendance and faithful labors, in I our Sunday School have been an Inspiration to all your eo-workers. You have wrought untiringly while here in our midst and Sunday utter Sunday has found you " your post of duty. Your efiorts procured a greater blessing since they were so cheerfully rendered demonstrating so plainly that yours was a labor of love and freely firm to the cause; that it was considered a {"1 vi eke. not an irksome task, to "throw out the iteliae," to the souls who looked to you for instruction and ttuid. ance. While you were thus leading the little ones to J ems. mak ng eledr and pimple those wonderful truths, you were binding their young heart; to Four own by those strou‘gelt of cords. love and symmthy They will cherish ond and grateful rcmembrauoen of you and your patient work of love. The an- nouncement of your intended denature has brouiht sorrow to us and it is with an new we con- temp ate your imposed plans. if we failed to ap- preciate and ac nowlodge these "teCetrsful mom which have been the outcome of your indomitable spirit, we would indeed be very ungrateful. TORONTO. ONT. On Wednesday evening, October 25, a. large company of young people assem- iani at the humeof Mr U. Mulligan to hid farewell to Miss Mary hiacRonuld who departed on Mondnv. Oct 30th. to reside with her, parents at menimrg. The following midrws was read by Miss ll Hutton and src, Mackenzie present- ing the toilet set and room's [rm-Ins. To Miss McRottald '. Dun FRIEND '. in numnblinv here this eve. ning.t we are endeavoring in our humble manner to express our tsppreciation of your most noble chruiian cheructer which has been so 1mustifully and forcibly exemplitied during your sojourn with us. You have given of your energies and Ibillllel uustiutinglf' and alwnr'u been more than willing to lend your! me and ta ems which have been of in- trinsic value in every “use that tended to the um lifting of humanity' and the betterment ot those with whom you have been "socdated. Mr MriJ. Bugle, near Varney. is we re- gret to heal very seriously ill and even his life despaired of. Mrs Donald Benton who left home some time ago for treatment in back main and not improved. Her trouble mum to have a mystery about.“ for the will be reasonably well and in stew minutes be wile-ring excruciating pain. We hope tltr reuourcespl' medicine may ya, yield relief. Mr Jae. R. Gun went to titratford this week for treatment for his rye. which are again causing him pain, LttmNoAhr..-ln Glenelg. on the 19th Oct. to Mr and Mrs George L. Leding- haus, a son. ALRXAynER-.in Benlinck. Saturday. Oct. 21st, to Mr and Mrs Alexander, rs daughter. We regret to hear that Miss Hum is quite ill with rheumatism at present. MttDoNaLn-In Glenda, on the 22nd Oct, u, Mr and Mrs 1Vm Neil Mc- Donald. a sun. JqseRh Tuwrlsend, of the Method. Address and Presentation. ELLIOTT Mus " Pr.erv, Inf-n: i M M Tum. E. HvTzos Attym P MRI MCLAL'UELAN A Printer-Scientist. '-ring hides, free of cuts s and: mil-hone out. I , lb, 21m per hide. tare. T. SMITH. Hides Mn. Ilium university foe sets of in advance of anything fact it was. found that BORN veil nnd imita. me in on the fore night, fell ud? first with H.771: H vnos It mad”) {amps and var ieties. s, DURHHAM LiiiiiRiiih, AGENTS in all Ontario, Quebec, Stan: and any!“ gain: at; (Aggy. gul‘norized \Inl'lldh. l'm'l up RESERVE FUND. illlltljlullllil , AAAAAA MODEL BAKERY. LOWER department of our establishment. LASTLY, our prices are absolutelyfair. Give us a call and see mr yourself. A first class line of Bread, Cakes, Pastry. always on hand at Rowe's store. Flour and other inrredieiU. Eii:iics' SECONDLY, we are artists in our line. THIRDLY, cleanliness reigpsAin every FIRST of all, vie ufe only the finest And therefore we hear nothini biit prase for our bread, cake's. pies, and every desirable variety of pastry. ITSUITS TO A T] South of New Hunter Block. Durham Dont fail to call and get your share of the bargains; they can't be repeated CHILDREN'S COATS and mnny other m1 idea of excellent work mam-hip and value. BLANKETS. TABLE LINEN, Table Oileloths, We per yd. Brooms. 15: and we each. GOOD REA SONS , Suite, Pea inckets and Overcoat; - LADIE.’ FURNISHINGS Skirts. Winter Coau, Uvavenette Coats, Caper-inn, Wrappers, Wad-ts. DRESS GOODS. SILKS. MM Ivroidery.Stockinga. F l‘nnellette. Suits, Cravenette [him-mun, Iran. ter Coats, working and tine Shirts, Uln- hrellns. Pen-jackets, G net-new. Swenbrrs and the. BOYS' FURNISHINGS MEN'S FURNISHINGS The BARGAINS F OR ALL. Overhaul your Cattle Stables before the next storm. and see if you are short of Cattle Cluring--that's where we shine Do not allow your hands to not used up when you can secure a pair ot Full Mitts or Gloves so cheap. We are well supplied with Game Traps of every description. It you intend clipping your hone. do it mm before cold weather nets in. Our Clippers range from .50 to $2.50. Fancy Lamps You are invited to can and inspect our assortment of Funcy Lumps, second to P"" in design, quality quantity and price. Game Traps 1-: Carry Combo and Home Bra-h- as we have what you require. Our Store never contained such un immense stock of HORSE BLANKETS. You can have one for 50e. Home and Cattle Goods Mitts and Gloves J. LE VINE . H. STINSON. Head Of iice, Town}; n15 In all prmcipul pomtn J, Quebec, Mmulolm. Uni and England. W. F. COWAN, President. GEO. P. REID, Manager. STIN SON l 83000 worth of Dry Goods Stock must be sold below cost. I have decided to give up the busi- ness and will sell the stock as quickly as possible. curly buyer will get the best bar gains. We have space only for a mere list. WEDDING CAKES Made to order in Lates Styles on shortest notice J KELLY, Agent HARDWARE I W. BLACK ER TOWN $2.0m.(m 1,000.0t ft 1.0004") Unitirli m (lilllfiiNitt 2pu'2tt A. W. Watson Buns and Biscuits in great variety All kinds ofCakes made to order WEDDING CAKES cur specishy First=Class Manitoba Flour For Sale Watson',, Mretur--ant Durham and Ith, extra good buying. Re nir- ing and older promptly 2,'U". PEEL, The Money-Savers . q . 75c and tl Bargain Tables Are taking ndvuntnge of Peer: Also ot her high Hours. per hurl Ogllue's Ruyul Nauru-hold per harm] . . . " F ive Roses," NOVEMBER 2, 1905 QWvonlrh wall-'- I = 3ik,40enod5thrrerptar" We wiryou ts-tim-tha-r pained!” Grand Mogul bestpossihktsleedofthe finestandripestteas. Dis. gustormitimur-dtepaek- pnpertseirteittrtyouinthe We have more new ranges in. All makes, styles and prices. Call and inspect these. We have one to suit you. WWTaist tseeaheteftuyrtrtjest Mayhem whys-dim Barclay t M WAREROOMS opposite Middaugh Ho. Stables. ... ASUSUAL... Seem to be all the go. They are handsome and as everybody knows. they are the most dur- able rig on the market. Call and examine them. T U D H fl P E CARRIAGES tanyesurdmiersur RANGES Ceylon Tea high-grade Mnnilnha. [mm el $5.60 to 5.75 Owen Smmd Shocman, Bs at $6 The Hal/,, 150 Acres Ben ofrerFdi l r4 ' I no) .' well '.t. Vrso' 1"ruerr Mum-:1 't 125 Acres Norm Durham- rii.us. ‘00 Acre. Nor LEN OS MOI ”Dec. lunar-w Pompano. GONG! III-luau Dittim Bttd Sell. C. P.l 100 Acre- Ben fllllifa) NEW “US! Menu “ram: Idler winter l ctrildrutr. Wum ht CAPE“! PUR RFD-Tr; t Women 'y " E t ume sim. he lune lla in MI 11.11. A l'howgn Fun: In"! and improve Well improv) ber to [any [n Also nice a CAPERIN them CS-t TOl t Druggis The Hanoi MacFa BABY COUGr em: u PINOJ BALS FUR! CARR COUGI CURE NOW'. " " SI

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