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Durham Review (1897), 2 Nov 1905, p. 5

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ranges es and nspt et one to e " and nous, dur- that. them. ES 905 :ecpers Tables Rpm i r y done 'resh tble. " tiestttt mite Mes. email. t Peel‘s eder tll 15.ti? til 56 The Ha no vGkGGTr1%lT. Hanover , tt North ot Alla: Put sir, t/)r'e'tt.tuh,"mttt I310. 100 " no Bonnet NM 30¢" matgeen (N ell improved md owner an in. enough all m- to ”y prtceashed. Durham Residence Owned by 3.L. mm" 125 Agra Noni-uh, Con Mt We!) loaned and Improved. Will rent " not sold noon. The Hanover Conwyuocer,’ LENDS MONEY at "I! tonrest In”. Place: Insurance. ot all kind-haunt». hunlulliO‘. can“. can. Among” Balms: DrHutetties, Dram W-lmnll “-4 Sells C. P. R. “at.” to ntl points. Besides other had: he on the following Bargain-3 100 Aaron Noun-n” Southwest ot Var my : well it?g,"ght'gk an extm [00d [I’ll - mun-r Ioum to go west. IlliNllli)llfhaWilfi)ll W. H. BEAN N " HONEY-gmt In. Ladies' winter V." M... t'hildn-u'n WinterJ‘WI Men's mdignn Jul“. M. l-‘I'R (‘APERLVZS " Bt.00, 5. C. 6.50 an! 1th Fl'R RI'FI'S at. . . . . 31.59. 3.”. 4.75 and 5.00 each. HF. " SELLS athb CHEAP " men's outside SKIRTS for All“ I' Winter m use. 1'd 3.50 and 4.50 each Large size bed eoutfo+t.2ik 1.75. 2, MS, , m MI 4 ' -n !uneuttiiiiGiii," """'""',iatt,ttt,t,,e..i.t.t II. H. MILLER Hmmgn tik. - -e iG . hm matter ot MM Farm when 1'ropertus. Also nice CAPERINES. Our 50c values in allWool Venetians, Sergea.Mohairs and Henrietta. can't be hem from MacFarlane d Go. Druggists and Mueller: n FUR RUFFS we have H. H. MILLER. BABY’S COUGH CURE NEW I)RESS (E‘OODS eaten PINOL . BALSAH ‘. L. GRANT. Milll't COUGH CURE 30V! 11d 1VLrlRfiiii1 '0 the child. tOli-pleasant to take and "eetaai. I!" toles--. A specially prepared remedy for the little For recon: colds. may: all irritation-e, cents a bottle. Its "om-.......-.........- '.YestNait M!m......lac up a battle. New: All. In a}; "W -"errery bottle. fully nit-um. so. Riven with “My chronic up to . . . ..1.N and I.” etch mos: delicazg (lllllm llll)llI Cull no no Ill. ”.ml psir all When collecting you Md where poniblo collect not and 31:90; and two In making a collection of plants the following are necessaty, a good knife, 3 trowel with a strong shoulder and a good, handle ( get this made It black- smith’s) a vaacnlnm or close tin box shout 18 inches long is found very useful in collecting huh plate. In these lectures the work was takan objectively, usually from plants se- cured on our excursion. When the desired plant could not be obtained Mr Scott made use of his collection. Here again the making of a collection confronts us. During his lectures on plants we first studied the plant as a whole, its functions, and its life relations. When this was finished we took the parts of the plant in the followit g order, root, stem, buds. leaves. flowers and Seeds. Germination was also given a place. By request Mr Scott devoted some time to grafting. In his first lecture Mr Scott stated that we must know the purpose before there can be definite plans, and the teacher must be careful to test the means or devices. Another fact noted was that it is not what a pupil knows but the way he knows it. The work is field work observing, noting time and place. For the work in our public schools a bird calendar of the following heads; 1. Name of bird. 2. When first seen. 3. How many seen. 4. When next seen. 5. When it became common. 6. When last seen. 7. Is it common or rare. 8. Does it breed near its station, 9. Remarks. Bird neighbors was recommended as literature. The birds Were classed and encircles: sub-divided with characteristics of each. The relation orthe haunts of birds and their food was made year. Here again the relationship tounnn- was taken. In this he pointed out that if man were properly informed of the various birds he would pot kill them: for instance goper cent of the food of the chicken hawk is injurious rodents. Another case referred to was where man killed off the shorebirds and this leads to an epidemic of fever. The study of birds is therefore essen- tial to every boy and girl. particularly those of our rural schools. About one third of Mr Etliot'g time was devoted to birds. In his first lecture he pointed out the objects and benefits of the study of birds also the pleasure of the study. . '; 'r', We were taken on excursions to the woods each armedwlth a poison bottle and not: book. Our specimens Wore discussed at the beginning of the next lecture. The collector must. belcare- ful to note time and placejlso not to injure the wings or, the legs of the in, box. " to 1itemturiGii' iiaiiiTti were advised to get Cttraustolk'g man- ual for the stady of insects. -' w. -_.J uv nun. we wun their wings spread. Insect pins, 3 and 4 standard white are used. costing 13 cents per hundred and are to be had from the Chas. Chapman Co. London. The case used by the Normal students tt year way an ordinary itat cigar - A " 4.. :..___A_, A . ' The work was given objectively --when the living object could not behad we studied from a collection. Some teachers Bay, " I can do noth- ing with that work, I have no collec- tion. " The advice is make one. either a private one or one for your school. The latter is more easily accomplished as the pupils would be delighted to do the work, the material is plentiful. The following are the requisrtes for making a collection 1tatnely---a poison [ bottle, a stretching board, insect pins and insect case. To prepare a person bottle secure a marmalade jar In which place ten cents worth of cyanide of potassium of the size of beans, pour in sufficient water to cover and add enough plaster of paris to absorb the water. The bottle should be left open a couple of hours to allow the plaster patio to set. The stretching board is of sort wood with a groove in centre for the body of the insect to rest in. It is used particularly in case of moths and butterilies, as they do not die with .LAJ- _Ju _ ' In the course of h mu we were given and their gemsrai ch were given the life many. Their rem an"! we were given the great classes and their generai characteristics. We were given the life history of a great many. Their relationship to man was then pomted out showing how man very often destroys his best friend. i0t'tthotsrtmkrniiiirii"i j Runway, "r “a gm M. in .ot his lectures on in. Tr,.; a"? a sei5si', $5. " i'ii"zz""zzi'r.at,'s't' Matthews & Latim'er Ttytt; mm I Minimum mm um um f,i'.'ht'2aa,. (llll)llilllit HOUR I fill) JUST ARRIVED-. A earload of The Reliable Grocery . . . . I hereby give notice that. pursuant to the uwnnenlAcl. I ehull on Ifridn the 2tth day N November A. n., 1905 at the hour of one o'eloek In the alter- noon, " the Town Hall in the Town of Durham in the Countv of Grey. proceed to nvllhy Public Auctlnn so much of the Mid lands as may be necessary for the payment “of the arrears of taxes. und charges thereon. union such ar- rears and charges shall have been soon- er paid. All the undermentioned lands ere patented. Lot Street Taxes TCnsts Tom 9 Bruce E 021.23 85.71 M94 E. a " Countess“? 9.51 2.82 1239 S paid) (in. W. 11.70 339 15.03 76 Wm ma. " .88 AT 1.33 116 .-.. " _ " 1.75 .08 2.45 ARTHUR H. JAcxeon. Treasurer Town Treasurer'. OMee, Durham, August, 1905. TREASURER? SALE or LANDS FOR ARREARS " TAXES Town ot Durham. County of Grey . _ To Wit ' BY VIRTUB n' a warrant issued un- der the hund of the Mayor of the Town of Durham. and the sum] of she Cox-pur- atlnn of the Town of Durham in the County of Grey. hearing date the 7th day of August A. D.. 1906, and to me dimmed. commanding me to levy up? 'he lands hereinafter deacrihed for t e arrears of an" respectively due there. on, together with all costs incurred. Prepared by Annie L. Lawrence for South Grey Convention. The last day at the close of the reg- ular work we assembled in one room where We were addressed by the staff and Mr Miller. Mr Miller’s remarks may be summed " in the fact that we are not to neglect the older studies in our desire toarpt along in the new. A tew of the pupils spoke on behalf ot the pupils and they highly praised the insight they had been given of the work. But teachers and pupils had a annual feeling that the time was too 3 on. In making a collection be careful that the mere show of a collection is not the end but in.stead it should be only a means of promoting the interest of the subject, Making a collection words the teacher great opportunities of becoming acquainted with the char. acter of the pupils. The collector should examine his collection frequently as parasities oft. en get in and destroy the specimens. Insect powder placed in the repository is found to be very effective. When dried the plants should be mounted on white paper and properly labelled. Fish glue diluted with half quantity of water applied to every part of the wrong side of the plant. Leaves should appear with either sides up. These sheets should be placed in a genus cover. ’ specimens of each being careful to note (where found. Place your specimen on a specie sheet. then place on a dry- ‘er and put another dryer over. apply pressure being careful to change the dryers " least every " hours. Plants like liveforever require special treat. meat split the root then place in a ves- sel and pour boiling water over it to break up the starch cells: before press- ing. Then again in the case of sticky leafed plants it is necessary to put them between two specie sheets. 1 Then there are those delicate plants which lose their color before they are dried. In some cases Mr Scott said he found ironing with an ordinary flat iron eifeetuai. Review to Jan f, 06, fik The ttmt Provinchl Election: in At. herta take plane. on Thursday. NovO. The date for Saskatchewan is not yen announced. Mr. J. O. Morgan, for the past thirty . tour you». Met,:: ol publk schools tta But aim-m. shoot to resign. having non-pad tho aim: of ,uprruttemuait of Forested and and Orphan’s Home. Daemon). Thom-armhd than» tow 2'.ftltP2trte'tiiuyituiiTti"iikeT. and Winn. has hen checked by tho 1.",'liitstrl,.'t.',ttit)d,iiii,ii"iiis Fun 'tser, $tttmtttttmttt of who. Do Winn has boon ttttt '.tHreyArt.uttiiotidiirain7iirl r. '1'ltitft1UtttsetiiiirGFirtiirii"iiii 1ttetoqdvertriaiiGiiiri"d It 1ottmsttqrurtdipeseiiiiid (Jno. Rose's Old Stand.) v; :94 Ct" it A full stock of "' Ta, - tty- I»- T. c'vr/?c"rv-2 Cr:: "cis in! Mt 'giticiibir'r'kiiii,i,)rf-t/r:iiic,'c Mi " "3'41va _- F' byh'liC2, . - _ m ' "-2.'v.;a..m RUSSIA FREE. WINDSOR JU Oct nth. 1906. always 0 nhand Orders JUtt With R.'McM1ckeu " the Hahn House Stable or at the REVIEW Onxcn. wall receive our best attention. Everything in readiness for the Spring season. Do you want any Jpriny Implement: . . Ploughs, Harrows, Drills, scufflen, etc. Enquire at this agency. 'tar-tss, ”cod/nay . . Rakes, Mowers, Binders, ete., oh this famous firm 'tt make. They] give great satisfaction. Prices Pete, familial: Jigenqy " . tiuissiriiiaaaaaMlt 'agaattaygtiya?y as -- t-fPET9Ti'TririEd"at"raTt'l"trr"a ttEile'1l'14itTiftrti"tP7iifEr7J, N, G & J. McKechnie, ""'"'"'""iltP""""- It',,' " tht/ I, d an ' n 't,"l'2' 'tggghudhl It has... meme”, pm - tat, a” F" iiiiiiiliiiEiitiitlii?. Weak I,IrI1tp, AM and tanas to tsuiiiGGiiseri, “at? ttif,iiidittiifii Th- I d'l'l? an; a no. 1'the, eitt "snri In“: R, (l, J. McKeChnie Cherry Pxoctoral Just opened up, Linolsums and Floor Oils, ll and 2 yds wide. Also a nice line of be sure and strike Mekechnie's for -a nice line of Lace Curtains from We would strongly advise the people who are looking, for Spring Gozds and right prices to Call and examine for yourself. It will only a pleasureffor us to show youfour goods. . J AP ANESE MATTIN GS for -tlilAl'lhht LACE CURTAIN S (The popular Cash Stow) h ili '1aref v", ' Cw Er 4;; at. r _ _ CARPETS Mo a pair up to Moo TRIO ARCH TORONTO _ E311 Footwear '?msTera:erasau. Intending Students should enter " the begin. ning ot the term It poutble. Board on he 0M- ed a muble rum. Durham is a bunny and tthee town, mnklng it . mo" deltnble place WmJohnutog.._lr.. G. 'tami, BEER) Stuff and Equipment. The school is tttrough, ulrped In mm mm; in chemo-[sud demos 'uttpliee and a: um. 'dir, for lull Junior Lenin; and Humour.- uon work. The following competent M In in chum u TBOE ALLAN, tatC1eihrettthste, Prim-{pol has: L. ht. FOBYun. B. A.. Classics. Model-m and English. I188 FLOSSIE MCKEBBACHER. Hm mus Maura 3nd third you uudergmdante of Queen's Valve-m . Science. gum and Geography. was MARYGORDON. “at clu- with honors, 01-minute of Ontulo Normal Conga. _ Mancunian and English Gamma l during lode! Tenn. Men’s Working Gloves --""""-"""-------------, raj'iiiili,iti?'riiityi7.i gt,"'.'.". J. a, Hum“. M. D., thi 'tie 'tekes Mtt m: on. 'h','dM'l,2 good. 'a'u'u"a'ah1l'i. “WM”. J. S. MCIIraith Telescope. tomb...” a 5.... = ", U 'ddth"fl'tl In?" trh'ltsutut 0qu om mans. can. The Down Town SHO] ‘Wom M a. n) II When-y 'dll',','. “Mon. 'e. M. - .31! Children'- "air or “tilt In». Shoe Dru-ina- or may mm In half “me for your next. It ion good pond: and but been A good all". Durham School um: " per month in “not: Work and repairing a mud SHOE STORE iiG (Ii-dis}; Eiiiiad " "@8313; aaa Tait tg',t.%dtt2'gttettl', [Inn product an. mun-mama. cum ttf,2i'ftt2=ufgr,'dtttW.hglhriit an: ”.1: tTl'u'ltll'tfh1'.' guard? m 1m Farm Buildings And Contents. Drown 9nd 9tntteye In m 994 nun-cu tttGI""' 8ydcnham_ylutpal Durham, Nov. 16, m. JOHN CLARK, o. MoPHAIL.) Licensed Auctioneer fo the County of Grey. um Aim for the Co. of any. we: My may! to. m reasonable. In. he [an a his Implement wage. logul. 4'tluhltluU"h', oeut them!" Roux-y Public. $ltmuttimioner,tlortrer use». Valumr. hum-no. Amt. a: Private Honey to loan. Collec- tions of all kinds promptly “can. ded to. Fum- bought and cold! Burma, Solicitor In Supt-om. Count Notary Public. Commissioner. to. MAC“? & DUNN , Barristers. Sondra. Conveyance". tr. Honey to Linn. (Pee, McIntyre Block. over the Bank A. a. Much: K.c. W. F Dun ram node-u. Amman“ tor “In a combatant: hen-den the Review Of. Bee, Dun-Inn. It macaw there, or to Ceylon P.0.. will be [mainly mm to, has on nppllcsdon to D. IBPHAXL. Ceylon P. O or to C. BAIAGE. Durham I? Carton hng . telephone oitim. 1.3.0. P..u- ty-e-GC/acer/als""' d?tttrvoronr.ta...aLFii,," 'rdll'Mttu'ttttdmigtPrsek, ,,V__ ---- -“vI-V' v-oc‘uil I}, VIII] " use 'toral college Donal Emu sof on Dentistry hull.“- hunches. Bot,,".',': f,ye,e,Sefteeo, Srtttetti tr, .0!“ HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University. graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Rooms, Over J t J HUNTERS New Store W.C. PICKERING B. D s., L. o. S on...“ 'éd"l'lrfJltl'rA8""l,tr,ttttPsos. [an human: to MoeteNtd'. (lo-don. to Knapp'u (New York) Ere Baum mama, - - - Auctioneers. Honey to Loan. ,mee. over Gotcha“- Jewelry Store. 700mm». " Doomed Auctioneer for Co. Grey J. F. GRANT. D. 0.8-. L. Altman can. Will hen the manna Home. Durham, the In: wtettutjit leach month from . “I'll!“ Io Moete8teMt'. (lo-(Ion. Eng) and to Knapp'u (New York) Ere Hannah. We, 83519” a Throat “‘MI-m-a-umumma Venn-4m. J. n. ”If“. 1htrAtttrt DENTAL. r. McKenzie'I Old Stand, Durham Fire Insurance Co. Established In new. J. P. TELFOBD Plnmn and... v our 4.“.Humr'o “on”... 30038:1 2to ar.- DR. 330". DR. BURT lo (Elli-4 p. U." JACKSON, - Owen Bound '-i, I.

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