West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 2 Nov 1905, p. 6

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" l separated txrelve---There in I difference (A opinion here as to the num- ber of poisons ham selected as custod- ians st" the treasure and sacred vessels. llmc were probably twelve priests and twelve Levites; but some think there were twelve priests and only ten Levites. Shercbiah and Hashabinh were two of the unites. 2.5. Weighed-We may gather from this that the silver and gold were in bars or ingots, and not in coin- ed mum-y. The Persians had coined marry at the time but the treasury kept the bulk oi it in norm in bars,--- Pul. Co. "The weighing implied accurate accounting. such as should always be lei-um! for public money.” 23. Unto their hand-We have here the particular rare liar». tool; cf the treasure of God's sanctuary. Having committed the keep- Ing " it to God, he committed the care l of it to proper man. though without} (ltd they would have watched iit min.1 thre p.13; ms shmfd always be scrawled l with rztr endeavors. Dr) We expec; God i should by his providence keep that which belongs to as? Then ought we by his “rim to "are for that whieh belongs to him: let God's honor and interest be our " sanctum: lug rf it of it to Grd the: per 24-30) 23.. Fo we fasted-The peeple did u Ezra "ovp.acded. God heard and an- aweml their prayers, and they were kept in sufc'y during the difficult and dan. gerw.’ journey. JI. L‘zru's charge to the priest“ v1. 22. I was ashamed, ete.-Exrn had Irrcached trust in God before the heathen rum-s and he would not “all”! God by asking the usual mi'.itary escort. He had represented God, the object of his wruship, as supremely powerlul, and u having the strongest affection for his true followers. Thus we no that thin good mun had more anxiety for the glory cf Cc,d than for his own personal salr‘23'.~vClaxke. N journey. Their journey by aietly thrmtgh the desert and the Anhians and hanmzitana were likely to atterk tttrn.. Ccmmentarr-1. A fast proclaimed 0221:». :1. manned I 'aa-tgt aim-red upon his workwith but!!!“ . pral er. the journey We: . den‘emua at, equally with all the tteuuxe he curried. Em result! the deg, but, he went forward in faith. His . f eon- cern was to hare God with them. He had procured Levine to go with them (v. Air-An, but even tint would be of no an“ if Jehovah did not direct their new. Amie; ourselves---")" our- telses (it. v., and repeat of our nine. To leek "t him--Egm wanted the people to commit themselves to the guidance and pr, t'r t",., ' ' t" dicysrt providence and im- plvrv had to give than a. pmegero'ue M"FettNbrMNtat, [MN NU. , " ao0i3tttb,'tt 22 I906 'tuer.v. Mas rf it to God t to proper they would psa; on sly; I rtrr enileav H by his pm in In “a? , /:a's qurucy chrmm-xzn 3:21-31 E's ‘$.§"i‘.f§' . A. new). I? a' .', . a llt 'itiii'iit) ' I g); "I I, r re': p7i'a. _ _ V 'At (“SK - " l "J; " ii/"i"PL""frit.it' W " " th tt I 10w: him. but when he is' V John i. I') he is no longer = ' acmwzxtions of tire encizzy. l, ': "The hand of om. God w: , i (v. 31}. Ezra acknowledges , i ndnoss to God. When God le I there is deliverance. "Re l ven no” Immune: to a. 'Uuitod am.- tttmt to Ind-Id- and dependent? Then God is "siiifieient for all these things” (II. Cor. ii. 16), and will move heaven and earth rather than , "To seek of Him a right way" 1v. 2t). n l. A safe way. God'o way is the only 1 sale way. It is well to know that we. g hue a high priest who 'ean have can» I passion..on them that are out of the b way" (Heb. v. 2); but it is far better ' to be kept in the way. There are a few I directions by which we may known whe- y ther we are in God's way. It is "plain" l (Prov. xv. 19); 'easy" (Matt. xi. 30); pleasant (Prov. iii. 17); prosperous, t'Josh. i. 7); auto, (Prov. iv. 12); "tstraight" and "narrow" (Matt. vii. 14). In it we find satisfaction (Jar. xxxi. lt, 14); "rest" (Jer. vi. 16). 2. A com- fomble way. "Por our little ones" (V. 21). A tender heart does not ask for a good way for itself only. It knows there are weak ones who need succor and it is willing that the way should be shaped for their comfort. God's way is jalways to be the best advantage of all i concerned. 3. A convenient way. "For all our substance" (v. 21). The travelers were colonists with their possessions. It was necessary that the way should 9be such as to cause the least trouble in [conveying their goods. "Ye are holy” (v. 28). They were re- minded of tho situnedncss,s of their oiree. Not only were the private holy, but Israel was holy (Lev. xi. 44. 45). The roasvn for holy living Wm that (Tod him- soon “TH holy. God sanctigiml the prim.“ through 22309.03 IN the tyeremonion of tho clvthe him with a chums- ot' raimmt," (Zech. iii. I-lot. we neul no more of Satan. He had no mound of accusation, ttor Joshua was justified before God. When the heart of the Chriitism is still unclean the "aeevser" has sprain} power over him, but when he is dammed (I. John i. 7) he is no longer open to the way." This is significant of lurking foes --rhoee who will attack us tmexptscted- Iv: those that look {or an occasi-m to trip us. "Cnme. they say. in us east him dawn [man his oxeeileney" (Pan. ixiv. 2). God 1rn baffle the n-ost cun- ning enemies. So we are exhorted not to "sleep as nthvrs do," but to “mud: and he sober" ir. Thess. v. 6), "And we came to Jerusalem" (v. 32y. Trusting "The hand of our God wad upon us" (v. '31). Ezra aekttowledges his indebt- Mums to God. When God leads the way there is deliverance. "Re delivered us from the hand of the enemy" tr. 31) :- ..;. 'te t... in “in“ in 33- Srttlurs are gaining (am the country at the rue of seven} tunnel thousand a Year. many of St: being American tanner! who ban an“ by nuke; at manna" c: the better opportunities across the border. It is probable, therefore. that the region In. twpea Winnipeg And the Rocky Mcuataius will wimp A me: 30:49. his _ Aed by In: 1tllftetti,1 in” _ th ereerzet'.:, 139:1 aryl women. 1:11!an Hi, _ o- that WP might, affliEt ourselves” in Stl. He took an attitude of humble depew dence on God. It was necessary for tht captives to realize their own inability and their need of Godu assistance. m. WP snail reach our f our faith were but w, We would take. him at nd our lives would be a In the sweetness of on He may exalt roi in; duo time"'tii PK. T. 6). Buggy; Ir proclaimed " iturb- Humbling comes before dew Peter says, "Humble g',h"tpa/ti,ra fove under tlt? mighty Irnd of , t that He in . . HW ,'tdi 35 my“ u new! lost than Ttate _ consumed'in rfeetl pun- for Gog; workis not '?5r.,iii'i',ilili' A“!!! tatte flutes to do a . tt tttht. Things done. . - 1 by'half are never done well. . _ " 32. TO PSme to Jgg",'tg,riittttt 'a. c, germs: journey was completed h Bet P- .. " at the end of tour months. Altthit., . _ ., Y-'. ttnree day-That. is, they mid that . ._t. long. On the fourth day the measures ‘ _ ' I were 1syrigked and handed on): m the I" omtmly of the officiating priest: Of Wm: l A tempt-9.. Erratum“ agile: g"trt'd l "_-r , bttmt<rfrering.m. and Ezra delie the . _. . royal commission to the main-ates, , while the Levitical portion of t' commit R J. puny assisted in performing t. um. tional work which the arrival of . my“): . .. , new wurshippers oeeasritmed.--J.,ib'. " ' i. _ g' Filling Up , PRACTICAL APPLICA'ubx. Mtd. mu may in tho h T Northwestern Gama t a clung: o." x'aina'tn'." . we neul no more of no around of aeemtaticrt, s justified before God. of tro Christian is still York G 10m , a do," but b hestr. v. 6), J' (V. 32y. 'h cur desirt but mare 3 him at his , 'ad be an an} part will' tths" dieat history ct the British ttttii.. tsks the Landon 'or cur desired haven tt mc."e simple, 1 at his word, be al', sunshine ll l As soon as the leaves are on in the nut- uznn much ot the pruning at vlncs and bush fruits may be done to beater advantage than waving it till next spring. Much. ct course, (lepcrcds upuu the locality. In southern sec- Lions. when no wan-Jr protection ot vines i.sid lmaues iu necued, the pruning may he Amt t'.n some convenient tune uurlutt the early spring. but in nurshern sections, where Hun: iines and berry busheu have to he Luv} down ttt the [an and covered wlth cantor other covering before winter sot: in, it n iclvicctble :0 no we pruumg new» such covering Is necessary. Currant, and gooseery bushes are so hardy that they need no wlnter protection. even 'm the north. and they led out so early in the spring that it ls well to have them pruned in the tall. It ls best to grow them in the bush form. allowing about " canes Lo the bush. And as the beat (ruin is borer- on “mm. not more than three years old. it is well to adopt a reuewel system of prun- ing. whereby omy-t'ut" at tho bush its re- newed each year. This can be done by cut- tine out two of the oldest cane- each year. and allowing two of tho new canes to take their placsa. Ln this way the whole bush is renewed m three years. The ends of the rm: growth should be shortened cnuugh to l As soon as the uznn much of the fruits may be dot heaving it till nex MHW+++¢~M As to whether the tops ot raspberry . rlackberry btrslten should he heeded back In tLe {all depends largely upon the locality. In secdot1s where the canes do not kill hack in the winter, they may be headed hack 5.1 the tall; but where the canoe have to be hid dawn and covered. or where they kill back more or lees during the winter, I: is ‘,.‘St tp loavethe heading back an spring, when they can he cut back to sound wood. The height to whlca sound canes should he cut back varies from three to tive feet. amending upon the vigor of the bush. Ttfere are almost as many ”stems of training the grape vine as there are klnds ttt :rwms, bat for northern sectlous one ot tire, law am renewal systems is but. as this "a; ,i'v.t:t-r; che laying down and cover-luv M Doetors Can Do Nothing to Restore Ber Sight. Name was securely tied down on an improvised operating table. But when the surgeons made an examination of th 1icusds' optics thy discovred that blindness had not been caused by an outer growth over the eyes, but that the cause was deeper set. They an- nounced they could do nothing for Nellie, so she was taken back to her cage, \rheterohe paced, mekssly up in"! dmrtctmiiqttt'tr' Railroad against the bars at every turn. . Chicago, Oct. 30.---Nellie, the blind iioness at Lincoln Park must pass the rest of her life sigiltless. Recently it was declared that the restoration of her sight would be a simple matter, as it was believed her eyeballs were covered with cataracts. Preparations were made by surges-:5 imm the Eye and Ear College to ner- o+++o¢++v+¢+vvv~v~ by an ntttotno'cise. rut the auto at: p the bush symmetrical. Agpu‘rles 9:211 biauk'ccrvles have peren- I roots. hat Mammal carats; that is, the ts live thraugn a number of years. but (unis we utter Uniting at the end ct second $04352. Some kinda have more Cr ; ct an annual fruiting rioason."WItit sud: 320:4. Hum. the annual pruning cousins culling out all the canes which have 'ne {run The new cases all) should he wed out so :3 to leave only six or 0::qu me Lost rams to each bush; or if tho Les nre grown in the badge tow. Instead- the hill wakem, the Luiumzng shoulu mum canes six or eight inches up“: in the - Money cheerfully refunded by the cealerif any Clydesdale Preparations do not give satis- faction. NELLIE A BLIND LIONESS. Clydadaic Slack Food Co., lellcd Toronto, Ont. V .7 Thisdiows how important ft isto have th..e proper quantity of saliva. and dugcstive juices. i'itu' fl The average horse, with the usual flow pf §aliva, can one quart of oat: a: about Meen minutes; with this flow partially stopped it takes (him minutes. 7 _ FEEDING Clydesdale Stock Food and Bush ii-"Tirric:, Try Hercules Poultry Food. n f'T4 rarest, (H. L. ook tyrant who we I Pram;- " z: of wax» Hun. B. S. A.) ONTARIO ARCHIVES . TORONTO at Hg! "Hua--- ick‘ in the-mu a} tisgiau.' Mi, as this covering of t" f? ' to per In , T A strong company with a capital of $250,000, propnso to establish a factory for the matntiaeture of twine from flax at Chatham.. At Dead Moose Lake, 12 miles noytl of Humboldt, Mrs. noumi was accident “My shut dead by her son. eight year. of age. Louis. Ferrari. a hotelkoeiwr, at Saml wick. East. saved his children with great diftir'ultrfrom the flames that destroy ed his hotel. but t hunt J, It. Bergeron's store at St. Octave (10-All‘fis. Quebec, was robin-d of 8300 in cash and about an equal amuuut in goods. The steamer 1Gliyuga, six days over- due at Port Huron. is believed to have gone to the bottom with her crew of 17 men. . c To be such a successful wife. to re- min the love and admiration of her husband, to inspire him to make the most of himself,' should be a woman‘s constant study. If a woman finds Ihat her earergies are flagging. that she gets easily tired. dark shadows appear under h": gym; she has backache, headaches, Learn”;- down pains, nervousness, whites. irreg- ularities or the blues, she should start nt once to build up her system by a tonic with specitie powers. such as Lydia bl Pinkham's Vegetable Com. Thu, of the moat noted. sue1nss'hP, and richest man of this century. in " rem-m article. has said, .. Whatever I am and whmtevvr success I have attained in this world I mm till to my wife. From the day 1 first knew her she has been an inspiration. and the greatest lac-Ip- mate of my liN." .. Em? wirvre my child was born I ham. nu: tered, as I hope few womenevcr have. with u: thutmvation, female weakness, bearing a", t, pains, backache and wretched Mada-hm. " affected my stomach so I could not cujcy m; meals, 321.1 half my time was t in bed. " Lydia E. 1'irtlctiam's 'iiiiiiiii's?etii?iis, made me u. we?! wow. I feet Io mum: tLat I am glad to mtg Ind tell you of my xnarrx_:}om Pe'f.t .. Iain-ought Fe health, Vic-cram: Thanh Is the Great Source et the Power w I'm-1mm mm! Muscufage .All Women Should See]: Ic. - Foi'.owhtg we publish by request a letter from a voung wife: Dun- Mrs. Pinidiam: thus). hay“.- t. HEEL? [REAL WiFE HER HlJ,Y3.h'.tryG' BEST That the colonies will do as they please in regard to the proposed colonial con- fan-nee is the opinion of Lord Itose. bery. . William Baker, Chairman of the Coun- cil of the Barnardo Homes, has been chosen to succeed the Into Dr. Barnardo. The Hartford State Board of Iratle passed a reaohttion oposing Federal 1n- t.erfereswe with fire insurance compan» MM. a - -._ ‘V 7â€" -- ...- ll:¢AI-:l rm? life and yiauitr."--Mm. genie Ainsley m 142-351: mm Street. Taming, Wash. What Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegeum; Compound did for Ma. Ainsley It m; do for cc: ry sick and tiling woman. H you have symptoms you dont up dentmul \vritento Wa.. Pipkhnm, ts Lady Sybil Grey, the eldest daughter of Ills Excellency Lord Grey, returns from England the middle of November. An Italian named Stolfa is on trial at Lockport, N. Y., on the charge of kill- ing William McMaun, of Alliston. General Booth, of the Salvation Army, was presented with the freedom of the city of London in an oak casket. Skeletons of men slain in battle cen- turies before the Christian era were found under the Roman Forum. John Mchnn, 15 years old, was email- ed to death in an elevator in the Puri- tan Knitting Company’s factory. f Aemilius Jarvis & Co.. Toronto. have purchased 845,000 debentures of the Town of Moose Jaw. Irish producers of butter are asking for protection against the imported adulterated article. Luigi Carieri “as found guilty of man- slnughtcr at Pembroke and sentenced to twenty years in Penitentiary. D. Underwood, President of the Railway. was elected President of Pere Marque“. New York inaugurated a municipal ferry sen-ice between the BMtery and Staten Island. The Made-in-Berlin Exhibition, " Ber- list, Out" dosed . successful ten dnrs' show. _ _ Fred Vanalstine, sectlon man at Cot. lins’ Bay, was struck by a train and killed. Mr' Willii'm xuh"trdrirtsas redieet. ed a director of the Equitable Life. Victoria Country new House of tte. fugmat Lindsay no family opened. A [mutiny is reported to have taken flat-en“ the Russian. battleship Cathar- ne . The Imperial The Niagara {inning fleet :is' gathering at Port Dalhousie. . , The unit!!! steyrt.'.eanarie' in Thr- unto was a great' speech: '__v'rr rcr'siye: .. "iiiiittfi'ic, , NEWS Ill BRIEF M MUTE " 11rrspiill_us, withdrawn Lake, 12 miles north Boumi was aeeidertt. her son. eight years 'eer--r'rUL' M HE LPER 'fs"tt? Erie the the more. lie Mas, so fciphtracd he went asrute. He told the 4 What. he had sccn ,nnd they wont i, suit. They aver that the gnu- t monster {deemed in the water lik month. His movements wore w till he got into three feet of watt then he men set on him with long The devil fish showed fight at one thrust his long arm's one vigoroust dangerously. The men eucceed throwing e rope around one of th laden u it we raised out of the , end the combined weight of the me mad in trying to get the campus a However. they only succeeded- in m in; ott one of its suns. A knifw tied to e pole end one of the no: eye: we: deetxoyed, but it kept - tantalum. mm...» .. ..,. - THE MONSTER w'As BADLY warm ED, BUT GOT AWAY. Vancouver, 12. C., Oct. 3(L-A batCe to; an hunted; a huge devil fish and mu. fishermen, in which the comma um Nu \aucouver, M. U., Oct. 't--A battle royul between a huge devil fish SBU four fishermcn, in which the cctupus put Up so big a fight that he escaped, though minus an we and one of but tentacles, has just taken place at. Ballinvrhsnn Puget Sound. " brother Tom, Willi, Burger “we fishinr, Ihere have been great _rejoieings in Abrrdeetrshire over the birth of a datttt- ter to a Captain and Lady Marjorie tt.t.'t- dnir. Very many people will rememiu-r Lady numeric as the Winsome daugh- ter cf Lord 'tef Lady Aberdeen, whose aboruul. win form cl nwli Utopia, was 11111011 at that station, Mule attempting to jump on at gun el dam: for a ride. Principal E. A. Stevens wt Manning Avenue School, lul'uuw. was rein.,r.u/i after severe CPHSHJIO by the Alattagetitont, Committee of the maul of 1uiucuGu: luv clmslisinu a girl. ' Four men wounded by the accidon discharge or Lin-anus was the record Thanksgiving Lay. TIA-y wem .lu Burbeiege, Alex. Campbell Cleo. in and John Melina. The c"orrctipouderst of The Daily T: graph at Shanghai sends a report. ur wed at Firkin. according to which I 1?uwaget'nutwrcss has Imprinuwd 1 Emperor for alleged connection With cent bomb outrages at a railroad stat: there. las The Grand Trunk Pacific adinn Northern haw will: malty and will one: a fine at Winnipeg, to cost three lion dollars. At 3.30 o'clock on Wean Bell. the 12-year-old run: of (Lapin, was tailed at that _ his neck, "lyiteg almost immediately. The murder charge against Mrs. Rock- nm- and her daughter at Mx'atfm'd, was dismissed, but the older woman is hm: on a charge cf coxrcualmcut, of birth. John 3larklv,.editar of the Woodstock Express wilt go over to the Sentinel-mu view in a similar capacity. Palmer Watt, the present editor, Laying dou.ied_ to go west. The coming local option fight was tlu chief subject referred to in the spcr-Phw at the annual‘ banquet of Exeelsior UM sion, S. of I'., Toronto. G. B. Elliott, at the Toronto civic in vestigution, (mum-d that lie had Inn-n cmployrd by the Canada Foundry Cour puny to canvass the Ablcttwn. Thomas b'onnett, a wealthy tourisi, from JJiaelcptool, England. Ml down a vellar gangwny at Port. Hz!" and mum Promoters cf the Farmers' Bank, I roam. may change the uudqtrartvts Edmonton and can the institution Bank of Edmonton. from Halifax and the fortress plaeed in fail charge of the Canadian garrison by November 15. - .. 5.- "w “lullub “haw". owcvcr. they only succeedmt in wrench. g off one of its arms. A knife was ad to a. pole and one of the monator's NN was destroyed. but it kept up a nu. Aunuowe. £134...” u. no: amt-3. Ito itaiiasa "be war: in . {mil u» - Town to, C) " I'OljGriT OCFOPUS. g Be m that th" picture in the farm of I Had u on the wag- per of any b we of Madden you boy. I Had in on tb. perofeverr C'2": E'iirht: Madden you be? of Jfi,',isiitjlii,f, ScoMxB fti'//iy , 1 ‘me .rrN..i. f" _ I str-- YA . I ”Land " do an” farm of Scott's Emulsion. and that " the reason it is so helpful in consumption where its use must be continuous. q We will send you a sample free. and tolerate it for a long time. The? is no oil, not excepting .eutter, so easily digested and absorbed by the tystem a? ced liver oil iit.the SCOTT'S EMULSION d in! consumption. IA came the patient could not the it in its old fom. hence iilidrerlittlegou They t'sairtlthrrtteVe. W liom ohms" iti,tt't,tt validate” anfingood bulkhonouw Fromtimeimmrnoeia0he tlt: 'ileseaibei.eodli5e,r, q't1iietis Consumption 1011:, William y “we fishing in a , when Brown " Chemists Isumg in a can where " nt Brown saw the hidcnzm , on the bottom towards a was so frightened that nett, a wealthy tourisi, l, Engiand. fell down a at Port Hg": anal broke ar almost immediately. -*W la tee at Bellingl tence mundane, up: Brown and - "““.V " Ho's Inn} . AO." in n taut an»: a hiasht ' for ittle ti and the t ‘d thur " union said} day, Stephoa Hank-3' -ite! tation, wtul or four mil er like din ttt 0 in the me in tto hes Ll to from the Country are said to >lm'. A slight improvement City tram. i, init iy good and 'cotekeepers. ettirccial.y I!) gumis, arc- slmwmg up WI il am: t, d Rum Local industries Are weil (”1.913) ml Lu building opentiom are quiet. Winnipeg-Colder weather has gum tome impetus to the retail u'r.vrenov'. trade and there in still I bri,k movemvn in wholesale lines. Good orders fo' lilting stock: are all-may commg tor wad. 'There is I. good demand for at 'tTl'.,',';.""?,': and stocks are moi' " . "e or are bung mar W with swat-4 'poed and a" II " h cw trade generally wil Mt manay thus Ft't in mo ~dnling improve ICC. Tim is n phenomenal de mi at I“ 'lt centres of populn g‘ to "itbee' IMI‘HH, illustrating . ' 'stM.r 3teqt9iatt to countrv geo i'itiiib'] “WWW an. iLUis an in; forward and their volutue um confidence for a good “ado extv?.t into next season. The demand t ple groceries is “Ivy front all p. the country and when have th fm Wholeacie lmrdwue humus my are noun; fairly well for tlei, t, the year. in all bunches of my lectiom are (air to good. 1luebee-The demand in whr,lvs do: in reported active, patytitslay ceries and provident. and mm " still large and all lines of Land active, Country rrmELtunru a goodbat than in! man: awhile} Able in any collections. Ar. 1 moving muwmvm gut-u {mum is 2.9an A Luna who and Detroit 2oleuir, New York . Duluth . . . Minneapolis St. Lmtis .. Not, chug-0.. (an Iles.', medium, c. Mutton. per-m Veal. pr'r mu. . Lambs, spring .. Ruler, dar; Butter, on Chiekt RF. I' Fowl, per Turk”; I, Duttks, per ('abbngv. p: Potatr,cm. p (Hon. per Unions. P,eef, it Peas, ttew .. Hay, per ton Straw per h Dressed hogs Apples, libL . Eggs. per do: Ruler, dary i, Oats, new Barby. m Dressed hogs l tations at $8 to weights. Wheat, white,. L Do., red, Lusl Do., swing. l r Ft.--8tura per out, M lair-rt- and “62% for Fight: and Hts. Toronto Farmer! Yarn“. The offerings of grain to-day trer8 moderate. " but firmer, 2.Mn Irv-hols of white and ted winter sailing " 'it', to We, and 100 bushels at goose at 7.1:. ttar. lay mail-r, 600 bushels acting, at 50 to 'Me. Outs uetehanged, cm lush-'1. seli. iug at 3755 to .','0e per lumhol. Hay is aetive and firmer. with rates or30 loads at >10 to $2 Life a 112:3. Straw is nominal ut $13 a tun. 'a" Veal et_--f6..Mt eseh, or at in. 33.50 to 85.50 por an. Sheep and lamba~Pxpnd ewes. u to “.25 per errt., ttrat; tureks. " to b"... §0 per, rwt.; lambs $5.50 to t.eit pe aq% mi. Ail mid; trade tr',, Mikh eosvs--rteaiy good mik-h e m are in demand and While the wage of “has in wry with, mains all the way from £25 to $55, [sperm-None for sale. Fatty and eoloekers-- not: I'm-Ion Moo to 1,150 lbs. much, " 63.70 lo b4t medium Medan. I!!!) to 1.1.30 lbs. " $3.40 to t3.7tt; but fedora, c50 to 1,000 be., at 63.35 lo $3.40; best yearns. (steal), 600 to 750 Its., at” to t3.23; god stock heifem, 700 to 850 Iba., at The“ as quite an” of (mi! mu in - - tie "rimming new ”at, Wain, 1 boy was “helm! and - have been ttgr,', 1grte the man had not his father, b "I digging for chm clone by. heard his screams and xgrufkhfll'o of the tentacles held I eg in a close ri and and to he an on. g , tliXl?),'l'$liltr.l'ili':?i'ii1 The l - ". trr of the T tcet-trg' again! it. W a It. In town round the no. “it. The red-kip. out it on. No no." n- - tentacle dis. and than new: was than out. tttit the [Iain- were! to evade it and gut "my. -' - - y -- _ It. white,, hush. ' red, Lush. .. , spring. bush. , goose, bush. q per bag .. Endqudz tors Noun-tors THE MARKETS. T vwi. .. .... SUI) spring ... .... 1300 Leading Wheat Markets. Doc. Toronto Live Stock. “anal; at. (”.45 agui " " eve" n an; the timer far au won usortud lines. well employed but c quiet. Feather has gnu'n retail drygoods I brisk movement Good orders fot udy cumin tor. Od demand for " l checks are mor. tw, being mu. [peed and it lb Manny will , this let in mo- Ctmtt o to Itt M r:?. on ti (bit 0 30 I 00 7 00 02.6 (HO 003 014 ol" 0-10 063 ngrd. wii h tt to " 0 72 u " it " 'ct M Jo tht Tl tt 2r, ft 24% 0134 " I'M 0 17: 0 P.?, 0 GO 0 s'i " 35 am) 500 ' an " no) 800 u tht H it'.t " 2.t 0 71 0 0 quo- P/t tl Mb 31 , 72 I LOV He looks ot at! can-ps1 " no!” Tben he l his face aw -"'g hnven' "The Prutrt untried: T all to he her an]. . mamu-r lik . {use like w "Ob, Phil!" h soft Brm my poor be In there no y "No, nothing this!” and he M " a st"p .-theemt is mm 0“ me for A r It in Clmmm "Am you LL: asks "Found with sign open. and sum is I Jeannie in: of br: bokon voi tonne of n In My on II uni-king oul “View of the Jeanne Uni Il of the tutu-1. and eaoqrs. tltve minute- during-room Vane lacks um "Whetv is I. [My Luce!h with a buiqu - In: none: '" ues. fin-évn! ' "3-110." my; ll EPI. _ "I , h. CS' 'Cl ee, hour-My" l "Wo. r--i don't rind I lapponvd , '5. room in an the 1tetred smellinp “t be you. WI III has hide tuytuestien '. “Jo-tune." Jove! l 1 “Lord Lau" h 'e my Luce "i-why. wher bah around m "uo-h. "r, uni, can Inc’s flu “Shall XI 0 in» led: “mum; I shot .51, with umia won't Punch cold But Vane bar- “we wil tako a B, in meat-‘1 d here they db, " Jeanne, L "et entered. " 'hy. Hal." Yil W. with a in (In: Us tlr “and and arm: 'e' were pluym; - But Hard that look on or enough t "b-l than: " up, and i tttta norms tl had look on l tat not Inn $' , "We want 'lk'l Lord I. that d, low voiee. Janna " It the card ”myth I. b silent b " the v "MAI, how l tseunoivds:. 1 - land on " y wim- noting u ('l at his bodrn Verona m tl OEYLON '9i AIG, pn Ml "Whnt inn-tin " hen in bed, ,' “k to." - "I don't “In t "Yes,' Sold only " ALL GROG d 61w It is t lilt w "I'm quite g: I don’t " n ms ft " M tl tu n n In

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