West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 2 Nov 1905, p. 8

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James R. Gun & Co. Should you prefer consulting yum physician. Ming us his pre- scription and We will compound it wuh the purest materials and with a skill born of long experience. If you have more bulb in a pat. eut medicine, we all Hood's. Piso% Arer's, Chan's and all the standard preparations. Good for all lung and throat troubles -perfeeur harmless. “I e’ll tell you what it in made of if you want to know. Hundreds of your neighbors have been henetltted nnd we guarantee you will be auo if you use My! That Cough! Why not Stop it? Umbrellas We wish to emphasize the fact that our stock of strictly high-grade Gro. ceries includes everything the fastidious housekeeper could desire. Teas and Cotreeet, Pickles and Relishes, Fancy Crackers, Canned Goods, etc. Our Own Cough Syrup LADIES' JACKETS..$5, 7, 8, 10. CHrLDREN'S.$2.5Q 3.50, 4.50, 6.00 This is a line which we justly feel proud of because of its splendid range of styles. The materials are of first quality. COATS...... at6, 20. 25, 35. 50. FUR-LINED COATS. .-wt60 CAPS, M1718 and COLLARB at...... .... .... .... .... ....LowPriees 6611?; ttif 27 si.uiiSTa"ii-' 7aTir-ii',""iCiii."'ciiiiiGFi5 own 22.50 m S. Children’s. " Mor"---" We carry nothing but the best in Furs, which means QUALITY and STYLE. All this season’s nuke. READ ON t Mrrs......02.gtt. I. 8.10. m “Rhett...” $02.50. Inhats...25¢ iih?Lq,tutdlg. -.-;--..-.- 2:12:59; tk tt, Lt., mag-9'; C? Ire . . 41-59:“ :50 New Gloves We answer this question. FIRSr-..where the prices are right. SECOND-ua you can me I little money. THIRD-. where you will receive courteous and honest treatment. We fill the above requirements in every respect " our new Fall Stock u the admiration of all. The Nip in the Air Where Shall I do ' My Fall Shopping . MEN'S WOOL-FLEECED Un- derwear, sizes 34 to 44 l w worth 1.50 per pr, for == MENS SCOTCH WOOL ELAS- TIC Underwear, ttttahrittkattle sizes 34 to 44. per suit...... .... .... .. 218 Out of a stock that includes several varieties, we quote these four specials. Remember we can fit any figure and suit any man 's idea of what he ought to wear. A Quartette of Underwear Specials Suggests warmer Clothing. We have prepared for this months ago and as a result our Store is packed with the very goods that will PROTECT YOU FROM DmcOMFORTS. A Superb Line of Ladies' and Children's Cloth Jackets .......$8tol0. ROBT. BURNETT I I The People’s Store 1 FURS for Ladies Furs for Men Groceries Mr'srti,3),Wg, 1911110 "ii -ioirirnif 3i 3 "a wonder who the two young gentlemen were who drove a team in the buggy that has trot a patent mg for it ? They say it is tar warmer than a robe: Idid not hear what the rug says. We notice that one of the young gentleman of the park always attends choir practice when he is home. Wonder what the attraction is ? Mrs Neil McMillan took in the thanksgiving excursion to Toronto. Miss Annnie MacMillan spent a few dove with friends in Dundalk last week. .... u. uuyluu on mnrsuay evening. All the pupils are home for Thanke- giving at present so there is lots of education around the park, Mrs Aldcoru, Sr, is better at preSent. Mr Ray Wilson Visited Mr RBeard Saturday evening last so I hear. Mrs Jno Aldoorn visited Howick friends on Thanksgiving, ..We wonder who the two young gentlemen were who drove a team in the buggy that has got a patent mg: a- " n .'... News is scarce this week the weath- er being too cold tor the cur. to get around very much to gather it. We are glad to Yay that Mr Robt Knox is pretty near alright again. Mr Bert Martin and Miss l' Bell visited " Mr Joseph Love 'tt on the 10th concession on Thursday evening last. Miss Stanley visited the park on Thursday last. . My Will_Heard took in the hm W- MENS SI LK-FLEECED Under- wear, all sizes, fiue nonirrat- ing qualities, will wear I so well and wash. Per pr --...- BOYS' WOOL~FLEECED Un- derwear, sizes " to " loo good wearers, per pair == Swinton Park .......$3to§. ip the box New Getting New Neckwear SSUER of Earrings Liceoiea. L I 62, thn.t, N. .R. Glenelg. Strictly 'tortth1entiai.--Cio.. attention The undersigned will sell house Mid lot on West Bruce St. built in ION, lo cated between Furniture end Cream Separator factories. so x & fees. 29 stories. double cellar. cement floor in one half. furnace in the other half. 9 rooms. modern and convenient. Good well on premises. smell barn with atone stable underneath. A bargain to quick buyer. Applrat Que premises or to Review $31.00 to Jan. l, 1907 Mr Hamilton Allen has returned from North Ontario and has brought with him some of the produce of the land-not grapes and fitra but mineral tte near“ Cobalt. He expects toga there in the" iiiFiik, Mr Joseph McArdle is away in Tor. onto for some days past and not ex- pected back for several days more. He is on a business trip and seeing " friends. Mr David Bilton spent Thanksgiv- ingrDay in Toronto and has returned. 1 Death has visited our village and taken Mrs Annie Ferguson. She died Thursday 26th and buried Saturday 28th. She was the only daughter of the late Geo Troup and Mrs Troup- widow residing near here. She was taken with fever overs month ago and lesvesto mourn her departure her husband, her widowed mother, two brothers, one son a child of about 18 months and a large number of friends. What leaves it more sad is that Mr. Fergusonis else laid up in bed with the same fever and his chance to re- cover is not the best. He is a son of Mr Alex Ferguson, 15th con. Quite a number from here attended the social at Ritchie's school house last Wednesday and spent an enjoyable evening. Mr Geo Staples lost a valuable horse last week. Mr and Mrs Jno Weir visited-their; son John at Glanmont in Egremont last week. The beef ring meeting took place last Friday evening and everything oussed off satisfactory. Mr TTurn- bull Will be butcher tor another year, Mr John McArthur. who has return- ed from Manitoba visited old neigh- bors on the 4th. Miss Marion McNab left Wednesday atternoon for Red Deer, Alberta. Mrs Sparring, of town, visited at Mr Dan Greenwood 'g last week. MISS Kate Livingstone, Priceville. was the guest for a week at Miss Maggie Manllv's on the avenue. Mr Wm Edge has purchased a windmill trom Agent John Clark and erected it last week. Messrs Geo Moffat and Frank God- son, of Toronto, the, a. flying visit to 'le, Moffat tami yover Thanksgiving tty. Mrs Ross, of Toronto, was visiting her sister. Mrs Angus MeArthar, over the Thanksgiving holiday period. Mine Maggie Veuie. who has been at Clifton Springs. N, Y ' is brighten- ing up the home of her parents " preunt. Mia Ethel Heughau left Saturday wipend the winter months with her sum. Mrs Morrison, in Walkenon. Mrs Geo Morton left here 233: week for Alberta where she will join her husband. Mr Wm Leggette, who moved on the Morton farm, has purchased Mr J Winner’s property also. Rev Mr McDonald. of Suttcn. Dmobed here last Sabbath. m took " text from Psalm 1 :1 and 2 and will also occupy the pulpit on Sunday. Watch for the pie and " sock! coming in the near more. HQUSE FOR SALE Misc Violet Campbell. of Hamilton. ylolwd " Mr John Contu' recently. A very enjoyable time was spent at Mr John Reay'a a couple of week. ago. in games. dancing. etc. Mr John Vanna. of Durham, upon: Sunday " ‘J W Vickar’l. Bevin] eel-noes are being held in Ebenezer Church. They are conduct- ed by Rev Minnie. an evangelist. The meetings commenced Sunday end will continue for a week or two. Rev Stephenson enchanted panm with Ree Holmes of Holstein,' on Sun. day last. Rev Holmes gnu In elo- quent sermon on the Foreign Minions. The Epworth Lea WI. 1tettNt" ixed In: week and is?!” hold our! Wednesday night. Mr Wm Vickeu has returned home utter spending some time in the Welt. Mr John Johnston has got the post- tion " teacher in Loni-e school for the coming year. Mn French. a Port Huron. is at men: visiting her brother. ldr g W when. T1103. NICHOL Rocky Saugcen Mi. tiopeville Edge Hill Box sd, BGFham. ONTARIO ARCHIVES ' TORONTO Lo than on are gain t . '2)or&)feet inch-pa. The marl in the lake woe to last 100 yeura and. if we are to believe what We hear, is done ' the pause of the present howling But It Is not done yet and when it ttg, out upder the precont, mode of iftiuglt. drain It. You will then get all that is in tt . lees than 32]) will accomplish that end. the water an be reguluted " you woplg do a mill-dun: the marl when Itfted II In a sort of ttquid, state and it stands to reason that on ere going to get more out of . wt: of water eumcient, to Boat your red“ i Now, gentlemen, we trot through twulenn years In peace and quietness and now when we hue struck a. fat one what do we hear ? We hare Four dir- ectore, your managers. your head hook- keeper. and I suppose alt the rest of ( the ottieuu, all opptu'cntly sailing in l the one boat and theory comes out from the midst of them " tear it, down, tear that gieut establishment down, whv cumheroth it the ground.” We read gentlemen, of the rich men who had no placeto bestow his goods that he tore} down and built greater and the com- mend came “Fool, this night thy mull ohmllberequired of thee." The rich man had no place to bestow his good: butthe manager of the Durham Port- lend Cement Company never was in I. fix of that kind fot they had the bank and will have It for some time to come. The rich man tore down and built great- er, in this case it will be the reverse. Your hook-keeper tells me that the stockholders will he called upon to win with a. few thousands more but I have no hesitation in telling Mr Ehrlurdt that the building he will erect from money got from (hot Iource will be so small t at he Will almost require a magnifylng glue to Bee it. Just about when we. had reached that stage we saw for the first time the coal smoke towering to the skies and the Durham Portland Cement whistle had blown its first blast. It blew unnum- tner and when it stopped instead of hav- ing blown us u. 10 orl2 per cent divi- dend, as the mom from Gulwuy pre. l dicted ll would do it, just blew us 8111!) deeper in the hole. the result of it being that some of the stokholdere sold ( at toaerifiee and othete of them hunged l themselves hut the managers took no such doleful view of it u that, they whooped her up. and blew the whistle once mureand when she stopped at the end of the year it was discovexed that she had blown the 12000 clean out of the hole and it would have been blown into our pockets had it not struck the Malt. The wheel of fortune again turns and no does the Durham Portland Cement whistle; uhe blows and blows, thia time till she. blows atperfeco hurricane strik- ing the bank this time with about 8100.00. The customer entered the shop and called for a. half ounce. While it was a-wmghing he dips his nose spoon in it and with it In). .. that " he says "is guid muff.” e comes back the second time. " Lad. John " he can " bet that’s jest a. pickle gran snuff " .. Ou " " says John, {“ila a. pickle gran snuff. het an; 1hirnoit'ye'll sin Get, 3' 'mutt" awn." It was not long, gentlemen. till the mil~ hon was "n. snuffed awn." and we were left wiggling under as load of dehtof 8140.000. and any about them as the OWEJEnges- ham grocer said about the snuff. That, gentlemen, left us with '7li0,000 toga on with the work and the best way I think: to wind up this part of the show will be to put the two sums together, no. 8750.000 _ - .. '"'J" "make an living Ivy stealing. I am prepared to carry out my agreement to the letter, and my charges if anything areunder the mark," and Went on to show where similar cases had cont more money. The reault was gentlemen that the man from Galwav left the plat... form with his 8250.111) securely eluted away in the crown at his old hat. _ rumor amt-and that the old gentlunun I had charged or wanted 8260,00o for his services: the result of that was instead of making any more signatures in the Stock-hook the: commenced to all the old fellow ha names. and when he came to hear of it in hit far Away Mich. igan home he rolled up his sleeves, clapped his every day hat upon his head and made a hee line for Durham. He called n. public meettntt nnd when he mounted the platfonn you could euily see. gentlemen. that the Michigan blood mu: up. He told us fellows right straight that we had been slanderimz him behind his back. we had called hlm I a. thief. a. swindler. " I don't " he my. I I. 9“”er hm" I-.'-.., "- ’A _ I. - The tirst thing the gentlemen did upon their arrival was to visit the Lake, cull n pulvlic meeting und hand In their report. The report mun“ right. Lake l had turned oat bully, for beyond their expectations. hurl enough In it to run the plant. it built. 100 yearn. and If you people of Durham only fut your ehoul- der to the wheel. it lure I, will he built. We want one million dot are and if you people of Durham raise $150.01), I mil guarantee the balance and liuild you an I up-tu-dutr mill and promise you a good 1 interest upon your monev. Everybody l was planned. all hunde went home re- jmcing. the stock-[molt- were handed round ntul Were twine tilled up Very rapidly, when at halt was called: there Was a nigger on the fence. there was ail rumor abroad that the old Reutlumm l have no doubt. ontlemen. some of you will In making I?“ reuurk that. you would have been money in pocket had the girl never been horn. but. haul gtteit have been the can. they no doubt would have Rot their information from mine other source. " it now mods she has either the credit or the blame of striking the tirut blow. turning the timt sod of the Durham Portland Oe- ment Works. Some low you: my daughter had qot"o.ttrtMnis. 'd,"'r'o"l,'dll' with the vuu‘mmict Maautarturtptr MW! nun In. intncueod to their hummer Mr Stunning”. The con-tion III ”"0 we] rifted on to marl and ce- ment, my daughter telling him that there was plenty of the slut! uround her home. Stanimpo made the remark that he had at triend in Michigan intel- ested In that kind of hummus nod thnt hewould mite him. The molt WM that she was written to asking for im. formation regarding the cement depos- its in the vicinity of Durham which in- formation they at once not, and upon the strength of it Mr Cowhnm and: few others made their appearance in our town. r the Suck-80mm of the Nation! ohm“ Como-t Company tad, ik kid"; "_-___ ,__. “I“ . using to get hom "(Zr A: Open was. Watch maker Jeweller, _ Have you a Reason for not having any of our new Japan china? Your Rom. Cochrane. un old retired farmer. with at good deal of money in the concern and who doesn't want to he cheated out. of It. _ .. _ -,__V. ._.-_ _--. - .-. “w... "'" a hand upon it until that question in utisfuctorily nnuwerrd. The man from Gnlwny. not 260,000 for promoting the Ke,,,",'.',',:, mill: there any he promotion eel required for the other. Gentlemen. look out, there mnw he a snake in the grass. Yours. to. Now, gentlemen. this busineu no the saving ill, lies in a nut. shell; huve we go: nun-l to feed the mill or have We not? This yen-'3 business but proven to a nicety, there is money in it, and lots of in. If there is no marl to feed her. then tear her down or blow her up. you will nuke about. as much of her the one way u the other. Marl or no marl that is tho question. The property is our. gfndemen, and .en.'t let they lay -7.v‘_ .‘v Iv yawn-In, %rrw" I'C 'JIIllll"u. The outrun; of teams would cost. nothing and from the short distance I run convinced it would cost no mere to lay it down at the works than it does to-thw from the lake. and it would prove conclusively whether the article Whl there, and if Mr Ehrhardc wu right regarding its quality. Then Mr McKechnie. your director. -' says there is dry "nu-l enunuh within in } mile and , hnlf of the works, to last 8! or 10 vein-u aud within 5 mile radius to i lastwyeii'n. Hanover drew it n dis-i Lame of four miles no men work. hy I team and why ain't it he done here 2) Your nmnngerm s It is here, but only in pockets. He T,",,',', may it in n worth- I less article. hut, your "ook-keeper dues. , A few nights emu. he Argued with we I that the stuff was entirely useless and it matters not, it we had Lhuumnds of l acres of It. Bo, gentlemen. you wiil f notice between mom.- two otttciah, that 1 they have drawn a picture about as ' blgek '" it possibly can he printed. I a fully guaranteed for one year. Ths is no toy watch, but genuine time-keeper. TERMS-Cash or Produce. NJ“: To the purchaser of Clothing to the value of $3.50 or more and an additional 500, We tive your; Valuable WATCH. Your money is not ours till you're ttatiafied in may par- ticular. If we can't satisfy you on evety count, there is no harm done. It will cost you nothing but a few minutes time. Call in at any time and we will be pleased to-show you our beau- tiful goods. There is only one reason we know of and that is because you have not seen it. Clothing Opportunities A. GORDON, xiv-:2“ gr " 1 Sale commencing Wed. Nov. lst and continuing until following Wednesday - Me I in 1,t,??jgt8,t,1xrtlr. , in' . FAT. "NF. Qti,8,ui'th ALEX, RUSSELL This is the Proposition: THE BIG STORE In this Sale there is nothing reserved. Your ehoice of our immense stock of Clothing. Rom. Cocanum. and Optician i 3311:: or cum - - . -_- - ‘7er tor our Pa" ot calling Real Estate. 11:. 1Farmm Itu “to ' In. uuar, W“ W. W. Banal. Amt. Thistle. FOR ,-. _ - Waterloo, Wellington. Wetland. Wentworth und York. Aha my Business and Reci- denuau Pmpeetim for Sale in all M of the province. lf you Urea Fun-m or other may foe min. write for our term. of gamma“- - - We have a huge number of for Sue in the following Cm Brant, Knox. Rttgn, Gm. Bald Huron. Kent; I‘mhtm "---' Jun. 2, “In, T'hortryett Bred and. um Yo-kshu-o Ion. All Rainer-d Stock and like! ttmls. Applrto - , About 7 mile Gordan Road lion " once, mu Durham. Feb. 2. 100 Acre FARM for ‘SALE _____.-.,... “:u\-IIIIIIK 1W tern. more or lens. 125 ucrel cleared. bounce hard- wood lmsh. " miles from P. O. and school. church on properly. Well vat,- ered. wells: and running springs. Build- ing: In Rood repair. Witt be cold on reasonable terms " mild- from Durham and from Prieeviiim If sold ff','l',teee given tor Work this fall. Pu l pone.- ton m March. Clear title given. Apply to the proprietor. D. (in/mu: ,__..-_ -w “I“. I!" less. 125 acre- clured. lulnnoe wood bush. " miles from P. O. Ich90l. church on nrooenv. W.“ Being lot No. 20 on 2nd Con. and 22 and gt, on the 3rd Con. Seels,rt, "onhMninq 160 acres. I... . , .---»-~ . - - - .. _,_,, .uunx-I. null/El tV't'ONt. ttte road. Every tield well watered. 'mile from school, and 1 mile from poMotBce. Four mile-u from Durham.' Good brick houn- with 10 monw, stable with “our foundation. frntue turn, stone Pitt pen. and good hearing orchuuwd. Terms to unit purchaser. Apply Box ll Durham P. o. a. RYAN, Prop Will he sold. or rented ttt desired, that well-known In nimble stock farm at. the ttr, 10 and 11. Con. 1. S. D. R., . acres in farm, more tttr Ives. Shay on uns- camer. Hotel HOTEL & FARM for SALE or to RENT. The undersigned "ttere property in Upper Town parrtcuturs, apply to, we in the following Counties- r, Essex. Elgiu, thee, Kaitlin-and. n. Kent, Ian-boon, Lincoln. Mid. r, Norfolk. Oahu-lo. Oxfond. Pool. 1, Bimcoe. Violet-h. Watereoo, W? «HEM ' ;' A‘;‘J‘; Prieevsite, or to FARM FOR SALE FOR SALE. FOR SALE. miles from Durham on the loud. Title trl Pout-u- ', must he col Apply to J. P. TELIOBD. a, 99 trill FOR SALE. THOR r rented separately if -known hotel and de- At the ttoh Roy, Lot B. lh R., u'.!'yititr. 1fll D, Gunny, -. r1 " A. H. JAcxoox, Bulicitor. Duthun I Scum & .wxs. "W Maureen P. o JOHN Rornettrmm offers his splendid Town for sale. For 2nd Con. N. D. R. 3:11 Con. N. D. R. ftom pout airic .' J , iirj't' iifi"dlti' V: Blackzillit}: tun-om the Fruit {gale Firm. ”if V0 Rum REV" REV! I anu Ruvu lawn lixvu lisvu It EVII REV:

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