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Durham Review (1897), 9 Nov 1905, p. 3

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R SALE PAY SALARY "iit2rti"i'i'i'isti?,?rtis'"i . a an 1"l 'fd'Sl'l' or Dinah-z“. TimToFAT, 'I Ber??" ML.” ’BUBE GUM Fails. Twins orii.-E Nrtttteetion at 8m (high Valley han m r York uptown, In: Ill u and busineu w; , ail European I“ I Many a as. of chronic Btu. fself,may betmemr Coma, start in on SOMS mun»: ITS VAL“! ILOCK AND HARDWM mbor. t-Iemph who, 6-. rub", ”Honor flttil. .1- ,d hardwood tloort9 a, in our, mm hon point. an Bey Railroad. M daily, from Sm . PtttLADELPtttA he a: " D, ELLANEOUS. rs WANTED. edsuraee- IN ERS tarp!) h 1tiC IMO“ 0mm ost Cards MRS PER DAY. mar sex; mm traumas; no]. “. st mm W spread In; shed in the Jo-. Medieal M‘ he illuminati- it , which eomnntgti- :n_v way< themrtth products, and o! 1 arr-(bunt is m i" mn‘ throat, i.- tim who”. tho 11W". to the milk I "Militia. In igt. trrtncthary g!“ :d their “at." a advarttaao at a. T uenls' Mretgta.s tlik, llama your.) J", under Pr“- _ ammo. - training m up ree; write. husetta MEN mum. Ly to so". 0- to “to dirmt " am gut Mtor, Nt THM CRA.. I of hull-an. : what I tMt nd Mte. me. "itat not!" v'nlervm. h t tho nun- rs an 80-0- ut their 0-- dmoual hob centres at. (t um" and wring esta.. ttor man at- yrs An nup- nzate ot no finest "odd m. an m , unsatu- saruq as dogs of ti. unce be Do- c_uoo;.. a a.. Hindi mills. 0v- LIMITED.. ppm to ho Sate. n and but of hydro- to hunt. was”. Ann‘s rm (an me never vain. um I " Many Accept Offer of Preédom With Joy, While Others Demand a Republic. Cossacks Turned Loose,anaiieat the Crowds at , Kazan. Kishineir and Other Places. Odessa, Nov. 6.--Non.--Conf1iets be tween Cossacks and mama continue. During the fitthtirtg between rough! and Jews in Dhiuktya street last night 37 persons ware killed and 81 seriously wounded were taken to the hospital. . Emperor Wag Urged to Issue more» Before It Wu Too Late. Berlin, Nov. 6.--The correspondent of the Loknl Anaieger at St. Petersburg says he has learned from a well-inform- ed source the following details oi Count Witte',, interview on Monday with Em- peror Nicholas, during which he prevailed upon his majesty to sign the rescript: "The court party had been working upon the Emperor to prevent his signing the reseript, when Count Witte appeared. His majesty naked the count if the im- perial signatures could not be post- ported. '1 he count thereupon called at- tention to the frightful condition of " fairs within the empire, especially to the last mutiny in the Black Sea. fleet, an.d also pointed to an important dcspatch from Berlin announcing a heavy de. t-reasu in Russian bonds. Count Witte said that not an hour must be lost. and that delay of a day or two would usher in revolution with all its horrors. Only then did the Emperor consent to sign." Some Ghdly Accept Car’s Offer- Others Want Republic. St. Petersburg. Nov. tt.--Noon.-A light fall of snow covered the city wich a white mantle during the night. but to- day a. drizzling rain helped to put a. damper am the ardor of the crowds a1- Henrik ll. tist. is iii. o The deaths far exceeded the births in Winnipeg during the past month. The figures wow 230 and l80, respectively. At 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon the Ontario Power Company sent the first pmwr or" its lines to Loekport. N. Y. A collision on the Midland Railway, near Bella-ville, resulted in detailing a freight engine and six cars. One ear was burned. Out of a whaling fleet of thirteen ves- sels that left San Francisco. eleven have been caught in the ice in the Arctic Ocean. T North York Conservatives 11 Mr. Arch MeCallum, of King _ to oppose Hon. A. B. Ayleswort Commons. Premier Whitney pays o, mu tive vdtu-utionalists wiil cevtaii “ninth! to advise the Minieu tive Mimi pointed t departnwr Thomas chief var the Michi has resigr Jules Rosa. a young Italian. to the Central Prison for one terday for passing forged ct Land”! jewelers. The trarmers' National Bank fisher, Oklahoma Territory, closed by direction of the c, of the Currency. At Bnolville ”sites the at returned no bill on the indit Mrs. Sum?! Diamond for the ', her daughter-in-low, Mrs. Hm mid. of Queen-bore. The Delaware and Hudson R "ficials deny the report from thug-1h; inlampany ii to with the Pennsylvania puny. '""". v Charles J. Devlin, the coal miner oper- ator. who recently underwent bankrupt- ry, with linoilities of t4,0o0.000, died at a licspital in Chicago, as the result of a stroke of paralysis. The Tillsonburg. Lake Erie and Pacific Railway has been lensed to the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, and will after Sovember 15 be operated as part of dis- triet No. 2 of the Ontario division. A wildcat that got loose in n G. T. R. baggnge car between Owen Bound and Stntlord made things lively for the peo- ple in the car. The door was opened ml the animal “loved to - to the s Wilma. One of the Canadian Pacific Philwny’s new stelmers is to be named the Em- press f Ireland. A high officinl of the C. p.51 on helpg reminded that Ireland iir,ttht1 gunman replied: "b that so'., F Cell, then, we will give her one." Thi Dominion Government has, thisjermd the set-0!. foe ‘-‘-= and aim has te this _ cu" RN4 - “mi 'aair and ah the way-3% days, "tst the cloud mu“ mine! and will continue through of November- mate ”for Georg. , - so NI a-at “N ii NEWS IN BRIEF nts at POPULACE DWXDED. WITTE AND CZAR. med [or Sills, ' inspector can Cent bscn, the Norwegian drama ut onant Governor Women's Hotel 'nnto Is, for thirtyvono actor and arbitrator Central at Niagara str.af..irdut".P'h"Ae.!.t 'ai"aaut-ritht"r"' utionnl Bank of King- Territory, haa been n of the Comptroller y: GiiTU -r result. commend yuter‘dty throughout the month Natives nominated of King township. Aylesworth for the forged cheque on s the Grand Jury the indictment of for the murder oi Mrs. Harry Diam- lson Railway " from Scranton be amalgamated Railroad Com- yummy an, was sent formally for Immi- uneil of y ca I' hem. of of your: for Fans. “If ae ready exhausted by the delirium of yes- terday. Gen. Trepoff's warning to the manifestants that he will use energetic measures to prevent disorders, coupled -with the reappearance of patrols of horse and foot soldiers, also exercised a re- [straining influence, and the agitators Iexperienced difficulty in again arousing ithe proletariat. Many strikers among the rairoad men are ready to return to work, and those in favor of continuing the struggle have difficulty in holding ithe majority. The students and social . democratic leaders who continue to de- clare that nothing but a republic will suffice are using every means in their power to keep up the enthusiasm and drive the people into armed collision with the troops. A score of big meetings are announced l for to-day. An official thanksgiving ser- vice is announced to take place at the iKaisan Cathedral at 2 o'elock. . The news from the provinces shows that the whole empire must have been plunged into great excitement yester: day. Everywhere the announcement of the issuing of the manifesto granting Russia a legislature aroused the people to a high pitch of enthusiasm, but every- where the populace was divided into two camps as in St. Petersburg-thoe who accepted the boon of fredom with in- tons? joy and who are now denominated loyalists, and the extreme radicals under the leadership of students, social demo- crats and revolutionary organizations. who used the opportunity to preach the morph-to overthrow of the Government. Clashes and snuguinnry conflicts occur- red at many places. In some tere', the 'r-KF ... '""""d who”. - mobs obtained control and the authori- ties were forced to obey their demands for the release of the political prisoners. This was the case at Bylostock. Cossacks were turned loose and beat the crowds at Kazan. Kishineff, Kioff und other places. Wheat deliveries along the C. P. It. s'.vstertl indicate that the estimates of the grain crop made early in the {all will be far surpassed. Already deliveries ex- ceed 25,000,000 bushels, as compared with 11,530,000 at the same period of Millard & Ferguson have issued a writ on behalf of the widow and infant chil- dren of the late Cyrus o.'rtoekwood. the bicyclist “lu- was killed hy ft Toronto strret car that jumped the Hawks at Md‘nul and Queen streets, for '20.000 damages against the Toronto Railway Company. The Toronto Typographicul Union. by an almost unanimous vote yesterday. omlorvd the eight-hour day movement and determined to contribute a. M) cent. capita weekly tax to the general strike fund. In this way about $450 a week “in he raised by the Toronto union alvmc. While William Marshall, head miller in the Grvett Flour Mills, Greenwood, near Brougham. was lying in wait with a loaded shot gun to use on the youth of that village who were out on Hal. Iowe'en pranks, the gun discharged, tak- in; sfferi, in Marshall‘s foot. It was found uecvssary to tmputntc some of his r, Josie Carr Pleads Guilty to Man- slaughter. Toronto dopalicli: The grand jury at the Criminal Assizos yesterday clazuigwl the charge against the tliirteenvyoar-olll girl, Josie Carr, from murder to nun- slaughter. When the child appeared in mint on the Fe-wr charge she did nut "4H"nt to realize the seriousness of her. position. ()n being arraigned she SAL! "I pl'xul guilty." At this point Mr. E. E. A. Dchrnet. the preventing counsel, remarked that he would like to hive a ornsitutiton with Mr. T. C. Rolsinette. K. C., who I hvl charge of the girl's case. l Mr. Robinette mid he would ha :9 _ man-a rather important remarks to make _ i, to lli: Lordship in connection with the ( also. and therefore asked that sentence be deferred. This was agreed to. In view of the plea of guilty it will not be necessary to take further eri. dome. or go into the hemwing details of the theft of the nine-months-old baby boy of Mr. and Mrs. William Murray from the lane beside Eaton} store on May " last. and its subsequent death, The haby was roiled down the ll. U. R. embankment west from Greenwood avenue, and what It had p.ruhti.1 Josie iiiriirijGugadin-Neyrtrt. "the sentence of the court it“ you be omsftned to the mm foe on day," anid 5“ m attae ts 1nd hand the t,r,'tf,tta)t this”! ot M Ahrtyt, ,ihi ittite't'lti' menu. "tttiii-fbi'- f0. ty.ut.tyrfMM A5MERN C in“ in " - . - F, T __ - . .. !A,L___.A.j s... m...“ irfriUriiAii, instructed Mr. Robinette to have the parents in court " 1 o'eloek thin dunno: and and! Wm would ti- be - be M. CHANGED MURDER CHARGE. * ttie Upwards of forty-five thousand ure- of land were used for growing rape in Ontario in 1005. It u a crop easy of cultivation, abundant in growth, and rich in fattening properties. Owing to its broad, spread leaves, rape has a wonderful power ot smothering out weeds and is thus one of the best crops obtainable for cleaning the land. No less than eleven varieties of rape have been grown in the experimental grounds of the Ontario Agricultural Col- lege in each of the past three years. In 1905 the yields varied from 4 to 21 tons per acre, the lightest yielder being the German variety, and the heaviest the large Seeded Umbrella rape. In the average of three years' experiments, the Large Seeded Common. Large Seeded Umbrella, Buekbee'g Wonderful, Dwarf Bonanza, Dwarf Essex and Dwarf Vie- toria varieties have given the greatest yields of green crop per acre. The Dwarf Essex is one of the most reli- able varieties. The German Summer (Bird Seed rape) should never be sown for agricultural purposes, as it seeds the same season as sown, thus furnish. ing a. poor crop for feeding and intro. !ducing a plant which is difficult to eradicate. This point should be care- fully observed, as serious trouble has sometimes resulted from sowing large areas of this variety. The most suitable soil: for rape are fairly moist loams, rich in vegetable matter. Land should be prepared for rape similar to that for root crops. Soils deficient in vegetable matter should re- ceive a coating of stable manure. A dressing of eighty pounds of nitrate of soda per acre when the rape was about two iiches high increased the yield of the crop about two tons per acre in the average results of the comparative experiments conducted over Ontario for a period of five years. of one and one-half pounds per acre in rows about thirty inches apart and to a depth of one-half to one inch. A thar. ough stirring of the first two inches of the ground between the rows ever ten About the moith of June, large, plump was! shoylbe sown at the rage M) DOUBI AS TO " Miss Geary’s Solitaire Diamond R Pawned by Young Man. Boston. Nov. (L-The finding late Fe'" terday in the offiees of the Back Bay Loan Company of we solitaire diamond ring given Susan A. Gem-y by her mo. ther last Christmas, was the last thing needed to settle any doubt tab. might re- main“ to WM,“ “immense victim; _ htrat tauttia.ilt Want this ring, WEEK ttri tith had bein {KW habit of wanting, wu mining. The po- lice have leaned that the ring was pawnedSept. 11 hynyoungnun. A and tor swath and phryuaP. - the ,, - i - This adds to e product on. All our r'h"l,a'r"l'tied',f are sold under a POSITIVE GUMTEE OF SATISFAQTION or money cheerfully refunded by the dealer: _ cpnuiu the. harmless tgel,t'gu, tha t makes your hens lay in wine: tune when M are at the ighest price. Besides. keeps them in plende condition to resist disease. HERCULES LOUSE KILLER will keep {odrfovl free from vermin. and cLYDlSDALE CARBOLINE ”OTIS! TIC will keep your hen- I the . but end doubt. ' f _ 8d 'iff.,'," ttlg thcaaverage sells for the some as one pound a"PsA.taa'dtttttahor,'ts mulching Y/tttund,",',,',,',",',', Mommyinzrmkgifmlyfd. nth. hemasitis erratum! action tolaycggs. Hercules Poultry Food Rlc7,8, but“ we: rm tio.. Luna. Toronto. on. ms: SUSAKIU. L A. GEARY. days-or so increases the growth of the rape wonderfully. Flat cultivation is gegerally preferable. -. ' _ . Repe makes an excellent late summer and autumn pasture crop for fattening cattle, sheep and lambs. In one season upwards of six hundred hmbs were pas- tured and fattened on the Experimental Farm at Guelph. It is grown regularly as one of the crops in the short rota- tion. When rape is pastured by hogs there is more waste than when pastured by sheep. Several verietiel of rape were fed to mileh cows and all produced a taint in the milk, there being but little difference between the varieties in this respect. SUIT CASE” VICTIM. Animals should never be turned on rape when hungry or when the rape is wet or frosted. There is not much dam ger of animals bloating if they are turned on gradually at first, allowed free access to an old grass field, and furnished with plenty of salt. There is practically nothing gained by feeding grain to animals when on rape. Lambs gain in weight from eight to twelve pounds per month on rape alone. -- . . 1 "1...; ._ .41-.. t., rV“-’-- r'- -- - _ . If rape is out and placed in piles in the field it will remain in good condi- tion several weeks. Usually it can be hauled to the stable and fed to cattle, sheep and pigs until Christmas ‘time with excellent "tisrfaetion.--By Prof. C. A. Zavitas. Evidence to Convict Man of Triple Murder. Middletown, IC Y., Nov. q.-Attorney Rogers announced to-night that suffi- eient evidence. has been secured to con- viet Charles Henry Rogers, of this city. of the murders- of Fred and Willis Olney and Alice Ingenck, and the mur- derous assault on Mrs. Georgia Ingeriwk. mother of the girl. Rogers, who was a moiorman on the electric railway here, disappeared soon after the murders. He is also charged with using worthless unequal; about the was full of gas and all the crevices of $1 .000 recently was offered for his arrest for grand larceny; >_ ' _ There is a suspicion mitted suicide soon aft but many believe he woods néar by during the night, but without result. The police visited a house when his said to have liven; ptrt of the time, but, the impate? said the doctor had not been there for seven] weeks. . Morris Nathan. who is detained by the police on the charge of having procured an jtbgal operation on Miss Gary, was at!“ tut' Wu! toaarr.. 1tti1. It" weak'ph’ysicaf isd . ion".' 'il?sliiGi ,uthoritus hare not gm out anything My regardiyg Ntmn’l condition. It In: not yet bean eeped. when he has hot yet been unnamed wnen m: will be taken to the Munici 1 Court to m at. My: - a. it IS ROGERS THE MAN? Slusp'icion that Rogers mm- 3 soon after he disappeared, elieve he is hiding in the Vw, Lt.? Ring Found but without rem-W. 'AMO ARCH TORONTO Pilhtind Bolt Evans and Admiral Sands Entertain- itu Prince LouifitritMMtMuers Battenberg to be Presented to the President-Lady Durand Will Give 1 Bttt mm: Honor. Annapolis. Me., Nov. &--Amertenttand British officers are quickly becoming acquainted, and all the {m My them was an informal exchange of Waits between officen of the two adieu. The arrival ot Admiral Brownsol'l division yesterday In: swelled the number of the United States fighting whips off An- napolis to twelve. . Inside the harbor is the destroyer flotilla Near them is the couveded yacht Mayflower, in whose palatial cabin; to- night 1teatr-Au'miral Evans will enter- tain " dinner Prince Louis, his staff and the commanding officers of the Am. erican and British ships. Early in the day there started from the bay I column of launches steaming up from the fleet, bringing the British and American officers for a day in Am napolis. This Ifbemoon at 2.30 Prince Louis and Admiral Sands will review the brigade of midshipmen. After dross par- ado will occur the reception of Admiral Sands to Prince Louis, his staff and the commanding offieevs of his squadron. The weather to-day. though much colder is clearing. Wll1ls NOT THE MAN. MRS. COVEL'S EVIDENCE AT ROD.. NEY MURDER TRIAL. The Crown's Cage Considered Weak-- Story of the Midnight Crime by Which [in Elia Lowry Wu Done to Death. A St. Thomas duaputeh: The trial of Alexander Willis on the duty of hu- ing on Tuesday; April 18th, murdered Miss Eliza Lowry, a woman seventy- five years of age, at the residence of Benjamin Corel in the village of Old Rodney,,wtts conununced before Judge Anglin at the jury dune. It 2 o'clock this afternoon. J. Lyneh-ti'tauttum, of Hamilton, and County Crown Attorney McCrimmun ere prosecuting, and C. St. Clair Leitch, Button, is defending the pri/son? . .. - m ”a-.. A..-” In“. . On the night of Tuesday, April 18th, about ll pm, a man visited the re. sidence of Benjamin Covel, who lived at Old Rodney. Covet, who is a M. C. R. sectionman. was away from home. The only occupants of the house were Mrs. Covet and the murdered woman. The. man is said to have [owed an en- trance to the house. demanding the Women's money or their lives. lie was given their purses, and then dragged Mrs. Corel to the door and threw her out on the ground. Min Lowry Itruel; at. the man. who then dragged her to the baek of the house, where her dead body was found the next morning. there being evidences that she had been mul- treated. In the meantime Mrs. (fowl had crawled into the house and loeked the door. The man, coming bark. de. manded admittance. and not receiving " 'reply. broke in the bark door and Ire. lgan a search for Mrs. Cowl, finding her Louder the bed by the light. of n mnteh. “1nd Mrs, Cove! got a view oi his face {as he. looked under the bed. He in l said to have shamefully beaten and mis- lused Mrs. Cowl. A rat made a noise Hrhile coming in at the back door. Mrs. j(‘ovel said it wee her husband. and the H'a'l made (if. Mrs Covet en different _ mansions has stated end-worn that the ‘mnn was of the build and that hie fare resembled that of the prisoner. Willis. but to-dny she swore positively that (Willis was: not the man, and that she was pressed to my Mutt she llld by the ‘uft'ieers rind others.. r8he repeatedly or 'ruertvtl this afternoon that Willis was not the man. Dr. Harvey. D. s.. of Raina, was passing "rarity tho ('nvol horese nu tho night of the tragedy. when in the Fright moonlight he saw a man sanding in the gateway. The man called to him and tried to head him off. and then Harvey stopped and the man stopped, 11er a few words returning hack to Covel'a. This man, the doctor said, looked like the prisoner. was of the same build, and hi: voice was not unlike the prisuttter's. This was the strongest piece of evidence the crown offered. A number of wit- nesssr-s were called by the crown to shmv that Will" had been drinking in the villrge of Rodney the any of the mur- der, hut when cross-examined all sad. mitted that he was perfectly sober. The cnlv other witness of impnrmnop wan W. Cole. who mid ho saw Wirl" planing his pure. between 6 and 7 0’0ka the morning of the murder. wear- 'tmar a Inns yellowish coat. whereas all the Widener showed that when in Rod. ney the day before mm: wore a black curly overcoat. At 6.30 p.m. 9.30 tomorrow “Andrew: use Worked Hy Rain; I Have Been Robbed." Pittsburg, P... Nov. ti.---Tlse following statement of T. Lee Curk, cashier Ol the Enterprise National Bank, of Al. leeway, I", written a few hours before he committed nude, In made public tonight: ‘ .- . I ALul_-_ " Can 'm'"')'"' “Dearest wife and children,-In ten ttle: or loo. I will be in the other world. ' /itttq h it“! I.” wife to tie. "st he 1u,tt',d,g' min. Dear wife, keep ell the insurance for yourself and babies. How bud it is to leave you ali. , have made . des- pente elfort_to lugging: going until f"Giii 9;; Gr -.. Vin” SUICIDE'S N0XE so WIFE. the court adjourned till AND U. S. HMS llilllthT)lihll)lhP0l0s “Tho Prince, mated by his um and his can-nub; "tierem, will have to-tttew in a special train for Wash- trietent try cur Nautilus Durand. the British Ambassador. To-morrow night my Durand gives a dinner and u trail " the limb-my for the Prince. “ho. with the officers of his stuff. will he house guests at the Emmy-y during their three days' visit. New York, Nov. q.---Amttedittg to the Herald, after being new h} the teeth of a limb pol. dog. which has never shown symptoms or rabion. Ed. wuwd Bummer, aged 22. graduau- ot Col. ambit University, law sehooi. cum-w. and unumlly inteititrrnt. read books on rabies. its o-‘ymptonu and treatttiettt, un» til he conceived the idea that, (In. in- feetion had mixed him. Tlmmn into an unite hysteria by hiu imagining. he soon began to nimuhu toe mymptottts of tibiae. became delirious. and mu- Lak- en from luv home to b'ellcvue last Man dtrv. He jumped from I window of a there on Monday nigltt but was jun-d. and died at .1 o'eioek yew morning from acute hysteria. An autopsy dividend congestion the brain. been too slow. The examiner id and I am ruined. Do forgive me; not my fault. I have been shun robbed. The bank will get mm- hut the life in-uranee Your hr, Gal-k eomteittod suicide on the morn- ing ot Oct. 18th. and the above "latte. ment. written in pond! on one oi the bank’s letter bands. was found in the dead man's home by his fourteen-year. old daughter and turned over to bi. a1- torney. It was evidmtty written at the bank the night More the micidr. Ctark " ing of (m ment. writ ALL THE MURDERED MISSIONARIES WERE FROM THAT COUNTRY. da y chm lon M r M l an ond her In Lienehow a daughtm sit" tre Four You: Ken Sumo-d "tt Charge of Disturbing the Pe1ce. Peteelroroutth, (tandem? b: An rther dnpm was enacted or-day in the bum- mer hum-hip :Imnslauglnug fat.': the c" Gow. “nu n the boy Thom three nituaths Jail. High Ct to Dmrmmx to on George Gul Stewart Mun Hill home. ; who was in the shots w Police morn it tux-ha r. H ted [other trad Lint in Win iow Omaha. ll. \. ti.-- .uwr 1sateliittp, and waiting eighteen you“, (very night of which the placed a litdtt in the window (at her son. who left home yarn up. Mn. Smut Wallet. 5 widow, died but (0-day. "iiirirkt-dto-odtot" out! has,“ during in ids-near tee - - .. .____ -_1 n-) felr that the boy _ his mother Itrtt. " um wan“. and was In. H... The son. Funk, left home when six- teen. eighteen you: up. to make his fortune, u he said. A ssoek after his departure a letter - from St. Joseph. Md.. from hint tiitrts that e: Mrs. um SEQUEL IO DUMEER TRAGEDY nlolrf THE STATES. I " Il ll w " l " n El KEPT "CY; rm. DEATH " Power of Imagination. M h naishni'Edminson on f . o' urged with -tinp, , of tCe puns. I thr ttttoiiottnrfes in Ll [Meir the charge oi tbe l' and. There van» ttt Linvchow, he said, Hr. l Machle and child, Pow. ', ". Petite, Dr. F".lcattor th M» Elm, Patton-on. Ti: 1.11:3;M'T rrrmn and find I" U Nov. 6.--dtvr. Dr. be Preuryterittn ir nu in this thy. " hum; with fired by the inivnc my in. I'M er. Wer. Harp who v,alked al ll Jamie. " Hum" tttir were mttit tti ith nin horpftu NF wus that uho’ whie 1trd Hill. in no! i! the Coot-nae v d saved ' ev. Dr. It " pill “ml? m AC F 2r in here me; it is slandull'y vveryt hing r hurhuttu', Mun)! of a ward was unin- ti " run! 1 Itttttt. " In m vr for Wu- walnut-y Ill MV ounty thut N when The rzuty ‘ iduy to of in re as nd of L'] B]

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