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Durham Review (1897), 9 Nov 1905, p. 4

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7 - - _ -- .-_- - -. u.“ ' unuulWl Ina veterinary Guide on Simple and pridtiGrUr%iUiiii, of the greatest valun to eyery farmer. jects dealt with . every one of interest and many of them mutated. Also Wilhelm'n wrimteri, Ra. mend Sewing Machines. , y ' Agent for the Dino Compiled by the Agricultural Editors of and Weekl y Star of Montreal, at request of We offers full ymr’s subscription to T.f.IE DURHAM REVIEW, . ful real-'9 subscription If 2tugttt 9f tegtltlie,t. 11t 1’13in h'te and weak v Star of Moon-u inc In on u t u Ic are. . “an cumin . Gnndchnldren wngogs.” 7lL')'l'll,] of The Afd'lit [and In d Van-inu- Gunde. nil tor $1.85. Sample copies of picture and booxun be an " an. oiBee SOMETHING NEW IN The hne, Manual and Yeterinery Guide peering Jill? arveséers balding? 9mg Ettore Pipes, Pips and |The most complete Farmers' Wear Progress Brand Overcoats and you will besure you have the correct Style and Fit. We can Rive onli a mere list of our goods. but 3 adaptability to t 0 needs of South Gray we ar F Deering Barrows. Wilhnson Plongha, l 't noes. Palmerston Buggies. Renowned artr J??eys' Overcoat: All our Overcoats have that finished appearance which characterizes the best tailloring. They hold their shape and they fit equally as well whether they are buttoned or not. They don t spring up in the:back. The Collars do not bulge andlhave style and smartuess about them that gives a man a good appearance. We): 's tRagtunettes We .h.ave .stvlish m gohn (9arh. " Ccats made in the very newest Overcoating in Fine Black a GreysBeavera, Imported Irish Frieze, Nob.. by Tweeds and neat stripe effects. Prices from J7 At " f, Men’s fur and JGwoheat Coat, I . , . by: overcoat, oy Boys Clothing gives the boy a manly appearance that makes the boy want to wear PROGRESS OVERCOATS. This season's Coats are better value than ever in smart Raglanettes & Heavy Frieze Ulsters and Reefers from.. . JU'. 25 up At that no farmer can afford The best In their line as I Darling, fthe People’s Druggist, mg Machines. McClary Stoves for Coal Agent for the Dillon Bulge Stay Fence. Of all kinds. Prices the lowest ever. Noold stock. 'reress grand I .7. War/oak. We have some special bargains to offer. Smokers' Supplies WASHEHS.. The Perforated Drum, nnlv in OUR SPECIAL OFFER t IT CAN BE HAD FREE. We show this week THE REVIEW, Durham, Ont a "we us: or our goods. but tn quality and e needs of South Gray we are not excelled: Cash and ' SGee. Overcoat: Jh'ettte.1.y,tetlerr Guide Pret i up to Soc per cake. A nice llne of Castile Soap at IO cts per lb. ALL - NEW - STOCK. Toilet Soaps If; l, All made by SI' 55nd fiarm Mavhizurg. we handle only the beat. on Ploughs, Honey’s mL. RenOWued an tides, fair pr ices A tew doors South of the middaugh House, $2.25 up to A? of the Family Herald of hundreds of readers. ItBOIFUt Ayr. stylish make of to be without. ranging Trom :01 Wood Pt isnued- '. 368 sub- the Idea THE DURHAM REVIEW May Nth.-'vietoru Day'--birthday of the Ute Queen Victoria. June 18tts.--'water1oo Day,the great victory of Wellington over Napoleon. July lat-tttminion Dan' and also on all days of ntstionaltrhtutktrRivintr, rejoic- ing or mourning (in latter case at half mat) on days of teachen' meeting. and may. on which local celebrations. etc. are held. ll ' t J 1 06 100 one! i) an , , Oct. 21at.--'Trnfa1gar Day' recalling Nelson's victory and death. Nov. 9th, Kings Birthday. Feb, 22nd. “Accession Dar' when King Edward ascended the throne. Oct. 18th.-"oreenston Heights Dav” recalling the death of Brock and victory of Canadians. Sept. 13th. , tt Quebec Day " An. nivemry of Wolfe’s victory of Quebec. The School Board at its regular meet- ing on Thursday last adopted the follow- ime resolution unanimously. “As an and in inculcatlng principles of loyalty and patriotism in the pupils of Durham School and to emphasize some of the im. portant events afreeting Canada and the Empire.--1t be resolved that the school fitstt be raised on the following anniver- saries, teachers to call attention to the event commemorated with suitable ex- ereisea, Membership in the Librarv with full privileges of no or more high class maf- nines In the Reading Room, is on 7 81.00 mm; orh0 cents for six months. Over volumesto choose from. Join now and have a. protiuUue way of spending the long evenings. A delegation consisting of H H Moek. ler and Ed MeCiocklid coming from the Durham Dramatic Club made an important proposition to the Board which was accepted. They offer under the auspices of the Library, to give five public dramatic exhibitions during the coming winter, and as is well known the leaders have already made some good beginnings. the public may feel assured of some brilliant and profitable evenings. The heat attended meeting this war of the Durham Public Library Directors was held on Friday evening last. and it. was decided among other mines to lay in some new books which were selected and ordered. The Library is being well tststrorized as it should be and as government grants are much smaller than formerly, the public should rally to its support even more than formerly. MARRIED MotmTAm--McDovALD-.At the Manse Durham on Wednesday Nov. 8th. by the Rev Wm. F'arquhtirson, William Elijah Mountain of Bentinck, May, (laughter of George McDonald. Esq. Durham. MOORE-lu Williumsford. on Nov 6th, to Mr and Mrs Thos. Moore, It son. BRowN--At Palmerston, last week to Mr. and Mrs. J, S. Brown. " arm. Mrs. Brown was formerly Miss Ada Teasdale, of Wniketton. Mr Peter McNab, who now resides on the Pneifk coast. came home last week on a visit to his brother Mr Arch. Mc- Nab, and sister in Glenelg. after an ab. sence of several years. The Methodists, of town sustained a heavy loss, when on Monday last, Mr Wm. Glass left to take up Inissinn- ory work near Calgary, Alberta. Will was a great source of help and power in Church work, Sabbath School. and League nnd very popular with all. His many friends wish him every succees in his future labors. MOUNTAIN-ln Bentinck. on Oct 28th. to Mr and Mrs Peter Mountain. a son. HArtvue---rn Bentinek, on Oct 80th, to Mr and Mrs George Harvie, a. son. It A. c. McDonald. enmneer, return- ed Inst Friday from the West. Ilia Mag Williamson is visiting her not". Mrs B. w. Benton in Mt Forest. Min Jean Ireland, we are pleuedto my. in recovering nicely from a recent “new. Mrs C. Gndd and children .of Val-nay. left Tuesday to join her husband in Po, t Fumes. Mrs Newton and Mrs Pineo, Mulock, are nttendingss convention in Water. ford this week. Mr A. R. McIntyre left That-day to take a position in the Standard Bank " Bradford. Mina Kate McKinnon of Cheeky is via- iting this week with her sister, Mrs J no. A. Blartc Mrs Edwin Hunt. of Truverston, and her mother. Mr! Read of Paislev. spent a couple days last week with Mr and Jno. Hunt. Miss Mary Poemuan left Wading-any to spend the winter In Hamilton. Mrs Hugh McDonald. Upprr Town, is this week visiting her mother, Mrs Hob- Kirk at Crawford. Mrs Thoa. Turnhull is ill at present with appendicitis. Mr Turnbull's mother is also under the weather. When the Flag is Raised. -- _ ----__ .- Public Library. BORN ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO And in almost every color. We will give you a. special bargain in any of those Hats. We are as interested as you are to make a hat truly becoming and give you the heat work and attention and at a reasonable- price. We invite you to call at any rate and see the new goods. . O Miss Dick. We have over 50 Turbans and Hats that we are 1tlliry1 ff, ,)hrecial Price Now that the Winter season in fur- ly here. we Invite our many customers to call and have a look at the new style of velvet fur hat a. Handsome nnd beau- tiful are the new shades in velvet, the plum color, purple and mauve and all make pretty and becoming toque: for winter.' We havedjuet received some of the new shapes an these mm be copied in soy color. The gun metal grey in an- other leading color: 11lipttr, Millinery Class 6--Jetmie Smith. Annie Clark 4th--Willie McNall , Thou Pnther- tmugh. Benton 'ljGla/. 8rd--Rom, McDonald. Thus Johnston. Clara (Yas- well. Sr 2nd--Hotrltie Putherhough. Mabel Smith, Clarence McNally. Jr 2nd-rhrujorv Clarknnd Earl MrNally my. Philip McDonald. Pt w2nd-rt9h_tdft4 McDonald. Perry Cuwell. Br Lse-- Johnnie Smith. Johnnie Clark. Donald McArthur. Jr 1ert--Howami Fletcher. Roy McNally, John Grierson and Roy Lamb, eq. Average attendance 25. Form 1n--N gr, _ Jog Bold. Saddle- Sharp. Clas- 4-El'taa Edge, 3rd-Alertie Morton. 2nd-Annie Ewen, George Newell, Alfred Bartley. Pt 12pd-rRoy Wismer. Mabel Vesuia. Willie Edge. Sr Ist-Lewis Newell. Thomas Gruby. Jr lat (lo-Garnet Wismer, Stewart MacArthur. Earl Vessie. Jr B-Edith Wismer, Relm Veasie. Mary Hartley. Form 114mm Allan, Irene name: [any Moran. Liuie Binnie, Mary irl,rmi-aadie Ferguson. Jenn Wat- son, Boonie Telford, Home] Caldwell, Marlon Gun. H Barber. Jr 4th--A Pettigrew. M Hoy, BBarher, w Bugle. Sr Md-- E Barber and W Blythe eq.. E Morrw aon. M Kerr, Al. Pettiurew, H Barber. Jr 2nd--W Hutton. A Lauder. M Bottle. Sr Pt 2nd-e Kerr and S Grant eq. Jr Pt 2nd--E Morruon, L Pettigrew-. Br lst-AV Eden, u Barber, Jr 1trt-- G Grant, U Blvthe. PUBLIC SCHOOL ouAmm. Br tth-Eva Burnett. Hue] lambs". Budd: Caldwell. Lillie Hulls. George " . gr" 4th-Ne0ie He burn. Jamie Ifar. quhu-uon, Lizzie Kinney. Marjory McKenzie, Ruby Knish-y. tgr8rd--Gek Davidson. Glad I Whit- more. Bertha Haney. Elma Wi and Stir." Livingstone eq.. Maggie Mit.. c e . Jr 8td-lildith Watson, John Mell- raith. Flcrenee Bryon, Willie Petty, MabelGraaby. Jr Pt 2nd-Helen Ireland. Allie Me- Gowan, May McKechnie nnd Cori! Me- Nullv eq.. Jessie Black, Bertha Havens. Jr C--Perey Mckechnie, Robin Far- quhurson und Mary Holt eq, Jr 2nd-Annie Vullet. Eur! McDon- ald. Mabel Payne, Marion McKenzie, Verna. Fluker. Jr Itrt--0oru McAuley, Nellie Fluker, Neil McMillan, Nettie Lloyd, Marion Marshall. Jr A--John Duncan, Arthur Whit- more. Br 2nd-Vivien Crawford, Mamie Mountain eq., May Clie. Leone Russell. Mull: Wilson, Joe Wartuiugton. Br Pt 2nd-Alex Hilderhrnnd. Harold McKechnie. Maud Krees, Cassie Russell Frank Mclhaulb. " Pt lst-Ella Ourmm. Victor Carton Percy Bryon, Madeleine Darling, George Douglass. Br 4th-E Hutton, B Laud". G lynyy .Jr 4thrg Alciirr'rfe, F Barber. Jr B-Etta Saunders. Sadie Mc- Millan. WANTED; by Chicego wholesale house, spec- ial repretsativis for each province in Canada. Salary 820.00 end expenses paid weekly. IN. pense money nuanced. Business successful; mition pemmnent. No investment required, vious experience net essentiel to engaging. Address General manger, 132 Luke Street. Chicago, Ill, U. S.A. $33? '. s. a. NO a BENTtNCK a onzxnw DURHAM SCHOOL. man moor. plum-um. ANNIE U. MAcanm. Teacher. s. B. Noi, BENTINCK. School Reports. U. 3.5.2101, mace, KATE MCDONALD. Tmciner. W. J. RITCHIE. Teuchev. lag‘ie Knox. um. Walk- id, mic Fuquhanon. - --- 'vrvv-‘v v: .1 Wad: Prom t attention '2edlitr a'l,'l,'ll't custom-n __ - - - . v v I A nerd Bunting business tun-acted MI'?; boned and collection 'made on all points. Depoait- receivod and intae at allowed " '.'ttreqtgtt tutu 'hw/Indy-t 27“? fit12t .. a I . _ .1.“ Rl,u','lethU,U. “jun! up. valâ€"11AM rum arm... 1.0“);de RESERVE FUND...... ...... -1.mo.(m AGENTS in all pnncilul paint; "t Outsrio, Quebec, Manitoba. United sum and England. w. P. OOWAN, President. GEO. P. REID. Inner. DURHAM AGENCY A ---. n. . . _ CA PrFitT. EiiifiiiC." RESERVE FUND. . .. 9A£!1‘AL. Authorized 'ulllldl)ollll!,lr,l!,lj,jt?tii Give ‘us a Ball and are: Gi-Gila"?, A tirat clue line of Bread, Cakes, Pastry, always on hand at Rowe's store. MODEL Flour and other itvrredistriLEEi'i" SECnNDLY. we are artists in our line. THIRDLY, cleanliness reigns in every A-,-.s--_. -- . ... " department of our gawk-11251:" LAST.LY, our prices Ire atrso1ute1yfair, FIRST of all: ye urge only the finest And therefore we hear nothing bit prase for our bread, cake's. pies, and every desirable variety of pastry. tTsurrs TO A TY We ,rareteeer woman to come and buy 1 piece of Gunman we me giving away: We! the celebrat- ed W. BLACK Baking Poydet with. There is no Baking Powdet in Durham to equal this ban . South of New Hunter Block. Durham If you require more light; legal one of our lanterns. We are meaning orders from all parts of the mum for our duh Lenten. Lat wed: we shipped one to Rev. J W Mitchell, Gel. edonia. In HEATING STOVES & RANGES we take the lead. because we have the right kind. One of our Coal Oil Heat" ers will satisfy you at " . weather. CHILDREN‘S COATS and muny other articles of excellent workmumhip and value. Don 't fail to call and get your share of ’ the bargains; they can't be repeated BLANKETS. TABLE LINEN. Table Oilcloths, 20e per yd. Brooms, lik: and we each. Weiave a variety of Root Bake“ in chip, willow and galvanized iron, ranging in price from 20c to 'oe. Now is your time to getd Stable Barrow " " or up to $4. -__ Who wili be without one of our Door Mats and Foot Scrapers in muddy We distributed one earload of Coal last week and have two more on the way. Place your order early as we can not get it every day. W. B L A g K Suits, Pen iacketo and Overconul. LADIEO' FURNISHINGS Skirts. Winter Conn, Cmvenotte Cents. Caperinec. Wrappers, Wsiotl. Suits, Cravenette Raincoat“. Wm. ter Goats, working and fine Shirtn. Um. brella. Peo-Jackets, G uerneya. Swath-rs 1nd Caps. BOYS' FURNISHINGS DRESS GOODS. SILKS. BM. broiderrBtoekintrm 1hattneilette. BARGAINS FOR ALL The MEN'S FURNISHINGS GOOD REASONS f d. LE? VINE STINSON'S _, H. STINSON. 83000 worth of Dry Goods Stock must be sold below cost. I have decided to give up the busi- ness and will sell the stock as quickly as possible. early buyer will get the heat bar- gains. We have space only for a mere list. Made to o§der i-n-ia",', Styles on shortest notice WEDDING. CAKES BAKERY. LOWER TOWN J KELLY, nwscutloll “a .v" cal-tomor- “via. " . 7’8; WWW!“ 2'? 'idirt A.W._Watson Buns and Rheum in great variety All kinds of Cakes made to order WEDDING CAKES our-pecilty First-Class Manitoba Flour For Sale Wat son's Bread and PEEL, The Shoem an THE FASTEST PROCESS of ordered Shoemaking and Repairing u practiced PEEL, The Shoeman Also other high-undo Manitoba Float-u. per banal 35.60 to EN Ogllwe'o Rorat Household, . . . . . per harxel......86 “Five Roses,” Sad-rid a. W" art quhwb‘” which” th'Imdmd' Tea. (t'iisr-xmhsdtttirts. iiiiirGhaundvrfuyky. ii-. it is rich in than: (the again essence) egg, mm the do Len-purer-hood. Grand I'togul Tea shod" "therd M TSG 30; "ii-tsth-retort' tiiityiarrl'rteye.i_lutt1e.tt Leave your foot measure & Repairing. Best prices qualities in RUBBERS. WW". BBN-B-e-"'" ind”... 11'an wumubucfh- wa-qu‘h" We have more new ranges in. All makes, styles and prices. Call and inspect these. We have one to suit you. Barclay t Bell WAREROOMS opposite Middaugh Ho. Stables. ... ASUSUAL... Seem to be all the Co. They are handsome and " everybody knows. they are the most dur- able rig on the market. Call and examine them. T if D H tl P E CARRIMi% RA NG ES. At Peel's Grownonthe r-Th Rs at The Hanover Discos Insuflm Companion. Cong Issinsss Diftim “Id Solis C. P.l 100 Acres Non! Hey : we“ mum-v 19ttet Ilium! ll" "s Acre. Norm 'usdittsprvved I ISO on Ben ?,d.% 'IM', lor "o Acres Bow Well nuprmw: m her to pay pm. "tt N at” “in" " filfllmli) Durham Bosnia I'isotograpio r Farm an“) ’lmu I ma mummy .1 run arm an, _ _ NEW m IXIIY ”hr winter You Chlldl‘u‘c Winter Y Women's nun-1 “ l MI [me am bu [up 114 an m “ilnfw 11.11. LENDS MO MacFar Bruggists BABY'S (li)lli)il PINOL BALSA NOVEM‘ In FUR R them from Also nice (ll0lfl'i GOUGH CURE CAPERI The Hamw Veetettans, and Hem beaten. Our 50c the S H ch an be ful re Ne ol

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