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Durham Review (1897), 9 Nov 1905, p. 8

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Vt Hundreds of your neighhon have been benefitted and we gum-antes you will be also it you use Good for all lung and throat troubles -perfectly trunnion. W e’ll telltyou what it in nude of if you want to know. If you have more faith in a pat- ent medicine. we all Hood'e. Pino's Ayer% Chnse‘a nod 'ul the nttsndard preparations. My! That Cough! Why not Stop it? Should you prewar consulting yous phvsicinn. Ming m his pre- scription and we will compound it with the purest materials and with a skill born of long experience. James R. Gun & Co. We wish to emphasize the fact that our stock of strictly high-grade Gro- ceries includes everything the fastidious housekeeper could desire. Tees and Coffees, Pickles and Relishes, Fancy Crackers, Canned Goods, etc. New Gloves LADIES' JACKETS. .35. C/P, 10. CHILDRENS.) 3.50, 4.50, 5.00 This is a line which we justly feel proud of because of its splendid range of styles. The materials are of first quality. New Umbrellas Where Shall I do tr My Fall Shopping . We carry nothing but the beat in Furs, which means QUALITY and STYLE. All this season's make. READ ON ' RUFFS . . . . . 32.50. 5. tr, IO. 20. Children's. . . .81 to 2.50. Infants. . .25e CAPEttitteS....... . .....82.50. 5, 8,12. Children's, .... ....81.50 and 2.50 C0ATS-- $25. 27. 28. 80, 35. 40. CAPS-Si. 2. 8. tr. lyldrtetutq and 81 GA0tma'rs--82.50 and 5. Children'S. " 'MHTS--81.26 and 2.50 COATS...... .316. 20. 25. 35.50. Fl CAPS, Mrris and COLLARS at...... .. Robes............$8tol0. Sp "rho Pop in the Air Our Own Cough Syrup Out of a stock that includes several varieties, we quote these tour specials. Remember we can fit any figure and suit any man’s idea of what he ought to wear. MEN'S SCOTCH WOOL ELAS- TIC Underwear. unshrinkable sizes 34 to 44. per suit...... .... ...... " MEN'S WOOL-FLEECED Un- derwear, sizes 34 to 44 I m worth 1.50 per pr, for = A Quartette of Underwear Specials We answer this question. FIRST-Mere the prices are right. SECOND-where you can save a little money. THIRD-- where you will receive courteous and honest treatment. We fill the above requirements in every respect as our new Fall Stock is the admiration of all. Suggests warmer Csotiting. We have prepared for this months ago and as a result our Store is packed with the very goods that will PROTECT YOU' FROM DISCOMFORTS. A Superb Line of Ladies' and Children's Cloth Jackets ROBT. BURNETT I The Mplt's Store I FURS for Ladies Furs for Men Groceries J, g . J' ' MEN'S SI LK-FLEECED Under- wear, all sizes, fine nonirrat- ing qualities, will wear 1 so well and wash. Per pr ==. BOYS' WOOL-FLEECED Un.- derwear, sizes 22 to 32 IN good wearers. per pair = 'Enter Now, Mrs Troop, mother of the late Mrs Ferguson. is very low with the fever and is attended to by a good profes- uonxi ".zrse and Dr MeWillitutis. M11 Robert McEwen and some of her family from near Collingwood, and one of the pioneers of Proton Township was through here a few days ago unending the funeral of her mother, Mrs McEachern ortkdarville. She called to see her niece, Mrs Bilton of the Hopeville Hotel. The Ferguson family here have much svmpamv in the sad trials but we can "Y that Mr Ferguson is get- ting better. Mr John MeEaehern, near here, is very ill with]: cancer: DmSneath and McWilliams held . consultation tmts_day last week. - The news came of a serious illness of the Rev. Mr Morrison. ot Gsdarvi1le, the iiettt pastor of the Eeplln Church here. Mr Morrison holds a warm place in.thy beam of the Presbyter- fan people here. Corner Yonge and Alexander an. During recent months bu received ten tltteen Went; 3nd even fifty times as may all: for man- ognp era. bookkeepers. ete., gs it had students graduating during the sune month. This in the School to attend. Write for mgnmeent catalogue FUR-LINED COATS. ......$50 ............ .... ....Low Prices ;nreads...........$3t05. 51W . Tn?) awn all!!! TORONTO, ONT. tiopeville W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal New Clothing New Neckwear I I 52. Con.t, 11.15.11. assays." 'Bmouy Wampum attention. Well Mr Editor the new: in the park ismroe. it is like book teeth this week. The weather is " cold and stormy the cor. can hardly move from the house to the barn. In httpd,', has annual Mr Stanley Has to work for her for some time. Mr John Chislett is working for Mr William Steward " present. P. o. Annazss WANTED,--) subscrip- tion was left for tttt at Darling’s Drill? store by Archie McQum-rie. but. Post; Of. lice address was overlooked. Should this [sect his eye will he please drop us a. car . Pu: AND Box BoctAL.--A Pie and Box Social will be held in the RoukY School on the evening of Nov 17th. 1906. A good prommnmo is being pro. rand. Admis-ion 10 etc. Ladies winging pies or boxes, free. A Rood story Is told at the expense of a Dundalk angler who spent several weeks in Muskoka the past. season t hav. ing enjoved an unusual ti',','",',',',,'? of nuc- ceas one day, he wired is wife..-.-") trot one. weighs seven pounds and it's a benutv.” In reply came the following, signed by his wife: "Bo have I. weigh. ten pounds. He Isn't . beauty-looks like you." If vou intend to the a; sale. get. your bills printed at the Review Dace. A free notice will be given in the Ravmw to all to doing. CASH Is C,oLD,--Were is a Rood fellow ship story that in solo: the rounds, Give a man a ten cant cttrtu' and he will beam all over and lov.? you for s'x zen". otter him ten cents V)”: which trs ' y it for himselfnnd he will '-rr. .m your face. Give a. man a was to n. tthow and he. will call you a stood fellow in nll the languages at his disposal; offer him the money and he will call you a fool. Ask a. mm to vonr home to take "pot luck" and he will jump " the chance: give him two dollars and tell him to get a good meal at a cafe with your compli- mental and he will knock you down. The. dollar is mitthtv. but it in t warm, Nothing chills hmpimlity pom. follow- ship more than a. touch of cold .. etal. Mentor-d is advocating to have the names of the streets diaplaved at each corner and the houses numtteredtcer. tainly a good idea. Collier's Weekly says that one bottle of Peruna contains as much alcohol as ttve bottles of beer. Local option will not interfere with peonle who take Parana as u. medicine. The recent 'unendmenta to the law re- garding traction engines on highways enacts that the owner or owners of true- tion engines aver eight tons in weight must. strengthen the bridge or culvert over which they are tape.“ before going over. It also enacts that whether' the engine is over or under eight ton, the owner must use planking Jn the bridge or culvert, as it will 1r,,e'a','t, the floor from being damaged y the engine. Some of the hove belonging to L, O. L 1136 took in the etch meeting down at 1202 on Friday evening last. Threshing is almmt a thing of the rust as the Japs only have two jobs eh and the cur one in the park. A French mtsorrrni" has mlcnluted with irrefrngihle ionic of mathematics that a. womnn of three more and ten year:- hu spent nearlv a your before the mirror. Women " a rule are roverhiallv not strong on mathematics Rut we fancy there are Iota of them who We don't have to wonder very much to find oat where L. goes on a Sundav evening. Mr Robt Kiox still feels a few of the bruises he got from his fan. THE SPIRIT or Mummae.-Mottt of our exchanges refer to Hallowe’en tricks. nearly all of them in n. condem- nntory tone of the destructive tenden- cies accompanying the mischief-loving spirit. which is supposed to be. allowable on that night. In (many places the regular constable or constables had assistants sworn to. m order toeheck the vandal spirit which seems out. of control of home influence. Halloween passed off very quietly in the park as there were only two gazes taken off that we hear. A _ kl; shit; to show that the nvernué. min of that we bu spent. much more time in much less proiitahte places. Rev. Thomas Wilson delivered for the second time in the Adelaide strut Bap- tist Church his illastrnted brim-e on "Dr Putnn’n work among the Cannibals of the South Sm" Thursday night. The church was mled. and the audience. vonnz and old. was small hound for near- lv an hour and r. half. as ho told his thrilling story. This was the twenty- third time that Mr. Wilson hm: given this 1eeture in London. and the inn-rest in it inerotce.--London 1rree Press. Hoar him Monday evening in the Pres- byterian Church. While Messrs Thos. Gordon and Alex Currie, of Egremont, were cunning out of the former'" barn one day last week a shot, was flred by a Mount Forest youth in a fteld and Mr Currie, who was a step ahead. came within an ace ot getting the charge full in the face. The shot rattled against: past that saw- ed him. part of the lead whiuimz past his now into annual-e hang}. It was trulynnarrow coupe. The y came up and explained that he was shooting at. birds, hut such careless use of guns is a. menace to the community and should bestopped by t9rhyYintt hays from cmying them, -Confederite. Review to M. 1,’07, $1 .. We believe the painters will finith Mr Neil McMillan's house this week it nothing happens. T1108. NICHOL SSUER of Harm“ e Liéeuaes. Lo I 52. Con. t, N. D.R, clack. ADDITIONAL LOCALS Swinton Park ONTARIO AROHiVFS _ TORONTO h Bad coeds with partly snow. and slush is whet we ere experiencing " fluent tor less than . week ago we tad about ten inches of snow on the law-l bat is disappearing test and we are in hopes that it will any ewey another month before giving us en- other visit. Lotsoi roots to take up yet bat a day or two fine weather would wind up this part of the fam- er', business and then a call tor them to attend to something else. So all classes of the community have their own calling to attend to, be the name in high or low estate, but st the end we shall all receive a 6 by 3plot in the citv at the dead and no mark ot distinction made, tor the grass grows green over the remains of one as well as the other only there will he a tow- er like monument placed " the head of one and an humble marble s.ab at the other. Mrs Arch McLean is home from the Toronto Hospital and hope she will be around again in her usual health and strength. Mr Peter McArthur of our town re- turned a. week ago after spending a week flahingt up the lakes near Owen Bound. :He enjoyed " outing gren- ly and had good luck in fhshiiii. Mrs Archie McCuaig and Mrs Neil MoCunnel, Jr., were in Toronto " Tnattkttttivintt tinte combining busi- ness and pleasure. Not many can beat Collector D Me Cormack of Ward No 1 Artemesia on the walx. One day lately he called in every house tram the town line Glenelg to Proton Station and walked back and forward from his home same day. Lots of our vonnz men nowadays would think it out of ques- tion to walk to a station without call- ing in any place. In giving a look our our. small graveyard which only contamsiot an acre we find that every place available is taken up and soon there will be no roomtfor any interments for there is not a single plot but what has a grave or two on it undularzet number filled up. There are some tine monuments while some have lriends buried and nothing seen to mark their resting place. Donald McMillan returned after de- liwring acarloud ot homes in Man- itobu and says he got along well,. Mr John McPhail. of Glenelg south. had the misfortune to havn " should- er mum; of place by a fall, a week ago. He is attended by Dr Dixon who put the shoulder in place again. and he. is doing well now. John McKinnon. who spent . month at the old home south line, let: for Port Arthur last week. We see Willie Rally in attending as Mrs Butters bar tender. Rey Mr Mathelon is again anblnted this year lecturer for the Bi lo and Tract Society in Mount Forest distract. This week our little graveyard was again visited and two of the old residents laid to rest of which we will mu ke reference turther on. Our town was busy last week for everybody seemed to take advantage of the sleighing while it lasted. We see that the contract for carry- ing the mail from Durham toCeylon is to be let soon. Why not letitln two pamfrom Durham to Pricevllle and then from Priceville toCeylon and we would be sure then of getting our mail herein all kinds of weather. For some days that mail might not go through to Durham while our mail man here could tttl almqst any time. It js snowing again this Monday momma " we yrite and has the appears.” of settling down for winter. (tha, birds are seen by the thousands w w is a. sure indication of kind ofa storm. some Mrs Reily is also about the same way but is always able to be about. Gaelic in the Presbyterian church last Sunday and a good number out and a good sermon preached by the pastor, bat we are sorry to say our singing in that language is not up to date and It would be a christian " well as charitable act if some of our young men or ladies, who are in pos- session of that old language would tell these old timers who are getting rusty and out ot date, and organs getting out of tune and a’ that, to keeg still, as they certainly will soon an that they, the young men, would take the lead: for why not use the organ in gaelic as well as in English, for the organist onlyigoes by note, the rest do the singingso we hope to see some- thing done before the titat of Decem- her as we have preaching in that language only once a month. Died " his sister’s. who reside. in Normanby tsotnewtterOutttt up“, nld better known as little Hugh, native ot Argyleshire Scotland. aged about 78 years. Mr McDonald was onset the pioneers ot Glenelg. coming there about 55 years Mo out] with the rest of the - calm lit M52, mttttomsttthts,onoaitdn ....... . we -me-_H .. w--." -"., u“... Our shoemaker is laid up for the last few weeks and at this season of the year puts a lot of people to incon- venience to get their shoes mended for they have either to Co to Durham or Flesherton. We had at one time no less than four shoemakers in this town and the population is higher now than then and everybody Wears shoes or boots of some kind as well " they did m olden times so thereiatsomir thing wrong if one shoemaker could’nt make a good Iivmg here. Our weather prophets are prophesy- ing a long wxnter but these Weather prognosticawrs have no relation to the prophets of old, so we will put them down as {use prophets. Ptkeviite Clothing Opportunities The undersigned will sell ' 'eeth . _ *----v. vuu - lot on West Bruce St. ttV/gran/hi t y Bimeoe, Victoria, all; 1“" cubed between Furniture and o ' ' “llama. Welhnd titevloo tleptruot factories. in x m “9?; York. Ako m ir, Welltworth um ttttth/tth',', can", cement iiGl in death: Peopertt , “Omega and Resi :3: . turunee in the other but It the Drown. "fortgatein all partso: 'art', ",",ttghtt',,'irt',g'ttt 's'pir'i,'ia'r'72,',"dt ttyou hm Farm m ttte, 'ttrp',','; awz‘éfi‘mmuuméfzu11'flw for oul . P! on when. or tot She 'm te. WI. [man-n BPta1,.tteutetwue, New kind ot Japan china New Blacksmith Shop Do you Read the Ads. in the Review ? Wutchmsker Jeweller, and Optician:- Remember West of Middnuzh Home Stable. half miles tram this place. Of late years he made his home with his sister‘as above stated. He wet: bar- ied beside his wife. who predeceased him some 10 or 15 years ago in the cemetery in this place on Friaav the 3rd inst, Rev Mr.Matheson officiating " the grave. To the purchaser of Clothing to the value of $3.50 or more and an additional 50c, Ihre, give you a Valuable WATCH, fully guaranteed for one year. Ths is no toy watch, but a genuine time-keeper. TERMS-Cash or Produce. To the general public of Dur. - ham and vwinity, I wish u, intimate'thut I have opened up a. Horse-shoeing and General Blacksmith shop in Livingston's old stand. west of Middaugh St.» hlen and solicit a share of your trade. Interfering horse: or horses with diseased feet, I guarantee to cure. Best of work done neatly, cheaply and promptly. Something entirely new. Have al- ready sold a lot of it but we would like to sell to you. This is the sea- ton when the pretty " well " use- tul things are bot. What we ere now showing is worthy of the keen- eSt consideration. Wait till you see them. We know we can please you because our goods nre no gen- erally acceptable. We have for years been selling the very best goods in the market. We have this year put in a Our motto is "the greatest poeoible value for the least money. " HOUSE FOR SALE Wm. McCalmon. Sale commencing Wed. Nov. 8th and continuing until following Wednesday A. GORDON, THE BIG $1.955 ALEX, RUSSELL In this Sale there is nothing reserved. Your choice of our immense stock of Clothing. This is the Proposition: Tft" Boot,1jGium. rim or QUALITY FOR Iion at once Jan. s, 11m About 7 miles fmm qumn Road. rm Durham. Feb. 22. Thom Brod cutie ma mantra tttttts. All regiscomd Stock and liket mun. Apply to 'VIII oe mm. or Penteet separately if desired. that well-known hotel Add de- simhle stock turn: at the ttoh Ruy, Lot 10 And ll, Gun. I. ti. D. R., tileneiu. mg owl-96in farm, more or Ins-s. Blackmnith She on on" corner. Hotel arrow the max Every tield well watered. , mile from school, and l "I?!" rrp p0 Pour miles from burs _ brick house with 10 In". d 'ahle with stone touuclnuu" -"--.uP. harm, stone Pitt pen. and annd with: orchard. Termi to aunt pun-blur. Annlv -.-., - nun running opt-in ' Build- ing: In Rood remit Will tlt acid on "notable terms " mile: from Durham and from Priceville. " told I'f',',t,te.ee given tlt work thi. full, Fu 1 uncen- inn In -L _ - 100 Acre Being lot No. 20 on 2ad Con. N. and 22 and 23. on the 3rd Uon. N. fyfPeiecrontiunihii 150 when. m [”an not, no. a: on 20d Con. N. D. R. and 22 and 28. on the 8rd Can. N. D. R. Glenda. contuning tlio lama. more or loan. 125 acre- cleu'od. Mince hund- wood bulb. " mile. from P. o. and school. church on property. Well Int- end, wetu and running trite Build- ing: In good 'epajr. ill mm nn HOTEL & FARM for SALE or to BEN T. I M.rtu. beyrohi, or rented twnnrtttelv if The undersigned ottem his splendid property in Upper Town for tale. Por particulars, apply a: - trt lo FARM FOR SALE FOR SALE. FOR SALE. FOR SALE. a must he Gilt' FARM for SALE l Wink arch-r17 TEE; nor. Apply Box 11 Durban P. o. G. RYAN, Prop td Tendon. 'diarl."'"" woaMAdMlt, “out. Thule. Noe. Scum & Sosa. Rocky thsutteen P. o mm Durban ITith good. J om: Romnvrson. " A. H. JAprauvs, Solicitor. Durham 5 Irina for our and likely uni Apply "i" P. Tau-oat). may w. - Apply on the Wiles- V0 NI! Pa, but 'l In: " tt El:

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