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Durham Review (1897), 30 Nov 1905, p. 1

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L 1905 com- with rem aoo 0.00 £7.50 'ES. 191$!er mwmg 1fotttttiegF--. Grev. Haldimand. Lin. Lmcoin. lid. trim Oxford. Perei, Moria. Waterloo. I. Wentworth and Business and Kai. , th.Ue in mm“ u hare a fun; G rate. write for our Route. hate nebulae. who. Dutch. ". Agent. Think liar! and eived up t d in town " raw b'urg,-- l. ho! “OW I em : AN TED tt ll 506 to t.65 9!) 0:0 S No Joe " 3(1) am. cts cts Rf“)! " " 0 um 551':1':5:151}:EEEEEEEESEEEEEEEEEEEEE :5 H. H. MOCKLE . ES VOL. XXVII. N0 5; Cold Weather Rum. and Ion-onto on"! Sui aw; Blvnw and Toronto 'olih",'A'td 315‘ Pey_tw "It! Ltri1r, 610b,... .... 04.50 - “(I ILaur, aloha-on 0.0. “on "em,. and Weekly aloha..." 81.” Rmxw sud W. Ihiu & Empire. 81.“ Ihtvmw and Wen-urn “vertical- .1.” Em" and Weak thm........ 01.75 Rrrvratw and Fun. " t W Btae $1.751 XIV!" 5nd Wall Wanna. . . CLUE R371" and Inn. Jelly Bel-AMJLS} Review Clubbing Bum Clothing . . . The Cash Store Ladies' Astrachan Fur Jackets Right at the stat of the season too, when you are needi: that sort of thing. Economical buyers will find that our cut prices represent a decideti saving. You can't help being benefitted by purchasing your winter needs from us. We pay highest prices for Fowl. Butter and Eggs. Wool "Blankets i1iiii)iGiihiihiilll "GiiiiGG/ilill'Yrfig, Ladies' Cloth Coats Cut in the latest style, concavejshoulder. in plain and checked goods...” .... .... . .... Some of these Coats coat nearly double wFat we offer them for. Selling at............. ...... "'.. .... Our Stock of these good: is complete and though Wool has advanced in price, the old prices hold good here. Some small sizes for big boys or small men . . . For Men, Women and Children. Our stock neverqu larger. All at the old prices. 7 Big Clean=up Sale of Fall Goods ’. Warm, Stylish Overcoats for Men See mm“ James Ireland.- Men's G' Boy's Suits Overcoats ' Reefers All on the Bargain Tables now. buy. Priced. .. .. .. 353, dlt, 55-309 609 61-00 8110 W; FUR S' I' OLES AND RUFFS, in every conceivable Fur and Style. Prices from...... ...... ...... ......$5to " We have a good showing .' fine even curl. Each garment; the very best for the money. But don't take.-our word to: it '. test us, look around and you'll be convin ced that outl- IS the best place to ' buy. Prices. . . . . . . $25, ar, 32-509 35, 37-50 and w FLANNELETTE Blankets, grey and white. . .90c to $1.25 In spite of the advance in Wool, we quote blankets at low prices, $3.25 to 4.75 per pf. Our Stock in this line is now pretty well broken int Some of the best numbers in black and tweed are left on. g so there may be no . 33?, laggards, we cut... 20 per cent oft regular Pricey: CHILDRENS COATS, ages 5 to IO, treated likewisegi my: TRY OUR 280 TEA. Equal to any 40c Ten on the market. Odd Overcoats Underwear Buo- tttar' aw , News as an... M '..... 81.0 pin. 01.78 floor um ...... .135 Btae .1375 In... 81.0 lei-Ali.“ . Blankets Hosiery all W ool Biankets from . . . . Necessities Leather is up H. H. Mockler In price. So are our shelves filled up with Shoes at Lower Ptices. Get a few pairs and help clean them out. .... 3.50 and $4 aim" - _ v: l BIBLE SOCIETY-~A well attended meet- 'ing of those intercepted in the work of the above society was held in Trin- ity church on Wednesday evening lest. Rev. Mr Matheson, Priceville, was the speaker of the evening. and gave a pregnant address, showing the work of the society. what it has already accom- pliahed. and laying special street: on the great work there was still to do. Al- though the Bible had been treneluted into 400 lsngusges there were 1000 " gusges or dialects which were not sup- plied. Mr Mstheson hes for veers been an enthusiast in this work end uneasily given an sddress in four or the centres. Rector Bice and the posters of the other churches spoke brleti, at the clove ell expressing interest In the work. Tan LATE Tnos thrrrmrtr.--lu-ta, of but week. the cell of the grim reeper ceme to e: above gentlemen. e well known citizen of Nor menby. where he spent the best years of his life. Over fifty years ego, when the new survey wes e dense forest, the decessed with " parents took up the home on which he hes since lived and where he breeth- ed his lest. He died in the harness, was attending to his duties in the field, when struck with perelysis. His wife was the first to discover him end to her fell the sad duty of getting help to take him home. He lingered for e few days bot death was in the cup, and widow and children mourn the loving husband and tether. Sons ere Andrew at home. and Ebenezer, one of the prominent of Hepworth’s business men. The four daughters surviving ere Mrs Jar. Watt and Mrs T. Bredley of Normenby, Mrs Cunninghem of o. Bound, and Mrs Alex Herd, Allen Perk. Those who knew him will long remember the gen- lat busty spirit, one happy when out with the partner obttU his. his speech end his thought elweys kindly. a. ween: hls7bthyeer. He was buried on Thursdev amid any token of is. W in the little cemetery on the earn er of hhpless. The Review m in the why to the banned. . Seethe stock of ladies' fancy neck- wenr and Silk belts at Grants. The Standard Bank of Canada will open an nfflee in Bloomfield, Out, on the tirst of December next. under the management of Mr R. J. B. Dewar, of the Toronto ottlce. u Mr Dewar is well known here and we congratulate bid)- on his promotion. The statute provides that when the. last Monday of the month is Chi-laminae. nominations shall take place the pre- ceding Friday, but election day will he. on Monday just the same although it is New Year's day. NOMINATIONS. -Mttnicipal nominat- ion day this year will be held on Fri- day, Dec. 22nd. instead of as usual on 're. last Monday of the month whic' “its “an happenrur telm'lll/'ar,iit4 DEEPLY Momma]; --Dundalk busi- ness. socialand religious cilcles are in deep and sincere mourning Over the death of Mr B. W. Ritchie. An attack of quimy. to which he wan sub- ject. took an unexpected turn and re- sulted fatally, He was 28 years of age. Big reduction on all trimmed millin- ery at S F MorlockU, Dr Burt, Specialist m diseases of Eye. Ear, Nose And Throat. Will he at the Middnugh House. Durham.for consul- tation on Wednesday. Dee 6th. from 10 to 4 p m. Eyes tested and glasses fitted. RETURN Yum: Bomttt..-The Librar- iun of the Public Library request: all than who have books out over the stipulated time,--two weeU,-to re- turn them at once. before the new hooks are placed on the shelves. Roan-It in want of a robe all nu. loo T. Smith'a Black thuiowtsr Skins. Nothing better, price. renou- able. MuNrrm.--altuation as bookkeeper or clerk by competent person. Grsdlute of good business school. Apply to box 18, Durham. For Styli-h “you“. Skim try 8 F Mariachi “hernia”?! eold can “high will Wk up nook! In 48 hours. Arthur B. Int-hon. Durham. ha been appointed an Inner of Inn-inn " con-u. IrRB Kaela has exchnnged " Lunhton SI. propertv with Mr John Kinneo for his double house. PIANO Tinmm.-Mr F. A. Lewis in in town tins week, and those in want of his services should apply " the Hahn Home. Good Rock of he, mummy. star-nu. ' :, THURSDAY. mmiiiiijiiiiiiiriiir, E??? can feel eonttderut that the story of “Old Grouse in the Gun Room " rally existed and van enough to make you die Malling. (Vida Foetal". Biogr... phy of Goldsmith.) This famous cone» dy will be produced next My even- lamb” 5th, in the To" Hell, undo" the m od the Public “been. Mott's ell '9. Plan " lulu:- Goon BY: " Nam: BLt"--M r. tur. one, owner of Dan Patch. the faucet homes home in the world wanted to pmchue . good can-loge home. Where else should he look but to Durham. He had heard of W Black'e "Nellie Ely." Mt procured her photograph. bode. yet- inarr eurgeon report upon her. end these being utiefecbory he immediately pntchued her at a bend-one price. The mm will not be ehlpped till Mon dar, Dee tth, and Mr Block will be happy to let say one deeiroue of seeing Itie interesting to note that" “She Stoops to Conquer" records per- sonal experiences of Goldsmith. The scene at the inn actually occurred to Goldsmith at Ardent. when inquiring the best house to stop at. He was dir- ected to the residence of the squire of the villnge. Again Tony’s practical joke upon his stepfather by tying " wigtothe heck of his chsir, had been played " on Goldsmith himselt. by the daughter of Lord Clare. Bimilsrly one . piece of pretty horse tiesh, hue a. last look. The mm was mind by Mr, McCsnnel of Boothville, Mr In Paton owning her sire. Holland township council bu refused to submit. the local option by-lnw. AI in Aligned: there will be lively elections. future. No fear there of "rushing marl. The Post pays high compliments to Knecbtol enterprise. qu. INttTALL Roratgura.-rhe Han- over Portland Cement Go. intend to install two rotary kilns in the neu- THE LATE JOHN Hommmto,--Thelt sad news has come from Meridian, Sas- I” katchewan, to Mrs R Williamson 0“: this town, that her father. Mr Joht1ie Hamburg died on the 15th. He and hist aged partner went west about lol months ago. accompanied by their son I r. David withwhom they made theirhome. lti He was 82 years of age and spent the y prime years of his life in MI. Forest and h neighborhood. Winn... David, and tl John are three sons out west. Walter {I} in Bentlnck. Jae. near Holstein, and th Alex m Mmeoe are sons here. The fi two daughters are Mrs Williamson, of ty this town ahd Mrs Doupe, in Holstein. n We expect particulars later. I l Rev Mr Nelson, formerly pastor of Deshmo. was accidentally drowned at Aylmer week before last. He slipped off the wharf, two boys heard him shout but before he was reacuedlife was. ey_tiqet., fee, Af, 2,tgei!ri,'Jat dow and P,e,'t,ti'l 'n‘lomE'. Cr' -P.v" 5t!tf, Two comedies of the 18th century and two alone still hold the stage both written by Irishman. " She Stoops to Conquer" by Oliver Goldsmith and "The School for Scandal” by Sheridan, The former of these will be produced next Tuesday evening. December 6th, by the Durham Literary and Dramatic Club, under the auspices of the Public Library, _ YOUR. PnouPr ArneNrroN..-n naked to the accounts sent. out trom this of- fiee last week und this. Thanks to those who have already responded. " He gives twice who gives quickly.” Wt are waiting to hear from oroee you. Don't fail us. _ [ REVIEWS MutmeD.--Partiea Inning copies to spare of the REVIEW of Oct. Mth, Nov 2nd, 9 on 16, would do u. u favor by getting them into our hands. the demand for these issues hao far outrun our supply. Snowing land a we no to you. but wheel. will keep the rod. Bum-t. boy wanted to [can dry node Woe-I. Apply at 8 F Merlot-k5. Wad: our windows. new and. - he diepleyed twice . week until that chrietmu, you” get kugt..-adaetthtr1nae & C o. Open every evening until After New Yam. Our watch muting and junk-y store will be open till 10 p. m. Call and use our attractive stock. A Gonnax Encourage the Public Iattrary and Native talent by attending the concert on Tuesday evening next. " She Btoope to Conquer " presented by Durham Dramatic club will be something that should nothe mused. Plan at Mae- Furlnne's. Bu-piu-Inclothlug “Gm-II. Iguana-0' wont. lore-baubl- ONTARIO ARCHIVES rename 'UBLISHER ',).ti,iiiti'ir9fiitP,%, w: 2 anion. from which even under'the tl tot circumstances no prtoitt could fa spring 1'f1irt,'it had clam. until 1m thousands dollars had n spent. its a until shareholders would give up . _ ntlrely of protitimr by a mis- ' Baa tutiutatttii ' Fr' be.presented to the Treasurer'for cg- w Inature LAST WEEK for some such pilr- f pose which he relused to sign as an o [unwarranted use ot the money of In l stockholders. 'l"/ It is a fact that aineetingof the ml Directors is called for Monday next, in onlDurtuun "to consider the marl ques- ne.ltion.” Something that was done be years ago, and which should have ad been done again last summer when ad the tine taint cry of " no marl " was er heard so as to my in the bad the story ad that hasboen in ustriously circulated. F resulting in depressed stock. and he finaneUl loss to hundreds, ruin to of some. and gain to a few, who had the n. means and the disposition tobuy at '16to 25 cents. what had oust one m (dollar of good money. We! no going that It HoKech- nie "tttsed to show where the mud Munro. Absurd. Alitdof t; may some TSI",',',,, 0min t a council committee. was handed to the do. here. They could and no and. Why? We have been ssked several times it Robert Coehrsne wrote the letter over " name. We hue seen u letter to himself, in whieh the writer blunt- ly ssh him if he wrote them " the dictstlon ot Gilbert IoKeehuie. We wish to assure our resdors that Robert Cochrsne in s (sot. His Bret letter sppesned in the Review of Nov 2. He came into our oMee six do" be‘ore. tttttttt " on the desk. remsrk- ing " look " that " and swing some- thing about the weste bssket. but would not stop to discuss it. Nor did he discuss it or see no or it again until it Wet. published. We ere perfectly sure not one word was dicteted by my one. m is perfectly oepsble to do more than he he: done. It but been suggested he hes some 'ts1tlgh in- terest. Note toot of met! or cley does he own. that would be of use to the plsut._not_ , oeng _do_es beget or ex- ireet " " trouble. but he is a lover of old-feehloued honeetv, who be- lieve: in writing . blow tor hone-tr- uke and Mt defence of " Interest in the plant, which is $500 of herd cash. This ehould end all doubt as to his dhiuuerenedueee for we would make it um if we could. l, We believe, as we said lest week, that the Directors were not elected to enter upon any scheme involving such a. vast cutlay ot money. am such serious consequences. sad we are glad of the decision of the Ear. ecutive come to sppsrently. utter the retuesl of the Treasurer to sign the check. to lnvestigste the merl bedsou which the future ot the null depends. We cen promise then ouculer demon- strstlon ot the presence oflnsrl that will not be exhausted when they Icy down lite's duties. We believe it to be I {not that the directors. or rather the Executive. while asking the committee for the privilege ot (to-operating with them m the search for marl. were AT THE sum TIME making provision for buy- ing. " option on. P. $16000 wok pro- .1'...{.\“= apcrit ' ‘r f": e - , LE " y, iq Maui-’IV-vk. .~ ", '", tati' 31%. Mgt titliti" l tb1tic,irtt, t . - , a, , Mtl' Ti '" W.',uo 73:3,; r,' i It is a fact then thatthe committee appointed by the Town Council at three such reputable ttten as Mayor Hunter, Dr Jameson. M. P. P., and Gilbert McKechnie, have. by the re- searches ot the two men employed, tttrtitrfied themselves. that abundance at good marl and clay are in easy proximity to the mill even should the lake give out which is not by any means admitted. incite be a. very prtsfitable, busine- tor many years to come. Independ- ent Invesugations seem to show that there in plenty of good marl within my reach tor many years to come." hun cement works Ioota like . scheme on the pen of some of the Direct" to get most of the outside holder: of stock to sell it for a more yang. 39d then go on with trhtyt prom- buie at . cry of " no mari " which he: be. proved utterly amending. Whtiwooder that the Mt Forest ()0an amongst mean othere should indulge in talk like th t "To he the talk of the anneal of the Dur- turn. 'Who on him than: if more than Home: in srrtsiltited, when it h found tutiIutatmttmtaauitoiettt; 9tt I!" switched put at “(much gho we“ and to an 0am nt, tiol. vim ttttie than I- ml he told. ’ hasn‘t an that denim to in -tloaal, "don't think our Wm: that! What they do was bun mg: s'iifii! to Ian at. m» non Ill tr pans. to which 1800 satchel have con- uibmu‘bu-d cub. Io tar withont re- turn. ho on him than: if more WOHYO O 1tltie -rtrrethe this new Topic. Warmth. if Big Shipments of New Goods KEELER’S BigJewelery t Book Stow Watches Clocks. Jewelery. suverwu'e Elm Speetsoles sud Eye Glasses. Cantu Sou. luslcal lam-unease. My Chins. Tollet Cues. Tre- velllnz Cues. Albums. Clothes Brushes. aur Brushes. su- mmery. Bibles. Hymn and Prayer Books. Well Pspers. em. etc. R. B. KEELER and SONS in our v days of pioneer coopera- illllg'l/gtce'e'uut',"arrt,ta,t grant Malina" of commence- and the only way to build up industries here was by eo-operation tttl the lines he suggested. A new and novel proposal he makes ifiosn is (rented. viz: mat he will employ only married men from outside. They knew his principle on the liquor question, and he would see thnt sober men were employed. He was tired of single tripsy Wanderers. It was an occasion for the citizen ot the_towne_o stgnd shoulder to shoulder He spoke of a silent tevolution tak- ing place in power producing. Grad- ually It Tomato Exhibition he noticed the mpplenting of steam power by Gasoline engines into the production of which he proposed entering. m narrated how he had secured his most "ieient helper Mr Henderson, e man of are ability and an expert in Gem line power, and declared the major portion of the life of blame]. and his sons would be spent in the interests of the town. to give up the ship. but he réullod the forlorn. Babylonian ruins that he but!i remedied before and took hurt up B. "ij-l-l-l-ll-l-l-i-.-]-],.-:-),-,-) Big ___/__]., Millinery Sale Shortly after occured the disastrous an. entailing loan of rm”. and thus it-tttsie in outit c has. But for his farm he would tEen have had Ind-cry enployh 20 to80 heede in the luncheon. (lanolin Wool. School Been end Tho-hing Mina. Thole”:- beinz in the ehetr It tft ween; 1',t,1,t,2t, tttp,,",'.,',".". t pounce Ila.- tmstttritttt, gain; eeooud in etetue only hthet at "rittttitttre. He begun " yeere ego when " the bottom weooet of It. ' ' when friends promoted tenure. m took hold ot the ruin that wee tor yeere " eye late to the town end (runny brought order out of chem. Four yeere he spent between farm end foundry. till, business incmesinz. he thought it time to become e citizen of the town, neer which he bed spent the but pertot hm life, Arriving It Keeler's every day (tom now till December Int. win. we will then show ig'd the m and best stock of C than” Goods ever shown in Dunn. autumn-d - "661.3701; the Irtposttittet ol'r,8 Chucer Bunk. who“ tttf the “all do an- Pe loan - sumo _to gaunt: " Manly-MM" Iieortottartartgtntthgnttid thy." a! 559m ulna um. It is not a usual thing to re- duce the price of millinery so early in the season. However we went to clear everv thing out; and during the next 3 weeks we will give you bar. gains in Millinery. Wedon't mat to catty one hat over, endinordertoget rid of our stock, we have cut the prices at this at], noon. To January lot. 1907, only Miss Dick. . 111:8un: on the Btr.rcoe-tthsrum, |neie7ev7 I $1.00. -Is the place to buy--- has?!“ Continual on page AMI-hwy. NOW.

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