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Durham Review (1897), 30 Nov 1905, p. 2

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4+ 10 â€"â€"i1@ meaning cannol oe tuat th had pot been observred since the Joshua, for it â€"was kept at thoir from Babylon (Ezra iii. 4}. bu Joshva‘s time the joy had nev« so great as now. 18. Solemm asse The first and last days of the fea kent journ in th no fixed ha t U P 1emer as sabbat more. in the days were wide ed upon stick that one side v IX Th iNÂ¥ aATIUNAY! (LEFR@OR NC EuEMBEIiL i0 igox Rea Commentary.â€"I, Studying. God‘s, word ; (v«. iâ€"8.) The people were gathered in this great meeting from the surrounding ; eountry, from twenty thousard to fil‘.y{ thousand in number. it was the.time OL4 the feast of Trumpets, Trumpets were‘ blown â€" everywhare. They proclaimed ;a; ©1 the had he seribe law and st mentic § Nebem{ a elevated .pi ‘cs ,in turn, n ine bookâ€" ‘re wide strips 1 sticks. ore ind Obeying the Law their ons. s rnes it G w . ine people cail , to bring out the read to them. lis n 6of Eira‘s name wh. It is thought t] t during the past Irsiat * +3423 K it into liere 1e in Â¥i 0. Xt u:-u:gig?rfl, § W*es!.”“.‘v is is We ; A child anticipatin ‘anvicus to be cff, (:¢%â€"13 1| fore the appointed s, word j in orr Sunday sen red x'nE geep Teart i’ox 'éi unding ; be no tardingss. 4 o :’ii?g} H. _}Iagvn_:essq 1i pare for the last day. % He wore no underclotbiag. ard for a fow months be was a familiar figure on the down town streets. in which he so‘d pamphlets advocating his idea of going back to nature. He was committed to the Dunning Inâ€" sane Asylum three montbs ago «by the Cook ‘Conrty "Court as insane. A friend in Peoria, I!I., it is said. procuared his release and took hkim to tbat city. He walked to Chicago and arrived Rto would st9p persons 4 with uplifted fingers w IX. Practical religion. The word God is adapted to the needs otf eve day life. It has a definite bearing up the daily life. The Levitical law is ei nently practical. It adjusted the re tions of man with Ciod, of mam w man; it legislated about the treatme of the animal world and the use of t land. There is no question of practil living which cannot be solvred by t word of God if the heart is hone«t « t ; of His word and in it without instin: { ively taking an attitude of devotion. [ VI Responsiveness. "All the peop f answered, Amen, Amen" (v. 6). As wi | commanded by the law (Deut. xxvii. 1: li Num. v. 22). Amen is one of the nam ; of Jesus. It means "faithful and trim | (Rev. iil. 15). VII. Prayerfulness. "Ezra blossed t! FLord" (v. 6). Aiter he "opened th _book" (v. 5) and before "they read 1 the book" (v. 8)}. "Nehemiah....th governor adn Ezra the priest (v. 9) wer both men of prayer. VIIH. Intelligent reading. _ "Couse the people to understand the law...rea in the book in the law of God distinet!y and gave the seanse, and caused them t understand the reading" (vs. 7, 8). God‘ word shall not return to Hih void (isa Iv, 11), and when read in the power o His Spirit will search the heart. loavin: no sin unrevealed. His truth is simp and convincing. Benjamin Frarklin onc: read the third chapter of Habakl:uk to a company of infidels. They were dooniy ls" was faint with ome V. Devotign. "Ezra opened the boso‘ ... .and when he opened it all the peopic stood up" (v. 5). "The Bible is our most tangible re~inder of the Holy One. Standing iz the presence of a superior is an attitude of respect, a mark of courâ€" tesy. When God‘s word was brought out in the sight of the people they rose as an act of reverence due to it. and ing cf the book produced When Jesus read from Esaias . . "the eyes ¢ were in the synagopue w frem a Bible, not from lesson helps, The latter are for study at home. "The teacher who has the lesson in his head and in his heart will not have a lesson help in his hand." . iV.â€" Attention. "The ears of all the pesople attentive" (v. 3).. The very openâ€" Chron. xvyii, 9). The faithful superinâ€" lenJlent reads, ard has his pupils read, ple who formeriy "Wwithdrew the shoulder and hardened their neck and would <not hear" (Neb. ix., 29) were now ready to know God‘s requirements and do thom. A native of India came fifty miles in a joiting cart, drawn by exen, to the misâ€" si0rary, tog inquire about things he could not understand in the book. ‘ IH. â€" Respest for ‘ the book. â€" "Ezra Lrorght the lhaw befove the congregation" tys. 2). â€""Ezra opeued the book «in the sight of all the, people (va. 5). . ‘"Xhey taught in Jndah ard bad the book of the law of the Lord » with them" (2 came "from the light" (Â¥8.) 3, marg.). They met early in the morning. It was a tithe Of intense~interest. They met for the first time in this ‘%oi_v convoes â€" tion" commanded by as or the "first da nf}bc seventh firn:a' ((v. 2; Ley. .\-.&i, "It was a t national :l:dd:sglafzxg service of: rm:onrt interâ€" est."" "This is the secret Of punciuality. A child anticipating a great pleasure is anvicus to be ¢off, sometimes hours beâ€" fore the appointed time. If there is that in our Sunday services to ins{&x;rg. the geep Leart fo Tove for them there will H. Eagerness*Lo.learn. "They spake unto Ezra, the scribe, to bring the book of the law ‘cf ‘.“0'2'3 Thich mtf had eommanied to. Istael" (vs. 1). ‘The peoâ€" and hardens hear" (Neb. know God‘s A native of OIL M Fi J â€" (ImKQ av. 1i first requisite teaching. ealkid{t,. _ No cne can get onception of the living Go word and in it without it aking an attitude of devoti (La IEN MUST TESTIFY to Nature the heart is hor its conditions. Abblje C. M 162 Tok n the sereet, and rirn them to ursâ€" Preacher Dicd 11013 GHC. Ea superior | ark of courâ€" j vas brought i le they rose‘ + to it, and mat ind, the 1 of Asraet. i get even a a God back ut instinetâ€" evotion. f the people 5). As was . xxvil. 135; \the names and true" blossed the opened the ey read im lah....the (v. 9) were | i "Coused ‘ aw ... read distinctly, d them to & 8)- God‘s void (isa. â€"p Of n Ten Warships are Assembled. London, Nov. 27.â€"The combined fleet of tne powers, now assembling at Piâ€" racus,. cousists of six large and â€"four small vessels, commanded by â€" Admiral Ritter Von Jedina, of the Austrian nayy. Great Britain is represented by the armored cruiser Lancaster anrd the scoutship Sentinel; Austria by the arâ€" mored eruised St. George and the torâ€" pedo cruiser Szigetvar; Italy by the armored cruiser ‘Guiseppe _ Garibaldi and the torpedoâ€"boat destrover Ostro, ;::d I-‘mneelyccm‘ner-nd.‘; gunâ€" at. t Paris, No#. 27.â€"Thursday‘s note in teâ€" ply to the uitimatum of the powers conâ€" tains a warning that the action of the powers in resorting to a naval demonâ€" stration may precipitate an internal upâ€" rising of Mussu‘mans against the Chrisâ€" tian population of Turkey. This is conâ€" sidered to be a threat as it is known that ro demonstration of Mussulmans against Christians can occur unless it has the siâ€" lent acquiescence of the Turkish authorâ€" conditional has not yet been definiteiy ascertained. Vice Admiral Husni Pashka has started on a special steamer for the Dardanelles presumably . with. instructions for the commander of the forts regarding â€" tite the latter‘s condhct in the event of the appearance of theâ€"international _ fleet. Similar instructions have been sent to the governors of the Turkish islands in the Archipelago. The answerâ€"of the Porte as a whole is entirely unsatisfactory, as it does hot respond_ to the demuand for the extenâ€" sion of the authority‘ of the finaneial agents of the powers for two years, and is evasive upon the question of the gonâ€" eral control by the powers of the finanâ€" mal affiairs of Maccdonia. All the Minâ€" isters except the Minister of War fay ored yielding to the ultimafum, but pa‘â€" ace influences led the Sultan to over rule the favrorable attitude of the Porte, These influences are considered to be the outgrowth of Germany‘s abstaining from taking an active part in the naval demonstration. _ ' The Turkish reply gives a serious turn to the regotiations. decision of rejec SULTAN RHJECTS POWERS‘ DFMANDS. Will the International Fleet Forecz the Dardaneli and Make Reprisals ? Constantinople, Nov. 27.â€"The ~day issued an irade approving cision of the Council of Minist ject the demands of the powe ternational control of the finan MIQ er the rejection is absolute or al has not vet been definiteiy \ n t > \\ / ’ \ \‘\.\\\\\\\\\\\“”‘(%Q I’:N:.‘,;'-,,‘h Mb Sn | \\t 1/ \\‘{\\\'\j\\ NB ?:s: Cans d uL § \\\\\\\\\ \ U css t J\ t s ; \\\\ M \-;x:s\‘\}%\ $ \ & \ | y sanma hras meeastitt &A Threat, i 2l sinle ) ) Ofi h Z t\ 47e +2, i¢ ((p n wl \ y \\v“?; jffi ,z,f d Q;L .;@fi'y‘n{?):’: i (G. Ne io a w y ; <G h 4 y dag s je 4T it \\ \\\{‘..s':.‘ Ne ‘é"’//':/i’\ fii‘t{: ifi 1 3 )' )2;3‘ e n trit w tm sA zPy s Uikes Eo4 YA o ...\‘\\,9{»‘,\5&;5,::2&?;6.;3132””“ THAnA tA7 *LA \ - eâ€"Porte as a wihc ctory, as it does‘n nand for the exte ity‘ of the finanei s for two years, a: question of the go powers of the fina domia. All the Mi linister of War f2 ONTARIO ARCHIVEsS TORONTO THE SULTAN CF TURKEY, Who has defied th e European Powers. Ns o7 A e ie goe l J 1 s a M TL e NT) : M o L oga itsiay? J BA KA APo powers finance pririplsite tds Aor ie MBE en es atonrie tAE ce csnls i Mss * says: turn l "My baby was troubled with sour stomâ€" ach and was constipated most of the time, and was always cross and restless. Il gave him Baby‘s Own Tablets and in reâ€" ; found them a complete suecess, ana Siuian to At the trial Terry admitted ‘that he had â€"killed ~the Chinaman, «+saying he wished to test the question of whether the law really protected aliens. The jury recommended mercy on the ground that his hatred for the yellow race had Hatred of Yemow Race. London, Nov, 27.â€"AÂ¥ despatch to the Evering Standard from Christchurch, New Zealand says‘ that Lionel Tetry has been sentenced to death for deliâ€" berately â€" klling a Chinaman in the streets of Wellington, N. Z. Terry is a traveller and artist. Recently he wrote a book entitled The Shadow of the Empire, in which be attemp}e_d to show ]{:x:t‘ ..tb.e)..d‘:x’:fif. °.I. the British empire lay in the influx of Chinese Avthor Terry‘s box, by writing the Dr. Williams‘ M cine Company, Brockville, Onrt. would not now be without them." You can get Baby‘s Own Tablets from any druggist, or by mail at 25 ecnts A box, by writin@ the Dro WiNiamâ€". ar_ 3. b the is| of Asi tilene, the Island of Lemnos, in the northern part of the Aegcan Sea, and the Island of Tenedos, on the west coast KILLS CHINESE TO TEST MiISEERASLE XIGHTS. €° _ RZCBpP‘CVCE success, and now _ be without thenm." it the session of the Counâ€" s at which the proposals s were. rejected ~ was a nd that all the Ministers linister of War favored Practical Procf of LAW. Is to the d at the the part is people says: HSH 13 New York, Nov. 22.â€"John Suyder, a nineâ€" teenâ€"yearâ€"old clerk for the Lincoln Trust Company, was arrested toâ€"day charged with forging a cheque for $5,200 on the bank which employed him, An official of the" company said that for a year past Snydor has been seeking a position with the comâ€" pany, ard that he was put at work only three weeks . ay h the umc:"omh;‘c{u' cgra;':e“:‘hlg was signed by the p’mg teller of the Linâ€" enin Trust Comnany 6 mw. L211_O‘ U wis & skingle business and the mining industry eontinues normally acticve. Hamiltonâ€"There continues brisk trade with a Leavy movement in all lines of Christmas goods. Country trade is fairly active and collections are fair to good. All lines of country produce are coming forward well and values are gonâ€" eraly firm. Londonâ€"With local and country retail trade improving there is a fairly good sorting trade in wholesale lines here. Colâ€" lections also are better, All lines of manufacture are busily engaged and the outlook for trade generally is bright. Ottawaâ€"Wholesale and retail trade is fair here for this time of the year. Colâ€" lections are coming forward a little oet. ter, and further improvement in this reâ€" spect is expected. Local industries are active and country trade is pemeraliv moving briskly. _ Traveliers in dry â€" goods are booking large orGers for the spring delivery and hte feeling regardâ€" ing future trade everywhere seems to b« imost hopeful, _ The demand for hard. ware lines is still brisk and vaiues are genécraily very firm, :. ~®sR Vancouver and Victoriaâ€"There is a seasorable quict tone to business along the coast, although there is a fair sort ing trade doing. The feature Of the week is a determination on the part of wholesale grocers to shorten credit someâ€" what. _ Values of commoditics generally hold firm, and all kinds of country nradi. mak here Toronto â€" The condition of trade here continues generally satisfactory. _ ihe farmers are unusually prosperous and country retail stocks are already movâ€" ing well. Good sorting orders are apâ€" pearing in dry goods lines, and fancy lines are very active. _A fair trade is moving in groceries, and the hardware trade is good for this time of the year. Orders from the Northwest are big in all lines.. _ Later reports sayithe meeting of bank paper on the 4th last was even petâ€" ter than expected. â€" Canadian banks are sending money to loan in Xew York,. sad there is some stringency here, the price having risen from 5 to 6 per cent. Oxebecâ€"Cold weather hn« cansed aamt. A NINETEENâ€"YEARâ€"OLD ropa> Montrealâ€"There has been a quict tore to trade generally during the past week or so. Wholesale houses report a fairly good sorting trade moving, and the.busiâ€" ness being done on secount of the Christâ€" mas trade is heavy. Most activity is shown in drygoods lines. Collections are about fair, it now appears that more notes falling due on the 4th last had 10 be renewed than had been anticipated. Western collections are fairly gooc. The prices in cheese have advanced sharpiy, The cheese and buiter trade this year netted the farmer about £30,000,000, and in no previous year have average prices been so hich. ; Aniod 1o moike ers for holiday factorily, ana s large as this Messrs. Woodall & Co. cabled Eben James: 14,000 barreis sold; few Canadians; market continues rctive. Greenings, 198 to 21s; Baldwins, 19 to 20s; Spies, 13s 64 to 21s 64 ; Russets, 19 to 29s; seconds, 2s less. Bradstreet‘s on Trade. New York ... Detrolt ... ... Toledo ... .. St. Louis .. . Dulgti!...._;.. Minneapolis ... 1i f The Cheese Markets. Woodstock.â€"Toâ€"day the olferings were 2790 boxes, 215 colored, 1075 white; bidding, 11% to 11%c. No sales. Last market ol the season,. Picton, Ont.â€"Toâ€"day four factories boarded 417 boxes, all colored;: 360 sold at 11%e i: Morgan. Board adjorrned to mest first Wednesday in May, 1906. Leading Waheat Msaixets. Geese, per Ib. .. .. . Cabbage, per dozen .. Potatoes, per bag .. .. Celery, per dozen .. . Onions, per bag .. .. .. Beef, hindquarters .. . Do., forequarters .. Do., choice, carcase . Do., medium, carcase Mutton, per ewt. .. 5 Veal, per ewt. .. .. »a Lamb, per ewt. .. Lo Do., creamery . Chickens, per Ib. Fow!, per Ib. .. ‘Turkeys, per 1b. (» Kint i0n8 saoOw a si1 bfi:;'.‘u fair ‘O?Vr and. "prices * 9; 40 ‘loads® Sold at‘ $" to"$lv .e't‘ot “ othy, and at $ to $8 for mixed. Straw sold at $14 a ton for two loads. Dressed hogs are unchanged, dealers paying $7.75 to $8, the latter for light Over Five Thousand Dollars Was Then Arrested. grain itlie | new demands . upon her biood supp!y lu& chan :t'“&.“ W&n‘wfi;fi she cannot meet. _ Month ,fix] sales , of 800 "‘:g“;n“'m:':.‘l‘: 5}_. 5 wéonth heér‘ hedlth, her strength, »> ;%c,“ g:}le‘yunnehupd, with of very life, as being drained away,> o W i 55e. _ Qats continue | food and no care can do her in mw "at=sss, to $c good. _ Common medicine cannot sa» & % "ana." ® y; I~her,from broken health and a ho fii‘h‘.‘.",“flfi-fl'."’&“n last Apcline." New blood is the one the s â€" a%e BC:Y. ind s uns : Tar larce amont e CA £0 itself f CTT "CY / men c put at work on:yl The Parisian bas been d;:‘chfll'i-"‘tdv ;.‘:‘rl ago. Toâ€"day he presented to L is loading, and the Dona > Arakaoveg ts* m&nk y.tn M‘ i cha,ub.vhleh | is now discharging. The Sicilian is d:: y & teller of the Linâ€" â€" i1 ho men 'mmany’? The teller‘s siznatne, OO Baturdar, and thore will bo Liverpcol Apple Market Ci2iiYy so 1 sto wea w h b in ings of country prs o. _ The lumber a; 1 the mining indust t1 ntinues brisk trade 1ent in all lines of Country trade is lections are fair to .. h.: . J #TP 24 waul6 2 oo e OPm e ene en Ne i 6\::lll.lllc ; the past week g W "‘;“"” report a fairly | ;j"' t‘me 1‘ g, and thebusiâ€" ' hs. m:'zil it of the Christâ€" | fop $2.50 ost activity is i Medicine _ Collections are ! ears that more A 4th last had 10 en anticipated. | airly good, 110 ; Marniage vanced sharply, ! rade this year : 230,000,000, and | _ Toront average prices |(ireen in« n of trade here i F{‘on?al P Dec. May. July. :. 90% 9014 â€" ++ 87% 904 â€"â€" â€" 87%4 8044 81 .. 817 8514 80% * VALW L EL, ho 794 794, siznaty», OM Saturday, and 80 «y dinitatins Wth (4 B9 t e i ns i > and nC 8 c4 9 19 96 »iimâ€""less decline." New blood is the ons t)in> traw l thst can make her a healthy, chees. alers â€"cheeked girl. Aand Dr. Wiliiams um}gz actually make new blood wiin fi ‘qzy . That is t:;.whole besret o) have saved usands of pale, 0 7 me c girls from an early grave. \;«â€" :“l Alice Chaput, aged 17 years, iiviay a: °§3 475 8t. Timothes street,_.blomr.';x', gives 0 ihxg:‘oof of Dr. Williams‘® Pink i0; 1” power to cure. "Acouple of years ayo, s og | Rays Miss Chaput, "I was an almost con 11 0) | tinuous sufferer, and become s> vor>x i { could hardly go about. I suflievred trom $ 25 | frequent and prolonged spols of «.. :;2 i mess, I had frightful headaches, and my 7@ | stomach was completely ont of order. 2 ud ‘ The least . exertion would leave me g: worn out and breathless, and I did n»~ 9 33 l appear to have a drop of good hblood in 0 2 | my body. I consulted a doetor, who to!4 ‘0 11 | me the trouble was general debility, «: 0 o | his treatment did not help me a particic. 0 i | To add to the trouble my nerves gave 23 ' way, n.nd 1 often pa{;sod sleepless nights 0 $ | At this stazge a friend advised me {;0 a 3; | try Dr. Williams‘ Pink PilHs, and 1 20 12 | a few boxes. The first benelit I noticed «4 | from the use of the pills was an amproy 6 ; | e4 appetite, and this seemed to »rin> 6 06 | much relief. 1 continued taking +4> ; 8 (¢ ; until I had used six boxes, wuer 1 «@>â€" 0 11 0 0€ 0 14 0 11 0 & 0 85 little work toâ€"day. It is expected the local union will consent to resume work if the um“l men are sent home. This may ’m though toâ€"night both sides say there is no change, and that the strike fl%:)lunne. Parisian bas been discharged, and !' "“‘!& and the Donaldson steamer St. John, X. B., Nov. 27.â€"The ‘ongâ€" shoremen‘s strike is likely to end in a victory for the steamship cwners. Strikeâ€" breakers are coming daily from Montâ€" ;:l-. and, while some desort, most of are wor . Over fifty more are ‘“M'u.%m local mzn went to Shipowners at St. John Ap! Thoir Carsoos. Medical aid â€" was brought to awful conditio» entertained for children were i _ 2 0_ PM J24t Away, and efforts the flames wore ‘or Goodrich had her clothing was burned all over the bod it exploded. and veloped in flam time, and rush« was not far ao efforts the flan» serrjous accident this morning, w resides with 1 terribly and per! was startine a Port { Green industry at Windsor and other frontal points is seriously threatened by the latest decision of the Attorney{ienâ€" eral. _ ‘The ministers of Windsor and similar places will thereby be deprived of a IUCTAtINe SORTICE Of HHCOHNE. iusimer. 1 BLOODLESS 61815 Port ___A pale, anaemic person noeds on!; one thingâ€"new blood. Dr. Wiliiam: Pink Pills do one thing onlyâ€"tic, make new blood. That is ail the) do, but they do it well. ‘They don‘ «act on the bowels. whey don‘t bothe with mere symptoms. They won‘t cu:, any disease that ism t caused originall; from bad blood. But when Dr. William: Pink Pills replace bad blood with goo blood they strike ta the root and cuus« of all common diseases like headaches sideaches, backaches, kidney â€" trouble, liver complaint, biliousness, indigestion, anaemia, neuralgia, sciatica, locomotor ataxia and the special secret troubles that every woman knows but that none of them like to talk about, even to their doctors. But you must have the gonâ€" uine pills or you can‘t be cured, and the genuine always hbave the full name, "Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills for Pale People, on the wranner arannd tha ha» is a fully restored to health, and | had a day‘s illness since, 1 cas Dr, Williams‘ Pink Pills en« great good that they have 4n Toronto, Nov LOOKS BAD Fror 5 rlave ney CGoodrich x wWOxan Baouy concitionr,. and e wrapper around the box. Soid 1 medicine dealers or sent direct ril at 50 cents a box or six boxes 230 by writing the Dr. Williams ine Co.. Rrockville, Ont. Pov U . ALIEXS ARE Licenses Must Not Be Sold to for her recovery re in the nouse was sumn the hospi on w Aas brtart Coal Oil. there will be men to it ts tine«ww«s..w......... 7.â€"Ontario‘s Gretna t Lt #Die to Ha TRIZERS BURNFD o and 1 in I eagaot Handle i t 1t 7 the ki t1 Im NT 8 W 1)¢ 11 For mor flce you And way tifu you 1} n 1 He i LO Sold

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