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Durham Review (1897), 7 Dec 1905, p. 9

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s WaANTED. lis the name .e::y. The secand ors are properiy name of someâ€" The t‘nlrdlwm an # ‘ w.:;!fll‘ol. The rly arranged somcething we all you a little we r the 1st lotter Now can make Jou are correct, you | ou and a contest like bit who gets the mot Santhinx Syrup sboui Soothing Syrup id Children Teething. _It aathos the suULS, Cures * Post Cards e best remedy for is Puzzle on the letters are EVERY BGrmsS UB | T UTE SA ds to L R+4 olds. 49, 19045. r words. Can you ring tor. Three friend to help you, a Thibet THAT YOU, am three 10 " M . 4 2: mA 1l¢i. a \d sys ._;\- H s, all pricex. MB TLEMEN a4% C %, $2; 500, aÂ¥ .48 ard a9d alike in r when i. 1% z as & belter Harry avOr NES® yery CIT nate an d enâ€" cey» B The MANSON CAMPBELL CO., Limited, Dep{l..No. 33, CHATHAM, CANADA | Let Ha Sma Fop 10 ena bere la rall Premises Sufficient r Poultsy Raising. conreo, if you have lots of room, so m hetter, but many: & nl;:n .mxnk'm n« on a successful and pro pou ness in a small city or town lot. Any lx 0 iair sized stable or shed and a s: Call ra‘s@ m’ MNO it to make maney avieklvy van mnct TY DON‘T THROW MONFY AWAY CH festo, and the improvement _ of the condition _ of _ the sailors ragarding which 15 demands were made. When the time had elapsed and no answer _ had _ been received, _ Lieut. Schmidt opered fire from two vessels. The South forts, part of the squadron and part of the coast artillery, which remainde loval, returned â€" iiantanant 41 u1e J@110r5 Who Were Ashore in Barracks Asâ€" sisted and Attacked the Loyal Forces. Nib (cind: cacpoasath The Forts and Loyal Ships Smashed the Attacking Force and the Mutineers Surrendered. 1d i The Sailors untr attl The City Bombarded by Two the Squadron That H chmid 0 rom tha old idea of tryin‘to do business ‘Ling hons as hatchers. You must get a m I ;mbatorumzoflrooder. lfi the iable everybody to get a fair start way in Lho&oultW we make _ special offer w it is worth your 0 investigate. " RUSSIANâ€"MUTiNEERS _ ATTACK SEBASTOPOL iments us quote ‘vou pricesâ€"on~aâ€"goodâ€"Fanmning Millâ€"or ‘good :Farm: Scale. | Cru If nant is annourced that Liew t‘s wound is mortal. Consults With Lansdowne. if you have lots of room, so mmich but many a man ard woman are a successful and profitable pouliry a stall city or town lot. Anyons ~i;:ednjs‘t:'ble or shed and a small se por profitably. ‘ke money quickly, you must get 124 Roes 9 Prs w# +4 ;@ F o e a & oi the coast artillery, which e loyal, returned Lieutenant s firg, and the fire of the forts, â€" which bad joined â€"the it in the bombardment of the leantime, however, the sailors e in the barracks, went into the ind opened fire against the inâ€" and _ Maxim Company. The lasted two hours and a hali. iser Otchakoif was pierced and into _ flames. _ The auxiliary Duieper ard another vessel, orpedo boats, were sunk. The > Panteleimon was hit badiy. ‘oles were made in her side. ; + o‘clock _ Lieut. â€"Schmidt \v:asJ and surrendered the mutinâ€" rdron and sailors. The North re taken at the point of the by the Brest and Bielstock s. _ Half the city was deâ€" Ded ere is absolutely no reasonable amiug the use of & hon as a ery reason why you should Incubator and Orooder. » x# a very speciali otfer, whico ) investigate. »X" w â€"â€"George L. VonMeyer Ambassador to Russia, ther reasons why the ind Brocder outclasses her. often le::din?‘l:or bushkes. and in piaces is ready. The Chatâ€" ready. By planning right time, you may o seil when broilers e top notch. If you chicks willt grow to ther hen‘s chicks are n the price is not so c, that it pays to lcbt th~e Cfitha.m h cosh do 4 ;mld have eggs are ‘ai _ Ans.â€"$9.00. am Incubator is that twenty hens ig in cash for ‘yon our profit chicks ready to do the ment cach hatch which the 20 hens you keep thein e enough to pay many eggs tter. Now, oder Licutenant Brooter." A Lidght, Pleasant and Profit» id Broodor able Rasiness for Women we v HMiry ould x e t Gentliemen,â€"I had never seen an incubator until I received yours. I was pleased and surâ€" prs wit droan ‘aad Iealths: "oA child soold are & + | operate mt:c:)gfinnooadnny Jas. Day, Rathâ€" "{ientliomen.â€"Your o. 1 Incubstor is ail right. 1 am perfectly satisfied with it, Will aet a larger one from you next year. H. AM. Locxwoop, Lindsay, Ont." f )YÂ¥ T wo Vessels Belonging to That Had Revolted. If you are in earnest, we will set you up in the poultry business withont a cent of cash down. If we were not sure that the Chatham Incubator and Brooder is the best and that with it and a reasonable amount of cifort on your dpart, you are sure to make money, we would not make the special offer below. poultry raiser with hens as hatchers. Yon must have a good Incubator and Brooder, but this means in the ordinary way an investment which, perhaps you are not prepared to make just row, and this is just where our special otfer comes in. Dato pent The Chatham Incubator and Brooder has always proved a Money Maker, The scetting Hen as a Hatcher has been proven a Commercial Fatlgre. The Chatham Incwbator and Brooder has created a New Era in Pogliry Raising, < You Pay us no Cash Tid After 1906 Harveost A CHATHAM INCUBATOR ard BROODER ciated Press is authoritatively formed by the naval general staif night, the battle was begun I» Neuplueff. The Associated Press, | ever, is unable to guaranteo correctness of this report. Owing to the interruption of telegraph, details of the battle difficult to obtain, but as the â€" Many of the erew of the Otchakofi were killed or wounded. According to one report the barracks of _ the mutineers were carried by storm after the mutinous fleet, which is said to have numbered 10 vossels, had . surrendered, and the whole Dosiâ€" tion is now in the hands of â€" the troops, under the command of Cen. Neuplueff. The Associated Press, h wâ€" Bombarding Squadron Said to Have Conâ€" sisted of Ten Ships. St. Petersburg, Dec. 4.â€"Sebastopol was toâ€"day the scene of a desperate battle between the mutinous sailors and the troops in the forts on shore. During the battle the town and During the battle the town and the forts were bombarded by â€" the guns of the cruiser Otchakoff{, which now lies a burning wreck off Admiralty Point, its hull riddled. with shells, anrd its flaunting red ensign _ of revolution hauled down. j leaves Paris toâ€"morrow for Berlin, where be probably will have a further opporâ€" tunity to consider the situation. Amâ€" bassador Meyer intends to proceed to St. Petersburg by rail if communication remains open, as the water route does not seem feasible. ___" 1P nere on his way to St. Petorsâ€" burg, is giving close attention to the reâ€" newed gravity of the Russian situation. His meeting‘ with Foreign â€" Secretary Lansdowne, in London yesterday, will be followed by conferences toâ€"day with the, autherities here. The Ambassador who is here on his w burg, is giving close at newed gravity of the His meeting with F Lansdowne, in Londo DC foll®wiBt hw an. k. . WwE WILL SHIP NOW FREIGHT PREPAID TO YOUR STATION nen are toâ€"Gday making an inde ng and putting by money eyer; ig poultry with a Chathain Ihcu DESPERATE BATTLE here. The Ambassador morrow for Berlin, where V WMs f toâ€" by the the i TV o know thore is money in raising chick:fi We know the Chatham Incubator Brooder has no equal. We know that with a.n{ reasonable effort on your lx!mrt.. you cannot but imake money out of the Chatham Incubator and Brooder, _ _ the money. This. is why we make t oiler. IS THIS FAIR ? broilers when the supply is very low and the prices accordingly high. This you could never do with hens as hatchers. * s We know that there is moncy in the pomtr& business for every farmer who will go about right. All you have to do is to get a Chatham Incubator and Brooder and start it. But pore haps you are not prepared just now to spend the money. This. is why we make the snecial Perhaps you think that it r deal of time or a groat doal of t ledge to raisc chickens with a bator and Brooder. 17 so, you : taken. Your wife or daughte: the machine and look aiter the out interfering with their reg duties, Almost cvery farmer "keeps hens," but, while he knows that there is a cortain amount of profit in the business, even when letting it take care ol itself, few farmers are aware of how much they are losizrg every year by not getting into the pouliry business in such a way as to make real money out of it. P The setting hon as & batcher will nover be a E [ He. 1â€" C8 Pgss @ No. 2â€"130 Eggs He, 3â€"2348 [ggs THECHATHAZL INCUBATORâ€"Its suceess has encouraged many to make more money than they ever thought possible out of chicks. Svery Farmer Should Raise Poultry Y ou can only gci on year, but with a C The Government still manages, with the aid of the adininistrative officors along the line, to keep communication open with Sebastopol. The manager of the Moscow office himself is working at a key there. The contents of the cipher despatches received by the Emâ€" peror from Viceâ€"Admiral Birilieff, Minâ€" lne most aisqmeung reports are in cireulation regarding the disaffection of the Guard regiments, two of which, the workmen boast, have definitely resolved not to fire on the people. The Workmen‘s Council has de('{eed that the general post office in St. Petâ€" ersburg shall close at 3 o‘clock this afâ€" terncon, when communication with the outside world may cease. The most disquieting reports are in St. Petersburg, Dec. 4, 2.15 p.m.â€"â€" The situation is very alarming. Rusâ€" sia is a complete blank so far as direct news is concerned, all telegraphic comâ€" munication with the interior having ceased. The demands of the mutineers are said to have included, besides the 15 proposals dealing with â€"service condiâ€" tions, the convocation of _ a Constituâ€" ent Assembly and the complete realiâ€" zation of liberties promised by the imâ€" perial manifesto. No details of the casualties or the damage sustained by the town are obâ€" tainable by the Admiralty, . but owing to confined space in which the battle was fought, it is improbable that the town escaped without heoavy damage. According to this report the Panâ€" telcimon (formerly the Knias Potemâ€" kine) was injured below the _ waterâ€" lize, and a torpedo boat is ashore on the rocks. During the naval bats‘e the sailo on the shore entrericked in the barâ€" racks, defended. the:t position with machine guns anl riiles against ihe attacking infant:y, after an engage ment lasting twoa end a ha‘ft hours, with the â€" Otchakoff riddled and on fire, and the cruiser Dnieper and anâ€" other vessel sunk, Lieut.e‘fie'flmim,“ who had been badly wounded, surrendered the entire squadron. The mutinous sailors on shore surrendered to the Brest and Bielostock Regiments. According to a more ietr‘"ed report received from another sourse, and vurâ€" porting to come from the . Adimiralty, the battle began at 3 s‘ciock this afâ€" ternoon, when Lieut, ‘s:tin t, not 1eâ€" ceiving a reéply to the demiais â€" of the mutincers, opened fire fran a fleet of ten ships, to which the northern taiâ€" teries of Fort Alexander, artillery posted on the shore, and saveral vesâ€" sels which remainde loyil replied. The commander of the Otchak ff, Lieut. _ Schmidt, ~immeéediftéely ace. pred the challenge, replying with both batâ€" teries, one trained on the town, ~and the other on the Fort Alexialx 1:tâ€" teries on the north shore. troops on shore, who opened fire on the Otchakoff,* which was defianly disâ€" playing the red flag. \_ (¢ 0\ S _ > Situation Very Grave. )r projilt is to begin right, n lncubat_m':‘.mfk Brooder. sou can begin hatching time. )p ol your fields in iim fncubator and Nlion, youa can raise c vumnill Winter and her will never be a business is to lay od and prices are iways in excess of ies of the year you you care to ask for Lgpx lnctu}t)gtor am} hing a 0 rlib 3 to marketable ecnires a groat »chnical knowâ€" Chatham Incuâ€" re greatly misâ€" ‘can attend to chickens withâ€" ular houschold t of it 1 ve m iC nd have ble that Incubaâ€" only Shouts of "Religious Sweaters" and Dear Mrm, fCurse their charity" greeted the Prinâ€"| â€" L bad eess, and the crowds became so boisterâ€" | Eâ€" Pinkhs ous; that large yumbers : of ‘police had to Ask Hr be: isuntmonedto.:disperse them, ;ui; {... ..._.â€" Hooting Mob Insults Daughter of Briâ€" ‘ tain‘s King. London, Dec. 4.â€"Egged on by the Social Democratie Fegeration, the unâ€" employed mustered in strong force around the Church Army tents off the Strand toâ€"day and jeered and hooted the Princess Royal, the Princess Louise, Duchess of Fife, eldest daughter of King Edward, who performed the ceremony of opening the tents which were presented by the King and erdowed with $5,000 from Queen Alexandra‘s fund to houul and feed great numbers ‘of the unemâ€" ployed, who are to chop ‘firewood for this relief. 5 The Cortes toâ€"day. again . discussed the bill for the suspension of the Conâ€" stitutional guarantees in Catalonia. The Republican members opposed the bill, but it was ultimately adopted. Rumors of a Cabinet crisis persist. Meanwhile matters at Barcelona have reassumed their normal condition. The Supreme Court has initiated a proseâ€" ecution of the disturbers. & restless ine situation is somewhat compliâ€" cated. The most serious feature at the moment is the angry _ excitement among the military officéers owing to the Catalanist attacks on the army. The newspapers report that ali the The Carrison Resent the Attack by Catalanists. Madrid, Dec, 4.â€"It is reported that King Alfonso, who presided at a mestâ€" ing of the Cabinct toâ€"day, declared his intention, as the head of a democratic state, to maintain the Constitution by all meéans. f '(iod, Who sees and does not help at! Our troubles and sorrows are not. to be endured, azsd what is yet to come? Who can say ? I would write more, brt cannot, as I am bioken from fasting and worry,. The strcets are knse deep with blood. It is impossible, my dear sister, to describe our cireumstances, © We find ourselyes inA stable."" Bo not ask about food. The only thing that could help us wou‘d be to take us out of this aceursed land. Your sister, Sherva Sande}man. | Only Wish of the Persecuted Jews in ! Russia, | New York, Dec. 4.â€"Jewish families j on the east side who come from Odessa {and who have relatives there, are receivâ€" |ing letters from the latter who have | been eyeâ€"witnesses and victims of «he outrages which were perpetrated on the | Jews in that city. In nearly every one |of these communications the writers plead for means to bring them to the . United States, which they say in their ounly refuge and the only pericanent reâ€" lief from persecution. One of these letters, received yesterâ€" day, follows: My Dearly Beloved Sisterâ€" Know, my dear sister, that 1 do not write this letter with ink, but with bloody â€"tears and trembling hards. I suppose you have already heard of our terrible calâ€" amity. â€" So awful a catastrophe has ecâ€" curred that its like has not been seen since the world began. .Thousands of people have been slaughtered, and not only have the stores been robbed, but each . private dwelling, â€" house to house,. It is now three days that the dead are being buried, and there is no end is | , yet. The graves take up oneâ€"half of ) the field, and (thirtyâ€"five â€"bodies are Dburied in one grave. _ Bodies are searâ€" tered all over the graveyard, so battorâ€" ed that they are unrecognizable. Limbs | and heads of the children are strown [ about. _ They lie thick in heaps, coverâ€" | ] ed with tarpaulins. The morgues are {4 full. Woe to our years that we shou‘!ld live to see this sorrow. Happy â€" are 1 they who died before: our misfortunes | i overtook us and cannot see how our 1 blood ‘flows through the streets! Oh. | . God, Who sees and does not help it! |" Proaa C n t Pss * 1 JEERED PRINCESS LOUISE. SPANISH ARMY RESTLESS. Artillerymen lakeâ€"â€"l)emuds_-â€"alnd-!‘e?uu 5 § to Wait ~ > ister of guarded. Warsaw, ARMY REVOLT NEAR WARSAW LEAVE ACCURSED COUNTRY. AWKADA MUST ADVANCE. in Spain are anery oâ€"d Marine, however, are carefully Â¥4 T8 the Fortnightly Reâ€" colonial conerence," Imperialists are enâ€" le Canada to return ipiete po::tical l1 shortly deâ€" power, to be . Byâ€"andâ€"bye r the right to We are tirâ€" suls" appointâ€" heed to warnâ€" All â€" the a id " More than fifty thousand w« ; have testified in grateful letters +~ Pinkham that Lydia E. Pin}:> | Vegetable Compound overcon: | ! fal and irregular menstruation. spei.s, and durin, mon: periods | woulz suffer intem‘o :L. i vtvmuy ul;e s try 1. E. Pinkham‘s V Comwpotm'lto g.ggf_g_m soglad that I did. for it momalli spells I ons is Oe ECC CExal) @UCd beaith began to fail. I had severe pains in my back, my head ached, I would have dizzy Miss Matilda Richardson of 1:?? Welâ€" lington Street, Kingston, Ont., writes: Dear Mrs. The two following letters to!! «n conâ€" vincingly what Lydia E. Pin‘sam‘s Vegetable Compound will do for women, they cannot fail to briug hope to thousands of sufferers. It provides a safe and sure wiv 0/ osâ€" cape from distressing and dangerous weaknesses and diseases. svinvuling is wron:y which should be set right or it will lead to a serious deâ€" rangement of the whole female orzan.â€" Mme. Louise M TORONTO Suggestions How to Find PR Suffering. â€" The Governor will â€" caill the attention ofi the Board of Forestry and the Legisâ€" lature to these conditions. A colony of about tour hundrod Haâ€" waiizns ‘&ettled on the island about twentyâ€"flive years ago. < The Governor found only two of them loft.â€" They are natives, each over a hundred years of age, and are the only residents, aside from Charles Gay, who leases it, and his employees. But for assistance the two old natives would have died from lack of support. (=, Larai, in Hawaaian Group, is Quickly Becomins Barren, ’ Hovwolulu, via San Franciseo, Dec. 4] «â€"â€"Lanai, the smallest inhabited island of the Hawaiian group, is being laid bare by the ravages of wild goats and the blowing mway of its vegetation and soil by high winds. . Governor Carter has returned from a trip to the island in the United States tug Iroquois. He says that if steps are not taken to pre: vent the continued destruction of vegeâ€" tation . the island will rapid‘ly become barren. to 21 1 _ _Mrs. Bergen and her husband, James, who was seventyâ€"{ive years old, had lived alone in .the little frame house in Apollo street for the last fifteen years. He died on Sunday and funcral services were to have been held this morning. Bergen, aged seventyâ€"two years, of 12 IApollo street, Williamsburg, was probâ€" ably fatally burned yesterday. _ With her clothing aflame, the aged woman was making a futile effort to drag the coftin from a burning rcom when a moâ€" t9:m:m and a policeman went to her aid. Seattle, Wash., Dec. 4.â€"An attemtp in her home to beat out a fire which threatened to consume a coffin in which lay the body of her husband, Mrs. Eliza WOMAN PROBABLY FATALLY BURNED | SAVING HUSBAND‘S COFFIN FROM FIRF at Yokohama,. We were lying in Misisâ€" sipi Bay, just outsine the breakwater, All the torpedo boats and war vessels New York, Dec. 4.â€"Struggling ~alone to murder the peace aclegation and deâ€" stroy the treaty becween Japan and Russia which was drawn up by the pleniâ€" Torpedo..Boat.Rammed the Launch With Deleâ€" |\ "==, «1 «Sates Aboard at Yokohama. COATS EATING UP ISLAND. our years ago my usually good n 46 TRIED TO MURDER JAP ENVOYS w smm in rammeninglnr i nivies allen cakdinsitniins on n ie ie fty thousand women painâ€" Mrs Don‘t hesitate to write to Mirs, Pinkhbam it there is anything about your‘sickness you do not undersitand,. â€" She will treat you with kindness and her advice is , When women are troubled with irregâ€" nlar, suppressed or painful menstruaâ€" tion, loueotrhcea, displacement or ulâ€" ceration of the womb, that bearingâ€" down feeling, inflammation of the ovaries, backache, bloating, (or fiateâ€" lency), general debility, indiyestion and nervous prostration, or are beset with such syiwrptoms as dizziness, faintuess, lassitude, excitability, irritability, nerâ€" vousness, sleeplessness, melancholy, they should remember there is one tried and trvee remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham‘s Vegetable Commund at once removes 03 troubles. fuse to buy any other medicine, for youneed the best. _ buch testimony should be accepted by all women as convineing evidence that Lydia E. Pinkham‘s Vegetable Compound stands without a peer us & remedy for all the distressing ills of women, The success of Lydia E. Pinktham‘s Vegetable Compound rests upon the wellâ€"earned gratitude of Cansdian women. J hese pains lasted from five to ten da 3 month, and you can understand how was to goet relief. I am in the best of and am pleased to give you this tost for what your medicine Ku done for : turned down Went Through Ice Attempting to Cross a Northern Creek. Ottawa . dspatch: .Word has reached the city of. the drowning of Franl McGrath, an Ottawa man who was employed "on "the ‘GÂ¥and Trunmk Pacific survey north of Maniwaki. The drownâ€" ing occurred on Oct. 27, but the news of â€"the affair has now only weached his friends. The unfortunate man belonged to a party of four who were engaged carrying supplies from Neaminaki, on the uppor Gatinean, to a main camp several miles away. The party had completed all but six miles of the jourâ€" ney, when they came to a creek. They ventured on the ice, and it sudâ€" denly gave way. McGrath fell through and his comrades struggled bravely for haif an hour to save him. In the ofâ€" fort one ~other man fel in, and was only rescred after a hard fight. Mcâ€" Grath fipely went under the ico. His boly was ° recovered two days after, and the remains were interred, employed on survey north ing occurred of «the affair friends. The to a party « carrying sup the unver G Ottawa the city McGrath, employed olsX .fiw"% As the heat of the fire cracked the windows a burst of flame shot from the house and attracted the attention of John Daley, of 56 Houseman street, and a friend, who were passing the house. The two men extinguished the woman‘s dress and then carried the coffin into the yard. . The house was practically destroy ed. Mrs. Bergan dragged the coffin toâ€" ward the door. BHer dress became igunit â€" ed, but she tugged at the coffin and fot it to the hallway, where she foll relpless. Unable to restrain ber grief, Mrs. Dorâ€" gon threw hberself upon the coffin. A eandle which she upset fell upon the draperies of the coffin and the fire whicn followed quickly communicated to the window curtains. The fellow who is _ai\_vnâ€"ys waitin * something to turn up is generall e o TCO THC UPcat left the warship and started for the hndy- i Suddenly one of the torpedo boats, ;&tnfi( Jh the end of the line of t , ali her cable and started lftel!ezlifep‘launlx.ed Those on the launch saw the torpedo boat leave the line and surmised what was coming. Immediately afterwards the torpedo boat struck the launch, cutting her completely in two, and raced on into the darknoss. We could see the men struggling in the watâ€" er and clinging to the pieces of the wrecked boat. Launches on the battieâ€" ship were sent to their rescue and saved all but one. The treaty also was saved." EECY 2 AmmsIOn were drawn up in a long line. The launch containing the delegation and the treaty left the warship and started for the landâ€" which escorted â€"the Relie?f from Such SURVEYOR DROWNED Siy PV propfi e party ha s of the jow i creek,. e, and it sud h fell throug! l bravely fo n. Jn the of bg!u'i 1 eal :E'.Aflflfi commission 41

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