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Durham Review (1897), 7 Dec 1905, p. 1

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by comâ€" ul with kind in town as }ol raw Furs,â€" , $50.00 to 37. 51 NV ho! ho! xford, Peel, . _ Waterloo, int worth md ess and R“ii in all rts 0 e a F’a:ln or write for our * RA H A H. J A are a £f them : t I secu urhan OLES ttle and Exchange, Ontario. r sALE 1 H A R W 30, 1905 Snow ! lred as J A n We to ‘0¢ to 50¢ 1 rarms itiesâ€" mand, Mid thang n the ESCs C 24 cts RD AMNI ird 6 OO ) cts ) ¢cts 0 rim on 1.65 at Id rIN n 124 %’éflflfiflflflflflfiflfllflflflflflflmmflg ޤ FURS for Christmas a Gifts | VOL. XXVII. No. 4#&4 k PDurM( 37 | _ The special seryices hela in Varney | Methodist church. during the last three | weeks, in which the pastor has been |ably assisted by Evangelist Alexander Minnis of Kingsville, Essex, closed on Friday evening. The services, which ‘have been successful, have proved a [ great blessing, At the closing meeting | 12 united with the church on probation. i Evangelist Minnis goes to his new |field of labor in Durham followed by | the gratitude and prayers of the Varâ€" | ney congregation, THnr ProspPEROUS Wrst.â€"Mr Jas. McDonald, Aberdeen, returned a few days ago from a 2% months stay in the West. His travels led him near Lumsâ€" den. where are settled many 8. Grey people. Some of those he met were John Dalglish, John and Thos. Ewen, John Pettigrew, he passed John Campâ€" bell‘s place and one story he brings from all of good crops and prosperous times. Mr Dalglish‘s threshing bill at 6 cte. a bushel for wheat and 5cts for oats aâ€" mounted to $498.00. Mr McDonald has formed a very high opinion of the country. In a letter from »mr W. S, Horsburgh we have the news repeated, He had 1990 bush, of wheat, 800 of oats and the test potato crop he ever saw, He is enjoying the letters of his old neighbor, Mr Cochrane. in the Review, and better than all, himself, wife and mother are enjoying good health, Men‘s and Women‘s fur coats. A few left, good value at Grant‘s, A letter from MrJas Crawford, Manâ€" itoba, formerly of Eg remont, speaks of a big snowstorm on the 20th of Nov. and weather cold. Mr _ Wm Whitâ€" more, his fatherâ€"in.law is hale and hearty and likes the country well. All the Durham people round Carman are doing well, We thank Mr Crawford for a fine remittance for the Review. DURHAM, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1905 Look out for * Santa Claus and the Star Queen" a Christmas cantata by the Methodist S. 8. _ The Managing Committe of the Methodiss S.S. feel obliged to change the date of their Christmas cantata, they, having hapâ€" pened on Nomination evening, Friday Dec 22nd. Another date will be anâ€" nounced shortly. A SCHOOL ENTERTAINMENT.â€"Will be held at S S No. 1, Glenelg. near Rob Roy, on Friday, December 15th. A feat ure of the evening will be a dialogue enâ€" titled " Pumpkin Ridge " in which nine young people will take part. Admisâ€" sion 10 and 15¢c. An excellent program is being prepared. During the holiday season we would request merchants desiring a change of advertisemeut to have copy in or ready by Monday, in order to assist us in getâ€" ing the Review out on time, Ads reâ€" ceived Tuesday or Wednesday we canâ€" not guarantee to insert. Santa Claus hasarrived at the Big 4 with a big load of Christmas presents and games of all kinds for everybody, Be sure to call to see him at Hear Bert Haryey, Comedian, Miss Kate Ingle, Elecutionist, of Toronto, Mrs Newton, of Durham, and the Holâ€" stein Male Quartette at the Library Concert, Holstein, Dec 18th. Wax CaALDER, Secy. TAXx NoTicEkâ€"A. H. Jackson has been appointed tax Collector. If you have not paid your taxes; pay at once, or costs will be added. The Town requires the mouney. CURLING.â€"A meeting of all those inâ€" tereated in curling will be held on Friâ€" day evening at 8 o‘clock, in Mr Telford‘s office. AvrPie and Box Social will be held in the Township Hall. Glcenelg, on Friday night Dec 8. Usual pass for ladies with offerings, Popular prices for others. WANTED,â€"Situation as bookkeeper or clerk by competent person. Graduate of good business school. Apply to box 13, Durham. Will Fight.â€"The Temperance forces of Artemesia are selecting a ticket of temperance candidates for the coming municipal election. Rosrsâ€"If in want of a robe call anc see T. Smith‘s Black Galloway Skins. Nothing better, prices reasonâ€" able. ce Men‘s and Women‘s fur coats, a few left, good value, at Grant‘s Arthur H. Jackson, Durham, has been appointed an Issuer of A arriage Liâ€" MacFarlane‘s cold cure tablets will break up a cold in 48 bours. For Stylish Readymade Skirts try S F Morlock‘s, TT nscoliedas? O B zp/ Pss BA es 5 ofi L WwW. H. Brax‘s. M PrEaT.â€"Mr Jas Mcllvride, Orchardâ€" ville, has a ten acre swamp which last summer he tested for peat and made the discovery that right at his Goor he bas a valuable fuel. About the first of August last he had some thrown up. "cast" as they would say in Scotland and a month and a half ago, though not sufficientiy dried to be at its best, his family began using it exclusively and have so coutinued since. The result is that his women folk express a prefer-" ence for it over wood for all domest:c purposes. We have a " chunk " of it in this office, which our friends may see: possibly there is abundance of it in our district, We congrat ulate Mr I-1 Ilyride on being the first to demon strate that we have a serviceable naâ€" tive peat that can be prepared withâ€" out machinery. MERCHANT‘s AssociaTIOn.â€"A meet â€" ing was held on Tuesday evening to form a branch of this new organization in line with a large number of towns similarly situated. The aims of the Association are highly praiseworthy as we understand it, nothing of the combine feature about it except to see that certain pedlars and transient tradâ€" ers do not get the benefit of ciyic privâ€" ileges without paying for it In our cagse it will be a sort of Board of Trade entrusted with an oversight into many matters not properly coming before the council, CHRISTMAS â€" CANTATA.â€"Great â€" preâ€" parations are being made for a conâ€" cert in the Town Hall, on Tuesday, 19th Dec, under the auspices of the Presbyâ€" terian Sunday school. Cantatas, Solos, part singing, Choruses, etc. and a beautitully decorated Christmas tree. Don‘t fail to attend. Admission 10 and 15 cts. Pr.ceville Presbyterians will have one of their famous social gatherings in the church or. Thursday evening of next week _ Durham chowr is going over, and other talent will keep up the good repâ€" utation they have of providing a good program of material and mental things. A. O0, U. W.â€" The next regular meeting of the A. O. U. W. will be held on Monday eveningy ilth inst. As that is the night for nominaticn of offiâ€" cers for 1906, a full atendance is reâ€" quested. THosg. ALLAXN Recorders Pie and box social will be held at Hutâ€" ton Hill School House, on Dec. 15th. Ladies bringing boxes free. Admission; gentlemen 10 ctse., ladies without boxes 25 cts. Regular Services will be conducted on Varney circuit by the paster next Sabbath, the subject being " How may we have the continual consciousness of God‘s presence?" A male choir will furnish music this Sundav. Open every evening until after New Years. Our watch making and jewelry store will hbe open till 10 p. m. Call and see our attractive stock. The adjourned regular meeting uf the Public Library Board, wili be heid on Saturday evening, Dee 9, at 8 p, m. Full attendance requested. Evangelist Minnis of Essex is holding special revival seryices in the Methodist church this week and an awakened inâ€" terest is noticeable. The event of the seascn is the Public Library Concert in Rolstein. Wednesâ€" day, Dec 13th. Don‘t missit, the talâ€" ent is excellent. The Council of Markdale, by a vote of three to two, has refused to submit a local option byâ€"law to a vote of the rateâ€" pavers. Watch our windows, new goods will be displayed twice a week until after christmas, youll get ideas,.â€"MacFarlane & Co. Black. Bovxy WaxTED. â€" Wanted a good strong boy, not afraid of work to learn the hardware business, Apply to W. GIRL WANTEDâ€"At once. Apply to Mrs Chas, Cameron, the brick cotâ€" tage, Upper Tgwn. Cattie wanted to winter. 1lerms reasonable, apply to A. McUrimmNToX. Varney P. O. The Ontario Previncial Winter Fair opens in Guelph on Monday next and will continue till Friday. Elections in the New Province of Sas. katchewan will be held next Wednesâ€" day, 13th inst. Smart boy wanted to learn dry. goods / Dast week she ma business, Apply at 8 F Morlock‘s. ‘cinity received more See our men‘s caps at 50 cts. the boest tention. First came value in town,. C. L. Graut |interested shareholde Wise merchants with a good Christ. 809 Elber, the latter mas proposition should place it in the the Hurone. In com Review. Davidson & MeCamb: Teachers‘ agreements for sale at this office. OonTARIO A GoRpOoN RIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Come now gentlemen, council and common man, a long pull to a worthy citizen,. a strong pull to ourselyes, let us carry this lcan of $10,000 to a worthy mau and a worthy object. Never let it be said that we deny to a citizen what we concede to a stranger. Submit the Byâ€"Law. The debenture debt of the town is $58,000. Deduct from this $17,000 loan lsaves it $41,000, Take from this the local improyemeat debt of $22,000, and the net debt the town is responsib‘e for is only about $20,000. . What town un der similar circumstances would hesitate? Lot No 22, con 4. 8 D R, in the Townâ€" ship of Glenelg, in the County of Grey, 57 acres: 40 acres cleared, 17 acres mixed timber, level, well drained, watâ€" tered by well and smalil stream. _One storv small log house, framebarn 36 x 50 and Post Office. For price and terms apply to Joux McLeax, Lot 26, con 4, 8 D R. Priceville P O, Ont., or to with basement, 14 miles from school Mr Swmith, who formerly proposed to pay only $500 at end of 8rd year has now consented to pay $1000. This should be satisfaciory to council and ratepayers. A FinNF® MacRIn®.â€"We had the pleasâ€" ure a few days ago of seeing in operaâ€" | tion the Messrs Smith‘s separator on the ’Scarf farm to the west of the town. We were especially interested in the | work of the new straw cutter, on which Mr David Smith holds a patent. The wicked thing gets hold of the straw, after it is threshed, and fairly chews it up, rendering it ready to make a mash of at first hand. With this cutter and the vatent blower, the terrors of the * tail of the machine" as we remember 1 t. are entirely eliminated. Only seven or eight men we are told are required to operate it and certainly swallows |up the sheaves at a great rate. Mr. Smith‘s invention makes a valuable addition to a threshing outfit, Thev met next morning and also Tuesday night, and between sessions some of them took a look over the Founâ€" dry and Mr Smith‘s establishment. They made rome changes in the conâ€" ditions which Mr Smith could not accept and the council decided to again ask guidance from the ratepayers at a meetâ€" ing on Thursday night. The Council at its meeting on Monâ€" day night was seized with a cautious streak and determined before submitting the byâ€"law granting a loan to Mr Chartâ€" er Smith, to ascertain further as to the security offered. The other Directors came up on Monday‘s pm train and in a short time the meeting at the head office was ouvened. [n the interest of our conâ€" stituencyâ€"we made a personal applics. See our Men‘s Caps at 50c, the best vaiue in town. C L Grant. _‘ Their time being limited they drove to the Black Lake and found the same satisfaction in what they saw there, and came home tired but happy that the cry of no marl was a bugbear. |__Friday evearug two of the Directors, Messrs Ratz and Cobbledick arrived in 'town. Baturday they set off with the auger accompanied by the same two Iga‘mlemen. They were shown where borings bad been attempted by the compeny‘s borers on the Firth propâ€" erty where no marl was found. _ They were. taken further east and took a limne east and west across the flats of Lots Gand 7 tested by Dayidson and McComb. _ The borings showed depths of 6,10, 20, and in one case 84 feet as they progressed at distances of 10 or 12 rods, These borings were made a few feet distant from where the commitâ€" tee‘s men had bored, and in no case was there found legs in the new boring than in the old but on the contrary it was shown coucluasively to the satisâ€". action ol the two Directors, that the depths reported by the committee were under the mark in some cases. For instance 6 feet from the 84 feet hole the committee had found 29 feet and so on. tention. First came two gentlemen, Jiniflul.ed shareholders, Messrs Kubn ‘and Elber, the latter M P., for one of ‘the Hurone. In company with Messrs | Dayidson & McComb, they were skown ‘ the deposits examined, saw the boring done in various spots and came to the conclgsion vhat all reasounable men imua& eome to in the circumstances, that as far as quantity goes there is an abundant supply, Mr Kubn ou his own initiatiye wished to try some new spots which promised well and on borâ€" ing the resalt corroborated his imâ€" pressions, cinity received more than ordinary at Arcs MclLzax, Last week the marl beds of this viâ€" rog MclLzax, Pine Grove P U, Co, rove $ 0 Perwus 0o Directors Meet in Durham. #, The Smith Byâ€"Law. Continued on page 7. for I The I Busy Corner, Ducham, Watches, Clocks. Jewelery, Silverware Rings, Spectacles and Eye Glasses, Carying Sets, Musical Instruments, Fancy China, Toilet Cases, Traâ€" velling Cases, Albums, Clothes Brushes, Hair Brushes, Staâ€" tionery, Bibles, Hymn and Prayer Books, Wall Papers. etc.. etc. KEELERS Big Jewelery & Book Store R. B. KEELSR i SQN§ Big Shipments of New Goods The regular meeting of this body was held on Monday evening and a number of accts were passed, including one for $105 for expenses incuried in making the cement tests. The consideration of the proposed byâ€"law for a loan to Mr, Charter Smith resulited in deferring the meeting till Tuesday evening. How much better and more elevating and educating is such an entertainment than the average pie and hbox social, that modern grotesque method of raisâ€" ing money, At the next entertainâ€" ment a month or so hence there will be a rousing attendance, aud deserves to be, Look out for the Entertainments of the Durham Dramatie Club, The first of a series of Dramatic enâ€" tertainments given by the Duhbham Dramatic Club, under the auspices of the Public Library, was held on Tuesâ€" day evening and was very successful. The play presented was Goldsmith‘s ** SBhe Stoops to Conquer" and the perâ€" formers had plainly enered into the spirit of the 18ch century. its surâ€" roundings. ideas, etc. At great trouble and considerable expense, the stage and ecenery was transformed into an old fasmoned home, lit by candles, a "grandfather‘s clock." ete and of course the costumes bore out the illusâ€" ion. Theacting was of a higk charactâ€" er; the dramatic instinct of the Mcâ€" Clocklin and Mockler families being very marked, Mr E. D, McClocklin msade a brilliant presentation of Mr Hardcastle. H. B, Mockler as young Mr Marlow had a difficult part and preâ€" sented it well, while T. H. McClocklin, us ~Tony was perfect. There wasn‘t a bad performer amorgst them, the reâ€" mainder of the caste being Misses E. Mockler, Maggie Munroe, Jessie Laidâ€" law, Christine Jackson and Messrs Arch Robertson, L Buchan. Jas Mcâ€" Clocklin, Wm, Buchan, M. McFadden Miss Ethel Limin presided at the piano, The proceeds amounted to about $55 of which a share goes to the Public Li_ brary. Arriving at Keeler‘s‘every day from now till December 1st, when we will then show you the largest and best stock of Christmas Goods ever shown in Durham, The advertising columnms of the Reâ€" view should be consulted, the merâ€" chants: advertising there will he only too glad to cater to your wishes and all have a standing in the community that is a guarantee of fair dealing. Buy at home. Buy early Be loyal to your town, Besides, the purchaser sees the goods he wants and may rest satisfied that even local competition will prevent excessive prices, We have entered the halo that preâ€" cedes Christmas and purchasers should above all t’)ings at this time remember their home town. Merchants go to great risk and expense in providing things beautiful and useful, they know the needs of the people and the place. they assist as no city merchant does in paying local taxes, in helpmg local institutions and in every way furtherâ€" ing local interests. To January 1st CHAS RAMAGE, Paerxter axo Pusuisucr, â€"Is the place to buyâ€" | The Review | s1.00. A Brilliant Success. m t @ > Town Council. Be Loyal. & e 4 SBubscribe NoW. s io 3» \

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