West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 7 Dec 1905, p. 4

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#a; 5 es /'Night Night Coughs Ayer‘s .. SCV hsed Ayor‘s Cherry Poctoral in inss SMITHâ€"In iItegina, on Mr and Mrs J. R. Smi FINCKHAM.â€"InHolland to Mrand Mrs John F stein, and Mr Durham. to the Ind con., of Egrer they have ever since liyed February, when they mc West to live with their son to wourn his loss, a wid and two daughters, W. & David. in the West, Allan, ] simeoe county, Ontario. V nochb, James and Mrs A doctor‘s medicine for all affections of the throat, bronâ€" chial tubes, and lungs. Seid for over 60 years. On Wednesday, Noy 15th, at the home of his son David, Meridian, Sask. the spirit of John Horsburgh took its flight he passed away full of years, hayâ€" ing been born in Roxboroughshire, Scotland. He was 85 years of age,. he‘ came to this country with his parents, when a boyv of 18, settling in Litile York, now Toronto. for a time afterâ€" wards to Galt, in the year 1817. he was was married to Jane, daughter of the late Allan Sage, of Bant county, near Brantford,on the Governor‘s Road The year following the young husband and wile moved to Mt Forest to hewr out a home for thetoselves, in wbat‘ was then but a wilderness, settling ; on the farm that the Grand 'l‘runk'l Station now stands on. In the yeau‘l 1857 they moved to Zonia county, Mich ‘gan, in the year 1860 they moved back ‘ to the Ind con., of Egremont, where 1 1 mm One dose of Ayer‘s Cherry Pectoral at bedtime prevents night cou%‘ln of children. No croup. obronchitis. A Cherry r‘ectoral OurfStock of Men‘s and Boys‘ Suits comprise very newest effects in Black and Fancy Worsted and Fine Scotch Tweeds at prices that will surprise you. Our Progress Brand Clothing costs no more than ordinary Readyâ€"toâ€"wear garments but have all the knack of smartness about them that puts you on a footing with highâ€"priced tailored garments. Kegina, on Nov Our Overcoats are made of the best quality of Black and Grey Beaver Cloths, Fine Irish Frieze and Fancy Overcoatings from Dedinn on ons of | f Obituary. BORN since lived, until last _ they moved to the Rober * _JSG6 to 15 Simth, a daughter. ieir son. â€" He leaves . a widow, six sons , â€"W. S., John and Allan, New Lowell, vercoats aArio. Walter, Dorâ€" Mrs A Doupe, Holâ€" rogress Brand . on the 23 inst, inckham, a son Williamson ‘0 and BRBoyo® Suits Cask ana One Price. C?oz‘/ziny 18th, to 7 | JIr Aâ€"Jack Brzyan | more. _ JIr Bâ€"Sadie MeMily / n Câ€"Mary Holt, 1 son and Gilbert Watr, ; 0f t~â€"vorls McAuley, James Walils, Neil Mc | Marsball, Sr Pt 1â€"Ar Douglas, Victor Donald, Ella Car eq. Sr Pt IIâ€"Ray Farqu Hilderbrandt, Maud Kre: sel, Altred Sharpe and Fr; Jt _Pt 11â€"â€"Helen Ire Johnston, Mary McKeeh Gowan, Jessie Black and eq. Jr IIâ€"â€"Earl Mc ol. Anvie Vollett ion McKenzie. 8Sr 2o0dâ€"Mamie Mountain, Mamie Wilson, Mark Wilson, Joe Warmingâ€" ton, Vivian Crawford. JrIHIâ€"Edith Watso Jobn Mclivraith, Mabe Lawrence. ’ Form 3â€"Lily Walker, Ethel Greenâ€" | wood, Annie McGirr and Rita McComb eq,. Thos Allan and Arthur Allan eq, Keith Newton, Form 2.â€"Fanny Moran, Irene Latiâ€" mer, Mary Edge, Sadie Fletcher and Lizzie Binnie eq, Effie Hunter and Eaâ€" ith Allan eq. Form 1.â€"Jean Watson, Sadie Ferguâ€" Son, Bessie Telford, Hazel Cald well. John MeDonald, Pusurc ScHoor DEepartusxr c Sr ITVâ€"Vaddie Caldwell, Eva Bur ‘ Bett. Haze) Marshall, Garfield Colling, Willie Gadd,. JIrIVâ€"Lizzie Kearney, Lyla Kelsey wWillie McCrie, Nellie Hepburn and Kuby Knisley eq, Jamie Farquharson. SrIIIâ€"Jack Davidson, Lauretta Peel, Gladys Wiartmore, §Bertha Haryey, Eima Holt. ' Durham School for November Jr1â€"Dovis Mc We have some special snaps in Boys‘ Raglanettes and _ Ulster Overcoats. Call in and see them. Priâ€" ces OM...... .2.... sÂ¥ai Hign Scncor DerartuExt orlock. J2. 50 to 7.50 indt, Maud Kress, Cass;e -Rus- d Sharpe and Frank Mellraith. Boys‘ Overcoals Annie â€" Russe!] MceMillan, Holt, Ro! Watt eq. ~â€"Helen [rPIVe;n_d. Wesley ry McKecehnie, Allie Mcâ€" Black and Emily Lloyd McDonard, Wilfrid Nich anme _ Iussell, Greorge or Catton, Norman Mcâ€" arson and Zell Crawford Watson, WilliegPetty, comprise the Farquharson, Alex Neil McMillan, Mi:lan. Marion & Alice Mo Arthur 1 Grasby, Clara N : MeCrie arquharâ€" Whitâ€" wÂ¥ Mrs Irving was a daughter of Samuel Kidd one of the well known names of the early history of Egremont. About 50 years ago she was martied to her first hnsband Mrâ€"Caldwell, and settled in Orchard, where were born to them five sons : Thos. and Harry, Dauphin, Man., William in Rurham, Albert in Toronto ‘ and Chas, in Dundalk ; one daughter is Mrs Wortz. By her second marriage she had one son and one daughter : Mr John Irving, Medicine Hat and Mrs T. F. Paul. Mrs{L. Orchard of this towu is her only remaining sister,. She has resided in Orangeville for the past 20 years. The funeral takes place toâ€"day i Wednesday, I represative for eanh »ou u19. 1008, spee ial represative for each province in Canade, Salary $2000 and expenses paid weekly, Ex pense money advanced. Business successful ; mmon permanent. No investment required, vious Ge;];lu-lenee net e.lgxdn to engaging] Address manager, 132 Lake Street, Chicago, I11, ; 8.. a, ers heart and to him and the other mourners sincere sympathy is extended. Mrs, Jxo, Irvinc. Mr Wm. Calewell received the sad news}on|Monday that his mother had died that morning, having succumbed to a stroke of paralysis after an illness of a few weeks. She was in he? 74th, year, and will be buried in Orangeville. Her brother, Mr H. A. Hunter. was the only memver of her family present, James A. was home recently, and had returned to the West. the other brothâ€" er Fred is in India. Two children of the union remain to comfort the fathâ€" er‘s heart and to him and the other mourners sinceresympathy is extaonasd As is well known she was the eldest daughrer of the late J. H. Hunter, M. P. P. and wrs born in Durham about 37 years ago. The decision was arrived at to lay the remains beside those of her father. and with great appropriateness on arrival of Saturday p. m, train, the remains‘,were taken for a short time to the Durham home where her youth was spent. Here Rev. Mr Farquharson conducted a service, Rev. Mr Bice beâ€" ing also present, after which the 1eâ€" mains were viewed the last time, and the bearers took up their burden, amia the sorrowful nresence of many citizens who gathered to pay the last tribute Mr Grant‘s father was present, (the well known writer * Knoxonian" in religious journals,) and five of his brothers, These last, with a son of Senator Mcâ€" Mullen, of Mt Forest, (who was also present) acted as pallbearers, The floral offerings were very beautiful and very l numerous., __After months of delicate health the aâ€" bove lady passed away at her home in Toronto on Thursday last. Up to nearâ€" ly the end, there was hope of a rally, that _ would ultimately restore to husband, family and friends. the loving wife, the fond mother, and affectionate daughter and sister, but it was otherâ€" wise willed, ! Mr Angus McKelvie, Mayor of New Liskeard, visited his parents here from Thursday to Monday last. Hehad been in Toronto getting some mining claims adjusted for a company of which he is &A prominent member. They have been ! working in the Cobalt region, have \"struck their vein," and bave skipped two carloads of the stuff to New York, where only a smelter adapted to this mineral. is found. The venture bas been very profitable, and would be much more so were there facilities in Canada for its treatment. A recent issue of the Sunday world had a fine portrait of this successful son of South Grey. Mc Mcâ€" Kelvie took home with him his nerce Lucy, daughter of his brother David. ‘ Miss Drummond, of Palmerston, was a guest of her friend., Miss Rosalie Brooker Sunday and Monday, and rendered two fine solos at the English and Methodist churches on Sunday. Mr and}Mrs D. (Gilmour, (the latter was Miss Aggie Hunter) returned to their home in Normanby last week, after a wedding tour of a couple of months in the West. day. Miss Cousing, who has spent a month with her sister, Mrs H, McCrae. returnâ€" ed to her home in Trewbridge Saturâ€" Miss Florence McLeay, of Watford, speut a week in town with her frien1, Miss W, Park,and returned Tuesday. Mr Geo. Meikle returned Saturday after a visit to his brotherâ€"inâ€"law‘s, Mr Grier, of Paisley. Miss Davis, who has been the guest of relatives at the Middaugh House, reâ€" turned to London Wednesday. Mr Jno. A. Black was under the docâ€" tor‘s care last week with an attack of bronchitis, wir Cecil Gun came home this week on a viait to town relatives Mr H. H. Farr left for Stratford Wednesday on business. Miss Mamie Hunter spent the week end visiting friends in M+.Forest. W. Caldwell attended his mother‘s funeral at Orangeville on Wednesday. Rev Mr Colling was and Mrs P. R. Smith, 1 Saturday. ;by Chicago"wholesale house. tiva fnw ancy _ CUERE Mrs. R. A. Graxt,. smm t ie e & Obituary. ‘as present, (the well >xonian" in teligious > of his brothers, son of Senator Mcâ€" hg was a guest of Mr Smith, Palmerstou, on ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO ’mmmmw ’A' | 3 ? } f hk o mAE PP e mm sAMEEAMRE M \. m Druggists and Booksellers the stock is entire and avoid the disappointment and dissat. isfaction _ that often tollows having to make a choice at the last minute when assortments are broken. Goods on which you make a small payment will be laid a. side for you, By this means you can select gifts now when the stock> is aentixa amk 0 2. Goods will be Laid Away € 6‘ An in . aflin anlh, AIZ ) ‘af'\ ,4'13 ty ."‘3’* * .‘2*"‘-"\ “t;"' & There are only 14 shopping days from now until Christmas â€"it is not too early to think of gifts Many of the forehanded buyers are already making selâ€" ections, thus securing the widâ€" est possible assortment from which to choose. Whether you want to buy now or not it is well to begin looking around and this will save you considerable worry later when you are ready to make your selections. When in Toronto last week we were offered the very special discount of 4 off a fine ’O‘te?; Fancy 1 which we gladly accepted. The wholesale men wan § GOOdS and N ovelties the room and the cash, hence our good luck. However we are going to give you the full benefit. It just means a saving of 50 per cent to you and the goodls u;e all ne'w.and ::)- toâ€"date. We bought them from importers w ho do not carry stock hence they are al! this year‘s 1mp(;]r Aâ€" tions. _ We cannot enumerate but would ask you to come and see for yourselves. We expect to have them ready by Saturday first. FIRST COME, FIRST CHOICE. Paper Knives Photo H>lders Fountain Pens Necktie Boxes Fancy Calendars Purses Pictures Soap Boxes Match Boxes Military Sets Pocket Books Safety Razors Suspender Boxes Musical Instruments Gifts for Men Christmas will soon be here Books Bibles Brushes Magazines Bill Books Toilet Sets Shaving Sets Pocket Knives Travelling Sets Paper Weights Shaving Mirrors Collar and Cuff Boxes Pipes Cigars Ink Wells Card Cases Cigar Cases Smoking Sets Ash Receivers Playing Cards Sterling Novelties Cameras Cigar Jars Cigar Clips Phonographs Wiuls MacFARLANE & C THE WORLD‘S BEST GIFTS Gifts for Children We give here a mere outâ€" line of our holiday lines each of which contains scores of desirable gifts. We hope that you can soon find time to inspect them carefully, We have gifts for every member of the family from youngest to oldest, and in justice to them as well as yourself we ask At Half Price have, The task of choosing gifts becomes a comparatively easy matter when you have as !arge and complete a stock as ours to clioose from. We also make it easy in t‘:e imatter of price, for nowhere else can you get as good gifts for less than we ask. d Sleds Banks Drums Skates Knives Ratties Toy Guns Foot Balls Hose Carts Music Boxes Railroad Trains Boats Tools Desks Games Blocks Pianos Wagons Watches Coasters Air Guns Harmonicas Blackboards Automobiles Police P atrols Carpet Sweepers Toys Dolis Horns Chairs! Rockers Doll Carts Toy Stoves Washing Sets Magic Lanterns Balls ,tk sat ”., "o * _"® _ DURKHAM, oNt. you s ee We desire to be of assi to you in every possible If requested we will pac ship gifts bought here fc ofâ€"town friends and our ties for doing this wor such that we can insur delivery. _ Allow ample for goods to be shipped, : express companies are al rushed at Christmas,. _ C will be delivered in Christmas morning, We will ship Gifts $ o 2 e is h w i eieniinet: ahe Elsewhere in this advertiseâ€" meut you will find lists of gifts suitable for your friends of either sex or of any age, Look these lists over carefully and if they suggest items that would make good gifts for some one on your list make a note of it. Then come in and see the goods, By thus selecting just what lines you want to see you will save much time and worry and insure getting the most satisâ€" factory gifts for the money you have to spend. Check over this List Gifts for Ladies Fancv Boxes Opera Glasses Fountain Pens Fancy Thermometers Rings Bibles Lamps Pictures Jewelery Atourizers Gold Pens Silverware Jardinieres Toilet Sets Fancy Goods Photo Holders Cellnloid Novelties Musical Instruments Stationery Art Pottery Trinket Sets Fancy China ManicureGoods Japanese Novelties Trays Mirrors Albums Perfume Cut Glass Nt Git Candelabra Hand Bags Music Rolls "!) pussIDie way, we will pack and ught here for outâ€" ds and our faciliâ€" ag this work are e can insure safe llow ample time be shipped, as the Cameras Fernieres Clocks assistance al ways Goods town 51 4 8O METHI 1an church ines. Dr W head ot the c :Ke instrum million d and on Tues Woodstock 1x year‘s subscri ly Star of M« Grandclhildre Guide, all for The Fa ompii®ed and Week The m Simple and jects dealt w Bhould take a c YOUNG There is a â€"Over & DECE sent to any bool: W + cid« NX mou l EW T} Y TA off )Y C NA Al

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