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Durham Review (1897), 7 Dec 1905, p. 7

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A t K 0 aid )OL it M an* *si0nâ€" )n into n, clangâ€" ir‘se and he shape n in of is â€" to en 1Ve deep. r the sa0e, the M K nd 1 ®% ly M Review to Jan 1, 06, 10¢ o LET US HAVE YOUR SUBSCRIPTION In the Star toâ€"night you find toâ€"day‘s prices on all the principal marketsâ€"the closing market reports in fact from London, New York, Chicago, Buffalo, Montreal, and Toronto. â€" You will find also, toâ€"night, all toâ€"day‘s important doings throughâ€" out the whole world, written in a catchy, interesting style ; the latest political news from an independent standpoint ; complete and accurate commercial news ; toâ€"day‘s social gossip ; a special department for women ; and strong, sane, fair editorials. old at 25¢, 30c, 40, and 500 per pound. Look for the premiwm» cou pon and list of premiums im each We have more new ranges in, _ All makes, styles and prices. _ Call and inspect these. We have one to suit you. DECEMBER 7, 1905 EVERYBODY WHO READS THE Grand Mogul tommmm to be " just as good" is the an excessive profit on an v_â€"~Gâ€" NV W A. tight paper, protect it from Barclay & Bell mellow flavor of pt.l:y. [Prepared by machin ery from plantation tocup. The WAREROOMS opposite Middaugh Ho. Stables. TUDHOPE ‘CARRIAGES 2CA en ente Tea pronounce i# the beverage of good health, Grownond-;gw mountains of Ceylon, ; . . . Af USUAL ... Seem to be all the go. They are handsome and as everybody knows, they are the most durâ€" able rig on the market. Call and examine them. m ‘ly Acknowledges it to be the Brightest and Newsfest Daily in Canada HAVE YOU TRIED IT? You can have it and the paper you are reading for only $1.75 a year RANGES ALL THIS, REMEMBER, TOGETHER WITH THE PAPER YOU ARE READING FOR $1.75 A YEAR Pure Tea Tea TORONTO STAR Greatly to our regret we ftound that the report made of the explorations of Manager Farrand his associates was not ready, He had before this mecting reported verbally and to the effect that there was no marl of commercia! value outside of Wilder‘s Lake, and that that deposit would last possibly I1$ years yet. This is the partiai and impertect report the Directors, we must say, apparently in good faith, have been acting upon, this is the reâ€" port, that, being so much rt variance with early tes‘s, and other tests, and a great bedy ot public opinion, mure or: less wellâ€"informed, has aroused a sus ‘ picion or distrust that will not be alâ€" _ The chairman, Mr McKay, very sucâ€" sinctly placed before the meeti~g, the view taken by the Directors of the | situation, _ They were genumely anâ€" : xious to make the best use of the trust | confided in them by the sharcholders ‘and what they bad done had been ‘prompted by that motive. He made i allusions of course, to matters that | had appeared in the press, and regretted certain statements which he alleged, were either misleading or falze. We beg to assure Mr McKay that our reâ€" marks in the Review are to the best of var knowledge, netler misleading nor false. Dr Jamieson presented the report of Messrs McComb and Davidson which was in exact detail showing locality, depth of marl or clay, how covered it atall, date of examination and so on. The report is a convineing document asto the quantity of marl in this loâ€" cality, and bears out the sta:ement of Mr Blue, the wellâ€"known mineralogist made some years ago that ‘* We had a Klondyke under our feet." * °00,18 a Dlank, but it bas been learnâ€" ed that the system of baring a comâ€" mittee of three of the Directors form the executive, has been abolished. All action in the future having thus |to be initrated by and ut a Board meetâ€" 108. The three direstors who have | formed the Executive are Messrs Mcâ€" ,Koy, (the President) Kline and Scott. This action is not to interfere with the ia!lowance granted to each of them ; ’vnz $50.00 a month to each of the |three named anrd $25,00 a month to |each of the others : Messes Ratz, ;Cobbledick. McLoren and McKechnie. The expert who has been employed | by the board at $6a day and expenses | studying up and reporting on the rock . proposition in the Niagara District has | been paid his account amounting in Iall to $550 and we underssand is t,o] cease Incurring any more expense. | At the evening meeting, besides the Directors, there were present repreâ€" sentatives from the Review and Chronâ€" icle, Dr Jamieson, M P P, chairman of the town‘s committee, Secy Ehrâ€" bardt, Manager Farr, Chemist Ludâ€" low, and Mr Harmon, who is a salesâ€" man for the company with his office in Toronto. | _ Directors Meet in Durham. tion forâ€" admission but were politely in there were other n to discuss it was de afternoon meeting pi te welecme in the then, is a blank, but i AF °_ j""s mccount amounting in 50 and we underssand is to rring any more expense. evening meeting, besides the it was desired tokeepfitrl')'o_ meéeting private but would admission to the moeting: politely informed that as | 2 other matters than marl | the evening. This k. o. l snn "â€"u0 uh. °5 m «o4 oi P Following is a letter of Mr Cobbleâ€" dick, one offthe Directors, taken from an Exeter paper. To the Editor of the Exeter Times : Dear Sirâ€"Rogarding the Durham mill {National Portiwnd Cement Co.) I wish to sar, I am not in favor of movâ€" ing the planat, as long as it bas sufficâ€" ient marl asround Durbam. We, the uirectors, were told by our manager The town has selected Mr Hassan as an engineer likely to be acceptable to the Board, to settle the points in disâ€" pute. wi:h him." &c, till the thing becomes monotonous and destructive of valuaâ€" ble time. A tendencyâ€"is obseryable to talk as if Mr McKechnie was responsible for all early delinquencies. This is maniâ€" festlvy unfair. _ No Director on the company and few shareholders know as we know what trouble and annoy ance falls to the lot of the 1jocal Direcâ€" tor. Hundreds of times visitors, conâ€" siderate and otherwise, find out Mr. McKechnie would ‘"lize to see the works,"‘ with him, +*Would like a talk At the same time we may point out some curious things. To sell the stock cost over $70000 ; the engineer‘s exâ€" pepses â€"always supposed to come out of Cowham‘s $250,000â€"came to oyer $60,000 and came out of the funds of the Company. This, with $5000 each to three directors, or was there five, makes a nice little sum toadd to the $250,000 given for promotion. Get your pencil. There was a raking of early tranâ€" sactions in which the interests of the sharebolders were not considered. This is not practical now : all are satâ€" isfiled and know to their cost how money was squandered Fancy a manager getting an unbreakable contract for 3 years at $5000.00! a year and:live in Toronto!! The point is to safeguard the sharebolder‘s now, and not destroy the rising hope that a diviâ€" dend is in sight. | __Mr Delano, one ofthe minor enginâ€" eers at the incept.on of the plant was ,mentiuned by toe officia‘s here as a suits ble engincer,. but we contend now, as we contended as the meeting, that this would be a mistake. â€" There are two views about the Lake, . ne is Mr Farr‘s that the supply of suitable marl will soon give out, the opposite view is that there is suitable marl for years ye*, _ Mr Delano is known to be & supporter of the firss of these views consequently his jadgment will not carry conviction, to the very large number of shareholders who on good ground, take the oppusite view. 1 im ‘ that there was no sufficient i ;opinion has been obtained of the qual: . Wilder‘s Lake to Test e lall more ; opinion has been ned qualâ€" : {ity of the marl and the other facts in lm’;‘g’r "t:;' ::“"bfl’t“t en uy, Y’ ‘question. _ The manager vigoronsly * thorough S arch n;onn':i"?)urba.'::nc: maintains bis position, with occasional ascertain ft there was more marl to bol roxpletivelnot intended for publication. xot; Tl;eir r?qorl. cm:lne‘hefnixl-le the 3" The indepzndent test secured by the | rectors in writing and is at on file : committee I:hovlrs that the marl in the | t ,:i'::’ :?““ "lhi““ there was mitred®. tde‘ largest bed tests 95 per cent of carâ€" ?v‘e got th‘:-‘:t:gh"w‘:i‘l{u nfv‘ill:;::’a' I‘::k: tes ”’00“9 of.ime. reckoned an excellent ; With this report lying on our table fa‘Jowu!g. This the Board does 008 j we passed a resolation as follows recognise. | Whereas it bas been shown that the An agreement was come to, to get | ‘linarl supply is nearly exhausted we £n expert from an ou:side pgint to ex. / féem it in the best interests of the An agreement was come to, to get £n expert from an outside point to exâ€" amine the whole situation, the quality of the marl, the means of handling it, the feasability of transportation, &c. The company and the town will each appoint a man to go with him, and his report will be laid before the Annual Meeting. layed until an independent, impartial opinion has been obtained of the qualâ€" ity ofthe marl and the other facts in question. _ The manager vigorously maintains bis position, with occasional expletives not intended for publication. In table cutlery we lead and in in Pocket Knives we can suit the voungest boy as well as the mort parâ€" ticular man. Place your order tor Coal at once it you re quire any OUne carlcad dis tributed last week, and two more on the wav. W. BLACK. We always handle the be st of everything that is manufactured. and that is why we are selling Internationâ€" al Steck Food. There is nothing to equal it for producing fesh, and every farmer should have a package or a pail of it, especially this year when roots are so scearce. Have you seen the display in our south windown «* Dan Patch, *‘ the fastest horse in the. world is fed some every day. We are also ready for you with our assortment of superior skates. Make the boys and girls happy by buying them a pair. The first directors meeting that I attended was about one year ago. You will remember I took the place of Dr. Malloy after his death, The debt on the plant was then $140,000 and the bank would not supply us any more cash to go on with the work without further seeurity, so my installation cerâ€" emony consisted in my signing with the rest of ths directors our personal notes to the <xtent of $30,000. This was a hard dose but it had to be done to save the mill from the auctioneer‘s hammer, Now one year his gone and l1 can conâ€" fidently say that every man on the board has done his duty to the company, and this has resulted in the fact that we only owe the bank $30,000 instead of $140,000 and the plant has been kept in first class condition, besides some imâ€" «Pmd L oo CC OI0N S i and when it became known in Durham the town council (all honor to them ) did right. They appointed a commitâ€" tee to investigate tor marl, and we are told hy this coomittee that there is marl in abundance to be had to keep the miil running for a litetime, and by the way, L am personally very glad there is marl in abundance, because it bius increased the value of my stock in the company to the extent of $6000, i{alional Portland Cement Co., to search for and find a suitable location for the cement plant where snfficient Iaw material can be found." You will understand that one of your directors is a worthy citizen of Durham and was very much displeased with this report and when it became known in Durham the town council (all honor to them ) did +ight. > Thew : sninmiatnt "a * .000 Ate i THE DURHAYX E* 4# t *Â¥ 4 HARDWARE ! Ni . Eow nEMer n in oclnitls, 0 25." TORONTO £4 provements that have been added u; d for. of which you have not heard, f:‘d TIhave no hesitatibn in saying that with plat ty of marl lto keep guing, the present management can pay ev stockholder a d?:'dend next yeuz-. I::e' stock is quoted a 16 cents on thedollar. I wish to say I csin find buyers for it, if the sellers will communicate with me. J. CoBBuEDIcE, Wenils NYLL O# yame Exeter, Noy 27, 1905. Buns and Biscuits in great variety All kinds of Cakes made to order W EDDING CAKES our specialty CONFEGIIONRY Sdhoialic. A. W. W atson Firstâ€"Class Manitoba Flour For Sale Watson‘s Breadâ€"Th Bast PEEL, The Shoeman BEST QUALâ€" Seamless Leggings Also other highâ€"grade Manitola Flours, per barrel .$5.60 to 5.75 Ogilvie‘s Royal Household,. ... . per bartel ... ...$6 "*Five Roses," Are commanding more atâ€" tention than ever. Call and see our Winter Footâ€" wear. We have the greatest variety, We have them. Our Orders and Repairâ€" ing our Specialties. in O RUBBERS Lo : MEDICaATr, Ssrietly2confidential. JOHN CLARK _» D. McPHAIL â€"~â€"â€"» Notary Public, Commissioner, Convey ancer, Valuator, Insurance Agent,!&e *~ Private Money to Loan, Collecâ€" tions of all kinds promptly atten. ded to, Farms bough+ and sold Orders may be left at his Implement Wareâ€" rooms, lczlnon'n old stand, orpit the Review OfMfceâ€"â€"LOWER TOWN. DURH A M Jempany and grlvno Funds to Loan or Mortgages at lowest rates of interest. Valuation made by a competent and careful Valuator , Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, &e. Money to Loan. Olfice. McIntyre Block, over the Bank A. G. MacKkay K.C. W. F Dunn Barrister, Solieitor in Supreme Court Notary Public, Commissroner, &c. a Money to Loan, nfilce. over Gordon‘s Jewelry Store, Licensed Auctioneer fo the County of Grey. § Licensed Auctioneer for the Co. of Grey. Sales Cellections and Agency promptly attended Wills, Deeds, Mortgages, Leases, Agreements &e.correctly prepared. Estates of deceased perâ€" sons leoked after and Executor‘s and A@minisâ€" trators‘ Accounts prepared and passed Surrogate Cours Business, Probate of Wilis. Lettore of Ad minetration and Guardianship Obtained. gearâ€" chas urade in Registry Office and Titles ropxm mt HONOB GRADUATE Toronto University, Grad uate Royal College Dental Surgeons of Qnt Dentistry in all its branches. to dates, &c., mnst be made at the Review Ofâ€" fice, Durham. $##" Correspondence addressed there, or to Ceylon P.O., will be promptly atteuded to, Terms on application to D. MePHAIL, Ceylon P. 0 or to C. RAMAGE, Durham &# _ Ceylon has a telephone office. HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University, graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Rooms, Over J & J HUNTRD‘® X..._ o. W. C, PICKERING D. D S., L. D. s Eye, Ear, Nose & Throat Office, 13 Frost B&, °â€"â€" â€">_ Owen Sound Will be at the Middaugh House, Durham, the first Wednesday of each month from 10 a. m. till 4 p. m. Late assistant to Moorfleld‘s (London, Eng to Knapp‘s (New York ) Eye Hospitals L. R. C. P., London, Engian Graduate of London,:New York and Cb‘ mgo, Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat hm': :eh nonth?mlioun, 1â€"6 ;?:fi Pursicia® & suu;.du,_ Per Office over J. &J. HMurter‘s Store With icu : HEMQ BD 4. M, «arictioncers. OFFICEB H0U0RS 9â€"11 a. m. 2â€"4 p. m, 7 Telephone Conneotion No ffice, McKenzie‘s Old Star.d, Durham BARRIsTE&ZAR, s0o:1ciTror WNOATRY PUBLIC â€" Conmvravrancer, Licensed Auctioneer for Co. Grey ARTHUR GUN, #@~ Special attention given to Diseases of Women and Children. J. F.GRANT, D. D.S., L. MACKAY & DUNN, â€"Calder‘s Block, over Post Office . LEFROY McCAUL. ‘"a/ onrgeons of Ontario. Rooms, J & J HUNTER‘S New Store HOURS ht w4 hi h fln mfi ~â€" Te neo i . 16, ‘08. . P. TELFORD DR. BROWN, «e .A T. DR. BURT JACKSON, â€"â€"Close* attention, . Garafraza and ‘L.x' Old loo:h Oom(:?'. Moderate ents for sales as W. F ODunn â€"6 1 2 m.n 7â€"0 p. m o. 10 Eng) and 44

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