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Durham Review (1897), 14 Dec 1905, p. 10

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C â€" _ | ""a t 1: «mc o7 off Shewell & Lenahan‘s â€" off «e PEOPLES STORE FOR MEN Scarts P Coats, Caps, Collars Bat;ld:er;zlbxefs FOR WOMEX e iss Caé»s. Coats, Mitts, Presents of every aperines, etc. description. From the present time until Christmas everything in this line goes at slaughâ€" tered prices. We want no old stock to carry over. ROBERT BURNETT )' Brimfal in fact, with almost everything you think of giving your friends We carry one of the largest stocks in Durham and can thus offer you great variety and choice. Cali in at least and see our stock, even if not intending to buy. Bargains in Furs Your Christmas Gifts The above are but a few of articles we have and Inspection invited. Buy nowâ€"â€"we will hold eoods f. Dresses and Stand in golden oak finish, with Iron Bed.... Reg. $17.00, Holiday $14.50 Solid Oak Dresser and Stand with Iron Hed.....:%,...s ... Reg. $35.00, Holiday $30.00 ] cut oak, 3 piece suit...... .. Reg. $45.00, Holidry $38.75 These are but a few with difâ€" ferent styles to choose from. 15 per cent off all goods in the Store for Holiday Trade only. The reduction is genuine and unrestricted. Choose any piece of Furniture and pay 15 pér cent less than regular price. Come and try us, ‘ We have given it before ; approval followed. We will do what we say : Need we urge you ? . We have the goods that speak for themselves. Showy and swell. These values point the wavy tn noasitive Savinage CQuarter cut oak, swell front, solid brass trimâ€" mings, British bevelled mirror...... .... Reg. $40.00, Holiday ........ .... $34.00 Solid oak, 3 drawers, solid brass trimmings.. Keg. $26.50, Holiday...... .... . $22.25 Kipple oak, 3 drawers, Solid brass trimmings Reg. $18.00, Holiday... ... ... . .. . $15.50 Fowl, Butter, Eggs and all Farm Produce taken at Highest Prices, Cash or Trade. «(@Quarter cut oak, 8 ft. extension...... ....... Reg. $20.00, Holiday........ ...... $17.00 Ash, polished top, 8 ft. Ext................ Reg. $13.00, Holiday........ ... . $11.00 Golden oak finish, 81t Ext...............:. Reg, $10,50. Holiday .. ...... <+>»«« $OQ Keg. $9.00, Holiday ...... .. _ .... §7.95 Reg, $7.50, Holiday........... +««~$0.00 Parlor Tables, in different styles and sizes from 95¢ to $8.50, less 15 per cent. ANNUAL XMAS FURNITURE SALF Bedroom Suites Rocking Chairs in quarter cut oak An Elegant Line Extension Tables Filled with New Goods for Sideboards Shewell & Lenahan Ties o Scarfs Handkerchiefs Umbrelias Dress Goods Suaitings Waist Pieces Fancy Collars Ribbons Christmas Dry Goods "£ h seet: * f f x1 o sBb utien ons oneg ie H k s Â¥2 Cw Ns T. at d uit T iiiiiiniinriiiiane ~ ONTARIG arcHives * uL values point the way to positive Savings. i awew?"?y" rrres «+.. . $0.00 wl e $1 0C ++sbin‘t«««$0,.90 5 piece Suites in best English RUGâ€".. .l ia2iv.s in Ceftias‘s i.) Reg. $55.00, Holiday $47.00 5 pieee Suite, in mahogany finâ€" © ished frames, spring edge.... Reg. $35,00, Holiday $29.75 5 piece Suite, in Mahogany finâ€" ished frame.::.};.;.:,;"*. .. _ _1 Reg. $24.(0, Holidiy $20 00 Parlor Suites We 8 t T 4t 34 iL ‘les we have and they ara all appropriate gifts. will hold goods for future delivery. f Pranes Raisins Currants, etc. For the Christmas trade. The freshest obtainable and yery best yalue for the money. Candies Oranges * Lemons Dates, Figs Nuts, Peels . Grocery Specials . were 2.50 to 12.50, for 1.90 to 9.75 of Rattan Rockers. Springs. ./. ..\....+« ... .«. ffom $1.75 to $4.50 Mattresses........ .... ... from $2.75 to $12. u0 Chairs per 4 dozen.... ...from $2.70 to $25.00 Hall Racks........ :... .. from $6.00 to $17.C0 Morris Chairs.... ...... .. from $6.00 to $10.00 Morris Rockers...... .. .. trom $5.00 to $13.00 Jardinieres. ...... ...... .. from $2.25 to $3.50 Iron Beds.... ...........from $3.50 to £21.00 Brussels Carpet ... . from $1.25 to $1.40 per ya Tapestry........ .. .... from 65¢ to 90 per yd 4 ply all Wool...... ..« .%.... (<«re@ls .. $1,00 8 ply carpet..... ... . .... ... from 55¢ to 75 Squares.................. from $6.00 to $8.50 Also union carpets, 15 per cent off allowâ€" ed on above prices. ‘ Sideboards, Golden oak........ .. Reg. $15.00, Holiday . ...... .. Reg. $11.00, Holiday ........ . too numerous to quote all. Springs, Chairs, Hall Racks, etc. I wonder who the young man was who took the girl to church on Sunday _‘ Some more of the boys arrived from the West on Friday last, I guess they must be near all home now. Mr Geo. Watson has bought out the Massev Harris shop in Dundalk. and he is going to sell the McCormack imâ€" Elemems. He has Howard for bookâ€" eeper. Quite a number of the Park folks took in the entertainmeut at Ventry on Friday evening, and reported a goodftime. There were quite a numâ€" ber there trom Dundalk. Iguess they bhave not all got the small pox in town yet. hale k ty Mr Geo. Watson and Thomas Meaâ€" gher are quarantined with Scarlet feyâ€" er at present. Pigu Mr and Mrs Harry Stearne of Droâ€" more are visiting at Mrs James Ferris this week. We are sorry for the bunters. Miss Aggie Fergoason visited Miss Alice Parslow Sunday last The Xmas tree in St Andrew‘s chaorch at Swinton Park will be held on the 21st of this month, a good time expected. As it is sometime since a budget has appeared from this burg I now take my pen in band to record a few of the bhappenings trom aroumd here. Miss Sara C Ferguson returned to the city after spending a faw months at her home. Mr Leslie Watson gave a flying call to the park one evening lately. Mr A McMillan visietd at Mr D Ferâ€" guson‘s Saturday evening. Mr Dan McCormack has returned from the Wess looking hale and hearâ€" ty as it the West agreed with him. Miss Jennie Hardv and John Stewâ€" art, from Swinton Park, visited Miss Carrie Knisley, of Maple Park, recentâ€" ly. Reg. $16.00, Holiday $13.60 More to select from, than there is room to mention. Reg. $15.00, Holiday $12.75 Fabrickoid, 27 in. wide...... .. Reg. $10.00, Holiday £8.50 Verona Rug, 27 in. wide...... Upholstered in Velour..... .... Reg. $7.00, Holiday $5.90 With spring edges........ ... Swinton Park. Couches Maple Park THE DURHAM REVIEW $12.:75 .$9.50 TORONTO c onk for the council. It is said that Dan Wilson is not goâ€" ing to run the race for Reeve any more and the other four councillors are all spoken of as candidates but we exâ€" pect only one of them will run for new Councillors. We hear the names of Jobkn Dory, Rich Cron:v, Alex Gillesâ€" pie, James Henry, Joseph Coulter and James Acheson as likely to run ‘The coming Municipal Election is freely talked about and as to who will be next year‘s council. 4 The Esplin and Cedarville congreâ€" gations are looking for a stationary minister. James Proup had a trip last week to see hbis brother George in Owen Sound who is in the hospital aud in returning bome said he is improving slowly, and now Angus Ferguson is in Owen Sound to recuperate a little. Reports come here of the old pastor, Rev Mr Morrison, of Cedarville, being very low at present. Mr Beard, the preacher of the vilâ€" lage, is having Mrand Mrs Lloyd, of Hamilton, to hold nightly meetings here. Neil McEachnie is gone to Toronto to recruit up a little, he is accompan:â€" ied by David Allan, who is there partâ€" ly on pleasure and partly on church matters. f Nev Mr Mowat preached a very enâ€" thusiastic evangelical sermon to an appreciative audience last Sunday. His text was found in John 6; 44. No man can come to me excent the Faâ€" ther draw him and I will raise him up at the last day. The two prevailing thoughts were the glory of the Father and why we should become Christians. Our â€"ick people are better and are movying around. The Indaclion of the Revy N A Mc Donald, B A, of Sutton, will take place in Latona church, Dornoch, Dec 2Ist, at 2 pm, Rev Mr Black, of Bognor, will preside and the Rev Mr Sheppard of Markdale, will preach the sermon. Rev Mr Currie, of Keady, will address the minister and Rev Mr Matheson of Chatsworth, the people. At the close of the meeting a reception will be tendered the Reverend gentleman. wite snd family. who come to us highâ€" ly reeccmmended. Mrs Camp is anticipating moving Dr Smith‘s house in our burg. Mrs Dr Smith entertained her Sunâ€" day School classot bovs on Saturday afternoon last and a most enjoyable time was spent. Mr and Mrs D A Smith visited the latter‘s parents, Mr and Mrs John Mcâ€" Callum, Mulock, one day last week. The evening semiâ€"mail service passes through our burg at about four o‘clock. This seems a great adâ€" vantage during the winter months at least. + It :s reported that some of the wouldâ€" beâ€"gentlemen of this place were reâ€" priimanded for interrupting Divine Service on Sunday evening last. Mr McKenzie, third year graduate of Knox College preached in Dernoch church to an attentive and appreciaâ€" tive audience last Sunday. Mrs Wm Ledingbam, who has been the guest of her son, Jim, has returnâ€" ed to vour town. Mr Chas Boyle and daugh:er Hanâ€" nah, ot Glascott, attended Presbytery Meeting last week. Mr Neil Wilson,. of Sallivan, has reâ€" cently moved on the farm vacated by Mr Christopher. The Auaual Christmas Tree enterâ€" tainment of the Latona Presbyterian Sabbath School will be neid on Thursâ€" day evening, Dec.Slst. ‘The 8. 8. pupils are being specially trained in drill and recitations by Mrs Hunt and Mrs Dargavel. Outside talents are the Williamstord choir and soloists, Massrs McIntosh and Jones. Come one, come all. Mrs Jessiman, who bas had a severe attack of La Grippe is recovering. Mr Colin Ray, of Mt Forest, visited his parents the latter part of the week. Mrs James Watt, of our village, is making her home with her daughter, Mrs Chas Mortley, during the winter. She bas rented her farm to MrS. Black, who will take possession In the Spring. * The W F M S held their monthly meeting on Monday, Dec 4th. The next meeting will be beld Jan 5, 1906. Dr and Mrs J L Smith visited Owen Sound last ‘Tuesday. The Dr was the Latona Presbyterian representative to the Owen Sourd Presbyterv meeting. 1 notice the Swinton Park correâ€" spondent for the Dundalk Herald thonght the Darbham correspondent j wou:id sooner have a n ox than a goose, bus I noticed he has been after a n ox for a long time and I chink he is in a fair way of capturing it. evening and would not sit with her as he thought it looked tco much like man and wife ? Dornuch used to be wealthy with two correspundents. At hme and aâ€" bread it is wondered what has hapâ€" pened them. One, two, three and out I‘ll be number three. Mr _ George Schell was visiting at Mr William Aldcorns‘ ove day last week. 4 Mr Richard Parslow visited at Mr Josâ€" eph Ferris last Supday I think there must be a little attraction around the river, Hopeville Dornoch o. : n acted as auctioneet, also gave a solo, The occasion was wel! attended baby â€" hood up w» old age being represented. An orchestra, scomposed of Messrs Watt, Dand Geo Hooper, Arch Mc Donaid, Thos Lawrence and Jas Harâ€" grave, all on violins MrWm Isaac accompanying on the organ, furnâ€" ished music at intervals. The latter also gave one of his grand solos. Some nice music was also givyen by Messrs T Daly and Jouty Long on harmonica and autobarp, the latter also contribâ€" uting a solo in ‘fine voice. Messrs H Koch and Bayley also contributing on mouth organ and auo, dialogues and recitations by G A Watson and some ot the school children filled in the Pmm- u! mfk.fm. 'bl \ The Orangemen held a box sncia‘ | on Friday evening last, with admisâ€" | sion free, and realized the sum of $35, ’29 boxes realizing $23.80. . To Miss Bella Lothian is due the eredit ot havâ€" ‘ing received the highest price for her box($1.75) the others ranging aill the wavy down to 50 cents. The boys ‘pmving themselves no better, or no worse, than those in other parts, on foolishly bidding on materia{) far beâ€" yond its value, were it not for the sweet smil ng feminive _ humanity, that was hid behind it. MrGeo Lothâ€" ian was voted to the chair and ably. did his part in keeping order and conâ€" ducting of the meeting. He remarked upon the early history of the order, and how its constitution stood for freeâ€" dom, Christianity and> brotherly love, and said that, if they disgraced thel constitation, it would never disgrac» ! themo % I Messrs John Snell and John T L«aughton and Mrs Laughton Jr,. left Tuesday morning for Owen Sound, ‘where the two former will give faithâ€" tul service to their country, by deliberâ€" ating as members of the Jury. Mr and Mrs Wm Brown, Mr and Mrs D Hamiiton, and Mr and Mrs Wm Ramage, met with Reeve and Mrs McFayden at the hospitable home of Mr and Mrs Wm Young, Durham Road, and spent a long and pleasant evening together on â€" Wednesday evening last. The weather was all that could be desired, all reaching their homes comfor:tably and in safeâ€" ty. Fancy Collars, 20c to $2 Fancy Belts...... ..65¢ Fancy Bags..65¢ to 2.50 Silk Waists..... ..4.75 Silk Hdkfs.. 30, 50, 75¢ FURS in all styles. Take aguess, girls. It costs you nothing, except a piece of paper and an envelope. On the paper write your guess, alsoyour own name and age. Seal and address it to the Big Store guessing contest. These envelopes will be filed in order received and will not be opened until 23rd D&cember. Therefore the first correct answer gets the Doll, All girls unâ€" der 12 years of age are allowed to guess. Christmas Shopping made easy : just a pleasure to shop where you can get almost anything you want. _ Just come in and take a look around. Every Department suggests suitable Xmas gifts. Christmas For Ladies Je cA t 0 T2 .A‘ & i# +.1P 7 0 } 3 J f J.2.278} North Egremont ALEX. RUSSELL A FEW SUGGESTIONS : * hi J 8 ts THAT: DOLL CONTEST Fow!l, Butter and Eggs Wanted « fi bfi ?"i' ail Piamgly hoh a m For Gentlemen Fancy Ties,10c¢ to 1.50 Suspenders .. 25 to 75¢ Silk Hdkits..50c to $1 Umbrellas. .$1 to 2.50 Fit. Club Bags, $10, 14 Fancy Hose..... 50c M \Ye have a large number of Farms for Sale in the following Couptiesâ€" Brant, Eesex, Elgin, Grev, Hasidimand, Huron, Kent, Lambton, Lincoln, Mid. dlel(‘!. Nfll'f()‘k. Ontario, Oxford, Peel, Perth, Himcoe, Victoria, Waterloo, Welllngton, Welland, Wentworth and York. _ Also many Business ana Resiâ€" dential properties for Sale in all parts of the province, If you haye a Farm or Ofllerpmpu-ty for sale, write for our terms of selling Real m. The Western Real Exchange, 4 IAd4., LLbndon, Ontarie. Wx. W. Raxtagcr, Agent, Thistle, About 7 miles from D Garafraxa Road. Title g sion at once, must be sold Durham, Feb Thorough Bred Cattle and Yorkshire Hogs. All registered Btock and like} mals. â€" Apply to TBos. Scarr & & Jan. 2, 1905. (FCT eb cmnmpftaath 100 Acre Being lot No. 20 on 2nd Con, N. D. R. and 22 and 23, on the 3rd Con, N. D. R. Glenelg, containing 150 acres, more or less. 125 acres cleared, balance lmrdi wood bush. _ 1} imiles from P. 0. and school, church on property. Well watâ€" ered, wells and ranning springs. Buildâ€" ings in good rephir. _ WWill be sold on reagsonable terms : 6 miles from Durham and from Priceville, _ If sold possession given tor work this fall. Full possessâ€" ion in March, Clear tifle given, Apply to the proprietor, D, Granar, Priceville, Or to A, H. Jacksox, Bolicitor, Dut ha m The undersigned offers property in Upper Town particulars, apply to A synopsis of a sermon by Rev Mr Campbell on local option is held over. Very out. Greeting ; FARM FOR SALE* DECEMBER 14, 1905 FOR SALE. FOR THE :A he STORE FOR SALE. FOR SALE. FARM for SALE e ie order prevailed through 20g100 acres, more or 8 cleared, balance Imrdi 1} milesfrom P. 0. and on property. â€" Well wat. s :6 miles from Durham ille, _ If sold possession this fall. _ Full possessâ€" MJ cucl vigk L 4 lbs Raisins for .. ...25¢ 4 }bs Currants for .. .25¢ 1 1b Orange Peel. ... 15e 1 1b Lemon Peel ....15p 4 ibs Dates...... ... â€"25¢ Nuts, Seeded Raisins, Figs, Fancy Candy, etc. Sat. Groceries ITBos. Scarr & Boxs, Rocky Saugeen P. 0) rom Durham on the ITi! le good. _ Possesâ€" Joux RonEnrrsox offers his splendid Town for sale. For d . Apply to . J. P. TE:urorp. and likely ani + m" 7 T4X \3 i; 4 #% o P f3 M M Y

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