West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 14 Dec 1905, p. 4

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Millinery Sale Christmas .flaryal'ns SPECIAL BARGAINS in ladies‘ skirts. To clear the balance of winter skirts we will sell all our heavy FRIEZE SKIRTS at greatly reduced prices, as this will show. with a mucroscope _ to tell Grand Mogul Tea from the common kind by the looks : but a blind It might worry a man can tell the differâ€" ence in the first sip. Q@ Grand Mogul Teas are a positive blend of superâ€" lative qualities that never deceive the user. (I Mountain grown in Ceyâ€" lon, cured and blended by experts, they enter your tea~ pot with a flavor that no other tea passesses. To clear out the Balance of our Fall Millinery we will sell for the next 30 days our Readyâ€"toâ€"Wear and Trimmed Millinery at cost and less than cost. Special Bargains in Fancy 3 Hankerchiefs in both silk and lawn, U\ Ihey are a to good health C High in theirte and low m tanunâ€"â€" means niyil Hi flavwor and not a mere substitute for bitters. Grand Mogul Tea U Soid anly in packagesâ€"all tes, the advertising. appropriation with you by giving the premiums The quality remains the sameâ€"the highest. It is not a usual thing to reâ€" duce the price of millinery so early in the season, However we want to clear every thing out, and during the next 3 weeks we will give you barâ€" gains in Millinery. We don‘t want to carry one hat over, and in order to get rid of our stock, we have cut the prices at this early season. Delicious Flavor Miss Dick. the $2.00 skirts for > 0( :<> * 5.50 Teas of Rargains in Ifillinery Our usual stock of Christmas Groceries are Unexcelled. Caskh ana One Price. In . Worlock. Te _ A large meeting of the ratepayers practically sanctioned the submission of a byâ€"law for $10000 ; the councit before doing this examined the property, and iat another meeting they resolved that ;all they counld offer on the security of. : the present foundry and machinery was ) a loan of $7000. They were unanimous ‘on this but on the firm refusal of Mc \Smith to accept of it they determined | to call another meeting of the ratepayâ€" ‘ers. The meeting was called, not so large as the first meeting, but still unâ€" ‘ mistakeably in favor of submitting the ‘$10000 loan. The council «t its nex!t |\ meetings divided 4 to 2 against submisâ€" \sion, though as far as we are aware, no motion to that effect was ever put or l ( carried. After almost a week of meetings and conferences the town council on Saturâ€" day night finally dropped the considerâ€" ation of the proposed byâ€"law to grant a loan to Mr Charter Smith,. _ While one and all nrofess theirtrust in him and anxiety to haye such an industry here, they or at least a majoritylof them, obâ€" ject to the security offered. Messrs T. Moran and John Livingâ€" stone toox the ground that having askâ€" ed the ratepayers a second time, (and after the council had fixed on $7000.) the responsibility no longer rested on the council but that the byâ€"law should be sabmitted as asked for and let the people have their will at it Messrs Sparling, Calder, Kinnee and | McGowan ignored the meeting for one. reason or another. The Mayor pointecd out its slimmer attendance, MrSparâ€" ling thought the resolution empowered the council to stop, Mrâ€" Caider thought the mover and seconder, Messrs C. Ramage anvd J, P. Telford, migzht be influenced by what they would get out ef its submission as printer and convevancer respectively ! tut all four we presume were consciâ€" entious in feeling that it was better to dcfeat the byâ€"law in council than have it defeated by the people as they assumâ€" | it would be, _ We regret, and believe the majority of the tewn regrets, the unfortunate | collapse that has occurred, We hope !Mr Smith will go on with his engine ‘ and that at an early date the new counâ€" !cil will, under happy auspices, sabmit a byâ€"law granting aid to a worthy citiâ€" ! zen and an important industry. . (Review to Jan.1,‘07, $1 It is not necessary to dwell now on the points of difference between the reapective parties. The Byâ€"Law Dropped. Killed in the Council and Hemstitched .. $1.50 2,19 3.175 n finh For Stylish Readymade Skirts try S F Morlock‘s. MacFarlane‘s cold cure tablets will break up a cold in 48 bours. Men‘s and Women‘s fur coats. A few left, good value at Grant‘s, Eaglish French, and Domestic Perâ€" fumes at Parker‘s Drug Store. Rouer ducksand Plymouth Rock cockerels for sale at C. wW. Lang‘s. Arthur H. Jackson, Durham, has been appointed an ce' * # DroprEp DEap.â€"Mr J. F. Palmer, a leading lawyer of Walkerton dropped dead last week. WaxTEp,â€"Situation as bookkeeper or clerk by competent person, Graduate of good business school. Apply to box 13, Durbawm. The estate of T. J. stein, is paying 25 cts C the meantime. â€" Liabili $12,610 and stock sold Tax NoticEâ€"A. H. Jackson has been appointed tax Collector. If you have not paid your taxes; pay at once, Or costs will be added. The Town requires the muney. The Model School examinations have caken place this week. Most of the students have got schools Seven teachers are writing to secure extegsion of eertificates. dollar. The goods for your Christmas baking are ready. Fresh groceries. new dried fruits, raisins, currants, pecls. new nuts of all kinds, shelled or whole at Ireâ€" land‘s store. The Glenelg Baptists will hold their annual Tea Meeting and OUhristmas Tree in the church on Wednesday eyenâ€" ing, _ December 20tn. Admission: Adults 2 cets, Childrea l5cts. Don‘t forget the Varney Methodist Church entertainment on Christmas night, Dec 2%th. Great pieparations are being made for an excellent pro« gram. You remember the enjoyable time you had last year, Come again. All welcome, â€" Adults 15¢, children 10c, N REIXFORCED CONCRETE. â€" A recent issue of the Pottsville Kepublican, Pa., has an article dealing with a mine breaket, lately constructed of concrete reinforced with steel bars, a new »ystem employed by the Pressed Concrete Steel Co., Detroit, Mich. Byv its use building spans, pillars, &c can be undertaken beâ€" yond anything under the old systems. The article concludes with a reference to a talented townsman and another old friend: *The engineer in charge of this work and who also designed the reinforcea concrete portion is R. A. Laidlaw, M. E. of Detroit, formerly of Durham, Ont. C. E. Layton is super. intendent of the construction work." A Hixt To FaARMERS.â€"Every farmer in Canada should read the Family Herâ€" ald & Weekly Star of Montreal. "It is without exception the best Family and Farm paper on this Continent, and eosts but oneJdollar a year, including their ‘most beantiful picture, * Queen Alexandria, Her Gradchildren and Dogs " It is the biggest dollar‘s worth offered this season, and no farmer should overiook it. The Farmer‘s Manâ€" ual & {Veterinary Guide issued by the same paper should also be in the hands of every farmer. Particulats may be had at this office or by writing direct to the Family Herald & Weekly Star. Montreal. â€" No enterprising farmer should be without it, It is rccommendâ€" ed by the best authoritiess Samples can be seen‘at this office. 2 OPICS THE DURHAM REVIEW of T. J. Jordan, of Holâ€" ng 2 cts on the dollar in e. Liabilities amounted to stock sold at 66 cts on the Issuer of A arriage Liâ€" r y s {N+ e kc# € N@'; § EE ; (% ’-M:i'»7 a&»m E_ 2 A 3 e ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO «* Teachers‘ agreements for sale at LNAIS office. Toilet articles in the new Pyraline goods at Parker‘s Diug Store. Smart boy wanted to learn dry goods butiness. Apply at 8 F Morlock‘s. Wise merchants with a good Christâ€" mas proposition should place it in the Review. Girt WaxtTEDâ€"â€"At once. Apply to Mrs Chas. Cameton, the brick cotâ€" tage, Upper Town. Catte wanted to winter. Lerms reasonable, apply to A. McCLInNTON. Varney P. O. Boxy WaxTrD.â€" Wanted a good strong boy, not afraid nf work to learn the bardware business,. Apply to wâ€" Black. Watch our windows, new goods will be displayed twice a week until after christmas, youll get ideas.â€"MacFarlane & Co. Come early to the Presbyterian 19. 13. Concert in the Town Hail, on Tuesday next. There is a buzz of expectancy of good things already. 15¢ and 10c. The Dramatic Club informs us that the second of their series of entertain. ments will be held about the second week of January. The pronounced sucâ€" cess of their first one two weeks ago bas given them such a name that a reâ€" cord crowd may be expected at their cord crowd 1 next meeting. CHRISTMAS â€" CANTATA.â€"UGreat _ pFC" parations are being mauade for a conâ€" cert in the Town Hall, on Tuesday, 19th Dec, under the auspices of the Preshyâ€" terian Sunday school. Cantatas, Solos, part singing, Choruses, etc. and a beautifully decorated Christmas tree,. Don‘t fail to attend. Admission 10 and l5 cts. Open every evening until after New Years,. Our watch making and jewelry store will be open till 10 p. m. COail and see our attractive stock. _____ ty Res., A GoRDoNX During the holiday season we would request merchants desiring a change of advertisemeut to have copy in or ready by Monday, in order to assist us in getâ€" ing the Review out on time, Ads reâ€" ceived Tuesday or Wednesday we canâ€" not guarantee to insert. Max Los®r THR FouNDRYy.â€"We are in receipt of a communication which shows plainly that the action of the council in not submitting a byâ€"law to grant a loan to Mr Charter Smith will surely lead to propositions from other towns to have him come with them. We sincerely hope the movement now on fuot bere to retain the institution in spite of the council, will ‘proye successâ€" ful. YÂ¥ »u‘ll be sorty if you don‘t find your way to the Town Hal) on Tuesduy evenâ€" ing next. Sumthin‘ doin‘. _ 15 and 10c. The Rev Dr Moore, Secretary of the Canadian Association for the prevenâ€" tion of Tuberculosis will deliver a lecâ€" ture in the Towx Haurt, on Thursday evyening, Dec. 14, 1905, at 8 o‘clock, on " The Cause and Prevention of Conâ€" sumption." _ A collection in aid of the publishing fund of the Association will be taken at the close of the meeting. Dr. Jamieson, M. P. P., will occupy the chair and a large number of the citizens should face him. AwrUL MurDER.â€" A heartrending tragedy occurred in Melancthon last week, where a man named Coulter, crazed_ over a land deal he bad made, killed his l1â€"year old son, bis wife and daughter and4 then shot himsclf. The discovery was made while daughter and son were still breathing, but they never regained consciousness. The details are revoltingly gruesome, and makes one shudder to think what human nature can descend to,. Only one married daughter survives. Died McKExzIEâ€"In Porttand, Oregon, on Dec 5th, 1905, W. H. M, McKeozie, third son cf W. R. McKenzie, and grandson of the late Dr Gun. t. s. s. xo 1. N. & E. Sr 4thâ€"Effie Hutton. Blanche Lauder Gladis Dunn. JrSthâ€"L. Barber. J Mcâ€" Iivride, H. Barber. Jr 3rdâ€"M. Hoy, A. Pettigrew, B. Barber, 0. Morrison. A. Morrison. Sr 2ndâ€"E. Barber, W. Blyth, E. Morrison, M. Kerr, H. Barber Al Pettigrew. .Jr 2ndâ€"â€"Willie Hutton Alister Lauder. 8r Pt 2ndâ€"Florence Kerr, Stuart Grant. Jr Pt2ndâ€"Ella Morrison, L. Pettigrew. Sr 1stâ€"Cecil Barber, Willie Eden. Jristâ€"Gordon Grant, Cecil Blytb. For which we will pay following prices: Dase w Oou H $10 to $15 accordin Tluck Sits } to quality ; _ mzswm E’“‘““}.smm Birch Cedar Tus Doruax FurxtrorE Co., Ltd AxNIZ C. MAacKEXNZIE, Teacher. 1LOGS WaAaANTED agreements for sale at this School Reports. ub informs us that series of entertain. about the second The pronounced sucâ€" 4â€"â€"â€"= .â€"Great preâ€" Mrâ€" Will Livingstone, . Hies! spent over Sunday in town. Mr Will McGowan 18 spending days in Toronto and Peterbore. Miss G McLeod,. teacher at N spent Sunday with Miss 8 McKir Miss Lizzie Laidlaw, general is home from Toronto for & ! holidays, {o 0 > goldâ€"filled. Diamond Rings and Fancy Stone Rings Mr Thos Scarf left for Elora and will also iake in the J Show in Guelpb. etc., mountedâ€"either Mr and Mrs Gillies, near Holstein visited last week at the latter‘s sister, Mrs Chas McArthur. * Diamohd Brooches, Pins, Mr W F Dunn made : o Owen Sound Tuesday. Mr Adam Robort so 1 went to Sireets ville on Sunday, haviug receivi d intimâ€" ation of his Ino)ther'n llue s. Rev. Mr Fur&abnrson atteuded Presâ€" bytery meeting in Harriston Tues day and has kindly given us an acco unt of it. Inspector Campbell had as guests over the week bnd his brother and famâ€" ily from Harriston and brotherâ€"in dJaw from Oweu Sound. . Sordon Messrs Geo. Binnie, Wm. J Young‘ C. C. McFayden, D. Edge. Wi. Smith Sr. and Mrs Thos McGirr left here Tuesday to visit the Fat Stock Sh ow in Guelph. Our line of Pearl Set. Fourteen Kaâ€" rat Brooches and Seart Pins is very complete. WVA XACIAE OO ApWe ETWE OE PET S C i 099 North West, British Columbia and United States. placed in us that we don‘t have to send out catalc We also get their repairs. Inferior Goods and a Poor Reputation £0 band â€"in only the best at all imes Sorry to hear of the death of Kenâ€" neth McKenzie, 16â€"year old son of Mr W. . McKenzie and his wife, the late Jozepha Gun. Mr Milier, formerly of the Standard Bank, Brantford, has taken the position of cashier in the bank here in place of Mr Evans, who left Tuesday for an adâ€" yanced position in Bowmanville, 100 C124 10 A t dR 12 894. it nntntitatnls tdb 26. Ac e sA F Mr Evans, who left Tuesday for an ad-i We an :'A'I‘ICY L?.MdPS ts anced position in Bowmanville, ell supplied with Fancy * T s |Stand Lamps of very superior design Dr. Robt. Smith, of Ghent, near ! and quality at wholesale prices. Akron, Obio, spent a week here at his| CcuUTLERr father‘s Mr Thos. Smith, leaving Monâ€"| _ In cutlery what is enic!:r than a subâ€" day. This is Rob‘s first visit homé in | stantial Carving Set or aset of Knives the last seven years and we are pleased ‘l and Forks, g to bhear he is successful financially in | # Uncle Sam‘s domains. i n e v:;fl'??:l",t:“ EOUfiS In CGatking to Y°" good Qualtios of o« Mr Robt Hughes last week accepted a | situation in Ireland‘s store, haying been | in theemploy of MrS. F. Morlock, thei last few years, Bob has learnt the ; business thoroughly and secures a | more responsible position at an increasâ€" | ed tremuneration, Mr J. D. Davis and family, late of the | Middaugh House, left on Wednesday ; for Wiarton on a visit. His connection : with tbe hotel here is ended and his: successor, Mr Meilh:.usen, a man of exâ€"| perience, took charge this week. We extend a welcome to the new boniface, ' Messrs Doug. Munro and Jeff Meâ€" Cracken came home Saturday evening from the Woest. the former fromw the coast and the latter from Winnipeg, for a month‘s holiday after an absence of two years or so. ‘The West appears to agree with them and more than relaâ€" tives are pleased at their return. Mr Will Glass came home last week from the West. He left with the purâ€" pose of engaging in Missionary work for which he has an aptitude, out on a closer survey of the fleld he had doults of making a success of it, and consciâ€" entiously refrained from undertaking it. Weare glad to have him in Durham, and welcome him home. We don‘t send out catalogues but we get mail orders from all over the e s o avtea uning> «th aimincth ednLGence is Gold Brooches of all varicties. We have perbaps neilected many other lines we handle, wan is spending a few and Peterbore. )d, teacher at Vick ens, th Miss S McKinnon. all gold or y Watchmaker, Joewelior and Optician general nurse. for a moutlh‘s Elora Monday the Fat Stock business trip Flesherton. Wail, 09 4w Christmas Novelties Sterling Silver, French Gray, Finisl® to put before you the including the following : you about the our Silverware Pearl Links, EVERYTHIKG YCOU NEED It‘s nice to be able to do business in a store where you can get anything you require from a toothpick to a car of coal. SILVERWARE Our Show Cases are well filled with silverware very suitable for Christmas presents. MISCELLANEOUS Pocket Knives, Manicure Setts Shaving Mirrors Smoking Setts Ink Stands Playing cards ._ _ Mouth Organs Match Boxes Razors, Pipes, Purses Hockey Sticks Pucks Toboggans Sleighs Club, Hockey and Tube Skates. Barometers and other articles too num â€" erous to mention, W. BLACK Holiday Gifts Holiday Novelties Parker‘s Drug Store AT PARKER‘S tates. Sovinuch confidence is catalogue with Cats in them. Of all kinds to suit all tastes and all pockets may be found We have Ebony Toilet Goods, Pyraline Toilet Goods, Perâ€" fumery, â€" Fine Stationery, Choice Coniectionery, Games Bibles, Hymn Books and a myriad of other things dear to the heart of the Christmas shopper. HARDWARE ! Gold4d Chains Buttons, Gold Necklets, of all sorts. and Diamound Loclw ts â€"inâ€"hand. 10k and 14k m\ The bost and "or * % and \\ The jec cecmmenenenenens: 2> mmn Prime Cig Smoker‘s ly Stewart‘s "TL)corin Leather G *Â¥ J hony {10( DECEMBER DARLING DRUG DA ¢Rl 2 The The Preparat 3 The Teleg [ W STORE // 1Â¥ U /\ Li

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