West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 14 Dec 1905, p. 5

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e 905 ties vt:c44n R‘S Store th i8 U ; Teering Jf{arvestors 6 T aM®# _ 9 m _ DECEMBER 14, 1905 Hand Bags, Purses, Wallets, Letter Cases, Card Cases, Portifolion, Music Rolls, Toilet Rolls, Brush Cases, &c, &c. Toilet Sets, Travelling Sets, Manicure Sets, Shaving Sets, Hair Brushes, Cloth Brushes, Hat Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Shaving Brushes, Miliâ€" tary Brushes, Manicure Sets, Mirrors. Ebony Goods Perfume and Toilet Articles in The largest stock of perfumes in town. Importe fnmes in Buck and Fancy Casesâ€"Perfumes in dainty cut all prices. A new stock of Perfume Atomizer. 6 Leather Goods DARLING‘S DRUG STORE Cased Pipes, Meershaum Pipes, Briar Pipes, Cases, Smoker‘s Sets, all kinds tobacco. Dolls, Dolis, Dolis, Dolls at Half Price Smoker‘s Supplies Prime Cigars Stewart‘s Confectionery The Farmers Manua and Veterinary Guide Compiled by the Agricultural Editors of the Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal, at request of hundreds of readers. The most complete Simple and peactical infc jects dealt with ; every 0 We offer a fu _ year‘s subscription to THE DURHAM REVIEW, a full year‘s subscription to that greatest of all weeklies, The Family Herald and Weekâ€" ly Star of Montreal, including their beautiful picture, "Queen Alexandra, Her Grandchildren and Dogs," and a copy of The Farmer‘s Manual and Veterinary Guide, all for $1.85. Sample copies of picture and book can be seen at this office, soMETHING ? Raymondj Sewing half. WINTER TERM â€" T Y~NORTIHER) DARLINGS, . Sss sain itc 3 The Telegraph cru for young 1 bowis’n to become :o&av railway work. C ep?]zx operaton t f for those ..I.":,'.:.-mmcm Ts ach romts ing, rpellin:nd w:l::z.. arithmetic to gfl;“;’r‘ ‘:8 c eoofrant and & SELATAtE desk for each pupil .?.EII 'i.gc,osm."&%‘:' 3 Ihe Telessaph. C ) enter railway work. _ Begins Tuesday, Jan. 2, 1906 4 .. . dfi ce â€"petaeelinen‘ . °9 * plenty of personal help. 9 Full parpiculars sent free to any address, MUSICAL GOODSâ€" â€"Autoharps, Violins, mandolins, Mouth Organs, Domestic and imported in Boxes of GOOD VALUESâ€"We back Acknowledged to be the best in market, For our own Customers we have put \ We can give only a mere list |ads ptability to the needs of & \Deering Harrows, Wilkin \ness, Palmerston Buggies. nost complete Farmers‘ Handbook and Veterinary Guide ever issuedâ€" preactical information of the greatest value to every farmer. 358 sut. with ; every one of interest and many of them illustrated, Gohn Glark. that no farmer can afford P NEMW IN, W aASHERS : TDQ cE en i c p on ce ecang c Also Wilhelm‘s Wringers, all made by Watson of Ayr. The best ing Machines. Agent for the nd Course for young becorne stenognphelzl. re : C. A. FLBMING, Pria | in their line as we bandle only the best. IT CAN BE HAD FREE. QJR SPECIAL OFFER : THE REVIEW, Durham, Ont. Â¥#T AT THE a mere list of our goods, but in quality and : needs of South Grey we are not excelled: s, Wilkinson Ploughs, Heney‘s Harâ€" ) RBucgies. Renowned articles, fair prices nes.~~ McClary Stoves for Coal jor Wood the Dilion Hinge Stay Fence. up our advertising by doing what we say. f{Tnd RGarm ffathinery. The Perforated Drum, only in the Idea STANOARD BAKK OF CANAD CAPITAL, Authorized. ... . ..$2,000,000 CAPITAL, Paid up........... 1,000,Mn RESERVE FUND......... ... ©1,000,000 AGENTS in all principal points in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United States and England. W. F. COWAN, President. GEO. P. REID, Manager. A general Banking nusiness transacted Drafts issued and collection made on all points. _ Deposits received and inter est allowed at crrrent rates SAVINGS BAMCXL :nteres allowed on savings bank deposits of $1.00 and upâ€" wards Prompt attention and every facility afforded customers living ata | distanoe. n iL. s Fe io 2 The Poople‘s Druggists. DURHAM AGENCY in a line of nice dollsâ€"price cut Head Office, Toronto. 25¢, 50¢, and $1. Imported and Domestic Per nty cut glass â€"Perfumes at A few doors South of the Middaugh House. to be without. igar Holders, Cigar New Stock New Styles New Prices * To the Editor of the Reyview:â€" Mr Editorâ€" A great deal is being said at the preseut time on the temperance question and mapy are aitempting to pain: the matter of loeal option in such colors as to stmp it of its real meaning. Wheu we cousider for one moment the insilions and captivating nature of our enemy, the eâ€" normous money interests by which it is upheld and the centuries during which it bhas been allowed to gain a toothold in our midst, it is really remarkable that our progress has been sueh as to drive it from many of its strongholds. We are cheered when we think of our success and we are determined to push the battlae to the gates and yictory will eventually crown Israel‘s ranks. it es ! There is well concerted action on the part of the liquor traffic. One and perâ€" haps the cbief plan, is to " nip it in the bud " and to do so every possible pressure is brought to bear in the Municipal Counâ€" eils in order to induce them to refuse to subwit the byâ€"law to the people. We ars certainly proud of the action taken by the Municipal Council of the Township of Egremont. They were unanimous in submitting to the wishes of a very large proportion of tha ratepayers of this muniâ€" cipality. The " blue ruin " ery rends the air becanse the craft is in danger." They cry out, and Iustily too, that the * place will be killed." Let us exemplify this in the case of local option in Toronto Junction. In March 1904 the byâ€"law was carried by a majority of 25, but notice the results as given by a rosident of that place. â€" He says. " I have been here five montbs and I bave seen but one drunkep man on the streets,. Thetreating system has been abolished. Business has neveor been betier in the history of the town. The growth bas been more rapid than in the "boom " days and is more solid. The population has increased nearly 2000 since the bars were closed, This may not all be attributed to local option, Other causes bave hbelped but local epâ€" tion bas not * killed the place*" as many of the opponents of the measure predictâ€" ed. Merchants say sales are greator and collections easier. Abous three hundred Awellings have been erected this year. These with other business places also erected represent an outlay of close to three quarters of a million of dollars, girst class entertainmengis provided for public at the hotels and one hotel has adâ€" vertising. * Seven meals for a dollar." The bar is not necessary to the prosperity of any place avd if thoss now engaged in the traffic would content themselves with reasouable profite with the bar cus off a most respectable and reasonably profitâ€" able business could be carried on. The day of skirmishing is past and the timea is now ripe for & decisive Lattle. In All our ;indutm get itions. _ Our Superior work is well known thrg?).ghout Canada. __Our facillities are unsurpassed. _ WINTER TERM OPENS JAN. 2nd. Write for catalogue. W.J. ELLIOTT, Principal BARGAINS FOR ALL $3000 worth of Dry Goods Stock must be sold below cost. I have decided to give up the busiâ€" ness and will sell the stock as quickly as possible. ‘The early buyer will get the best barâ€" gains. _ We have space qnly for a mere list. MEN‘S 7â€"URNISHINGS Suits, Cravenette Raincoats, Winâ€" ter Coats, working and fine Shirts, Umâ€" brellas, Peaâ€"jackets, Guerneys, Sweaters and Caps. BOYS‘ FURNISHINGS Skirts, Winter Coats, Cravenette Coats, Caperines, Wrappers, Waists. URESS GOODS, SILKS, broidery,Stockings, Flan nellette. BLANKETS, TABLE LINEN, Table Oilcloths, 20c peryd. Brooms, 15¢ and 2U¢ each. CHILDREN‘S COATS and many other articles of excellent work manship and yalue. Don‘t fail to call and get your share of the bargains; they can‘t be repeated Bouth of Neow Huntes Block, Durham ; A HIGHâ€"GRADE 5CHOOL ! J. LEVINE Suits, Peaâ€"jackets and Overcoats. Corner Yonge and Alexander Sts. TORONTO, ONT. LADIES‘® FURNISHINGS ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO â€" THE DURHAM REVIEW # 3y x 44 sn C W}? O Roldganonte the words of the Hon (G, E. Foeter we would say. Watch with eager oyes and bated breath as we storm the ranks and outworks, â€" Scale the walls, spike the fatal guns and are loss amid the smoke avd din of conflict. Thanking you Mr Editor for oocupying so much of your valâ€" uable space, Iam. youars, Samples of Choice Grain for the Improvement of Seed. By instruction of the Hon. Minis ter of Agriculture another distribution will be made this season of samples o%f the most productiye sorts of grain to Canadian Farmers the improvement of seed. The stock for distribution is of the very best and has been scured mainly from the exâ€" cellent crops recently had at the branch Experimental Farms at Indian Head Sask.. aod at Brandon, Man. The distribâ€" ution this spring will consist of samples of outs. spring wheat, barley, Indian corn (for ensilage only ) and potatoes.' The quantity of oats to be sent this year will be 4 Ibs , and of wheat or barley 5 lbe., s ifficient in each case to sow oneâ€"twentiâ€" eta _ un acre, The Samples of Indian corn and petatoes will weigh 8 lbs. as heretofore, A quantity of each of tho folâ€" lowing yarieties has been secured for this distribution :â€" Oats.â€"Bannver, Wideâ€"Awake. Abunâ€" dancse, Thousand Dollar, Improved Ligoâ€" wo, Goldfinder and Waverley. Warar.â€"Preston, Roe File. Percy‘ Stanley, Huron Laurel and White Fife. InpIan Corx (for ensilage).â€" Early sorts, Angel of Midnight, Compton‘s Ear. Ivy and Longfellow ; later varieties, Selectâ€" ed Leaming. Early Mastodon and White Cap Yellow Dent. arLEY.â€"Sixâ€"rowed.â€"Mensury, Odessa Mansfield, Claude and Royal. Twoâ€"rowâ€" ed.â€"Standwell, â€" Invincible, Canadian Thorpe and Sidney. can y on Poritan. Porators.â€"Carman No 1. Early White P:ize. Rochester Rore, Uncle Sam, Ameriâ€" can Wondor, Bovee, Early Andes and late Every farmer may apply, but only one sample cau be sent to cach applicant, hauce if an individual receives a samaple of onts he cannot also receive one of wheat, barley or potatoes. List of names from one individual, or applications for more than one sample for one bousehold canâ€" not be entertained. These samples will be sent free of chiarge through the mail. Applications should be addressed to the Dircctor of experimental Farms, Ottawa, and may be sent i1 avy time before the 1st of March, after which the list will be closed. so that all the samples asked for may be sent out in good time for sowing* Parties writing should meution the sort of variety they would prefer, with a second sort as an alternative, and should the aâ€" vailable stock of both cheae variaties be exâ€" haueted, some other good rort wi‘l be sent instead, â€" Phore sapplging for Endian corn or potatoes will please bear in mind that the corn is not available for distribution until March or April, and that potatoes cannot be mailed trom bere until danger from frost is trausit is over, No postage is required on mail matier andressed to the Contral Experimeatal Farm, Ottawa. Wimurax BavuxpE®R8, Director Experimental Farms. Ottawa. Novembor 257h, 1905 To the Editor of the Review The Underwriters, association have issued the following circular under the beading " Re Obristmas Decorations and Displays" which explains iteelf:â€" Drar SIR :â€" I beg to call your attentionâ€" to the: dangers to life and property from Chistâ€" m«s decorations. displays, etc. , which are frequently made at this time. The use of Christmas greens, harvest gpeciâ€" mens and other inflammable inaterials such as draperies, scenery. cotton to 1eâ€" present snow, and the like( especially in connection with electric and other lighting system ), is decidedly an inâ€" \crease of bazard, it being impossible to \ make displays of that nature perfectly safe. SALCs The tkird Statutory Condition of your insurance policy reads in part as follows:â€" «* Any change material to the risk, but within the control or knowledge of the assured, shall ayoid the policy, as to the part affected thereby, unless the change is promptly notified in writing to the Company or its local agent." In addition to the danger to proper« ty from the displays referred to, the \danger to life in crowded stores or places of meeting, by reason of a panic ocâ€" casioned by a fire, even though it be smail and easily controlled, is so great tbhat the Underwriters, who have made a study of such hazards, would fail in their duty should they not give this warning. Review to Jan.1, 07, $1 Look Out for Fire. By Order, Joun A. RoBERTSON Temperance Wourker. t t SanTa CLAUS At the Big 4 ‘They‘re All Right Was the verdict passed by gentleâ€" men who have seen and purchased our Coarse Boots for Boys '1';";'22'7; Tde We have heavy boots for men at90c per pair which are also all right. If you want the very latest in leggâ€" ingsâ€"elegant grainedâ€"leather laced «nd with all the new * fixings" on them. Entirely new styles, Ligl;“fiu'hger; for men. women and enildren in abundance at prices that are also " all right." _ Also Overshces from size 13 to baby‘s footwear. We are making a specialty of our Boot and Shoe trade this season. We keep ourselves supplied with It will surprise you how much of these goods you can buy with a Five Dollar bill. Just try the experiment, Poter Ramilton ){ye;'wy 2 \‘s Everything in readiness for the Spring season,. Do you want any Spring Implements .. Ploughs, Harrows, Drills, Scufflers etc. Enquire at this agency. Harvosting V)achinery « . Rakes, Mowers, Binders, etc., of this famous firm‘s make, They give great satisfaction. P rices and terms to suit purchasers. Orders ALoft With R.‘McMicken at the Hahn House Stable or at the REvIEW OrFricER, will receive our best attenticn. With a big load of CHRISTâ€" MAS PRESENTS & GAMES of all kinds for everybody, Be sure to call to see him at HEAVY RUBBERS AND SOX ; For Foot Comfort . McARTHUR Come this Way 4 Foints Wocl Sox at 20 and 25¢ a pr wates *J kn maeg HAS ARRIVED . Bean‘s eshettan Bnt when you want anything in LEATHER in either Boots or Shoes give us a call. We have at present a food assortment of warm winter wear or young or old in different styles. Also Moccasins, either Oiltan or Deerâ€" skin. In Le(ginr we claim firstâ€" place in either styles, quantity, qualâ€" ity or prices. Our Mitts, Gloves and Mitt Facings are NO I. _ We have the largest assortment of Shoe Dressings in Durham to choose from, also many other things to numerous to mention. The Down Town SHOE STORE The school is thoroughly aui‘-ped in teaching ability, in chemical and electrica su;épl!ec and fit tings, &c.. for full Junior Leaving and Matriculaâ€" tion work. . The following competent staff are in charge : THOS. ALLAN, 1st Class Coertificate, Principal MISS L. . FORT . R. B. A.. * fa Intending Students should enter at the beginâ€" ning of the term if possible. Board can be obtainâ€" ed at reasonable rates. _ Durham is a healthy and attractive town, making it a most desirable place esidence. T suits To a T / And therefore we hear nothing but prase for our bread, cake"s, pies, and every desirable variety of pastry. .. _â€"_â€" _ Flour and other ingredients. !* SECONDLY, we are artists in our line. THIRDLY, cleanliness reigns in every Wm.Jonaston, Jr., C. Ramage, FIRST of all, we use only the finest department of our establishment. LASTLY, our prices are absolutelyfair, Give us a call and see ror yourself. A | first class line of Bread, Cakes, Pastry, always on hand at Rowe‘s store. MODEL BAKERY. LOWER TOWN THERE S MONEY it THIS 50t YOU The Hanover Conveyancer, LENDS MONEY at very lowest rates. Places Insurances of all kinds in reliable Companics, Collects Debts, Arranges Business Difficulties, Draws Wiitings and Sells C. P. R. Tickets to all points, Besides other lands he offers the following Bargains‘ Durham School 150 Acres Be . S. Mcllraith The Hanover Conyeyancer, 100 Acres Bentinck Near Hocky mank""" Well improved and owner say$s has enough tim ber to pay priceasked. * Durham Residence Owned by J.1,. Browne PhotognJ)her. Also a large number of other Farm and Town Properties. GOOD REASONS : C _ Classics, Moderns and English, MISS FLOSSI® MCKERRACHER, First Class Certificate and third year undergraduate of Queen‘s Unlvenud. f Bcience, History and Geography. MISS MARY GORDON, First class with honore, Graduate of Ontario Normal College. Mathematics and English Grammar during Model Term., TWEEDS & YARNS We have been OoF BEST QUALITY. Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots & Shoes, Crockery, &c. We can give you Bargainz. »ar We ask inspection of our Teas. .e o TIIDTSOIT‘S $. SsCOTT1T. Custom Work and Repairing as Usual at * EERnEny: OflaznfleaWur quick sale too busy to Write Ads. . H. STINSON, FEES: $1 per month in advanee Staff and Equipment. WEDDING â€" CAKES a H- M'LLER' Made to order in Lates Styles on shortest notice TERMS: CASH . MILLER O Near Rocky Saugeen Southâ€"west of Var Hanover

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