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Durham Review (1897), 14 Dec 1905, p. 7

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elds changed the island West Inâ€" nged to FOR SON. 11 years, weep LA han dis ene Ne ana end‘lessly ts almost the C3 ed onl ¥¥XH¥¥H¥¥HX¥¥H tfore « PPERS ren né ver ly evy CGo Into n parmn M nC Mis Uel a t the W 13 D Nes NTO Bat d N1LD 1t ré le be be on he pi& of the ou ing r€ 18 }$ 1€ rt s48440484000008000000040402 2188800008080 400 DEC o 22, con 4. 8 D R, in the Townâ€" Glenelg, in the County of Grey, i: 40 acres cleared, 17 acres imber, level,. weil drained, watâ€" well and small stream. _ One l1 log house, fram» barn 36 x 50 ement, 1} rmiles from school Oftice. For price and terms Joux® McLEAX, Lot 26, con 4, 8 D R. Priceyille P O, Ont., or to McLrEax, Prop. ne Grove P U, Fergus Co, Montana. U 8 A. "QOQQQOQ\QQ”‘OO‘M‘Q‘Q"”‘ Farm for Sale. Only ten days from now until Christâ€" mas, â€" If you are troubled ‘about what to give in any instance, a look over our maguifiâ€" cent assortment of superb gift goods * will suggest the appropriate gift. We think our holiday lines afford a better selection of good gifts than any stock ever before shown here. It includes more novelties, more goods that combine usefulness, beauty and intrinsic worth than any other assortment at your command. Every item is of worthy quality, and our prices are the lowest for that kind. Come in anyway. DRUGGISTS AND BOOKSELLERS CHRISTMAS MacFARLANE & CO, SOON THE CHIMES RI N G OoUT $ $ < k4 pour ht For SatLr.â€"Twoâ€"year old _ mare, General purpose,. _ Also some wellâ€"bred Shrurshire Ram Lambs. Terms reasâ€" onable. â€" Apply to Wx. Epcor. We solicit the business of ManWa@Lb* " Engineers and others who realize the advisabilâ€" ity of having their Patent business transacted by Experts, Preliminary advice free, Charges moderate. Our Inventor‘s Adviser sent upon reâ€" \x‘\‘e‘sl. Marion & Marion, Reg‘d., New York Life fidg, Montreal : and Washington, D.C.. U.S A. Edge Hill, Oct, 17. 1905, ROMPTLY SECURED i cce uce 1uuil the business of M_a_nu{a‘ct_urekr_a‘s, tm k/ ts * Mns Bvs.'r, Sr. On Thursday night last the above lady, one of the pioneers of this district passed away at the residence of her son James Buit at the ripe age of 83â€" For many vears she lived in town, but infirmities increasing. she lately took up her home with her son and daughterâ€" inâ€"law, receiving in her last days the sympathetic : attention she so greatly needed. Her busband passed away aâ€" bout 47 years ago. Her sous are well known, Jas. on the farm south of town, and Alex, Thomas, Edward and Wm. in various parts. There are also two daughters. y &2 The funeral took place on Saturday, amid many evidences of respect. Rev. Mr Farquharson conducted the services. Mr Jogn REID. ‘ # Same day as the above death called at the home of Mr Thos. Reid, removing his second son John, a young man in his 2ith year, entered upon life vwith every prospect of a useful career. but by the orderings of Divine Providence, he is cut vil leaving his name and comâ€" panionship as a sweet memory to the sorrowing household. _A month or two ago he was stricken with typhoid fever. and as he was rallying from this, be fell w1 victim of pneumonia, which in his weakened state proved fatal. He was a member of the Canadian Order of Forâ€" esters and his bretbren on Sundav turnâ€" ed out 50 or 60 strong for the last sad vrites. The remains were taken to the Methodist Church, of which he was a member, and the pastor Rey Mr Colling preached a comforting sermon on the question of the future life and especially on the point of mutual recognition there. Hedwelt lovingly on the charâ€" acter of the deceased, who had given abundant &vndence of the Christian hope that was within him. His brother Robert and wife, from Michigan, were present at the funeral, which took place to the Saugeen cemeteryv. mMrR. Jas. REDFORD. This Wednesday morning, after a long struggle, Mr Jas Redford breathed his last. His death, though not exâ€" pected for some time, will Ccause deep regrets among alarge circle of friends. More next week. f Mr Robt. Ector, Sr. still continues quite poorly. Miss Lizzie Eetor who has been in Rochester the past two years, returned last week. Rey. Mr Farqubarson held a largeâ€" ly atiended prayer meeting at Mr G. Ritchie‘s last Tuesday and baptized two intants. Mr Dan Edge, MrGeo. Binnie Mr C. C. McFayden, W. Ritchie are atâ€" tending the Fat Stock Show at Gaelph. Mr andMrs Joe Firth had a pleasant evening with the young people of the neighborhood lately. Mr W. Edge has an Englishman lately out, working for him at vresent _ Pleased to see how well the Laird of Kage Hill is scanding his years,â€" will be 83 years old next January. We understand that Mr_Michael Kenny intends‘~= run for Township Councillorjat the coming elections. Next. Mr Ronald McGregor near the Rocky visited over Sunday with the McFayden family. MATTHEWS & LATTMER BARCLAY & BELL WM BRIGHAM MRS. JAS. HOY THOS BUNSTON TAYLOR & CO. Christmas is Ceming Groceries, Fruits = _ and Confectionery Fuall line of Flour and Feed Matthews & Latimer CLYDESDALE STOCK FOOD For sale by And we are prepared to givo the best of everything in and the Celebrated CLYDESâ€" DALE STICK FOOD and remedies always on hand. Obituary. Edge Hill ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO r a*" PURHAM DURHAM ALLAN PARK VARNEY ENi uly t Ein Ne ie ie 79 a _»'""!;'?f thok ©H % ; Poeecic vae o C . C We 'n,«vc_': w us e h o ie ; e S * w%fig fete;: : z> ég i $ $ if . X m es gls " aa ts ids 3@r :;'3" ";" 4 W% YEOVIL DROMORE The Presbytery 6f Saugeen mot at Harriston on Tuesday, the Moderator, Rev W.‘G. Hanvna, in the chair. . There was a large attendance of both ministers and laymen, though sorrow and regret was felt at the absence of Rey Mr Morâ€" rison. who hns glways been so regular in his attendance and so much interested in the church‘s prosperity. It was however, gratifving to learn that the scverity of his illovss has somewhat abated and that hope 1s held out of a recovery. The report in Standing Orders was preâ€" sonted by Rev D. L. Campbell and after carsful examination was adopted and orâ€" dered to be printed. A peiition from Drayton, showing a healthy financial poâ€" sition was presented requesting that they gt a minister te reside in their town to supply them with morning and evening sessione. This being really equiyalent to arequest for separation from Moorfield the Presbytery, sfter hearisg all, the parties appointed a Commission with Rev, Mr Aull, as Convener, to visit both the fields and report to a special meeting of Presbytery, Dr Moore, of Ottawn, being present. was inyited to correspond and at the request of Presbytery gaye a short adâ€" dress on * ‘The cause, prevention and cure of Tuberculosis," which was listenâ€" ed to with interest and appreciation, Rey Dr Somerville, of Owen Sound. was nowinated as Moderator of next General Assembly. ‘The treasurer‘s reâ€" port rhowing n healthy financial condition was presented by Rev M. C. Cameron and Synod anvud Presbytery rolls for the year were struck, The paper by Rev Mr Barâ€" ber on the * Doctrine of the Atonement " was crowded out by the pressure of busâ€" iness, but was given a place as the first order for the next meeting, After a genâ€" eral discussion of a number of questions including Home Missions, Augmentation and College support, the wceting adâ€" journed to meet at Mount Forest on the first Tuesday of March, 1905. A quilting for the W. F. M. Society was held at Mr Robt. Morice‘s on Friâ€" day. There were about fifteen presâ€" ent and a very enjoyable time was spent. ._ % aeirin "i o © John Leith and Wm. Allan are at present engaged in cutiing 30 curds of wood for Mr Bert Watson. _ Mrs MeArther visited her sister Mrs John Marshall over Sunday. Miss Mary Bennett was the guest of Miss Nellie Wallace on Wednesday. Mr and Mrs Robt. Morice are visitâ€" ing triends in Guelph this week, and taking in the Fat Stock Show. Miss Edith Allan of Egremont was the ela‘zuest of Normanby friends last week. X ii';f'ry Gadd is assisting Mr _ Alex Smith cutting wood. x _ Mr John Morice Sr. spent a couple of days iast week with Mr Smith, of Hampden. â€"Sir Henry Campbell Bannerman, © C. B., ‘‘ for short, has succeeded in forming a very strong Liberal governâ€" ment in succession to the late Balfour administration. _ It ineludes Herbert Gladstone, a son of the famous man; John Burns, the Labor leader; Lloydâ€" George, the leader of Welsh Nonconâ€" formists: Earl of Elgin, son of the Lord Elgin, famous in Canadian bistory; Earl of Aberdeen; Morley, the biographer of Gladstone; James Bryce, well.known author; Earl oi Crewe, sonâ€"inâ€"law of Lord Rosebery, and other notables. The «lections will likely be brought on soon. Only four members of the Government are in the House of Lords. The endersigned will sell house and lot on West Bruce 8St, built in 1904, lo : cated between Furniture and Cream Separator factories. 30 xX 32 feet, 2% stories, double cellar, cement floor in one half. furnace in the other half, 9 rooms, modern and convenient. . Good well on premises, small barn with stone stable underneath. A bargain to quick buyer. . Apply on the premises or to U W Cooa 0 es c on c l L You wil RASTONI VRETZYE ing one of Ayor‘s Pilis a Ayers For hard colds, bronchitis, asthma, and coughs of all kinds, you cannot take anyâ€" thing better thar Ayer‘s Coughs,Colds Cherry Pectoral. Ask your own doctor if this is not so. He uses it. He understands why it soothes and heals. Saugeen Presbytery. bottle completel 1 had a terrible cough for weeks. ‘Then I ok Ayer‘s Cherry Poctoral and orly one North East Normanby HOUSE FOR SALE o c on ic cly sc in‘ e Josopb, 1 Mrs. J. B. DANFORTH, “-!ogql.m Cherry P? ectoral nonens hoii t t e e for , Box 92, Durham 3. 0, AYEE 00., t€ BEST QUALâ€" ITY in PEEL, The Shoeman Watson‘s Breadâ€"TheB »st Firstâ€"Class Manitoba Flour For Sale © Buns a: | Biscuits in great variety All kinas of Cakes made to order WEDDING CAKES our specialty CONFECIIONERY Sgeniabic A. W. W atson Seamless Leggings WANTED ;by Chicago wholesale house, specâ€" jal represative for each province in Canada Are commanding more atâ€" tention than ever. Call and see our Winter Footâ€" wear. We have the greatest variety. Ogilvie‘s Royal Household,. per barrel .... Also other highâ€"grade Manitolia Flours, per barrel .$5.60 to 5.75 "Five Roses," TUDHOPE *CARRIAGES We have more new ranges in,. Allmakes, styles and prices. _ Call and inspect these. We have one to suit you. . . . AS USUAL ... Seem to be all the go. They are handsome and as everybody knows, they are the most durâ€" able rig on the market. Call and examine them. We have them. Our Our:50c values in allwool Venetians, SergeS.Mohairs and Henriettas, can‘t be beaten. In FUR RUFFS we have them from $2 up to $9. Barclay & Bell Also nice assortment CAPERINES. NEW DRESS GOODS WAREROOMS opposite Middaugh Ho. Stables. Orders and Repairâ€" ing our Specialties. RANGES FTURS RUBBERS g "YHOB. NICHOL .B \| JGSUERzZoN Marriige Liconses. Lo fi, | &2, don. 1, N. D.R, Gienelg. o na. | Surietly zeonfidential.â€"CloseZattention. L. R. C. P., Londou, Engian Graduate of Lordon,;New York and Cb‘ mgo, Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat m Knapp Durham J. G. HUTTON, M. D., Ofleonnd Residence Cor. Garafraxa and George Bt., at foot of Mill. _ Old Moodie Cornar. Officeâ€"â€"LOWER TOWN, DURH AN. HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University, graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Rooms Over J & J HUNTER‘S New Store Officeâ€"Calder‘s Block, over Post Office Office, 13 Frost 8t, â€" â€" â€"â€" Owen Sou Will be at the Middaugh House, Durham, the firsst Wednesday ‘:fi each month from 10 a. m. till 4 p. m. W. C, PICKERING D. D S., L. D. S. HONOB GRADUATE Toronto University, Grad umte Royal Coliege Dental Surgeons of Ont Dentistry in all its branches. Late assistant to Moorfleld‘s (London, Ing) and to Knapp‘s (New York) Eye Hospitals, Jempany and private Funds to Loan on Mortgages at lowest rates of interest. Valuation made by a commetentand careful Valuator Cellections and Agency promptly attended Wills, Deeds, Mortgages, Leases, Agreements &e.correctly prepared. Estates of doceased per=â€" sons leoked after and Kxecutor‘s and Adminigâ€" trators‘ Accounts prepared and ;l)usenl Burrogate Cours Business, Probate of Wills. Lettere of Ad minsbration and Guardianship Obtained, xn- chas wade in Registry Ofilce and Titles reported Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers &c. Money to Loan. OFFICEB HOURS 9â€"1l a. m. 2â€"4 p. im. 7â€"@9 p. m Telephone Connection No. 10 ARTHUR GUN, M. D.. Puverctan & Surczox, Office over J. &,J. Hunter‘s Store . on govd 1 8 to 10 a.x. Barrister, Solicitor in Supreme Court Notary Public, Commissrtoner, &c.4 Notary Public, Commissioner, Convey ancer, Valuator, Insurance Agent,!&e Member College Physicians and Surgeons All Charges Mfoderate 4@~ Special attention given to Diseases 0f Women and Children. D. McPHAIL _# BARRISTER, S01CITOR, NOATRY PUBLIC â€" CONYBYANCER, .. Eye, Ear, Nose & Throat JOHN CLARK J. F.GRANT, D. D.S., L. D. S. G. LEFROY McCAUL. fice, McIntyre Block, over the Bank to aates, &c. OB ECCC RLL there, or to Ceylon attended to, Terms: Licensed Auctioneer fo the County of Grey."I Licensed Auctioneer for the Co. of Grey. Snies proant s n en ied C9 ie Petieront fare: Order® PLT, (on‘s old stand, or at the REVIEW MACKAY & DUNN, A.uctionC6rSâ€" . MacKay K.C. W. F Dunn Private Money to Loan. Collecâ€" tions of all kinds promptly atten ded to. Farms bought and sold/ or to HOURS Licensed Auctioneer for Co. n uts â€"| ac S â€" Cie w l «s P DR. BROWN. Money to Loan. , over Gordon‘s Jewelry Store, J. P. TELFORD McKenzie‘s Old Stand, Durham DR. BURT C. RAMAGE, Durhanm Ceylon has a telephone office. . McPHAIL, Ceylon P. O gale â€" OOREOEPCTIIENCC O nemsnnt Ceylon P. O., will be promptly ‘Terms on application to JACKSON, Owen Sound Grey & w‘P« 3y P doat id

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