West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 21 Dec 1905, p. 4

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Lot No 2, con 4. 8 D R, in the Townâ€" ship of (Gilenelg, in the County of Grey, 57 acres: 40 acres cleared, 17 actes mixed timber, level,. weil drained, watâ€" tered by well and small stream. One storvy small log house, framebarn 38 x 50 with basement, ]Et miles from school and Post Oftice. or price and terms apply to â€" Jonx McLeax, Lot 28, con 4, 8 D R. ‘ Priceyille P O, Ont., or to ArRCH McL®EAx, Prop, | Pine Grove P 0, Fergus Co, ] Montansa. U 8 A. Mais, on a proposed Contract for four years six times per week each way beâ€" tween Durham and Priceville and eighâ€" teen times per week between Priceville and Flesherton C. P. Railway Station from the Postmastet General‘s pleasure Printed notrwes containing further imormation a« to conditrions of proposed Contract inay be seen and blank mns of Tender ma«y be obtained at the Post Oftices of Pricevillie, DBurbam, Ceylon and Bunessan and at the Office of the Post Oflice Inspector at Toronto. Printed not: information a« Contract imay 4 of Tender may Offices of Pric and Bunessan : Post Office Ins G.C. Ax Post Oftice Def Mai Otiawa, 12th D en cagreue com m ommrmnenns SEALED TENDERS addressed to the Postmaster General, will be received at Ottawa until Noon, on tO 10 PEELԤ For Useful Christmas Presents the conveyance of His Majesty‘s s, om a proposed Contract for four Friday. January 26. 1906 Christmas .flaryains SPECIAL BARGA INS in ladies‘ skirts. To clear the balance of winter skirts we will sell all our heavy FRIEZE SKIRTS at greatly reduced prices, as this will show. Jpecl'a/ .flalyal'ns in Fancy and Hemstitched Hankerchiefs in both silk and lawn. To clear out the Balance of our Fall Millinery we will sell for the next 30 days our Readyâ€"toâ€"Wear and Trimmed Millinery at cost and less than cost. MAIL CONTRACT Farm for Sale. $2.00 skirts for 3.00 * 4 O( _ 4 50 5.50 RBargains in Hfittinery )ERSON, Superintendent irt ment, Contract Branch cem ber, 1965 , 4 Hlortock. Our usual stock â€".of Christmas (Groceries â€" areâ€" Unexcelled. Cash ana One Prico. « Massey â€" Harris Agency Call and see us : you will find usready to do business on profitable terms to you The Sleighs are the wellâ€"known Bain make, in great variety, at prices that are right The Cntters are of the Brockâ€" ville make, best of their kind, and at a price that means a sav ing Priceville Sunday School Anniversâ€" ary was held last Thursday evyening and we may say, as usual was a great success,. Our Priceville correspondent very modestly leaves to us an account of the meeting though really his own summary covers the ground very niceâ€" ly, The chair was ably filled by Pastor Matheson, and the church was well filled by Pastor Matheson‘s fiock, wedgâ€" in among whom were about 30 Durhamâ€" ites, and quite a number from Dromore district, Ths order was of the best, as one would expect from a good chairâ€" man, a good program and a good people. A feature of the evening was the fine music by the choir from Durâ€" ihmu, another was the address by Rev Mi Farqubarson on Buru your own Smoke,." which being _ interpreted means control your own spirit. words, actions. etc. 1t was well received, still another popular feature. from Durham, were the contributions from Mr Drysâ€" dale, who sung two fine solos and was heartily encored. _ Miss Alexander, a ycung Toronto artist, sang and recited pleasantly and in time will make her work. She was at her best :perhaps in * The glories of the Highland Brigade. " The contributions by the young people showed careful training and aptness on their part beyond their years. The debate on the merits of " a clean but cross wife " and "a diry but goodâ€" natured one " was thoroughly enjoyed. The club swinging, scarf and military drills were also stirring features showâ€" ing at once, good time and skill and a useful training. Rey Mr Roach made CUTTERS and SLSIGHS All the implements of this famous firms make are kept on harnd, Jast now we want i0 taik to you about a short speech at the close, a finefraâ€" ternal spirit seeming to prevail. Proâ€" ceeds of the evening over $60, Last but not least the sumptuous tables maintained the best memories of the past. * Pricevyille S. S. Entertainment. Next Door to Post Office. John McQueen *~2,(0 hok‘ ar!;" .. $1.50 Editor Irwin took in the Guelph Fat Stock Show. Mr Jno, Cameron, traveller, is home for the hclidays. Miss R. McPhee, Nenaghb, was a guest of Mr and Mrs Jno. A. Black, Mr L. M arlock, traveller Listowel, calâ€" led on his brother here on Monday. We trust you may be long spared to carry !the good work and that as you have so liberally given to others there may be returned to your own bosâ€" om ** full measure pressed down, shaken together, and running over. " We come toâ€"day offering you neither silver nor gold. we desire not topay the debt of love which we delight in still owingk.nbut we ask yeu to accept this gift, which we know fou will value not for its worth but for the love t expresses, not for its dress but for its spirit and contents and which we areassured Xou will esâ€" teem as ‘* more to be desired than gol yea than much fine gold. " n‘g‘immetll on .behll‘ 1 _of the Durham Sabbaih Mr Wm. Limin, Hamilton is visiting his father and brother in town. Sehnool, parents, teachers end friends by Robt MacFarlane, C. L. Grant and others, T Following is the address ; Dear Mr Allan : For ab3ut 13 years you have filled the office of Superintendent of the Sabbath School. During ail that time you have been faithful in attendance earnest in teaching, diligent in ruling, and fervent ia spirit. Your work has been done in the midst of a busy and exacting life and many an honr has been given to the toil of the school tnat might reaâ€" sonably have been claimed as nature‘s due for rest and refreshment. For all this work you hava neither received nor expected any fee or reward. possibly have never in any formal way received even the thanks of the school. The noblerreâ€" ward of being a helper of many you have honorâ€" ably won, and scattered over this and ‘other lands are many who remember your efforts only the more lovinfly as the lapse of time gives a truer sense of their worth. We now desire to voice the appreciation, not only of all at present on the roll but also of those scattered up and down the world who have not forgotten you though they may selâ€" dom have told you of the debt they owe, Mr Archie McDougall is expected home from Collingwood on Saturday. Miss Christie Jackson is visiting her cousin Mrs Sutherland in Newmarket, Miss Lizzie Laialaw is home from Normanby and enjoying her bolidays. Miss Dora Davidsen and Miss M Leeâ€" son, came home Saturday from Ottawa Normal School to svend a three weeks‘ hotiday, _ Misses May McClocklin and M. Caldwell are also home from Lonâ€" don Normal. Mrs N. W. Campbell and Miss Allie Grant were also good workers, The proceeds were $33.00 all. A unique feature was an address and presentation to Mr Allan, who, for aâ€" bout 13 years, has been a faithful superâ€" intendent of the Sunday School., The address was read by Mr Peter Ramage and the handsome Bible and other works presented by Misses Anme Ireâ€" land and Margaret Grant. Mr and Mrs Chas. Leavens and family came home last week from the West and will spend a month or two in the old town among relatives and friends who are very glad to see them. Home from Vakota are Mrs Mal. Cameron, Mr_ Alex McKechnie, of Benâ€" tinck and his sister, Mrs John MceDonâ€" ald, They will spend a month or two among their many friends here. At the close a beautiful tree was brought in and Santa Claus gave out prizes to a large number for proficiency ;u}d attendance. and bags of candy for Rirsâ€"MAcARTHTURâ€"On Wednesday, Dec 2"th, 1905, at the residence of the bride‘s father, by the Revy Wim Farâ€" qubarson, Geo Ries, of Hanover, to Sarah, daughter of Chas McArthur, Esq. of Glenelg. BixxtEâ€"Ecrorâ€"On Wednesday. Dec. 20th, 1905, at the residence of the bride‘s father, by the Rey W m Farâ€" quharson, assisted by Rey Jas Binnie, Alexander Binnie of Durham to Elizâ€" abeth, daughter of Robert Ector Esq. Glenelg, A very Clever piece. "The Phantom Doughnuts " showed the worries caused a housekeeker by frivolous callers, The acting was good ; another leading piece was * The Cnristmas Conspiracy ‘ where the ‘Sandman‘ with a can of * Dream Dust‘ put the parents to sleep instead of the children who expressed their deâ€" light at being allowed to stay up to see Santa Claus by literally, bounding joy. The snow flake piece was perhaps the favorite of the eyvening. It wasza very pleasing entertainment and reflects credit on Misses Margaret Hunter and Margaret Gun, on whom fell the weight of preparation. Miss May Harris, Milliner, is home from â€" Prescott for the COhristmas season. MrJohn McKenzie, Michigzan, some years ago Oof the Parker Drug Store, is assisting Mr John Darling over the Christmas season. Mr Brad Jamieson gaye his parents a pleasant surprise by arriving home unâ€" exyectedly Wednesday evening for the holidays. Miss Tena McCormick, Mull Corners, left Monday ftor Stratford Hospital to under go an operation in the mouth. Dr Gun accompanied her Miss Nellie Watt left Wednesday to spend a few weeks with her sister near Fergus. Mis Jas. Lauder, accompanied by sher daughter Miss Lizzme left last week to spend the winter with her son in Peoris. Presbyterian S.S. Entertainment This event on Tuesday evening was the most successful ever held here. The town hall seats and aisles. were packed to overâ€"flowing, the program was good and just the right length and the order and spirit of the audience was excellent, with the exception of a faw lads near the door, whose manners need mending. Miss Mn?gle Harris has arrived home after a prolonged visIt in Hamilton and Toronto. Mr Will McGowan left Monday for Toronto, where he will comment* as traveller. Mr Alex McCormick is home from the Soo, visiting relatives at Aberdeen and Tobermory. Mr Arch McKinnon is kome from the West visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allan McKinnon, Mr Alex Firth, who is attending Torâ€" onto University, spent a few days at home and retuned Mondav. THE DURHAM REVIEW MARRIED ONTARIG ARCHIVEs TORronto The Methodist Church in Markdal®e was burned last week. Mr R Williamson is moving in the machinery for his new factory. Eaglish French, and Domestic Perâ€" fumes at Parker‘s Drug Store. â€"* A wiul‘"‘ seems to be the only adâ€" jective that will fittinigly describe the state of Russia, "Rivers of biood" are said to be flowing at this Christmas tide, the peasantry are in rebellion, the Navy is mutinous, the Army can‘t be trusted, whole provinces seem to be in arms. Witte, who promised well. has found the situation uncontrollable, and the latest news is that the Czar and his court are going to try forcible suppresâ€" sion of a people groping towards liberâ€" ity. And what otf Japan? Listen! Can‘t you hear the eloquent silence that tells of rejuvenation? That beâ€" speaks the unity of thought and acâ€" tion that makes a progressive, happy nation, & â€"Lord Strathcona, who was about to sail for Canada was taken ill and the trip had to be postponed. Rouern ducks and Plymouth Rock cockerels for sale at C. wW. Lang‘s. Arthur H. Jackson, Durham, has been appointed an Issuer of A arriage Liâ€" cer . . WANTED,â€"Situation as bookkeeper or clerk by competent person. Graduate of good business school. Apply to hox 13, Durbamw. The elections of Wednesday in the New P rovince resulted in the return of the Liberal Government under Premier Scott, There seems to be some doubt about the figures, Scott having 13, Haultain 9. with 3 seats doubtful. There is a fighting minority anyway. A letter from Mr Cochrane in this issue fills up the cement news this week. Some harsh words, uttered by Mr. Ludiow towards Mr Irwin in the hearâ€" ing of his son brought upon the rash chemist a blow he will not soon forget. The incident was the talk of the town for a dayor two. Let‘s banish such work and its proyocation, Don‘t forget the Varney Methodist Church entertainment on Christmas night, Des 25th,. Great preparations are being made for an excellent pro«= gram. You remember the enjoyable time you had last year, Come again. All welcome. â€"Adults 15¢, children 10c. Mr Ratz, oneof the Directors, is in town, and will likely gccompany the expert and in due time we will get the report. The feeling is intensifying that the Directors have been badly to blame in pinning their faith to reports of off;. cials without due investigation. Meanwhile Mr Woods is expected on Thursday and all who know him say he is a man of rectitute who will give an honest decision. gLaterâ€"Mr Woods came down Wednesday evening and no doubt is at work toâ€"day.] Open every evening until after New Years. OQOur watch making and jewelry store will be open till 10 p. m. Cail and see our attractive stock. A very successful pie and box social was held last Friday evening in Hutton Hill school at which $53 clear was reaâ€" lized. We learn that an excellent pro gram was rendered, but it appears some of the rowdy element were present, who marred the evening‘s enjoyment considerably. TUBERCULOS:8,â€"A handful turned out on Thursday night last to hear Rev, Mr Moore on the above subject. The Town Hall not being opened the Presbyterian Church was utilized. _ It was very disâ€" appointing for all concerned. and too bad a good lecture should go to waste, Has this community to suffer more from the " White Plague" before they will be interested in its prevention ? Bunessan School. â€" Friday evening last Bunessan school was packed like sardines in a box by a crowd of young and old just bound to be at miss Stedâ€" well‘s entertainiment which proved we are told the best ever held in that school. Insp. Campbell was in the chair and in addition to contributions by the children addresses were given by Messrs Alex Firth, lately teacher there, Wim. Irwin and Geo,. Binuie. Proceeds aâ€" mounted to $29.00. Little has been doing during the week except that certain strange and mysterâ€" jous trips were made to Shallow Lake by Secy Ehrhardt and Chemist Ludlow, the latter a few days after the former. The purpose of these trips was no doubt to interview Mr Woods, the independent expert both parties have agreed upon to make the investigation. _ Just why it was necessary to make these trips may yet be made clear, but under the cirecumâ€" stances people will be suspicious. A letter containing some pointed sugâ€" gestions on the cement question from Mr R. Legate, Greenside, is unavoidably held over till next week., Other matter we regret bas to share the same fate, Christmas work and matter has to take first place. CURLERS ORGANiZE.â€"We omifted to make reference last week to the organiâ€" zation meeting of the knights of the beâ€" som and the stane for the coming winter Following are the officers elected : Hon Pres, Dr. Jamieson, M. P. P.; Hon Viceâ€" Pres, D. McClocklin ; President, James Ireland; Viceâ€"Pres., J. P. Telford ; Secy Treas., Wiw. Calder ; Com. of Manag»â€" ment, John MeGowan, W. 8. Hunter, E. Brooker, A. H. Jackson, R. Cochrane. The club mem bership fee has been placed at $2 for new members. SsSASKATCHEWAN LIBERAL ADDITIONAL LOCALS The Cement Situation. mt 4i s + in Markdale A GoRrDoN 20th day of January, A. D., 1906 to send by post paid,‘or deliver to Messrs. Macâ€" Kay and })unn. R‘l‘lmers Durham, Solicitors for the Executors of the Estate of the said deceased, their Christian names, sumames and addresses with full particulars of their claims and the nature of all securities (ifany) held by them. AND FURTHER take notice that after such mentioned date, the said executors will proceed to distribuy.-l ;l;e ;ueu o{l:he deceased An;ong nl:e parties entit thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notzae, and that the said Executors t\;;fll xu(nul:e liable for tl:; said assets, or any part thereo any person whose claim nodge shall not have bezu received by them at the time of such distribution. Dated the 18th day of December, A. D.. 1905 Jn the Surrogate Court ¢¥ the County of Grey, in the matter of ThomasGeddes late of the Township of Normanby, iu the County of Grey, Farmer, deceased NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Statute that all l?el'f»o:nt baving claims and demands inst the Estate of Thomas Geddes, deceased, :v?o died on or about the 2ist day of November 1905, are required on or before the 4 Birch For which we will pay following prices: Basswood k Soft Eim $10 to $15 according Rock Elm to quality ; Maple ; Hemlock Beech > $8 to $12 _ Spruce ;88 to $10 Srmle at 10 o‘clock p, m. Terms: 12 mos, credit on approved joint notes suwms of $5 and under, cash ; over that amount 6 per cent discount for cash. The undersignoed auctioneer bas been instructed te sell by publhic auction at Log 61, Con. 8, E. G. R. Glenelg. On Friday. January 5th, 1905. The following stock, implements, &e: _ 1 mare rising 5 yearold in foal to Clydesdale Champon, 1 aged mare, 6 cows supposed to be in calf, 8 year old heifers, 6 two yr old steers, 1 year old steer, 7 calyee, 22 good breediog ewes, 1 registered ram, 1 brood sow, about 80 hens, 1 binder Frost and Wood, 1 Massey Harris mower nearly new, 1 Brantford mower, 1 massey Harris steel hay rake 10 ft nearly new, 1 seed dnill, 1 land roller, turnip pulper, 1 gang plough, 1 set spring tooth harrows, 2 set iron harrows, 1 waggon,. l1 bugey, 1 set bob sleighs, 1 cutter, 1 Chatham tanaing mill with bagger attachmeuts, turnip sowâ€" er, 1 pig rack, 1 pig feed boiler, 1 double set keavy hbarness, 1 dqouble set plough bharness, 1single set plough barness, 1 single set buggy hbaraess, 1 Oxford Cream Separator, 1 grind etoue, 1 heating stove with a quanity of pipes, a washing machâ€" ino, a churn, forks, chains: shoyels, and orther artitles too numerous to mention. | Credit Auction Saie of FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS. W.J. ECTOR, Diamond Rings and Fancy Stone Rings of all varicties. MacKAY & DUNXN, A povigk # 5i BSolicitors for the Executors lé,'.'flff! Derby Diamond Brooches, Pins, etc., mountedâ€"either all gold or goldâ€"filled. Gold Brooches Our line of Pearl Set, Fourteen Kaâ€" rat Brooches an : Scarf Pins is very complete. We don‘t send out catalogues but we get mail orders from all over the North West, British Columbia and United States, So much confidence is placed in us that we don‘t have to send out catalogae with Cuts in them. We also get their repairs. Inferior Goods and a Poor Reputation go handâ€"inâ€"hand. The best and only the best at all times. Tuze DUrHRAX FURNITUORE Co., LAtd NOTICE TO CREDITORS. _ ‘â€"â€"=â€"â€"â€" Blg In Calking to you about the good Quatities of our Sitverware Prop LOGS WaANTED . Sordon, James R. Gup Props., A Merry Christmas To You and Yours May the day be pleasant, the dinner good, the turkey done to a turn, the pudding hot with the right kind of sauce. May you receive as gifts the things you most desire, and may the day be as it should, the most enjoyable one of all the year. We have perhaps negleoted to put before you the many other lines we handle, including the following : Hemlock Spruce $8 to $10 Cedar "ParkErR s DRUVUG D. MePHAIL Andrew Derby {Wflum Hunter « The House of Quality," Auctioneer. ooo o ooo ooo ooo ooo o o vy Watchmaker, FJeweltesr and Optician B M illinery Sale To you all we extend a hearty Christmas Greeting, and may the year 1906 be the most successful that eve: has been. has three classes of readers. First, those who are already customers of our~ second, those who are not our customâ€" ers but should be; third, the tew leit over from the above. Christmas Novelties Sterling Silver, French Gray Finish Pearl and Diamond Set Lockets DECEMBER 21, 1905 Links, Buttons, Gold Necklets, of all sorts. Masonic & Emblem Rings Pins and Lockets. . C CCC sunry OUC HAL OVer, and in order to get rid of our stock, we have cut the prices at this early season,. It is not a usual thing to re duce the price of millinery so early in the season However we want to clear every thin g out, and during the next ; weeks we will give you barâ€" gains in Millinery. _ We don‘t want to carry one hat over, and in order to get rid of our Miss Dick. THIS JOURNAL StorE," Durham. Gold Chains . BLACK 10k and 14k ftar s

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