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Durham Review (1897), 28 Dec 1905, p. 1

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FOR HE eic STORE STION : en| Sat. Groceries CEMBER 21, 1905 ONTEST s W x eeting ) [ 1 )€ A B Estate Exchange, ndov, Ontario. X, Agent, Thistle )CS n1 W NJ 40 LISINS t write your address it to will be filed Dscember. A1ll gcitls unâ€" F1 nt pleasure to int. _ Just nt su0gests= . Haldimand, I,ncoln, Midâ€" Uxford, Peel, & _ Waterl ent wort h ;fi ess and Resiâ€" in all parts of ve a Farm or write for our M ind SA L B & Soxs on the Possesâ€" iÂ¥ to n FORD. ept a v ani P. O irms bam the NC on Un NJ it ANi )C ) )C #» 1Â¥ geananapmnenanxesaznnenxnnnnes VOL. XXVII. NO. 52 (»#alnGalaCelauele=ale=elonele =s atele=elenale=ale@ele "a} 10%e aÂ¥alaZe aZeleZelaZele Celonelebelavel eZelecel ons 1 per cent DISCOUNT From NOW Until NEW YEAR‘S ON ALL GOODS Bought at A.~GORDON‘S With a Gift from onr Linen Stock. § ~6 Table Cloths ...... .$1 to 3. Table Linen by the yd..30c to $1.25 = Table Napkins..75¢ to §3 per doz. â€" Towels. ...... up to flpfifi: Fl o or Matsâ€"we have some handsome ones........... $1.25 to 4.50.4 Chenille and Tapestry Table Covers.... ...... .. .... . $1.25 to 3.00 4, Ladies‘® Astrachan Jackets If you want to buy a really handsome and useful | gift for a lady, get her one of our Astrachan Jacâ€" & kets. We have a splendid assortment at ...... .$2%5â€"to Q‘ Or a Fur Ruff or Stole ts l We have one you will like at the price you want =.â€" _ to pay ; . fFOMs . .. ... ... Fis h e i e ar e es .l oo iss Fancy Neckwear, latest novelties,...............10.to 500% Handkerchiets â€"the daintest to be had............. 50 to ‘Ha% Handsome Waist Lengths, wool!, silk & wool, ete50cyd up.. Silks for Waists and Dress@s black, cream and colors Z% Dress Goods and Suit Lengths all prices to....$1,50 yd%‘y‘, Felt Juliets and Slippers...... ...... ..90c and $1 per pr_‘ SUIT CASES and CLUB BAGS. ® FANCY BRACESâ€"â€"Boys‘ sizes..10c¢ to 25¢ ; Men‘s..25¢ to 50¢ GLOVESâ€"Unline®* woolâ€"lined, silkâ€"lined...... ...... T5¢ to 1.50 HANDKERCHIKâ€"/Sâ€"â€"Linen......to 25¢ ; Silk...... 2¢to sq‘ TIESâ€"The latest shapes and colors.... .......... .... .. 10¢ to 50%’ NECK SCARFSâ€"â€"Some beauties. « C MUFFLERSâ€"â€"Can be pulled up to protect the head....50c eué . . Hints for .. Christmas Buyers James Ireland. Please the Housewife The Children and Missea. Wquld=like a vbair 6f our cosy Felt Slippers. a pair 6f our cosy Felt Slippers. Gifts for the Men :\"‘Nj‘»» oc ue oor x i *‘ ragarrees a> 'V a 3 l e e } & Hi_â€"| ‘ i O 3 W , f l s % e C â€" sotef y 68 o § 3 5 to 40 E ‘w o 3 $ o $1.25 » $t ‘pair © % to 4.50.» to 3.00 +. fi * 2s C D ;’“:‘I”, % tss *3 ®_1 DURHAM, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, The Presbyvterian congregations of Moorefield and Drayton have decided to dissolve partnership. In about ten years they bave worked together in harmony, the minister residing in Moorefield and preaching in Dravton in the afternoon. The Drayton station has in the meantime prospered to such an | extent that they feel able to maintain a |\ minister of their own and at the meetâ€" | ing of the Committee of Presbytery | held there on Tuesday they presented | a bona fide subscription list amounting ‘ to $914, out of which they promise to | pay a salari of $800 to a minister along | with a free house, â€" Moorefield in like manner presented a subscription list of ‘$650 and desire to haye this suppleâ€" \ nmented hy a grant from the au%menta- tion committee, with the hope that in a , short time they too will be able to stand alone. Moorefield has agood manse and tine sheds, all clear of debt. Drayton ‘has no manse but hopes to secure a euitable rented house for a home till , tbey are able to build. We wish all ‘ success to the new congregation thus auspiciously starting out for the new , year. â€"Com,. The firemen held their annual meetâ€" ing last week and enjoved a social fesâ€" tival afterwards at the Central Hotel. Ayling & Son is burning now a kiln of 300.000 bricks ready for sale." Guarâ€" anteed a good article and priges right, WarrED,â€"Situation as hookkeeper or clerk by competent reraon. Graduate of good business school. Apply to box 13, Durham. a A car load of Ogilvie‘s flour for sale at $5.60 per barrel at A, W. Watson‘s. Thorough Bred stock for sale. Apply to W m Morrison, Edge Hill, Ont. Arthur H. Jackson, Durham, has been «ppointed an Issuer of A arriage Liâ€" censes. Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Alex. Binnie who last week united their forâ€" tunes in marriage. _ We welcome them as citizens to our good town. Rouenr ducks and Plyrmouth Rock cockerels for sale at C. W. Lang‘s. Turkeys went down in more waysthan one last week, the price dropping from 14c to 12c. ALL Passenâ€"The Model Students who studied under Principal Allan here have all passed creditably, Miss Brookâ€" er being first with a very high standing* Open every evening until after New Years. Our watch making and jewelry store will be open till 10 p. m. Call and see our attractive stock. VÂ¥rEery Sap.â€"Much sympathy is felt for Mr and Mrs J. 8, Mcliraith oyer the loss of their bright little girl Elsig, by a most untoward accident. While rockâ€" ing near the heater on Sunday she hit the top of the chair against the kettle, which was upon the heater and containâ€" ing steaming water, and falling on ber, scalded shoulder and back severely. Remedies and medical skill were at once secured and on Monday it was thought danger was over, On Tuesday afterâ€" noon however, she took a convulsion aud died a few hours later. The funâ€" eral is on Thursday at 2 p. m. Dr Burt “}1" be at the Middaugh House, Durham, for consultation in Eye Ear, Throat and Nose cases, Wednesday Jan 3. from 11 to 4 p. m. Eyes tested and glasses fitted. Fingk W inpows.â€"The windows of the display stores in Durham were this year strikingly attractive, and the pubâ€" lic are under a debt of gratitude to the artistes for the fine and free displays. A unique feature was the electric windâ€" mill in Russell‘s north window. They‘re good yetâ€"call if you haven‘t seen them. Smart boy wanted to learn dry goods business, Apply at S F Morlock‘s. Teachers‘ agreements for sale at this office. Ho! ror Doxaro McGrEqGor.â€"The I. 0. Foresters have a concert on hand for 11 January next, at which the lead. ing artiste is to be the popular Donald McGregor, Will White is the humorâ€" ist of the occasion and a prominent lady soprano will be on hand. Particular® later of this great concert, l1th January A REL1c.â€"Mr Geo, Turnbull a few days ago brought us a memento of early Durham inthe shape of the pigeon holed letter boxes that were used in Durham Post office in the 50‘s and 60‘s of last century, Wecalled in Mr Gilbert Mcâ€" Kechnie, who at once recognized the humble affair, which for 7 years he satood before and handed out mail as a boy clerk to Mr McNab. He can still point out the boxes used by Geo. Jackâ€" son and other nocables. To the Electors of the Township of Egâ€" remont.â€" Ladies and Gentlemen,â€" Haying been nominated as a canâ€" didate for the office of Councillor for the year 1906. I take this method of solicitâ€" msyour votes and influence, _ I shall endeavor to merit your confidence by strict attention to theduties of the office, Wishing you the compliments of the season. I am hk / L Yours respectfully â€" # *\ IJxo. W.X _ > $ Â¥XÂ¥# The contest for Toronto mayoralty is between F S Spence and E Coatsâ€" worth. ;.â€"“5 Kilag. ud NR oard e ie â€" Slthn e L/ 4 . e 0+z L4 ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO & Election Card. A GoRDON NORMANBY Reeve Morice has a strong man conâ€" testing him: Mr E Murray, a counâ€" cillor of 1905, a bright, witty and inâ€" telligent Irishinan. Howover, Morice | has on several occasions had severe‘ contests and came out best and his| services â€"to the township will not be torgotten this time, especially since he will have more leisure to devote to his studies _A field of five are rnnning for the council ; W Moore, J Webber, W Umbach, H Koeing. G Keiple. BENTINCK ~Two such stalwarts as David Nichol, exâ€"M. P. P., and Samuel Dickson con-‘ testing tor the Reeveship gives a livâ€"| ely turn to affairs in this township. | Mr McNichol was one of the most pop | ular reeves Bentinck ever had. and‘ many think the memory of it will help | him vet. The present council Mess l rs Grierson, Torry, Cronin and Mark | Willis are being opposed by Messrs Rt Brigham, R Leslie and Alex Wilson and its anybody‘s race. ' DURHAM | Here is a happy fam‘‘y for this is | one of the rare years where an e‘ecâ€"| tion is not forced. Thec mncil for 1906 | comprises: Mayorâ€"â€"A S Hiunterior the | third time and we congratulate him . on the confidence bestowed on him, | showing appreciation of his work. No other name was placed in opposition. Not so the council: Messrs Calder, | Sparling, Kinnee, McGowan, Livingâ€"| stone, McKinnon, Moran, Furneaux, | R McFarlane. J A Lenahan, k Cochâ€"| rane and Whelan were named. Cal | der and Sparling announced their| withdrawal and only two of the others / came yoluntary to take the declaration, the clerk completing the council by inâ€" | ducing four more to stand to sayve a | new election. â€" The good men and true Of nex. year‘s council are R Cochrane, ; G Furneaux, J A Lenahan, T Moran, | R McFarlanoe, T Whelan. _ These with the mayor will run the town for 1906 with the attenuated tunds availâ€" able and they have a chance to make ; themselves famovs if they can do it successfully on a 21 mill rate. | Geo E Arrowsmith having served | his municipaiity faithfully as counâ€"| cillor for many years found it imâ€"| possible to devote the necessary time | to municipal work for the coming year ; hence his resignation. | EGREMONT | Reeve Hastie has found a man bold | enough to enter the field against him, one of the old council Thos Gordon, , having taken the field with, it seems ‘ to us, small prospects of winning. The} rest of the old council haye lots of| company. _ The candidates are W, ; Ferguson, Jno McArthur, C W Robb, i J W Walls, Jas F Darrant, J R Fhilp, I J D Roberts. Seven men for four poâ€" sitions. Forguson has a sure thing in | the north unless by over confidence. I' McArthur usually has a solid vote to : rely on, while the lav out gives an old ‘ and tried servaut like Walls agoodk fighting chance.. But its all uncertain. | For trustees of the Police Village of Holstein : Dr A I Brown, W J Sharp, '] Ard. Seim, Chas Drumm. y Space forbids this week referring to the fireworks between MrCalder and the Treasurer over an item in the statement which Mr Jackson suceeeded in maintaining was right ; with Mr. Moran over the rock removal, and we must say the latter gentleman made the best case for the expenditure we have yet heard; with Secey Ramage of the School Board over alleged delimâ€" quencies of that body. Mr Calder‘s was a long long speech and had an election been on, we would of course had more to say now. _ All of it can wait, rauch of it was wasted time. Chairman Johnston of the School | e N C Board had the honor ot asclamation as | NOTICE TO CREDITORS. trustee in the east ward, deservedly | it ce reicrmeess so as he enters on his 21st continuous | y a o j»n the Surrogate Court of the County of year in the service efthe town, _T |‘ Grey, in the matter of {h(muw Geddes Livingstone and J P Telford were| late of the Townshipof Normanby, iu named for West and NOl‘t'h wardsteâ€"| the County of Grey, Farmer, deceased spectively, but both withdrew on | pOTICE 18 HEREBY GI VEX pursuant to Statute learning _ that the conncil| was. just apu,it®the Prntes Thohie weldies denet filled. â€" So that School Board for 1906 | Who died on or about the 2ist day of November remains unchanged its persongel 1005 are required on or before the . _‘ %iing : W Jobnston and Dr Gun tor‘i 20th day of January, A. D., 1906 st Ward, Jas Carson and 8 P Baun. | to send by post g:pdd, or deliver to Messrs. Macâ€" ders for West Ward, W D Milis and !?‘:;Ls‘%&hfi’&?-“an:.:‘fi%”flf“&"é'Jgfi‘gfi&i‘éf € stian es, sul m esses mage tor North Ward. _ with full particulars of their claiins and the nature PROTON of all securities (luny_) held by them., if ‘by atclamation. â€" w zes uhn int pie Speogion miil Eroscod men‘ a execu All by .h? amation. alter Bell | To pistibate the i mre M imesd steps i to the Reeve‘s chair, his place‘m::mgfi%“mdwlu 1G the being filled by Richard Cronin. | Elaims of which they shall then have notice: and Daniel Edge, Treasurer; JS Black. ; Township Clerk. | Glenelg Council by Acclamation. ‘_ Last Tharsday and> Friday, Mr emnsores : Woods, the independent expert emâ€" mc:;rkf.rl(;ggis Black bas kindly sent | p:ge:f t:.:uke an unbiasse d éxaminâ€" e To g account of the proâ€"| & marl properties here, was ceedings : s P :’:en the mhn:‘u“l:k&'dwq with Reeveâ€"Thos McFadden : Council. FCP"OS@DAives n &nd the lorsâ€"John A McMillan, °E W 'fi':;cnc, |Cement . The ice in most places Malcolm Black, William Weir. | was flh to bear them and ‘ Monial diva Tranamean. TCO Di.21 !borln‘r-‘ * f HANOVER. Mayor: Dr Mearns by acclamation® Councillors ruoningâ€" , Moâ€" Gesh, Taylor, Kirchner, . man, Frook and Witchun. yee" The Nominations. 8 W ’}W‘Ti""‘,.. \C8 wone B fie: 44 General =and wideâ€"feit | regret was expressedâ€"on Monday when it became known that our great Cement mill was closing down. . True, it has run a few days longer than last year, but from the mild character of the winter, it was expected. that operations could have been continued for several weeks yet, and thus add to the wealth of the shareâ€" hulders by increased stores of.cement for the early trade. Perhaps we are too suspigious, but an _ unnecesary slight has bezn put on Director Meâ€" Kechnie who was not even consalted as to the slosing, and actually knew nothing ot it till done. It is a very neavy loss to the comâ€" pany to have earning power cease while the office staff costing annually well up to $10,000, has to be continued. We,again reiterate that Mr McKechâ€" nie‘s propttnl to inaugurate a scheme to supply the marl in sleighs in sufficiâ€" ent quantity o keep the muill running to pay expeises in the winter months, is worthy c« Cousideration and adoption. 2 span of working horses, 1 spring colt, 2 thoroughbred cows, supposed to be in calf, 5 milch cows supposed to be with calf, 5 steers rising three years, 3 heifers rising three years, 2 steers risâ€" ing two years, 2 heifers rising two years 5 spring calves, 10 ewes, 2 brood sows‘ 6 pigs three months oid, a number of hens, 1 binder nearly new, MceCormick make, 1 mower nearly new, McCormick make, 1 lumwber waggon, 1 light wagâ€" gon, 1| seed drill, 1 land roller, 3 set bohâ€"sleighs, 1 horse rake, leutter, 1 buggy, 3 land plows, J gang plow. 1 scuffler, 1 weigh scales, 2 set farm harâ€" ness, T set single harness, a quantity of Hay and a number of other articles too numerous to mention,. Terms of Sale All sums of $5.00 and under must be cask, over that amount 10 months credâ€" it will be given on approved joint notes and GOJ)er ceni pet annum discount allowed in lieu of notes, For furthur particulars apply to Rost, BRIGHAM, Auctioneer, or to McKAxy & Duxx, Durham, solcitors for the Executors. _ Depths of aprmmly first class marl, uniform in quality, from Gâ€"to 18 feet iwerefoul over an area that would la‘%par wb:lmplemfluordxdvuz ‘The second da greater ‘dept were dfloword' and in one place alâ€" ready dredged was found a degth of 15 feet still at the bottom. This is an exâ€" traordinary finding, if the chains of the dipper w@re long encugh to reach it and the good. We wait with patience for the verdict of the expert who is beginning ! again toâ€"day, Wednesday. 1 Under instructions received from Anâ€" drew Derby and Wilkham Hunter, the Executors or the late Thomas Geddes, there will be offered for sale by (public auction by Robert Brigham, Auctioneer at Lot Number 21 Concession 18 Townâ€" ship of Normanby on FRIDAY, JANUARY 12th, 1906 commencing sharp at one o‘clock p. mâ€" the following faam stock and impleâ€" ments : â€" A great number have made their‘s read so during the last few days. We have made al changes upâ€"toâ€"date and and ask everyone to examine and reâ€" port if not correct. If YOU have not renewed, we renew our request to you to renew at once, greatly obliging. the County of Grey, Farmer, deceased N OTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Statute that all l'?u':ot\a having claims and demands against the Estateof Thomas Geddes, deceased, who died on or about the ?1st day of November 1905, are required on or before the to send by post m’d, or deliver to Messrs. Macâ€" Kay and Dunn, sters, Durham, Solicitors for the Executbrs of the Estate of the said deceased, their Christian names, ";ul?smes and addresses with full particulars of claims and the nature of all securities (ifany) held by them. AND FURTHER take notice that after such mentioned date, the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the parties entitied thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notzn mé that the said Executors will not be lisble for the said assets, or any part thereof to any person of whose claim notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. Dated the 18th day of December, A. D., 1905 MacKAY & DUNN, Bolicitors for the Executors ; Andrew Derby Of Farm Stock, Implements, &c "Nae .Â¥ %rks Closed T);wn. Does it read "Dec. ‘08." EXECUTORS‘ SALE On Wilder‘s Lake. That Label ? â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Â¥ @4 iC ar. * ,'7 *p% 1 *» Tur Pusuusu®r { ies Dont, One of those pleasant events where Oupid J}lan an important part, took place Mondavtevening, Dec. 11th. at Niâ€" enlamede, the home of Mr. A. E. Hardy. Tahae contracting parties were Miss Tva A. Booth, a young lady well known in Winnipeg Social Gircles. and formerly of Boothville, Ont., ind Mr Wm. Arâ€" nott a prosperous and enterprising far» mer from east of Deloraine. Man ,Mr. H. L. Kinsman performed the marmage ceremony in an offiating manner.. The bride was becomingly attired in a Snit of navy blue hroad clothb, Aftt*n AaSâ€" nal festivities which always foltow such happy eyents, the young couple took the early morning train for Ontario, aâ€" mid showers of wheat and rice, deliverâ€" ed by an interesting crowd who had collected to see them off, and who exâ€" tended their hearty greetings and well wishes, Mr and Mrs Arnott wili return in March and will make their home at Rosedale, their beantiful residence near the shore of Whitewater Lake.â€"Com, her going away gown of navy blue hrm\‘cloth with a toque to match. She was given away by her uncle, Charles Howell. ~Mr and Mrs Hewson left for their honeymnon on the nine o‘clock train. On their return they will reside on Pine 8t.â€"Com, â€" M« Hewson was a resident of Durham some years ago while running the People‘s Mill. A quiet wedding took [place at 8t John‘s church Thursday morning, when Rev FC Piper united in marriage Miss Mary Elizabeth Stewart, daughter of the late Captain James Sinclair Stewâ€" art of the lith Michigan mounted inâ€" fantry, to Thos HMHewson of Thorola. The bride, who was unattenged, wore Mr W, J, Ritchie, Dear Teacher :â€"As onur relstion as teacher and pupils is about to be severed, it is with feelings of regret that we say good bye, We will long remember your kindness to us and the agreable time we «pent together. and we trust that your efâ€" forts for our good will not be without fruit in our lives, Refore saying good bye we would ask you to accept this small presâ€" ent as a reminder of our feelings of good will for you and our boest wishes for your future andwhateyer your callng may be, we hope it will be attended with suceess, The annual meeting of the Durham Horticultural Society will be held in the Public Libraty on Wednesday evening, Jan 10. 1906, at 7.30p m.. for the election of officers and other business, . Memâ€" bers and those inwerested are earnestly requested to attend,. _ Also please take notice that none but paid up members are allowed to vote or take office, G McKronnI® C Fraetu President Secyâ€"Treas, Friday last the pupils of Ne 10, Benâ€" tinck, expre«sed their appreciation for thoir teacher, MNrW. J. Ritclme, by the foliowing address and a beautifal albaom ; Aberdeen, 22 Dec, OMA.Z Signed on behaif of the pupi No 10, Bentinek. John Ross MeDonaid, John Wim. MeNally, John Thas. Putherbouzh, Roy Wilbert Caswell, Albert The Christmas Rush A happy little wedding took place on dfl'l,‘ll.: dl:'q'h‘tt a‘lq gcduE" eve er , giv and heart in -nmlo Mro g mnon. Both are nown in town highly respected. About 30 guests were present and a good many times thirty friends and acquaintances will {oiu in wishing health and rich blessâ€" ngs to the popular young couple. The ceremony took place at 12. 30 :..im. They were unattended, the bride ng led in by ber unclie, Mr 8, P. Sanâ€" ders. The ceremony over and wedding dinner par taken of. the ;:ppv couple left for a honeymoon ‘trip to Toronto, Buffalo and other points The bride was attractively attired in: a travelling costume of navy broadclorh and hat to match, and wore a lovaély seal coat. Bhe carried a bouquet Of maiden hair ferns and lilies of the valle¢. Miss Ruth Johnston played the wedding march, The presents were numerous and heanâ€" tiful,. The Review extends hearty good wishes to the young couple, New Year‘s Gifts ‘The Busy Store on the Busy Corner. R. B. Keeler & Sons I % Address and Presentation To January CHAS RAMAGE, | $1.00. Was at Keceler‘s Busy Store on the Busy Corner and for Keeler‘s is the place to save money. HAPPY NEW YEAR. We wish you one and all a 4+ Notice. s m io+ = axp Posussura. Subscribe lolhn Gmerson, John Smith, Roy Smith, Albert Lunneys NOW. 7, only

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