West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 28 Dec 1905, p. 6

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led r little foiks include E fairy tales by Alice us departments are £ interest and value RRN IS H ii“' ‘ er 8 AINS AilL.L. er | nous lead. eals to the >o°ws“ nere sub. OAT NISHWINGS €a NISHINGE oaul _ is divided Mogul Tes Dick. ogul Bean‘s Bic CLAUS up the or, ** At Spinster as well as John story of the sage, The education of . of a thoughtful eckham Murray, tle folks include 1NE ean or Ne 6 & e e Raymond§ Sewing Machines.~ McClary Stoves for Coal ‘or Wood Agent for the Dilion Hinge Stay Fence. sOMETHING NEW IN TJcering Jfarvesters Prime Cigars Stewart‘s Confectionery Ack1 Smoker‘s Supplies in half inmes in Buck all vrices. A r Dolls, Dolls, Dolls, Dolls at Half Price Cased Pipes, Meershaum Pipes, Briar "ases, Smoker‘s Sets, all kinds tobacco. Toilet Sets, Travelling Sets, Manicure Sets3, Shaving Sets, Hair Brushes, Cloth Brushes, Hat Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Shaving Brushes, Miliâ€" tary Brushes, Manicure Sets, Mirrors. FA Perfume and Toilet Articles Ebony Goods Hand Bags, Purses, Wallets, Letter Music Rolls, Toilet Rolls, Brush Cases, &c, &c. Leather Goods DARLINGS DRUG STORE DARLINGS, DECEMBER 28, 1905 . Domestic and imported in Boxes of 10, 25, 50, and 100. GOOD VALUESâ€"We back up our advertising by doing what we We can give only a mere list of our goods, but in quality and ade 1tability to the needs of South Grey we are not excelled: Deering Harrows, Wilkinson Ploughs, Heney‘s Harâ€" ness, Palmerston Buggies. Renowned articles, fair prices MUSICAL, GOODSâ€" â€"A utoharps, The largest stock Gohn Glark. ‘or. our Also Wilbelm‘s Wringers, all made The best n their argest stock of perfumes in town. Imported and D&mwtie Perâ€" and Fancy Casesâ€"Perfumes in dainty cut .glass â€"Perfumes at new stock of Perfume Atomizer. own Customers we have put in a line of nice dolls WASHERS; The Perforated Drum, only in the Idea tm i{{ni Frarm [ achinery. line as we bandle only the best. Acknowledged to be the best in market Violins, mandolins, Mouth Organs. The People‘s Druggists dow Cases, Card Cases, Portifoliog, by Watson of Ayr. A tew doors South of the Middaugh House. , Cigar Holders, Cigar â€"price cut Miliâ€" sls w25 We gide Reeve read Dr Sueath‘s yearly report as H officer which showed eight cases of Scarlet Fever reported in January, al in N E corner ot Tp. ‘These were stricil quarantined. . Soothville school was dis infected. In June their were four case in ona familyâ€"no deaths resultedâ€"po diphtheria cases were reported. â€" Daring last three moaoths a large number of sevâ€" ere cases of Typhoid Fever have existed â€"infection conld not be traced in all cases â€"No small pox I::o To. but there uB an epiâ€" demic in a neig ring aud Board ot Hoalth should advise a Ig‘l;uonl vaccinaâ€" tionâ€"No eases of Tuberculosis reported, measles bave been epidemic in township almost the whole year and some deaths from accompanying pneumonia were reâ€" An order for $2.%5 in favor of Jro Waddel to b:y wood for xrs Barc‘ay. Reeve read Financial Statement to Counâ€" cil and 2oo were ordered to be pricâ€" ted. Reevye and clerk wore paid $8 each for prepariog said statement, Reeve‘s Expenditure â€" Chas melunis, gravelling 79 rods cost §63.20 : filling the holes and repairing road 5.00 ; parâ€" ment recommended less 25.00 ; paid on accountâ€"Thos Weir. tile culvert and ditching, cost $7,.50 ; Com‘rs fees 3.00, S Robb‘s acct of 5oc for outlet to culvers was not entertained. Mr McNeil was paid $7 use of council room. Byâ€"law No 191 to appcint DR O, Polling piaces, and place to hold nominâ€" auion meeting on Friday 22nd inst, wius passed aud signed. Com‘r mcArthur‘s expenditureâ€"R Harâ€" per, sundry jobs, drawing tile, putting in culverts and ditching costing $29.12 on Con 1% and 18, Neil Calder, drawing tile and culvert, $3.50, A Stewart do 2.25. A mcGillivray ditching 2.85, Thos Watson culvert 2,00, Fees 4.00 Also R Cantlin, cedar on!vert and ditchâ€" img loth sideroad., Con 4â€"5, Cost $8 ; Jno Currie repairing two culverts, con 5â€"6, Cost $4 ; Com‘rs fees $4. Csm‘r Gordon reported on a water grievance on East Arthur Townline. He mith the Reeve of Artbur deepened the ditch and put in a tin culvert ; total cost §81.50, Egt‘s share $15.75 less §3 5o tor tile. Com‘rs fees §2. The account of $2 from Arch. MceEachâ€" eru could not be entertained until it is certified to by the pathmaster. & e mC T “UJUI for $15 r A Prio‘r funeral expenses. A petition was presented by John Kennedy und lo others asking for a U $ S to be formed on ig‘t and Arthir townline but was uct entertained. Council met Dec 15, minutes approved An order was passed in favor of A Moyer $ e W d i2 l $ t i 000 & We believe that the best men of South Grey, to whatever political parâ€" ty they may belong, will approve of Mr. Miller‘s reply and of his pusition upon the now much talked of subject to which the letters refer. No sensibiv loyal Canadian desires to bave the perniciouns American spoils system in«â€" troduced into Canada, and the Reform Party, whose record along that line is so good had better resist every tempâ€" tation and every dermand to do unyâ€" that will encourage it. I believe that the Whitney supportâ€" ers by their so free use of the guiliotine will but weaken themselves. If we imitate them we will do cur:elves and the country a great injury. â€" So far asg my Riding is concerned I, while I reâ€" present it, will recommend that offiâ€" cials who do not offensively meddle in political affairs and who properly perâ€" form the duties of their offices shall be retained and that officials who persig= tently neglect their duties shall be dimissea. " pebrrur e ciiyrratrmteeier adnstadides.d®h ... xt tice. I presume all of the Ontario Libâ€" eral members are up against the same propositicn, and it does seem to me that the whole question should be carefully considered by the Federal Government. If we decapitated a few Conservatives Federal officeâ€"holders it might prove a saluw.ary check on the spoils crowd in Toronto."‘ * ‘ Mr Miller‘s reply was as follows: ‘‘We are not, as yet, having any trouble in this Riding as to the dismigâ€" sal of Provincial Government officials. None have been dismissed. Some ot my political friends have suggested that if there beany dismissals I shounld in return, recommend the disinissal of Conservatives under the Dominion Goâ€" vernment. [ will not, however, under any circuim> ances, do any thing of the kind. _ I am heartlly and thoroughly oppused to the "‘*spoils " system. If the Whitney Government make generâ€" al what appears to have been their policy in many Ridings since they obâ€" tained offtice, and continue to dismiss officals under theim who are and have been Reformers, and should the Domâ€" inion Government in any measure reâ€" taliate. we will at once, and probably for all time, have the American sysâ€" tem and all Government officials will expect dismissal at ev.ry cbange of Government, ‘The result will be that inexperienced and untried officiais will be continually bem(gi appointed in the lace of experienced men whose only &ults have g:en their political opinions. With such a system in vogue officials will fteel sure of their positions wh.le their party is in power and just as sure as sure that they must go when their | party goes, and thus a great incentivye | to good and faithtul service will have ; been removed. y . Mr. H. H. Miller M. P., recently received from uhlgomg“i’o}n member reâ€" presenting another DBR, a letter trom which the followln% is an excerpt: ‘‘Are you baving muc trouble ftrom your supporters asking for reprisals to the W hitney Government‘s dismisâ€" enls from office? Practicall y all of the Provincial civil servants of my Riding, right down to the Issuers of Marriage Licens'es. have been removed from ofâ€" 2g Egremont Council «â€"~â€"â€"â€"~â€"#Â¥ 0 4 The Guillotine. 5e se a 00c ui mllo Mess o g '-’. " i® C n mt i9. * â€" ) any i i L tugs n _ Sueath‘s yearly report ich showed eight cuses reported in January, al ‘p. These were stricil ONTARIO ARCHIVEsS TORONTO , Matthews & Latimer 7 oc r1ies, Fruits and Confectionery Full line of Fiour and Feed Chrigstmas is Intending Students should enter at the beginâ€" ning of the term if possible. Board can be obtainâ€" ed at reasonable rates. Durham is a healthy and uctir‘;ctln town, making it a most desirable place esidence. Wm.Jonaston, Jr., C. Ramage, Chairman. Sec ret Staff and Equipment. The school is thoroughly equi pped in teaching ability, in chemical and electhca{ supplies and fit tings, &c., for full Junior Leaving and Matriculaâ€" tion work. The following competent staff are in charge : THOS. ALLAN, 1st Class Certificate, Principal MISS L. M. FORT..R, B. A., Classics, Moderns and English. MISS FLOSSI McKERRACHER, First Class Certificate and third year undergraduate of Queen‘s Unlversitly;. Science, History and Geography, MISS MARY GORDON, First class with honors Graduate of Ontario Normal College. Mathematics and English Grammar during Model Term. All our graduates get positions. Our Superior work is well known throughout Canada. _ Jur acillitiee are unsurpassed. _ WINTER TERM OPENS JAN. 2nd. Write for catalogue. f W.J. ELLIOTT, Principi Corner Yonge and Alexander Sts. Durnam School are very far back in their studies. We teach readâ€" ing, spelling, writing, arithmctic to grown u{; young men and women. Separate rooms for this department and a seprarate desk for each pupii with plenty of personal help. Full particulars sent free to any address. Address : C. A. FIBM!NG, Prin 3 The Telegraph Course for young people \s'ho wish to’becgme tcfi-grap?: operators or to enter railway work. porters, etc, 1. The Business Course for young men .‘women wgo wish a §oo<r business training to quflify them to do business for themselves and others. This course is useful to the business man, the farmer or the professional term, also first class preparation for young people who wish to go into office work. 2 Th1 Shorthand Course for young people who wish to become stehnortapnhers ra Begins Tuesday, Jan. 2, 1906 * Four complete courses of study, suited to the needs of all classes of young people, tss Thiw WINTER TERM AT THE ADâ€"MNWORIHERY S »2 We bave made special preparations in our Grocery Dept and solicit a share of the Christmas trade. Cali and see our goods. To our much esteemed customers and to everybody we wish a very Happy Christmas us but we have secu ous gonds to suppl Christmas Festival, The Preparatory Course for those who e very {t‘a.‘r bpu,ck in }Rjr st'g_(fies,_ We teach readâ€" THK DURHAM:â€" REVIEwW Santa Claus The chairman in presentiny this vote of thanks to the Reeve spoke in the highest terms of commendation of the Reeve and Council. _ The reeve replied after which the lust council meeting of 1905 closed. and the Celebrated CLYDESâ€" DALE STJCK FOOD and remedies always on hand. A d we sre tprepnred to tk; best of everything in MeArthurâ€"Robbâ€"Thas a vote of thanks be now tendered to the Reeve for hir kind, abre. ana enuriG@ous manner disâ€" played in diacharging his duties as head of this council daring the year now drawâ€" ing to a close. Xotion for Reeve to vacate the chair and xr Wm Lawrence take the same, Carried, ~â€" MeArthurâ€"Robbâ€"That a votn af tha« i. reported. Snndry accounts auw‘t‘s to $215.70. A HIGHâ€"GRADE sCHOOL ! TOxONTO, ONT. Did not . McARTHUR FEES: §1 per month in advanee "L ioh eR We CETte m TUEE we have secured ample and variâ€" o. V e â€" & WPV ' leave his entire siock with supply delicacies for the Je VUIP EPC s t £°° become " stenographers, D Artrax, Clork. L l L HAC Engineers and others who realize the advisabilâ€" ity of having their Patent business transacted by Experts, advice free, Charges mfim“"‘m&“fi Neig. mentreni ; and Wusklogion: Dcs Uaokl 6 ONEEGTIONRY . E:sce A. W.Watson Buns ar 1 Biscuits in great variety All kinas of Cakes made to order WEDDING CAKES our specialty C. L. GRANT. First=â€"Class Manitoba Flour For Sale CAPERINES. In FUR RUFFS we have ‘tbem from $2 up to $9. Waitson‘s Bread Venetians, Serges,Mohairs and Henn\ettas. can‘t be beaten. Our:50c values in allwool NEW DRESS GOODS We have more new ranges in, All makes, styles and prices. _ Call and inspect these. We have one to suit you, TUDHOPE ‘CARRIAGES Also other highâ€"grade Manitoba Flours, per barrel . ... . ... .$5. 40 Barclay & Bell Ogilvie‘s Royal Household per bartel. .. seem to be all the go. They are handsome and as everybody knows, they are the most durâ€" able rig on the market. Call and examine them. For Useful Christmas Presents 1 WAREROOMS opposite Middaugh Ho. Stables. > + AB USUAL . FURS nice assortment RANGES PEEL‘G â€"TheB »st JOHN CLARK _» Durham, Nov. 16, ‘08. D. McPHAIL _â€"» Collections and Agency promptly attended Wills, Deeds, Mortgages, Leases, Agreements &e. correctly prepared. Estates of deceased perâ€" sons leoked after and Kxecutor‘s and Adminisâ€" trators‘ Acceunts prepared and passed Burrogate Cours Business, Probate of Wills, Letters of Ad minstration and Guardianship Obtained. gearâ€" ol-m wade in Registry Office and Titles r.p&.. 0 Jempany and private Funds to Loan op Mortguges at lowest rates of interest. Valuation made y a competent and careful Valuator Alll Charges Moderate Notary Public, Commissioner, Convey ancer, Valuator, Insurance Agent,‘&e Oflceâ€"â€" Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers &e. Money to Loan. Olfice. McIntyre Block, over the Bank A. G. MacKkay K.C. W. F Dunn Barrister, Solicitor in Supreme Court Notary Public, Commissioner, &c. a Money to Loan. nmo.. over Gordon‘s Jewelry Store. Ofliceâ€"Calder‘s Bloc Terms moderate. Arrangements for sales as to aates, &c., mnst be made at the Review Ofâ€" fice, Durham. $ Correspondenceaddressed there, or to Ceylon P.O., will be promptly attended to, ‘Terms on application to D. MePHAIL, Ceylon P. 0 or to > C. RAMAGE, Durbham 4ar Ocyloli has a telephone office. Licensed Auctioneer fo the County of Grey. Licensed Auctioneer for the Co. of Grey. Sales mflr mattended to. _ Rates reasonable. Orders may be left at his Implement Wareâ€" "o sn d ce CC eeee se es Teer on ts HonoRr GRADUATE of Toronto University, graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Rooms Over J & J HUNTERS N. on _ mable. Apply to Bdge Hill, Oct, 17. 1905 For Sarr.â€"Twoâ€"year old mare, eneral purpose. Alsosome wellâ€"bred W. C. PICKERING D. D S., L. D. S Bye, Bar, Nose & Throat Ofice, 15 FrogBSt, â€".â€" .. _ Owen Sourd Will be at the Middaugh House, Durham, the firss Wednesday o’ each month from 10 a. m. till 4 p. m. Late ass!stant to Moo: to Knapp‘s (New «*AÂ¥ 11LCtTLODRMRCCOrE. _ ARTHUR GUN, . ffice. McKenzie‘s Old Stand, Dnrham BARRIsTGR®, s0o:iciTor NOATRY PUBLIC _ Conmvrerancer, Private Money to Loan. Collecâ€" tions of all kinds promptly atten: ded to. Farms boughs and sold/ Licensed Auctioneer for Co. Grey J. F.GRANT, D. p. (Mce and Residence Cor. / VC YÂ¥ pe v~ 4 . PErsician & SUIG'lo;;- Office over J. &,J. Hurter‘s namn. . | #to 8 a.x, J. G. HUTTON, M. D, C M MACKAY & DUNN, Diseases of Eye, Kar, 1 se M be at Xnapp mo L _ 8. G.P,, luiotGa, Inglen Graduate of London,,New York and Cb‘ mgo. 9â€"11 a. m m uie â€" e OP â€"Cihe wl . LEFROY McCAUL. a. â€" JACKSON, Mem ber Oollege Physicians and Burgeons Telophone Con nection No Mesidence Cor, Garafraxa and George St., at foot of Hi11. * id Moodie Corner. ME DLA L ian? mA .. Epecial attention givren to Diseases of Women and Children. LOWER TOWN, DURHAM HOUR® + . â€" P. TELFORD ""weons of Ontario. Rooms J HUNTER‘S New Store DR. BURT ‘s old stand, or at the RavIEw DR. BROWN, Moorfleld‘s (London, Eng) and New York) Xye Hospitals, OFFICB 0URS over Post Office Wxu. Epoxk., ou Is, 1â€"61 2 m.» P e t t , and “m ‘â€"9 p. m . 10 «id Â¥4r

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