West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 4 Jan 1906, p. 4

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Credit Auction Sale of FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS. The undersigned auctioneer but Men instructed to sell " pttbhe suction at Lot 61, Con. 8, E. G. B. Glonolg. On Friday, January 6th, 1905. , The following stock. implements. to: 1 mum rising 5 yenrold in fol to Clydesdnln Champou. 1 aged mare. 6 cows supposed to ha in calf. 3 your old halter B, 6 two yr old noon. 1 year old steer. 7 ealves 22 good breeding owns, 1 registered ram. 1 brood now. about 80 hens, 1 tunder Frost and Wood. 1 Mannev Harris mower nearly new. lBrantford mower. 1 must-toy Harris steel bay rake 10 it nearly new. 1 and drill. 1 land roller, turnip pulper, 1 gang plough. I set spring tooth barrows, 2set iron harrowa. l maggot). 1 buggy. 1 not bolt sleighs. 1 cutter. l Chatham fanning mill with banger attachments. turnip sow- er, 1 pig rack, 1 vig feed boiler, 1 double, 1 set heavy harness. 1 double not plongb‘ barman. l uinglo set plough humans. 1 ungle not buggy humans. 1 Oxford Cream Separator. I grind none. 1 heating stove with n quanity of pipes. n washing moch- ino.a churn. torkr, chains: shovels. and either article! too numemua to mention. No reserve as the farm is rented. Sale at 10 o'eloek p. in Terms: 12 mm. credit on approved joint notes sums ot 95 and undencash; over that amount 6 per cent discount for calm. W. J. ROTOR. D. McPHAIL Prop. Auctioneer. Jpriny Imp/omen" . . Ploughs, Barrows, Drills, Scumers etc. Enquire at this agency. Pete, 3tamitton I Jtfsreme.y ' . l 3turoastina machinery . . Order: dUtt With R. MeMteken at the Hahn House Stable or at the REVIEW OFFICE. will receive our best attention. r, . . Chaim” Jtargains SPECIAL BARGAINS in ladies' skirts. To clear the balance of winter skirts we will sell all our heavy FRIEZE SKIRTS at greatly reduced prices, as this will show. Bnne, To clear out the bala we will sell for the next 3 and Trimmed Millinery at 6peeiut (Buraahts in Fancy a Hankerchiefs in both silk and lawn. fiverything in readiness for the Spring season. Do you want any Rakes, Mowers, Binders, etc., of this famous firm's make. They give great satisfaction. Prices and terms to suit purchasers. " Hemlock 'lil-, Spruce F- ch Cedar Tn Dunn Yum Co., Ltd LOGS WANTED $2.00 skirts ion». . . J8a {9:2an lit Our usual stock .of Christmas Groceries are Unexcelled. out the Balance of our Fall Mlumery 'r the next 30 days our Ready-to-Wear l M illinerv at cost and less than cost. heel/an Cash mm ' Prvee. but: been E Tlorrock. The year 1906 has been . very successful business veer with u: but we intend to make 1906, if it in in our power one at the beat yearn we have ever had in Durham. by giving our customers the towtamt bargains they ever had. Every farmer will find that we have good value in X cut SAWS and CHOP- PING AXES. Saws from " tn " and Axes trom 25c to 81.25. OUR SLEIGH BELLS consist of: full bodv shingn, half body strings, saddle chimes. gangs fur top of shaft, gauge for bottom of shaft and open bells. In HORSE BLANKETS we can suit the cheapest buyer that travels. as well [as tho greatest borne fancier living. Do not forget that we can supply your wants in Whips Rugs. Robes. Ciro cingles and Harnesg of evexy description. Have you seen our assortment of SKATES. second to none. Who would have their children wish. ing for th HAND SLEIGH. when one can be purchased so cheap. SEALED TENDERS addressed to the Postmaster General, will he received at Ottawa until Noon, on Friday, January M, 1906 for the conveyance of His Majesty’s Malls, ona proposed Contract for four years six times per Week eat-h way be- tween Durhamand Priceville and eigh- teen times per week between Priceville and Fleshorton G. P. Railway Station from the Postmaster General’s pleasule Printed notices containing further information an to conditions of prorosei Contract may he seen and blank 01an of Tender may he obtained at the Poet Dukes of Pricevilie, Durham, Ceylon and Buneusan and at. the Otriee of the Post ONee Inspector at Toronto. G. C. ANDERSON. Superintendent Pout omce Department, Mail Contract Branch. Ottawa, 12th December, INS '“ -- ‘Wm' "Cttiirriiiiiuiiiir W,- W. 11.1. “on.” cure-at”! You Risk Nothing by attending the popular of our Fall Millinery HARDWARE I 'iltin 973/ MAIL CONTRACT W. BLACK and Hemstitched . .$1.50 2,75 3.75 Dr Pickering spent. New Years " home in Mo Forest. Mr B. H. Pa is in in Detroit for . few days this 'alt, Mr Nich Feldnmn left Monday for I week’s holiday with Michigan relatives Mrs W. Calder holiday“! but week let her brother Mr F. Graham. in Mid. an . ‘ Mr and Mrs I no McQueen and familv. late of Boothville. moved last. Thursday to the Keeler residence. out. of town, which has been purchased by County Com. McCannel. Mr and Mo Patl Howick, spent oe the farmer's sister. Muster HI spending Ne town friends. Mina E. McDonald ing at present at he Mrs Geo. McDonald. Mr and In Rom Laidlaw and child.. ren of Ypsmynti, Mich, were guests of his brother here over the New Year. Mr J as. Cameron of Toronto, came up Saturday for a short holiday with tela- lives here. Mrs James Sharp of Hathven man. are home from the West to spend the winter with her parents Mr and Mrs Vessie. Messrs Mayiormd Read.|nf the Stand- ard Bank, spent New Year‘s at their 11011199 in Forest and Lucan respective- ly. Master Evered McKinnon. of the R. Simpson Co, Toronto, is spending over New Year’s at home Miss Greenwood attended the wedd- ing of her cousin c. F. Goodeve. of Act- on, to Miss Grindell, of Acton. Mr Geo Donne, Minn., visited his aunt. Mrs R, \Villiamnon foe a few days last week. His mother, Mrs Doupe, of Holstein, accompanied him. Mr Wesley Sirrs was in Toronto for the holidays. Miss Buchnn. of Walkerton, is a guest at Mr w. Buehan's. Mr Murphy, MM‘kdale, prop. Mid. daugh House, was in town Tuesday. Mr Jake Kress is again feeling slight- 1y unwell, and went to Toronto Wed- nesday to recuperate. Mt Norman McWIIliams, Duluth. after an absence of27 years, is visiting his early home in Glenelg. Mr and Mrs Alex Russell and little daughter, spent over the New Year with Fergus relatives. Mr W. C. Livingstone. of the Stand- ard Bank. Flesherton, was in town over the New Year. MI And. Smith returned Tuesday to Detroit, after holidaying with his par- ents here. Mr Roy Gordon left for London Tues- day morning. Miss Aggie Howard has returned home front Guelph Mr Chas Home. of Toronto, was a. visitor at Mr. E. T. McUlockliu's for New Year's Mr L.Smith, operator at. the station, left for Palmerston Tuesday, having been transfexred there. Mr P. GlieVes again tills his position here. Mr u. F. Lawrence, Virkers. left Tuesday for his new school in Cree- more. Misses Mary Gordon and Susan me- Clocklin left Tuesday for their schools in Fergus and Grand Vslley respective- y. Mr Jack Shaw, Dundas, came up to spend New Year's in town with his par- entl. Mr and Mrs Whitchurch spent New Year's holiday in Stratford. Mrs Carter, Owen Sound. is visiting her sister. MrsJ A Lenahan. Miss Emmn McCaul, of the Sick Chil- dren's Hospital, Toronto. is holidaying with her parents at. present. Mr Dan McKinnon spent. over New Year’s In Torrnto. Mr Allan McKinnon returned a. week ago Saturday from the West and Will be mth his Mother Angus and other friends for a month or two. Mr J ohn McKinnon teacher at Lamb- ton Mills was home over the holidays. Mr McKinnon has a reputation as a first class teacher, and his trustees know it, lull any so by giving him a salary of Mr and Mrs Arthur Vollet. Niagara Falls, N, Y, .have been visiting the former's sister, Mrs B. F. Warner, after an absence of about 13 years. Mr Jos Black passed through Durham on 'taaeruiasr en route to Waltrerton and rumor has it there is a. happy consum- mation to the trip. Mrs Duncan Galbraith, Sterling. Man, came home last week to visits Grey friends, Mr Jae RWilsou. his Sister, Miss Ella, and Mr John Harman. all of Lumsden, Sash. came home Friday. and soon found their way to Boolhville and Eeighhorhood where lay their early ome. Miss Mary McFarlane, of Govern- ment House, Toronto, spent New Year's Day at homiin Rob Roy, She returned Tuesday. Misses Chm Alice and Rosalie Brook.. pp left Tuesday tor their schools in iEnrlremont, Allan's and Yeovil respect- ye y. Mr Ben Willitrmmt/we. are pleased to state. in recovering; rapidly after the opomtion lat. Week. 3.3.1:} 'oirdaktt, Tim, -v 9; il 'an. mm and an. rum u norm The hall was crowded to the doors last night with a large and cultured audience attracted by the opponent‘s of Dongld o. McGregor. He ha a. pure baritone voice, strong and velvety In - note, end it in little wonder he hue eatehlinhed for himeelf the enviable mention of being Genocide grate-t ttaritotte."-St. Oothernee JoimsaV-. Don’t fall hearing ngthe I, o. F Otter. James Sharp_9f Rathval) yup. m: Banana REVIEW Mo Patterson, trad children spent over New Yul-'0 with r’l sister. Mrs W. H. Bean. Harry Layelle. Stamford. in New Year's hulking: with W" McDonald, Toronto. is visit.. sent stAter patents' Mr and Mary Gordon and Susan Mc- -- . " ac-S, r...L-A|- Mr Geo Hughes was in Toronto for the holiday. MidCoghlin lawn Salinity for her home in Smith’s mus. Mia Porter spent the holiday with Walketton hieuds, Miss Dick. visited her father in Ben.. sall last week bowing lesrned of his ser- ious illness. Since then she received word of his death. and is now present there to witness the last set! rites, [he Renew extends sincere sympathy. Mrs Dontld Benton. we regret to hear in very low tst, Pt elem. “can Angus and Duncan Baton. of Chicago, spent Xmas week with then mother in town. Mu Dlinkwater, Guelph, aim arrived last Tuesday to wait on her mother. at I" _ 'ise,tti'ira"d Rev A. E. Wellwoud and wife. Chats- worth were guests of Mr and Mrs N. w. Cunphell for two days this week. Mrs Wellwood is a neice ot Mrs Campbell. Messrs Inc. and Thus. Carson came home on Thursday evening from Muni- (olm. on account of the serious illness of both their arehta. Mr Cameron. their 'd'l,d,'lflu'll", is also home. Mrs Orchard nnd Mr and Mrs Arthur McClncklin spent New Year's at. Hol- stein with Mr and Mrs B. F. Orchard. Dr and M rs ,lamiesnn ate New Year's dinner with Mr and Mrs Alex Jamieson Mt Forest. Mr Albert Kelly, Toronto, spent over the holidav with his In other and broth. er here. Mr. Hamilton. from near Staff». visi- ted his cousins the Browning and Moli- raith families Fast weak on the occasion of the funeral of Mr Mcilraith's child. Mr DJ Simpson, Okotoks. Alberta. Rave us a pleasant call last week. He has not been home for n number of years hut gratified himself. his mother, and nmny friends hv it trip east. He is taking a. car of horses with him on re- turn. ktraTH--ThCE--At the home of Mr. J. Philp, on Dee, 27, " Rev. Jno. Little, Herb. Keith (if Cottonwood, Stwk., to Miss Nellie Rice. of Ezremont. MCEACHERN- LEwrty--At the Methodist Parsonage. Holstein, on Dec. 20th, by Rev. G. P. Hchues. Wm. J McEnchern of Egremonl to Miss Edith Lewis of Orchard. MATTHEWS & LATIMER BARCLAY a BELL WM BRIGIIAM MRS. JAB. BOY THOB BUNSTON TAYLOR co. In the Surrogate Court of the Countyof Grey, in the matter of Thomas Geddes late of the Township of Normanby, iu the County of Greg, Farmer, deceased NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Statute that all Emu having claims Ind demands union the me of Thomas Geddes, deceased, who died on or about the 2m day of November. 1905, are required on or before the to send by post grepdd. or deliver to Messrs. Mac- Kayand Dunn. Brrigters, Durham, Solicitors for the Executors of the Estate ot the said deceased, their Christian names, surnames and addresses with tall pnrtlculm of their claims and the nature of all securities (Many) held by them. AND FURTHER take notice that after such mentioned date, the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and that the said Executors will not be liable for the said meta. or any part thereof to any person of whose claim notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. Dated the 18th day ot December, A. D., 1905 MacKAY a. DUNN, Solicitors tor the Executors Andrew Derby l William Hunter The undersigned offers his splendid property in Upper Town for sale. For particulars, apply to J OHN ROBERTSON. Removal A Happy & Ptos" perous New Year 20th day ot January. A. D., 1906 CLYDESDALE STOCK FOOD NOTICE TO CREDITORS. I have moved my stock from the Store to my house near the Skating Rink and will of- fer it to customers at low pri- ces so as to clear. It you want to get things rea- sonable in price and good in quality, you are welcome to call at my house. ' gaping "Diana forget the Big 4" We wish our many Customers and friends FOR SALE. MARRIED For ale by - Jte/siae DURHAM DURHAM ALLAN PARK VARNEY YEOVIL DROMORE Mr and Mm John Bord, of tm Lake, visited the farmer‘s old noun other friend: in an: neighborhood. week. with Lavina Hub-Imam days has week with Mum A ald. Mr w. Butledgo. Shekville. in visiting his cousin Mr Wm. Cooke. Mrs J. McDonald. Welehope. N. D.. in visiting: friends nnd rolntivu in this neigh- borhood u prawns. Miss Snub McDonald ntnrnod to Hamilton Wodnudny the: spending n Week‘s holidny " her home here. Mr and Mn Hoblnrk of Sudan}: In a present Vilma: It In Hobkirk'a. . ., 2- .L- Dunk-n- P""""" W--" -- The entertainment held in the Presby- terian Church hole Uat Thumb; in u great success. the program oeuuisting of singing. recitation. speculum and readings. Aftrr this part of the program Wu over Mr Alex McDonald. who bu been superin- tendent for a. number of you-n. Wu taken by surprise and was preeanbed with I weil read uddrma and u bundaome easy chair which we hope he will enjoy for number of years. x. u. uluyu. n ..-..-_v,,, - swindled widows, orphans and client: out of between '00.000 and '70,000. The lawyers for the prosecution am well as for the defence pleaded. P,tltntyT; 1U] |lIU “CIKUwV ---- -_ve'e" - He was sent to tbdcentral prison for 18 months. A man without npullotole 83000 worth of jewelry 1n Woodstock. all of which was recovered. He got7 years. God help the man Without, a irui1.--Kincnrdin't Reporter. - - . - ___ " nr, Did you ever hear of the town of No Good, on the banks of the River Blow, where the some-tinte or other went. the air and the soft- o cuties grow ? It lies in the valley of aunt's the Use. in the province of Let Her Slide: it'sthe home of reckless 1 Don't Care. where the Give-u-ups abide. The awn is an old an the human hue. and it grow with the ttight of years. lo is wrapped in the fog of the idler’. dreams ', its gtreettt are psved With disordered schemes and are sprinkled with useless tears. T. H. Lloyd. A tewmtutttlt.?t.rtr, Stuff and Equipment. The school is thoroughly e ut in teachin ability, in chemical end tlg/gentle',,',' sad Ft tings, ae., for full Junior Leaving Ind MatrieuU- tion work. The following campaign! Matt no in chm-Re I T808. ALLAN, lat Clue Certitieate, Principal 11188 L. It. mummy. A., _ - .. _ Durham School Intending Students should enter at the begin- ning of the term if possible. Baud an be obuin- ed at reasonable ram. Durh-m in I halthy end Attila-echo town, making it . most dutnble piece es ence. Wm-Johnston, Ile., G. Ram-go. Bat when you want anything in LEATHER in either Boots or Shoes give us a call. We have at present a good assortment of warm winter wear for young or old in different styles. Also Moccasins, either Oiltan or Deer- skin. In Leggings we claim first, place in either styles, quantity, qui- ity or prices. Our Mitts. Gloves and Mitt Facings are NO I. We have the largest assortment of Shoe Dressings in Durham to choose from, 1150 many other things to numerous to mention. M y Hair is Extra Long The Down Town SHOE STORE J. S. McIlraith Feed your hair; nourish it; give it something to live on. Then it will stop falling, and will grow long and heavy. Ayer's Hair Vigor is the only genuine hair-food you can buy. It gives new life to thel hair-bulbs. You save what} hair you have, and get more" too. And it keeps the scalp clean and healing. Jil' 7}?“ 'jit" '“" .-_ -. -ciiufaioiiisiu and English. MISS FLOSSXE McKERRACHER, Hm Clan Certificate md third yen- undergmdunte of Queen's Universal? Science, istorr and Geography. The best kind at a *ns‘imnw '2‘ - “Sold tor over sixty tugs." We have been too busy to Write Ads. Custom Work and Repairing u (13qu n FEED: " per month In ttdTtbnee. "iriaTi2/,EEirittigt J Crawford. TERMS : CASH , spent: 10' Annie MeDon CHERRY MAL of tymtiow homo 90¢ an»! of No N CAN WLRH YOI' A Y ME " Prosperous New Yeur.-Few can tell you bow to begun it. YOU STARTLING STATEMENTS ! A House of Quality advertises Sweeping Reductions, Our Trade during the pant year w the largest in our history _. good dent the largest. We sincerely thank our many customers for their patronage but we want stall mow customers this coming year. 8 I? In a Mock which Wu not placed for a hen-gum stock. 4 (I In asIm-k where everythizm Isa bargain mud mulling a fraud. Now is the Time. Come and pun-ham- Thus begin the Prmperuus Md Ki Jas. R. Gun &00. We have in and: everything that a tinet-chu" drug store ought to have and we couldn't make our prices any lower for first-class troodtr-trnd we won't keep any other kind. 'l-ri'--]-..--].--]--]---..'.-.-]-.'-]-'-]-.]--)] Big -ll, -r-,ir-r-' Millinery Sale THE HOUSE OF QUALITY uncut A, Watchmaker Jeweliet and Optician. " In a stock that in more complete than ever. a In n stook that is clean and up- to.doe. ndvu Huge reductions. It is not a usual thing to re- duce the price oi millinery so early in the season However we want to clear every thing out, and during the next 3 weeks we will give you bar- gains in Millinery. We dont want to carry one hat over, and in order to get rid of our stock. we have cut the prices at this early season. Miss Dick. Gard MogulTeaisa pmdudt of the sunniest mttuntaintqrirtCeylon. Prepared hymachinery duster mirmur--thepack.. “WNW“ m " thy '0ohaat"oerrarra W0 whnh‘y-I-av mhd~ -tsringittoyouinthe beatpmshUtgendotthe Gran Mogul- finestandripestteas. D HAPPY NEW YE AH £101:th Grown Our Thanks cannut toxin in a more prof- itahle way than by taking A. GORDON. Ceylon Tea of Gordon's sweeping s“ SOMETHIN my mend; Rd) Dee the Ho Milt " it It hn the h Imp: Thet" while Whe Mr and in the N the§aven Mr Jul pro-em v Staples. A ple at Mr evening Messrs week iron the holidl ity W. o cele JAN "

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