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Durham Review (1897), 4 Jan 1906, p. 5

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ar 4, 1906 STATEMENTS l (ry Sale Mogul dealersurw 'ahthis.the hdofthe Haas. Dis. Weapon vintage! he sunniest tin Ceylon machinery on to (av ur anks IRDUN * to store e-the pack; uh uptight , you in the IQ W un & Co. uring the put st in our history OF QUALITY Grown Tea beverage Condition Dick. lrzes n't auk ' astotnerq Qu eatsa atrouaze first-class keep any make our We [SH YOU r many weeping mplete q New placed but "l up ttS wto IKII m roi.. £523 in i t, SOMETHING NEW IN WASHERS: Che Perforated Drum. opltitt the Idea Raymond' Sewing Machines." McClary Stoves for Coal or Wood Agent for the Dillon nge Stay Fence. peering Ji? arvesters - Whether it ie one of the chronic sort or just a temporary " fair, it needs (Motoring. IT WONT PAY TO LET IT on. You can get at our Store the celebrated Imperial Compound Syrup of White Pine, Eucalyptaland Honey for 25c. It is the best cough cure we ever had-pleasant to taku., guar- anteed cure, AT Imperial Laxative Quinine in 25c boxes These will knock out any ordinary cold while yuu wait. If they do not. give saris- faction, we will refund the 25e. " it. gets the start. of you, you Can’t cure it. It has to run its tNuu'Ne them If you want the best Cut e-a-Uold-in-a-Day Tablets get our When You Feel A Cold Coming giiii'lli, Mr and Mn Dam Allan no spend- ine the New Year with his mother on thehvenue. Mean W. T. Firth came home last wank trom Toronto University to Ipand the holidays at home. Mr Jabez Banks, of North Bay, is " present visiting his daughter, Mrs Jan. Staples. " Mr Thou. fiiiiaGGti"iriiiii; evening. aasassassassaagA8lr iiRoripiiisgrgErte> Don't delay: Knock it out first thing. JANUARY A, 1906 Petr!! "aging. party wag held DA1tLrN(rs, The People's Druggists. gain Glark. We can give only a were list of our goods. but Ill quality and ad» whilily to the needs of South Grwy we are not, excelled: Deering Barrows, Wilkinson Ploughs, Ituney’s Har- ness. Palmerston Buggies. Renowned anticlas, fair prices DARLING'S DRUG STORE Also Wilhelm'ts Wrinaeru. in "mat- by Whgron (If Afr. The best In their. line Ihhtettitt Have You a "Tough ? NS J)Tnd (Farm Maokz'nery. we handle only the best. Mr J no Firth, of Jmopvitle is visit- ing friends around Edge Hill " pres- ent. Mrs Patch of British Columbia. is visiting " her father's, Mr Rom Eetor, on the Avenue this week. Joseph McNally is put in for school trustee Mt place ot Wm Kenny. Mr Wm Edge was in Torontolut week on business and pleasure Mttt- blood. Mr Robert Banks from Minoan is visiting his brother, Richard Banks, of Edge Hill. A tew doors South of the Middaugh House. icy. “he sick people are getting better and sometimes we may be misinform- ed and report some dangeruusly m. but we are pleased to hear that they are getting better and sincerely hope that all will be around again in their usual health and strength. Mr Dan McDougall and daughter, of Bentinck. paid Priceville a visit one day last week. Hark from the tomb a doleful sound Mine ear attend the cry. Ye living men come view the ground Where you must shortly lie. This week’s budget. Died at her home in Priceville, on the morning of the 29th December 1905, Catherine Hambly, beloved wife of Thos Fisher, atteralingering ill- ness of some months, aged 55 years. Mrs Fisher was born in the Township of King, County York. She moved to this neighborhood some 8 years ago. In religion, she was a Methodist, and a good living woman. She bore her troubles with Christian patience. She died very suddenly, while in conver sation with her brother-in-law. she dropped away without a murmer. Her sister, Miss Lydia Hambly, teacher near Hamilton, happened to be up seeing her at the time at her death. Her husband is left in a pitiful state, being nearly deprived of his evesight completely, it is hard tor him to be left alone. The funeral took place on Sunday, 3lst December to the cemet- ery in this town, Rev Mr Roach. her pastor officiating. On account of the storm some friends were detained from being up. The funeral waslargelv attended considering the inelemeney of the weather. The roads in some places are badly drilled. Whi'e other parts are bare and MrMcDougall and Arch, McCuaig are executors on the ovate of the late Hugh McDonald. Miss Christen: McDonald. of town, is spending a while visiting her old Manda around Priceville. She was up attending her father's funeral and no doubt she found a and change " the old homestead with no father, mother or brocher there. Wedding balls are ringing on New Year's Dny. But " mr.haett nonn- thprirr.to report we shill deter to tome Another of the old pioneers passed away on Sunday morning tho 24th Dee, in the person ofrltogh McDonald, ot the South line Glenelg, at the age of about seventy years. He has been in tailing health tor some time but death was not expectedsosomi. Mr McDonald came to the south line 55 yearsago this January and no doubt was tamilin r with tho hardships to con- tend with them. He died at his brother's in this village and was bur- ied beside his wife, who predeceased him 19 years ago. Rev Mr Matheson ottieiated at theiuneral obsequies. Mr McDonald leaves a family ot3 sons and one daughter. The sons are all away in distant countries but the daughter was able to attend the tuner- al as she Was only in Toronto and now that she is left without father or moth- er she and her brothers on their return will tind nothing bat the walls which once sheltered them in their youth. This ended the career of another fellow being. A Ree Mr McKinnon. of the couutv of Bruce, preached in the Baptist church on Sunday last. Miss Kate McIntyre, ot Toronto, is home at present seeing her mother in this village. Miss Maggie McDonald, teacher of Calderwood, and Miss Nichul. teacher otLamlash, are at present enjoying their holidays at their Several homes near this place. Mr Duncan Simpson, at Vancouver, is spending a month or two In this place. It Is tiiteen years since Mr 81:11wa left here and no doubt he will tind a change. 7 Mr' 'and Mrs Rose, of Brace Township visited for a few days Mrs Rose's mutlv er, Mrs McIntyre, south line. Mr and Mrs McGill, of Hamilton, visited at Mrs Inc-Gill's sister. Mrs. D. 11eDougall's, South line, tor tl tew daps at Xmas. Mr Hepburn and dia'i"yGst"iiiG"ritn, spent Christmas at Neil McCannel's at Top Cliff. Mr Arch McDonald, of' Kleinberg. Ontario, is making his holidays at home on the south line Glgnelg at present Mrs McIntvre oi this town is in health at present. Time is swiftly penning by; another year issoon ended and will be num- I bored with the past. The aged man or. woman. whose feeble steps are tot- I tering on the brink of the grave, ac- cording to the natural course of life, cannot expect to see the return of an I other new year, but alas how often do I we see and hear the youth cut down as a fiomsr nipped by the frosts of May, while out in early blossom, and many a home on this Xmas morning that were 1 rejoicing " the arrival ot a son or l daughter a veer ago will be found with I no father or mother there, and nothing but the empty chairs left to remind their loved ones of there departure, and in some instances where a family reunion takes place at a Xmas festival where the sons or daughteis away from the old home for yeais. assembled on this Xmas morning, they cannot but entertain the thought of thinking of that dear mother who gave them a parting farewell and blessing long years ago when passing from the scenes nf'lime and now on their arrival to the old home they will tind that a home without a mother is a cold one no mat. ter how good the father may be. I Priceville. Matthews _ & Latimer The PI. u t r Con for those who Are very in lpncktnothzir muggy: We teach read- ing, spelling, writing, arithmetic to grown up young men and woman. Separate rooms for this department 5nd a separate desk for each pupil with plenty of personal help. Fun pnmculm sent free to any address. Address: C. A, “MING. Prln THE RELIABLE GROCERY Easy to wear-VN to wear out-in all-wool and fleece-lined for men and hays. We are still selling children's shoes at 50cents per pair. goods Everything in PRINTS and COTTONS now selling cheap, C, MCARTHUR 1 The Bgnlnpu Sithttt for young men 'aht/v'iitt'el w 0 wish I gum business training to q ity them to do business for themselves Ind others. Thlscourse is useful to the business man. the ttrrmer or the professional term, also first class preparation for young people who wish to gointo ofBce work. a m, Slmlrth-nd Court. for young people w o w s to become stenographers, re- portermetc, If you want HEAVY T\VILLED WOOLLEN grey and white SHEET- INu' 70 inches: wide, WH have it. Chi-up Beat of All-Wool, double BLANKETS at $3.90 per pair. a T o T I. n h C up: for young people ?ht, Atl thte.!?,,',',,, wfegmxx‘. operators or to enter railway work. Now that the Holiday Season With all the attending festivities and luxur- ies is over, we. would call your attention again to the every-day necessaries of life. Four complete courses of study. suited to the needs of all classes of 301mg people, WINTER,TERM AT THE Settled Down ! "---'t I wmswssuy F Colds are c t a Source t of Danger --/)"‘/14%¢<::4<u THE DUBH A!!! REVIEW Begins Tuesday. Jan. a, 1906 Has in store and is prepared to supply you from full stocks ot Groceries. Fruits. Confec- tionery. and Flour and' Feed. and the Celebrated CLYDES- DALE STDCK FOOD and remedieu always ton hand. MacFarlane & Co. DRUGGISTS' and Baby's Cough Cure and Hive Group Syrup, as 250 bottle Wetmtarantee. all the above preparations. Money cheer- fully refunded if no henefit is derived. - pi.at H"orGf.C. . .256 :l-Iyitle Carr's Cough Cure. .500 a bottle Emulsion Cod Liver Oil Me bot- tleov ...... ..........3for$l Syrup White Pine with Eucaly- Pinol Bttlstun......Me a bottle We have aim prepared pocially for children l If you have a! owed the cold to develop, any of the follow- ing will cure it Keep these tablets handy. take them at first indications and you’ll be free from colds all Winter. We warrant them Littletahleta that act quickly and directly on certain or- gum of the body, counteract. inn neondit ion of them which causes a cold’a development. A-rdulti There in no need of having colds. for you can stop them M the shiiery, "may stage by taking UNDERWEAR MaeB'artane't, Cold Cure Price Me TORONTO Book-sellers. A. W. Watson Buns Rt J Biscuits in great variety All kinos of Cakes made to order WEDDING CAKES our specinlty F irst-Class Manitoba Flour For Sale C. L. GRANT. Watson’s Bread-Then as Also nice mortment of CAPERINES. them from $2 up to $9. In FUR RUFFS we have Our' 5ik values in allwool Venetians, Serges.Mohairs and Henrietta, can't be beaten. For Useful Christmas Presents N TCAV DRESS GOODS We have more new ranges in. All makes, styles and prices. Call and inspect these. We have one to suit you. Also ot her high-grade Manitoba. Flours, per Inn-rel . . .. . . . . 35.40 T U D H fl P E 'CARRIAGES Ogilvle’o Royal Household, . . . . . per barrel. . 35.60 Barclay & Bell ... ASUSUAL... Seem to be all the go. They are handsome and as everybody knows, they are the most dur- able rig on the market. Call and examine them. WAREROOMS opposite Middaugh Ho. Stables. E'URS RANGES PEEES Pare. Fresh and Reliable. JOHN CLAR/ D. McPHA IL.) Notary Public. Commissioner. Convoy ulcer. Vuluator. Insurance Agent. to Private Money to ma. Colloc- liona of all kinds promptly at ten. ded to. Fun" bought and sold, -,_.._---u uuuulsnlulp Unmll.a- It. fel" “do in may one. and "r'i"tl'eTliglh'h" 30m"!!! and prtrato Fund. to Lou! on Harlan" " lowoft new of baron. anuutiou and. " a communtgnd atom] Vain-tor omee----Lomut TOWN. DURH‘M Barristers. Solicitors. Conveynnoers Ac. Money to Dun. A. G. Mch-y K.C. W. F Dunn Barrister. Solicitor in Supreme Court Notary Public. Commissioner. to. b Money to Loan. ntriee, over Gordon'l Jewelry Store. Canonical :nd Annoy promptly unaided wuu, Deeds. long-Len, Lulu, Axum-men“ amoorroctly propund. mum of deceased pa " Iom looked Mtor sad lxwutor‘l and Admxuu- "new Account. propuod and Lt'te bun-unto Cqun Ruling-a. Prob.“ of Wil I. Lenten or Ad annotation and G.uerdirrtoit, Obtained. Qu- chu undo in Bum" am... “a “an. “.7 .-. Tennl moderate. menu tor Inlet to am. Ae., - be node " the Review nee. Durban. I: macaw there, or to Ceylon P. o., will be m ”tended to, In: on My to D. lawn” Ceylon r or to C. IAIN“. ' Ide-dAeereteertdrttt. Ottiee--ctuderu Block, HONOR GRADUATE Toronto Univers .uate Royal Dollop Dental Surgeon Dentistry in all in bunches. HONOR GRADUATE of T. University. graduate of Royal l of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. It Over J h J HUNTERS New Sn “at. " MEI, - - - _ Owen Hon Will bent tho Mud-ugh House, Durham. an an. Wedneodny ut each month frotu 10 n. In. an d p. m. [one mutant to MoortirkP. (l ortdort, In: to Kappa (New You) If," Hospiulk J. G. HUTTON. M. D, CM one. and Residenc- Ott'. I nun.- and Goon Bt., a tome! mu. old Moods. w. cruc- noun F-tt A. I. S-n p. I. T-' p. . Tough-Io 0.0"..an No. " L. l C. In. lumen. “in Guam of main! York and ctf 2.. Dim of Eye. Rar, Noor, and Than“ "rmu b. It In") II mm. the Nov“: etch 1ttlluf."'"heiolM',' 1-H at. Auctioneers. ARTHUR. GUN. M. D., lecm a Sun-on. ;ON|oo q... J.L.J.Hw~tor'o Store or to C. IAIN“. ar Coylon In. “elem d mac. McKenzie'n Old Stand, Durham _.......-.-n, aululroh £01707 - can v. vaucul, dice. McIntyre mock, over the Bank '. C, PICKERING o. D S., L. o. S Licemed Auctioneer for ca u, J. F. GRANT, D. 1'f.hterqm - SOIOITOR Jjlps,)iltr,Tose & Throat - N1 mum (in. to Diana 0 Women ud Children. MACKAY dc DUNN, In: 00“.. " "an all“ M or“. MEDICAL..-» J 2LaSlC3-attctL. l PEFROY McCAUL. it tid liti iiit ttth,'l,Utiuau J . P. TELFORD ENTAL. not)”: DB. BROWN. DR. BURT Licenced the Conn JACKSON, Moderate over P Royal l bile“. verrity. (and 'eourot (Jul ‘ust Otrice Oven Hound Rooms Store 'uumlo J and

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