West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 4 Jan 1906, p. 8

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" "l,, 2hhihiihiiiihlihMihh "r"rurkheiir r , Intended to: Ian weds We sympathize with Mr Michael Burk in losing his house by fire last week, the fire is supposed to have started from stove pipes in an up stair bedroom, when 't was first noticed it was too far advanced to be exting- mshed, all of the contents being saved. Mr Bark carred a small insurance. Mr Irvin Anderson returned home a few Weeks ago feeling good and in up- top condition. and left his two sons Angus and Tom looking well, and do- ing well, Angus being fireman and Tom brakesman on the CAP. R. passen- ger train. Mr Tom Lauder of ynur town is " present visiting friends in our burg and is enjoying himself immensely. Holiday Shopping iiiti; GROCERIES £3 Late arrivals, in Lustre, Sateen andiSilk very pretty, were $3.00, selling at. . . . . . ROBERT BURNETT J! Ihe Cash Store 'rices have been slaughtered in our Fur Dept. deound not to carry over any of them, so if you have not yet secured your: call in at once. Men's Coats, Ladies' Coats, Ruffs, Caperines. etc. to show our goods to better advantage than before and give customers better attention. We have no time this week to mite an ad. But every one knows what our Christmas stock has been and this year it is larger and better than ever. 'owl, Butter, Eggs and all Farm Produce taken at Highest Prices, Cash or Trade. Come in a Clearing Out Furs Before this paper is out we shall have com- pleted EXTENSIVE ALTERATIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS in our More and shall be prepared for {he last few days. of Ladies' New Shirt Waists Pomona PEOPL ES srromr) 'a9:9S.i.t:etx and get one 999S.SS..t.t:6.t.t one of our beautiful cal.. enders Fresh and Jom, e ck in all lines. Save money by buying your Supplies Mr Michael O'Neil from Saskatch- ewan, arrived home on Saturday, and no doubt gave his mother, stater and brother a pleasant surprise. Miss Annie McVicker, who is learn- ing the dressmaking in Markdale is spending Christmas' at her home Mr John McVickers. Quite a number of the young people drove to Mrs John Grperiwooiiu, Zion, one evening last week, and spent a very pleaasant evening. Mr Angus and Duncan Beaton, of Chicago. came home last week to via- it their parents Mr and Mrs Donald Benton of your town, and also paid the old home here a short visit. Mr Maleolm McDonald. of Michigan. is spending a few weeks with his bro- ther George McDonald. Ct".".",',' $l.50 to 2.00 hr, H. Mockler HERE. uurnooa we wish them all pidiGiii. A very lemnt Avon! was 3 out Lt Mr 'liUl MoMnrdo'a 1'rtsl 26:th the young people ofthe 'iiiit"hti'llld7, Mina Bertha Wlloon spent her Christ. mu holidoyu " home. She is ro-en- mod for this you again. InJohnOo boll Moon George. of Arthur. “I? their old mighhou‘ 1;.an m Ill placed to J n _ We were sorry to 1au, mi Mr and Mrs McQueen from our borhood we wish them all um- Mrs Duncan Galbraith, of Man, is home visiting her Mr end Mrs D MoDannol. "'CC'""""-.%r'%. II, It": er, Miss Spence by her quiet ways had endeared herself p upils and all who have the of her acquamtsnce. A pleasing feature of the closing day of the school was the presentation of some beautiful gifts from her pupils which was appreciated by their teach- er, Miss Shanon ha in... ma“ __.., nu "o.'"'PO"mpDen was appointed l trustee in place of Mr John Weir. _ We cannot let it pass on without a word of praise to Mr Weir for his faithful work for 3 terms; he was al. ways wining and obliging to do his part. Miss Spence has returned from her home where she enjoyed her holidays and has resumed her work with re- newed energy. The School Annual m held as usual on Wednesda well attended and everych off quietly. Mr Joseph Campbell was trustee in place of Mr John We are also happy to welcome oux respected friend. Mrs Arnott (nee Miss Eva Booth) anu her husband Mr Ar.. uotc. who will spend some weeks visit.. ing her many friends in Egremom and elsewhere. man may another at Mr and Mrs Nell McCannel'a in the evening. Mr N ell A McQueen and his mother spent the day at Mr D Melfarianet Bunnesan. Miss Alice Wilson is home for the holidays. On Saturday 29th, James R Wilson _ and his sister Ella, from Lumsden.‘ Assa. gave the home folks a pleasant surprise, with them were John Han- nam, they all look well and glad to be home once more. A large company gatl home of Mr Win J Wilso mas day another at Mr an McCannel'a in the evening Chriztmas and N, passed quietly and Sums had happy l Others going away to Spend the day. Wishing ye Editor and Staff and Review readers a happy New Year. Chriztmas and New Year'e day passed quietly and pleasantly here, Sume had happy home gatherings, othp.rsa uni-1n: .._....- A- - . . . Among the many arrivals winter holidays may be noted. Scott from Maple Creek, Sank. m Bonhwell mun Edenouto, Dixon trom Hill Furm, titusit., Buchwell, Alberta. Mr Wm Rumage acted as scrutmeer in behalf of the promotion of local option in Dtomore ward while Mr David Melony-e performed tt Similar duty tor the oypoMag (areas. We are glad to loam of the ouccess of our Reeve Home and Councillor Fergus. on in being again re-elected and an the head of the poll and also L'ruitied in the endoraauon of local option by a. huge mu- loricy. 1nd Bros, the Messrs Lothian. We cougntulme our two 1 N Lgremout. Maura Goo I Jun Geddea Jrou'their elevm pot.ition of Chief and Chieuui 1vely, of Scots Ore” Camp, l’ncevdle. Mrs Jno Gemini] tusd little boy and girlot Gal: have spent Chrmmu and New Year's at the home of her mount and Bros. the Menu T-ntlninn Messrs Will Clark 3nd Robb outings plus ut wood, with steam anwmu machine tor noun P Roid und J Henry. Mu Chas Humane and family visited parents. Mr and In D Coleridge and other friends on New Year's Day. Miss Ada Brown who has spent name time at her aunts. Mrs (Rev) Tru..x, Eden Grove, returned very much im, proved And making the picture of health and loveliuem. Mr and Mrs Wm TA to spend Uhristmus In all the way. Mines Bell: We" and pennv lain for Toronto on this week and intend to n winter at lens. The Rev Mr Caldwell, -----. prancin- ed a. most able, vivid and convincing and we might any. moving temperance ner- mon n the Ebenezer on Sunday Int. Mrs Ihsry from Toronto accompanied with her little bor, spent the New Your with her sisters, Mu W P Watson And Mrs: T Davie. We were pleased to meet ond to see her wearing .0 well. Mr Norman Momma, of Duluth. is visiting his brother Councillor John A. McMillan ot Scotch town. Miss Maggie Anderson of the Walk. " house, Toronto, is spendinc her Christmas holidays with her parents here, Mr and Mrs Irvin Anderson. Mrs Patriok Haley is " present vis- iting her sister Mu Andrew Haley. Paris. Mr and Mrs Archie Benton of the Centre is spending their Christmas with the letters parents, King tp Mr June: Dunbar traced him eel! to I handsome cutter one dny he! week from A. B. McLellnn Jim says he is going to enjoy lite from this 005. 3,30. ‘ruumxe our two citizens oi n, New" Goo Lulhluu ou I Jrou'their elevation wine Chief and Chieftain rewecn- Scots Ore” Camp. s o. Li, com pan,.Cgythered at the North Egremont Boothville Annual meeting wt" Wednesday 25th was ad everything pegged many arrivals home --- - inn, thunt., Mr Thus I}; ilsori -oirér, nix: wood, with Gr"iiiJ, be noted. Miss Mar; 93k. Sank, Mr Shaw- Edmpm-ou Mr WL mad as scrutmeer in ion of local option In Mr David Meinore duty tor the oypoMag ', of Sterling. 3nd light Pottigrsw some triends% net Winsome melt to her the pleasure oker, left by cutter 1 forums.) driving sud Minnie Hal- on Wedmrsduyot o remain for the neigh berg pa rents, DURHAM uvmw _ neigh- I Uruwu Mute" Noble and Alfred Barclay grad Wundby friend: during the hol- w. A number of the youth and beauty of this village gnthered at the home of Mr Walter Middleton, on Wednesday evening of last week, and, we no told, tripped the light (satanic till the “wool amt houm. " MISS Carrie McKechnie, who has been under the weather for some time, is. we‘are glad toaay. able to be a round again. Mica Annie Vesaie. of Clifton Springs' Sanitarium, is home for her holidays. for Mr Charlie Nowell is hired with Mr Sparling for the winter months. Mr James Hemp, accompanied by his sister Miss Maggie, visited at Mr. Dan Wilkie’s on Sunday last. Miss Maggie Veggie returned tron) Paris hm week. A number from around here attend- ed the Christmas Tree at Dornoch last Thursday evening. At, fllto Konimy is home from Miss May Morton, accompanied by MissJewel McComb of Durham, visit- ed triends in Mooresburg on New Year's Day. Mr Ducald Clark returned to Owen Sound Tuesday, to resume his studies at the Northern Busmess College. Misses Jean and Agnes Vessie re- turned from Toronto last week and in- tend to remain at home for some time. Miss Cassie Wilkie came home from Toronto last Saturday wspend New Year', with her parents here. The annual Christmas Tree held in the Presbyterian church here on Tues~ dav evening other week, was a grand success. the proceeds amounting to nearly 820. No3 correspondent soems to think that we we were greatly troubled at the remark about the meeting in ques- tion. Not in the slightest. We are sure. though. that No 3 must experi- ence stupendous trouble in finding items to constitute a budget for your valuable paper, when such common- place childish trifles are sent to your sffiee for publication. tlm, m To say that the Xmas Tree Enter- tainment held in the Presbyterian church on Thursday last. was a suc- cess would be putting it too mildly 'twus an exceptionally brilliant affair. The night was an ideal one and the people came in sueh throngs that the commodious basement Was soon tilled to overflowing and so it was decided to move to the larger auditorium above and this was soon fflled to its utmost capacity. The ',villitmshtrd, chonr was present and rendered sever- al selections which were much apprec- It/ttl: The children acquitted them, lselves with honor in their singing. ‘drills and recitations. while the re- mainder ofthe program. consisting of solos, quartettes, recitations and speeches by the crown pecple was re- ceived with enthusiastic applause. "TWns the unanimous opinion ofall present that this was the best enter- tainmentof its Kind thev had attended this season, and much praise isdue hose whom t1nttring energy and close application to details are largely re- sponsible tor its being such a success- ful affair. The proceeds of the even- ing approximated $28.00 At the annual meeting of Lamina School on Wednesday lac, MrRM Dsrgavel was elected trustee. Ex- cogitatlon and thoroughness, evidenc- ed (Enemies in R M's make-up. will no don t make him an exceptionally good trustee. Mr John Johnston leaves this week to increase his stock of knowledge by spending a term at the Northern Bus- iness College. Owen Sound. Mrs Robert N icholl. of Rockwood. is visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs Dun- can Campbell. Dornneh is to have a " chopper " in thn near inture. under the competent supervision of Mr Dan McDonald. The enterprise should prove a amm- cial sum-ms fur the proprietor himself, and uhould ttluo promote the industriai condition of he village. Mas Mamie McKnight; city. is spending the X at her home in the burg. you". outween the past and future, is. or should be, suggestive of some thought " to what that ttttare is going to be, The great American poet has 1struck the key note for a happy new year when he "yes:--. Not enjoyment and not sorrow Is our destined end or way. Bat to act that each tomorrow Finds us farther than to-dav. Mr and Mrs Wm Smith celebrated their golden wedding at the cottage on Monday last. Mrs Jae Grant and Mrs Wm Miils ot Manitoba, Rev J F and family, of Camber and Miss Alice, of; Toronto. arrived last week and par- ticipated in the anniversnrv feast. Mas Mamie McKnight. of the Queen city. is spending the Xmas holidays at her hnntn in 'r,, I-., point iesiG"in""tii; it, ot should has “a... new xear's Dav. What a minnlone end inspiration: this should be to each one of no. The firut day of the New Year in p, fitting time to chnngfe fer the better in one 'tt methods of liv or physically. morally and in- y.tlltstsuiiuiy.' The very name oi " New Year " is in the mind of the average man or woman. intimately associated with the idea of retorm of turning over a new leaf, of making resolution to do better than in the past. The word .' new "iein itself signifitmpt. The mint F-.,,,.., -., Thins New Year's DIV. , mmulous ind inspiration this be to each one of no. The first It Ney Year is r. Mint This is New Rocky Saugeen. “a-.. Domoch TORONTO Claus 4.-Bh'at, Edge. Arthur Ritchie. 8rtl--aertie Morton. Nd.-- Ell; Len- nette. Annie Ewen. (horn Nowell. Al- fred Bartler, Pt 2nd.-Hnhel Vmie. Willie Edge. Br L-Mt-art MacArthur. Lewis Nowell. Mart Valle. Thoma Gmhy. Jr 1at.-aautr. Balloon. In, My, Bobs Valle. Elisabeth Elli-on. I Mr Lee, the former pastor‘ of the Presbyterian Church. Hopeville and Cedarville. preached here on Sunday last and the church was well filled. more than usual. The people turned out to hear this able preacher. who has a warm place in the ttearttlot8, great manygood people here. He in to be with them another Sunday. I U. s. tt No. 2 Burn: no: AND ennui. l Be went and done it nice did Chas Dezell of the saw mill. On Wednes- day the 27th he took the train at Mt Forest and went to Bruce County, where he was married the same even- ing to a Miss Ferris near Kircardine. They came home on Friday evening and are visiting since their many friends here. We wish them many happy days. David Allen and wife are now in Glenelg visiting friends. Ham Allen and wife have been visiting in Durham and Gleneig late- ly and are home again. Mr Beard, the preacher, in the church here, has left for a while and we have Mr George McLeach back. ( Considerable sickness is in this neighborhood, Adam Scarlett had his voungest child die on the 26th, a boy 8 months old. The funeral was on the 28th tothe Methodist churchyard. near Swinton Park. The Rev Mr Roach, of Prieeville, offie'ated by hold. ing services as me house and church. l Mr and Mrs D McArdle. Toronto, arrived here on Saturday and in com- panv ofJ W MeArdle, ot Markdale, spent Christmas with their father, Mr Joseph McArdle. J W left Monday evening. the others on Tuesday. Adam Scarlet's youngest child is very sick with sore throat and inflattt. ation. 1 JO Hall, the mail man. has sold out lhis mail otttfit to John Scott. who is now running the mail service. The township nomination was held on Fridny the 22nd, and four of the old 001100” got elected. One otthem, Walter Bell, for Reeve and to fill up the vacancy. Richard Cronan, of the south of Proton, was chosen. sothis ends the election matters for this year. A rare thing to see all in by accum- ation. The Big Store 3 pks Chinese Starch. GROCERI ES FOR SATURDAY 4 lbs RAISINS. ... . . .250 7 lbs RICE..........25C w c wank our customers for past patronage and trust that fair and honest dealing will merit a continuance of their trade hr the coming year. This week’s budget. 1(,t,titr,e,,,lfe,ty,?py and Prosperous We thank our ALEX RUSSELL Hapeville KAT! leqzuw Ho peville Fowl, Wishes everybody a New Year Butter and Eggs Wanted 25c ' Lot No 22, con 4. 8 D R, in the Town- 'ship of Glenda. In the County of Grey. 57 um: 40 were. clawed. " were. mixed timber. level. well drained. wu- tered by well and anal alum. One store um." log house. (when: as x 50 with basmneiist, It,."',',,?,., from school and Postomce. price and terme apply to Jon new. but”. can l 8 D R. I my. P o, 0a.. at to I We have It large number, of Farm. tfor Sale in the following Cotttttietr- Brant, Essex. Elgio. Grew. Huldimnnd. Illumn. Kent, Lomhton. Lmcolu, Mid. dlesex. Norfolk. Ontario, Oxford. Peel. Perth. ts'itucoe, Victoria. \Vnterloo. Wellington. Welland. Wentworth and York. Also many Bucineu end Reci- dentiul properties for Sale in all parts of the province. It you hove: Farm or other property for' sale. write for our terms of selling Real Ecute. The Woman lieu have Butane. Ltd., London. Ontario. Far, W. Raul. Agent, Thistle About 7 miles from Durham on the Gtmfruxu Road. Title good. Posses- sion at once. must be sold. Apply to Durham, Feb. 22. 1905 ,,__. " unac- uuul r. U. and lichOOl. church on property. Well want,- ered, well. and running springs. Build. inge In good repair. Wilt be sold on I reason-bl. terms :6 miles from Durham and from Priceville. If cold possession 'given tor work this fall. Pu I possess- . ion In March. Clear title given. Apply Ito the proprietor. D, GRAHAM, Pricevrlle, or to A. H. JACKRON, I Solicitor. Durham 100 Acre FARM for SALE Jun. 2, Thorough Bred Cattle and Yovkshlre Hogs. All registered Stock and like]: nulls. Apply to -_- l Thetrt14ersitrned will sell home and lot on West, Bruce tit. built in HIM, lo cubed between Furniture and Cream Separator factories. m x 32 feet, 25 stories. double cellar, cement floor. in one hnlf. furnace in the other half. 9 Joanne. modern and convenient. Good l well on premises. "null hum wiih alone l. stable underneath. A bargain to quick ihuyer. Apply on the mums-u. n" 'et Am new. Pt PM (in-avg? u, Being lot No. 20 on 2nd Con. N. D. R. and 22 and 23. on the 3rd Con. N. D. M. Glenda. renaming 150 acres. more or less. 125 acre! cleared. Lalance hard- wood bush. " milen from P n "-4 HOUSE FOR SALE FARM FOR SALE' War 1 pkg Malta-Vita. ..12c , lb Dunham's FOR SALE. FOR SALE. unuern and convenient. Good uremises. emu” burn wiih alone dorm-uh. A bargain to quick Apply on the premises or to . Leaotrrrsr, Bio: 92. Burg»; uncut t, mos for I‘aos. Scum & Sass. Rocky Sanger!) P. 0 "do: from P. O. and property, Well wat- iocoanut . . 15c and likely uni mil. Apply to P. Tswana. it Xyil a-- TOI, I“ In Rum REV" Revrt " Run Raw Rel VI: Vt W

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