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Durham Review (1897), 11 Jan 1906, p. 9

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_ I il - --. -1. xvnuv1xuul\o --. S/iii/iii/iii;;';',);;;;;);,,?'- Mr John Chislett spent his Christ mas holidays in Toronto. Miss Isa Campbell is spending her "Ntuaaholidays at home We are glad to state that Mrs Smith M r Frank and Thomas Houston had a very successful wood bee last week, and gave a dance to the young people at night. h " "iiiGihihhhuiiihhi 1iihMhhhMhoma GROCERIES 5f. THE PEOPL E's STORE} ROBERT BURNETT j Late arrivals, in Lustre, Sateen and Silk Very pretty, were $3.00, selling at. . . . . . "was-v. -- Cost. - Hosiery, Gloves, Flannellette, Wrap, The Cash Store Dress Goods at half price. Ladies' and Children’s Underwear at Prices have been slaughtered in our Fur Dept. Weibound not to carry over any of them, so if you have not yet secured yours call in at once. Men's Coats, Ladies' Coats, Rails, Caperines, etc. H. H. MOCKLER. Fowl, Butter, Eggs and all Farm Produce taken at Highest Prices, Cash or Trade. Swinton Park. Annual JANUARY SALE Clearing Out Furs Ladies' New Shirt Waists No time this week for Ad. Writing ---too busy marking down goods. Don't wait : come and get the best. Spring Goods have begun to arrive already. We need the room and the money so Prices are to be knocked to pieces. perettes, etc., at a fraction of their value. and: Hui ".9SS:S..t.t:6.t.t ".9S.9i.t:6.t.t Fr sl, and com ck in all' lanes. Save money by buyingryour Supplies Mr W. Aldcom was in Mi Forest one day last week. who was thrown out of a Waggon a couple a \w-vks ago is recovering. she mu. brought home one day last week. Miss Maud Sehell ate her Nnas 'lin. her at her home near Bethel. Mrs Stokes Se spent a few davs vis. iting friends in the Park and Vicinity. The Proton Council is in by aeelama tion, so there will be no excitement o yer elections this year. Quite a number took in the entertain 7."? $1.50 to 2.00 H. H. Mockler HERE. The Latonn Church, Dornoch: will hold their annual meeting on January 17th at 2 p m. Mr C R McIntosh has left to resume his duties at Athen 's School. Mr JasGrant and daughter Nettle left last week to visit the formcr'e parents, Nova Scotia. We are much pleased to learn that Rev Mrs McDonald who has been ill in Mt Forest is much .mproved and is expected here next week. comes here mahlv recommended. Sacramemnl Services will be dis pensed ( D V ) in Latona Presbyterian cuurch nextSubbnth at 11 a m. Pre, paratorv Services will be held on Fri- day afternoon at 2 : 30 and on Satar- day at 11 a m. Services will alao be held on Sabbath evening. Dee. 31st. The Rev gentlemen gave an able address which was much ap- preeiated by many old friends. Miss Jessie Reid, graduate f Tor.. onto Sehuols took charge ufSch ol No. 13, Bentinek, on Jan, 3rd Miss Reid comes here highlv recommended. Miss Dorsey, teacher of our Separate Sehvol resumed her duties here “I: Wednesday last, alter a pleasant w- curmn Spent at her home in Seaforth. Miss Alice Smith M: firrTorontoon Friday after spnndlng Xmas holidays with her parents in our village. Rev J Fraser Smith, of Camber. grungy? "1,1490% church, Dornoch, - _ "_.. 'sr..".'.', m, .1111 Vlcv rresmcnc; Mas Skene, Secretary ; Mrs D. v. Smith, Treasurer. We are glad to be able to Say that our Society here con- tinues to make noted progress. The W. P. M. S. held their annual meeting lam Friday afternoon at which the iollowing officers were elec- ted: Rev. Mrs. N. A. McDonald, Pres- ident; Mrs Hav, 1st che President; Mrs Wm Smith, Sr. 2nd Vice President, ', Mr and Mrs John Weir speul Year's with their son, Adam in Sound. Messrs Thos and J W Firth returned to Toronto last week ntter spending: their Xmas holidays at their old home here. Miss Amv Edge returned to Owen Sound Tuesdav last, after spending her holidays nnder the parental roof. Mr C C McFavden Spent: New Year with friends in Buntinck. A most enjoyable time was spent at the hospitable home of Mr and Mrs Thos Ritchie last Friday night, when a large number of invited friends and neighbors gathered and spent the evening in music. songs and dancing. until the wee emu hours. when ail dis. persed to their homes, wishing the host and hostess many happy years in their new home. Mr Arthur Weir returned tothe Owen Sound Collegiate, after spend~ ing his Xmas holidays at his home here. Once more u e, are entering it New Year and many a chan been ere the last twelve months I wonder who-the young gentleman was who had to borrow a far can to keep his girl warm while out driving ? Mr William Campbell took a sleigh- Ioad to Mr Dugald Ferguson 'e at Ma- ple Park on Thursday evening. Mr Thomas Mcmnlty and his cousin Miss Maggie Huskinsun visited friends in the Park last week. ment " Damian’s school on the 22nd and reported it the beat of the season. Mr Geo. H. Parsiow is erecting a fine brick house this coming summer. I suppose the next thing will be to get a bird for the cage. ' GRANT. Dorn och 'iS"sir 51:3,. Edge Hill -_-- THE 1w ume was spent )meof Mr and Mrs 'riday night, when invited friends and , entering in to a change has spe_ut New DURHAM REVIEW "6Tii"ii7mit5-ARe TORONTO Owen Rich Ml Fur new Allan Puk. 150m 'BXered very'aleup. A large number of other properties for tuMe in Dur hath town and surrounding Townships. In- surances placed. debts collected, writings dawn. C. P. R. Tickeu (or Sale. " Ann" P101", Nun NIGHGINT." -- - - "tisr%af,"hrim -ititiiGinra'rfiiiu"iiir"'Hiii.' , ts Normsub ' well im red audio- a Ag'ttt let: than 'dial'f. pro 250 Jhtteur,tPEtANthtp, .w.ell _bqilt._yen 150 Ag". above Durham, well improved. 34000 Do you want to know where to buy We heard some time agu of the death of Mr Archibald Meikllan, at Indianapolis. Mr ‘McLellan was teacher in the village some 40 years ago. He turned out a large number of teachers. in his time as he held a first class certificate and knew the art of teaching thoroughly. Thos Conkey, ot Dundalk, bat for- merly ofthis plaee, died at his home there and was buried on Tuesday the 2nd inst. He was a shoemaker by trade. HS nephew, Willie Conkey, of this place, amended the tuneml. Mr and Mrs Jno Mekeehnie, of near Owen Sound, are spending a while with triendson the South line, Glen- elg. All those that were home for their holidays returned again last week. WANTED :by Chicago wholesale house, spec- ial repreisatire for each province in Gun-(in. SIX-f] ”would expenses paid weekly. Ex- pense money ndunced. Business successful. Reg,' permlnem. No investment required, ’nwioul experience net esaemial to enungim. Address General mnnnget, 132 Lake Street. Chicago. Ill, U.S.A The roads running north and much are. completely blocked and the fields have to be used for some time. Mr Dan McDonald (early) of Port Arthur, arrived a Week ago and is looking after his interest in the estate at his father, the late Hugh McDonald. Miss Mary McAulay, after spending a week with her mom er in this village left tor Rochester where she is in the hair dressing business. Miss Chriotena. McDonald (Duncan's) left on Tuesday last to take a course " the Chathum Commercial College. connection With liér professional duties Th, new teacher Mr Top Clif' School Miss Annie Lang otst Mary’s, arriv ed on Saturday last. She was driven than Durham' to Postmaster A Me- Cmiig's by MrJuo McQueen. of Dar- ham. By the short ncxpraintanee We. have with Miss Lane We believe she is a lady in everv respect that is cap- able (it fulfilling, the vmnt,ircn,ea.,er, i., late and was and arrival. Mr and Mrs Scott. tended the funeral. Stonehouse 's sister. Tl.e funeral on Saturday, the 6th m I?hsttzereemeGrr (lluopcrs) was well attended considering the very inclem- ent wrather for the day was certainly the Wildest that came this winter. The fuueral pmcwsion had quite " lune gattingtu cemetery Irtl account if snow liluckndurs. A slster Mrs --.-- Iron) Hamilton, just arriw-d Tt new minutes before the luneml was to late and was and stricken at her uni-1:..HI u'ulV say that she had taught, a good fielst and that a crown was awaiting her as soon an death relieved her from the sickness ut the body, for she suffer- ed tnueh, bat (mlv nu \m h-m -- "st, ___ B. H. Miller, ---9 -I'll aged, the youth a alike summoned to it is sure and comm inclement the weal Stay this, tuessenket l masons to captu'u i' 1iesseuger's name Tharshly morning ti passed away than cmuoles of this lite illness, borne with Miss Christena Sum of Martin Shun-lumen ‘(J This Week we are again called up- I on to chronicle another of those events. , wwich an often occurs in our midst and no l uman being can escape or flee I fron, as warning when it comes for the message imiten eunaned to all clus- ses ofthe human family. Old, middle- I azed, the youth and beauty are all nlilrs, "rm.---, . THE HANOVER CONVEYANCEB cvcl'v respect that is cup- fulh'lling the reqqinmems in morning the 4th guy from the les~cngel's prvgrrss once it capture its mum. This no certain no [new the Weather Is it Priceville. tstoneitouse, daughter ef Durham. at.- Mrs Scout is Mr is " Death. t' ue 4tlt inst there the trials and after a lingering loving patienee, A sister Mrs st arrin-d a tuneml was to obey the call G. m a mar ho w will not. Thin on is used on! external And in ood tor Piles. Tum , Rounds. Cum. Emacs Corns. Ch was. Swellin and stat: 1min. f,lll' ' Ounce?! tags Li , re use ea. ‘11an u. _ tt)l'iui'li'tu', Eczema Cum Home: of Thrush, Shoe Boils, Shouldeu. Matches. Cute. md- welllun on“ kinds, swollen udder on oom,Bu-b wire Cum. I 50e a bottle, nmnufnctm‘ed only by Tefft Medicine Oo., Mar ham. Mny had of JOHN ECKHA T. Bane. J. M. FIN DLAY. more. from Lyman Bros. Ton-out Tefft’s WEE" on. The undersigned offers his splendid property in. UpeTrown for sale. For irtuitcuiatv, ap1ilsr hi The well-known drunken. MuFulnne and Co., have been awointed 'peeUl agent tor the title of Dr AgneW's eartCure. Ctuarmhal Powder, Oittt- ment and Pills as well .5 South American Nervine. Kidney and Rheumuic Cure. Do not be toolsme ; many 3 boy has gone down, and become a. victim of intemper- once whose father wan a Sober men. There is just one chance of safety for your boy l nnd your neighoor's and that is tt Close; the bur-room and not) the treating syn. ' tern." Give them a clean pure ntmou- , pliers to grow up in. and so give an I nee l of men tor the future with stalwart bodies. i nnahnkeu intellect and uusuhod maul. to ! fill the pines which tune will make Vl- cant sooner or hater, The power to dnl this is within your ranch. It is for you to say whether you will strike a blow to savepour boy, or whether vim wrll nllow some other consideration to come in war wav, bot for your boy's sake if for no other. vole on Januuay lat for Local 0p- tiun Bylaw. and so do your share to one him by hmishing the Bar." Some will any. " My boys are are. for I ; never dunk intoxicating drink tape”. and I of course. they never mil." i J12 Fathers. who are the voters of Owen Sound, are you willing to traeritiee, one or more of the boys you love so well, sud of whom you are so jun-NV proud t It is said by people who as competent to ymlge that. one out of live of our bws nulls u vlmim to the shaman of strong drink "o twenty per cent. of them are doomed beforehand. Whose. sGll they bet As 8. Specimen of Local opti In literature we quote the iollowm.4 appeal which was humv eirrmlNte.t with uslluur, effect during the ”cent. culhpnlull In Owen Sound: tt One of the Inuit Mute-worthy [drugs of nur noteworthy town is 1 crowd of 'tplots did bots. They than“; our public schools and ouliogeq. are found by hundreds in our Sunday- School. and Chm-chm. are bright and clever and mll one day be quelsiled to take sueeetwdully any position In life they may choose If they get bnlf a chance. We have not space to enumerate prices Any of our Fall Mantles at just "all-Ia, they cost Ladies' Ready-to-wear Skirts below Cost. Prints 1 yd wide, wane 13e, Roller Towels, were 20c Ott, FuncyWrappereuea were10e, sale prtie " 20e, " 15e All our Winter Goods must go. What is our loss will be a gain to you. Our large stock of heavy goods goes for less than cost. It is much easier to count the money than take stock of the goods. Anti- cipate your needs-Supply your wants-save per cent by taking advantage of this great offer, Stocktaking Sale, FOR MANOR BEAST Wrapperettes, etc. FOR SALE. lean PEAS.... ... 3 cans CORN.... .. 3 cans TOMATOES ‘1 SAVE THE BOYS. ALEX. RUSSELL THE BIG STORE Forceful Bargain Figures , \au nuns. swelling- f21 22:.me can. ' tn . cum. tltgg, Home: of 3011-.) _ ..Moulders.' ll external mad 1: It , Hound; llttta, 2t laitter, Summing. I 13an g h 1:an Band; m Cun- Hone: of Js, Shannen. md- Welling: of Blt Ida 9n cows, Barb J on)! Rnnzn'rsox. EVER HELD IN DURHAM THE GREATEST ANNUAL Grocery Bargains ed only by Dr. at"). May be T, Buneiaan. 25c 25e a: 2he Ve " 2 for 25 9. or I ptNo St, can t. 8 DR, in the Tum P2i? otulerierhe. in tho County of (m y. .57 ION: I) he!” eluted, " urn-5 mind “when level. well drained. wat. [teredbynll and an.“ mum. Otu' "tore and! log home. tnmeharn 34; x341 ‘with ligament. I" miles from st haul land Ptmtotttee." or price and It'lll|~ I apply to JomIgLnn. can 4, S D It I Mail. PO. 0m.. tsl to I We have a have number of l-Tu l.::‘ Llfor Sula in the folluwing Camino, (Brunt. Etusex, Elglu. Grew, Huldm. um. Iliumu. Kent, anhtnn. Luncnlu, .\l:..- dleoer. Norfolk. Ontariu. ortord, l'm-i. Perth. trttucoe, Victoria. \Vuvmlw. Wellington. Welland. Wentworth Mt " York. Also muuy Business and Hm ldontiul properties for tiale in all pm I s,)'; !ttte province. It you have 3 Farm t" FiiGG)iiii;i, for sale. write fun um l term- of selling Real Esau». l,' The 4 pkg Chinese STANCE . . . .252 3 bot lee ORIENTAL EST. .25e ALL BARGAINS. CASH or TR Being lot No. 20 on 2nd Con, N. I). ll. and 22 and 25. on the Wd Con. N. It. ll. Glenelg. comuninl 1.30 nut-s. more m- INN. 125 new: cleared. Lalmu‘u hard. wood bush. " miles forest P. 0. and school. church on proper! y. Well Wal- ered, Wells and running "wings. Build- ings In good re-pnir. Will he solrl,m ‘reuonshle terms " miles from Um hum hind from Priceville. If cold pmwmuu lgiven tor work this (all. Full pnawss- 1 ion In Much. Clou- title Riven. Apply l to the proprietor. D, (Sauna. t Pricevnllo. or to A. H. JACKHIIN. I Solicitor. Durha Ill Durham. Feb. 22. new. Jan. 2, 100 Acre Thorough Bred Cattle 1nd Yo¢k6hlre Hogs. All reguswrcd Stock and like] mals. Apply to - Separator factories. 30 x 32 fc, stories. double cellar, t'ettient fio one half, furnace in the other h rooms. modern and convenient. well on premises. “null tun-n wi. lt stable underneath. A tun-gain to I huyer. Apply on the premises. The tat_Idetttigned will Fell ho lot on West Bruce St, built m rated between Furniture and Srpau-Mog‘ factories. 30 x T2 Amen Mount; M. -, "_... Pine Grove P o, Fergus Co. loot-u. U ts A Western Psy Estua- Exchange All heavy Dre-I Goods accordingly. Ladies‘ Heavy Block Suiting. reg. 1.25, sale price Stht reg. 85c. " ah, HOUSE FOR SALE FARM FOR SALE WM. Leaoevrrr, 1iox 92. Durham but. London, Onuniu. - . W. Rumor. Agent. Thu}. Come and take a look yourself FOR SALE. FOR SALE. Dress Goods FARM for BALL JANUARY 11, 1906 for l‘aos. SCAR? & Saw. Rocky Sauna-u l'. o J. P. TELFMH and likely uni ttr, tl TRADE w or tlt "lf. " Good slouc- 1ttuck U" to r'eattt V0 RF VII [ill " M "

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