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Durham Review (1897), 11 Jan 1906, p. 1

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UARY l, 1906 itch ble ' I i acres Famed. - In"). One Doha-n 38 x 50 in the Town- gay 2f Grey. maze and tn: from a and JIt SAI BDR, 1am I " on) ert F. LL k 9coa th 'g) mus an d lots. ses Ox q Exchange l Ontario. Us; URDAY "ntw ' Out.. oe to perous ttom H. o. and any. Well Int- apr‘ngs. Build. Win he said on 'S from Durham hold possession 'tl 'an n ll it " Inga“ " prom " tore Co, AHA and rll_p " school term. SALE Du: huh) aut III R M id Peel Tim I Apply Ant Psi Irlmm D. H. Tre " hard- , and I" ms In he 0 to IS (fd! . R it,i,)i': Reductions on all “g? i),i, Our Winter Goods iii iis's,ii, James Ireland 'ii'; (ii'i,i,iii, NOTICE gamma29532323333333333233333 fiFsi VOL. XXVII. NO. 2 no...”uoooooooooouo»no.1 'x'1iQlllfillWillFXiilllgl1llggfillSM5=iX%iNillgx ALL WINTER F00TW'EAR-Felt goods, lined boots, long boots, Rubbers of all Linda. Overshoes, etc. Goods from us while this Sale lasts. WE PARTICULARLY ASK YOU TO SEE THE LADIES' CLOTH JACKETS and SKIRTS, wholesale MEN'S FURS: You can Save money by buying Remember this is a regular. Clearing Sale of our en- tire stock and offers you a money-saving oppor- tunity such as you seldom get in Durham. 1tegKSllgllfilllgeSllfX%ltXllfillfilllggNllgllglglXgilllf?l We will not move one dollar's worth of goods which can be converted into cash. The money will take up less room and be more convenient. No matter where you deal, whether in Durham or out of it, General Stock of over $l3,000 iliil Will go ON SALE AT COST ifi 'x'arrtl5illF'lFiNil5yAf%ilDil5txX XlXallr45lllh , Ag I have notice to quit the Store which I now occupy at the expiration of lease. I intend making the moving light as possible and fox this reason my Goods will be sold for CASH ONLY, or Pro- duce at Market Prices. NO CREDIT GIVEN. We cannot give .you prices in an an- nouncement of this kind. Cost price for the goods is all we ask. s'iii,i', You Get the Benefit This is less than present wholesale pri- ces for the ,zzoods, prices having ad- vanced sinccwe put in our Fall and Winter ., in ' .. n ... and BOY 'nces. Move Out Sale is on Now. , Ar f; F' CLOTHING, Suits and odd P, OVERCOATS, Pea Jackets. 9 Ladies' Astrachan Fur Jackets at Cost l Mania Cgon float, a beauty, at $50. Ladies' Ruffs, Mulls, Cape/nes, Caps TO QUIT such as I... as ( 31-31 8135 $4.50 81.60 1. 1, 31.75: 'ants. tit ':, iei “OP Will J. White. the Comedin'n who ap- pears Thursday evening of this week m Town Hall. at the I. o. F'. Conhert has aprovincinl reputation Mn humorist. From a. collehtion of apinions of the press we might cull a column of eulo- gien such no t ' humorist of highest or- der,' 'irresistibly funny,' 'encored time and again.' 'a whole program in him- self.. ' roars of laughter.’ . excellent baritone voice,' ' refined comedian,' &e. kc. With Donald C. McGregor, Miss Jeanie Homing and Mr Bodloy ac- companist, there is the making ofa tine concert. Admission 25c and 35c. Plan at MeFarltsne's. on "The Spectacles we see thrndgh" with similar eulogiums. With H. H. Miller, M. P ' in the chair, thetmeeting was bound to go. es cially when sup- ported by such t'aQ'he,ti1,' as Rev Mr Mc- Laughlin, the Methodist minister of Hanover and Pastor Budge, and such music as Durham Presbyterian choir can supply. The recitations by the clever little daunhtar of Mr & Mrs Roht. Marlee were much enjoyed. Proceeds over 850.00. " MARKDALE'S DIBGRACE. "-Under this heading an Owen Sound paper re- fora to the decision handed out in Tor- onto last week whereby the county fail- ed in its action against Markdale to compel it to supply electric lighting to the House of wauge. This was one of the inducements Matkdale held out to secure the location of the House in that village, hut owing to a technicality. the village has succeeded in evading it. The judgment. while admitting the legal aspect of Morkdale‘s contention. scores them as follows on their moral claims: " It. is strange that persons occupying public or judiciary positions are frequently found to apply a stand- ard of morality to their dealings as trustees differeitt from that which would he adopted by themselves as private individualsifthey aimed to be good repute in the community. It would have been more to the credit of defendants it they had made some effort to procure validation of their by-law by legislation or by otherwise. The de- fence is, viewed from a standpoint of morality, entirely devoid of merits. but etieet must 'rt,',',','.,', to it as a matter of law. Action ismissed without costs. A31 let.. I; htot plfutho. W H Just received an ha . for sale near load ofthe famous gil e “our, Rnyal Household heal {ion in t e world. For a few days only wil sel fdr $5 25 per harrel Those wash ng secure their winter ttours at. reduced prices should do so "t nnce. Other big grade Man- itoba fiottrs at, 85 her bar I. Special rates for three and four ha el lots. HAMPDKN tk,taArs,--Bunday and Mon- day Inst Hrunpden Presbytermns had moat successful anniversary services. Rev John Hastie of Belgrave occupied the pulpit on Sunday and his services are very highly spoken of. On Monday evening m lhe social gathering_he qukg Clearing sale ,erttet' Goods at Grant’s See, his ad. VVEI.L~DESEHVED PROMOTION. - Mr Hranry Cameron. son of Mr and Mrs (Yanwrnn, of town, has been an import- ant employeeot the Merchant's Bank, Neepawu, Man. for nahort “IMP. A few wepka ago the nmnuger went to Vnncnnver to found 8. new branch and Henry is now the the umnnger at Nee- pawn. Merit tells. _ DURHAM, THURSDAY. JANUARY ll, 1906 st;irt inlu the hearts of new nu Woodstock Express. At I. o, curl, in Town Ht", on Iltit inst at Arach'arlane's. tirAihi tor" deteniUnti. " The Toronto Mail and Empire says of Donald C. MacC'regor, the gifled hats itone: "he proved a decided favorite. his rich voice being heard to advantage in tt Afton Water." " Drink to Me Only With Ilhine Eyes." and otherseleetionii. -In the Town Hall. Jan. 11 with other otars. Plan at MeFarlane's. Jessie A. Homing thoroughly delight- ed her audience. tihe has " good Hume uppenmm'e. (-lenr voice, " good deliv- ely. and wins her way right from the Lost RAIN COAT,-. he party who was ttren takine a, mi out from Me. Clung'a cutter tit, the rnoch Christ.- mus Tree on Dec. 28, is w nested to PP- turn it atonoo. either to t proprietor or leave It " Mr Hunts's ato , Dornoch. Comfortable House uf Du am to rent at». reasonable rate. For artioulars apply to MISS M. O' ONNELL. 1602 East Firs W et. Dulut. . M'nn, Dr. Bro Eye, Eur. NONI and Throat Specie; at, will heat the Knapp House, Dnrh I. Saturdav. Jan, 13. Hours 12a. m. 05p. m, Eyes tested and Glasses fitt The Great- 15re Life InNranee Cum. puny affords the Aumt,yatu1riry, and pays the largest pr ts t6 policy hold- em. W. F. DUNN, gen}? . Avlimz& Son is hup\ing now a kiln of 300.000 bricks readv Tor sale. G unr- antec-d a good article and prices. right. Royal Homehn‘i ur suits the household. For a. few days Watson the baker is selling It at 5.25. SERVANT Gr avasrrruv--iro tutu}: duties light A ly to Mrs John, hatu.. eron. Upper tow . Anvone desiring fresh sh nmv oh, min them by calling on as Wilson at the " oezer. r Men's Overt-hoes 81.60 at ere Rouen ducks, and PI pouth Rock r'ockerels for sale at C. N. arm's. Thorough Bred stock 1'. In. Apply lo Wm Morrison. Edge ill, Ont. . d four ha el loté. A. W. W TSON. Durhm Balcory (BEDS? mu- nudismc mi PP.-- Con- Pl an The council. in response to a dele- ttation from the Public Library Board consisting of Inspector Campbell, John Graham and C Ramage. generously granted the usual $100. Accts for Clerk‘s salary, and C Ramage $11.00 for printing were passed. rune. The following are the Committees.. flrgt named being Chairman in each Fire and Light-temulate, Fumeanx Whelan. Property-Moran. Landau, Mats. Farlane. - Printimt-MtsWrltsne, Whelan. Fur- neax. iteliet--Bunter, Lenahsn. Cochnne. Bd. of1hsslth-MAror gamer, gril- bert Mekeehnie, Hugh Rose, Geo. 8parlintt. Court ot Revision-mutter, Much:- lane, Moran, Cochrgne, Wilden. Pastor Pined and gurelitraiiiiiii gave short; addresses. although the church was crowded the order through- out the entire evening was excellent. and all went home feeling truly that " there's no time like December when Christmas comes again." Com, Last Monday the inaugural meeting of the new councn took place and the necessary formalities over, they got down to work at once. They give promise bv the expeditious way they disposed of the business. to being a useful council. and though there will be some hard nuts to crack they will handle them. The appointees are Assessor, C El- vidge $75; Caretaker, Jae Davidson 870; Constable, Jno Clark 8100; Tru- ant Offieer, W J Adams. $5.00; Health Insrector. Hugh MacKay, $24; Med- ica Health Other, Dr Hutton, $5. Pound keeper-T Daniels, $5.00. Bd. of Worktr--Whelan, Cochune, Furneanx. _ The annual Christmas Tree and lint-i eltuinment of the Bentinck Baplist "ll5 Sunday School was held on the evening 2916 of Dec. 22nd. Two beautiful trees sym- “917 metrical in form, tastefully decorated [918 with gifts adorned the trout of the: church. An excellent program which 5919 with the exception of several Christmas l anthems by the choir. was executed by the Sunduy School children. There l were three exsurcises,--t h" Procession of 472 the months, the night the Sheperds l ' Watched and the Stn, Exercise. a {473 numbel of reeitarions, blvl-DS and chor- 47t uses all of which were most successfully F. rendered. Just preceding the distrih. 475 union ofthe gifts. Miss Flora McDon- - aid, who for a number ot years husl4l6 been the organist and treasurer of the 1 Sunday Schnolas well as teacher was 130 presented with a beautiful gold ring 131 and a morocco hound hook of poems. 132 Miss Kate McKinnon was also piesent-l ednwith a minty toilet cage by _her class. I 133 DEATH OF Mme VAN ALtrrrsrr.- After a lingeringillness, the above, lady pass- ed away at, her residence in town last Thursday. The deceased has never. been well for a few years lnu(-k.nnrl only lust summer the family moved to town front Dakota in an effort to im- prove her health near her earlv home. She was a daughter of the late Ezekiel Ahited, and leaves to Inuurn her depart- ure, n snrrnwing lnwhnnd four child. ten. one brother and two sisters. hem- here, Mr Juo. AMI-ed, Mrs J w Blstll. Vurneynnd Mrs H. Burnett. of town. Owing to snuw hlovkatles in the we”, hernhlest non failed to make connect- iunstn get, here in time. Amid umny tokens of unmet. the burial took place Monday at Mann-wood Cemetery. there being " large funeral cortege. The Re- View extends sympathy to the sorrow- mg. The union prayer "matings in the Bap- tist and b ethndlst Churches on Monday and Tuesday last were well attended- very much bet ter than in former years. The interest is great, and gratifying. Wednesday in the Preshyterian Church Thursday in Trinity Church. Friday a- gain in the Baptist, Church. Week before Inst, the Hanover Post had a very tine photo of Mayo: Mearne with a concise biography of his life. and the work he ho done' for his town, in council and on School Board. He was this year returned by aechtmation for the sixth time. Miss Homing literally brought down the lytrvie.--Arir News. She wiil be at the I. o. F. Concert next Thursday in the Town Hall with Donald McGregnr Will White and other stars. Tickets 25c and '35c. Plan at MacFurlnne's. PUBLIC LBRARV.--The adjourned annual meeting of the Public Lilnnrv will he held an the 18 inst. when the reg- ular husmpss will be transacted. Also tne annual sale of the magazines will take place Thursday 18th inst. Mr Jno. Bell has bought Wm. Mc- Fadden's farm opposite Reeve MrFud- den's, for $2l00. Mr T. McGirr has al- so added to his acres by the purchase of the farm north of his own. The , mt “fest Life Insurance Com- pany swl endowments, and other pol- Icien Rta Ir. vr Pale than other com-- pmws. ASk or nut-watt”; before you imutre, W. F.' Dunn. Agent. .. 'JM F}!kingham has bought the old Gaynor property from Jno. Keys. CEMENT --The independent expest hue about completed his labors and hi. report will he anxiously awaiting. No report yet as to date if Annual meet- ng. , G m r 1?itunee---Mc1i'arltrne, Moran, Coch- M's felt faxed heed Boots, 82 at Town Council. TORONTO _i"ibttt ME. 5913 Pu The Manse at At as Presbyterian. church Dromore. P hturer to remove the building and clan off ail rubbish during the month ot my. Apply to J. M. FINDLAY Dromore. i909 low J 911 ‘912 The Annual Meetin$nf the Electoral District Agricultural orietar of South Grev. will he held in the Town Hall, Town of Durham. on Wednesday the 17th an of January A. D. 1906, " one o'clock p. m. Gm. 3mm: Pres. A. DAvmoox Secy. Jan. 2nd was ‘ The undersig ed have this day by mutual consent unsolved the partner- ship hitherto exi ing between them " miller: at the pe plo’a mills. Durham. under the firm nu e of J. artd w. Mc- Gowan. All mam ta due the late firm must he paid to ma McGowan who continues the has as, and who will also meet nit ahliga ion: contracted by the, lute ttrm. Dated this 26th d of December. 1906 05m McGowAN. Wag. McGowan. CLASS IL-RELIGIOUS 92 I. N. R. L, ttprisoner'. ntory of the Cross.... .... ....Rosegger 93 A snuggle for Life. . .. ....Lungtry CLASS E.--vOyAGEts & TRAVELS_ 355 The St. Lawrence. . . . . . . .Dzlwson 356 The Penetration of Arabia, Hogarth 357 The Nile Quest . . ..Sir H. Johnston 358 A Canndimn Girl In South Africa. . ...... ...... ......Gmham 500 501 133 13t 907 ijil8 901 905 li00 899 900 ml 902 9'3 116 The Little Shepherd (if kGiiiiiG Come 117 The Cherry Rihhands.. . . . .Crm'ket CLASS Ir-GENERAL LITERATURE 896 Tales ofthe Road . . .. .. . .Crewdsot, 897 The Boy Mineral Collectors, ht New 8338 Firm of fiir'dlest1me. . . .. . ....l)m'le 101 102 103 101 105 106 107 108 100 110 111 B12 113 114 I15 110 In Holstein, arranged by the Pres- byterian and Methodist Churches, will commence on Sunday, Jan 14th, in the Methodist Church and will be held alternatively in the two churches. The services will be conducted by Rev H D Kennedy. a noted evangelist, who was associated for a vear with Moody, and who has also worked with Torrey and Alexander. Meetings at 7.30 each evening. Special music will be ar- ranged and a far-reaching revival is looked for. Every man, woman and child within reach of Holstein is cor- dially invited. 100 CLASS C.-i9ETRY & DRAMA ( McLachluu's Poetical Work. Tennywn's Poetical Works. ', A Treusurv of Lanndian Verso“. .................‘ f i Poems of \IVilfrig Cempitell, 0issolutiottof Partnership. New Books at the Library. Old quirtiei,-. . . C. N... in: . Parker The makinc of the Canadian West ...................McBrth CLASS D -SCIENCE How to know thesmrry Heavens.. ...... ......irxing Our Native Trees. . . . . .. . . . . Keeler The Romance of Modern anomn- tion.... . .... ....hvili'uune The Romanoe of Modern Engin- . caring. . . . . . . . . . .Willimnn Bird Neigh horas . . . . . . . . . Bluncham t6 Isabella oa'wrCrit. LCLASS B.--BIOdRAPHY The Mary of mv Life.Helen Keller The Youth of Washington. Mitchell Great Engliuhmen of the Rim cen- tury ....................Lee Memoirs of}; (he a; La-Zadl. Tales ...... .... ....Fr Pen Pictures of Early 1'soneer Lite. ...... ......A. (Fan The Social Unrest. . . . . . .. ..Bm Northern Trails. . . . . . .. ..... .I. Hector, My Dog............Yu The Lure of the Nun Ina-n Wild turn The Passing of a Race The Mode, n Bank . . . . Ben Blmr ......... .... The strutezv of Grout U'olert0gt0 Lectures on shaker-'- pen,l'e.,.. ........ . ........Ashe The Struggle for Existence. Mills Two Link-Savages, .Scton Thom p The Downfall of Russia. Chrletidge'e Ta ble Talk . . (Tulvndge‘u Lectures t Cure-era for the Coming Men Animal Heroes.. .tieton Thompson The Simple Life . . . . . .. . . . . Wagner Evolullnn of the Japanese. Gulick The White Peril in the Fur East Gulivk The Downfall of Russia. . . . . .(innz r'y!etitige'y Table Talk . . .. . . . .Aullt‘ Nadia . . . . . .. . . .. ..... .McCutche-nn SI Dumber“. ... . . .. .. ...Kn0wles Dr Luke ni the Labrador. .Lluncnn The Masqueraders.. . . . . . .Thursmn Between of S. Brook Farm. Wiggin The Tower of London. ..Ainnwnrtb The f,t'g',id"iii; . . . . . . . . . ..Charchm God's: Good nu. . ...... ....Uoreili Mollin'a Prince... .. . . ' . . . .. . .Curev Duncan Polite......... ......Keith The Ne'er do Weel. . . . . . . . . . .Swun The Guinea Stamp, . . . . . . . . ..Bwan White Fire. . . . . . . . . . ....0xenhtuu Beverlv of Grausuu'k. McCuu-heon A Welsh Singer. . . . .. . . . . . ..Rtline The Village Artist.. . . .. . . . .Teskey Marselle. ... ... ... .. ....Burntnui, Dounlda... .. ...... ...... ....M(-Leml The Little Shepherd of Kinodnm GLASS A.-... HISTORY Union Revival Services Lire J? tilé :Vomrlhem ii- i-Id CLASS K-FKJT10N. FOR SALE. 11(ng of Gteatirliiiordi".". .. ................Spennnun sTules ...... .... ....Fraser NOTICE o.-.» ...... ....\Vulluce at Detective. . . . . Lllhhridge Higgins ,. .Firike Can urk . Brooks ' . . Long f Young Spear Rnnd Now on at keeler's GREAT BARGAINS await you here in Washes. Clocks. Jewelery. sum-- was. Chins. Books. Stationary and Pusey Goods. BIO, . JANUARY SALE Get a first-thum " Reader‘s this The Busy Store R. B. keelttub .8005 We ulso have a Inge stock of GOOD TAFFETA RIBBONS we are selling at cost. Everything in the Millinery line will be sold AT COST the next six weeks to make room for Spring Goods. We still haven few more hats we are offering very cheap. Some of these hate we are selling " a bargain are made of the very best materials, black tafteta silk. plush, chenille and other materials. They are bargains if you want a nice. cheap hat. A meeting of thir, Imdv will ite hold in Millvr's Hall. Human-r and Tn. Hall, Durhmn on the, lllh and 12' h t'espectt ivelv. MRS. l). MrTAVISH. N Bruce, wtit he present and address the “met- Ings. Ladies from town and country cordiallv ihvited. (hood Musical Program proviced tor evening aminns. Everyone is invited to all the meet, ings and take part in the digtutsiiotvs. Judging will t-mnnwm-e at I No prize will he 'atvurde.d unlu- es consider exhibit mnthv. I to remain in Hull until 4 p m. WOMEN‘S INSTITUTE On the Second DAV in Durham. the Annual Seed Fur will he held when Fir-t. Six-0nd and Third prizes of 82 oo, Cl and liOe reapectively will he give" for each of the following classes of Farm Pmducts: Spring Went Penn. Small White Goose Wheat Peas, Blue Barley Thimothy Bred Oats, long White Clover Seed Ost- ahoet White Pontoon Spelt: Ot Emmor Early any variety Buckwheat L‘itounv variety One lag of Grain, Potatoes and Seeds to he shown in cinch clan by ettch ax- hiliibor. Entry fee for uremia-rs. 3% for one or more em ries. Null-lllvllnlwl" fur. Allkrnln shown for competition must he grown by the exhihitot. and all the exhibits must be correctly namml and of the growth of 1905. Member-s who ha pore of mil plan "m'tb I before any of slum " and price, "PPM..- nn .. planting trees torovtrtttsrsnt and “mm-t." in the evening “The Parm- or": Lawn and Flam-r Garden. ' 0n 8Murduv. on . The Selection. cure- and culCivadon M Seede.’ Mr Jno. Campbell. Woodvtlle, will speak on Friday afternoon on .. Grow- anha for PrMit " In the evening on .. Life on the Farm on it is and is likely to be," on Saturday his topic is .. How to double the production and income tttt an average farm." Frldny ttttd Saturday Jan 12 a as. " 1.30 p, m. on 12th and l3th. and 10 a. In. an the 13th. Regular meeting of the South Gree Purim-hf lnntule will he held in Tolford'n gull; Hanover on Thursday. Jan ll. and ml t? IV. l. YOUNG. GEO. MINNIl MrJuhn N. Pearce, London. on Friday To January lst, 1907, only Miss Dick. CHAS BAMAGE, Pun-n no Puma“. week for I The Mid=winter M illinery President. All $1.00. Farmers' Institute. Annual Seed Fair. I" "ttt Town Hall. Durham PROG RA M Review ll on FOUNTAIN PEN Subscribe m ll Pena, Blue Thimothy Heed Clover Seed Pontoon Ever any variety Ltte unv variety NO w. " Coma. Secret nry

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