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Durham Review (1897), 11 Jan 1906, p. 2

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l] An unspering enemy of trousers has arisen who will have none of the specious erguments urged in favor of those gur- ments by a tailors' paper, quoted by us the other day, says the London News. He no)": (and we are glad to see that he treats the subject with a. proper earnest- neee): "The epoch of the trouser is certainly the most miserable epoch in English history, when we consider the disastrous was it has seen, the great strikes and armies of unemployed, and tho donning increase in insanity. The costume of the ancient Romans had no- thing to do with the downfall of their Empire. That costume was in vogue long before the birth of Romulus and Remus, and we: worn by the whole of the civilised world during the rise and progreee of Rome and for centuries " ter its downfall.” _. ___-___-L . ...s “un- “mil Dear Mother The late war in the lat east is provid- - further data for those who believe. that rain can be brought on at will by tion many experiments have been made, the use of artillery fire. in which direc- gpecially in the arid deserts in the tantra States. According to an official report tre General Kouroprtkin during on. of the fierce artillery duels carried on to the Iouth of Mululen the incessant 'trhttt brought on a torrential downpour of rain, although the sky had been pre- viously free from clouds. The French General Chspelle, who was following the Rushns’ operations in Manchuria, con- Inns this phenomenon, immncing other omsioms when the smile thing happened to his own personal knowledge. no money. but write her to-day if your children trouble you in this may. Don't Marne the child; the chances are it can’s help it. This treatment also cures adults and aged people troubled with urine dif- fiealties by day or night. Spanking does not cure children of bed-wetting. There is a constitutional cause for this trouble. Mrs. M. SUM- MERS. Box I, Windsor, on, will sand free to any mother her successful home trutment, with full imhryetiont. Send tto-tder-So you want me to so in busi- ness with you. As I umterstand It. I an to furnish tho eegrttat and you the experience.“ Bmtndee-No, sir. You are to rural-h the tmottat and I an to tarnish the nerve. C. G. Archer. ot Brewer. Maine. says: "I has had Catarrh tor neural years. Water would run Inn my eyes and nose for dare a 8 the. About tour months ago I was tndtgeqd to try Dr. W's Catarrhu Pow- dor. and since using the wonderful remedy I hare an had an attack. It "News In ten about.” so eentr.-tT will write high with Joyoun pun Elm: trades, unwary hen? Why do our children read about those hbulous geese d the Roman capital? The hens of Kan. sas are worthier subjtvts. Here is one yur's work of them: 87/226,llt worth of eggs, which. as a Karreag economist does wall to remind the war'ui, is interest at 5 per cent. on 8i4,7r?.'2d."3tt. To any noth- London Strap Hangers in Revolt. (Cleveland Plain Dealer.) To certain Ameriean institutions the 'Englishman takes kindly. There is, how- ever, one abuse introduced into London by the "Ameriean invasion," to which the people not only object, but against which they are preparing vigorously to fight. This is the overcrowding of can on the new Yerkes system. The "strap hangers" are i:o full revolt. They will have seats or know the reason why. After the English fashion at women: has been of Mow growth. t , " course, with innumemhlo ur by individual Londoners and I fhtod of let- What Kansas Own the Ben. (Everybody'e Magazine.) Nightingales. larks, 'rteMtgy and such poetic fowl have been hailed and hymn. ed until the world is very weary of them. Where is the robust American bard wro kg of "broilers" and other by-products. Xmas hens make more money far Kan- sas than do her sheep, wool, barley, “is, (nit. Iorghum. oats potatoes. The hen Md be the bird of Kan-Ls as the eagle As the bird of freeuonu torn to the Times. Then can. again- tion, and now is promised an appeal to the courts by three association formed expressly to stop overcrowding h the can. . EYES AND NOSE RAN WATER.--. Rain Caused by Artillery Fire. BETHR WAN SPANKING. Your idem-re a constant min Fall and Winter weather. 1tggf, etcltcnld, ibrou.uoratet,t.t . iUh't iiiritaraTGlGarr"i his!“ toutheoirruiahleriedrhtall has of the air W in children. his nbsoiutely harmless and pleasant to take. iti"uarrrttmdto-rro-et.ey Uretumed. Therkeis25s/perbttttlé. andadaersiuinedicineseli 31.1 This may am.“ be ieettrhe.tgyAl: SHILOH The Principal Motor Power. A CRITIC " 13008138. lazuli» Garment is Bitterly irthe argument mat our " for 10e; so for Mkv, too, a; MO, 33: W. w, ll] (mutant. Largest and than no“ In Canada; 600 mixed, $8; album. all _ W. R. Adm. Toronto. Ont. ABSOLUTELY THE BEST; “THAN OR Eclectic shorthand students me. lat- ter: utter six weeka' private tutruction. New term, Jul. 2nd. Complete court. tn shorthand, bookkeeping. typewrmng. pon- manahip, $20. Write Toronto Busines- Col- lege, Yonge and Bloor, Toronto, Ont. WANTED. YOUNG WOMEN or GOOD education to enter Training School for Nurses. The. (3) years' course. Second term commencing Jan. lat. Apply to In: Kent, Superintendent Toledo Hawks]. To- ledo, Ohio. U. S. A. b Gerrard cut, Toronto; and. Princi- oalship ot T. J. Johnston; eighteen your experience: give: thorough 151nm; tor rail- vuy oponuns; cat-louse tree: write tor pmlculul. In. qulow’a Soothing Syrup would than be mod for Children Teething. It soothes tho child, loom“ the man. cum 'J,',',".', colic and is the but remedy for Diu- r 003. IN THE FAMOUS OKANAGAN VALLEY-. ten-acre fruit lot; puny Improved Ind planted; under irrigation; “no stretch ot lake from; the finest. peach (“strict tn Can- ada. R. J. Hogs. Parkland. B. C. F on SALE, PEDIGREED FOX TER- rlers (from Britain). beauties. 4 months old. $15, tar. 352 Taxable Buuduig. Mont- real, Que. Keep good company or none. Never be idle; it your hands moot be usefully employed. see to the cultivation of your mind. Always speak the truth. “a few promises; live up to your eu- moments. Keep your own secrets, I! you hare any. When you speak to persons, look them in the (see. Good company and good comers-Mon are the very shows ot virtue. Good chowder ts above all thing- else. Your character cannot be much Injured except by your own tots. It any one speak evil " you. tet your life prove it false. Drink no kind of 'uttoxieatintt llquorl. Ever live withitt your incomo. When you retire to bed think over what you have done tun-lag the day. Make no haste to be rich, it you would prosper. Small and steady gains give company with a quiet mind. Never play at gamma ot chance. Earn money before you spend it. Never run into debt. unless you see plain- ly a way to get out again. New-r borrow it you can avold it. Never speak ill of any one. He Just before you are gonerous. Head over the above maxim: at least onco n week. WANTED. cr TO up PER WEEK out ttq earned working tor u- at your home; send name and address for full par- ticulars. The Dominion Knitting Co., Oril- ton. On t, TALE or A CAT. A _ Once there was a. little cat. He enjoyed hot milk for breakfast. He liked to play all the time. lie thought it great fun to make beds. He would scamper under every piece from undor-sheet to counterpane. He would hurl himself at the pillows as if to annihilate them. He would tear under the bed and out again for no reason at all. He would rush up and downstairs lilo a whirlwind. - A _ . . Ila. - fii%aTerunt, the rubber tree much to the sorrow of the "rubber." . He could run up the portieres " nim- ble as . little mouse. lle loved to jump at the lace curtains and swing till he was dizzy. Once in a while he caught a. mouse, and then, alas! he showed his cruelty. -7io%"n'drerk r/tAug was to challenge him for a "wrastlc" that was likely to end in scratches. __ _ But 1iiTGriirig a big eat now and gives promise of achieving the most im. posing feline dignity. THAT cmrrmc' law that arises from the stomach and almost stranglos, I. caused by ttyrmontatlon of the food In the stomach. " is a foreman of itrdlgestiott and dyspepsia. Take one at Dr. Van sun Pine- apple Tablets immediately after eating. and It will prevent the disks; and dd dim- Uon. so in a box, E' _ctttta.-U, Sad. _ F ‘. November Smart Set. The Faiher---is it necessary for you to give the girls so many advantages t The Mother-dt is if you wish them to amount to anything. Why, at pres- eat they are not even ashamed of you. "God created tlicrfrirst woman," says the Cynical Bachelor; "bat the devil was hanging around and swiped the Enema." Souvenir Post Cards ENTRAL TELEGRAPH SCHOOL. , ARGAIN LIST OF FARMS MAILED tree. Alt. Brown, Department L, Pie- / Indispgnsable in Winter.\ Gum SYRUP or hit $nttt Mf tiers (from Briana). beauties, 4 months Like a Flower. (Chicago Chronicle.) The goul is like a flower, That always seeks the light; It climbs forever gpwgu'fl . . The weeds of doubt are many That clog its upward way. But faith is like the sunlight. And hope is like the day. The soul is like a flower And love is like the dew; his life is but a morning To some glad day for you. AGENTS WANTED. MISCELLANEOUS. ri.iGridt the soil-of night. SOME GOOD ADVICE. Afewdoues, "th"rstitptofneetii1, will dhyanthto-t Irritation-taka, any bt-ser-r-et-ik the inhalation- 1tlNhe,','a'l'i,1tpeijil,',1'.1d,2l',G',',g,'et, “mm mg, goo " a Gmn-eombtnedirith was. Flagrant” an. as as: FOR SALE, Safety Pound in on Elevator. (Rochester, N. Y., Post-Express.) Many persons have an objection to riding in elevators, or, more properly speaking, this objection should be classed as a feeling of dread or fear, but according to the superintendent of a big office building in Philadelphia, the safest place for a person to be in is in an elevator-that is, thntistieally speak- ing. In the set of elevators for which statistics have been kept by the super- intendent there has been an average transportation of 2,400,000 persons each year for seven years, an aggregate of 10,800,000, and of this number hut one. person has been injured, and that in. jury did not result fatally. He controls those who control Presidents' and Cabinets. He writes no editorials, but he owns the man who does. He makes no stump speeches. but he can buy all the elo- quence he needs. He lingers among the tseette-sttitters, at the back ot the big screen: and grins anrdonicaliy at the audience in front applauds the puppets: he pays the man who pulls the wire.rr--Tom Watson, in his Magazine tor December. How to get his pound of tlesh without drawing blood was the puzzle of Shylock; how to rob a compatriot and den-l1 beloved brother without violating the luvs against robbery is the conundrum upon which the Wall Skeeter constantly when his brain. And he goes to church with " family can business man in his highest state ot development. His knowledge ot the affairs every Sunday in a most decent and com- mgndablg way. - T In Wall Street will be found the Ameri- ts not a. rusty piece In all hls mentat'ma., china-y. He ls awake from his tthoe-strings up. He can so to the marrow ot business matters as unerrlngly as a loxhound tell: fox from hare. lie is a masterful man, mad he knows it. River Bourgois. Richmond Co., C. B.- Jan. --(specGl).--Among the my men in this part of Canada whom Dodd’s Kidney Pills have relieved of aches and pains and teakness, 'Pd. made strong and able to do a good day's work is MF. Simon V. Landry. Mr. Landry has num- erous friends here who ran vouch for the story he toll: of his cure. "f was bothered for over a. year," he says, "with lame back, weak legs, pal- pitatipn of the heart, general weakness and shortness of breath; in fact I could not work and was a. total wreck. " could not get anything to help me till I tried Dodd's Kidney Pills. But they did me good and no mistake. I used three boxes and I'm back at work again.” nun who ere these mighty men ot Wall Street? What are their neturee. purpones. ideals, methods? What is their work utter it is done? In private lite it may be, and mommy is. the feet that most ot these Watt Streeterl are honest after their own standard. 1nd scrupulously exact. That is to my. they observe the rules of the game. The stealing trom the public. and from each which concern him is vast and ready. There other, in done with the nicest regard to the proprietiee. The roseality of the sort called “eminently respectable." IT MUST BE WELL Mlilllilll Steady Growth In Popularity of DoddU Kidney Pills. Their Ethic: Am Delicate, if Peculiar- Their Pant. Made by Cums Like That of Simon V. Landrr--He Tells about It Himself. It is the cures they make that make Dodd's Kidney Pills so popular. Their popularity has grown steadily for thir- teen years. " must be well foundal. An Ancient Puzzle. The following interesting and ingeni- ous puzzle was found somc.yenrs ago in a remote village of Devon, England. It was inscribed in ancient. Reina" characters on a curiously shaped stone of black basalt and aroused much interest among the local antquariann: We publish simple, straight testimon- ials, not press agents' interviews, from well-know} people. From all iwei. America they testify to the merits of MINARIYS LINIMENT, the best of Household Remedies. MINARD't"s LINIMENT 00., LIMITED. "Sit down!” thundered the speaker. "I have tried vainly to catch your "aye" mad itmes when it was needed." An Eye for n Aye. (Philadelphia Ledger.) "Mr. Speaker,". said the Congressman, "I hams tried vainly to catch your eye Mind's L Barely Findl an Opening. (Boston Transcript.) Griggs-Barely has got a job at last. He’s working now in Hiekf livery Ita- Briggs-What doing? Grkr,ips---He has some horses that won't take the bit, so Borer has to nu: to them till thisy yawn. WALL STREET m. TAKE NOTICE. nimmt Cures Diphthria. OUO WEFO RYOUR The Wistruinster Gazette, which has been indulging in a prize competition on t3rtsttring Strange. Otths, say; ‘_ "We have received many' interesting and some learned essays on swearing, and one or two collections of more or less strange oaths, but no one writer has quite realized the essay we suggested. The oaths in particular were unsatis. factory. Shakespeare’s supreme effort in Macbeth, often quoted by our com- petition, is, after all, a curse. One com- petitor alone makes a really practical suggestion: "Why should. we not any. as,- Punch once suggested, 'Negretti and Zambri! How cold it has been." This might easily be developed-eg., at a picnic. 'I',enuistt. we've forgotten the corkscrew? ‘By Schweppe! where is the soda water?' and so on. An esteemed contemporary has lately sought to strike out an original line, and has made some excellent sug- gestions, which We. cannot. do better than quote: 'Bimetallismr.' 'Irurarbonate of potash!’ and (doubtless for speeitU emer- gencies) "Gotterdsumnerung'.' . bun-..” -e_ihee""" For surely the first thing to he reeog- ‘ hired about the man who misses his tmin and says: "D--- -r.'r is that his language has no conscious reference to any theological dogma. If the man who, at the Prdtetusor's Breakfast Table. ut- tered three words, two of which "Web- ster's Unabridged,” and "the first an emphatic monosyllabe, had really "visual. ized" St. Paul's conception of a groan- ing and unveiling Universe (including: Webster's l'mihridged). I for one would find a. unique interest. in his view-point. But let any reader ask the next man in the train whoepeaks of "the deuee" exactly what he. knows or believes of the Dusii. The result will be pure blank. This obvious fart is not recognized in current ethics. The broken collar but- onn Hm amldonlv punctured tire, (he For Surely the first thing nized about the man whn train and says: "D--- -3” language has no conscious any theological dogma. If t ‘ - " I n_4-l.f¢r This obvious fact is not recognized in current ethics. The broken collar but- ton. the suddenly punctured tire, the train missed by half a minute, produ.-e an inevitable overflow of nervous dis- charge. Now. human behavibr under those conditions may take several forms. Some people let their emotions explode. down "ui-et-of-leave" channels. The present writer was once installed in a home. wherein the domestic encumbrance was an aggressive adherent of the Salm- tion Army. When diplomatic relations with the mistress rem-h breaking point, the electrical condition of the kitchen at. mosnhere was always indicated by the --...-.....,1 strains oi: 'Tis life everlast- :,','t'e,g.',; was always 1 overland strains oi: ". ing; 'tis heaven below M Mllard's Lilinent Cures tiartet in Cows ------_----" l No Room for n Outsider. Her-But madame, you are quite mis. taken. It was not so. I give you the word of I. gentleman. Sher-l refuse to have, any third party brought into our t1igcussiort.---Boston Transcript. The Chickasha (IL. T.) Express to- prints from one of its Territorial ex- changes: "Sing a song at pegtilem'y, a fellow full of rye, four and twenty eer- pents dancing in his eye; when his eyes were opened he shouted for his-lie. Wasn’t he a pretty chump to go before his wife.' His hat was in the parlor, underneath the chair; his boots were in the hallway, his court. was on . chair; his trousers in the kitchen, his collar on the shelf, but he hun’t any notion where he was himself; when the morn was breaking, some one heard him call --hil bead was on the ice box, which was the beat of all: ' Miami's LTniment ctr" Colds, kc. uriiiiia. "crnieutr---pt course, The mere fact that she has to be silent causes her to suffer. . TORONTO ’SUNLaoHT t:,:)/rii,)si'evuiit??,'t,'it injure the surface. s oilcloths and linoleum. tmlieua-l page: a 310mm to ms,tltt SOAP An Indian Territory Song. Sunlight Soap cleans. freshens and preserves Sunlight Soap, rinse clean and wipe dry. The colors will be preserved and the surface unharmed. Common soaps fade the colors and Than I feel the touch ot her finger tttts, And I see the smlle on her little ttpts; But I wake again with a sudden tstart-- No baby's bend near my lonely heat. --3. A. Smith, BurtoM, on, in tgcottirh Ana-lean. Olly a hairy. the people sald. " the bell tolled sott tor the pulling deal Only . baby a few months old. Did it matter to them it she were cold? Only a baby. and yet it could be That that nme life was a world to me, And all the day long I must often weep mu the night comes on and I an asleep. WHEN RHEUMATISM DOUBLES A m UP physician and sufferer alike lone heart 1nd omen d” ot a cum. but here's the exceptlon. Wm. Pegg, ot Nor- wood. Ottt., nn: “l mu ttearly doubled up with rheumatism. I got three bottles of South American Rheumatic Cure and they cured me. It's the quickest acting medicine r ever tgaqr."--18 Sarah in a Tent Show. (Houston, Tex., Post.) Shrub Bomhudt- ts threatening m tour Texas in a circus tent. If tiamh will get a. tnuall menagerie, a few “whats. and a couple of clowns and fix the price of admission at 25 cents she might nuke a great hit in Texas. Poor Kindmf Majority Rule. (Cleveland Leader.) Do we realize how much and how often majority rule is made a mockery-a far- oft marsh light flickering elusively Over the bogs of corruption? For example, past, prurient and prosIwetive, take tho question of abolishing the systems of fem for cnunty officials. It has become so distorted in Ohio that men may make $50,000 a year by letting subordinates do the simple duties of public "snaps." It has long been a scandal. It is past open apology or defense. Yet it will not be abolished without a hard fight. Practical politicians are not sum that it will be uprooted at all. I: this majority rule t Miami's Lininént Cures Distemper. Frntieiarrs are not sun: ttiiat it will be I!!! Have Been TOIgi. Uprooted at all. Is this majority rule t (Buffalo Itmtuirer.) A man who lacks moral courage to Mrt Binge-Did your husband snob face a great evil has always mueh to the “811'! you at" him for Chrisx any shout how impractical other people nuurt are. __ Mrs. Baa----' made him. nut "in: "trthtr. I: n. MU” our. for att circular and tree “mph. K‘s-WILL. She 'trf'-"--'?,"-;"") -ti"ifit" 'y-i'-'.""""'"-"-", . -"it" “ii . "ll FARMERS AND DAIRYMEN Inn. Pail. Wash ilttlurr)lllllrm FIBRE WARE ARTICLES Orange Blossoms THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE INSIST ON BEING SUPPLIED WITH EDDY'S EVERY Tn”!!! Only a Baby. YOU WILL FIND TH“ GIVE YOU SATISFACTION EVIRY TIME E. B. ED DY'S ulyoumh who-mnem- Don't m on the wrong side of the road except at 'tnrrow, intersecting streets ports m2 WILL AVOID Atmmtr. m AOCIDEITS. Don't may your ehauffeur to drink liquor while in elurge of your en. lf running your on car "aid ram your. self. Don't try to see how close you an no to pedestrians Give them own more room than they require. Many walkers have heart trouble. Don’t take My kind of . turn or curve at twenty miles an hour; better go four miles and be able to do it an; Don't put oil on your registratyon number and throw dust on it. An horr est man ian't Urnid of idenuriettiov., Don't toot your horn in putting harms mules: approaching from behind, and then not unless kuolutety necessary. Them still um sonne_sgir_it_ed_ animus. Don't blow your Gabriel horn contin- ually in a. city street. A little of it at music; too much is a disagreeable, irrit- ating racket. Don't forget to light your lamps one hour lactate unmet: then you will have more chm than the wagon thud with» out lights - and be within the In. Don't grab " the things um Concern the ehautteur, and don't nuke a passen- ger sprain who has grabbed onee--if you ever are able to go out again. "iioFtGriGGr" after {inning down mybody; you'll stand I better chute? if you any. " ... -- ir,a;G net like :nything but an intelligent gilemnn.---The Outing Ma- glzine for Jsauary. the and. no gm! was am suffering (to. hurt trouble and no dust miraculo- I: "one” through the - at this pow- dul Meat. I my pr “to no tt."--" When you suspect that mything iq going wrong with I public building, any M. Paul’n Cathedral or the_Abbey, In! a. creek eppeere you puts brown pupa won the crack. The lent bit of move- ment were the peper and then you In». whether the mischief is stopped or wine- ther it is continuing. Them is duo on electrical apparatus for nae-wring " bretion um an not be noted by natur- al observation. ISSUE No. 2. 1906. HEART RELIEF m HALF " HOUR. .-.A may in New York State. with; ot her cuts by Dr. Agnew": Cure for the Hun. says: "t teel like one brought but tron Literally. (London Globe.) "You know Smith, the millionaire, don't you'." inquired . friend of . doe tor. "Yes," laid the doctor. "Be'e . pa tient of mire." "Putty wide awake sort of mu, isn’t. he?" "That exactly de scribes him," onid an doctor; "I an tinting him toe inomn'm." Removes all lard, soft or allowed lumps and blemishes from horses, blood Ipu'in, curbs, splints, ringbone, steamy, nines, spams, so": and mile: that. caught, etc. Save 850 by use of one bot tie. Wnmustod the most vandal-ml Ble- mill: Cure ever known. ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIIENT laugh! Sup i-rthnnie-, but in butwtratssedinthe_tnr+ In, laugh: In, mm m renting a 311W: Safety. The Ship Acronaut UP 2; Horace CHURCHILL A LY THE " otttert ttt " N0 mm "I III ins resett ta “paw all! onsinl Ir sing the P n making Liberal owing the Iain in Itt91' %ere were be h " r inw tmpt pf “I conic: in lid " u R

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