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Durham Review (1897), 11 Jan 1906, p. 6

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lt , 1 l SESURED w " V ir"'" “Jars, , m' r-t "s rubilA I” att-tttthit" . aaahtiEyayet, _' ."»»“'Q.M‘ted Tr1rcs're -. “le265 lvin- mm» m." -- S' SALE F QUALITY uipmont Jretig School C. Ramago, DI norm! upoiie- .. 21314ka we H 1906 tum isabu, started large. so! Irg2 d.' it) it) W itr SOMETHING NEW IN \VASHERS: The Perforated Drum. nnlv in the Idea Raymond} Sewing Machines. . McClary Stoves for Coal or Wood Agent for the Dillon Hinge Stay Fence. - - W bother it is one of the chronic sort or just a temporary " fair, it needs dm-turiug. n wox'r PAY IP LET 1103.“ Yong-an git at 7 our Store Honey for ac. It is the best cough cure-we liver had-pleasant to tnk;;a qua.- unteed cure, AT gm celgbrgtea Impeeiiaftiifp-oiLi SIS", Sf'Whi’t; "iiiii,"iii'diiaiici' bearing Jh/larvestors Thain will knock out any ordinary cold while you wnit. " they do not give satis- faction, we will refund the 25e. If it grin the start of you. you Can't cure it. II has to run its emu-no- then. It you want the hest Cute-a-Cold-it -a-Day Tablets get our Imperial Laxative Quinine in 25c boxes When You Feel A Cold Coming Mrs Lethbridge, ot Fingal. Co Elzin spent a week visiting her cousin, Mrs C' Kennedy, returned home last week tliteGriiiiiiiir' friends in Toronto. Mrs Albert Leslie and non Roy of Mount Forest, visited " thetormer‘s old home here for a week or no recent- I y. Mr Ed it is acme time lines a budget appeared in your paper from our part, so therefore we will try and give van a few of the happenings in and around our burg. JANUARY ll, 1906 "ii"iCC'"'1ir""'"C""'rC. fl bRBCr""Q7e"REraPah"n-- T”$ :gN.,G. d: J . hlidfedl1nie)j, Don't delay: Knock it out first thing. if,' In Crockery . . . 'til, Gr d; J. (llilfdlifail1rrie Mr Apgus 18eArthttr, of the Glen DA RLINGS, ': We can Rive only a were list of our goods. but In quality and l adv tummy to the needs of South (hwy we are not, excelled: l Deming Barrows. Wilkinson Ploughs, haney’s Har- I mess, Palmerston Buggies. Renowned “tiring, fair prices DARLING'S DRUG STORE Jhohn @Zark. Christmas and New Year's having once more passed around, we have commenced the season of 1906 with a fuller and more complete line of Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, etc, than ever before. Our Groceries . Alan Wiluelm's Wringeri. all mndr by -t7trilTirTrrAsr. The best In their line It we handle only the mast. Bunessan C", (The popular Cash Store. Are always of the freshest and the best and for A SHORT TIME ONLY we will continue to give 5 lbs. RAISINS for 25c. (New Fruit) See our large stock of JAPANESE WARE just opened. Have You a Cough? The Popular Cash Store. The People's Dru ggists. t'/7nd C" perm MaOI'u'nary. _ Miss Stidwill returned on of last week, after spending days at her home in Dutton Mr John Cameron, Jr, of North Da- Kota, accompanied by his brother-in- law, Mr McLean' is " present visiting ‘the McCormick family," 1 Miss Mary McFarlune, of Toronto, spent New Year's " her home and re- turned hat week. I Miss Mary Kennedy, of Toronto spent her holidays at her home here jand returned Tuesday of last week. i I Mr and In John McCoskery and Blanche, pfBtewartown, spent a. iew {days With Mr: Mfi1o'ots1rerio prams, Mr and Mrs John Stewart. A few doors South of the Middaugh House. Tuesday her hol i. Another pioneer of Proton, called nwav to roomve his reward m the per- son of the Rev John Morrilonof near. fudarvillv, aged about 75 year» About 50yetus ago hit Morrison Wm. u slu- dent preacher. for. the Prealuylerian church. first in (Foray township, them in Proton. when Proton was in its wild state. He had to travel on foot the only way then and he had many dimcultws in the wav. He boarded a good dval of the time with the late Mr Duncan Me- Millan near thonorth of Proton. where Swinton Park now is, there he had to no to Cednrville in the south west cor- ner of the township. passing along the 12th siderond. by where anPvllle is now. and occasionally togo to the then Fraser Settlement, now Ventry and the McAuley Settlement near Duudalk. About 40 years ago. he was ordained and placed in charge of the Eaplin aud Cedarville congregations and remained in charge for munv {ears until a few Il't't ago when hi ing health caused im to give up the charges. Desth cum to him on Friday even. lag the tith Jan. Mo lave- tlb widow and other minivan to mourn his " parture. The (and notice will be given nut week. Vlefum-ml was: on Monday, a brief sermon Was held at his lute residoure. by Rev Mr Kinda”, after which the hodv was conveyed to Westminster ehmeh, Mt Forest, where an approp- riate service was conducted by the Presbytery. Rev M, Hanna. moderat- or of Presbytery presided and gave the address. Rev John Reid read from Cor l; 16. Revs Barber and Aull led in prayer and most of the members of Preuhvtery took part. The pall lrurern were Revs Little. Cameron,' Reid, Far- qnharaon. Kerr and his old elder, Mr Allen McPherson. Revs Cameron and Farquharson conducted the service at: the grave. Thus earth claimed its earth, dust to dust, but over the gvave's victor! faith appeals to him who con- quere death and who will out of what seems our greatest loss work our ever- lasting gain." He leaves behind him a widow who was his ioe in her fellowship with his mils in the early years and who in his lime of fiailty moved the light of his eyfy) and the comfort of his heart. \Vtth a. life of such hunlships and the tiftiiction of pat tinl blindnexs that came upon him in later years it, would lime been no surprise if hie mind had Inst, its touch with all modern questions. To those who visited him, however, it was a constant surprise to timl an insatiable thir~t for knowledge and even usur- prising caparuty of npprrcisttmg the prohlems that are now facing the. church from a standpoint, so different. from that to whivh he “fits necmtmued in his early days. Needless to say he held "ffecLonaiely to the old and yet hislnterest. in the new Wits an abiding testimony to the felt, need of light to ehow the way through difficulties which the. message of the punt had never altogether removed. To the hint helnvedfellewship with the brethren and was new: absent from the meetings of Presbytery while the alnlitytoat- tend was given him. He \vasnn reed shaken with the wind. no courtier clothed in soft taitttent, hur a strong. rugged, earnest soul who has left his mark in hm age and in the community in which he hired. The end, not un- looked for, (tune on Friday last in the 78rhyear of his age. On Friday the 5th inst. at. "Rose.. bauk " C,edarvilltt there passed away the Rev John Morn neon. one. if the old pioneers in the Presbyterian ministry. Coming to this country foutv tive years ago, he did his work amid the strain and stress characteristic of the early settlement. He was inducted to the Pastoral charge of Cedarville In the 6th day of January 1866, the year that Canada was disturbed by the Fenian raid, and from that time onward his home and affections have been with his curly charge. He was. through all his career. a. man of fixed purpose and rigid devotion to duty. Nothing less than the absolutely imposeible ever kept him from fulfilling an nppomtment. The story is told that in the early days when in the course of a journey he came to n swollen river from which the bridge had been carried away. he took off his clothes. hound them in R bundle over his head, crossed the stream and was soon again in Br attire to proceed on his way to meet his people hardly expect- ing to see him. Such was the mun de- termined, devoted, fem'lo-e. Such is man iould not avoid provokmur untag- 'ttttsms but hte honestv and self sacrifice won esteem and respect from those who had beenhis opponents. The funeral arrangements were un- dertaken by his fellow Pnsbymrs an account of which is included in the fiue8keteh which follows by Rev Mr Ifarqtpharson. The briet Sketch by our Hoyevilla correspondent will also be rea with interest. For a. number at years he has been almost wholly blind, but while gen- eral bean, ' allowed he was seldom off duty and was a faithful attendee at all Presbytery meetings. The work he did, the Waiting and the watching ot all these years. some- times amid personal affuetion, some times amid opposition which should have been ashamed to show its head is known in fall only to Him whose true servant he was. but enough is known to furnish inspiration to many who will veneraie his memory tor the kindly, tnithlnl manner in which his work was done. For over 40 years the deceased has been a taitbtul pastor and preacher of the Presbyterian Church and while most intimately known in Proton and and East Egremont, the 0 must. be no Presbytetiiti congngarjon within the bounds of Samoan Presbytery and even on its borders, bat contains some members who knew the deceased and who will venerale the, memory ofthe genial pastor. On Saturday last, " his home in Cedarville. the above gentleman pas- led away " the age ot 78, fall of years and full at honor. The Late Rev. John Morrison Inner of the Presbytery. "Opev ille Matthews & Latimer The PM orator C u o tor those who are very hr back In an!” I'l'd'itt We teach read- ing, spelling, writing, arithmetic to grown up young men and women. separate moms for th a department and a sews-ate desk for each pupit with plenty of personal help. Full [articulars sent free to my address. Address: C. A. FIJM‘NG. Prin THE RELIABLE GROCERY Four complete Course of study, suited to the needs of all clam-s of .souutr people, , The Basin." Course, for yogi“: men nmwomen who wish a gum business training to q ity them to do busmoss for themselves and others. Thlscourse is useful tothe business man. the farmer or the professional term, also first class preparation: for young people who wish to go mm bthee work. 2 Tho s,ht,"l',N,y/,, Course for young people who ws lo become "enographcrs, re- porurs,ete, a Tho Tole In h C on for young people who. wish th,R.?,2e 'dt'l'rlifpt operators or to enter railway work. Easy to wenr-flurd to wear out-M" all-wool and fleece-lined foe men nnd boys. We are still Milling children'" shoes at 50cents per pair. goods Everything in PRINTS and COTTONS now selling cheap. C, McARTl-IUR Now that. the Holiday Season With all the nut-"ding festivities und luxur- ies is over. we would cull your attention again to the every-day nec-essnries " life. 1f yuu want HEAVY TVVILLED \VOOLLEN urn-y and white SHEET- INU 70 inch" wide, we have it. Cheno Ben of All-Wool, double BLANKETS at $3.90 per pair. WINTER TERM AT THE Ct?,)--"'-'?'.").',': .. _", , Settled Down I QW.“M§““$U wifi; If - -e oefties/ ,' l')" I {xi/1:1 3/ I . THE DURHAM REVIEW Begins Tuesday, Jan. a, 1906 and the Celehrat, d CLYDES- DALE STOCK FOOD and remedies IIWIYI {on hand. Has in More and is prepared to supply you from fall stocks of Groceries. Fruits, Confec- tionery. and Fleur and Feed. MacFarlane & Co. DRUGGISI‘S And Book-sellers. We have also prepared es- pecially for children l Baby's Cough Cure and Hive Croup Syrup, ea 25c bottle We gumnntee all the above preparations. Money cheer- fully refunded if no "enefit is derived. Pinol Balsam.... . .25c a bottle Syrup White Pine wjt_h Eucaly- - pin! Houey. . . . . .250 n hmtie Carr's Cough Cure. .50c a bottle Emulsion Cod Liver Oil 353 bot- tleot. ...... ..........3tor81 Colds are a Source of Danger There is no need of having colds fur you can stop them at the rhivvry, ween stage by taking guns of the body. counteract- mg acoudit ion ofthom which causes a cold's development. Keep thee tablets handy, take them at first indications and you’ll be free from colds all Winter. We warrant them Mnelrariane't, Cold Care Littlvtaldel it that an quickly and directv qn certain "r" If . on have n owed the cold lo dew-lap. any of the follow- ing will cure it UNDERWEAR Pr ice 25c TORONTO (ll)llflIll)llillf Efmfl'éi’f A. W. Watson Grand Mogul Tea sunbeam. Grvwnonthe hightahleundsufCeykxx this tea cumin the ele. mentsofapurenerveWod. 'thOthondsiyttrerptGik -v (18%“!th but“ handy-ha. has!“ 'tts-i-h-fit... -trituirsirtr-afhsa+ qThisteacoahsthrkinks outaftherterves. Why? Beeasmeitisrichintheine (the fUvuring essence) ttttx you don't need medi.. headache that made Wake! like wash. ar? qPedttqtsyouhavebeen We have more new ran ges in. All makes, styles and prices. Call and inspect these. We have one to suit you. T if o H 0 P E 'CARRIAGES Barclay t Bell WAREROOMS opposite Middaugh Ho. Stables. ... ASUSUAL... Seem to be all the go. They are handsome and as everybody knows. they are the most dur- able rig on the market. Call and examine them. Sunshine RANGES Iron tuur.--Nprrear old mm. General t'l'fl2t Also some well-bud Stitch "Run hubs. Term. reu- onc . Apptrto -- JOHN CLARK, Durban. Rev. u. u. Notary Public. Commissioner, Convey ( moor. Yunnan lusunnce Ann.“ I Private Money to Loan. Collec- tions of all kind! promptly Allen- ded to. Parts" bought and sold D. McPHA n. , ARTHUR GUN, M. B.. MEI-$53755 Gui, [alpha-rem 'GT. my 'tahiaifaiifiai, anthem Licenced Auctioneer to the County of Grey. F.ettefPtyyetteettu9t.et Gm- At." Licensed Auctioneer for tJo. Grey Term: mm. Amt: for all: u to m. in. - be made " the Review OG ttee, Durham. bare Correspondence addressed then. or to Ceylon P.0., will be mummy Included to, In. on Applicant: to Edge am. Oct. w. I“. Barristers. Solicitors. Conveymcers Ae. Money to Loan. Barrister. Solicitor In Supreme Court Notary Public. Commidstoner, due. .1 ”many Ind print. Fund: to Lean on Mortal.“ at Iowa: um of inuml. Vain-mm and. hr acommsont and auroral Ta'tmtor All Charco- Moderate A. G. MncKly K.C.'. w. F Dunn one. nad Residue. Cor. Wm. td. Geog. BL, " foot ot am. old Noodle (other. onxcn HOURS 0-11 B. I. H p. In. T-o p. I Yucatan. Commotion No. " otmNr---Lomat 10WN. DUKE ll. Gndm of macaw" York And on! in. - Dim of Eye. Ear, Nose, and Throat an" ho a Knapp Home Durham, then. hand» tn sch month. ila; s, 1-61 2 m.- J. G. BUTTON. M. D, C M W. C, PICKERING B. o s., L. o. s. HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University. ttrnduate of Royal Coilege of Dental Surgeon- of Ontario. Rooms Over J & J HUNTERS New Store 19tt1me--caider'. Block. over Post Ottiee Omce, 18 Fm" SI, late mum“ to Mooneld‘o (lo-don. rug) and to Knnpp'u (New You) By. Hospital» HONOR GRADUATE Toronto University, (and an: Rogat (huge Dental tsumeottrof um Dentistry in Ell.ita banana. . "--.."_.'-. r----V-. “b""“"“"' atom-roomy proplrod. Elm!» of doomed per- Iom looked an» sud Executor‘I and Autumn‘- tnton' Account. propu‘od IhdHIIBOd Sun-mg“. Conn Blaine-c. Prob“. of Wi that." Ot Ad min-num- ud Gunman-hip Obtained. Sth" chu mud. in may on“ Qua Titus rep m donation- and Anne) promptly amended Ite: palm, Hurting-3._ pouch Agra-menu Puma“)! t Sum-on. OM00 or» J. Art. Manor‘s Sun --------, t .3010 A... Auctioneers. D. MttPNAIL, Ceylon P. o or to th “non. Durham - Ccylon In: . telephone once. ttice. McKenzie'n Old Band, Durham MW 00"..- Phyv-W-‘u “a Surgeon Unlur‘o. BARRISTIR, BOIOITOR, noun" - counuuczn, ' thee. over Gordon'l Jewelry Store. - Spechl mum given to Dinner- at Women 3nd Childnn. Eire. McIntyre Block, over the Bank Will beat the llldnugh House, Durhnm, the am Wetland” ot cub month from 103. In. an 4 p. I]. ME DICAL J. RGRANT. D. 0.8. L. D. S. G. LEFROY McCAUL. _'rr_t,dilty:Aotsts * Throat MACKAY * DUNN, HOUR! ENC? J. P. TELFORD DR. BROWN. Money to Loan. DR. BURT ‘EG-AL. JACKSON, L. I C. P., tendon. in!” War. loan. Owen Sound

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