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Durham Review (1897), 18 Jan 1906, p. 1

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W ANNUAL t Just ""'tl,'/t thcy cost Mrts below Cost. m mforS STORE mg bale gains ust go. m I)b'Rl Dress Goods JANUARY 11, 1906 5h. " m can). irume barn " n If 12111138 ll rm). Co, in the Town- mty of Grey. "d, 17 so". drained, m. un' " R. L t, Ont.. or D " t SALE rm ud Ina Thistl dt an x 50 school tern" t.tf hanger, , Farm. tstttietr-- dininnd. in. Mid- ti, Peel. arerioo. rm and " Reti- partial 'urm or for our SALE I cm the St SUNS l o. and Weil wan- Y, Build. -e amid on t Durham “"seaslon I possess. Um " In KS! m, tut Durham F ani nut P. " N398. , pplr 13D. hard- _ and _ 25 our cods I) " puck " 10 ll If R. H. or ne "" St In 9 rd zly 900 We 5% TAYLOR &CO,Dromoré Eflmmsammflmsm 3331-:5-132i-Zi-ii-CEE-ci-CEEEEXEEHEEH 333% _ tii'-)'::' TAYLOR &CO,Dromore ifr , , Foe $5355:335:32:xxxmxtaxgmmmgxmg figmwmmmmmm3233350333333 VOL. xxvuf N0. , In a short time we will be taking stock, and as we find our stock at present much too large we are making a MONSTER SALE OF WINTER GOODS at astonishing low prices, We can save you money on these goods and a look through our stock during the next three weeks will convince you. You will tind everything as represented. This week we give you an idea of a few of them '. Girls' Lamb BOAS, 12 inches long, reg. Me for.... ...... . . A few imitation FUR CAPS, reg bDe. now only.... . . . . .. . . Girls' " GAUNTLErIS, reg 60e for. . . . . . .. ... Ladies' Ib .. reg 1.00 for.... ..... Men's it " reg 1.10 for...... .. Men's Real Fur " reg 2.50 for.... ....- Imitation ler'CHl’ST PROTECTORS, made wich rubber Great Reduction in Ken's Heavy Rubbers and overshoei, " per cent off all MENS and BOYS' SUITS and a large stock to choose from. Men's full cloth PANTS, reg 2.25 tor...... .. .... .... . .... January Stock: Taking Sale i.rtvrlhrini,t---stre proof against winter eolds,L-kr E61" driving. Regular he, now.... .... .... ...... ..... We are offering big reductions in all Fur Goods Do not to call and inspect these goods for yourself and you’ll be asta ed at their high quality and low price. Men's Fancy Raglan OVERCOATS. reg laid: for . . . . . . ...... 8.50 Men's Oxford 6t now only...... .........4.75 We have BOYS' OVERCOATS at. . . . . . very much reduced prices l 'g Leather LEGGINGS, reg. 1.75, now only..... . ... ... ..1.45 len " reg. 1.50, " ..............1.15 Men's and boys' WINTER MITTS of all kinds urn bein January sale price, which will settle them in she MEN'S CAPS, M's from last year, reg 1.00, now...... " aswrted, reg 50e, now.... .. LADIES CAPS, in different colors, reg isc and 30e for For Samples of prices, see our advertisement in the Supplement to this week's REVIEW. THIS IS YOUR CHANCE to buy good, fashionable goods and save at least one-third the prices you would pay regularly. CAN YOU AFFORD TO MISS IT? Giving up Business Sale James Ireland. We take all kinds of Farm Produce in exchange for these goods. An early call means a saving to you. Goods will be sold for CASH ONLY, or Pro- duce at Market Prices. NO CREDIT GIVEN. $13},(]'0() wcrthof Dry Goods, Ready- to-wear Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Carpets, Groceries, etc., MUST BE SOLD REGARDLESS OF COST Genuine Clearance of our Entire Stock Fur Goods of all kinds Men's Furnishings News 8185' y... . .. 81.60 apire. 81.75 rtiser 81.60 ...... 81.75 F Btar 81.75 nun DI all A reg 2.00 for oek -.=- i-iii-is-re-oy/plight 3:50;: itEu' :0Plcs _ I Big sun 5 in clothing a Mockler'u ig 1 Red Lotte-ES le. N M) Clearing an Winter Goods at E I Grant’s See In ad. & f: Now is your chem e to lruv an over'- i ' cont. $12 ones for $9, $9 (mes for $6.49. [ gut MocklerG Red Let r Sale. l! ItEvIvsL.--The ex ortrttory injunc- u; tion prominently displaved on ttltispage l i Is sent and paid fur by Holstein frienda ;whn are experiencing all the warmth wand blessings of a revival. of religinn. ’ In Tomnlo tlie Torrey-Alexander meet- ‘rings are arousing more and more inter- ;est. hmuireds and hnndm-ds helm: can- _verted. The closing meetings in the F "hurches here last week were even bet- I ter' than the first ones. A religious :wnrmlh is in the air. i Irvlanrl's not. ta ing stock this year. The people are tank Tht the stock and sav- jing money by doin so. I Vo'rlxu IN ARTEsrEsrA.--Attemeisia ltlouncil has allowed no grass to grow I under their feet in the matter of local option. but. true to the spirit that elec- lted them have brought; in a Ly-law [which into be voted on Feb. 6 next. iNot only is the council moving. the ', people, formed intothe Artemes'm. Tem- ‘lperimce Association. are movmg also. l, A joint stock company has been formed lto raise funds to provide proper hotel 1yTotny)atiot? at FleshertGn, Ceylon, l Priceville and Eugenia and 83000 has al- ready been subscribed as a guarantee. I " is not likely it will he required: the J hotel keepers will no doubt fall in With the new order of things and decide to keep the. law in such it vigilant town- [ ship when local option in secured. even though profits will he less. The council is guaranteed the cost ot the election ex- cept the necessary stationery. Should the. measure not Cill'l'V, something no one seems to fear, however. a curious sitimtion would result: the people vot- tim: down a. measure thee elected a lcouncnl t ' put through. I. O. F. Coe-mt-Concert lovers were grat 1fied last Thursday evening by hearing in the Town Hall. Me Donald McGregor, the well known harllone singer. Though his specialty in Scotch :and patriotic songs. such M the " Mrs Gregor's gathering, " " Highlandman's Toast, " etc., onlthis occasion he delight- ed his audience hv his sweet rendering l of an old Irish song. .. Aileen Alannah." ‘\Vill White, the Comedian, was there with his glotestlue continuing nhd act- ing. causing much laughter by his clev- er impersonations, in the first part of the program especially.‘ Miss Homing has a future before her as .m elocutlon- ist. Her rendering of .. Kissing Uap's Race " was well done; voice. attitude and action blending nicely to produce the excitement of a hm se race. She should cut out some of her other pieces, and aim for something more classic If she is to attain prominence as a. reader. Insp. Campbell was chairman and made some appropriate remarks in opening l showing the strength and benefit of the order both as a world wide association land 8.38. local court, paying a. compli- 1ment to Mr Wm Johnston for his un- Itiring interest in the work. The order gwas excellent and the proceeds came i very near to meetingthe entire expense. Those who have not yet renewed shoulddoeoat once. We need - dollar. Get. vigil? with the Publisher; and hove your new. Again we have all changes made up to-date. and we ash, as usual, to be in- formed of slips. If any in the corrections. We thank heartily the many who have paid and whose change of date will be the receipt. . What's takin all th) people to the ‘“we next the own Hall 'r' Ireland's i' " Giving-up-bust' as " Sale. I Have you seen t e latest song: .. I‘he ( Good Old Winter Thme." 1Vords in J. as. Mcllraith's ad. this week. . The Great- Hrest. Life Insuvanee Com- ipatiyitftordt the highest security and -p;ly.~4 the largest pr'ofits to policy hold- w-x-s. W. F. Dl'NN, Agent. ( Ladies: Order your Lady fingers, [ Mm'm'nnns, Creat, puffs and puff paste shells at. Wutson Bakery. Orders lu-muplly lillml. Tel hone38. , A. G. Carnpbell, Lievt.-Coh, 31st :1U-zmwnt. has retired to the Reserve Ilist of Cvl's and Maiur E. Rurke, of !'l‘hnrulmrv. takes his place as Lieut.- i Col. LOST RAIN CoAT.--The party who was seen takimt a raincoat from Me. Clung’s cutter at the Dornoch Christ- mas Tree on Dec. 28, is tet nested to re- turn it. at once. either to the proprietor "r leave it at Mr H unts's store, Dornoch. ANNUAL ME m0,-The Annual meeting of the Gr and Bruce Mutual Fire Insurance Go, ill he held in the Reid House, Hana I, Saturday th " 27th Jnnuarv, instant commencing at 1 o'eioek in the aftern n DUNCAN LU PBELL, Mgr. To-night, Thursdav the adjourned annual meeting of the public Library will he held. and sale of magazines take place. At 8 p. m. All readers should take an interest in the business of thin big institution at least, once nyear. Come out to-night. DURHAM, THURSDAY. JANUARY 18, 1906 WAs'rrtrr.--200 Fa ers to call at. the Massey Harris Show oms and Ret a nice calendar. Those prices u? Re letters represent only " part. of the val of the goods an Mockler's Red Letters le. That Little Yellow Label. JOHNCQUAEgEetzt til Remit Mr Pearce discussed the .. Farmer'g Lawn and Flower Garden " in the evening, to a large audience. with afew disorderly spirits, to whom the aesthetics of a. fine lawn and garden did not appeal. He narrated how Lon. don had come to be abeautifulcity by the force of example leading to a general lawn adornment, In this the home and the school should co- There were about 15 cooperative associationsin Ontario for the sale cf apples. He described the modus op- erandi of these concerns. showed that honesty and mutual confidence muse be the foundation. and economical buying and selling of fruit, barrels, boxes, etc the superstructure. In hauling apples use springs on the bol- sters or pilethe barrelson a rack full of hay. Careful cultivation. pruning spraying and marketing cannot fail to make orchards pay. He asserted that from 100,000 to 150,000 pounds (not dollars) were lost annually in Europe on Canadian apples owing to imper- feet shipments. Denmark’s product, were all sold on the eo-operative plans in eggs alone they make about 8L000,000a yeai He distinguished between combine and cooperation. the latter had no sinister meaning in it. Farmers were too exclusive in their business. co- operation Wus needed, and interest in farm products should not cease till they were in tsatisfied consumer‘s hands. He closed a moo Important address by an appeal for unity among farm-rs. Mr Sherrington, of Walkerton, in- troduced the question of exemption of woodland from taxation, justified, (or wood lots were of value tosurrounding country. Ilhis gentleman came as a substitute for Mr Campbell. he is man- ager ofthe experimcu I station at his home and came to spew . on " Co-oper- ation in marketing of fo, .u products, ,. a subject nicely handled in January Horticulturist. Roadside trees should be 40 feet a- part, or plant maple and poplar 20 feet apart. Soft maples not good, if growth too rank cut back the top. Prune in the fall. In pruning always cut or prune just above a bad, it cut below there may be 8 to 12 inches'ol dead wood. Locust seedlings make good fence posts. He urged strongly to preserve their timber areas and keep everv hoot out of them, FRIDAY Mr Pearce talked of " Tree planting for ornament and proif't " and coming the same week as the great Forestry Conference at Ottawa he and others were able to point to the opportu ne- ness of the subject. Some of the points he made We reproduce: money can provide barn, house, fences. etc. " any time, but money cannot buy ready made trees: you must plant them and wait. Farms increase in value by the tree outfit, advocated getting seedlings from the nursery. mulch with manure. sawdust not good it sheds rainfall and has no manurial qualities. Planting in the tall had manv advantages. Evergreens should be planted same day and hour " litt- [ ed, no getting lite through the turpen-l tine in the roots it sun and wind get) at them. Select bush trees in tall, l mark them. spade around, cutting the l roots, and when you remove in spring the root will_be a mass of fibres. ', The change of the date of the Seed Falr is a de -ided improvement as was seen bv the increased number ofen- tries, and the general interest taken in it. The prize winners will be found below, the Judges being MrPearce, Seedsman, of London and Mr A. s. Hunter. a success of the gatherings. They were in Hanover on Thursday and re- ported a iine interest there with the best gatherings yet held. The inter- est here is deep enough but not wide enough, for there should be hundreds more of the intelligent farmers of this community take an interest in the work. Friday and Saturday last were not- able Institute days tutti great Were the possibilities for farmers, gardeners and others to learn useful things or communicate to others oi their know- ledge. Prer. Wm Young and Seey. Binnie_left no. stene unturned to make Get Right Seed Fair Prize Wmnors. Continued on page f Farmer's Institute. TORONTO with God 1' D. S. C. It., J ti. Mcllmith. c, It ' A. D. 'Brnwnlng. C. o.. and all the mem. l bers in turn dropped their sprigs of Myerzrom in the grave. before farming the Cirwie of Concord which closed the proceedings. 3 On page four will ho found tt tenderlv ".vntoathetii'tuwottnt from the pen of Mr W. L. Falkingham, a neighbor. I _ ----_----- I] Mr Edwards: was u Hummer of the ll. o. F. of this town, and over 100 of l hot brethren tumml out to Pav the but lrespm'li. It wasthe Int-mu! soviet I' fuu. oral ever held round this part, Six of I the hrethwn acted as pull lwnrvrs. and :0" the coffin besides many othor floral 'trilmten was a beautiful wreath from the I, O. F. The imprenaivp lmrinl "ers vice Wu: unno- throuxh With thn reading Lyuy hell“: taking by Wm, .l_nhn<tng. D weaned was in his 4ith year. I mem- ber of a large family. Hill wife died over three years ugo. leaving an infant girl to his care. Besides thin little tot, at. present all unconscious of her loss. there remain as mourners. hie aged mother and a sister who formed the home circle. R. T. onerous the road. Sinn- uel at Banff. and we think. one other I hrttther. Hie sisters are Mrs Thus ; Greenwood: Mrs Henry Moifut. Mrs f Chm-1 MrClocklin, Mrs D McFarlane, Chtledon, and the one at home. i The funeral took place on Sunday and in“ might be expected was verv large'v [attended His pastor Rev Mr Coiling: of- ; ficiated and preached an impressive ser- l mon from the words '. We irntt needs all die " He referred to his personal in- :timm-y with the Jietrelttet) who was a faxthx'nl attendant on Divine services. a ltttetttlters. of the choiriund a respertvd ,and useful citizen. A word in r-(vnpliment of the fine weather is duef wn us. Few have seen a milder. mun- Izreeuhlo winter especi- ally around Dnchatn and to the east. for further west. of us they had to take to the wheels. A ttne soft snow has been falling for a. maple of (lava which Will make good sleighing and we may expect the cold to "strengthen as the days lengthen." AFTER WORLD'S CmcMr'rosmHtp.--A former Hammer Incrnssu plwma Noah Brnsso. who then exhibited pngilistic tendenmeit. has blossomed out astlw champion Canadian hozer and is slated to meet a. Yankee named Hart for the heavy weight; rhampionship of the world next month. Home at these pro- fessmnnls may he quite reepocmhlo. hut the batter ohms of citizens look upon all with disappmvnl and we would much rather we him attempt to achieve fame in somn more honornlle culling tttanYrirar-fiehtimr. Git-at. prirrss were realized lust week at the Lawson Sale. tt 1irtle to the north of us, the proprietor making 8200 more than he had ostinmted from Auctioneer MeKav's hammer. The Grout “fest Life Insuranee Com- pany RPIII endowments and other pul. icioa at alawor rate than other com- Wtntet'. Auk for nur “we Indore you insure. IV. F. Dunn. Agent. S"ietiy, less than cost at Mocklcr‘s Rad Let 'Snle. .- - - '~'--n -‘- -.....- -- v~'-~-> l rattle.. He tttttttled his horse. and went I Ihack to the hush to find him. He cum? tin sight of the loam alnnding at fullI length of the loading chain. and swing I Inn one mum a Imlloo, which of coup- I I was not. :muwerml. He kept on and I ', made lhvgrmwunw diseoverv which has ' Irhnokml this "eialtlrorhood. deprived I 'Glenvlg nfmw of its most popular citi. l Izens. plunged his fumilv into grief. and dc'privml nth-m little three year old girl lot n fat inn-k rare. I I Tho first to duscovrr him was Mr John w, Mc-Kechnw. who went to his gply'ginthe "19':on to look at sou” ny alone. Hehad bsen dead Romp time when Mr Mckeehine found him I only one thin to do run for help. Across the mug "v.28 his brother the well known It. T. Edwards, he want" home conferring with a cattle l-uver and with I neighbor who was new all were soon hack in the bush and had to use the houses to move the log so as to liberate Ihiselévud. The face was not at all muti- " . He was landing logs inthe usual “VI", Well known to luuibevemu. with his horres an the chain he had heen Prepay- ed In check the log with a handspike as man as it struck the bunks. but the horses had gmw too fur. had upset tho sleigh. the lug coming right over. and he appeal-Pd to have slipped in some Wu}. his head falling between the Inc an a slut-1p and of course the life crush- ed out. This la n merciful feattue of the (use '. he-did nyt. lie Ind die in ago- Wm. Edwards, Traverston, meets death while loading logs. Friday morning hut Mr Will Ed. wards. 'rrnvertstoii. was engaged at his duties gottlmr outlogs to take to the mill and alone he met his death in the most tragic manner. Killed in the Bush. BIO JANUARY SALE Now on at keeler's GREAT BARGAINS await you here in We also have a large stock of GOOD TAFFETA RIBBONS we are. selling at cost. Everything in the Miniuery line will be sold AT COST the next six weeks to make ro'om for Spring Goods. We still have a few more hats we are offering very cheap. Some of these hats we are selling " a bargain are made of the very best materials, black taffeta silk. plush, chenille and other materials. They are bargains if you want a nice. cheap hat. Get a first-class FOUNTAIN PEN at Keeler's this iii-a The Busy Store on the Buy Comer. ...-- - R. B. Keeler & Sons The Union Revival services com- menced last Sunday in the Methodist Church, Holstein, have been very suc- cessful and it is expected that in the near future the churches will not hold the crowds. The greatest revival in the history of Holstein is in progress. Meetings every night next week he, ginning. Sunday. 21st inst in the Pres. byterian Church. Every man. Woman and child within reach of Holstein cordially invited. Get Right Tendvrs are a d fur the 1-0"va of frame stable fro W. D. Mills' prupvr- ty in Upper Town' in me Dunhnm (Imu- ecery. Tenders had up to arm. inst. P, Tumour). {SH-y. Du Am Cemetery 00. . Get Rittht --- Q Won! has come that)” Four is medical treatment. at his house, l explains his mysu-rinus IIIsPlH'P. hope he "my nmke rapid meowry .570 information has vet rem-in Gi, date of the Annual cumming Rem-me mestill heard that the mill Wan not Iii-pt running thin [milit-uIm-ly mild winter atsd the Mum" is fwd)” laid on the head " the ottirials at tlu- Wm in hit her Ilmll on the “in morale. Mr McKrchnie N receiving luts of proxies and no hetter dismwitinn of them could be made than In entrant them in the one mam on the Directorate who haunt)“, dent-Iv lteen working in the interest of the shareholders. There can he ac douht the present Imoynncv is due entireiv to the agitat- ion overtlw ttttettitsted removal of the mill on the my of nu marl. and if the re- lmrt. of the export ir, an we t-xpc-(‘I it will be. favorable, the Annual nun-01mg willtake purl] m-linn mi will N1“. the stock Iuixllvr still. Director Nuke-chow uniforms us that today. Monday. Trev. Jackpot! M tempt- ed to purchase stock in Tomato. using the telephone, and was informed none could he had for loss than M on the dollar. and broker’s fees in addition. This is t-olcl comfort to those who fool- ishly sacrificed their stuck at 17c to Kw but is all right. for the lucky pun-chow“. The lump” saw to duv that, amount 'hid' is on y 21, hut record nothing as being " naked." Watches. Clocks. Jewelery, Silver ware. China. Books. Stationery and Racy Goods. Miss Dick. Your neighhor'l REVIEW: lub- rcrihe yourself; or. if your neigh- bor Iowa's nun. kindly give him I Mu. {int to Old us his name. Bun- you time and Iron- hie and given both hotter satis- faction. 85c '0 the end of the year. Send Allardemtu CHAS BAMAGE. . Pun-tn an Punusnn. week for Mid-winter M illinery Don't Borrow The Review Stock Going up. With God. With God. Durham. Ont Mr Four in under his house, which the min t livularly 'Peely laid the wm ks d “N of We

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