West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 18 Jan 1906, p. 4

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5Cf In Hal Slot Thu u! ax " is a cut. of .. Das, Atty farmer fattening stack will find :1 u.' the Ltstest harness horse ) that it. will ey hm" "View to fred In, lite World “0 is fed Interns.. i .terttruional SRO“ Food. “WW mumb- l 5 ' I. . t , _ fl ' , c,, 1 mg ty tytuet1 it for: hose: Asia gob}: A Great Clearing on all Odds and Ends and Remnants. . great {ytoek-'Gakiaig 3ate thearing Priees on '0lurtttets men’s and J??ers' Overcoat: We]: 's J', 111?: GUNS Cherry, Pine and Honey Cough Cure M____, ' .. :ock Fund eh er' mu ready to have the word ter We do not want to put one dollar’s worth more goods on our stock sheets than we can help, and for the next thirty Jays, we will all our Win.. You Should Stop it I : : : That Cough: : : Parker's Drug Store &tapo rh Clot/ling 0sz at SPECIAL REDUCED PRICES. 25 Misses' and Children 's Mantlles from . . . . . . . . 1.50 up 10 Women 's Mantles, regular ' 6.00 for.. . . .. . .. . .4.00 6 do 7.5ofor..... .....5.00 4 do 12.oofor..........10.00 Heavy double breauted, reg. $|0.00, clearing at. . .$7.N do 8.50, th . . . 6.00 do 7.50; " . .. 5.00 SPECIAL REDUCTIONS on Boys' and Children's Suits B Men's Overcoats, 1.5"}: ler'Y day which I iii'irtiiier,' to race every , Egremont otuf ., an n ) Johnston, W- BLACK. Oxe do do Cash ana One P,vee. Ro regular s 6.00, clearing at....$4.50 Fm which we will pay following prices: 23:33:“? l. $10 to $15 "(wording Hark Eltrt J to qlmllty ', Maple) Hemlock , Beech 88 to 812 Spun-e 88 to $10 Birch s Cedar s Tm: DURHAM FURNITURE Co., Ltd Is easy to take. V Is harmless. ls tscientifically made. Is a specific for throat and dim IO, LOGS WANTED CO, 'io, Nurmanhy ; _ Tom Pollock, ', Geo Myers, Gleuelg l Jas. Bentinck, about it. do do do do 7.50 9.00 5. 50 25 Mrs Will Black spent a few days at. Tomato. Mr Jake Kress is home after a short stay in Toronto, Mr. Mortimer of Fort William, is» guest at Mr. J. W, Crawford's. M rs Jackson and Min Armstrong are holidaying in Toronto, Maier Milton Mulls is spending a week with London relatives. Mr. G. Mekechnie. is attending a git-Sting of the Cement Board at Strat- or . -Mr Frank Lenahan and family are moving to their new residence in the old bank building. Miss Marion Elvidge, milliner,is home from Waterloo forthe holiday svuson. Just received it have. for sale at cur loud of the famous gilvne tiotw, Ito al Household best lion in the world. Ft,', afew days only wil sell for $5.25 per barrel Those Wlshl g to secure their winter fiours at red ted prices should do so at once. Other lgh made Man- itoba ttour at 85 her urel. Special rates for three and foun arlel lots. A. W. ATSON. ' Dur In Bakery. ADVICE To Yovso Mws.--Don't. ask a girl to nmrrv you afterdark when she is dressed tit. to kill. Call on her, and when you leave inadvertently drop a glove on the piano. Return for it next morning at 9 o'clock. If she comes to thedoor with one shoe and one slipper on, her hau- done up in curl papers, dressed in an old mother huhhard. our advice is to take to the woods. But if ,heappears in a neat house dress, her hair done up and tt rose in the top of her hair, grab her quick. Mr Nat Swallow left Wednesday morning to resume work in Toronto. Mr Ed. Burrows of Harrington is a guest for a week or so at Mr. A, Gor- don's. Mrs. Buddy and daughter of Cannon, Mun., spent a. couple of days with Mrs, Jus Hephurn. Mrs Jan. Carson, accompanied by het an". Dr Carson and daughter, Mus Sn- die, went to Fergus Wednesdmn where Mrs C. will undergo hospital treatment. Mr Rom. Lawson and family are moving to Harristou this week, where he has accepted an Agency for the Frmt and Wood Co. Thus ilk-Ronald, who removed to Allan Park, Bentinck Tp. at the close " the old year, had been for " Venn a reside-m of Sullivan. He was highly re spected by his neighbms at Monreshurg and wherever he was acquainted.- Ubesley Enterprise. A school teacher was giving his pupils a lesson regarding the circulation of the blood. .. If I stand on my head, by way of illustration, the blood rushes to my head. doesn't it?" Nobody contra- dicted him. Now, he continued, "when 1 stand on my feet. why doesn'tthe blood rush into my feet ?" Because, answered a daring youth, '. your feet ain't empty." M iss Porter. engaged at Miss Diek's is away on holidays (0 her home in Bur- lington. . MATTHEWS & “TIMER BARCLAY a BELL me BMGHAK as. JAB. BOY . I“ )0me TAMI 00. Everv hargmn is a. genuine one at 'df,',")),'.""' Red Let r "le-Bee the Red Cart B. After months of suffering from a. can- cerous: affection of the liver. borne with Christian patie nee, the above lady pass- ed away at her home in Durham, on Fri- day last. She was 06 years of age, and besides the sorrowing husband a. fam- ily of3 sons and 3 daughter mourn the wife and mother. The daughters, who were all home at her last illness. are Mrs Drinkwnter. Mrs Thorne and Jes- sie in Toronto, two sons in the West. were home ashort time ago. and John on the far m. Mr, Frank Livin stone, Guelph, is visiting relatives. 1n and near town at, present. Thorough Bred stock for sale. Apply to Wm Morrison. Edge Hill, Ont. Deceased and her husband lived for many years on the 4th Con. Glenelg, where they are still remembered in kindlv neighborship. She was " Sister of John and Arch Benton, Glcnelg. of Mrs Jno McGillivray, Benticck, and of Mrs Jno Cameron. N. an. To all the. mourners s mpathy is extended. The {antral on gummy was largely nt, tended, her Pastor Rev Mr Newton ot. ficiating. She was hurled in Saugeen cemetery. Returns so far in the election now going on in Britain show clearly the deep-rooted antipathy of the masses towards protection. This is the issue before the people, and it seems certain the Liberals will have a. clear major- ity over Conservatives Unionists. Na- tlonallsl and Laborites. The Conser- vatives have only made one gain while the Liberals have made about 80. The labor party is also gaining Ex- premier Balfour his brother a d other notables are defeated, while Premier " C. B.," Gladstone and some ether of the ministers are either elected by large majorities or in by tuselamation. The lsrgest majority in history is ex- CLYDESDALE STOCK FOOD For ale by ADDITIONAL LOCALS. Liberal Sweep in Britain. THE DURHAM REVIEW Mrs Donald Beaton. ma, *0-“- 0.- DURHAM DUB“ ALLAN PARK - DBOIOBE One of the sudden deaths that ever ye- tell mount] man took Blake in this view- itton Friday the 12t of Jan. Every one in this usually quiet neigh- borhood on this purticulur date appear- ed to be following theirdittereait avo- cations and every one appeal-a to lime been makingthe most of an exception- ally lovely day. when as a. crack of thunder or A trash of lightning. the news spread. from house to house. {mm line to line. and from township to town that William Edwards had been killed in the woods. while in the act of loading bigglejgh with logs. ' _-'-- __._..,_ WV.NFH was. The. air seemed to be full ofthemes- sage and as it widened and spread people stood rooted to the ground. won- s1tl.iyy. if what they heard could be true or if they were under some mystic spell and all hoping that there was a mistpake but no. the sad new: proved to be too true; and people soon realized that he who had heeuour neighbor, so helpful. good heat ted, and noble, had met his own and gone to reap his reward in another world. F ',lWl'grl'fiiThriii'iiiiiiiftir"iiiuaaii --_ m..- --ee m and tw-tie M And therearose another cry. wide in volume as the first. and louder and loud. er it grew as friends and neighlmra gathered at the old home. A great cry of sun-ow for every ouetett they had lost Afrieu , md all felt sad to think they hud’shuuk the. warm hand. enjoy- ed Ins lively wir, and shared in hisjukes and humor for the last, lime. Frwnds and neighhurs vied with each ouut bo sound ms [Ir-uses and to gn‘e and and sympathy to the prvstrated and Ktaef- stricken relatives and “our hieuds. m won-mm": aw, - -N.'--- -__ -_. but munch! new! lot the his of t,tY2,ti,',ttg1't8ltl, CitkiiattutryA.tu8attt. , -- Are the Chri tian civilized nations of Europe and Ameries blind to the atrocities taking place in Russia ? Massacres by the Turks at once rouses them, and a massing of fleets takes place. So far as we-have seen not an irttieitil word of protest is uttered any- where " the barbarous, brutal work of the Cossacks in Russia. When one. reads of a mother killing her child rath- 'er than have it murdered by the Cos- sacks, otsoldlers marching the streets each carrying a ST impaled on his bayonet, of two In three-your old children being rant limb from limb, and other azroclties equmlv horrible, it nukes on" blood run cold. And the rulers of Bush prune the loyalty ttutmoprlt Surelv it inimetor u “ConcertofEurope 'Uo bring pressure on than brawn, . , From a very careful examination of the place, it, would uppmr that while in the act ot drawing up the log on the sleighs. the deceased took up a hand- spike and plucnig one end in the sleigh attempted to stop the log coming over too far, but on the lug striking the handspike his feet slipped and he fell with his head against, a. stump that was near l at this moment, it is thought, the horses missing hte hand to guide them, sprang forward, overturning the loaded log on his head, and turning the sleigh: clear on top of the log. when thev could not possibly get any further. In this and state he was found by Mr John Me- Kechnie. Upper Town, Durham. who had called to purchase it cow, and who after waiting a considerable time at the houiae, started " to the hush to see what was deluving Mr Edwards. Mr Edwards was a son of the late Thomas Edwards, so well known in this part and who died very suddenly about nyegr ands. halt ago. He was in his 44th year and with the exception of a few vears in the west has spent, all his life on or neat the old how". He was of n. bright, lively disposition, alwuvs hap- py. good hearted an d nlways readv to help anyone, was vety witty and had the happy faculty r-t lvetngahle to say nearly anything without giving offence. What Will would say as a joke would cut like a knife from some people. We learn that Miss Emma, sister of the deceased, wanted to go to hurry up her brother, but. Mr Mekechnie would not hear of it and went " himseJ. We are all pleased at Mr Mckechnie's mun- liness. for had Misu Edwards found her hretber in that. sad state, no one dares to imagine the shock it would have been to her. He was an earnest worker In the Methodist Church and his platen m our Sabbath School. Choir and Epworth ILeagtte will be hard to till (we had hem-- y sand, will never lw titled.) He was an ardent cottset'yntive in politics, a worthy expunent of Temper- ance in all its forms and seldom allowed a chance to pass when he was able to deal a blow to drink and tobacco habits. He was a member of the Independent Order of Foresters. Court Durham, the. brotherhood at which attended the funeral in a body, to pay their last hom- age and respect. upwnrjs of 200 brothers from the Durham. Mnrkdnle and Dornoch courts being present and showing tun. sorrowing community the wonderful benefits of Liberty. Benev- olence and rnncord. ”Th5 funeral was. one of the largest ever seen in this district, upwards of 130 rigs being counted in procession. Intended for not wee”. --A General election is in progress In Great Britain and more than ever betore Canada and the Colonies are re- ceiving attention. Chamberlain and Balfour who are both apostles of pre- ferential trade, have been booted at public meetings, showing very plainly that the masses are tar from being con- vertstothe doctrine that a duty on iorgein grain to encourage the colonies would be to their benefit. Canada has. of course. lowered her duties to Britain, bat it should ever be remem- bered that there still are duties, pret- ty high ones. while Britain has practi- cally none: open to all comers. The old arguments of Cobden and Bright are still doing duty, and the scare of a dear loaf should the Chamberlain ikopastandscprtvail, will surely throw the power into the hands of the Lib erals. - . _ . ... , . Rev Thos Calling preached a most heart searching serumn and held up well, though all present could see the Rev gentleman. felt most acutely the sadness of the scene. The whole community join in their symgnthy to the ROI'I'OWIIIg and grief- stric en friends ani relatives. ONTARIO” ARCH TORONTO oe,reu,teer1ee.etetueet,e,tn'l'd1e . lion. In the good old winter time; in the good old winter time, Strolling down the icy streets with your baby mine t She holds your hand, you keep your feet, and that's a very good sign That you have got ice creepers in the good old winter time WE SELL THE! The latest and best at. per pair, Try a pair and be safe. Mg' (gil Ilia' (lgtlit In Me Surrogate Court of the Counlyof Grog. in the mailer of Tlmmun Geddes late of the Township o.fNoroutrby, m 'the County of Grey, Farmer, dammed NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Statute that all person having claims and demands against the Estate of Thomas Guides, deceased. whotlied on or about the "1st day of November. 1905. are required on c: ! More the 1118 Down Town The undersigned hteve this day by ire selling all at reduc- mutualtrorvient dissolved the partner- ed rices ship hitherto existing between them as p . . , V millers at the people's mills, Durham, under the firm name fd agd a,. Je,',- G an. All amounts not e ate rm . ' . 111?:th paid to John 1fd",'tg vim 15 Ladies Skirts. . .to clear -ont.inues the business. an w o w . the meet all aliligationa contracted by Shm were $3.50 for $2.75 "'tM,yt,Thr,u, d f D her 1906 Skirts, were 4.00 for 3.10 at u' syn Poem , . JOHN NCGOWAN. Skirts. were 5.00 for 4,00 WI. McGowan. to send hy post gawk]. or "elixcr Lu .n-sm. Mac- IcuytuurDi1ntt, trrris1ets, Durham. 'ioheitorg for the Executor: of the Estate of the .-...d deceased, their ChHstitut name-s. surnames mnl addresses with full particulars of their claims and the nature of all securities (iituty) held by them. AND FURTHER take notice that after such mentioned date, the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard may the claims of which they shall then have no , and that the said Executor: will not be liable for the said meets. or any Ixu'tthereot to any person of whose claim notice oittU1 not have been received by them at the time ot such distribution. Dated the 18th day of December, A. D., 1905 MacKAY & DUNN, Solicitors for the Executor: Andrew Derby l William Hunter "Good Old Winter Time" Emmet: 'r"'i;iiGG'FCeTy- id.%plrig the bowels regular with Ayer's Pius. NOTICE TO CREDITORS- In the Surrogate Court of the County of Grey, in the matter of the estate of' Hugh. McDonald, late of the ril- Iago of Prieeviile, in the County/of Grey. Gentleman. Deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to B. S. O. 1897, Chap. 129. Sec. 38. and a- mendmg Acts, that all persons having claims against the estate of the said Hugh McDonald. who died on or Ibout the 24th day of December A. D. 1905. are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to J. P. Telford ol the Town of Durham, Solicitor tor the executors. on or before the let day of February A. D.. 1906 their names,addrestr" and descriptions. and I Ill. statement of particulars of their c aims. and the nature of the securitvuf any) held by them, duly verified. and that after the said day. the said executor: will proceed to distribute the outlets of the deceased among the parties entitled lbereto, haying regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. 19u6. You Risk Nothing by attending C the popular This is one reason why Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is so valua- ble in consumption. It stops the wear and tear of useless coughing. But it does more --it controls the inflammation, quiets the fever, soothes, heals. Ask your doctor about this. Dyed the 9th day ot January A. D It Ouiets the Cough 20th day of January, A. p . S. McIlraith Dissolution of Partnership. a few pairs in black or 2reycurlat.............. Custom Work and Repairing as Usual at Down Town SHOE STORE The best kind of a teatimortittl - " Bold tor over sixty years." NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Ancmmu) 31CCUAIG1’ DANXEL M CDOUGALL , Execu tors ' autumn. ers mus. HAIR vttioit. Wu have no .eertrtat We pubhsh tho formula of an our trtqdutw.,etc “a iiiiAf, Are Co.. Lowell. ”all. A no gnagMuACttgrqrt' of by their Solicitor. J. P. Tom rd. Your choice. of 50c 30c W JANUARY 18, 1006 NOTICE TO CREDITORS- In the mailer of than!!!” of John Mr. Kinnon. late of the township of Glenda. in the County of Grey, for- mer, deceased, NOTICE inlzereby given pursuant tn It. S. O, 1897, Chap. 129, Sec. 88 and unending Acts. that all peruuuulmnng clam" against the estate at the aid John Mekinnon, who died on or about the 12tl, day of August A D 1905, are requested L- mm by post prepaid or to deliver to J. P. Tooo, of the Town of Durham. s, Iicitot for the Aduaiuirtratrix. on or “4'on the GLENELG FARM FOR SALE. The Adminiiuamx of the late Juw McKmnon. off": the lands of the eslniv consisting of the lhd Din-ion of Lot lt Con l, E G' It for sale sud the Lot m. joining in also oiremsd tor Illa along ttsl' the above lands. For particulars apply I Removal their names. addresses and description: and I full stntenu-ut of particulars of Lin lt claims. and the Inlure oftlc security I anylheld My them, And that after UN and day. the said Adttsiuustretrix ml proceed to distribute the unmet.- of the d. caused among the partice entitled tlwr, to,Uvine regard only to the claims lt which she “he.” then have notice. Dated the 9'11 duly of January. A D, lam Canaan McErssos, Adminitrttatrir by ber tioheitor, ge 'abass:s 0 seesa- THE HOUSE OF QUALITY Wi, lat DAY OF FEBRUARY, A D, 1.9m CLEARING SALE of WINTER FURS I have moved my stock from the Store to my house near the Skating Rink and will " fer it to customers at low pri- ces so as to clear. If you want to get things rea- sonable in price and good in quality, you are welcome to call at my house. we're particularlycarvful in using that. much abused word "hm-gain" olipecinlly when we me talking business. But no othrw word really tell" th" story of these Special lines oi: Balm dishes, water pite'hers. salad (“she-V. Lea ticts. sugar howls; mun tun-ens, trust dir. hes and firttwtst . too tunnel-um to mention in (his small Spat-v g. gevine Mena, Boys' and Chil- dren‘s Suits and Over- coats at similar reduc- tiou. Now is the time to buy your Winter Goods. We are selling all at reduc.. ed prices. _ c. L. GRANT. J. P. TELFORD, Durham Special I f :',e'lt,5,'r,'r 51:24, t' 1,- garden 3ttsisitv:s J. r-. TELNUU) W W W 44 so Ray fair. it he the celel Honey fn wh far Imp The. Hunt-y sum-rd JANUARY chat, the l duti When Monday and MI when I united 1 “In There , the Inn ttride kl held Ivy Tl Ho llv W l )A

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