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Durham Review (1897), 18 Jan 1906, p. 5

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(HE/=7 ANT. ALITY Otiec I’I'ORS u L0 JO it) it) Ml MI Ute, Md "t Imperial Laxative Quinine in 25c boxes Thrs" will knock out any ordinary (-nld whtle you wait. " they do not give satis- faction, we will refund the 250. - - Whether it is one of the chronic sort or just a temporary af- Mir, it needs (motoring. "7'_wos"r PAY TY 1.5T 11162.” YmLoan irtt at _our Store SOMETHING NEW 1N WASHERS: T1"519,1"???le93W}:2"”, illljglden Also \Vilhelm's wriusters. all made by Watson of Ayr. Dun‘t delay: Knack it out first thing. " it grls the stint, of you, you can’t Pure it. It has to run its mum-e then. " you want thettestt'tue-a-Cold-itt-a-Ny Tablets get our the celebrated Impe'rial Compound Syrup of White pine/Eucalyptal and Honey for 25c. It " the best cough cure we ever had-pleasant to take--a guar- anteed cure, AT peering Ji? arvesters The Mame at, Amos Presbyterian. church ftromove. Purchaser to remove the building and clear off all Inhhiah sltu'ing the month of May. Apply to J. M. FINDLAY Dronmw. When You Feel A Cold Coming Raymond Sewing Machines. ,. McClary Stoves for Coal :cr Wood Agent for the Dillon nge Stay Fence. A very pretty weddimr took place on Monday Jan let 100tt at the home of Mr and Mrs A. Livingetone, Priceville. when their daughter Catherine was united in umrrinae to Mr Joseph Me. Nally by the Rev Mr Mame-on. They were married under an arch ot (Wer- gievnq The Bride was dressed in cream Voile, the Bridesmaid in whitaorgnndy. There Wns "trout 60 mien» present, and the numerous Dre-ettitq received by the bride- ahnwed the esteem in which she. is held by her many friends-Com. JANUARY 18. 1906 FEmWM/w% wmmwwi szN.,G. t; J, 1fdKahnieiij, DAPtrNGS, DARLING“ DRUG STORE We can give only a Int-re list. of mn-gunda. hut In quality rnd ado mhilily to the needs of South (hwy we are not excAled: Deering Barrows, Wilkinson Ploughs. Lmey‘s Har- neBs,Palmet'storo Buggies. Renowned tuticlsas,tairprices JUhrt Glark. FOR SALE. nymerreat. The best In their line as we handle only the het',t. Have You a Cough? The People's Druggists. 57nd fiarm Machinery. The nuUrrihtion eceiptd of the Fam- ily Herald and , My Star of Mon- treal during Dec I r Were thousands of dollars over all pr ions re -urds. in tact. the rush of an '/,'lr'li'i'S' was so great as to cripple tor time the largest stag of clerks thev eve mpl ved. The lovely picture. 6t Qu flexandria. Her Grandchildren a Dogs. " given as n prem‘utn. and the hi Vt lue nt the Familv Herald itself are sgnnx'ihle for the large increnne. and it 's said their fanner’s hook. "The Far ier‘u Manual and Veterinary Guide, " I s alsn won them over twenty thmma d new guts scrihers. They are prin g another edition of the book, and f: nun-s who have not secured a (-npv slit old do so at once as It is of immense valt to them. Samples hf hook and picttfre an be seen at this oftice. No Hum-h vain has ever' been ottered in this country. AN ENORMOUS RECORD. A few doors South of the Middaugh House, operate, and should support the great work ot the Horticultural Society. He ennunsrated soveral shrubs suitable tor lawns, such as hydrangea panicu- lata, dog woods, syringes. roses, and the greatly improved lilacs now avail- able. Studv the seed catalogues was a parting advice. He would like perennials better understood. they should be divided up every three years or the roots get too numerous. Mrs McTavish, of Bruce, who had addressed the Women's Institute in the afternoon, made the speech of the evening in rho big hall. Her topic was ' 'The Home "in its varying as- pects. She is tV fine dVeet speaker, her thoughts well arranged and well uttered and her address was very in struetive and interesting. Shethought there was more unhap- piness in the homes of the rich than of the poor and repeated Agsr's admir- able prayer ti Give me neither pov erty nor riches. " The truest happi- ness in life was found in the love and esteem ofchildren and the respect of frie ds wlrltthe little daily wurrles cause men-u~ Home than the but things of life. lixurclse the same courtesy in tho. home usis done to strangers, en- join roux-ct for the aged, they have mades,critiees fur you. A few kind words in tre, midst of life's untiring but tirestmiedaties, goes a long wav; be as ready to praise as to blame. Do this to your tricmis while yuu have them. Kind Words are better than flowers on a eoflin and a tulsome obit- nary. Economy in the home was defined as "Making the best of everything and putting everything to its best use. tt Don 't be ashamed to practise small economies, though it is some- times poor economy to purchase an article because it IS cheap. Be espee- ially watchful in the economy cf time. Cooking rich dainties, care of brie-a- brae, and the time spent by some young mothers in dressing their child- zen immaealatély Was time 11nprofit- ablyopent. Keep a strict account of all expen- diture, no one knows how money slips through fingers nnless by ac- coums. Dongs measure your needs with your neighbors, don't be ashanr. ed to wear last venr’s armcle. The home should have good literat- ure. mothers should keep posted so as to talk with the boys and girls, harm- ers should have a. good agricultural paper. Too many books have not one elevating thought. Cultivate in the home the practice of reading aloud, followed by discussions, each one should not sit in a Corner with his own book or paper, have a good muptor reference. Getting proper rest is true economy, especially " mothers. who should not be ashamed to take an afternoon nap. Recreation such as is tound in Instit- utes: summer excursions, vacations, ete was advised. Mr Sherrington opened with are- buke to the notsv elements in the meeting, before entering on a long ad dress on the benefits direct and indi- rect ofa tioweraud fruit garden. He gave practical hints tor the, cultivation at strawberries in the matted-row systems and other ways. Insisted on having them in long strips to taeilitate cultivation. not fenced in a small en closure as in olden time. Some points were: never have fibrous roots expos- ed to sun and wind, never reset plants that have borne fruit, cultivate in the same director: every time, lurge fruit was mt protitable lor canning and don't can berries that have had rain. Raspberaies, blackberries, curz'ants, gooseberries were dealt with at length glue latter being the best paying berry Just now. Mayor 'Iiunter occupied thechair, and musical contributors to the pro- gram were J. P. Teltbrd, W. Ramage, Ed. MeCloeklin, F. Irwin and Pres. Young on the viuiiu. Miss Rita Irwin accompanied and gave a fine instru- mental. His address was full of good things, but altogether too long. DEAR Birg.--- Having purchased one of your com- bined wagon box. hay and stock rack, from your Agent in Durham Mr John McQueen. I desire to give my unsolici- ted testimony to the excellence, con- venience. an strength of the article mentioned. The best. out of many ox- aminod. I hare yot seen. Your. truly W. BAIAGI: Thin]. P. o ' Ont The Rain Wagon Co., Woodstock. Spring Wheat, 2 entrivrt.-D. Edge, w. L. Dixon Goose Wheat (4)--Wm Scarf, S. L. Scott. It Eng. Barley (I1r-Thosthuld, J. w Blyll e, Gen Binnie. Long White Oats tio)--Wrn Smith, J. w. Blyth. D. Hamilton. Short \theoats (6)- D. Hamilton, wn, Scarf, Thus Gadd. Spellz or Emmot- (2)-J w Smith, Wo, Smith. Small White Peas (7)-Dan Edge, w L. Dixon, Thus Muiirr. Blue Peas (2)---W. L. Dixor. W'm. Smith, Timothy Seed (tr-wsu Smilh, cm;- sidered others not worlhy. Clover Seed JO-Not worthy of P1219. IGrlr?rtttots. (3) -rD, Hammer. - Wm. suith/ts. L. Scott. _ Late Potatoes (t)--D. Edge. D. Ham- ilton. George Binnie, Seed Fair Prize Winners. Cont inued from Page f. Farmer's Institute. Testimonial. Jan 12th 1906. it . f Nip a Cold " at the Start Now that the liulidny Seam") With all the :I.l.tm)ding fwtivitips and luxur- ies is over. we would on.“ yuur utwntiun again to lhu every-day necessapies of life. If you want HEAVY TWILLED \VUULLEN grey “lull A'hilt- SHEET- ING TUincheN wulv, wo- have it. Flu-up Bet. of All-Wool, double BLANKETS at $3.90 per pair. Settled Down Easy to wenr--H ~11! to “war out-h, nll-wool and fleece-lined fur men and lmys. We are still selling children'" shoes at SOCHILS per pair. gnuds A----" Everything in PRINTS and (‘UTTONS now selling cheap. C. MCARTHUR WINTER TERM AT THE I "?t)-o'rtr.xz'hr7:".i,',e" , o" ' i - r" pr J vi, . ' xr.y2ittvft,ritt..j./ir),, if; [I] - r _ ttiigyiiid,1Rfii,"ii,? RMiJUs'inL-n irainihg to qr. ity tl!.eyt to do .hutuirts for. tlwmselves and others. This course is useful tome the farmer or the professional term preparation for young people “he otiiee work. Four complete courses of study, suited to the needs of all classes of young people, 2 The Shqrth-nd Course for young people who Wltin lo become stcnogrttplwrs, rcs porters,etc, THE “HERA" REV}? a The Telegraph Cfun$ for your": people who Wish to Immune u. cgmp t operators or to enter railway work. The Pre auto Court. for those who are very far 'leer In Md studies. We teach read- ing, spelling. writing, arithmetic to grown uip young men and women. Sewmu- moms forth as department and a saturate desk for each pupil with plenty of personal help. Full pameulars sent free to any address, Address: C. A "dtMING, Prin T H E It E L I A B LE GROCERY Matthews & Latimer MacFarWie lk Co. DRUGG ISW, and Book-sellers. Begins Tuesday. Jan. 2, 1906 The Business 9eyt,te, ioryoung men A‘llIIlul‘ u'hn sci) a ”(nu lunilnu. 'rnillilllr in Has in store and is prepared to supply you from fall stocks at Groceries. Fruits, Conrte- tionery. and Flour and Feed. and the Celebrated CLYDE- DALE STOCK FOOD and remedies ulway: "pm hand. Very few people escape a cold during the winter months. No mattgr how careful they umv think they are. sunnprnr later they will have a spell of sneezing. a. dist-ttttle summing sen- sation in the. throat and m"- al plunge and the ache all over that denotes the begin- ning of A cold-410w “was a. cold nnlmdy can foretell, if it is allowed to take its own course. on hand so you may he ready to begin treatment at the start. Laxative (Fold Cure is in the form of little tals lets and Is handy to have with you ulwnye. Taken in time and according to dir- vctlnns it will drive the sold out of your <3.‘>tvm almost hotnre it h.w started. Deep wanted colds need longer treatment, but. Laxative Cold Cure will cure them quicker than any other rem- eds, Keep a Cox orour If it fails to give satisfac. tion we refund the money. Laxative Cold Cure UNDERWEAR Price 250. prepared phy TORONTO also first bliss" wish to go into business man '1' Peel's Bargain Tables PEEL, The Shoeman Wutsam's Bread-Thou “As First=Class Manitoba Flour For Sale afM)llillf 2Jiul?itl' A. W. W atSon Buns a; i' Biscuits in great variety All kinos of Cakes made to order WEDDING CAKES our specialty Contain many very useful lines of Winter and other FOOTWEAR. SEE THEM. Cash only. nicest possible blend of thefinestandripestteas. Grown on the sun- bouquet of delicious fu.. always & Emily luxury. Flash: to mothers pdw ablctoclildtetxitisCeylon's High in theine (arm) andkneintattnirt0itterO, it is the beverage ofhr. 50c Gram; Mogul Mucous-Uh“ Ind my”- gut“ Mel-binnin- ”I"! Ogilvie'. Royal Houwhuld.. . . . . per lmrlvl. . 35.60 Also other high-grade Manitotus Flaunt, per barrel . .. . . ... 35.40 We have more new ranges in. All makes, styles and prices. Call and inspect these. We have one to suit you. T U o H fl P E 'CARRIAGES Barclay, tl Bell . . . AS USUAL . .. Seem to be all the go. They are handsome and as everybody- knows, they are the most dur- able rig on the market. Call and examine them. WAREROOM S opposite Middaugh Ho. Stables. A Beverage of Good Health RANGES 25c. 30c, 40e and 3 mammal”. [amber Call..- “an" in: and 8m. Guano. (Pe., And Reuideueo Cor. Hutu-u- and (64-08" bt., u foot of Hill. Old Noodle Corns. OFFICI HO'JII [Notary Public. Commissioner. Convey ( ancer. Valuawr. Insurance Agent. Inc L. l C. P., loud». Incl-n Graduate of Londongsew York and Ctr' no. Diseases of Eri, Ear, Noer, and Throat gal-Will be n Knapp House, Durham, the”. Smut-dun in each mouth. Noun. J-6t 2 In.» J. G. HUTTON. M. D, C M W. C, PICKERING o. D S., L. o. S. Late assistant to Mourliom'l dondon. lute) and to Knnpp‘l 1 New York) Ry. lint-punk. Omer, 18 Fran " HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University, graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Rooms Over J & J Hl’NTER'H New Store JOHN CLARK) D. MoPHAIL.) ott1ce-idets's Block, aver Post oftice 0Mee--. -_- LOWER l OWN. DURH‘ I Jompnny and print. Fund: to Lou: on Mortgage: u Invent nu- of inure“ \‘nluntann undo he nunumotont and cumin! \‘uluuor Iron fVsar.--lrwo-rear old III-re. Gotten! pom. Alto-one well-bud Shrgruhirc Lambs. Tel-mo nu- om .. Apply to - - HONOR GRAD! ATF. Toronto University, and mute Ron] College hem-l Surgeouwl (ml Dentistry in nlLits bunches. on Barristers. Solicitors, Conveyuncers Ac. A. G. M-cKny K.C.t w. F Dunn Galactic“ and Agency promptly attended Willa, Doe-ls. Mortgtgon, 1.0mm Ammun- kc. correctly propurod. Eamo- of doom“ pe r- wul looked liter and Executor“: and Adan-nu - trtbtortt' Account.- propgrod 3nd punt! bun-0pm Court (funnels. Probate of Wills. but." or Ad utGtrationaud Gunrdiguahip Obtained. tttli chu mud. in Minty on.» Btsd Titles up ted Barrister, Sollcltor in Supreme Court Notary Public. Cotnmisstoner, he. 5 Money to Loot. fhftice, "vt'r' Gordon's Jewelry Store. w-u B. m, Term modeme. Amenu tor “In " wanes. ac., man be made " the Review Of- tim, burhun. u' CAtrrmpotttuateq addressed there, or to Ceylon P.0.. will be manly amended to, Tm on sppuuuon to Licensed A uctioneor fo the County ot Grey. Hanna AttestomrerHrthetht. 010m. bk. W... but: ttss, Immc Wan; loo-t. Wield“. anthem? ARTHUR GUN. M. D., - Bpeciul Attention [In to Discuss o, Women and Children. All Chum.- Moder-Am Will he at [no “Md-ugh House, Durhum, the an. Wednesday of each month trom 10.. n. till ' p. m. MEDICAL IOAYRY Pulbic CONVIV‘HCE'. " 2S,na.ctrDaa.eeg:a. mce. Mckenzie'" Old Stand, Durham J. F.GRANT. D. D.tr, L. D. S. Telephone Connection No. " ttice, Mcln'yro Block, over the Bank or to C. BAIAGE. DI " carton has unlephone omce Private Money to Loan. Collec (ions of all kind, promptly alien ded to. Fnrms bought and sold G. LEFROY McCAUL. Eye. Ear, Nose & Throat BARRISTER, SOICITOR, Licensed Auctioneer for Co. Grey MACKAY d: DUNN, J. P. TELFORD D. MePMAiL, Ceylon P. o C. BAIAGE. Durham DR. BROWN, DR. BURT Money to Loan 2--4 p. I JACKSON, " Incl. Owen Sound

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