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Durham Review (1897), 18 Jan 1906, p. 8

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l, til. H. MOCKLER. . MMMliMMMllMM9MMtjty Fc------'"-""":"""".'..."':"'""]':,."":'"-'"?:,:,.: THE PEOPL E's STORE] Well Mr Diitqr. here we are agnin wishing you and your staff a happy and prosperous New Year. Aiew olthe lads and lmia from the Park attended the rally in Russell llall. Dromore, Friday night and re- vert an excellent time. 'r.-_iii'iiiiiii1hlii1iiiiiiit1it "iiiiiuikihhieii:.., j-it, EVERY DAY isa RED LETTER DAY "Ei Miss Aggie M. Ferguson visited at Swinton Park 0v. r Sunday. Misses Kate and Bella McDonald are Fume from the Queen city at present. Miss Mable Knox is at present visit. ing her friend Miss Collison of Ceylon. Mr Jno. Bell of Harristun visited Mr Donald McCormick last week. Miss Carlino Knisely visited frierids tt Mt Forest. last week. Monster Clearing Sale All Winter Goods Must Go ROBERT BURNETT , OW DO yd, np-tn-dnw Dress Goods. colors Black, Navy. Royal. Dove, Law-on and Brmvn. suitable for spling Wear. worth from We to 7Gc per yd, on sale for.... .. .. ....... . ..250 per yd 1m gunmmh‘ Lndies' l'nderwenu good value at 35c and 40t (see our North Wirtdow) while they last . . .. ..... . . . .190 per garment A“. bargains marked down in big red letters. There can be no mistake. li LADI Eb" ( When you This Red Letter Sale means that we need the moxie); and the room. It means " Dollars " saved to you, if you make the most of the opportunity. TERMS: Cash or Produce (highest prices paid.) Remember-we mean business (No hot air Bargains) 31 ENE HEAVY RL’BBERS About our Store we are selling ont all lines, almost (rdless of prices. We are bound to reduce our stock before Stock-taking, and are giving big reduction in all departments. Too heavy buying caused our large supply on hand so it is our loss and your gain in this Sale. Come early, No old goods allowed. This mild winter has left us heavy stocks of Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Ties I’lannellcttes, Heady-made Clothing, Boots and Mums. Rubbers. Groceries, o'c.. which have to go at :1 big sacrifice. Now is your opportunity. Ch anyway and se- cure your share of the bargains. . w VICTORIA] " only all Winter Goods, but some Spring Goods as well' are cut away down in price. 39511311 can't afford to miss this Great Sale. Butter, Eggs and all Farm Produceztaken at Highest Prices, Cash or Trade. We are certainly cutting prices. How's this Maple Park '. \\'()(ILLICN HOSE. Ladies' nnd Children's. worth tiom 2." Intim- pe: pr. on saleat...... .... ..........' All Furs marked away down. Red Letter Sale my This is no fake sale. We mean business. Previous to Stock-taking u buy goods with the Red Ticket on, you’re ctting them below wholesale prices. rel ten We have no room to list further bargains. The best way is to come and Bee. OATS in various styles HINGIIA MS and PRINTS at l WNS. wort h 1 m our Mr Richard Par-low visited at Mr Joe Fcl'l'is' one evening lately. Mr J. E. Ferguson visited at Mr Richardson 'tt over Sunday. We hear some talk at a. coasting club about to commence at SW. Park with Miss Jennie Knox as captain we ', will have to dig out our old stone boats. F Quite a number from the Park to k in the party at Duncan McCaul‘s last week, and report it the beat of the seasm. What we wouldlike to know, how the grey horse from Boothville got strayed so far north while going to church. What Dan goes to the Post Olfiee 6.0 nicen tor ? Why Jack broke a my: go- ing to Hopeville Sunday evening? Why Fly :urns south at McDougall‘s comer ? 23c . Selling at Et,',., Mr Donald McCormick received a slight shake up, getting pushed ham his cone: " his aon-in-Iaw . auto mar Markdnle, but il able to be around at his work again. ' ' ' Mr WmJFrook mama to be up and " work again, mot being pnder the weather for some time. Mr E Cares who has been visiting his father-in-law Mr Thee Brown left on Monday. Miss M. Moody is " present Visiting Mrs Wm Richardson. ' Mr Donpe returned to Lancaster. Minnesota, laar week after spending a few week with his parents here. Miss Mime. Smith is home from Tor. onto on account of the illness of her ais- ter Maggie, who is somewhat improved The Revival meetings commenced on Sunday morning in the Methodist Church, the evening service being held in the Presbyterian. The churches were packed to the door and a very lively interest is manifested. Evangelist Kennedy who is here all this week. is sstrong speaker and an l able expositor ofScripture with mark- ed ability in delineating wellknown Bible characters. Sunday morning the sermon was on the 23rd Psalm and was a beautiful one. In the even- ing the story oi David and Goliath was the subject and the speaker very fully presented these characters and brought out, many valuable lessons. The singing is a feature of cycry ser- vice, selections from Battle Songs hi ithe Cross being used exclusively. i'i‘he "Glory Song" will also be prominent and there, seems to be an expectant waiting for something un- astral on the part3ol everybody and there is a marked spiritual atmos- phere. Mr and Mrs Duncan Campbell re- turned to their home or. Saturday last after spending a fortnight visiting their daughter, Mrs John Pollock, of the Queen City. In last Week's paper we, stated that we would give, a report ofthe burial ot the Rev Mr Morriison, hut asitap- pearcd in the Review last week we will only refer to 't few omissions of Mr Morrison 's connection with church matters in the early days in Proton The ordination and induction took place in a building West of the presen Esplin Church. there not bring any church built in this section then. About this time meetings were held in the school houses and privatebuililings and the question of choosing n church site was a troublesome one. Several sites wore prop05ed but agreeing on it wasthe dimcultv. One on lot P.?., Con. 10. was talked of as being central. then the Esplin one as some tow people had been buried there. Then Joseph McArdie offerdd a tree site on lot12, con 12, of one acre where now stands the store of D K MeArthar--next Rob. Scott offered a free site of one acre on lot 20. con 13, but finally the Esplin lot was purchased for $25 at a meeting ot the congregation held in Alex. Rus- sel’s barn and a committee was chosen to get subscriptions and build which consisted of Alexander McPhail. Geo. Sturrock, sud Jose h McArdle. A bet was made to 0.26 out the timber sun Mr Morrison was there as busy " any one. Considerable diftieulty was experienced in getting all the mstcrisI in for the building but after the sum not”: toil ot the committee I. nice frame church wss built. At this time services were held in the Mchun Btsttoolmetreroeriot 9, con 10. and one ottho tltgt it not the f1rrttshildtmtr. iissd than was hush Willis Hurdle. cows barrister iulsrkdsic. Then 2. out your Mums mic begun We your friends and neigh- bors on the eve of your departure from amongst us take the opportunity of expressing our regard for you, who, while ever taking your part in the social life of the community have ever done mach for the spiritual life of your associates, both by your work in the church and as n teacher in the Sub- bath School. We would therefore, while congratulating you on your new sphere of activity and wishing you and your estimable partner in life all success and true happiness, ask you to accept this ehalr, as aslight token ot our esteem. Messrs Geo McIntosh and James Tinkluun leave this week to spend the winter monlhs in the lumber woods on Bruce Peninsula. Mrs W Follis returned last week to her home in the County Town after spending a pleasant fortnight visiting her mother, Mrs Alex McIntosh. On Friday evening of last week the voung people of Dornoch to the num- ber ot about thirty drove to the cozy home of Mr David P.rozier to bid tare- wellto his sister. Mrs Collins, before departing for her home in Chesley Mrs Collins is a verv estimable ladv and the high esteem in which she is held was evidenced by the hearty en- thusiastic spirit which characterized the gatheringun Friday evening. A choice program consisting of solos, recitations and instrumental music was rendered, alter which a tempting lunch was served. A pleasing feature of the evening was the presentation to Mrs Collins of a beautifully uphulsier- ed chair accompanied by the follow- ing address: Dear Mrs Collins; W--'.- ..,._.,_ -v-v" THE BUREAU REVIEW Holstein H0peville Dornoch The monthly meeting ofthe B. Grey, Farmers Association’will be held on Fr'nl 1y night Jan. 26th in the the Var. 1 my school house It 8 o'clock sharp. Ladle invitaitoattend. Apart from other business molten a paper on the social conditions of country lite cou- tributed by Mr Jae Wuson is to hand and will be read and on which a tten. eral discussion will follow. As the subjuct is a matter oi no small impor- tance, in fact one of the most serious problems of the day, " to how farm litemay be made, such as stop the rush trom the farm to the already crowded towns and cities, it is urged and hoped that a lively and prorttable discussion will be entered .nto. Don't understand Mr Ed. how mail delivered at the Varney P. o. near two hours a head of train time cannot reach Durham for " hours afterward. The Varney P. 0. man had better wake up. Mrs John Thompson met. with a. sev- ere accident to-day, Monday, by tall- ing on a sheet of ice severely spl‘aining her leit hand, which will constrain her to lie up for a while at least. Hope she witl make a speedy recovery. Mr Peter Mcllvride of Akcnside, Man, has sold his larm of 320 acres " 5.13700 00. 7 It. is just about 9 years sinee Mr and Mrs Quintin Pettigrew of Lumsdun, N. W. 'i'. attended service in Knox church on Sunday. They are both looking well. It is 17 years since Quintin iclt these parts and it is needless tosay notes umnv changes. llis father Mr Quintin Pettigrew is keeping wonderiuliy well although by no moans able to leave the house. Quitea number around the corners nre cracking with the grippc. Peter packed His Lruuk tiud struck West with no money, but plentv of grit. and pluck 1rithtlue above result. Mr Duncan Calder and sister Belle of Fairbairn, visited their sister Mrs Jno Marshall, Jr., on Sunday. " A p. Normmb . well unproven um 10- , an: less than {5000. m h " Far new Allan Pun. 150m . . '88qu I"r'r"h'e"i'll. A in. number of other tttpert-ies for tttsie in but lantern and qartetfia Township. In- . . -_1,- “I...“ “My... tSO A“... move Durham, well improved. Moo.) 25° am: Fur particulars apply , Arvin]. Mcfhraig Prurevill Danie! Monongal! Mulnck or to their Solicitor J. P. i Do you want to know where to buy 7 nan! WWII an“ nu-v- -- Viv”. _ mum plum dew collected. mung: drum. c. P. B. Tickets to: we. " Ann“ mm. Hm: qucm." A number from around lure attended the I 0 h' concart. in town last Thursday night. ist day of F wary A. D. 1906. when they will h opened at Mrs Hut- lel"s Hotel at the 'Illage tot Priceville at 2 o‘clock p. m. he G/C/t or any tender not necessaril nccvpled. Tet ms of sale .,--10 cent cash down. and the lralance In 60 ays thvveUier without int west. or to their Solicitor J. P. mom) Dur um P. c, tonny of whom tpnders may be delivered Dated January 1iith 1906. Miss Alice Moffat, of Toronto, and Mer Ruby Cowie, ef Barrie. visited at Mr John M ofiatU for lt few days last week. A jollv partv drove ov-r to Mr D Me Arthur's last Friday night. and spent a. most emoyable timein music, songs ntt.l dancing nutil the wee 11mm or one morn- mg. The t' Tutors of the estate of Hugh Mc nald, late of the villape of Priceville in the Country of Grey tie, ceased. u or sale, the lands of the os- tere, (-unsis . g of lots number 43 and H in the 2nd msessmn S. n. R. in the 'l'ownuhip of G "elm 100 acres, by but der, Tenders l I he received up to the Dr and Mrs titaples, of Hanover. csllul outrlencsinthi, bum one any recently. Mr Juo Comer had u wood bee ou Wed. noRdttyr afternoon when a ince tot of wood was cut and piled. Then in the evening the ladies: gathered and spent. a. very eu- joyable time tripping the light fantastic until the wee hours. Miss Jane Itaehie is at prCant vmliuu' frieads in Jessopville. Mr Thus M offnt, of Owen Sound, visit- elat the old lrruwstead for a. few days this and last Wectli. A larv,o number from this neighborhood attended the humal ol the late Wm Ed. wards, lust 's'auduy. which is u and blow bo the aged mother. brothers and sisters. Tho byulputlly of the whole tteigltbothoo.l was um. m the bereaved Ollei in their great “(whim Mrs Wm Punter and sister Mm. Josie, Oral: trdyille, were visiting: at Mr Dun Czreenweo,l's this week' Rev Mr Bum huh] n prayer tnootiog at the home of Mr and Mrs, Jars Edgy, on Thursday evening and wit, fairly well at- tended. "6'"i7i"'ra'RRfr0 ARC TORONTO W.\.\'TED:b~: Chicago wholesale house, Fpety is] repretustive for each province in Canal. Salary 82000 3.an exper.tseCrtu.d weekly. P: WI“; v-VV“ --'- _..,.v,~.,-. "-" __ H" . peuse money advanced. Business successful rosition permanent. No investment required ’n-viou! experience net essential to engaging Address General manager, 1.12 lake street Chicago, Ill, USA Executors' Sale Intended J or last week. Blythe's Corners . B. Miller, m HANOVER cannula: " shove Durham, well built. well well watered. good land. {0117300. Nortpantrr._yteli improved undlo- Edge Hill of Lands. P. 0. I Exoc- P. o, l mars. All our Winter Goods must Fancy Wm pperettes werelOc. sale pr ac " 25e, Prints 1 yd wide. Wale 13e, Roller Towels, Wt re 20e 0a. Stocktaking Sale Any of our Fall Mantles at just "all-ia, they cost Ladies' Ready-to-wear Skirts below Cost, Farmers who have not, secured their help for the coming season will do well to write immediately to Brigadier Thos Howell, Secretary. S, A. Immigration Department. James and Albert Sa., Toronto. llifpiu'l uncut. arm-urn: nun _-_e"_"- .,--., Toronto. I Thorough Bred cum um Many splendid lrihules have been YW‘kshlro Bogs. paid to the Salvatinn Army tor the ex- , All re i te . . _ augments of mm who have alreadv i nmls. 'rtf/,"Cf Btock Mid likely tttli been brought. Ln this country. l, Nose SCARF & Boss , Jam 2, 1905. Rocky Baum-en ii. (I lhe entire accommodation of three strum-rs has lmen chartered for this season's "urunesoe, and the tfrat urgnniz- edpally of 1,500 Will embark an the S. S. Remington. March Ist, arriving in Halifax ten days later. Many of these people are from the agricultural dir. triets of Great, Britain l in fact, the um- jority "re running to Canada intent an engaging in farm work. and will be dis- trimlted to farms in Ontario on sit-rival. Order: dUtt With R.'McM1cken at the Hahn House Stable or at the REVIEW Omen. mil receive our best attention. .22. a Waco/Ian I . . The effmtsof the Salvation Army on : dl',',','")?,',,',',','",',",.':', 'till rel! WWW and thelines of ittmtigrntiott were 9-70 sucress- l cated hetwee T3355.“ trttilt 1n “f“. lo fulast year thut urmngenwnls haw-ls“ nmtor f ll, .mnunre r".','.'),.), PM?) lwen made Cu ten thousand people to laugh» d ll' ortetb. 30 x J. met. L':, leave the shores “r Great Britain! , ha.” (rue (-el_lur. cement floor m (hmugh the 2mm» ugonvy during the 1'1','dl,') a'll'Jl'ft an the o.ther hu‘lt. " coming smsnn. These innuigrunts will well 05 "1: ”a" an [io/T,,':',,',','",',,'.,' Good he selected from n po-Aisle nm- hundred sluhle 'dl'; "It“; 9m! I burn "vl- h slnlw thousand applicants, and when It is hum-r 17,1ri'," I. A “will? to quwk knowrs that each one“ is lemughly in- . . , pp y on the premures or to vestiguted. and prefrrem-u given only W M. LEGGETTE. Box 92. Durham to those ),',r,t,'t/',','.'t' like-lg to ".1ng may _-------------- "r"---------"------------- settlers, thee ortsof ‘eneru out 3 _ T worthymovemeut will be thoroughly FARM FOR SALE' appreciated by every Canadian. I gems 103 by. 20 1'l 2nd Con. N. D. R. "‘ -- . --" An_J.‘, ‘vn.l The undersigned offers his raplendid property in Upper Town for sale. For particulars, apply to Arrow Jmplomonl: . . ; Ploughs, Harrows, Drills, Scumcrs ’ etc. Enquire at this agency. l Warpath! ”culinary . . 1 Rakes, Mowers, Binders, etc., op, this famous firm's make. They} give great satisfaction. Prices! and terms to suit purchasers. . Pete, Aamy/ton T Jfsrem::y * . [ loss will be a gain . to you. Our large stock of heavy goat goes for less than cost. It is much easier to count the money than take stock of the goods. Anti- cipate your needs --Supp1y your wants-save per cent by taking ad vantage of this great offer, 'e have not space to enumerate prices. Come Wrapperettes, etc. Everything in readiness for the Spring season. Do you want any THE BIG STORE 10,000 IMMIGRANTS. lean PEM.... .. ..7e eansct0RN......25e cans TOMATOES 25e FOR SALE. Forceful Bargain Figures ALEX. RUSSELL THE GREATEST ANNUAL EVER HELD IN DURHAM Jons ItouErtTs:o's. Grocery Bargains 25 " " for " 4 pkg Chinese STARCH. . . .25e 3 bottles ORIENTAL EXT. .25c ALL BARGAINS, CASH or TRADE. About 7 miles from Durham on tho Gamfruxu Road. Title good. Posses- sion at! once. must he sold. Apply In Lot No 22. con 4. 8 D R, in the Town. ship of Glam-lg. in the County of Grey. 57 mores : 40 new. cit-cred. l7 acre-a mixed timber. level. you drained, wu- tered by well sod and] nun-m. One smrv small log home. {when 86 E N) with barememt, 't union from school and Post. 011109. or price and terme Apply to Jon McLnarr. ket I. con 4, I D R. Pm“. PO, On... or to and from Pricevitid." V jfGlifirGJiiiiiiii given tor work this full. Full pone“- ion in Much. Clear title given. Apply to the proprietor. D. GRAHAM. Pricevtlle, or m A. H. JACKsux, Solicitor. Dmhn m Ive have a latge number of Faun for Sale In the following Counties Brant, Essex. Elam. Grew. Huldnuuml. Huron. Kent, Luntton, menlu. Mui- rllesex. Norfolk. Ontario, Oxford. I’m-l. Perth, trmscoe, Victoria. \Vuu-rlm. Wellington, \Vellund. Wentworth "ral York. Also many Business and Ites: dentinl properties for Sale in all 'mrl- l l the province. "you haven Fawn: Hr other property for sale. write for mu terms of selling Real Estate.. The Western Real Estate Exchange. Ltd., London. Ontario. WM. W. RAIAGI. Agent. Thistle Being lot No. 20 on 2nd Con. N. D. it, and 22 and 23. on the 3rd (Jun. N. D. R. Glam-lg. cotttatttintt 150 acres. more or less. 12.5 acres clenred. Imlum-e hard- wood bush. " milm {mm P. o. and m-honl. church nu property. Welt wat- ered, wells and running trite Build. ings In good repair. ill " sold on veayyttuettrtrts' ..6 milvs from Durham Durham. Feb. 22. was. 100 Acre FARM for SALE reg. 1.25, " RO All heavy Dreses%oods accordingly mdies' Heavy Buck Suiting. reg. 'dm, ale rieeNe reg. 8lie. " C/Je Anon new. Pt Pine Gang? u, HOUSE FOR SALE Dress Goods FOR SALE. FOR SALE. and take a look yourself . a. What is our of heavy goods for J. P. Tummy“) “A. 1rot its" lbw: Rim it! " " tr " " VI " VI VI TI

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