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Durham Review (1897), 25 Jan 1906, p. 1

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arvu. I. acte. ll drained. wat- l was"). One 'une-oat"" ties from school rice and tem- 'ti.. cost JW Cost, l P o. Ont.. or to D . any Cos :ale 18, 1906 ale 05A. row n ri‘ MN x" 1': r.‘ h", Pi, P; gfiflfif-OEEEEEEEEIEEEEEEEEEEEEQég i VOL. XXVII. NO. 4 manning}: If! 'XD",', "Ay',"',',',""'?,',") r. p, 355. iii-f1-213:15:EEEEEEEIED-CEKEEEEEEEEE “.guu BUY-Bur-BOY-The whole stock is at your disposal SALE TERMS ACash or Produce only-No Credit Given Boys' Boots [",rh.ea,,veyar( 11 Men's Long Boots 32731:, Men's Felt=lineu Boots Splendid assortment of Victoria and Irteen Alexandra...... .. Hosts of Bargains in the Clothing Dept. Ladies' Skirts Ladies' Underskirts Our Clearing Sale .. (black and colored) James Ireland. Affords one of the richest bargain opportuni- tles ever offered to the people of Durham. We have only one idea in mind-SELL-get rid of the Goods. EVERYBODY COME and start early'. We haven't time to give you a full list of prices, but just a few samples of what we are doing. Hundreds of pairs of Heavy Boots suitable for this weather at and under manufacturers prices Bring the boys and fit them out at manafaetarer'g prices and Bee the saving. Good heavy reg 1.25, sale priee41.00 tor farm wear{ reg l.50tol.75 bk m,." 1.25 . sizes s' 2.75, tepriee..ttr.50 'OOtS 6,7,8, .9 3.00 " .. iii'?, e .50, gale r.... 2.30 teu Boots to: 2.25 up ....$1.75 . reg 52.00, sale price.. .$1,50 kirts reg 1.75 & 1.50. $g ... 1.20 l) reg 1,25. tr' ... 1.00 gray tweed overirkirts, ree $5, s.p. .$3.50 black ovtrskirts, reg $5.00, sale pr. 3.59 3135' $4.50 8111) 81.75 81.60 81.75 ms Ladies' Fine Shoes rcft 'rtrr.' iiiiir-ee-o.Y1l1t.lhtl,y, i'jiiiii ii-iii-Ili-iii-ii",??,??:!], (it i E j See our 5oe cap fur lined hand. This 1 is a bargain nt Or nt's. w i Thorough Bred a ock for sale. Apply MY lo Wm Morrison. Edge Hill, Ont. 33 North Egremont and Dromore news 3 has, we regret, to he held over till next 1 week. - We are sure the good people of the en- lerpl icing htt le village will very much appreciate the improvement and beg to suggest that they send us down a. goodly grist. of money orders in pay- ment of new 1u.lr.scrii?tirms. to the Ite. M tttit Nature has endowed Mr Jamieson with a 'ttaqui/nt, voice. nod he has it brilliant musical future before him. lie is unintelligent vocalist who studies to please his audiencvs. His sacred solo work has won for him a prominent place among church soloists in Toronto, In the Town Hall at Sons of Scotaland Consort on 9th Feb. with Miss Dicken- son, Will McLeod, Piper McDonald and Mabel McDonald. Ticktts35 cts. All seats reserved. Plan at MacFarlane's, opens Friday 26th inst at 2 p. m. Nuw MONEY ORDER Oviprtw..--A lit- tle time ago Dr Smith of Dornoch ad- vised Mr H. H, Miller M. P. that the people of the neighborhood would he very pleased to have Dornoch made a Money Order ofBee. Mr Miller at once communicated with the Post OfBee De. partment and, as a result, Dornoch is haw on the list of Money order: offlces. DURHAM, THURSDAY. JANUARY 25.1906 Buy your cluthi from us we are clearing tt out at, lm ain pricetstttC. L. Grant’s. CoMswNroN.--The sacrament of the Lard's Supper will be dispensed in the Presbyterian church on Sabbath next. Service at 11 a, m. Preparatory servic- es will he conducted on Friday at 2.30 and at 8 p m, Rev M: Hanna, Mt Forest being the preacher. ANNUAL Trtso,--The' Annual meeting of the G yand Bruce Mutual Five Insurance. 1hi Will be held in the Reid House, Han vet, Snturdayth? 27th Junuarv, insta t, commencing at l o'clock in the Mte noon DUNCAN AMPBELL, Mgr. The Annual Conserv tivo Convention was held on Manda ' in the Town Hall here. All the swingers promised were not present and no doubt the verv bad road: was responsible for a. snmllet at- tendance than usual. We have receiv- ed no report of the business done. Ladies: Order your y flngevs Rim-aromas, Cream puffs an puff paste shells at. Watson's, Bakes,“ Orders promptly filled, Telephone 38. Those in want of s,riiries"highvst grade of flour can not) M 85 25 a bhl. this week m WAsrRD.--200 Lentil,' call at. the Massey Harris Show Ito us and get a nice calen iar. ' The Great- West Life Insurance Com- panyaffurds the highest security and pays the largest profits to policy hold- ers. W. F. DUNN, Amn. Irelandthmks t people showed a. great deal of pine e and good-nature when the store was rowded last week with huvers. MATTHEWS ah LATIMER. Joris MCQUEEN Agent. Iii, y Building lot on Bruce St. urban), " so a Brick house on same at et. Four year old Clyde mare Apply to Wm Leggette. Rocky ugeen. on the premxses. to Are You Right with God ? Lot u, Con 4. . D. R. containing 100 acres. more or as. 85 acres cleared, spring creek, Roo well, hunk barn, im- plement house, I tte frame dwelling house, good orch d, convenient to church and school. Building. fences, &c all in good co dition. 25 acres ploughed. 4acres u der fall wheat. Possession given an time. after let March. For further rticulau apply A Fine Durham Bu ' bred from imported stock, 14 mos. cl . EXTRAORDINARY WEArmrm.-The winter, so far. has heu- mild in ehavact- er, hut generally snow runugh here and to the east and north in sllow of sleigh ing. There was tt than on Monday 15 inst, which was bitten buck by frost in the usual way, and sleighing continued till Friday the river being ice-hound and stealer-s enjoying it. It hecame milder, very mild, Saturdnygwas a. June day hut for the vanisnm snow and ice, Sunday was milder “if! snow com- pletely gone, the river burst its chains and became a raging torrent as large as ever seen in spring. ice all gone. Mon- day was balmy, a. doorstep day, frogs were heard in some places, ploughing could easily have been done, oven-outs were put, on from custom. Tuesday opened mild, but stealthilv came the "cold wave" predicted, and we are u- gain at night hound in 1Vinter's icy fetters. but without the snow so longed for. This winter has resented a re- markahle contrast, to the last two, it has no doubt a .. blaw or twa " in store for us yet, but we're wee] thru. The Durham Furniture Co, Limited haven very important anrmttttcetttent in this week's issue. Amalgamation of the two furniture sumo: has hmm brought, undo-r their manugenn-nt. and they promise henetfts to the ('Ollillllll‘l". Certainly they are in a position to sup- ply goods cheaply at first (met. We hope the change may he a benefit all round. STOCK k BUILDINGQ FOR BALE. " H.315 "anyhojlv HPPtt my "rother We are credibly informed Secy Ehr- f,?),':,"),",,".,;',,," Ji71,ft1tg',rt,ihii gum: ha.rdt is holding meetings at Various piece again at the-Sonnet Scotland (-on- tti,1hl"ivctrti",'gr swath? (,i'i'"hoi,',"sl t cert on Feb 9. He has new selections I. ly . P, 9 tle d . 1.5 it also. Don’t fail to hear this rising and an still gomg‘ on it 15 a glaring insult popular humorist. than; shareholder and w.ho ever atti- , _ . Ol‘lzc it or con ones it is unwort y DURHAM s Frrum--A septette of town b . ' hockee players. with as iiianv support- ot pablie "in" If not '1lse ”wan? of era drove over to Fleshertun Fridmy and the fom Pa") oi. course. he IS (lune with- in the evening. played an exhiilition in his rights in holding all the meet- giune with Elbe puck Christ‘s of the}: vil. lngs he wants to, Inge. iec erton'a rin was very imi- . . ted. the ice ditto. Durham's practice hinting“; Farr is] nut ted aft Hg ditto, Durham'. score ditto. Nutrsed. a een requerlt.ly ex”? , .wor Lamps Loox YOUNGER Whi l i came that he was ill, now it is said he - .- ten a the dealre of one and all. Take the has made an engagement with a . . . . I . ' American concern, starts in February trouble at visiting Prof. Doreuwend's d , t k ll Th . private show rooms at the Middaugh an .wont 'e bae at a . ur.?' House, Durham, on Friday. Feb. 9th, .p.layipgPaeks and drakes With 8. mil- andsee the many beautiful inventions lion dollar plant. It was closed down in _Styles of Human Hair Govt-rings. without authority of the Directors. A WIKS- Bangs, Switches, ere, and IMP“Ct l month has elapsed and no repairs at his new patent trtrueture. any magnitude have been executed A CortRrtc'rroN.--In our remarks a- more or less aimlessly some men have bout the late Mrs Benton in our last is- been wasting their time the money of SUP we had the family to tongit.t, of three I the shareholders is vanishing or debt sonssmd three daughters. There TTris again being piled up. orders are foiirof each, the omitted ones lieing. ' i 0, . m!.', ts r t . Malcolm in N. Dali. and Mrs nrity.cle?f,.?, ng in, siilpmeu ti f1.,fte.',".] lil'. water in Los Angelos, California. Mri being made and before spunk our bint Benton, tir.. is residing with his son on Inlay be tlllpty, a mouth at least ot the farm and this week advertises hislgood making weather has been lost, splendid farm for sale. land the mutt and pavnt.kmtuais ot' The Durham Furniture Co, Limited 'early Sprint: orders, may hilye to.bt haven very important announcement .scnt elsewhere to more Provident Ill- in this week's issue. Amaletnatno_rt of stitutions. LADIES Loox Yommtm.-Which is the. desire of one and all. Take the trouble of visiting Prof. Doreuwend'y private. ahnw rooms at the Middaugh House, Durham. on Fridny. Feb. 9th, antlsee the mnnv beautiful inventions, in Styles of Human Hair Coverings Wigs. Bangs, Switches. ere, and inspect his new patent structure. DURHAM‘s Frrum-A septeue of town hockey players. with as manv support- ers drove over to Fleshertnn Friday and in the evening. played an exhibition game with the puck Chasers of that vil. Inge. Fieahertdn'e rink was very limi- ted. the ice ditto. Durham's practice ditto, Durham's score ditto. Nutreed. " Has :mylmrlv seen my brother Charlie?" Wiil McLeod, the famous humorist, will by tequost, give this piece again at the Sonnet Scotland Colt- cert on Feb 9. He has new txeleetions also. Don’t fail to hear this rising and popular humorist. ' Missie " Durham hull. Lately they sold .. VPrschoyle " for mnny years the head of Parker's h“l'd. Mr McKenzie. of Chatsworth. at a gm price. Nessie. Scarf and sons have bought, firm) T f.hyaill. of (jaxfgill. , fhre voung FARM you fl tt.--South half hat 26 Con 18 Tp Nor mnhv, Bue buildings. Must be sold, A plv to Arthur c. Jacknn, Durham. The party who ok the whip from the rig in the Procbyteriun church shed will please leave it, at the Knapp House and avoid trouble asiliesave known." The Great west Life Ineuranre Chun- puny srlls endowments and other pol- mien ata lower rare than other com- pvuues. Ask foe our rates before you insure. w. F. Dunn. Agent. 2 Gthtet,',' M hen Jacket. sizes 34 and at tt bugs ---at Grant's. J. Ireland appreciates he bt-lp the penile are giving him In during the stoc . Mr A. W. Robb. editor of the Walker- ton Telescope, in the new Warden of Bruce Co. l Be sure and road the news of Hols- tein’s great. revival on page s. FARM FOR' SALE. TORONTO oald Benton. k Prop. The Librarian’s report showed an in- crease of several hundreds in the num- her of volumes issued during the your. the proportion of fiction of course. hung still very large, more than half at the whole, Thwn are evidence of increase in the class .. General Literature," and perhaps Ill Science, but in History, Bi- ography, Poetry and Religious Litera- luru the interest serum to wane. ure- gx-c-mhle circumstance, calling for the ear-neat thoueht of parents. guardians and educators. A committee has been formed to con-Iden- the fotauationota class of Junior Literature for use of the school. The “ration of onicers resulted as follows'. President t Jun A Graham, latVire President: N. W. (Jam hell; 2nd Vice President t Thou Allan: gren- urer: Jno Kelly: Secretary t (Haulage. Ihrertom are the ministers of the tour churches in town, and Messrs A S Hun- ter, w. J. Young, Thou Lyons. H. It, Koch, Wm Irwin, A. H. Jackson, J. P. Telford. Dr Gun, Arch. Davidson. Aud- itors t C, LGrant, A. H. Jackson. The adjourned annual meeting on Thtuisday lust was well attended, and more interest taken in the work of the institution than for many years pan. The financial acmunta wele not yet closed but it uncertain the atandingis food, lhnnks tothe contributions. the )ranmlic Club Concert and the dona- tion by the rown Council. A resolu- tion of thanks to che Town Council was utttsnituously pas Bed. Public Library and Reading Room Jowsmror-In Cmringmn. N. Dak,, on Thursday, 30 Nov.. 1903, m Mr and MrsGus Johnston. a can. (Mrs John- son was Miss Bella Cameron, for. merly of Egrunont. Surely it is time [out change and we urdge all shareholders to whom theselines shall come, to consider if this institution has 's,rot,jastiee, Dur- ing 1905 with many drawbacks the miliearaed 14 po. How much this splendid oauiteoald earn with her- oughl y sympathetic oifieiala and Board would surprise all. We would like to have have had ths report to publish in tall, or a syn- opsis oi it, and why it should be held back is hard to saw. The Directors are now in possession of the town com- mittee's report and ot the experts, but no report from the offieials at the works has yet been made, though one is pending. There is a lack of candor in keeping the shareholders in the dark that is mrst cxaspexning and we hope it will meet its punishment at the torth owning meeting LInteuse interest is being taken on the eve of the great gathering ot the shareholders in all that concerns the big mill and the various interests con- eerned. A meeting of the Directors was held at Stratford last week at which the report of the independent expert was presented, and it is said is a highly satisfactory document to tli.ntere"ted in the success of the an . The N. P. Cement Co. Annual Meeting, Feb. T. BORN .0- BIO JANUARY SALE GREAT BARGAINS await you hem in We also have a large stock of GOOD TAFFETA RI BBONS we are selling at cost. Everything in the Millincry line will be sold AT COST the next six weeks to make room for Spring Goods. We still havea few more hats we are offering very cheap. Some of these but: we are selling " a bargain are made of the very best materials, black taffeta silk. plush, chenille and other materials. They are bargains if you want a nice. cheap hat. Now on at keeler's Get a first-class FOUNTAIN PEN at Keeler's this -lrIIir-q-tl- week for “a fore comtort. Tickets 3.": Muanrlmw'u Drug Hon Friday, Jany. m. at 2 p. 'tll-No favors. The Buy Store on the Buy Out... retiniid R. B. Keeler & The Annual Burns' Anniversary Concert Will I. held In the Town Hal ' Durham, ot the lmve dale. under the auspices of en . evis Camp, No Cr, Posh-N and Wt' m sum: to fallow this notice will Kn . full particulars. The following SONS 0P\SCOTLAND Newest of the New! “Inches. Clocks, Jewelery. Silver- ware. China. Books, Stationery and “my Goods. " All Sen “as been engaged accepted Frida High Clds4 Talent GREAT REVIVAL Meetings are being held each evening this week in the Presby- h-rian Church. next week in the Methodipt. Evangelist Kennedy was compelled to cut short hilt stay Inst week hut the local pus- tora have preached with great power and 'tcceptnnce. Next week heginnuut Monday Rev. 'iutos Wilson, of walkerton, will be present to insist. Rvervone cordially invited. A GREAT REVIVAL it! ill Dru gums and nmnv have been cm: varied. The Holy Spirit's pru sena- is nmnlfa-st in a Hanan kulvl: manner. Como and we. Spain! Music-Torrey-A 9mm er Hymn Book in use. Miss Dick. VICES in HOLSTEIN are aroun- ing great Interest and attracting Inge audiences notwithstanding the unfavorable weather of the past week. Are l ou Right With God t Your neighbor's Rm": cub- ben'he venue"; or. if your neigh- hor borrows nun, kindly give him . gentle i?l'll to and us " rum». Savo- yuu time And (row hie and gives both better antis- fnction. tBe to the end of the year. Send all orders to CHAS BAMAGE. Pun-n AND PUIHIIII. THE UNION REVIVAL BER- Are You Rizht With God t Mid-winter M illinery Don't Borrow The Review mun! Burn WI” I. held I u the hnve I en . evis I 'l)nlml ol ud his! ll ruled d' l v, well-k 1 unsound. L‘ketuli'n'. Best of the Old 9 Feb. '06 Durham. Ont m Pl '4tt M“ Pin " oanI' wn to ll u the out " In It

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