West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 25 Jan 1906, p. 4

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StNE'l‘HINU NEW IN WASHERS: The I..'..trftye_ttCr?rPIe nnlvin the Idea Also \Villwlm's Wrimtera, all made by Watson of Ayr. Egymond Sewing Machines. McClary Stoves for Coal gor Wood Agent for the Dillon nge Stay Fence. peering JY arvesters y Whecher it is one of the chronic sortor just a temporary " fair. it "unis ihttoring. IT wox'r PAY TO LET IT Ill.., You_can itft at our Store These will knock out any ordinary cold while you wait. " they do not give salin- faction, we will refund the 25(. If it gets the start, of you, you can't cure it. I: has to run in corn-ne- then. It you want ttte Ive-st Cut v-a-Cold-in-a-Day Tablets get our Imperial Laxative Quinine in 25c boxes When You Feel A Cold Coming 'j-ri', Honey for 250 on't delay: knock it out first thing To make room in our Shoe Department, we are clear- ing all odd lines at cost and less than cost. We are receiving daily large consignments of New Goods which we have passed in stock and ready for your inspection. We”) Singhums, Wow Clmmbrays, 779w fawn: d Prints, fren, J/u'rtinys, Wen) "dGnmsttettes, 'riotmrttinga, Wen; 'ti)hite'tiJear, gaudy-v {WW/ear Waist: DA RLINGS, GUNS Cherry, Pine and Honey Cough Cure ,_____‘_ J7ohrt Glark. Wu can Rive only a mere listof our-goods. but In quality and suia- mum y to the needs of South Groy we are not excelled: Dee-rung narrows. Wilkinson Ploughs, Honey’s Har- ness. Palmerston Buggies. Renowned atticlas, fairpxices You Should Mop it ! : : : That Cough: : : Parker's Drug Store to The best In which we consider be the best values we have ever shown. Ell GOODS - -- Q”. Have You a Cough? 0toots and &uses -- - their. line as we handle only the best. Cash and One yum. =.._i.'/Trtd Farm Machinery. - The People's Druggists. Is easy to take. Is harmless. Is scientifically made. Is a specific for throat and diseases. 'orloek. A few doors South of the Middaugh House. James Glenister is (one to the Owen Sound Business College for a 3 months‘ term, James.{>a a very steady young man and will u me out good. A eongreational meeting in the W. plin church. and in Cedarville a few days ago. both meetings presided over by the Rev Mr Little of Holstein. The business tsMefly was to procure a. sta- tionary minister tor the two stations We understand they agreed upon a minister. A Parmere Institute meeting was held here; Mr J. J. Graham of Vande- lenr and other: attended. The “enge- ments " the meeting were very poor and few attended. Bom on Monday the 15th to Mr and Mrs J. C. Hall a son. Mother and son doing well. George Ttttup is home from the pupa Sound Hospital, and in gaining Oar Township fathers had a rather stormy meeting, their firgt here, We refrained trom saying anything: about them as it is dangerous to say Council here without it it is words of praise to them, but we see by their minutes in the Herald a motion passed requir- ing the clerk to notify the Exlreeve and another party to attend their next meeting, to give account ot money re- ported to be laid out on the 8th Conces- sion and no work done. Be careful you 8th Con. people and do not offend the Council of 1906. lliu Edith Glam-tar is gone "it to Toronto friendl- Some of our young men went to Owen Sound but returned again. Mr Geo McLeach is gone again from here and Mr Beard is back amongst the Independents MrThm Carson "turned to the Nut on Monday. Dr Jameson left Tuesiuy for Ottawa on business. Mrs Caswell arrived home last week after visiting triends in Klncardine. Mn G. L. McCaul attended the fun- eral of her mother in Guelph. Master Hugh McCormack left lass week to take a course in the Northern Business College, Owen Sound. Mr Thus Caldwall is around home a- tpun after a few months out West. Mr Alex Fletcher is busy hauling logs to the mill tor his new barn. Mr Allan Bell spent a few days in Flasherton but. week. Miss Tenn. McCormack left for Owen Sound a tew days ago. Miss Clark, of Fergus, is a. guest of her Iister. Mrs Alex Russell, at prelem. Mr Donald McQuarrie is very sick " present. Miss Pineo visited at Mr Neil Mo. Loans the last of the week. Mr Sun Putberbough and Mr Wm. McNally are busy hauling mes to Dur- ham. Mr Will swallow, left Tuesday on a 2t? to his mater. Mrs Wixon, in Inger- so . Master Russel Cutrie is at Stratford undergoing an operation on his eyes. Miss Emma. Boulder). of Elmwood, is A guest of her cousm. Miss Laura Mc- Kenzie. Mr Archie McLean and his daughter Mrs Alex McNab of Owen Sound, are visiting friends here. Misses Orma and Wilda Sudden, of Chatsworth. were guests of their sister here. Mrs F. McClm-klin. Roads in this section are bad at present bat snow is expected soon. Mr. Joseph Poole of Mount Hope, Co. Bruce. spent over Sunday with his sister Mrs. Wolfe. Mr W. K. Reid and family moved 'luesday to his newlrpur0ased pro. perty. opposite Mr Geo. Hepluwn's. Miss Line Cam. ton went to Toronto lust: week. Miss Alma Hughes has returned home after an extended visit at her tsister's, Mrs Rev Farr, Gurrie. Mrs Urquhart. Mt Albert. is expected home tn-duynn " visit to her parents. Mr and M rs T. Whelan. Mrs. Hopkins, Hat-they. Man., daugh- ter of Mr Jae. Carson, and her little daughter are visiting here. Mrs Carson who was taken to Fergus Ho-pitallast week is doing well. Mr Carson has about recovered and his mu John, the ducmr, has returned to Lauder, Man. The revival services in Holstein are attracting large audiences each night and there never has been such a time in this place. The revival is the chief topic ot conversation here and there have been a large number of conVer- sione already with me meetingsjust commenced. Evangelist Kennedy was compel.ed to leave sooner than expected last week bat the work goes on just the same Rey Thos Wilson, of Walkerton, comes next week to preach and great crowds are expected and if the roads and weather are fav- orable overflow meetings will be ar. ranged for. Several excursion to attend meetings, Miss Hartley. who has been visiting her sister, Mrs Holmes for some weeks, left last Saturday. TH! DUDE“ REVIEW from here are taking in the to Toronto on Wednesday, the Torrey and Alexander Mn] I Corner. tiopeiille Holstein .4-» If the British elections prove anv- thing they prove that the voters are not hideboimd partizans. Fancy a. constituencv that gave a majority ot 3062 in 1900 now giving 8855 the other way l The British mesSee have found their Voice and are letting it be heard. A constituency that has be": represent- ed by n titled family tor over one hundred years is now RI,',""',',',',','; ed by on ordinary citizen. T e new labor party is going to be a factory of the future. Next periiunent will have nLibenl majority over all per- tieooombinea. Centennial, Notion- allot- and Utoefttdttrmt80 to 40. A quantity of fowl, scythes, forks. neck- yokee, whiff1tstrtrea and other articles too numerous to mention. Sale at 1 o'oloek p In. Terms-all sums of M.oo and under, cash: over that amount twelve month's credit. will be given on approved joint notes. Five per cent per tsuntun'oif for cosh in lieu of notes. Everything must bodiupoued of as the Proprietor he: ION his farm. Neil Mac-noel D HCPbeil 1 two furrow plow, 1 tstndher. 1 wheel- barrow, 1 bay rack. l fanning tn”. 1 se- Jouble heavy harness. 1 not double drie. mg harness. 1 platform scales 1000 lbs. 1 bltuslusmltla'ts vice. 1 built! pole, 2 cronscut paws. I cant Look, 1 broad axe. l adze. I cook stove. 1 sewing machine, 1 spinning wheel and reel. Again we have all changes made up to-date. and We ath, as usual. to be in- formed of clips. If any in tho corrections. We thank heartily the mamy who have paid tutd whose change of date will be the receipt. 2 “agents. I nearly new, 1 no." bob. sleigbu nearly new, 1 democrat. 1 road cart, 1 binder, 1 mower, laeed drill,1 sulky rake, 1 s_ct.npnug tttyu barrows, The l'ollowmg valuable Stock & Imple- wents: 1 horse, 6 yrs old, 1 mare. 6 yrs old. 2 iillietr, rising 2 yrs. 1 filly, rising 1 yr. 1 bull shorthurn 2yrs old, 1 cow with call by her aide. 1 cow due to calf. 6 cows supposed in calf, 2 heifers supposed in cult. 4 sheets? yr old, 4 steers 1 yr old, 4 heifers 1 yr old, 11 calves, l yearling ram Laieester, 80 eweu. At n special meeting of the Snugeen trtt1h,rthrthtl,d 9n Ezrjdny (balmy: ms}. A call from Cedarville ind Esplm in favor of Rev J. P. Melanin was nul- tained, the induction to take place nt Cedurville on Tuesday, the 6th of Fah- rnary at 2p, m.. the moderator. Mr. Hanna to preside. Mr Thompson to preach. Mr Campbell to nddrees the minister and Mr Little the people. On the recommendation of the rommittee which visited Moorefletd and iDrnyton. these stations wove separated. the Imp- nation to take effect on Feb. lat. Rev. J. M. Ault was appointed interim mod- erator in both congregations and both are authorized to give "call ton mm- inter. Appreciative reference was made of the work and character of the Into Mr Morrison and Rev Me Young was un- Iminted to send a letter of sympathy to Mrs Morrison. Farm Stock and Implements, at Lot M, Con 2, S D. B., Gleuelg, on Thursday. February 8th. Itt06. Sabbath Schools iii the Presbyterian church in Canada. Mr. McMurchie '.!pokton "The Teacher's Memory and Imagination” and gave many useful S‘lkkestions as to the adaptation ot the teaching to the child’s mental growth. He contended that since the power to memorize was stronger in earlier than later years. Much more should be done. m leading the children to commit to meinoty scripture passages and the Shorter' Catechism than it, is usually attempted. Mr Wright emphasized the need of self improvement as the first es- sential of a teacher's success. Compar- atively few people could have the tene- lit of any general professional training but all could really increase the powers they have by steady and persistent practice. The teacher who loves the Saviour and conscientiously does his best with the gifts he possesses is suc- ceed. Mr. Robertson, who was cordi- silly greeted on this. his first visit to the Sanger" Presbvtery spoke on "Teacher Training Classes " and Sup- plemented Lessons.” |He showed how the tmcietscy of the Sabbath school would be greatly increased if teachers bada clearer view of the teaching of the. Bible as a. whole and had isome- what more definite knowledge of the child mind and methods of importing instruction. To help in this direction he showed the henietit " Teacher Train- ing Classes " and Rave an Indication of the kind of work they are expected to do. To assist in the wotk small book- lets. sold at 10 cts etch had been pre- pared by the best minds in our church the study of which could be overtaken even byhusv people. So popular had these proved that some of them were running their second and third edition the one by Prof. Murray, "entitled from one to twenty one" leading in the van with a circulation not only in Canada but in every state of the American Union. He complimented Dromore on the excellent woi k they had done in the classes there organized and indicated that, they are the banner congregation in the Presbyterian church. Mr. Hob. ertson is thoroughly posted in his sub- ject. is free and easy in his manner and has a Winning personality. IVe hespent him a still larger audience the next time he visits the Presbytery. _ _ _ The discussion following the addresses WM general and spirited, the layman for once coming to their own. delight- ing all with the vigor with which they can speak when a subject. is up in which they me interested. The work of "Teacher Training " wan heartily com- mended to the consnderation (fall *hs Sahhuth Schools in the hounds and a meeting of real interest and proitt brought to a close. -----_------ On the same day was held a Sabbath School Worker's Association at. which addresses were given by Mr. Jan. Me- Murchie, B A, of Harrismn. Mr. A. W. Wright, B A, Mt Forest, and lbw J. S. Rnhmtson B. D., Iterttralrecretarv for That Little Yellow Label. ONTARIO no? TORONTO Proprietor. CREDIT AUCTION SA L E Saugeen Presbytery. D Mclel Auctioneer Our mee,',', for napalm work in wet known nn we noted; this "panama. Bandeau mud it my time. Guam Me. In the Surrogate Court-mf e County of Gray, in the "taller the estate ofHugh McDonald, lat ofthem'l- (age of Priecviile, in th Countyof Grey. Gentleman. Deceus . Notice is hereby given per not to B. S. o. 1897, Chap. 129. Sec. 8, end tV mending Acts, that all pen I having claims against the estate of the id Hugh McDonald. who died on or abou the 24th day of December A. D. 1005, in required to send by pos'; prepaid or to elxver to J. P. Teltord of the Town of urlinm. Solicitor for the executoni. on r before the lat day of February A. D.. 1 their names, addresses and description and 3 full automatic ot particular; 0 their claims. and the nature of the sec ite (it my) hold by them, duly veritie . Ind that after the slid day. the said ex More will proceed to distribute the aerate f the deceased among the parties . titled thereto. having regard otily to the ' of which they shall then have notio Dated the 9th day at January 1906. Kindly give insertion to th “Rowing and " tho ttt-itutiott of our t1.t.muttt.t.t and exohmging “no. good result. will come. Me Ediwr. The Memorial of the Mnnicipcl Coun- cil of the Towmh p of Ecremont. Co. of Grey.Humbly showeth. that, when It. We. your mernorUlists believe tint it would lu- in the the Public interest um echemze be made in the County Conneile Act.” that the members of that body, and the business they transect. Would be in closer touch With the ratepayere of the Municipel Corporation from which they receive the most of their revenue. NOTICE TO CREAITORS- " Ogilvie's Royal Household " Matthews & Latimer And where u, the emount of money that this Municipaiity contributes yeerly en County rate. In equal to, end in me years more than what we spend an e local Tp. rate.and tint it is desirable theta fuller explanation of this expenditure should be made to the ratepayers who contribute this money. Therefore We. your Mammalian would pray that the Co. Councils Art he tto a- mended that the membership of that body cumin: of the rem'eu of the vorious Muni- clpalilies, and such Dep-reeves In the eq- ualized Valuation of the: Municipality. for County puiponeu would warrant sud your wemoriuliuts will ever pray: Resolved tlnitthe above resolution be fun-"dad to the Hon. N. Monienli. minister of Agric- ulture of the Province of Ontario. Fused in Council this 80t day of Jan. A. D. 1906. \VALTEB HASTIE, Reeve DAVID ALLAN. Clerk. THE RELIABLE GROC REY You Risk Nothing by attending the popular . AncnmALn Mcthura l DANIEL MCDOUGALL} Executorl by their Solicitor. J. P. Ti, There is one thing that will cure it-Myer" Hair Vigor. It is a regular scalp-medicine. It quickly destroys the germs which cause this disease. The unhealthy scalp becomes healthy. The dandruff disap- pears, had to disappear. A healthyscalp meal... a greatdeal to you-healthy hair, no dan- druff, no pimples, no eruptions. The but kind of a “lumen“! - "Sold for ova: sixty you-e." i'.i:.ifijiilit"- .99 "mil-ttli.".!)...),.!).,.,,?,..;!.;.,.',:..,,.] Has in store and is pr tared to supply you from fall stocks ot Groceries. Fruits. Confec- tionery. and Flour and Feed. and the Celebrate d CLYDES- DALE STOCK FOOD and remedies always_on hand. For that Dancing}: FLOUR $5.25 per bbl. Call early ; it is going fast. TORONTO. ONT. "rea-i-o' Ttriiirtrtf.aFore)ciGriit,-iGa - T. ytitii "cstitis,Ai," mes-ao-rims' air' “WEEK " CHERRY PECTOIAL SARSAPARHJA. mm ford. GLENELG FARM FOR SALE. The Adminiltutrlx of the late John McKinnon. offers the ltndn of the estate consisting of the 8rd Divh-ion of Lot to, Con I, E G R for Mlle and the Lot " joining in also offered tor Illa along with we above lands. For particulars apply to J. P. TELFORD. Durham. their names. addrelses and dv:cripuorur, and . full stutemvut of partwulmw --f their claims. and the nature ol tlt security ( if any ) held by them. and that alter the and day, the mid Admintrutstrix will proceed to dutribnto tlw mm L M' the do- wned among the purlivr eutitled there. to.luwine regard only to the claiull of which she shall then lune none». DIM tho 9th day of Jtnuary. A D, Mht6 Cum-2m“: Mchsmx. Administratr" by her Solicitor. J. r. TELl'ORD In the matter of the (stale of John Ile- Kinnon. late of the township of Gunman the County of Grey, far- mer, used, NOTICE inhereby given Pursuant to n. S. O. 1897, Chap. 129, Sec. 88 and Imeuding Acts. that all pen-mm huvmg clnlml again“ the emu» ot the mid Jehn McKinnon. who died oh or alum: tho 12th day of August A D 1905, are requested to tond by post prepaid or to doirrr m J. P. Tulford ofme Town of Dnvmm. tio. lieitor for the Administratrix. m. l t' Mime the "'"""VirGtrC1 T.ITC..T.rT.T. . , , . “ ..ch Men's Gqrdit"tndmestrot.--.--6l each A lull llnc of the BEST GROCERIES NOTICE TO CREDITORS- W. H. BEAN HE 2/6 /,.,l,..l.,,: Bod Comforters, fox 72 in. " St.26 W Floanolouo Blonkou large 11:4, t.20 " Honoycomb Wool Shawls in white, black, red and grey, Boer, Ttse, St " Blook Soto"! Undonklm 2mi_ - - L JANUARY " 1908 see. Sts.-. .....:;:- 335-133 . EEEE‘: llt DAY OF FEBRUARY. A D THE HOUSE OF QUALITY 15 Ladies Skirts. . .to clear Skirts were $3.50 for $2.75 Skirts. were 4.00 for 3.10 Skirts. were 5,00 for 4.00 CLEARING SALE of WINTER FURS The host vttluetr---orte price to all 2aeial we're particularly cum-tn] in using that much nFnoted wmd “hm-gain" especially when we up Inlklng haninecs. Hut nu other word really tells the story of theee special lines ul: Bake dishes. water pitchers. salad diuhw. um “In. sugar howls, soup tun-emu, trust dir.. hes and flatware too [lumen-nun to mention in thin small space jlb'1srru)aato iiijiU?leriur, Watchm'kr. Jeweler, Optician Men‘s. Boys' and Chil- dren's Suits and Over- coat. at until” reduc- tions. Now is the time to buy your Winter Goods. We are selling all " reduc- ed prices. Don't forget the Big 4 c. L GRANT. Special I f HE C,nlder's Block SELLS CHEAP 1900 tl) t Ytit ’k 11 ii')', you wha chopr Demo There Esthc [any Woot tn a thin . pi UP'TD-D .25 at JANUAR cen ll H It ll In

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