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Durham Review (1897), 25 Jan 1906, p. 7

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iUTE W: Daughter mid nu. p Tho-an Frederick ," said a Detroit man, molesting not, of art rural in thi. elopunem. ‘lorgymtn. It in m lg his rmrship of s ADVICE I and imaging lean ths and about-mud ION L 4, I906. " to , .A an" her. n " pr ty, of the 3V. on mr hat " u ' A Lander cable says: Mr. Chamber- lain. speaking at Anethwiek, near Birmingham. to-night. "severated that there had been a hit fight at Birming- ham on tho question of fiscal reform. He added that than we? two medias for the existing social protsl----soei" ism and tariff Mom. For the moment. he said, the country preferred Socialism Only Two Dunedin for Existing Evils, Says Chamberlain. Unionists 4 ila ~1th " Liberal,- Elgin and Nairn. Dumfries. (lackmamvan and Kinross, Glasgow (i'ccidswtowrt), Glasgow Central. (ileu- guw College. Glasgow (St. Ilolloxl. Kirkahly. Montrose. Of them: the gain-s um Elgin and Nairn. Glasgow tBridge. tnwn). ('ontral. College. and St. Rollor. Laltor--Glaygow (Blackt’rinrs). a gain. Unionists e--' Glasgow (Camlaeltie), In “la Stow (Tradenton p. In Ireland the Conservatives won North [What and West Down. How It Studs. A London cable: How the poll stood WWI. Ilimtingdonshire Hlatnsoy), Lin. uvlu~hirv (hlleitfordi. WiltMtire [In-- ' imw a. 1varwiekshire tN'tratford-on, Aront. l.aneashire ihliddleton), lluil East. Hrvntfurl. thur Lannrkshin- West. "Ough- ton. Sunderland, all thrve gains. Unionists-Cambridge l'niwraity (two nu-mlwrs). Rutland, Devonshire (Tivcr- tum. llortfordshin- (St. Alban'0, Kent. (vao'naks). Shromhire (Newport). Hull ('mtral. Of those IrertNritshire Central in a gain. In the Scottish boroughs the results at midnight: Total seats .. .. .. .. .. . Elections held .. .. .. .. . Liberals elected .. .. .. .. .. Uuionists .. .. .. .. .. ... Laborites .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Nationalists .. .. .. .... .. In the larst House for name smut Liberal" .. .. .. .. .. .. .. l'nionists .. .. .. .. .. .. laboring .. .. .. .. .... .. Nationalists .. .. .. .. .. .. show ll H Mr. thu- “mum, Liberal, Who de hair-l Allwyn Fellowes. (‘unwrvative and lat" l’rwidont of tho Imam! nf A,ur riruhm‘v. in North "ttntirtpionshire. i. an old T 'rontoniatn. Summary of the Returns. Au analysis of the mmplvte- rt‘turw up far rectsived to-duy slum“ the fol lowing mum: Liberal,, e--- Westmoreland (Katmai) fonrddhiro (lktrthury), Berkshire (Ah inmlun‘. Suswx (Eastbourno). North, NN tt pr! kiln-rah Westmoreland (Kondm "hiortNhire (Hanhury). Berkshire (Al inmlnn . Suva-x (Eastbourne). Non] unptunshiru East, Suffolk (Woo her tiv" vol! I" In slow! that th murkah ‘~(':Il- wurt- decided to-day, but returns haw only arrived from seventeen. in tlteio the Liberals won-ml sown. and Labor two gains, making total gainw; Libvrl, no; Labor. 2H: (Jon-serm- tirvs b'. rwnlt was: "artres ”abort. 3.284; Law i1'"rnwrvtttivel, 2,974; Provand (Lib- oral), 21156. Ths. Labor candidate also figured in the Carnlarhie division. 11nd polled 2.318. "tt is blamed for the defeat of the Liberal eandiuate, who polled 2.8”. compared with 3,119 by the Con. mervative Free Trader. An interesting fact " that. while two Conservatives vlrvtml advocated free trade, two de. tentml Liberals did likewise. Une of these in Sir Stirling Maxwell. The de. teat of Laura was neocmpnniml by that of Mr. C. S. Dickson. Lord Ad- vocat" in tho late Government. These full-twin}; the fall of Mr. llrmlrick, A. K. Fellows, E. C. Prettymam Henry The Government Has Now a Majority Over All Combinations of Parties. llu- wwn seats Conservative eandi. dun" were. defeated, one win being to tlie (-rulit of Labor. use two remain. in: wall-I are held by Conservatives, .u-u-rile as Free Traders. The list of 1iltwixv'.u, dofoated eandidat+ includes Izmmr Law. a Canadian. He was a prmnim-nt man of the party. He re- tlrustuotl th" seat for the Conservatives in mm. and was appointed in 1902 mere- mry to tho Board of Trade. This tinw hv mil-'1! in a three-eurnered fight. Thu u-~nlt mu: Ramos (Laban. 3.284; Law Hunwn‘znive}. 2,974; Provand tLil" Hu- M'H‘n PM duh" more do the credit of in: wants at uhm'ihed as F {Blavgnw‘a (late “(mar Law. a A Landon cable says: (Hangow’s big charge constitutes a feature of the "iedtion return“ to-tnght. hr five of llw wwn seats Conservative candi- Every One Elected in " GLASGOW vows DEAD AGAINST PROTECTION. " st) haplin, and others of the irrevioui oi lunw the fate of a majority of tin 1't In ti ll “i! PROTECTION OR SOCIALISM. n an ll ll tl Itiltt tty 'ttrt h I'Ull W I maintained. tire, heretofore a Conwrm- tnghold, voted to-day. With ptinn. null .utx wan. were hold ervativvi. The returns from nv that Lancashire ii iollow. cad of Naneheuer, two going “(Ml trtit n cable says: Glasgow's big nmont no ll and it ' and one rrt " oughtou clhisiuu the mud notable Elected in Glasgow is a Free Trader. Whether Tory or Liberal. .050 by RH s. and lmth turning two 119 by tho- Con. An interesting '0 Conservatives " a majority "spveted that 110). North. " (Wood. F'taifordahire I ' a form .010 into ('nnwrm- ['trivcr,ut y. with 2.976 two gain; "I Labor ill 38 I 205 82 670 l1" oi: as tp.?, Wert llH'lll _ " HI Mrs. Lee says he had a. woman ac- complice waiting for him outside the store. The police are working on the . Even then the man persisted, and, turning his revolver at the woman. threatened to shoot her. The ringing of the telephone bell probably fright- ened the would-be robber, for he ran out of the store and disappeared in the darkness. _ Fourteen-year-old Guelph Girl Foiled Bold Attempt at Robbery. Huelph. Unt.. 4lespatelt: The pluckiness of a Ir.vear-old girl last night foiled a daring attempt at robbery. About 9 o'eloek a young man entered the gro- cery store of Mrs. C. F. Lee. Queen street. and, alter asking for change. drew a revolver. and, pointing it at the girl. demanded the contents of the till. Upon being refused the man grabbed a heavy knife and endeavored to intimi- date her with it. Still the girl bravely defended the till until Mrs. Lee came upon the scene and telephoned for the police. _ _. .. . . tions. Finally the Mayor went to the talc- phone. "Shall I ring up the polio" station t" he atrkrd. The friends of tho vombatants finally pacified them. This morning Ald. Stone and Thompson oi, lege that they will move for proceed- inc" against Ald. Austin for disqualifi- cation and a penalty. Tlum followed a wild tumult. Ald. Thompson and Sunni charge-d Ahl. Alh- tin with having abused his position ar, alderman. Ald. Austin retorted warm- ly. that if he had technieally committed n bretteh ho had done 20 in good fairh, and was prepared to stand by his guns eil has been practically deadlocked on the question of the appointment of r-iric u-xaussnrs. Last night, howvver, " "ecision was reaehed. and Hour". Ftvnelt and Gonno. the nominees of Ahi, Austin, st-rurvtl a majority of ii to 4. All. stone. who led the opposition to thou- vamlidates, openly eharged All. lewt-y with violation of his word In going over to the support of Ald. AttMiu. The latter dviended his recruit, and nii comment evidently impressed his oppolb ents with tho idea that he mu gloating over them. For nearly oil has been wiid .‘C‘Wll'n v'ctending all the way from tln. 1'ity Couucil 1rlt,0,rnbvy down the t'oi'- tilers and throah-ning to end in a firtie 1-uwuntcr, with the Mayor trh-phmxing the poliw. characterized tho (‘lmo of tin: spvriui Council "thng lust evening. Swort" of citizens stood arouml the cur- tilor, championing mm side or the otr,. er, while the aldermeu vngnged in at hit- ter. wordy walrt‘nro. in which pets"'.:" innenriow. ehargrs and eounter-ehargrs \u-c-r hurled angrily to and tro, For nearly two wcekq the new Coun. Charge and Counter-Charge Made by Aldermen-Mayor Quietly Threat- ened to Call in Police-Disqualifica' tion Will Be Asked For. WILD SCENES ENACTED IN CHAT- HAM CITY HALL. Air llvnry Com phvll- Puumerman, Speulking at n Liberal nweting, char- :wtm'izml Mr. Balfour's statement that thaw n as mine sort of rampart. bat ween tln- Liberal Government and John itod. mmnl. the Nationalist Iomler, as nothing shun nt' scandal. He said there mu no foundation for such an allegation. and alt-plural that there was no nun-atom“ Whattt'Vm' album. the relations of the Liluwalu :unl the Nationalists. Mr. lhtlfour and Sir Henry Campbell- Bunnurumn arrival on tho same train at Iuvvruc.is, .N'cntlnml, 10-day to fulfil political "ngagotnettG. The elmmiom ('ruml gathered on the platform prevent. vd " meeting between the distinguish“! Ieuders, eaeh of whom was greeted with It hurricane of ehvets. Mr. linlfcmr. adurtssing a meeting "n behalf of Sir Robert Finlay, tlm Unionist candidate for lnvornms Burgh. prtulieted for the new Gov- ernment a happy vxisttuwe of five years. He said: "For every one seat lost by tariff reform. ten have been lost by this story of Chinese labor. You have been told that the result oi the elm-- tions is against fiscal reform. Sir Henry ('aunpbell-Bunnermun waid I would drop this new hobby of mine. He need not Lay that flattering unetion to his will. ll l stood alone I would stand lino as long an I was able to stand. All the more will I do it. since I know I have the loyal support of Birmingham and the City of London. Fiscal reform was introdueeU an n remody for wmething wrong. The Premier has boen given a blank "heck. and pot: "out wait and man what he will do. " he fails. do not forget that l have a remedy still. F"rseal reform is only postponed. If. as I believe. the Government. will fail in finding " remedy, I do not believe the working- men of this country will "lwu,vs bu. bound down by an ancient superstition which the rest of the world has reject- BRAVED PISTOL TO SAVE LIFE but when the quack ret edine of tho pre- sent Government had Jilted there would he opportunity for fiscal reform .and "no obstruction could prevent its taking root." 'l'lwn $0“wa mutual Chutha IN A WORDY WAR. Two Leaders at Inverness. ' _ (mt. dvspntch extending all rcorimina of The inGuing party was made up of patrol wagons filled with policemen, a troop of cowboys and a small army of citizen volunteers that varied in num- bers nt different points in the pursuit from 300 to 500 persons. Chicago. Jan. 2P..-A Texas steer cre- ated much excitement on the south side of the city this afternoon. It was the leading figure in a grand chase which commenced at the stockyards and con- tinned through some of the leading resi- dence streets, along Grand Boulevard, through Washington Park, and as far as the suburb of Grand Crossing, where it was finnlly captured after it had fallen from exhaustion, ten miles from the starting point. A fall". is in a serious condition in u hospi. tal here from an assault by two men whom he naked last night to ndxGe him where to find a good lodging house. He says that the. men asked him to come with them. which he did, riding in the subway from Broadway and 42nd street to the 149th street station in the Bronx. There he followed the men from the train and an soon as he left the tunnel Ae snys his pretended friends robbed him of $80 in trash and his jewelry. They club- bed him over the head, breaking his jaw and leaving him unconscious. Cowboys and Others Give it an Exciting Chase: CRUEL TREATMENT OF JOHN DOE: OF BUFFALO, BY NEW YORKERS. ClUBBED AND ROBBED The President has nolds to give it the riideration. Washin,r.,rtonq Jan. 22.Al’romincnt Eu. ropcan tttatesmen, cducutors. publicists and citizens whose fame is norld wide have joined in a petition to President Iloosvvelt to cndcnvor to bring ulmut "the concert of the powers of Europe with the view of sccuring for tlw sulr.iects ot' the Ottoman cmpirc that condition of public pcncc and order of which the absence has already drawn down upon that empire so many disasters. monaeing it with the catastrophc of its total un- nihilatiun." The appeal was pre.uentod to Prcsidcnt Itoosevelt yesterday by Jan. Pr. Reynolds, of ..ew York. It was pre- pared by M. Ilertholot, formerly hienator and Ecuador) of l-‘orvigu AfHirs of Franco. ANXIOUS T0 SECURE PEACE FOR THE SUBJECTS OF TURKEY. Tlu, newspnlwrs state flint already they have ervatvd " strong sentiment in England that the Japanese are unworthy vi' being allies. Those who have re. pliml to the letter stigmatir.e it as the m-t of a spy. Already the Bishop hm reeeUvd threatening letters. and tears of violence has induced his English and Japantsi-o friends to form a Special enci- viy I'nr his protection. r'ortunately. the Bishop is now away ”pan " miwimi to the Bonn] Islands. Ito, and f ttwior. mm' Lululon Times. expat) ow "s-Ori"} immoraliry travted wide nth-min ml smnu strong rert and othets in Kaneko. forn iu-l‘v. Wrote a Letter Expatiating on Japanese Social Immorality. l few hours afterwards the brother. ~ti|l "ttoxieated, arrived at the home. steml of some Gniicinns. and asked them to go out and look for his brother Bohn. who. he said, had got lost on the road mnn-uln-rv. The Galicinnn wont out and found John Wetting lying alongside tho trait about two mihs from the homo. domi. Thoy brought tht body to tho IIUIIN' and MM day it was buried without the fnrumlity of a Coroner's inquest. 0m irrg to reports since circulated. the prnliw sm- ittvvui,r.,ratinur. Tokio. Jan. 22.~'l'h<-n- is intense fen-ling against William luxury. the Anglican Bishop of South 'l'okiu. [in wrote a latte; his; autumn to tlm Immlon Times. expatiating on Japan- Mounted Police Investigating the Flet- ting Cage. Lloydminster. Jun. 22.--A CaNt' which is attracting the attention of the Mount- ml poliee down the line will probably be investigated by Coroney Rush, of Vegrw ville, to-day, at the inquest of Inspector Strickland. Awarding to the story which has reached the authorities. John lT'tting and a brother left Llo.vdmiwisr one afternoon about a nmuth ugo with a In: tnof horses to drive to their claims. a few miles south. When they left they were intoxicated and plentifully supplied with whiskey. New York, Jan She was unable to identify Smith. but the authorities are holding him. pending " further investigation. Rewards of 8600 each have been offered for the capture of the murderer by the authorities and Mrs. Edward t"strawhridge, upon whose property Miss Alliuson lived. HE run ASSAULTED AND nun-l DRIED A NEW JERSEY LADY. Moorestown, N. J., Jan. '2P..-4leorer, of I farmers and other citizens of this and neighboring towns are to-day scouringl the country in search of the negro who yesterday assaulted and murdered Misel Florence W. Allinson, in a barn on the Strawbridge estate. . WVm. Smith, a negro. who was arrested\ last night on suspicion, is not til,t:i11 to be the perpetrator of the crime. Smith is very dark, and Bessie Walker, the little girl who lived With Miss Allinsnn. says the negro who came to the house yesterday was a mulatto. ROOSEVELT.’S HELP. TEXAS STEER IN CHICAGO. HUNTING A NEGRO. u-iul immoralify, His [otter at. , wide attention. and inn vrok- nu strong replies from Harm: unl former Minister of tln- In- mnv " rtsident Of England. {ht-H in that muntr)‘. and Baron o. farmer Minister of Juntiee, DEAD BESIDE THE TRAIL. BISHOP IN HOT WATER promise most l John Doe ml (I Mr. 'uroful of Bufl 0011 '.ey to bed at 10. He is fond of domestic life and passes the evenings at his fireside with his wife and daughter. reading or listening to manic. ._ Mrs. Fallieres is a pleasant, kind- hearted lady of sound common sense. She has eseeedingV dark hair and eyes. They have two children. young Mlle. Anne and a son Andre, who is . talent- ed lawyer, 30 years old, and who will fill the sane past " the Elysee palace that M. Paul Lonbet filu--f%crettiry to his father. Mme. Falliem does not diodain to New York, Jan. '2.--s'peaking of the nuwly elected President of the French Republic the Tribune's Paris correspon- dent to-day says: M. Fullicres has a. large, round face. His hair is white, profuse and inclined to curl. lie has for 30 years worn a era. vat of the same pattern, namely, dark blue with white spots. He invariably car- ries an umbrella-even during fine wea- ther. He is an early riser, getting up us- ually before 7 o'eloe.k and generally goes ERANCE’S NEW PRESIDENT DESCRIBED. What He Looks Like, What He Wears, What He Eats and Other Matters. l , “HP/it)»- it;',) Kg“ 1 ( iii), 'l'i/'i'iiir)'"i'siiriii, \ t‘ r (iail tra a 'rj" gifl8lit "ij) a"! "is. n l , it)? l ' ' ' O "Otrilvie's Book for a Cook," contains 130 - of excellent recipes, some never before published. Your grocer can tell you how to get it FREE. You can get Ogirie's Royal Household Flour from your grocer. OglMe Flour Mills to., Umtted, Royal Household Flour is the only flour, made and sold in Canada, that is purified by electricity. Actual purity in flour can onlyvbe secured by the use of electricity. In these times when all Hour man. ufacturers are claiming purity you should remember these two things ' There cannot be different degrees of purity any Piore than there can be digisrent degrees of honesty. If a man be honest, that is all he can be. There is no superlative. One flour cannot be purer than another. It can only be more nearly pure. TORONTO M. FALL IERES. M. Fallieres is n. strong advocate of a progressive income tax and proclaims the necessity of coalition with all the group. of the Parliamentary left,. can- sequcutly among his adherents we Jul- ru, Semhnte and Herve, the peace at any price Socialist leaders. accompany her excellent cook to the mar- ket now and then for M. Fallieres is a generous and dietiminatinE eater, having a prefereuee for heavy, nutritious divine» of southern France. The favorite wine containing a full share of sunshine, call- ed Loupillon and is grown by M. Fal. lieres himself at his country plate near Agen. where he was re-elected Senator a few days ago by an overwhelming ma- jority. He is an appreciative musician. differing in this respect from M. Loubet who does not care at all for music and his favorite eompoaer is Mozart. M. Fal- liers seldom goes to the theatre. but is well versed in dramatic literature and it was he who first proposed that the cross of the Legion of Honor should be con- ferred on Mounet-sully of the Comedic Francis. M. Fallierus is a mi of genial humot anA i1feitd orts good uleodou'. " mad 4 months. The mother in stepped out norms the road for a ment, leaving the children “loop in g Ten minutes later Alfred Julien. n lay boarding in the house, Ind asleep. its .wukened by the flamed M mamg‘jn escape and give the alarm. (t Min. Bouueois rushed but: to _mtit. house too ha a save her ehildrry . fire originated fmm the exploM a. kerosene lamp. The Bourgeois fi r came here from St. Celutin, Que., Int July. Conciliation was exercised on both sides in the new agreement signed by the union Ind the Master Stunt Fitteu' ABsroeintion. The men will receive slight- ly higher wages. but will submit to their employers' rules without change. Asleep in Bed Wheat lxploding use Fired the Home. Nelson. B, C.. Jan. 22.--Fir" in the residence of Henri lmrgeois It 8.15 kit evening mqud in the. death grid but.- itig of Bourgeois' two little boys. and Chivago, Jan. '22.-ie lint more of the' building trades union, in P.tott was for peace. The steam fillers yesterday joined their ompluyen in arranging a, friendly basis of magma and conditions during three years, The building truth-s union. it is aid, will be influenced by the attitude u- nlined by the Meant fitters. The 'tt"Pert- tem are taking for n increase in was“, um! the iron workers are seeking new conditions. THE FIRST MOVE PEACEFUL - N0 TROUBLE IN BUILDING TRADES. day for Marshall Field. From th" Botrrd of Trade, mom of the lmnk-. and prac- tically all of the bis,. wholosale and re- tail Mon-s. {lug-1 were flown " half mast. while the Field Mon-s rrmaittmi silent. behind cloned doom and drawn shades, an explosion cf giant Iurwdo' last night in the Opp mines, Hour .lm-L mmillv. Urn The 0mm- of the "sphvtio" has not been determined. An account of the murder oi Dr. Emil Kim-her. formerly a promim-m Ger, man physical: of N. Louis, by Indians near his homo at 'ropolouttmiro. Maxim, is contained in a letter. written by Dr. Klnobnr'. mn-ixhialw to St. Louis friends. Dr. 5mm M. Human. a noted l and the formvr luruond of Mr. Min "(Minion Burnett. tlw author: suddenly to-day of heart failure. Ture {non were blown in pi, Keir 11ardie. the labor M torvimv yestvrduy, said A, “ma hopelessly ignorant, m under by capitalist,.. Hump he mid. \wn- honor educat mun The rate of discount uf Hu- Bank " England remained unchanged 10-day a 4 per cent. A dh‘spau'h emanating from Rome i to the effect that Prim?“ End oi Btu iettlserg, the fiuamee of King Alplmnm has written Pope Pius amumm-ing he conversion to Catholicism. Sixty-nim- employees of tho C. P. ll. storm depanIm-m. went nu Mrikv at Win, nipeg to eorttirol the company in employ men in the auditing department. which was cloned for the purpme of being mar ed to Montreal. Alex. Cummings. GO years of my. was atmseted by Detwtivon Newton and Maekie, in Turonto. hm, night. li" is said to have been Iwgotiuting it: a "p" betnveen" for the sale of ttt.om in mun- terfeit. money to u city 1mm for $1,000. It is well understood hero that inn-vor- al Toronto ctspitalitwts. mm! of whom are connected with the Robe-rt Nimpmn Company. an! interosted in t project to build in Montreal next summit " gigan- tie department store. to be d,roted " most entirely to women',: goods. lin tWWi0 LABOR MEN. A conference ham been urmnmvd by the Ontario Government Itetwoen the unions intmsls in the hog-packing industry to hry and with! (he difference,, that have arisen in respect to the "upply and priees of hosts. Mr. w. F. Taylor has been mvudml $1.000 dinning?“ in an action against tho Ottawa Electric (‘ompuuy Thc plums”. who in a milkman, MINI for $2.00“ for injuries rotwivvd in u culliniun at Sus- sex street. _ Plum for the new county juil tad house of [Hugo to be elected at Cobourg were filed at the prisons dantment in the parliament building yesterday. A bill is to be introduced in the Man- itoba. Legislature to provide for imp“. tion by a Government official of all building and loan wunpanitw doing bus- iness in the Province. By the omission of the word "life" from a ivy-law the city of Montreal in unable to tax life insurance oompnnim and has boon ordered by the o,ottrt. to repay to the Royal human“) Company Mrs. Riel. mother of Lmliu Riel. who lad the rebellion of INT). is critically ill at Winnipeg. She in 86 years of ugh Winnipeg 1toielkmrpars object to any tseteta'op being granted to the ttew C. P. '11. hotel. Huron Von RicMhotT. , m Affairs for liertttato BRITISH AND F0RE10N. TWO YOUNG LIVES LOST. NEWS Ill BRIEF weiv hotter eductitod an M. lturnett, a nut CANADIAN. ant. and “m- ke Eur-mun“ murknn bar M. I'.. in an in- aid American Ialsoe runny of For G, dead at Ber [I was kept oi “at "list Ytttt _ died het' of M CO

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