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Durham Review (1897), 25 Jan 1906, p. 8

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Cr""C"'2,'.T2"ciLTdT'T-,T,re, t THE PEOPL E's STORE] iswmwwwmv Mr Earnest Maxwell and wife from the west are visiting friends in the park and vicinity at present. Mrs Aldcorn. Br, is very ill " prea- ent bat we hope soon to hear of her recovery. Mr George,Black is under the can of Dr Martin at present. "In. I wonder who the two young gentle man and ladies were who got lost In Mr Heard', field coming home from Il," Dugald McCaul's party and made a race course around a ten acre field. I thiuk it was rather a stormy night Hr speeding horses. It was a good Mr Lealitrwattson has clipped his tine driver so I guess some of the fur ladies will secure the benefit. Monster Clearing Sale Throughout our Store we are selling out all lines, almost regardless of prices. We are bound to reduce our stock before b'tock-takiwg, and are giving big reduction in all departments. Too heavy buying caused our large supply on hand so it is our loss and your gain in this Sale. Come early. All Winter Goods Must Go Fowl, Butter, Eggs and all Farm ProdueeStaken at Highest Prices. Cash or Trade. ROBERT BURNETT j 200 yde up-to-date Dress Goods. colors Black, Navy. Royal, Dove, green and Brown, suitable for spling Wear, worth from 40c to 75c per yd, on sale ton... ..............250 per yd 101) gat ments Ladies' Underwear, good value at 35c and-10c (see our North Window) while they last.... .........19c per garment All bargains marked down in big red letters. There can be no mistake. It LADIES' COATS in variousstylel TERMS: Cash or Produce (highest prices paid.) Remember-we mean business (No hot air Bargains) EVERY DAY isa 1tfill LETTER DAY it; When you buy goods with the Rerijciiriir, you’re getting them below wholesale prices. New VICTORIA LA‘VNS, worth 12he, selling at 10 dor. \VUOLLEN HOSE. Ladies' and Children's, worth from 25 to30c pet pr. on Wham”... .... _........., This Red Letter Sale means that we need the money and the room. It means " Dollars" saved to you, if you make the most of the opportunity. MEN'S HEAVY RL'BBERS K§You can’t afford to miss this dart' Sale. Swinton Park. H. H. M0CKLER: gf No old goods allowed. This mild winter has left us heavy stocks of Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Ties Flannellettes, 1teady-msde Clo 1 its, Boots and Shoes, 1lubbers, Groceries, etc., which have to go at a big sacrifice. Now is your opportunity. Call anyway and se- cure your share of the bargains. We are certainly cutting prices. How's this ? G'rapperettes, GING RAMS and PRINTS at Red Letter Sale All Furs marked away down. This is no fake sale. We mean business y all Winter Goods, but some Spring dair, as. well are cut away down in price. Previous to Stock-taking We have no room to list further bargains. The best way is to come and see. m our thing for them that their was a ten- ant in the house " when they waken. ed him up he showed them the road out of the field. We understand the coasting club did not amount to yery much as the boys fianked oat and it was not very Mr Wm Aldcorn and Ernest Max- well and wife are visiting friends a- round Heathcote at present. We understand the voting gentle- man who borrowed the tar coat for his girl says he is going to buy her one It will save the trouble of going after one when he is taking her out driving. Mr Wm Fowler, from High river, Alberta, was visiting at Mr James Knox 's a few days last week. I understand the record breakers are done cutting wood for the present season. . . . . less than cost If c% in! l The programme came first and it leertainly was a decided success. Chiet Ranger William llay Very ably acted as chairman and after a short speech touching on the I. o, l". order called on the whole assembly to join in the singing of one of the Foresters' odes, which was heartily responded to Mr Walter Hastie then sang a Scotch song which was loudly applauded. 'l‘ne orchestra then played a waltz that carried the audience to Flower- land. Mr Wm Isaac then sang a solo entitled " Everything at Rielly 's must be done in Irish Style Ft and as an en- core sang " What's the use ut Man. " Mr Isaac is an eVer popular vocalist. Major Preston, of Grand Valley, Past High Chief Range. then gavea very able address on the solid reasons tor every man becoming a Forester. szor Preston is indeed a pleasing speaker and also a speaker of great depth and no doubt many men Will be convinced ot the splendid feature of the I. O. h', Miss Hattie Watt sang a solo '. Anona " which delighted the audience with its SWeet strain. A dialogue entitled wt How he Proposed" was given by A Eeeles and Miss Mary Banston, the bashful young man was forced into proposing. Miss Grace Reid gave a recitation with good effect. A duet was then rendered by Mr Will Istsae and Mrs Harry Sterne. entitled " In the Shade of the Old Apple Tree " and was heartily ap- plauded. Miss Essie Swanstou then delighted the audience with her vivid dos ription ot “The Stage Struck Boy. " Miss Swanston bids fair to some day shine in Eloeution and " present is tar above some so called IIS',',':',',','.",".',; Miss Jean Brown, ot than). who pleased the people so well last year was again with us and ', snug two solos being cheered and forc- 1 edtosings second. Ir Dun Pig/ gave s reading in Scotch Brogus sud “though a Canadian can imitate the! brogue good Mr Archie Clerk whol recited brought the audience toshouts'l tiflaxttthtee. Kill Bonnier ably and u 2dlllN& the “on. A but. The evening was very favorable as to weather, therelore almost anemone who had reccived an invitation was pr'esenn. The hall was muss magnifi- cently decorated and draped with red white and blue bunting. The walls were very prettily graced with ever- greens and tastely arranged tissue paper novelties. which made one mink ue had Stepped into a hairy land ot beauty. much tun for the girls without the boys. I do not know whethel the Dundalk not. got too much goose or ox on Xmas week but he has not been able to write very much news since. The annual meeting of Knox church Nurmanby was held on Tuesday even- ing Jan 16th. The evening was about the worst; we had this winter and con- sequemly only a tew were present. However the business we hear was of gone through with. Everything In in a satisfactory shape and fairly well non- dueted, with a surplus ot'abuut $25.00. On Friday, Jan 12th, one of the most enjoyable evenings in the history at our village was participated in by an assembly numbering overcwo nun- dred guests in lluascll Hall on the event ofthe Forest-er's rally. 'lllose who attended last year Were beard to explain bt Impossible to beat it Ft bat tins year they willingly acknowledge it ha, been tsurpassed, . Among the pleasing features on Sat- urday last ot the' Farmer‘s institute meeting was the courtesy displayed by the two editors in assisting each other in getting the prize list oi win- ners at the seed iair. The great eon. troversev carried on through the col name of both papers " re-cement tt has we fancy, been the means of cement- ing the two editors together which is atleast one good thing it has done. However We congratulate you Mr Ed on the friendly spirit you both ihtsiti- tain towards each other and wnich is quite in keeping with the 20th centu- ry and then, when you see grit and wry meet delighted at the Farmer’s Association meetings from time to time to disease matters political and otherwise in a triendly sociable man- ner one could almOst be led to believe that the milleuiam is drawing nigh. Mr Wm Carson has sold his spank- ing new: of bones to Mr Fortune' last. week for the sum of at least $400 we have reason to believe. I think the Maple Park cor had bet- ter keep on his own side ot the fence, write " own new: and leaye the Swinton Park news alone. This January might easil y go down in Canadiun history as being the mild- est on record not a particle of frost in the swamps or woods and it is a serious affair tor any who have saw- logging or timbermg to do to get any work done, in fact the great thaw to- day brings all work in that line to a standat ll. Mrs Wm Mills and little daughter Katie, ot Brandon, Man., visited Mrs E Mellvride, Sr, and Mrs Alex Mell- vride on Wednesday and Thu: May of this week. Mrs H Butcbison returned home from a fortnight's visit to her parents in Brnasells on Monday last. Just In tine time Mr Ed tor the Farmere' As sociation meeting in the Verney school next Friday night, Jan 26th. ' Every independent grit and wry between Durham and Orchard are cordially in- vited to attend, ladies included. Foresters' Rally at Dromore. Blythe's Corners THE DURHAH N, ONTARIO ARCHIVE TORONTO Ifthe man whose wife m" bother- ing the life out of him to tell her the assword of a certain secret society he rili'l'lii'l to, would tell her simply it is ' ' o1iMotheaneerattuathoirariiairreair- dagnoishteun, " she would have to repeat it often to bear it in memory, How many of the Review readers can tell what it in? Lots ot their husbands are accustomed telling their wives when they have no right to, but in this one they ere alright. .A rainbow was to be seen in the north, look out fot a snap. Mensles are quite prevalent in the neighborhood ol’Tup Cliff but 15 of a mild form. Thog Fisher, who lost his partner in life lately by death, moved with his brother-in-law, Donald McDonald, Proton. Lots of sick people and our Dr is kept on the move generally, bat we hope to see his serviws less required in the near future, as everybody will be getting better, bat we dont wish the good Dr to be deprived ot his means of livelihood and whether We do or not Drs will get their share of patronage for they are useful in time of need. Monday the 22nd looked likea day that a farmer telt like drawing out his plow and start to plough snow on the sxderoade and in the fields turn up the sods. however we did not see any at the job and probably before 2 days we will have it down to zero and be- low it. 7 The number added to the church roll during the year was 28, removed by death and otherwise 6. The total number of eotntmmieantg are 182. Caretakers for 1906 David and Marlin McLeod, sons of Alex McLeod of this place. Our commissioners are away this week to Owen Sound to attend to their business there. Oar organist Miss Maud Reily was presented with a $20 bill as an extra appreciation ot her excellent serviees as organ st during the past year. Miss Reily is a lady in every respect ot the term that is worthy of the respect of the community at large, and it would be a great. loss to the congregation if Miss Reilv will fail to recmsider her resignation tor the coming year ty vote or that: in behalf of comm;- tee to those who so kindly heipod 1n the program was then extended. It is difIiealt to find teachers for the Sunday School at times butthe faithful ones are always in attendance and gencrulh in a salt denying manner for they don't give thecservice grudg- ingly nor with the expeetntion ofre. eciving thanks, bat from a sense of duty, which shall renplts reward m future. Remarkable weather for this ofthe. year. Our church on Sunday last, was thinly attended bat our good pastors of the different churches made their appointments to other stations. The annual meeting held in the Prerbvterian church in this town 9. week or two ago was not numerously attended, however the business was attended to by she few present and disposed ot in a very good manner. The congregation seems to be in a very prosperous condition. The whole debt on the entire church property and buildings including sheds are only a tritie over $100.0U. There is one of the largest shed accommodations to be found in a small country place north of Toronto to be ionnd in Prieeville in cues of necessitv thev will aeeomodate 100 single rigs it properly packed. Supper then served by willing wait-| era and everybody did justice to the- Pe. man A sociable hour we: spent, lie this - and Whore a-.h-A.. MAI. The snow is disappearing fast and it will be hard work tor those living on back roads to get out o ' account of heavy drms wme places and good wheeling on some other parts. Local option meetings held in Wat- sun 'e Hall the other night and was well attended, bat as we are on the Glenelg side of the line we are not ask- ed in use our vote and infiuenee in the matter. Glenelg has only one hvtel and the proprietor, Billy O'Mara. put himself down as a farmer on the as. sessment roll. So the good pp ople of Glenelg, must be a peculiar people that are void oi offemai. There were Several present from the surrounding towns including Durham, Hoktcin, Mt Forest and Priceville. Great credit is due the committee who so ably handled the whole "air. It is our wish that we may be again fav- cred by a similar event at some later date and that Court Dromore No 1180 may ever prosper in the future as it has in the past. -- - - - .tlr_.Nr.%F WI" "-2 Bwllh in this “my and when everybody lied his or her sociable chat out, the com- mittee then cleared the floor " the dance which was to follow. You!!! and old remained and many of the older men were to be seen as spry tV any young man with his partner fo: the opening dance which was the cir- cassian circle. The floor being wax- ed and the music the best in these parts nobody could resist the tetnpta Linn to waltz. The dancing was done by program and consisted of waltzes, Jerseys, Two steps, three steps, French Minndeitea, 8ehottitsehe, Scotch Reels and Quadrilles. It formed a pretty spectacle to see a vast number ot couples gliding to the sweet strains of a waltz. WANTED my Chicago wholeule house. wee. ul retseeti" for each product in Cm“. - mud expel-u pdd weekly. Ix- pens. - “mood. Mu- mm. mac: perm-nun. No inn-talent mum. m ups-blo- no. “and to can“. mull Mun-cc. 112333; fe,PS " a REVIW Priceville. treation Norman: , well In: ed dl 125 Am lea ' . prov tn o- lh n F . not: Allan Yuk,150m R . 'tte, Wr'h'l'llr. Ala-u number of other perm-for ale in Dttr huntown and i'iiliirF'lli'iik'iFtii. Irv mncu P'th co eeBed, ,rttMng, dnwn. C. . B. '%heetortNte. " ALVA“ Pm. Nun Riemann" 150 Ag". wove Durban. well improved. “coo ' Ibove Durham, well built, well 25° 'gr,tt well watered, good lmd. for moo. For part ionlara apply to Archd. McUunig Pru-eville P. o. ( Exor- Daniel Mennngnl! Mulock P. O. ulors. or to their Solicitor J. P. Trrtarcrtn Dmham P. o. toanyof whomtenders may hedelivered Dated January 1lith 1906. Terms of sale t--10 per cent cash down. and the balance In 00 days thereafter without interest. Do you want to know where to buy when they will he opened at Mm But- “T's Hotel at the Village tof Priceville m 2 o’clock p. m. The highest on any tender not necessarily accepled. Hugh McDonald, late of the Village of Priceville in the Country of Grew de- ceased, offer for sale, the lands of the par. tats. consisting of lots numtwr " and tt in the 2nd Cunt-'vnsmn S. D. R. in the Township of Glenelu. 100 acres, by ton der. Tenders will he received up to the ist day of February A. D. 1906. Tenders are naked for the removal of frame stable from w. D. Mills' proper- ty in Upper Town. to the Durham Cem- eLery. Tenders received up to mm inst. J. P, 'nrLrrortDNecy. Durham Cemetery Go. Prints 1 yd wide, were 13c, Roller Towels, were 20e ea. Is'ancyWrapperettes were10e, sale pr do To sell The Canadian Graphic, " Nat- l, Being lot No. 20 on 2nd Con, N. P. l ionsl Illustrated Weekly. Price five I and 22 and " on the 3rd Con. N. I), I; cents. Twelve co has to shirt with sent. ' Gleneler. mntmmng 150 acres. mun. t" free. Address: TEe Canadian Graphic ileum 125 acre- cleured. iralatuu, Inn-d Publishing Company Limited. 176 Vic-: wood bush. " miles from P. o. mu toria St. Toronto, Ontario. _ ssch?ol. crturcltdn puma-1y. Well way The Manse at, Amos Presbyterian. church Drmnnrp. Purchaserto remove the building mud clear off all ruhhish during the month of May. Apply to J. M. FINDLAY Dromote. We have not space to enumerate prices. The undersigned offers his splendid property in Upper Town for sale. For particulars, apply to Any of our Fall Mantles at just "alla, they cost Ladies' Ready=to-wear Skirts below Cost. All our Winter Goods must 50. What is our loss will be a gain to 3011. Our large stoc of heavy goods goes for less than cost. It is much easier to count the money thin take stock of the goods. Anti- cipate your needs-Supply your wants-save per cent by taking advantage of this great offer, Stocktaking Sale ' , The executors of TENDERS WANTED. Executors' Sale of Lands. Wrapperettes, etc. B. B. ll1illt,g,, BOYS WANTED THE BIG STORE 4 lbs Currants 4 bottles best 100 Enact 4 lbs Raisins 5 Ihr best 250 Blue]: ir span T lbs Rice or Mixed Tea for 81-00 Grocery Bargains, 25c each FOR SALE. FOR SALE. ALEX. RUSSELL Forceful Bargain Figures THE GREATEST ANNUAL EVER HELD IN DURHAM J OHN ROBEnTsnx the estate of Ar, EX“; is 2for25 15e l Lot. No 22. c0114. N D R. in the Towt, (tthip of Glenda. in the County of Grey. l 67 awn-s: 40 new: cloned. l7 :u'lm- (mixed timber. level. well drained, mu- ltervdhy well and small cum-n. (In. . store Inull log home. fmmehurn 36 h Jr i with basement. I]; unle- from M'hmll ’tl’ld Post ottice. or price and Hum lnpply to Joan ManN. Lot M, con 4, B D R. Pricewlle PO, Om.. or t t Allen Hams. Prop. Pine (have P o, Fauna Co, I Montana. U s A. The undersigned ha we this JAY I.) mutual concent dttteolved the pumm- ship hitherto existing between them as mittorsat the people'u mills, Durham. under the than name of J. nnd W. Mr- Gowu. All amounts due the late tirm muatbe paid to John MeGowan who continue: the buttons. end who will I100 meet all atttittatioe" contracted by the nu new. new! (New thy of Deeemher,N05 Jon loGowAs. WI. Hollow“. Jan. 2, 1905. About 7 miles from Durham on th, (huh-nun Road. Title good. Posses aiou an once. must be sold. Apply lo We have a large number of Furnw for Sale in the following Cottntir, Brant. Essex. Elgin, Grev. Huldiumml. Huron. Kent. bum-tun. Luwnln. Mid, dlesex. Norfolk. Ontario, Oxford. Petal, Perth, Silucoe. Victoria, \Van-rluu. Wellington, Welland. Wentworth and York. Also many Business and lbw dentin! properties for Sula- in All part , J the province. If you haven. Farm I» other property for sale. write for mu term: of selling Real Estnle. The Western Real Estate Exchange. Ltd., London, Ontario. Wu. w. Rum“; Agent, Thistle Durham. Feb. 'i' Thorough Bred Cattle and Yowkamre Hogs. All registered Stock and likely muls. Applyto -- 100 Acre FARM for SALE school. church a properly. Well wat- ered, wells and running ipl'ngs Build~ inks In good repair. Will he an” Ott reasonable- ”-er :6 mil” from Durham "nd from Pvicevilio. If sold pnv-rssmn given tot. work this fall. Full [mi-less. ton In March. Clear title given. Apply to the proprietor. D. GRAHAM. Pricevslte, or m A. H. J ACKsux, bhrlicitor, Durham Ladies' Heavy Black Suiting. reg. 1.25, ale ricn reg. 85c. " reg. Btw, " we reg. 1.25, " me All has vy Dre-s Goods accordingly Dissolution of Partnership. FARM FOR SALE' Come and Me I look yourself JANUARY M, 1906 FOR SALE. Dress Goods Farm for Sale. FOR SALE. r808. SCAR? & SONS. Rocky Sauce") P. o J. P. TBLFURU inn, N. I)_? Jon. N. I). . t was. Innu- 1, uni 900 60c A if: it: i?' Ne M - m-rvu-zw Review “tent-w “gnaw Runny REVIEW REVIEW Cm 9-“- VOL

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