West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 1 Feb 1906, p. 4

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H Raymond $03” (Bearing JY arveswrs These will knock out any ordinary cold while you wait. If they do not give satis- fact inn. we will refund the 250. Don't delay: Knock it out first thing. If it gt-N Ihnstaut of you, you can”: cure it It has to run its (-nurne then. If you wan the best l 'ul v-u-(‘uld-in-n-Duy Tablets get our Imperial Laxative Quinine in 25c boxes Honey for 2Ge. It mteed cttre, AT When You Feel _,r-" A Cold Coming rr')-],'-"-,',-,"),,):"":',',',.,":,",-';,':,' THING NEW Also w CUN’S Cherry, Pine and Honey Cough Cure - Jhohn Sara. We van rive gulf; a mere list of our goods. but ad," tnhility tot e needs of South Grey we " Peering Barrows. Wilkinson Ploughs, I mess. Palmerston Buggies. Renowned unit To make room in our Shoe Department, we are clear- ing all odd lines at cost and less than cost. DARLINGS Parker's Drug Store 7/910 Sinshams, Wow CAambrays, iiL, dluu,ns d Prints, fren, &tirttav, 7/910 3itumutttettes, arevei'Ohsrs, 'ea, 'tiJhitétihsur, Ji'eaay- toAWear ”with You Should Stop it I : : : That Cough: : : We are receiving daily large consignments of New Goods which we have passed in stock and ready for your inspection. l Sewing The best In which we consider to be the best values we have ever shown. \Vilhelm's Wriratertr, ' Machines. McClary gent for the Dillon Hum: IN WASHEHS: (.' it Have You Cough ? tBoots and (thoes NEW GOODS - .“mm m. their line -- ... Cash mm ' Pr,re. McClary Stoves for Coal tor Wood Dillon Hinge Stay Fence. _. ”H‘. .7... Baa H" ""' "ou of South Grey we are not excelled: - 'NN 13 easy to take. ls harmless. Is scientifically made. Is a specific for throat and diseases. all naaTirfAvTiiarir; (31.3): The The Perforated Drum. nnlv in J)frtd Farm Math'nary. we handle only the best on Ploughs, Honey’s Har- Renowned articles, fair pt ices People's Druggists. 19;)?" c,Nli,,r,! M? A few doors South of the Middaugh House, m qTtlitVnP q A _ I , 7';ir '72, 71.1" Coil) 4‘ng Y',? 7“ - (::i,i'-ti, _. t . z, a V it A.‘ Td if. ' ‘ a: M, t . '.,S't' k}; h w” _ r; l “ ci, Csf, _ r P - y"--.- f the Idea -u guar- The Btttty Store on the Get a first-class at Keeler's this GREAT BARGAINS await you here in Watches, Clocks, Jewelery, Silver. ware, China, Books, Stationery and Fancy Goods. Now on at keeler's BIO JANUARY SALE MATTHEWS & LATIMER BARCLAY a BELL WM BRIGHAM MRS. JAS. BOY T808 BUNSTON TAYLOR co. Everything h om the WT? small hat to the elaboratelv trimmed picture hat. isin vogue. one says in the Februnrv Delineator. The sumll felt hat trim- med with A voluminous plume, and placed far back on the left side, or quite at the back of the high coiffare has achieved distinct succesqi. The use of Iostrich plumes has run into extrava- gance. Almost every hat shown hears this trimming, which lends a soft be- coming touch to the face. Paradise plumes. aigrette and large wings are also extensively used. Novel but bean- iiful is a hat fashioned of t,'lorh-of-gold. It in rather large with high crown. and Wide brim flaring atthe left side. The frame is covered with the tinsel cloth. Arouud the crown are large roses of brown silk shading to yellow, while a bow of transparent gold braid secures the brim edge to the crown at the left ( side. Ostrich plumes in deep brown, shading to deep cream, are softly arr-l ranged uguimt the flared brim. King Christian, of Denmark. is and at the age of 86. He is known and lov- ed by British peoples as the fatherof our good Queen Alexandra, who will receive overwhelming nyuipath from the whole nation. As the Gfobe re- marks he was even fuller of honors than of yearn. and has kept the :ilftl'tioll of all his children and his people ma murk- ed degree. Mr Lochead, near Rob Roy. Glam-In. died at the home of his daughter, Mrs Pennock. Thurudnv. and was buried in the Durham cemetery Saturday. He was over on years of age. He came from near Orchardvllle to live with his daughter a few years ago. but we have no furthur particulars of his life. A Provim-lul by-election took plae in Kingston on Monday. the first since the incoming of Premier Whitney. Pense, the Liberal, was elected by 20 in 1906 but the spat Was voided by irregu- larities. This time both parties signed agreements to run a pure election. and Pense is elected by 31 majority. MCQUARRI R-ln Bentinck. on Tuesday, Jan, 30, Mr. Donald McQuaI-rie. aged 86 years. Brrs'roN.-1n Durham, on 10th Jan. infant daughter of Mr and Mrs Jno. F, Benton, aged 8 umnths, 9 days. MoruusoN.--In liltnele,, on 3nd Jan. to Mr and Mrs T. J. Morrison, a sun. Mr and Mrs Jan. Matthews, of Mc- Gregor, Man., who have been visiting relatives in Seaforlh and about Durham were guests of Mr Roht, And Misc Mat- than. Upper town fornfew days, Mr. Frank Lennhan is confined to the horse fora few dave owing to an injury to his leg while removing some 1'ilh'if, furniture' of his shop. Hope soon to no him aground again. Mr and Mrs Thou. Banks Owen Sound. came down to attend the tuner- al of their old neighbor, Mrs Jno. Maf- ft', and called on some other friends a so. Mr Herbert Cleave, Toronto. is spending a couple of week. with his relatives. Mr and Mrs Ram-go. Durham and other relutiyes of Egremont. CLYDESDALE STOCK FOOD Mr Thos. Motrin. of Owen Bound. and Miss Alice Moffat, Toronto, attended the funeral of Mrs J no. Mount. Miss Maggie McArthur, of town, is tpen1iintrti few darts with her liner. Mrs Duncan McLean, of Aberdeen. Miss Ida Martin. of New Orlean I. who is spending the winter in Canada, is at resent. the guest of her cousin. Mrs “Pm. Black. Miss Jean Brown gave a pleasant party Tuesday evening in honor of Mr and Mn Leavens who are leaving for their home in Calgary. Miss May Burr. of Guelph, is a guelt at Mayor Hunter's. Mr Roy Gordon came home Tuesday from London. Mrs Howard, of town. is visiting her daughter in Owen Sound. Miss Collins: and Miss McLean, of Walkerton. were guests last weekof Miss A. U.McKenzle. week for L. Keeler & ADDITIONAL LOCALS. THE BUREAU REVIEW For sale by FOUNTAIN PEN BORN DIED Buy Comer. DURHAM DURHAM ALLAN PARK VARNEY YEOVIL DROMORE Building lot on Bruce St. Durham, " BO a Brick house on ulna Inset. Four you old Clyde mun Apply to Wm Lessons. Rocky Bunsen. A Fine Durham Bull. bred from imported stock. 14 moo. old. Lot 14, Con 4. N. D. R. containing 100 acres. more or less. 85 acres cleared. spring creek, good well, bank barn, im- Element. house, large frame dwelling ouse. good orchard. convenient to church and school. Building. fences. &c all in good condition. 25 acres k,',geff,; 4 acres under fall wheat. oatgetmion given any time after lat March. For further particulars apply on the premises. to Donald Benton. Prop. STOCK & BUILDINGS FOR SALE. Thursdav. Feh 8,--Noil MrCannel, lot 35. Con 2, S D R Glenelg. offers for sale by public auction. his farm stock and implements nearly the whole of which are desirable articles. Terms 12 mos. credit. 6 per cent per nunum disc. for cash. See hill and ad on page 4. D Mc- Phail. auctioneer. The bereaved widow and relatives have the sympathv of all. " The writnr had the pleasure of know- lmz the deceased for umny years. and with hundreds of others, regrets his un- timely demise. Under the above heading at Maois- tique, Mich. paper records the death of Mr Norman McDonald, lit-other of A C McDonald of town, and John ot Glen- elg. Onlyabout a month ago the fam- ily were bereaved by the death of their brother Neil and now tho inexorable hand of death has opened the wound again. He died on 17th January at his home and leaves a widow and one danghter3 months old. We sympath- ize with the family in this douhle he- [ t'eavement, The paper any: t "He was born in Glenelg. Ont., a- bout“ Yeats my) and value to Maois- tique in 1885. Prior to coming here he served HS cook In lumiwr camps and boats. Later he engaged in the mer- cantile business at Cooks and for a number of years was quite 'a factor in social. church and business art-lea in that town. He was unniversally re- specled in this community and his death Is genuinely mourned by many. He was always cheerful even when he knew that death was hovering nigh. He had lived a. very exemplary life, and had an abiding faith and trust in the principles and tenets, that rob death of its terror. favor, Divrneand human The benediction by Mr Bice closed the prpeeedinmr, and pastor and neaple went home Wllh grateful hearts. We have spoken of effort of individuals and societies: this notice would not be just were special mention not made of the untirinp: zeal and devotodneas of Rev Mr Fttr'quharson, whose ministry in Durban; has been given many mark, of r.,...... tt...-, __ ' . V N V" H. 'Tr, . u.- - wuu with Mrs Bice. shared in the hospitality of the evening. Mr Bice's remarks proved him to have u fund cf ready _ humor, which he used effectively, and at the same time in serious strain gave. much good advice. An a contribution to the question of providing a. good place for young men to spend their evenings he suggested that the home was it good place. a very pregnant sug- gestion. He complimented the church on its successful year', but pointed out. there. Was still room for ngzressive work by all the churches. since not only Oniat io, but even Uurhum was not saved. He urged them to strengthen their minister's hands by earnest pray- er and practical service. JrFrhmo ARCHIV TORONTO Vote. of thanks were paid choir and other workers foe services during the year. and adjournment was made to the basement. where annually the ladies, have provision made fora sociahle lime enjoyedmi- year to the full. An In- prmnp'u program was carried out, of magic and brief speeches, a special wel, cmne_l.reing given to Rev Mr Rice. whn Messrs T, McGirr and D Edge wished to retire from the managing hoard- after 2t and 22 year. of uervnce respect- ively. The congregation by nhoarty vote of thanks expressed it: appreciat- ion of their long and faithful labors. To their counsel and advice in shady as Well as in sunny vent-a. has been in no "null men-urn duo the growth and utability of the Presbyterian Church in Durham. and though relieved of duty for a time. their exnmple and precept. will inspire othm-n to umilsr faithful- nesn. Mr R. MucFarinne wan re-olect- ed, and new members of the Board are Messrs Wm, Weir, Don. McArthur. Campbell Milligan. ”a- --.‘u “wart“ our “He'll"! or 83315.97. Mention is appropriately made in the Report of the legacy of $1189.76, left by thelato Mrs James Cal.. vert to the Church Minions. but of course this sum is not included in the 83315.97. From the. See-ion Report we learn there were 15 marriages during the year. 19 haptisms. and a small in- crease in the meryhrrtship whit-h now stands at 310. A larger number of deaths than usual hos occurred during the yen. no fewer than 17 being rec- orded. The session report contains al- so some stimulating spiritual exhortu- turns, and one in iuirtified In concluding that npirituul and tem oral prosperity have gone hand In maul: - -_eme ”nu, \.uI7 yul'uu-Ic Will not he heayily felt by this strong con- 'tretttttion. Notwithstanding the extra effort and some tap-cm! payments. the General Fund in in at health) atnte. clos- ing with a halantre on hand of $79.00. During the year from all the working bodies of the church. loose collections. etc., but not including balance on hand there has been Mined the fine tttttn of .7an m I- . . - The usual summing- bminess of this boi Monday last, with a , mace " the business afternoon. The reportu from the Ladies' Aid, the Guild. the W. F. M, tl. and its Mur.uon Band, the Missionarv Society, the Sub- hath School and other a enciel. all showad A year of 'sur','dl','idlf wot k and mgr-e85. The cost of the manse Wu: glib. of which over 8950 has been paid. and subscriptions for over 81100 more. are promised. no that the purchase wil. not he heavilv felt. I.- nu- -.-»--- --mr- FARM FOR SALE. Presbyterian Annual Meeting. Estimable Citizen Gone. Sale Register. r speeches, a ape-rial Wol- 'entu Rev Mr Rice. who shared in a)» hospitality Mr Bice's rennin-ks are u fund rt ready ~ed effectively, and serious strain gave nil-up of the year'- body took place on a very large attend- '" meeting of the 1fl,hllr,'lt'S,'l fat lapel-lot work in well Mtotrtt 1rfAytteettNsrMn1tntioai. m- mud-swam. “magnet-u. manual-gm (hf-70.00041“... . In the Surrogate Court of the County of Grey, in the matter of the estate of Hugh McDonald, late of the vil- lage of Priccviile, in the Countyof Greg. Gentleman. Deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. O. 1807, Chap. 129. Sec. 88, end a. mending Acts, that all persons having claims unmet the estate of the aid Hugh McDonald. who died on or about the 24th day of December A. D. 1005, are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to 1J. P. Teltord of the Town of Durham. Solicitor tor the executors. on or before the let do of February A. D., 1906 their l ntunohttddrsmro and descriptions. and a full statement ot particular. of their claims. and the nature of the security (if any) held by them, duly verified, and that otter the said day. the said executor- will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, baring regard only to the chim- of which they shall then have notice. Dated the 9th day ot Jenner, A. D. 1906. Amman.» Mcthrara Dam. 'i'lcE,eh1%aee,,a,, You Risk Nothing by attending', the popular NOTICE TO CREDITORS- Matthews & Latimer " Ogilvie's Royal Household " H THE RELIABLE GROCERY Keep the bowels regul-f with Ami?! ' Fill: and thus hasten rocoveryu A numberfrom around here attend- ed the funeral of Mrs J. Moffat on Sun- day last We extend our sincerest. "mpathy to the bereaved. Miss Ten. Newell is It sri",',',',',',',',! visiting her sister, Mrs A. Me moon. of Durham. Miss Carrie McKochnio, who is.at present in Strattord hospital. where she underwent an operaclon of a rath- er Serious nature, is improving aieele. Miss Ella Lemons arrived home from Louise on Saturday last: where she spent two weeks with her brother. before his removal to this village. Misses E. Grant and A. Railinge visited Miss K, Msodonald one day lately. Miss Maggie Vania left for Clifton Springs last week. Mrs Mountain is very low " prea- em. Mr Wm. Leggette. from Louisa. moved to the farm, Indy owned by Mr J. Winner. Mr Will Newell, of this plum. and Mr D. H. 1Ncdonafd, of Durham, visited Waudby friends hurt Sunday. Miss Jean Veggie arrived home from Toronto lust Sum-day. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral cer- tainly cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, consumption. And it certainly strengthens weak throats and weak lungs. There can be no mistake about this. You knowitistrue. And your own doctor will say so. TORONTO. ONT. Has in store mad is prepared to supply you from full vucks ot Groceries. Fruits, Confec- tionery. and Flour and Feed. and the Celebrar d ULYDES- DALE) STOCK FOOD and remedies alwaysgon hand $5. 25 per bbl. Call early ; it is going fast. FLOUR The but kind of a testimonial - " Sold for over Itxty yearn." For Lung Troubles We have no loam-l W. publish the formula. of all our medical”. by their Solicitor. J. P. Telford m IT.',,. S'aaatuea yers iiii'i' A116 in?" Men“ - 1-333? Rocky Suageen. HAIR V1002. WAPARILLA at The Administrntrnx of the late John McKinnou. offers the lands of the estate consisting of the 3rd Dina-ion of Lot to, Con I, E G It for sale and the Lot ud- joining in also offered tor pl, Along with the above lands. For particulars upply to their mum. midi-cam and dorcriptions. 3nd a. full utntomout of pnticuiuru "f their claims. and the nature of NI. necurity I it uny)hold try than. and that tcl"".. the and day. the said Admiuotratrix will proceed to distribute the use!» of the de. canted among the pnrtiw waived there- to, having regard only to the chime of which cabs shall then have notice. Duted the 9th day of Jnuuuy. A I), 1906 Gunman: McKmon. Adminiuttamx by bee tioheitor, u. u. u. mm. uup. 129. Fee. 38 and amending Acts. that all peruonu lmwug clam" nation the estate of the said John Mekinnon, who died on or about the 12th day of Angus A D 1905. an requettted to send by post prepmd or to deliver to J. P. Teftorg vhhe Tan of Durham. tio. licitor for this Admiuistratris, on at before the In the matter of the estate of John Mc- Ki‘nnon, late of the township of (Remy, i n f? County of Greg, far- NOTICE TO CREDITORS- W. H. BEAN 'bllckJed Ind my, 500. Tse, ' " Blaok Sateen Urtdersttirts goo" value."..-.'.".)."..",-.'.)..."., ' each Men's enrdignmtmttrou-.....t! each A full "no of tho DEBT GROCERIS 15 Ladies Skirts. . .to clear Skirts were $3.50 for $2.75 Skirts, were 4.00 for 3.10 kids. were 5,00 for 4.00 Bod Comforters, 60 It 72 in, at $1.25 ttl Flonnolotto Blank.“ linen“. 1.20 pr Honoyoomb Wool Show“ in whit, THE? BIG CLEARING SALE of WINTER FURS lit DAY OF FEBRUARY. A f) NOTICE ialseroby given puruua ,B. Q. It97, Chap. 129. See. 38 k'. "DEF!!!" IT'JC'WEM'I', UlllH'lln w 'ul.yaa.s.s 0 “is“? J. r. TELI“ ‘RD GLENELG FARM FOR SALE. oeer mer. FEBRUARY l, 190g The host values-one price to nil tiona. Mena, Boys' and Chil- dren'. Suits And Over- THE HOUSE OF QUALITY Now is the time to buy your Winter Goods. We are selling all at reduc. ed prices. Wntehmhrueweter, Optician Bake din-hen, water pin'horu. mind dish”. tea some. augnr howls, noun tun-ens, trust dis. hn and f1itware too numerous to mention in this mull spam- iiiftGoardon We’re wtrtieularlyetirt'ful in mine that. much abused word "hm-gum" eupecinlly when m- we talking husinm. But, nu other word "Ally trils the story of the” special Him! of: J. P. TELFORD, Darhiln Don't forget the Big 4 flatware Special t f similar reduc- GRANT. von pursuant to S, Bee. 36 ond [ persona tun-mg ot the mid John BE Gliders Illrk SELLS 1.906 CHEAP W t A l c Remember LAD] 1-25 iN The I) PE BR (ll

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