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Durham Review (1897), 1 Feb 1906, p. 5

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" \WI! Sth, AN T. , 1906 F QUALITY m: SALE F URS HE JO TORSo LLS 1.20 pr CHEAP 3f o " It __---..-- ._ .. -- ."- -- roxL._s, ”I -F-, -ortraiirtraresv-Es _ IlltiliIilltl beautiful a-tment ot Switches. Bar, Poiowuiours, Waves, Wigs. etc. which Professor Doronwend carries with him. Remember date and don't forget to call early at hotel and see him. LADIES” READ THIS " a , tSli? If as all men know, disf1aruren _ I and adds an aged expression ' lo the the? I)Vhy renuiin bald G'": Fi?,: when Pro . ‘urenwem can fit, 'ltPseg At tiN) you with a Wig m' Toupee. . 'th'llti' up“ which will hide all lrnces " Baldness and take the place of yott '."y". hair. Doctors recommend these Toupees as a preventative for turlds tn head, (‘utnnh and neuralgia. Prof. Dolpnwend will tit you on the spat and show you just how you look afterwards. I I - F . . Wig This Visit, gnu- rut a chance to 1nyyl! P‘rof. Durenynnd about yuur hair and to choose from the Mock of flair Goods, which he carries with him-just what you require. 1 rot. Unrrnwwul can he depended upon lo tsell you only first quality Hare Goods 1 Pug, 'as 'M l tFt' IEM, m b" Baldness h A r '" M _ , P, - _ as. all men know, disNuren W , _ , 'd and adds an aged expression LN. i] I ' lo the tAce. Why vernain bald FC: ‘ LN, p, J ip, when Prof. Dorenwend can fit, 'tttseg Il 1tl I)jiiiits, you with a Wig or Toupee. . P . gm; ' which will hide NI lrncus of n I] _ - I._.A_A .__Â¥I..__ _. tas-tate-e .1, all}. & J, MoKechnieE FEBRUARY l, 1906. The DORENWEND CO. Professor Dorenwend In Crockery . . . Our Groceries . . . THE To reduce the stock, " preunt too large, prices are being made very low, and those in want of Furniture will do well to can early when choice is good. The Durham Furniture Co., Limited, beg to announce that they have purchased the stocks and goodwill of Messrs. Lenahan and Kresa and will conduct under many advantages to consum- ers, tt Furniture business in Kress' old atand,next the Post 03126. DURHAM FURNITURE CO. Announcement (The popular Cash 'Atcre. 103 and Ith5 Yonge St,, Toronto, A Move in Furniture Yours for business. You wtll never have a better op- portunity to are totyourseWthe America's greatest Hair Goods Artist is COMING TO THE Middauzh House Friday, Feb. 9 of Toronto, Limited Limited q Af All Work Absolutely Guaranteed. Come Early as You may require a Second Testing. For References and Testimonials see Small Bills. o"veo-nr-o-t<oe -"e --"-eVe-- _ V "ur “yo-u. “I. - consult them. They have been established in Toronto since 1871 and during that time over 100,000 cases have been successfully fitted by them. One advantage they have over others is the fact that they grind their own lenses and by doing so prevent any error in the process of lens-making. If your eyes bother you in any way. or the glasses you now was: are not com- fortable, don 't neglect this opportunity of having your eyes properly attended to And will be pleased to have all troubled with defective consult them. They have been established in Toronto nhses, Parker's Drug Store, many pleasant days. lHThle sl'lfl,'g'it? Inf the 11“";le of ' ugilc om“, also the iage .Ahbeef 'Ps', has been formed be” of Priceville in the Country of Grey de- w.lt, some armers and some ot the ceased. offer for sale. the lands of the es- village people. taste, consisting of lots number 43 and -------H i------ l-Hjn the 2nd Consesscon B. D. R. in the , , , " , I Township of Glenelc. 100 acres, by ten CREDIT AUCI ION SALE. Ede-r. Tenders will he received up to the Farm Sum-lg mall Implements, at Lot 35.l ist day of February A. D. i006. Con 2, S D. It., Glenalg, on Thursday,! when they will be opened " Mrs Byy February 81h. 1906- Let's Hotel at the Village lot Prieeville The following valuable Stock & Imple- , 1tc2dgt',ctknect,..ghais2l,e,it or any wants: 1 huse, 6 yrs old, 1 mare, 6 yrs b y pr . old, 2 follies, rising 2 m. 1 tilly, using 1 ',fi'rtttho,2thet1,0lir'gi')t/it,t,,eae yr. 1 bull sllortlwru 2yrs old, 1 cow with 1211):)“; i332: in days t ePett ter ealt by her side, 1 cow clue to call. 6 cows, " _ . mppnsed in calf, 2 heifers supposed in _ For. particulars apply to onli, 4 steers 2 yr old, 4 steers 1 yr old, Archd. McCuaig Pnceville P. O. i Exec- 4 heifers 1 " old, 11 calves, l yearling Daniel MCDOUKSH Mulock P. o. utors mm Leicester. 30 ewes. or n. [hair 9.1mm.“ T n m..- â€".. --.- Preserve Your Eyesight 2 wagons. l nearly new, 1 mm- boh- sleighs nearly new, 1 democrat. 1 road cart, 1 binder. l mower. 1 seed Jrsll,t .04 A beef ring has" been formed here with some farmers and some ofthe village people. Mr Joseph Black, of the 14th went south to near Gael h brought back with him a, wife. was a Miss Halliday. We wish many pleasant days. Returned after about two years in the North West Territories, lllr Wm. McMurdo Jr. He has taken up land and is doing exceedingly well and will stay tor the winter here, returning in the spring. We expeot he will take somebody with him, but this will be kept very still till near the time. Wm is a bright smart young man and we have all hopes of him doing well in the west. We have a report that he is likely to get on the Detective force of the Dominion Government, if so he would make a good detective. He has had some experience here as a pri- vate detective hunting up lost pro- perty around Beer street some few years ago. and a very good age." "iiiriiare'iire" may make a better change in the doings ot the council. This last week a concert was held in the anevzlle church by the Sun- day school children. and a very nice time was spent there. In the last Review the closing ro- marks of our note about the Proton Council reads that it was not good to say anything about the council of 1906 ; our remarks we intended to sav is that it was not safe to say anything about the council of 1906 as we do not want to say anything about the present cou‘ncil, there being a ehantteofone Miss BeSSie Edge ft for Toronto Mat week, when: she .utendl to spend the winter. Mr and Mrs Jno Little, of Proton, visited at the latter's parents Mr and Mrs Robt Ector over Sunday. We reach that ha py more. Where death 'li'l'lRl friends at last Shall meet to part no more. Among those that Attended the fa. neral from a distance were Mr. and Mrs Robt Hoffa: And family, Toronto; Mr Thea Moth: and Mr and Mm Thee. Banks, Owen Bound ; Mrs Dnmeld and son oquel h; Mr ui In -----of London mg Mr J W irth of Toronto. mother, sister, and daughter. The funeral which took place on Sand“ WI! one qt the largest ever seen for some time upwards of 158 rigs being counted in procession to the Durham cemetery. Her pastor Rev Mr Par. quhsrson oftlefatod " bousa and grave. The whole eommunity join their "tn. pathy to the narrowing and grief-atrielr. en friend" and relatives. A if." short tear? of evil spent, This week We are called upon to chronicle the sad and very unexpect- ed death of Mary McArthur. beloved wife of Mr. John Moffat who departed this life on Friday, Jan. 26, alters lshort illneu of only four days. She ‘had been in her usual health up till T'uesdav morning when she was taken ill, medical aid was summoned but in spite at Drh and all kind sisters could do she passed peacefully away on Pri.. day morning wnicb caused a terrible shock to the whole neighborhood. She was alwayse kind and obliging neigh- bor ready to help in tho time oi need and always Jovial and hearty. She leaves to mourn her untime‘y death a husband and son. also an aged moth- er, three sisters and two brothers who will. deeply mourn the loss of a wife '394304‘) 0 wag/.394). Hopev ille Manufacturing OPTICIANS and EYESIGHT SPECIALISTS of Toronto, will be at Edge tiilI PROF. TAUBE d SUN Wed. ik Thurs., Feb. 7th and 8th con., and She them For. particulars apply to Archd. McCuaig Prtceville P. O. l Exec- Dnniel Mchugall Mulock P. o, more. or to their Solicitor J. P. TELFLRD Durham P. O. toany of whom lenders may be delivered Dated January 15th 1906. Terms of sale i--,1,,0itr coat cash down, and the balance in days thereafter without interest. A quantity of fowl. scythes, forks. neck~ yokos, whiftietrrttts and other articles Lo numerous to mention. tisle at l o'ciock p In. Terms-all ruins of 05.00 and and", cash: over that amonu: twelve moutlrs credit; will be L'tvtttt on approved joint notea. hhve per Cum per uunum oil for cash in lieu of homes. Everything: must. bcdi-powd of as the Proprietor has uold his farm. Neil MeCannel D McPhnil sulky rake, 1 sat-pnugtomh barrow. 1 two furrow Now, 1 acumen 1 wheel- barrow. I hay rack. l fanning mi l, 1 se- zlnu lo Heavy barman. 1 set. doubie driv- Ing harness. 1 platform scales 1000 lbs. 1 Imckamlth'u vice. 1 hazy pole, 2 crosscut. Fawn. I cant lmok,l broad axe, l adzo. l eook no“. 1 "(swing machine, 1 spinning: wheel and reel "---' WANTED ;by Chicago Wholesale house, spec- ial reprenative for each province in Canada Sela” new 1nd expenses paid weekly. Ex. pense money Advanced. Busineu successful. Bunion perm-neat. No investment required. revioue experience net euentiul to amusing. Addrne General manger, 182 Lake Street Chicago, Ill, U.8.A. Executors' Sale THE DURHAH REVIEW MacFarlane & Co. DRUG G w, " and Bonk-001k". Pinol Balsam in alvfo prep- aration. " it contains nothin injurious and is a splendid mung remedy for children or Adults. Your money back if you no not "tisfled. Price25 cents. to cure the slightest cough and evon the deep seated cough dis- appear: atter a few days’ treat- ment. Tho slightest crumb should he cured at. once. It will only take a few dosel of our Ptople are apt to think that only the coughs of consumption are waning coughs hut the fact is that the ordinary cold cough tears the delicate lung tissue- and also wastes vitality. We don't understand why anybody would let a cold dovolop into serious. perhaps fatal dia- oasa. when it can be to - eliminated from the ”new. Keep a package of Our Cold Cure on hand. You'll not antler the lung congestion. couch. and other trouble: that result from colds, as you have in punt win- ter-w. We warn-nut it. Pnee25 cents. If the cold bu dovoloped beware of at the "ttrt-your cold will do part quickly. You cannot future on the re- sults of a cold ntit'l let run its course. But vou can figure on results if you take OUR LAXATIVE COLD CURE Proprivmr PINOL BALSAM Wasting Coughs prepared hr Check the Cold TORONTO exaight _eall and of Lands.: D McPhail Auctioneer E? (l()llff:llll(llim 5353515551? A. W. Watson cup-il- Tut-i _ tn: Ind-brand: Buns a: i Biscuits in great variety All kinas ofCakes made to order W EDDING CAKES our specinlty Grang Mogul GS.“ kw (Impatiens-d Mathemd qupIndbymd'm-y frmnplantatitsrtttstmrt= thenttoinediesnd Highundteasttigtper, txntageeftheirte (Mu. irtt0artdalovepere- aftanrtirtthitteei). qthand Wm": atterwtmtie.apttmfbod “satanic. QNaws punt” Peel's Bargain Tables F irst=Class Manitoba Flour For Sale q They are the real mourttairtdmvofdteO_ PEEL, The Shoeman Watson’s Bread-Then Grand Mogul teas are t_hepeoductsofthehigv Contain many very useful lines of Winter And other FOOTWEAR. BEE THEM. Cash only. We have more new ranges in. All makes, styles and prices. Call and inspect these. We have one to suit you. T U o H 0 P E 'CARRIAGES Also other, high-grade Manitoba Flours, per barrel . .. .. .. . .8640 Omivw‘s Rnynl H 011w Barclay 31 Bell ... ASUSUAL... Seem to be all the go. They are handsome and as everybody knows, they are the most dur- able rig on the market. Call and examine them. WA REROOMS opposite Middaugh Ho. Stables. E Pure Tea "Miami Ten RANGES a! Household“ . . . . per lmrwl. . 35.60 695510. Apply!» l “I. “My.“ but“. In. u. 'I. JOHN CLARK.) 6arA"'hG"iiCieTt a "strriiiriuitiirt ""w-s {cg-g ,'tthl't,lt'httllu, qtiatttiar. licenced. Auctioneer to the County of Grey. MAMMmCO.dGny. QI- 1'Gic Ctrir71giion “fair; in." 1a; mod to. mar-I on sums-don to I“! Earner-w. ”luv-nun.- Iv- -..i.- - to aater, ac., man be made at the and" Of- tire, Winn-J? cegeey.9tetetetf bunny and print. Fund. to Loan " Mortgage. " lowut run of intqreat. Vain-hon and. " u commune um etrefttt Valuutor ott1ee---LOWER 10WN. DURHIII. Barristers. Solicitors, Conveynncen Att. Money to Loan. A. G. MloKIy K.C.: W. F Dunn Barrister, Solicitor In Supreme Court Notary Public, Commissioner, be.“ o kc. correctly propu'd. mum of decanted p. r- ich-looked an" and Executor: and Adan-u trucorl' Account; prewar-d unissued Burton‘s (Iqurl. Busineu. Pronto of Wt B, lock" of Ad unnumtlon nnd Guudiunlhlv Obtained. - chu undo itt Registry on» and Titlu reported Bun. "si-Teo-r-r old PPP!, Causation- and Agency promptly “bonded lrilltt Hogan. Iortqqgg.rl.onu_o,_ Amelia HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University, graduatc of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Roonu Over J t ' HUNTER'H N-.. a“... ottice-Calderu Bloch? over Post ofYice w: f. PICKERING D. D S., L. D. S EONOKGRADUATE Toronto l‘niver md ante Royal (when Dental bum Gout Dentistry in all m bunches. Insurance Agent. Money to Loan. Inner of “twinge Licenses. A Ren- eral tinaneial busineu truncated. OfBeer, " Pro» at, - Lute “than: to Moortlelda (lo-don, a). to Krupp. (New You) En Rupiah. D. lawn. Ceylon P. o. or to C. IAIAGI. Durham - Ooylon In. Ohm" clot. lumber 001k. Play-inh- III Gm Ontario. 0.13:": tgt 37.3.13" . om Imam. I onion noun '--tta.m. Hp... T-q p.- Tolophouo Connootlon No. " 2Scut.et1tDaa.eSxtB. ' MOPHAIL.’ J. G. BUTTON. M. D, CM .dL11 Charac- Moderate Guam of male. York inUEif -ic"- Dim of Eye. Bar, New. and Throat PAt1ry1t.-tt-oure Durham, tho annual-nu each loath. ho'u"rT, 1-0; Ith nonrnv ruouc conrnuuczn, he. ART EIUR B. JACKSON, Licenced Auctioneer for Go. Urey Mee, over Gordon'. Jewelry Store. G. LEFROY McCAUL. J. F. GRANT, D. D. BARRISTER, SOICITOR. DURHA'. ONT. (Lower Town) Will ho a the Qt','",',? Home. Durham, tho tire Wednesday 0 each month from 10 I. m. an 4 p. m. - Spechl melon (In. to Due-nu 0 Women 5nd Children. ARTHUR GUN. M. D., Pinion! a sun-on. We. over J...J.Hunm’o Eton ---- t 'tot0 A... Elggggyose & Throat Notary Public, tJotnruueionrr, MACKAY & DUNN, (which)! ym Block, over the Bank MEDICAL LEG-AI... J. P. TELFORD Home .. ENTAL. CONVEYANCER. to. inrgaom of Ontario. Rooms I HUNTERS New Store Money to Loan. DB. BROWN. DR. BURT L. I C. P., lumen. Eagle. " Bgttm, in tot plan ff Owen Sound Me) and

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