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Durham Review (1897), 1 Feb 1906, p. 8

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' Hardware kn MEAN, nan at HT 19m: dvrk at In Wits Iookitr: oatsdt came "itcrut'nt. the frighten " little eh “I. the of“ otlrd “k. m r' and at ._ I ll" rl.ip struck at 12.07 on the mom- i:‘-; mi ivr-d.ay. January 23. l wan, mi d, l l u: the time smoking a cigar, and \.l4 'wukllif,’ at, my watch when the tirsc ov-lr mum. in an instant all was wt- rmm-m. There were the shrieks oi ll‘t- irizhtonml men and women, the wail vi little children and the hoarse orders " ll!" nificvm of the ship. The vessel 1. F l .: ' a drunken man. slid over the ii. , Hill struck again. 'yhe command to back her off was mun: and she went astern at full speed, but it. was too late. The water was {NI-win: in like a mill race. The wind “mung the vessel’s stem to the beach,. wit h her head to the - This sued many lives as the m then - back to the shore, and struck once ignin in sue',, a position that she remind par- tially above the water and on an even "Every wave now washed clear over km and many people who hnstily rushed w): ulm-k went to their deaths without H'wo- io murmur a prayer. "Tho order Will given to get out the Mints. Two of them on the "a," tye were humid and were no“ like egg shell. u soon a: they “ml: 171?; 'iirdiiir"irGGi'" LUtier struek the avg". Then came the attempt to aut out the lee boat. a lin" and cling to it until ml half way up the slvip'q , slrt-ngth gave out and hr tr/tnr picked up by the boat. le raft put out from t' Irr-ny morning on sightim or tluvert and attempted but beiore they could get ing 1limtanco the vessel pa hvmh-nl to the strait. 'Alom the THEN-kn now- r.n'i btitq ouch more nmnn t.well “f iug that a. line to the raft The spectators on the 'i', lite struggling of the gs: hrmthlvosiy. One minute t m the air and the m-xt At hut they succeeded in mm In the side of the , sight oi the poor creature brought tears to the eyes on the vessel. On the sum of the rat mm: with snow white ha iroattirt'ri, who held brawl) 'l‘hrm- other mm were lyu " it‘~l'll(“l are: L. I). Harden. passenger quurxrmmster: P. IrPrritru, My mum], meswman; W. D. yum-r: J. C. Egalea, firerm mun: Frank Lehn, first 1 Jehovii McCafferv. unsung 1: w ith rapt Survivors Tell Great mt mp City of Topeka Rescues Them from Pitiable Condition and Almost I NENETEEN SURVIVORS ‘ O? VALENCIA PICKED UP. I fast a. nine to I'lto spectators l f struggling of " Story of a Passenger. {cunning is the story of G. Wil- 'ttit' of the pasc"'UP""' and one of on revsrued from, Athc raft: by the aid of a powerful 1qu nature wus determined. terrible sea was running. Th hrir frail support. battled " a pair of oars to reach the L kn. which, owing to the dan; . Nulld not run in any cm . Within half a mile from tn at, was lowered from the l', large of Second Mate Burke much difficulty succeeded in “If pt "at. Dimculty Experienced in Removing Them from the Raft and Getting Them on Board. riggix l the mile mi: was sighted about 12 ring to the thick weather ml to be nothing but a 1 y the aid of a powerful y, bi pte in th a Manger, . fireman vvivors say that most of the 2'P smashed to splinters whvn " lowered. Two of the tee- rc capsized shortly after being (me oreaped the hreakmaurd a with about eight or nine pon- i Po sooner t.r:tb, when anottr iorttt was awe-pt. away and v,. uni by quirk work on tln- pt rat's crow. The m‘xt 1mm 1 from the raft managed tugra- d cling to it until he was hoe, my up the shipU side, when I. gave out and ho fell luck. r, mi up by the bout. it put out from the “red; 3:- mrning on sighting the stean and attempted to reach m 'r they could get within sigh mu- tho vp,,s-el put about .11: pt by Mary son. As soon an wt aboard, Dr. B. F. Whiting. .3: two nursrw and members oi 'iusitily otmiuistored stimulants I, mes-unan: W. D. Joh f. C. Egalps. fireman; l 'amk Lehn, tint freig 4cuaifery, passenger; l. Hawkins, pun-pg" cum! officer: J. Pohlt Johnson. third cook: Pnginver; Cr. tuner. fireman '. Angeles at 3.30 at. m. that ip City oi Topeka picked t at l o’cluck yesterday ai miles off Cape Beale. with vi the valencia on board. king up tho raft the strum- search of another raft. whieh men said had left the ship , day. The vessel ran full',' "l the other nide, looking tor tb no sight of it was. seen. it ral impression that this raft M m to Wiva.. I:rupnteht A the I'ost-intelligeru Angeles at 3.30 a. m H TIn >rs Tell Terrible Tales of Wreck-Ninety People on Board When They Left. ship thor" were about 1! I. most of them clingin Mm und women wet e w stru “1011 survivor I third mm from Ht. Thoma, l l G. Will. O'Brien. waiter " mam loin A special re M jam tn ht " ttr, w Lt the to the I] 1l up . but, she uflvr- 5 they we h It) ':, broke a The the wan ' "Ever: :rpny, ' mf'tt and _ W. la Myt'ont w I I" nix A.UI hi ll ie rt 'N it Winnipeg, Man., Jan. 20.--The Cana- dian Pacific short line is to be subjected to a big transportation test by the Gov- ernment. In consequence of the new alliance with Japan, in which both nations pledge themselves to support each other in case of an attack, even though it be single handed, the British Government has decided to discover in just how little time it could send I. eon- sidenble body of men from the shores of Great.Britain to Queen Charlotte b. land, which he: to the nortlf of Vancou- Will Send xo,ooo Men From Home and Across Canada to the Pacific. “There were many deeds of heroism and many acts of cowardice, hut on the whole the people behaved well. and met their fate like mem" Second Mate Peterson. who was in charge of the raft, sustained severe in. juries. He lsubstamiabed the story. as did 31-50 every one of the men reamed. 'Captain Jolmaon lost his bearings and ran the ship ashore. It was a dark and stormy night. and nothing could be seen. The ship struck while running full speed. We all thought we were to the south- ward of Platters. “I";an oi Hip tinte WH “up uni r Wi)rt'i' aml “mm alum“: drnwn' I lint Wit “mu iurpelled by tl-tation, and fought :url fought, uglinit the vlettuuiis likv 1lenuonc,. We hcld an" man uprhhr in the wutrv of the mil. and had him mum tt child on a pair. When we >.'l\\’ the 49mm! turn. we thought she had overlooked um, and “an going away. If she had, we 1rould have dim! right there. "When we left, the ship we triml to got some of the remaining wouwn to go with. us. but they refused. No help can now roach thrm before morning, and the ship will have then gone to pieces. She was breaking up when we left hor, and could not possibly have held together more than a few hours. She lies direct. ly in such a position that there is no hope of anyone reaching shore. ii the two boats which we saw get away and put to sea are picked up. their occu- pants and ourselves will be the only ones saved. Wtrt thv l the a tain break willir, pair us "By Wvdv,vsday morning the ship was rapidly gain}; to pieves. Fnery swell cur- ried away " portion of the ship, and the decks TUHP and fell with "very breaker, and it was imporsaihlo. to stay on deck without clinging to a support. The ship was sunk to about the level of tho hur- rieane dork. Nn the morning another sad calamity occurred. About fifteen or twenty per- sons, among thorn one or two Women. had taken refuge in tho fore-top- mast. T'uvy appeared to lu- in the uaicst place. as it was removed from the wan-h of thv waves. althuugh the flying spray (huln-tl nwr their howls. Smhhsnly and without warning tho mast broke, and fvll with a crash. carrying it, load of dunking human freight to tt torrihle death." a way to "When morning it shun Imw": tlu, s 'l'nem from a Raft in a and Almost Dead. mF'tt and swr a Second or an agonizml anothA-r a; an nmmizod fan-o. then another all-Ill yo! :nmtlu-r as they worn washed by “it '1 Ire waves dashing over the ship sw"pt tho deck 100w and every swell lrited It We clung to th- rigging and du-k house Then an uttempt was made to get a. littr whore. A fireman named Cigalos ugh-"d to vain: "shotv. He Wits' in tlir A ' """"‘J -... thvy were lnwying the othe broke and the atom of thc the Wittcr while the bow hur "Every one was prucinitul "Purser O’Farrell took charge. Four women and a number of men went m- to tho boat. 1 do not know how many. but she mu practically full. Just tts thvy wow longing the other. the (huts broke and tho stern of the boat fell tn was t mpt to "When {In an l t' life I L' att:"; in den P riggin shim 4 hi 'stl BR1TAIN'S WAR GAME. IV r “like while mmmmt- on tlie would lo,," his hold aud he swept , the sharp toeks. n we Mrs; the Queen in the . Wt' thanked God for having IIs, 11 ~11". in company with the tug, Af aid sailed away. .,lw mu fol. y undying but curs-vs. 1 "ulriu"e tun 1lup;yrotc, for them to nt. 'tp mm us. tl tlw Topeka finally hove in effort mu malt to push her in tit. Few men cared to main: “mph ttr. it orTruivd to he rur- us. to even try to cm“ the a. and the Him-teen of n: \wn- LII din”. wal made to r.ucl, hm’ in Viv tuit. Frw men cam-d to make “Mgr mpt. an it airy-42:32:! [o ho I'i'r- l'vtvt 11.11 to even my to run- 11'IT! o ' and the nineteen of Il., \wn- the t ted we started. With unly 'A and _ 0mm the ntruggls again-IL the l'quii l Hm “m; ahteor!, trro mush fur rdtieo Cursed the Queen. I, th, I IN J. " the bow hung m the air. As precipitated into Um way in an instant. I’m- r I mnght a glimpse of I. then another and yet P were washed by Juv. siugh- one Wats' U' washed from (ht tl it la . Wt ot' ottt' Md 1m am J Vt I. pt It. Paris Private Banker Given Benefit of l the Banner Law. Paris, Jan. 20.--Jules Jazulot. the (proprietor of the Printempn depart- 'ment store and of the Patric. who fail. Cd lust August for tll,000.000 in mm- sequence of disastrous speculation! in, sugar, and was prosecuted for illegal ,lranlcin,rr, methods in connection with a. Wank which he conducth with bis store. was sentenced to-day to one year's im. .prisnnment_ with benefit of the “Hon- gar law, and to pay a fine of 3,000 An invitation was sent to Earl Grey, the Governor-General of Canada. for a dinner in his honor, the date of which he is asked to fix. It is believed that Field Marshal Earl Roberts. president of the Pilgrims in London, will visit Amer. len some time this year, when he will be entertained by the local society. PILGRIMS ASK HIM IO DINNER-- ROBERTS MAY ALSO p2 THERE. New York, Jan. 29.--At a meeting of the Pilgrims held yesterday resolutions of sympathy for General Joseph Wheeler, who is a member. were adopted and for- warded to his sick bed. Bishop Potterfwhen he returntho Lon- don on his way home, Wm be a guest at dinner of the London Pilgrims. Under the Borengcn law sentence is snupcndvdein the ease of first offenders, tt second conviction entailing survive of both the first, and second sentence im- posed her law, and francs. I Should the terms of admission be ,xaltified by the residents of these Ter. tritorios. their rvs'pvctiw State consti- tutions must contain clauses prohibit- ing the sale of intoxicating liquors and plural marriages. I Thu constitution of Arizona musl pra- lhibit. the sale of liquor to Indium for- ietvr, and that of Oklahoma for twen- "Y-tstu' your; HP adda'd: "If "f' vvtituttl to rviit-t the fate of Um olwPnovitelus would ht nurs. Remit-a {him the finanr-inl situa, tion is miserublv. Matters mun-M, po- sibly gm 1'.il in this way. I icar all on: panda-Hr will soon be over. It is itu. possible to hold out much longer." Vimnn, Jun. 20.---A despatch from I',r".grasle, F'crvm, rcprl'sonts rung [Rm-r am being practically the prison- "N of of thome who are responsible tot' the usms-inntinn of king Alexatuior and Queen “mm. It quote u Il":ll' relatin- cl‘ th" Ising Ti myinp: that :fw "fiieers, who partieiputrd in the "virtttrl ni Jum 11th. 1903. nrv beasts. If mm of thcm desires tttlvttueement, a plau- nimurt. or any other pmlliun, his dc- mund (‘HHHOL be rvfuwd. l Washington, D. C., Jan. mm The Home passed the Statehood hill toulay Iby a vote of 194 to 150. The bill, tls pro" posed, provides that Oklahoma and the “Minn Territory shall constitute one 'Statc under the name Oklahoma, and that Arizona and Now Mexico shall con- stimtu one Slate under the mums Ari- mun. At Mercy of Assassins of King Alexan- der and Queen Draga. After u full investigation of the om:- by Provincial Inspector Murray, and the Mammalian nf the woman by u sptially ammintvd mtvriv of physi. cians. the Crown has decided that she is mrntully all-ranged and aflietcd with " mania fur Immividv. It W.tn' mm“- qucntly dvoidcd nut to proceed with the murder trial. Blenheim Woman Who Murdered Her Daughter Will Not Be Tried. Chatham, OM... despatch: Mn. Louise I',rosullwnt. the utttortunate Elwin-1m woman who has been cnnfilml in the mum) jail for mm“ timc- on the (harm: Hf murdn-ring her vighL-Iu-vx-nld (laugh- ter and atu-mpting lo poi-ml her hus. lmnd. mtu n‘mm'ul to the London Amy- lum under m'dvrs from the Attm'm-y- Genrral's Departuwm to-day . The Sale of It Prohibited to Indians Forever. Woman Found Dead Near Wellandport Was Destitute. Welland. Ont., despatch: The identity of the woman found dead by the road- side: near the village of Wellaudport still remains a mystery. The body was buried by the township this morning. It has now 12mm learned that the woman. whoever she may be, stay-d on Sunday night. Jan. 14, at the home of Samuel flstro,wr, " faruuw living a'zmt 'a mile wv.,'t of Fonu'iok, on tha- T., H. & B., and 1-1mw sis miles from the spot whore the body was found. Shh came to tho tNiro..,vr,,' phwn early in the evening in a wry tlrrmtitvte omdition. (mo foot Was' vtrmtrletvly batv, protrud- ‘ing thruugh u soleles, stocking. (in the 1nthor foot was Worn " light summer 'slipper. When at oyrtroser's, homo the wandotvr refused to tell hey Immc. She stated. however, that she was from Niagara Falls. and that sho mm mm": riml. but her husband had loft her. l, The woman mu sheltered for the night and given a pnir of shoes. After outing hey hlmldad, she disarm-arm! an mnlvriuusly a: slw cmnv. t closely guarded in the Admiralty. .Tht scheme is to call upon the Cantt-, than Pacific Railway to transport .10,000 marines and sailors with boats and all equipment from England to Vancouver (e, then by coasting vessels to Queen Charlotte Island. This will involve the ‘chartering of extra vessels and running twenty trains, each loaded with 500 men and camp equipment across the contin-g ent. The experiment will take place in about two months. ' Ass the terminus of the Grand Trunk Pacific will 'cy on the my? mnmwhvre inside the Charlotte group of ialunds the assumed stategic value is of great im- portance to Great Britain. ' WILL NOT SERVE SENTENCE. var. Up to the pr: doggy guarded in INVITE EARL GREY. KING PETER A PRISONER A HOMICIDAL MANIAC N0 LIQUOR IN ARIZONA. WHO WAS SHE ? tp-t presgnt the plan has been ' " funm Fonu'iok, sis miles N found. Mm came place early in the tlustitute condition. Man Shoots Wife and Sister-in-law for Petty Canoe. Providence, R. 1., Jan. 20.--lhe bodies of Charles Winn, a treight handler, his wife, and Mrs. Charles E. Riggs, of Port- land, Maine, sister of Mrs. Winn, dis- covered to-dhy in the Winn apartments, revealed what the police believe to be a double murder and suicide. Winn apparently shot the two women with n revolver and then killed himself. It is alleged that Winn quarreled with -the two women because they went out together dining the evening.» _ . Nobody Hurt, but Several Narrow Es- capes Reported-Boy Sleeping Had His Cot Knocked From Under Him. Ferniv, B. C., Jan. 20.---A smowslide oc- curred at Coal Creek Colliery " Huh- Mter 2 o'eloek this morning. burying four house occupied by A. Horrialgv. J. Hunt, D. Martin am, J. Summon. No one was hurt, but several narrow (-5- capes are reported. Snow forced tho wash houses- up against the main build- ings, and in Hunt’s house snow foreed an. entrance. A boy sleeping on a cut in Martin's house had the cot knocked from under him. The weather has been particularly soft, a great amount of rain falling dill" ing the last twenty-four hours, which rendered deep snow on the mountain sides heavy and susceptible to sliding. The mountain sides are quite precipiz- ous at Coal Creek, the valley being nar- row. Rain is falling and more slides are not improbable. , The'WilmnV We“; each atiout"M years old. Mrs. Riggs was IN. Notwithstanding the general feeling among employers that the union “as a thing of the past in the struetural iron Jalsiuow. officers of the New York local talked cheerfully about a great national strike,and reported that Frank M. Ryan. of the international ironwurlwrs. mu on his way to New York to take charge of their fight. Many member“ of the Irouisimtdhs' Union in New York have deserted the organization altogether. and have asked to be put hack to work as itu1ividuals. Many of them have told their employers that the union lack: the leadership of a man like Sam Parks. and that they are weary of heing kept in illlenms thrmvglt the. bad management of incompetent leaders. SNOWSLIDE AT COAL CREEK COL- LIERY, B. C. fOUR HOUSES BURIED. largo court-ms in min-r cities. Without exception the stand taken Wm upprmcd and many of tin- big iron men stated that their union mnpluyocs would refuse to obey a strike order if issued. Reports front Baltimore. Washington, Philadelphia, Milwaukee and other cities within the lust, week have shown that ovhere the ironworlu-rs have been cum- nnunlml by walking t'wlegatvs t" quit work they had refined to do so. and. in some instnnooa, when: they were prac- tically forced out. they-haul come to New York to go to work undor the "frei- slump" arrangement. New York, Jan. 29.--Emp1oyers in the iron business here and in other cities yes- terday expressed the opinion that they would win their fight for the "iftce shop" without the. interruption of a gen- eral strike. Following the action of the National Association of Erectors of Structural Steel Ironwork here in (la-lur- ing their indcyn-nnlenu- of unions many telegrams were l"‘.‘i‘l‘.'('tl by members of the Allied Iron 'l'r:,_'.vs Vesicular from EMPLOYERS SAY THEY CAN WIN IT WITHOUT A STRIKE. Woodstock has a pmdgo oi $5.000 on cnndition that 820.000 more be raised. Shul‘bi‘ookc is discussing; " new build, itrg; Owen Sound-is oortrpleting tt build- ing canvass, and Benoville is also con. sidering the quest-ion of a. building. Then.- are now M assiieiations in On- iario and Qucbvc, with a membership of 10.000. l'hst. Chatham, Guelph and. other points if tho (animus make suitable local pru- vision financially. The Grand Trunk "ystom ttow help; in the support of cight, railway assoeiatimttr, in ('unmlzl. Iiimieo and Allandalo being new paints tlrus lwing covored. Several other centres of population are agitating toi' the cMa'olishruer.t of association branch- The sum of $8,000 was spent by the committee during the year, and a bud. get for 1900 of $3.50" was Ivassed. The advanced pmgrmmm- for 190% M docitlud “porn includes the possible nint- ing or reorputizing, of tu,soeiations at Nault Mm. Malia. Kenora, Fort Wil. liam, Port Arthur. Brockville, London Sttlrstantial migns of pragmz-i were noted 1luring 1905. Five buildings 1ty'ln.' opened, in Dandy, Bridgohurg. Paris, St. Catharina. and 11cG-ill Colhrure. Montreal. an. a cost, of $160,000. and $42,000 was aha mutual for five addi- tioual buildings at Oriilia. NhvuGle, Mimic-o, \Vuudutnck and Collingwood. DOUBLE MURDER AND SUICIDE. Among thuiae presmt. were: John Penman, Paris; W. J. Waugh and Geo. 1tutherfoml, Hamilton. Five Buildings Opened During the Year-. New Association: to be Organized --aehs From the Grand Trunk-- 16,ooo Members. Toronto repart: A largely attended nwvting of the Provincial Committee of the Y. M. C. A's. of Ontario and Quebec “us held in the city yesterday, follow- od by a conference of association diree, _ tors and secretaries from diiioront parts , of Canada. and two international Ht'ept'- 1 taries from New Yum. I PROVINCIM Y. M. C. A. COMMITTEE FOR ONTARIO AND QUEBEC MEI IN TORONTO. rltrr SHOP nal. n- of unions many w-d by members of In: yesterday from n-r cities. Without TORONTO Charged With Obtaining Money From Emigrants in Canada. London. Jan. Bib-In the High Court of Justice at Edinburgh jiul,enutui, was gin-n in the case against. Graeme Hun- ter. charged with obtaining money from (migrants in Canada. The qtuetion was thought of such important'" that tho whole seven judges sat on the bench. A question was raised as to tho relevancy of the complaint made by the procurutor fiscal of Glasgow ngmnet Hunter. Ob. jection was taken to its relevancy to the lower court, on the ground that it was not stated that the money received was paid by any parties referred to in the complaint. The sheriff switched the objection. but the High Court reversed the decision. and the trial Tilt now he proceedgd with. have 2.0m: r01 Mntnrman night. stated train :Ippruao it until the broadside. I tlamapo, only broken. Graeme Hitter, Migrant we”. And strike-breaker, sent out many ’workus to Toronto at the time of the strike In the Canada Foundry Works in 1904. The railway crossing is proteetod by tt derail. This eontrivanee is for the pur- pose of holding stpeet can against, erossittar the tracks. A sa-maphm't- is mod by the railroad. The drrail and semaphm-o work together. both bring opet7tted by tho watchman. That the street war was atol" to mus the Jamil massing of the Grand Trunk. win-u iroighi train No. 813 crashed into the unfortunate mais car while it mu crossing the tracks in answer to tho wataltmttnls signal. Motorman Ernest C. Jlrarlt was seriously injured. and seven pussongors aboard the our received slight injuriI-r. The force of the col. lision threw the our from the track half way round. The escape of the pm- sengers is a wonder. London, Out. despatch: Jules Moore, (-(mdm-tur on a Hpriugluulk electric car, was immutl) killed about 7.30 o'elock thir,. owning at the Itiehmotr:1 street (Taming of the Grand Trunk. when Bad Accident at the Richmond Street Crossing of the Grand Trunk-Wee Moore Crushed to Death and Motor- man Bradt Injured. STREET CAR STRUCK BY FREIGHT TRAIN AT LONDON I Mtts t Hun m rvmnn It Mas False Testimony Made its Use a 1Hoekersr---Has Adopted Scotch Plan. Berlin, Jan. 20.--Curious interest at- mulws to the announcement that Etttd perm William has commissioned Herr um {Elan the chief Government offi- a-inl of Apsmrade, b'ehleswigmobstein, to proceed to German southwest Attica and find subterranean springs by means of a divining rod. Ton LTelar has a wide reputation as a water finder in Schlesi- vdy,ulbolsteiu, but somntiits Mime to "davit bis claim that he has discovervd wutur by moans of a divininrrori. The Has Sent a Man to German Southwest Africa to Find Subterranean Water Springs. a municipal court in tlu chem-d the use oi the il GRAEME HUNTER 0N TRIAL. WIHIAM BELIEVES IN DIVlNING ROD. CONDUCTOR KILLED. JUDGE STOPS SWEARING ON aiid ttit' hl tt' linin g we work together. both bring by the watchman. That the Jr was. atolo to paw the aerail me that the semaphore must 'tt set against the froight. Yon-1 1mg his action he i the bible from um deem-ration to use ds from the mouths of witnPs~ its use a, marker}; a travesty mtg-M up to regard with venom rrw'rzum- the word of God 'CAF " t upihixfmzm: way it is milled. Royal Household Flour Mradt, at the hmpitnl to. that he did not. "e" the hing. and knew nothng of locomotive stun-k the our The car shows but Might u few panes of glass being ks in answer 1 L Motorman l seriously injured oi the Bible in w. Justin In any court. It that: 'llu, a of witunr" " 'rierrtr Bronx h lh tot The girl is very pretty. and in not quite fourteen. She in . sink:- of Ever- inghun’s wife, and lived with the couple. Everingham is 26 years old, nnd quite a. musician. He left his two children he- hind with his wife. He is B painter by trade, Ind when arrested WM engaged paw-ring a room in a hotel. being taken. The girl deelarert. tshe was willing to return with him. They left, for home via. Niagara Falls on the 4 o'clock car, and Chief of Police llama" went along " far u the bridge, to be that: in case Everingham chmgod his nun . mines looking fur Floyd r'. [Zn-ringimm and his fourtevn-yeitr-old sGter-itrlaw. Susie Md‘uliigan. 1tith “hum ho had eloped from Warwaw a mark ago Satur- day. The eouple were tmeed here by means of I, letter they he!" to a friend living near Warsaw. styinp, they were in Flt. Catharina. Eroringhnm and the girl came here about It week ngu. and set up huuwkvoping in " mom over a. More "tt M. Paul tdtuac'. Th.. thriif had a warrant charging Everiughaut with abduction. He was arrested and taken idem Msg- istrutr- Comfort, the girl going along. agreed to go back to Warsaw with the offieers without extradition proerediugs , Montreal. Jan. 29.---FiNern girls: and a number of men. threatened by fire in . stone building at the corner of St. Jun. street quiz Victoqu qugm this afte- noon and out off Ix; smoke from m in the usual way, d by means of J: extension ladders of the fire departmen. Some of then; were welcome and had tou-uit-troms- injur- av Ritalin .wu stubborn, and for o time looked ominous. The ton in esti- mated " $150,“. Fifteen Girls in Danger From Fire at Montreal. l uplifted hand. but it I l nifivnnw to my mind. 2 to let over.'." person to” without either oath or tTiii do the host l can ing the truth." St. Catharines despatch noon Sheriff R. Ft. French from Warsaw, N. T.. cam Floyd Ir. Evoriughasa and year-old Sister-in-law House Together-Nan Two Children Behind. WARSAW, N. Y., COUPLE CAUGHT AT ST. CATHARINES. Many of those men afterwards mum!!! him of making false pmmisos of Work. and be was tried in Glasgow on the charm» of (mud. but was acquitted on March 3. ire is now appearing on a m-w thar: " Is sllnckmg to Cnd mm calling mum the diety to witness the ttttth of toat, they tiay--'tso help mo God'--with u h" in their hearts um! upon the 1an by which they [untamed the good book. Gwmmu troops ar: I ped Ly lack of mum for South Africa un H Emperor heard of van ISL-1r, and onlor- ed the Ministry of Public Works to emuiw into the matter. The Mimtxy trolectod numeral» Unitimuninls from provincial authorities, M‘u'uiillgly proving the txtmorxiinary s‘llmvw of um Blur ia diswvering water veins. The Em. m dismven‘ng water veins. The Fatt- ror thereupon decided to utilize- um FI,",'.,,,' powers for the IKU'IPLLH’ of all!» viating the chronic waver fatnieu. in Gonnuu h'outhwrst, Africa. when? tdw Gorxpau troops arc m-rimwly hamiicaw ElOPERS GO BACK. “Ogilvio's Book for . Cook." contains 130 page: of excellent Embargo never pubtiytypd be. hGir' toUsFit FEE-L. Amie Flour Mills (30.. Ill. You wlll better your bakin by buying Ogil- vic's aoyal Household Flour from your grocer. -Use lt and you get bread not only light, cnsp Ind appetising, but also whoretime,diiestible and nerishing: is made from sprin wheat only. I t is milks by the newest and best machinery. Itis purified by_clectricity. I d ds '2: this flour. T,'d'l JS', pastry must be more than mere- ly appetising; they must be wholesome, digestible, nourishing. Ilov THE success of pastry depends upon the ESCAPED BY LADDERS.' Cii',i'/'f',' In" rt pumumuu ne- EL PltRSMr.--.r. can toil you "rear or affir and. but it, u u my mind. 'lv" person tvll Evoringimm (ind the ut tk week ago. and T in a mom over a b or tofiirtturtion and can touard amt-num- "it m" " u ;n a witness with :ully has no m:- 1 Would pre'irw mu Fourteen- Were Keeping Left Wife all nd a, deputy In I Fit. Cath H If h: die: - It','.' ",fi"'it

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