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Durham Review (1897), 8 Feb 1906, p. 1

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[ULL ale " Jue ract ‘apan ch IN 1906 cost OS o a . . . , - -__ SERIOUS ACCrDENT.--0n Tuesday of Come and see if everything 1strt exactly as repre X last week, Mr T. B. Beott, former” of sented. S. Glenelsz. was driving near Bwinton Park, his team ran away, and in the hope of stopping them he hung on and E M was caught. in some Way and wt" drag- A __ """‘ ---'-" 'M ed dong the frozen ground till the k gash wlutorn fp,'",', " bl: k3?) ','tt'it SKI to the pone, e was " en and: " TA OR&CO, Dromore . and is now under medical treatment. 1fll . E; 'iii taut he any 'l'l,'lh'lifogu",' {mtg} 'wi AIM-ions In ilwn a as: tgrgrangsrgtarrmaMirfngrfillngml igtgggllgllir m 55:43::~‘::-::-:5::«::s::c:-c:»:3333:-:mm3m 3331:; iii,:' TAYLOR & CO,Dromore if; iii:,:""-""""'""'""'"'" -- "_-__-e-ee"'"" 35% :c:~::-::-::-::-::-;3333:4333-3xgo433333333:; fhl?Wlh%sXi"u'FlDNillxy,e5ieiiet ZlSllSl5ieiXlllf?efi%ggeglg1liij.ll1il; VOL. XXVII. N0. Toques and Ihoods James Ireland. il PRINTS LADIES' UNDERSKIRTS. black & colored. were $2, Short Ends DRESS GOODS were $1.25. sale price... ..i... .... .... ..... Colored sailings and ladies' cloth. was Me, sale priee.. Br GREY FLANNEIS. were 300, sale price ..... .... ..... .. were 35c, tt ....a.......... tt were 40e. " ............... BLANKEI' CLOAKING. was $1.25, sale price...... .... MENS HEAVY TWEED for panting, was It,': sale price I. " c, an Cloth and Best Trimmings for M en's Suits, sale prices. .. LADIES' SKIR'N-Grey tweed, were " sale price . . . . . .. --Blaek, were 5, " ..... " " were 5, " ..... 51 in black frir-ze or Ladies' suits or coats. was $1.25, sale pr. .65c 51 in black and cql_ored_ drets goods, plain and fancy, "- Our january Sale of winter goods at reduced prices has cleaned out a good percentage of our winter stock but we still have some bargains in se- veral lines, all of which must go. It will mean a great saving to you to take advantage of this Sale which lasts until after we get thru Stock-taking. We men- tion a few of them: We can't quote the prices on everything in our immense stock but to give you an idea Come yourself and bripg your boys and clothe them and yourself at ma..ufacmrer‘e prxces or less. Nothing but bargains in Clothing Dept. We have had great selling since our Sale began andfnow have broken lots and sizes in many lines of WINTER GOODS. Everything left in Winter Footwear--Long Boots, felt and felt-lin- ed boots, &c, leggins, lutnbermen'g socks, heavy mitts, wool tuqueS shawls, clouds, men 's and boys' Overcoats, cardigan Jackets, men’s women's and children's sweaters. &e, &c.,-going at SLAUGHTER PRICES. Giving=up=Business Sale SALE TERMS-GA or Produce at Market Prices We have a few broken lines of Prints which we are offer- ing at LESS THAN ACTUAL COST. It will pay you to buy early for Spring. In red. blue, cream and white. Some very pretty 19 lines, reg. 25c to 50c ; YOUR PICK FOR . .. . . c A good range of Fall and Winter Dress Goods in very pretty patterns and combination colors, the prices ranging from 85c to ih. to per yd. YOUR 75 CHOICE PER YARD........................ c t Ends ranging from I yd to " yds. These goods are principally Flannelettes and we are of.. fering them at LESS THAN ACTUAL COST of manufac- ture. Be sure and have a look :.: thctn. Note These Savings , V" I , V ---------- ed, were $2, sale pr 81.50 1.75 and 1.50, " 1.99 'iiiiltt Next the lawn “all ......65c ......220 .... 4.50 ....65c $7t011 ....5Cc ....75c 25e yd 27e yd 30e yd TTM BUSINESS CHAsoE.-.Mr. Wm. McCul- 31mm} hlacksmllh. has bought out the {a l Guthrie business, and is moving from 1his' old shop at, the bridge to the well- X ; known stand and hopes hv close atten.. E l tion to business to retain all his old cus- ltomers and will be glad to welcome new (fill l, ones. i PrcrrrscrostAsoF.s--Miss H. M. Bur- i gee“. 1hal,, in remitting for the Review 1 Hum owners of (Hunger; ranches are 9 pit-kins: nrauges. one lady nPnr thetn ex.. 3 parts 4000 hnxes from 40 acres. Roses 13nd geraniumsin bloom in the open atrl Well now if thir tine winter keeps on, I we'll soon have buds too. en on .. mnking the most of life" and q6 Hmnelife on the farm. " Owing to revival services in Holstein. the evening attendance was small. while none was held in Dromore owing to stormy weather. A report of Dromore meet. ing will appear next week. Miss Mae Dictrervaon, the are omplish- ed guitar soloist, will appear in Durham on 9th Fehruary at the Sons of Scot- land Concert. She has lately been in New York and New Jersey. winning new hnnnrs. and eomes with the " new- est of the new. best at the old " Plan open Friday of this week at MacFar- lane's Drug Store. All seats reserved. See ad on page I. FARMERS' INSTITUTE MKRTrNotg.- Were held at Dromore and HoNtein, last week end. Large audiences attend- ed the afternoon meetings in both plac- es. where spltndiVidrestts1rtre, xiv: The Show presented by De Alva Sutherland Colnst Friday night, in the Town Hall. was considered above the average of these travelling companies. They were greeted by a full house and good nrdvr prevailed throughout the waning. An interesting featnre was the trained dog": where 8 raninoi show- ed great skill in tricks. ete, which pleas. ed the audience Immensely. LADIES LOOK Yocsorem--Whieh is the desire of one and all. Take the trouble of visiting Prof. Dorenwend’s private show rooms at. the Middaugh House, Durham, on Friday, Feb. 9th, and see the nmnv beautiful inventions in Styles of Human HnirCnverings, Wists. Bangs, Switches. etc. and inspect his new patent structure. CRAWFORD TEA-MEETING. - Grmt preparations aro- afoot, for a rousing old time tea meeting by the PteshytPvians a t Crawford. The date chosen is Thurs- day, 8 Feh. addresses by clergvmen from Durham. Che-slay and Mulnck, and a splendid choir from Malcolm Pres. church. Admission 25c children 15. Tea served from 6 to 8. Tauhe and Non, Eyesight Specialist.“ will he at Parker's Drug Store on Wed- nesday and Thursday, Feb 7th. and 8th. Pre, AND Box SocrAL--ivm he held in Stewart's school house, Bentinck, on Tuvsdav. Feb. 13t h. gum! program, con- sisting of snngs, drills, speeches, etc. Admission 15 ctu. Ladies bringing: pies or boxes free. Mr. J. S. \Vllsou. Louise, will occupy the chair. Doors open at 7 30. NEARING THE CLOSE.--) all pinball- illty, we ureinformod, the Holstein ro- vival meetings will come to an end this week. They have been very successful throusrhout,' conversions are still daily being made. while they have wrought a puweruf good in the community. .. Beautiful weather. no snow. fine sunshine, temperature from 30 to 80 de- gree: ahove zero. stock looking tine, " writes Mrs D. McDonald. Wyoming, who never forgets the Review. JOHN MCQUEEN Agent. Remember the date of Tnuhe & Son’- visit to Durham, Wednesday and Thurs.. day, Feb. 7 and 8, and if your eyes 1);:th you make it a pmnt to consult t em. WusTRD.--200 Farmers to cull at the Massey Harris Show Rooms and not. a nice calendar. When you have youreyes exmnin9d by Tauhe and Son vou have the bane- tlt of over 38years experience. Par. ker’a Drug Store, Feb 7th and Bth, Colds are more egsily tak n when the livt-r is sluggish. Keep our livm right, hy taking Carr’s liltl liver pills 2 for 25 as a; MneFurhme‘s. Those in want of ilvi} highest grade of ttour can get It t $9.25 a hbl. this week at DURHAM, THURSDAY. FEBRUARis. 1906 Dr Brown. " ear, nns‘e and throat, will he at the nnpp Hotel, Durham. Saturday. Feb. 0. Hours 12 to ti. Eyes tested and sees supplied. Ladies: Order you Lady fingers, Marat-none, Cream put! and puff paste shells at \Vutson’s B my. Orders promptly tilled. Telepho e38. The Great- West Life Insurance Com.. pany affords the highest security and pays the largest profits to policy hold- ere. W. F. DUNN, Agent. Thorough Brit stock for sale. Apply to Wm Morrision, Edge Hill. Ont. Manitoba Mrs Beggs. iiiilliiiiiiij.i8?t?itll! I ttti, MATTH awe " LATIM an. var $2.40 per 100 III. at ' TORONTO tit He was buried in Durham cemetery. Rev Mr Newton anointing. It was largely attended. He leaves to mourn a. widow. one son William in Barrie, seven daughters: Mrs Pennock. Glen- elz; Mrs Wm Pierce. Mrs N. Adair, Mrs Cecil Pope. Toronto, and Miss Han- nah, Mich. The bereaved have the sympathy of the eommunity.-lom. DONALD MCQULRBIE. There passed away at his late resi- dence. in the township of Bentinck, at the ripe one of86 years. one of the old- est and most respected settlers. in this vicinity, in the person of Donald Me- Querrie. He was born at Ross. Argyleshire, on Feb, 2. 1820, from whence he emi, grated to Canada in the year 1847. After a. brief stay at the town of OriIlin, which at time was a mere hamlet.he came farther west. and in the year 1848 settled In the almost unbroken forest, then known In "The Queen's Bush " on the homestead where he panned the re- meinder of " dar. 5' me peace and rest." f Detuansed was a danghtur ot M r. and iMrs. Nathan G, Dunsmmw. Rocky ,vSuugeen. and her age Mu 41 yarn. o {wombat and 11 days. The Ins-10f a de- ivoted wife, a loving mull)»: and kind ’neighlmr. wih he deeplv felt " all who ‘knew her. She leaves to mourn her Hoss, a huslmnd and tive children. four lsons nndnne daughter. the youngest lwing an infant three trtruilis old. he- sidesa father and mnIIn-r and tluee sisters. Mrs \Vm. Mrriant, Durham; LiiiU.%iiiii, Ritchie and Mrs. Wm. l Annie Eveline Dnnsmoor. beloved rwife of Peter Mountain, died at the {home of her parents. Rocky b'augeen. 'on Feh lst. 1906. She had been a great! lsuftt,ver for the Lvst tire or _.ix weeks fand notwithstanding medical aid and :he-Ipof kind friends,' she passed peace- {fnlly "WHY. lien-lug! words being "Give [he relatives warmly thank friends and neighbors for their kindness shown in the hour of trouble.--Com. MR JOHN LovomtAD. Again another has fallen. Thursday. 25th Jan, at the home of his son-in-law Mr wut. P. Penuock. Glenelg Centre. the spirit of John Lougheud took its flight. He was horn in Tipperary. Ire- land in 1813 being thus N years of age. He C'ttttte out in 1813. settling firrtin Gait. In 18th be was married to Mag.. trie, daughter of the late J Jamieson Gait. In a few years the young couple moved to the o. S. gravel road. to what has since been known as"Bu(-han's Corners. " From what was a wilder- ness they hewed out a home and the de. ceased lived there until six years ago when he came to reside at Glenelg Centre. For a_numh_er of_yep_rs he but?! fem! on crutches, though his general mealth was good up to last spring when his eyesight failed and he was contined to his room. He was a patiert sufferer had a kind word for young and old, and and if his natural vision was dim. his spiritual sight was clear. He had built an the right foundation and when the blast of death came it found his font: anchored fast. Vessie. north of Durham and one brnthor. Mr Nathan Dunsmnor who re- sides In Owen Sound. Her remains were laid to rest in the Rocky Salim-9n cemetery on Saturday, Feb. 3rd. Rev. Mr McDonald officiated both at the house and the grave. of knowing, and the" memory of her kindlv nature and good deeds will long remain fragrant. She was buried on Tuesday in anlewood Cemetery, her pastor, Rev Mr Cmnplwll, Dromure. officiatitw. of _ About five years after the death of fiber husband the above lady armed {away on Tuesday, 23rd Jidt2',i'2'l',ef :the ripe old are of 80 years. 5mm. “having been out of her usual health lonly for about a week. She was». 'nattve. of Galashiels. Scotland. and icatue to this country with her husband ‘OVer55 years ago settling for about5 lyenrs in 19unnville, to Durham for one (year and then to the farm in Bentinck {where their chiidren were raised and ttheir chief lifework done. She wasa isister of Mr John Nichol, near Price- iville. and was a neighbor beloved in [the community in Bentinck and Nor- émanby where she was best known. She has been gathered to her fathers. and i'ley; memory will remain as a precious 1treasure to her children of whom six ,survive her. Thev are bits Wm. Ford, ;Man.. Mrs Rout. Smith. Sash. Min. :MeK. Grieteotv. Bentinck. Maggieand lJames at home, and 'l'honmsat Port, Elgin. Her son John died a few years 1 [ago near Prieeville. , Mas. PETER BROWN. i, At Lake View, the residence. of her son. Mr David Hamilton. N. Egremont. [the above lady passed away on Satur- .daylast after several years of delicate [health. during whit-h she had the ten- tder nursing ot het children and of her .devoted husband. Mr Peter Brown, [the latter of whom writes that "the {gently fell asleep in the arms ofinfitt- ,tte love." The deceased), first husband Mr Hamilton. died over 30 years ago. iand besides the eon mentioned there (were horn to them a large family, who .wete always meet loving and dutiful. They were Mrs. Wm Hunter. Egre- wont; Mts. Seaman. Holstein I Mrs. Harry Vollett and Mrs Rollt Baird, Dakota. The sons Were Wm in the North Wetu, David at whose home she died. John Who died some ears ago. Alex. James, Walker and Nicholas who are all in Dakota. These and many others will Iincerely, mourn the de- ceased and always Will respect her memory. For years she was a minis- tering angel in many a stricken home althe writer had ample onportunities Esp ily married in 2856 to Arm Cam tit, wglo survives tum, he tuned t M RB. PETER MOUNTAIN. The Passing Pioneers. Mrs. Wm. Mather. ('i1ibttt Thou J. Jordan, dry goods merchant of Holstein has been arrested and is charged by Messrs Gotdun. McKay k Co., wholesale merchants of Toronto. with hwing obtained goods nnder false pretencee. Jordan was taken to Owen Sound on Tuesday morningoflut week and received his preliminary hearing before John Rutherford. J. P. Mr Mul- eolm, representing Messrs Gordon, Mc- Kny& Co., was present and gave evi- dence clinging Jordan with furnishing a like statement a to hie tintsncitu ,tanding. on the strength of which a Inge quantity of goods were secured. Jordon wu committed to stand " trial at the sessions of the peace in June. In 'ih"a't'i2r'l'g' Ste on hail himself in r some Calder, poet- Inuht " Holstein. for 'tiNk--Mx. GENTLRMEN Wu ARE BALD.--0r have thin hair, aha Id call on Prof. Dorenwend at the iddnugh House, Durham. on Friday, eh. 9th and Bee his wonderful devices in Toupee: and Wigs worn on over 7 ooo heads. Ex- plnnalion and demonst tion free. Pre vate nparttttents at Ho 1. Don't fail to see his new invention, p outed all over the world. WORTH '2.00. Mrs H. McGlllivmy, of Manitoba, in mitting for the Re. view eays .. the R view is worth $2.00 to your readers fa from Durham " nnd other kind things. Many thanks. Mrs McGillivray. our m is ever to keep up its value. 6t Has any olv seen my llrother Charlie?" ' il McLeod, the famous humorist. wil by tequost, give this piece again at t " Sons of Scotland con- cert, on Feb 9. le bun new selections use. Dou't fail i hear this rising and popular humori . GONE BAcrr.--The hear came out. but Friday, saw his shadow, returned to his home for a couple more months, and by present temperatute has brought on winter in ParnPst. Already the toal men are veioicing. PIE AND Box SocIAL.--Wm he held at Mnlm-k on the evening of Feb. 13th. RevJ. O'Neill. of Paisley. willdelivor an address. Proceeds in aid of school library. Everybody welcome. When Liniment Wond In! is rubbed in all swellings and stiffn s disappear Fry it-fully guaranteed t MacFur- Mia's. Dominion Parliament. had been called to meet March 8. Ontario house Inc-eta Feb. 15th and the Session is expected to last eight weeks. The Grout West Life Insurance Com. puny so-lls endowments and other pol- Icie- at a lower rate than other com- panies. Ask for our rites before you inuure, W. F. Dunn. Agent. MacFurlmm’s Grip ta eta if ink en in tinware guaranteed to enk up a c I'd In 24 uours-Keepa box eady. I5per new 0 all Men's Wearing Boots. fur the lunch of thruury, bought at Mrs Ale' Beggo. one 8 room. Has Furnace and bath. Apply to w. "ck. The funeral of M rs \Vntaon. Toronto, sisternf M rs Sandy Mchrumck of Ah- erdeen. took place this Tuesday after- noon on the arrival of lb? train and proceeded to the Rm-ky cemetery where she was buried. She was a Miss Mc- Lean. l Died at her son's Peter ueKeehnie. at Culvin.N. Dakota, on Jan 27, 19n6, Harv ucPhee. relict of the [are Donald Mekeeh. min. The (heaved was born in Oro town. Hhip Simone Co, on Sept 14. 18to. being at ilieiime of her death 65 your: and 4 months old. She came to County Grey ' one mile west of Pricewlle in alenelg townvhip when married in 1856 where she resided until she moved with her family to N, Dakota eight years ago. Her husband preceded her 33 year-- ago. She leaves as chief mourners one daughter, Ire D ncLean. at Antler, and four sons Dan and Peter at Calvin. N Dakota. Neil " Phoenix Aria, and John " Prieeville, Ont, also one brother Neil IcI’hee. " Collingwood. Out, and and two 'istete. Hrs Sherritt, Ch cago. and mu Warren, lam heard from at London. Ont. She was I laid torest beside her daughter. ammo. lire W J Henderson. Death reaulted i from a lingering and painful cancerous‘ affection of the stomach which she bore 1 wiih chrisiinn patience to the and. l It; Mnob In brief is the history of one of our old pioneers of whom so few re- mum to tell the story of their hardships m the erwlr days of Canada. All honor, to these staunch, hardy stalwarts. who, no in hand, entered the unbroken for- eutto hew out for themselves homes. which to-dny their children are happily enjoying. Truly, " their works live After them. " He was consistently Conservative in his politics and equally so in his choice of a Ghurch, being a life long attendant at the Rocky Presbyterian chulch. l , h --ei-e__. ... .\rlulnl yrnns.nu "I’ll It! ty' t e vounger genelntlon who have grown up mound him. . . -- - *"--"'--"v ...'. .., ... “J RNPUIIR will he sadly "ussed by his S1"1T"tuont' of former vents. as well as Alwava cheerful and contented, though in his luter Fetus. l great 1suf- ferer front. rheumatlgm. hie - [warty comfort and respectability. a “We . family of whom nix daughlui-s mul‘ three suns are still living; Janet wife of 5 Neil Livingstone. Kate wife of Wm. I Puncher. Mary wife of In: Ledinxhiuii. :' Sarah Wife of Wm Ferguson. Atutiei wife of Leslie Adams. Eliza wufeufi Lachlan McLean. daughters, and Hugh. I Duncan and Angus, tom, of whom! Duncan alone remains on the old hmue- i new. Two Hansel to Lot-or", B room ard MRS D. MCKECHNIF. .'1Sl Nnture has endowed Mr Junie-on with a magnificent voice, and he m. . brilliant musical future before him. He is an intelligent vocdiut who studies to please his audiences. m. sacred cola work has won for him a prominent, lace among church mloish in Toronto, fn the Town Hall " Sons of Sarah“ Concert on 9th Feb. with "in Dicken- non. Will MeLeod, Piper chonnlduul label McDonald. Ticket.” cu. " mu renewed. The Ladies Aid of the Methodist Churet, will Rive an "At Home" " the pan-annua- Tue-(lav Fvlnunry 18th. A good program will be rendered and If- fresbmenta will be served. Everybody will he made welcome. A unwind :dmiuion often cent; requested at the cor. Would the lady who not the wrong fur ruff, at the 66 a! homo " Jun 3%. leave the name with Mrs (Rev) Newton and the will receive her own tur buck new. FARM you f3Ar,Tr..-M tath half lot M Con 18 Tn Nommnh fine huildinm. Must be sold. Anplv Arthur H. Jae m, Durham. Headaches come from an strain. If you are troubled that way consult Taahe And Son at Parker's Drug Store. Februnry 7th and 8th. Thumewille cou il bu granted the local pun" 312 for p Miami): the coun- cil minutes for 1905. Grho Hays “Cor- porations hnve no so In"? The followmg resolution was also carried. " The Municipal Council of the town of Durham consider that the mail service " now supplied to this town is quite inadequate for its growing needs and request thata mail car service be substituted for the present baggage car and that the clerk be instructed to forward a copy of this resolution to Postmaster-Gener- al. " All account. n Remind " Mnrrh lat _will he placed In her hands for rollpct- Ion. The petition of R. Torrv of the Fire Brigade. asking that August 'Ah be at aside u Civic Holiday was grant- Bv-law 504 was put through the severnl readings and passed, enntirm. ing the building of the sidewalks on Lambton and Geoige Sts. and the de- benture ordered to be sold at once. The comic vulenline him made in In- peamnce in town. Look out for you". Met in Council Chamher Monday evening. Members all present. Accountstothe amount of se'01.6'2 was accepted and passed. The audit. or: presented their report whieh was accepted and50copies ordered tn be primed at once lithe Annual Meeting is anvthing like this one, an exciting time may be expected. Luna-A large and ertthtttttUgtie meeting orior to the Annual meeting was held in the Rossin House. Tuesduv evening, " which the discussion and actions were decidedly in favor of the Durhsm considerations. However the tr.eetine was not all of one opinion, but Mr McKechnie made a good im- pression and had many supporters. A committee of 16 was appointed to nom- inate 7 men suitable tor the new bosrd of Direetom next dav. The following is the ticket: N. W. Ilovle, M. L. A. Canttintrton; Morrison Wilson, Wood- stock; Gilbert Mekeehnie, Durham, D. McNab. Claremont: A. McPherson. Longford: R. II. McWilliams, Owen Sound and G. A. S'anley. London. No “In” stir was caused by the re- ceipt by several in IMruat-ttot try all thotuth--of a circuler issued by Isaac N. Devius. of Toronto, setting setting forth " great length rename why the mill should be kept where, it is. but to do thir-the refrain of th whole document was-revoke the proxies vou have given to Gilbert Mo Kechnie or other Durham men. The circular is evidently A morbach. got out when there was no time to refute it, and will not likely have nnv Meet. It points to s desire for Bell ‘s Lake to afuture feeder of the mill. Devins signs himself "Seey." of agraup ot largeehareholders. whose names are not given however. The result of 1905 shows that we then muney-mnking plant. the re- ault of independent tests show: we nave plontv of good raw material. and these two mots should be I guaranty- ofdividonds. The near approach ot the Annual Cement Meeting mused a great pitch of enthusiasm as the day approached. At no tormer meeting of the Company has there been such interest and it is to be hoped that now the shareholders have awakened thoroughly to their own interests, an era may get in that will be marked by more eontidentUl relations between Directors and the. contributors who have placed cash in the concern. Your Might-oi". Run“: sub- scribe: "nurse"; or. ifyour neigh- hor hamm- you". kindly [in him a genus hint to send us hi: nnnm. Saws you Lime and trau- Ihle And gives hot h better "tie- faction. tGe 'st the ettd of the year. Send all orders to CHAS HAMMER. Pun-u AND Punusnn. Excitement Runs High. The Review Don't Borrow ------Ho- Town Council. Mas A BURKE?! Durham. Ont

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