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Durham Review (1897), 8 Feb 1906, p. 2

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Bi. er.pet to ttet our share, orandrra rate choked on n bean. 'Fraq n sight you should have seen. Dr. Bataan noon '8 near. Bean's up! u a souvenir. Man hero at" that we write rot. “a don‘t know an awful “at m. of fhme loud. booli I pats. Loos: to u: “to “My ”on. John Lln'a do:- have trot the any. John’a not caught it. which In than. “no (we hounds In eraeker-Nehs. We”. to but. Your: Dune-Ax Caught Coming and Going. (Cleveland Lender). Johnny-t gotta reform ta’ so ter Sun- day school or else git a lot toughar. sNttstie--What do you mean! Johmtr--Mn won't let me play with about In" the kids in this neighborhood a" the rest o' the kids' mothers vou’t let In.” Jones laat Friday night oot halt-shot and had I fight, Ho wu pasted in the eye. Ite'tt mm. this Is I lie: Herman Martin's “cunt slum. For " "ettt are on the bum. Tuesday he'll nee Dentist Beg; Who plus teeth Ind Ibo Ion. 1ittriutt Dough Grandpa. Sued an it'd tare to kick M's Pants. Wilson's goat cot loose last week. “and no puson good and mock: Parson then tuid more forgot. and "that --.- seat should be .1: cm; imam in the very air. "Battle-Me." the "poet-correspondont" ot no Hondenon (Nah) Tribune. wrote his new: in rhyme again last week. He said: Potrest met him on the road Bailey Johnson bet on Pita, Last a. dollar and trix bits. has! It all to Jerry Nance. plenty of horrrs--k. M. Ware, Outing Magazine for January. Urn-e out ot the stall. notice that he: - ”Links mildly to being wiped over. and betrays no resentment. while harneviiig, ; at accepting the bit. bridle, crupver. etc... "te., arm vlecorousty permitting all ne-! cassary alterations and attention. Ae-' vept no departure trom absolute docil- ity of department: tor h- sure that if the animal betrays either excitability, 'terv0u15ncss, or sire in the dealer's hand: he will be far nurse Will] you. tor you know you don't know, and he will know lou don't know-and those eomtturationg Nrell trouble. In the same wny see mm . In! out and put to the vehicle to which he is to be driven. noting each stage ot, the process, viewing: him always With the I ieily critical eye of the individual who! does not (yet) own him. Excuse noth- 1 ing. and make no allowances for loss. " he makes a. move won don’t luxury so.) so frankly. and look turttter-- were are plenty of horrrs.---t'. M. Ware, tn Incl Minard's Lniment Cures (large: in Cows 'or rm, and d, usury nlte cept no dc; ity of glepo ear tve uim- to side), who are generally also bad feeders and poor properly.’ Are the stall posts or sides battered or kicked? He may be a kicker (by day or night, spoiling bi, own rest and that of the other homes). Does he tear, or eat his blankets? Is he tied in any special way or simply and as other horses are? u he gentle to approach and to han.. dle-no nipping, kicking, or pulling back on the halter? Does he stand square on both fore feet, or rest one or both alternatdy? Does he back quietly from the ,stoll, picking up each hind leg with. out sudden spasmodic jerking? And when he. turns in the {mummy does he. do so smoothly, or does he flinch tin' from) as if the boards were not even, or his feet hurt him more or less? Are his eycs Mating and C.xprestonletrs. my ears. always. torwardr--indieatiptt defect. Never have a horse brought out. or up, or down, to you, but go to the stall, and investigate for yourself certain de. tails which, once you know them. re- quire no special acumen to decide upon, or to be aware of: For instance, is there (ruin in the manger. and the hour of fouling some time past t He may be a bad feedcr, nervous 'lLlteate---we0 to call the voterinariun's attention to this point. In the straw under his tore. feet unusually trampled or broken? May be on" of that» irritable, nervous "wears ers" (horse. which constantly sway from nine to side), who are generally also bad feeders uml poor property. Are the stall posts or sides battered or kicked? He may be a kicker (by day or night, Apoiliug hi; own rest and that of the other houses). Does he tear, or eati his blankets? Is he tied in any speciuli HOW TO KNOW TRIlt HORSE You Dear Mother The chameleon. moreover, may be fast asleep on one side and wide awake on the other. Cautiously approached at night with a candle so as not to awaken the whole animal at onus, the eye turn. ed toward the light will open, begin to more, and the cones nding side to change color, whereas Jig other side will remain for a longer or shorter time in a torpid, motionless and unchanged state with its eye fast shut. Each half wishes to no its own way and them is no concordance of action. The chameleon, therefore, is the only four-legged vertebrate that is unable to swim; it becomes so frightened when dropped into water that all faculty of concentration is lost and the creature tumbles about as ii in a state of intoxi. ration. When a. chameleon " undisturbed ev- "ry impulse of motion is referred to tho proper tribunal and the whole organism acts in accordance with its decrees. Other In: of the Chameleon Wide Awake at Sun Time. To all nppenrnnces and “cording to to resenmhea of those best capable of form. ue an opinion on the subieet, the ner- vous centres in one lateral half of the "nmeUon go on independently of those on the other, and it has two lateral centres of pereeptitrrt-aensatimt and motion-- besides the common one in which must wide the faulty of concentration. Nob withstanding the strictly symmetrical l strut-two of the chemeleon as to its two i halves, the eyes move independently of l etch other and convey separate impres- f sions to their respective cen‘res of per- eeption. The consequence is ihat when the nuimnl is itated its movements rc. semble those T two animals. or, rather, perhaps, two halves of animals glued to- gether. “Axon Face ol play with me. I got D ' i 1hi1reedv!reArbtirt_rterhusehold, whetheonly reliable M‘NI" We! tltcirpa-itfaiidren. his abnolmcly harmless tad pleasant to the. huiettteeritosurr,oriourreey is returned. The priceis 25e. pet bottle, and alt dealers in medicine sell 12.1 SHILOH Tour lune om: Are . ml are in Fall and Winter weather. Pa will catch cold. Dayan how about S iloh'o Commotion Cure. the LungTonic. and whet it tes dope for.e.tnasty ' . It js at! The News in Rhyme. 3-H“? MAY " Mme. would be but” ”two-A30. I There is food for natural reflection in the statruuent, by a nouspapor represent- ing the Michigan lumber interests that l"to all intents and purposes there is no ,whilc pine here any more." The fact can hardly be ignored that the case pre- sents an example of 1yuliscriminating tar. iif policy. No Intelligent protectionist will deny that. the purpose of a protective tariff is to water and increase the do. linestic production of the staple on which 'thc duty is laid. No man with his eyes open can dispute that the effect of tch Aariff on lumber has been to hasten the idtrstruetion of the white pine forests. !\\’hen forty years of that duty has ond- ed in wiping out what was the most im- portant supply of lumber in this country who reason for contiruing the obstacle 'against drawing on other countries for 'our lumber needs is hard to perceive. Dear Sirs,-We wish to inform you that we consider your Ml NARD'S LING MENT a very superior article, and we use it " a sure relid for sore throat and chest. When I tell you I would not be without it if the prioe was one dollar a bottle. I mean it. Mrs. Skrrppe--What are you always complaining fort You havent anybody to blame for your trouble but yourself. Long-Distance Cottrtahb Bell-They lre the homelicst pair I ever saw. I wonder how they can. ta t '. 'Tal-zu, courted aver the tetqhen. Mr. pncrappi--r .8153} Tr4iici to you. You needn't be throwing that up In H Mind’s Lid-:11 Gre, Com. kc. Fairville, Sept. 30, 1002. Mittard's Liniment 00., Limited: for Dodd’s Kidney Pills?” What will cure Bright} Disease will easily cure any other form oi Kidney Disease. Dodd's Kidney Pills will al- ways cure Bright's Disease. They are the only remedy that will cure Bright's Blank-10. Be sure you get Dodd's. Mt. Brydges, Ont, Jan. 20.--(Speeul.) --Among the many people in this neigh- borhood who tell of the great work Dodd's Kidney Pills are doing, none is more emphatic than that old and re- 91100th oitizon, Mr. Robert Bond. . "r believe 1.owe my life to Dndll’s Kidney Pills," Mr. Bond. says. "My attending physician amid I was in the His Doctor Who Said There Was no Hope for Him, Now Pronounces Him Well -m Tells Bis Own Story. "'To settle a bet,' replied the tramp. 'My partner says you use three cups of Portland cement to one of molaasws, but I claim it's only two and a. half.' " Dodd's Kidney Pills Cured Robt. Bond of Bright's Disease. HE Ill EMPHATIU Ill WHAT HE SAYS -r;iiriiir'iiri'"ioat., cried the farmer's wife. 'Land sakes. man, what do you wq'ththnt (wipe, for '." "'Well,' said the farmer's wife. You: here again t' " Wes, ma'am,' said the tramp respect- fully. 'I want to know, ma’am, if you’ll be kind enough to give me the recipe for that there mince pie what I had hero yesterday! “These tramps were a merry lot. lhey had as many stories to tell as the end man of u. minstrcl Mow. The excellent mince pie that we have just been on?- ing reminds me of u. mince pie episode tuld by one of the wandereri. "He said that a friend of his, one cold day in January, knocked at the kitchen door of a farmhouse. "0nee when I was a reporter," said David Belasco at a holiday dinner, "I spent two days with a gang of tramps in order to get material for an article on tramp life. Why are there two buttons. or even one. on the sleeve of a coat? The writer took ta, census of hi: buttons. and found that Iixty of them were unnv-cessary. He is par- ticularly anxious as to the twa buttons: be- hind on a trock colt. Taking a survey or the whole human family. he lindn that there are 800,000,000 buttons worn, all or them lisp- iela. No one has discovered the necessity for fourteen or sixteen pockets concealed in men's clothes. This is the limit ot super- Illuity. STRONG WORDS BY A NEW YORK SPECrAMST.-"Atter yonrs of testing and comparison I have no hesitation in say- ing that Dr. Agnew”: Cure for the Heart is the quickest, safest, and surest known to medical science I use it in my own prac- tice. It relieves the most acute forms of heart ailment inside ot thirty minutes ant never talla."--.",; I The silk hat is tshooed by this leonoellst. In his inventory of tsuperfluous thing: we Mind the flap that covers the keyhole of the ‘front door, which often sadly interferes with the entrance ot the belated. and per- hap- hibulou. householder. "It In re- deemed from absolute tutility by its power ot occasional annoyance.” He inquires as to the use ot the tassel on the new umbrella. "Nobody in his senses wants a tassel on an umbrella." - - _- ,.~.-, --V... a"... .Lu uulul. u: begin with. that the mulcnt ot 3 clty does not requlrc a witch. He goes so tar as to any that an umbrettn I. not indispenuble. and cites Lord Beacomrtieht, who never car- ried an umbrella, on an illustrious example. "When it rained he took reuse under tho umbrella of the prettiest woman he could see." The silk hat is tshooed by this iconoclast. la At inventory of superfluous thing: we n- - - nut- AL,. ,7 .. . - - A ’Elinunation of the we": Engages 1 Attention of Ctitic. An English writer hne been devoting " attention to the elimination of nnneceneary things. Bud has succeeded in presenting n tentnavn its: ot erticiee which unkind does not need. Like many other propa< gandists of a new cult he goes ta extremes m certain instances, but, on the whole. Petr out I pretty good case. He holds. to -4- -.'. H... AB., --_-- - A - - White Pine About Exhausted, 39mm. 800011834118 sun Beginning of It. A Mince Pie Story. Yours truly: l CHAS. F. TILTON B1otas--BiutpttlCgkim, to he II inventor. “That has he ever invented? £19513 --Oh, a few ancestors, I hnatp. inc. 'When he goes to pay his life insur- ance premium these uays,” remarked the t'ettg,t'g,ut,e,rteir; "the smile of the most co "med optimist u likely to (do to a sickly grin." "Once there was on old country doe. tor who was called in to a patient who was choking with a button. 'Do some- thing quielc' all mind. as he came in at the door. The patient was on the floor, on her hands and know. straining to cough up the button. The doctor had on a big pair of boots. He swung back and gave her one kick, which sent the button flying in one direction and her in tutother."-rmltimore Sun. "The story is told of Dr. L. McLane Tiffany, who was once about to operate on a young person to remove an unnat- ural growth from the nostrils, when the bit of flesh fell into the patient's wind. pipe. Without a moment's delay he cut through and removed the obstructions and made what was a. remarkable opera- tion. "When the simple methods seems to fail no time should be Inst in sending for a physician. or, preferably. a sur- geon. Often lives have been saved at the last moment by the bold use of the knife. There is no time then for anaes- thetics or other preliminaries. The mom- ent the larynx has been cut, and. an air passage opened the patient begins to breathe and regain strength. _ lung!“ loop is been: than at)»: can, but in but vim: and in the Sunlight In}. In, Sunlight leap and follow dirsetitn= "The seriousness of the choking de- pends upon the position of the lungs when the lmlgnwnt. m-mn‘~. If they are. inflated the pressurv which the persons naturally exerts is likely to move the obstruetion. hut tho serious cases where the lungs happen to he deflaivd, and the efforts at r-uughing carry the object farther down tlte windpipe. "With 'a child in a svrious condition of this kind the bcsat thing to do is to lift it, up bodily lry the feet, with the head hanging downward, and give a few "When a person chokes at the table or elsewhere," said Dr. J. S. Fulton, sec- rotary of the State Board of Health, "he should promptly stand up, as attempts to cough up the obstruction while sit- ting are liable to cause it to sink fur- tccr down the windpipe. When a person chokes, however siight- 1y, they say, haste must; be taken to dislodge the obstruction, but care should be exercised in the methods. Doctors Say Time Lost May Mean Fatal Termination. From the vase of Mrs. Jennie Arm- strong, who died from strangulation Sat- urday afternoon at IP2t North Charles street, where she was boarding, physi- cians say that all persons may well take a lesson. Lord Rosebery. (Chicago Chronicle.) There may be two opinions about Lord Rosebery's character as a politician, but there can only be one as to his occasional ap- pearance in the capacity or a man of let- ters. In the domain of history and litera- ture he touches nothing which he does not adorn and his range is n wide one-from the imperial captive of St. Helena to the inspired exciseman at Dumfries. His address at Dumiriea some years ago on Burns was one of the finest things of the kind to which Scotsman had ever been treated. Millard s Limmmt Cures Diphtheria. .-daB. Smith, dnlrymnn. of Grimsby, Ont., writes: "My limbs were almost useless from sciatica and rheumatism. and, not- withstanding my esteem for physlclana. I mast give the credit where it belongs. I am a cured man to-tlay, and South Ameri- can Ilheumatlc'Cure must have all the credit. It's a mttrvel"--lH. Summer Colony of Doctors. For the purpose of forming a colony of medical men n syndicate of twenty- five Manhattan and Brooklyn physieians, of which Dr. Ilonry Kano. of Brooklyn, is a prominan mulnber. has purchased a tract of 7.000 acres of land near Yap- hank, Suffolk county. Plans for its dc- velopment include the erection of a Ito. tel, a railroad station and many eat. tages. The tract is a part of the Wil- liam Sidney Smith (Mate. known as Longwood. It is in the central section tages. The tract is a part of the Wil. linm Sidney Smith ouate, known as Longwood. It is in the contrul section of Long Island, part of it heavily cover- ed with timber. The cost of the land is more than $100,000. SCIATICA PUT HIM 0N CRYJTCHES. When the Smile Comes Off. T0 RELIEVE CHOKINGA “VA” will 55.000 be paid to any person who prove. that Sunlight Soap contains any injurious chemicals or any form of “ulceration. As Sunlight Soap contains no injurious chemicals and is perfectly pure, the most delicate fabrics and dainty silks and laces may be washed without the slightest injury. If you use Sunlight Soap in the Sunlight way (follow directions) you need not boil nor rub your clothes, and yet you will get better results than with boiling and hard rubbing in the oldfashioned way. is equally good with hard or soft water, WU ARCHIVES TORONTO wwwv be paid to my person who prove. that Sunligln Spap contain any injurious ohmic-ls or any form of adutteratioa, l Many}. man hi; Treeoitie" great m Het, but he sum-vs wakes up in the Blaine“ Gospel. Loyalty and a. harmonious worn“ to- gether of its several parts are use“ of such paramount importance to than” lxouse that no max-chant mu .‘di. db- regard their reaching a full growt you’ll bring your sweeeheartGrGiiiii ii the parsonage Bom? Ivening." Wag She "Saving Her Face"? Ile (eautiototsly)--Wouht you say "Yes" if I asketl yo? t.o may?! met - She (also etuttidystv)--wouh1 JG uh me to marry me if you thought I'd say "Yest" Tho firo bell clat1god about It o'clock on Wednesday foreman. and there wan unusual commotion and excitement. The high wind made it n lllluilty dangerous time tor a fire to break out and everybody was seared. For some ronson there wasn't a dray on the public square. and the result was the fire- boys had to pull the cart themselves. Br the time they got around to the west side at the square their tongues were hanging oyt ot their mouths, and Deputy Sheriff Wal- ters, who was on horseback grabbed the rope and pulled the cart after him Ono of Tom Carleton's cab teams new Frightened at the Pandemonium and dashed off down the street from the Pickwick at a furious gallop. Bert Castle overtook him on his racer an: brought them hack. Let's see where we no " anyway. Oh, yes. the tire, why it was a pantul ot grease got “in down at Tom Snorgratrs'. Burnt all of the grease up. but Tom says he's willing to give this much toward making the at] town lively. "I can't tie-a bowknot," replied he; "but 1.etyn tie a first-clans beauknot if , But m Couldn’t Warrant It. (Houston Post.) "I wish youll tie my eravat for me," sail the young man to the dominio. Once upon a time a man married a woman who had inusritrit [SIM [mm a grandfather. This was all she ever re- ceiwd, but the man newr mt null' for u.- that, of. his life. He builf a new store. "Did it with his wife's monoy," the neighbors said. The home was made over and enlarged. "His wiieU money did it," was the only comment. The little manly $500 she had inherited was given the credit for everything he did during lilo, and when he died and bis widow put up a monument with his life insurance. “Her money paid for that," was said again. But this is what her money really went for: During her engagement she bought herself a 8350 piano and a $1.30 diamond Ting and in a few weeks lost, the ring. and there was always some regret that she didn't also lose. the piano. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup Ihould nlwnys be used for Children Teething. " soothes um child, soothe: the gums. cur" whim! colic and is the best remedy for Dinr r on: fer as cents. Sample tor 4 cents. Address, BROWN MPG. CO. A FRETTV PILL-OW PICTURE POST CARDS, ENGLISH on Scotch, 6 tor 15 cents. Dominion Sup- ply House, King trtreet, Hamilton, Ont. " for toe; no tor 500: 100, tl', too, 82: MB. 85; .11 different. Largest attr" finest. no“ In Cattadtc, mo mind. to; album. All prices. W. R. Adams. Toronto. Ont. YOUR FORTUNE TOLD FROM THE cradle to the grave; matters ot bush new. lovo'and marriage made clear. What I tell comes truo. Send birth date and IN. Prof. Lavas, box 16, Ste. Cunegonde P. 0., Montreal, Que. T ELEGRAPII OPERATORS ARE IN DE- mand by New Grand Trunk Pacific Company and other Canadian lines. Wo are exceptionally well prrpured to train young men tor railroad operating and to supply oompot~ut graduates. Address Contnl Tel- egraph School, 3 Gerrard street east, To- ronto. W. H. Shaw, president. w ANTED, COMPETENT GORDON press feeders; wages $7 to 810, IP- cordlng to qualineauons. llobt. Duncan Co., Hamilton. AGENTS. WE ARE PAYING LARGEST commlslons ot any company doing in honest business; we manulacturo the bish- osl grade of t'1avoring powders in America: you can make from tie to six dollars a dar, Apply to us for particulars, Ivan“ Manufacturing Co., Hamilton. Ont, WANTED. RELIABLE MAN IN EVERY county, with a rig, to introduce and sell our goods. Permanent employment to Koold man. No fake. Addruss Box 95'2, Monb rea . Minn-31:1! wanted all om Canada as tttrents for Yestern Canada land. All se- lwted lauds. Liberal commission. Address "FARM LANDS FARMERS WANTED AS LAND AGENTS Souvenir Post Cards Lever Brothel-u Limited, Toronto "With His Wife's Money." (Atchison, Kan.. til, a'.' AGENTS WANTED. The Fire Fiend at Work. MISCELLANEOUS. silks. sample block and instruc- tions tor making blocks and particular: HAMILTON. ONT, The "PURITAN MAID" In the lat.. est and richest idea in silk patch- work. All tho col- ors ot the rain- bow nicely blend- ed. We new silks. sample Winnipeg, Man :er :.v.dl' for its. Ile bum th his wife's a]. The home "I. "His wiie's My comment. had inhemted {:4 wit: [as li, QN, fiiri, fifiijili" fi0)s:)il ('s'Siliaf-li. qt 1-“jx _ "r. l, ' L7t" .. {3x1 -' 'iiit'c:'.i")i,':i, follow directions) l "t, Cs _iityt.i m: "Nine Tailor.- Make a Man.” In connection with the recent; tliurat_ sion upon the origin of this saying, tho Rev. D. P. Me1merson writes in thuLiv- erpool Courier to the effort that the phrase is a. corruption of "Nine tellers mark " man," which is used in deserilr "IL: "Then it will intercut you to know, sir," said the savage. "that I once served you; graryifa_thy,, Hug first K. Hooker." “Indeed? And in what way?" tl sionary said. "Broiled," the other answered nine ominously. nu undou- remedy. In a mum. an ei,. an (and. (bu-u. Writ. circular and tree 11mm: 13.8. worm. Sign”, ' "Jaekson," he said, with a vigorous K,i','f'dr"' of the hand. 'Sttrcly 'not K. ooker Jackson 11Lt" "Yes," said the young man, beaming. "Yes The same. ' Hi: Gluttly Jest. The elderly cannibal greeted the new missionary warmly, says the Chicago Ghroniele. Minlrd’s Limmcnt Cures Distemper. There is a controversy in England between the doctors Incl the optlcinns, who have been increasing their scientific equipment and prescribing at a much lower price than the oculists. while general practitioners as I rule know little about optics and the prescription of glasses. It is a curious thing that there has been no organized crusade by the pro- fession against allowing the public to select its own spectacles trom the exposed stock, as has been the practice ever since glasses came into use in the seventeenth century. though this is obviously more injurious. But now that the Opticians have undertaken tn prescribe the doctors want that forbidden by act of parliament, lcaving the public free an before to choose their own speetnrles. The opticllns have prepared il counter bill pro- vlding for opticiann' diplomas to be awn-ted by a central council ot the whole trade. I Chicken fighting is a. universal passion among the Filipinos and home of the 'eoc'k pits here will seat 2,00 spectators. "The great day for cock fighting is Sun- day. The fighting begins immediately after early moss and continues all day. A great number of fights are. pulled otf in each cock pit every Sunday. as a. fight will Inst, only a few minutes. The roost. ers are fitted with murderous steel gait: and when one of the combatants gets in a good stroke. that contest is over; one of the roosters is dead. Then two fresh rosters are placed in the pit, and this continues all day. Spectators pay it small admission charge and remain as long as they choose. The Americans tried to break up cock fighting, but the natives wouldnt stand for it, and there was so much indignation that it is now tolerated. I drove through one section of the poorer quarter at about 5.30 p.m.. when the men were at homo. and it seem. ed to me that in front of every house I saw a nun or boy fondling a game roost- ex Th, M, Wash Basin tt " M FIBRE WARE ARTICLES FARMERS AND DAIRYMEN the telling or telling of a. funeral Orange Blossoms INQIST ON HEINO SUPPLIED THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE Guarding the Public Eyesight. Cock Fighting in Manila. by “we rm} whom you buy Sunlight Soap if you find my cause for complaint. Your money refunded mu WILL E. B. EDDYS .3 ”Mme.” mic-MI... FIND THEY GIVE YOU SATISFACT-ON EVIHY TIME the mis co WITH -DY'S EVERY THE New Dormstie---Yis, mum, I phyl; but I’ll have to charge ye: half new“ week mxtry if I'm to turuistt mud: for the ftunily.---Lmdott Tit-Bits. The two most ix‘thrtnnt stage. of woman's life Ire before she is married and after. The Bunk. Housewife (to new domestiN-There in one thing I wish to say to you. The In: girl had tt habit of coming into the Per- KIDNEY CRY.--pain in the bank in the cry of the kidneys tor help. To Meet the call is to deliver the body over to n discus cruel, ruthless, and tlmutr me Willis. South American Kidney Caro in power akin to miraculous in helping the and: lil- neyl out ot the mire ot disease. It relieves in six ttttttr..--". Mr and playing the pint?) My. tot! my" play try: plum do you?" I ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT Those wren egg been that Spec lind- dleeton left It our olfice Int. hatur. day we about the beat we ever threw our lips over. We know a good thing when we taste it and if we had 1,000 barrels of those speckled buns we would Just be fool enough to try and cut them all and "bust" wide open. Wouldn't that be awful.' My, my, but they were gooL --auxvnstse, Mo., Review. M W it If" to In” Identifica- del than boy. The ”limb“! of tho humnn hodv though noel dwelt on by writers "a poets, in methilu which, according to a doctor, does not exist. This doctor. in discussing some phases of the New Enghnd “suit one murder" the other evening, said the entire lack of real symmetry. in the various opposite pun of the body is quite suffiecnt for purpor es of identification, provided the diuer. mcea have been observed. It in this fact. indeed, on which the Bertillon system in ptrrtly based. The right eye, for in- stance, is aImOst “ways higher than tin- left, but the difference is greater or hum for each individual. Nails on diffrent. fingers always grow with different dr Iii'i'ii of rapidity and in about fift.s four cases out of n. hundred the left leg [is shorter than the other. These voria. Itions hold good for every part of the 1 body and the doctor's suggestion in that, ' a record of than for each and trvery citi. F.en, whether criminal or not, would al- ways make identification may. 1'me how much - and suffering would be spared! " you have my nerve dual-den you needn't lune: a mlutelong- er. A thousand testimonial- to prove lt.-:6. vine the thou-nu of people who rush to so worthy o remedy " South Amos-Scan Nor- If your mother'. mother was my mother'" alster'l not. what relation would your trmsnt-arotd-uther'ts uncle's nephew be to my older brother’- that cousin's Ion-UNIV? Answer: As your mother's mother is to my elder brother's comin'o sou-m-luv. no is my mother's sister’s tun! to you Ereat- ttrtutdtnttter's uncle! nephew. 1mm your mother's mother by my elder Mother‘s first coulln's comm-law, and mumpk my moth- or's ulster’a aunt by your great-grand, ruthen’ uncle's nephew. end either add or sutttrttet-qre forget wttich--aud you will have the -er--ttt the twins. Removal nil hid, loft or eaiiouaed lumps and blemilhel from horses, “blood apnvin, eurtn, splints, ringbone, uveemy Aiflets, sprains, Ion lad swollen throgt' coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one hot: tle. Warranted the most wonderful BU. mish Cure ever known. "ONE FOOT IN THE GRAVE? Ht as a last resort would get it u nun-at A Puzzler of the Sixties. Treat for the Editor. BODY Hum-rue“, tor l [mm :1 PARIS Th fro.' them, ind t'ltt'y mu; against the people. "M with swank! (In. of Winn the etnrrd, Ila I) Iicemm 4 "abhor I During and» l the Trouble (ans Chamber ty it Riot Over Govcmn {he (01 Polite Had to Stan Clear th “ion I efiantly “I Ontario P Father a FARE Ill of the millhl g the urn had thcir ri nd they long. the people. gland“: It. - so 'd an WI Mt Chu Mei Cook

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