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Durham Review (1897), 8 Feb 1906, p. 5

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(Ion NT. if?! LITY timer Ila” ll. l) " 2,; it) it? h , I . , . . tr , . Fri/1hr.» Visit gnu-s you a chance to ('v-IInIu‘. I :14, ‘lhvn-nywnll nlumt yuur hair and to choose from the stock 'd y tit Gotuis, witich he mrrh-s with him- just whut. FM! require. I “A, Unrenwvml run be (it pended upon lo sell you only first quality Hau, Goods h" " x 'iii Baldness I h' u . ' Milt " I as all men know, disfigures c", and adds an agent expression, LN, K 'rl, / to the tace. Why remain bald . Eiit ‘ LH l D 'SCC" yt,'"' Ifmf. rey.ynivtt"yte fit 'iI1g k l. > you with " Wig nr luupee. . tte »\\ it S, which will hide all “11098 of ”mam." unl‘ ink» the nlace of "wrt hair. hot-tors ret-mnnwnd these Toupees as a preventative for colds m head, mun-uh and neuraigia. me. Dorenuiend will tit you on the spot and show you just how you look afterwards. P , , D' . Tou will never have a better op- LADILS' . LEAD [HIS portunity lo use for onrself the beautiful mmrvnwut ot Switches. Bangi, Pmnpadnurs. “faves, Wigs. PIC. which Prnfessm- Doronwvnd carries with him. Remember date aha iikt forget “Teal! early at hotel and see him. FEBRUARY 8 §N.,G d; J. McKechnie'ig aii-sFs.ygiepssiiisrrisireii6e)sti%lF aiysaaiieiEeriE2-spt?, The DORENWEND CO. ills) Gr & J. MoKechnie Professor Dorenwend Christ mas Our Groceries . . . In Crockery . . . Iristmas and New Year's having once more passed around, we have commenced the season of 1906 with a fuller and more complete "me of Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, etc, . than ever _before. THE To reduce the stock. " present too large,prices are being made very low. and those in want of Furniture will do well to cull early when choice is good. The Durham Furniture Co., Limited. beg to announce that they have purchased the stocks and goodwill of Messrs. Lenahan and Kress and will conduct under mnmy :zdvamages to consum- era. a Furniture busimss in Kress' old sandman the Post Oltiea, Announcement DURHAM FURNITURE co. (The popular Cash "Store.) A Move in Furniture The Popular Cash Store. lit? and 105 Yonge St., Toronto. Yours for business America's greatest Hair Goods Artist is COMING TO THE Middauzh House Friday, Feb. as all men know, disflgures and adds an aged exprwsiun to the tace. Why remain bald when Prof. Durenwend can fit you with a Wig or Toupee. which will hide all “woes of Baldness and take the place of of Toronto, Limited Limited The following reports were preconte'i ; Finance. be Mr J. W. Front ; County Property, by Mr Pnterot; Education. by Mr _ Bell ; Special Committee re Or- chard Bridge, by Mr Slime. Report No 2 of Finance." unsealed hy Mr Frotst.rmommtsoded non payment of Wm Young's account of " 20 and Henry Hilts account of 812.19 for tuking pm. ients to the home of refuge av the orm. mi tee did not. doc-m cnunml liable for 0 mt of lrnnafersnce of patients to the home of refuge; that permission be given to tho petitioners for the incurporntion of the village of Shallow Lake of the scheme so desire; mat application of the county clerk for increase of salarv be granted, and the snlzu y be increased from 8600 L0 $700. Report was adopted. A letter was read by the clerk from we warden, modifying the Council of a dam- aged bridge on the townhne of Sydpnham and SI: Vincent, and the matter was re. ferred to the road and bridge committee. Council went into committee and spent some time in discussing a chill) for dam- ages to Mr Hoeflin't: threuhm: outiit through the collapse of a. bridge nver the Saugevn river near Orchnrdvillo. Mr I’nuglu was in the chair and it wmx agreed to pay danmgsq to the theut nf 8250. as recrmmendwi hy the speciul committpu consisting of Means Shuts, Bell and Me Carmel. The original claim of damages was lor Mlrr. Mr Jas MeLauehlan addressed the council in behalf of a generous grunt to the general and marine hospital. Report of printing presented by Mr M c- Caunel. um] Special Committee presented by Mr McColumu. were carried without drsettgston. By the report of Education Committee, presented by Mr Bell, the reports of In- spoctors il. H. Burgess of Went Grev ; ti Huff. of Eann Grey rand N W Camp. bell, of South Grey ware oadered to he printed in the minute». The application of Uwen Sound Collegiate Immune tor 31,973.59 as extra maiumuance was grum- ed: also of Collingwood Collegiate In. sulate for 9248 42 ; Meniord High school for 8878 27 ; Durham Public Schoul'n ap- plication for a special grant in aid of con- tinuation work was laid over until next scan“!!! and the clerk was instructed to obtain information as no work done and attendance and can. of maintenance. Mr Bell, chairman of the committee. was ap- pointed delegate to the next meeting of tho Provincial Trustees Association mt Toronto in April. This report. was con- sidered in committee with Mr McArthnr in the chair. before being adopted. A report at M: Allen, chairman of the home of refuge committee of 1905 was adopted. . M, Harness wan present andhnnded In his report of the house of retuge up to the and of December last. The other reports presented were a- dopted am: council adjourn ed until Fri, day morning. The county treasurer was ins'rnrtml to my the various school sections In the county entitled to receive the aamean amount equal to the covarnment grant to said svhonk for continuation elassea. p ‘rt of Dr Bio, pltvsitfan of the houaa of "Hugo. naugesting that a name should be emplovedpermanently in tho house of refnste ; letter from Crown Attorney Armstrong. gn romance to supplvmg htusdeatb to countv eonatnhles. Ippllm- tion from Mr Harness manager ol the house of "fawn, for increase at salary. The road and bridge committees was incructed to take steps to pmvent. an ac- ciduut utllve ridge on towujun between Artemesin an! ulvnelg half a mile north at Prieevillo by making the repairs no ces- saw. By report of Finance Committee at thi,, mount) the sum of 5200 was cmiered to be appropriated and passed to the credit of the Merchants Bark stationery nccuunt in compliance with the county treasurvr's letter. The letter from the Canadian Association for prevention of tuberculosis asking that u delegate be sent to attend it. meelinu at Ottawa on 28th March was ordered to he filed, also the letter from National Sanitorium Aro Bucintion asking for a gram. The apoli- cation of MeUord Poultry gmocialion inking for " grant was laid over for fur- ther consideration at June seal-non. 810 was granted to the Prisoners Aid Assoc- iaiiou ol Canada. An account from Sn - livun Townphip for refund of expenses connected with removal of a lunatic to Hnmllton Asylum was not ente' tamed on the ground that said lunatic was not; in indignant circumstances. The applicat- ion of WJ Winter clerk of Chatswurth. to have anew bylaw guaranteeing certain d:beuturea and interest thereon ot the village of Chatsworth. passed at this BBHRIOII was granted. Council adjourned until 8 p. m. At the evening session on Friday. re- ports were [mesented from Finance. Print- ing. House of Betuge and Special Com- mittee on Treasurer's aunties. At the Thundnv evening meeting the 'follnwing Ilucnmoutn were rend nmong otlvu: Report of N. W. Campbell. pub- lic "thnol inspector tor South Guy; ne- The report of House M Refuge was con. eidered in committee with Mr McCsnnol in the chsir sud discussed a some length but wss adopted without smsndmsm. Mr f w Frost presented report of Fin. ance committee, as follows ; Your com- mittee have had under consideration the Application of Mr Thos Harness, superin- tendent of the house of refuge, asking for an increaue of balmy to $800 per enuum. The ealarv of Mr Harness heretofore has been 9300 and that of his Wife! in matron 9200. with table mpplie- luruiuhed. Your committee recommend an increase of Mo per annum to each. commencing on let February next. Also that the county clerk's account for postage etc., amounting to 811.16 be paid. This re- port WM adopted. By the report the House of Hefn 'tt Committee presented by Mr Preston, the bill of Minniss Bros,. of Markdnle. tor in. stalling " lights and furnishing electric current to the house of reluge up till Dee. 81st, amounting to $332.01 Was passed. Dr .Ego’s retroaummdatiou that a. nurse be emploved permanently in the house of refuge Ins not acted upon. County Council itw.1 and see us: yonwill and as rudy to do busine- on pmele term to you Tho following bylaws ware introduced ; No 686, to appoint. a txustee for the Owen Sound Collegiate Imstitute; 687 to ap- point county auditors; 688 to appoint judicial Board A Audit; 689 to am and bylaw M9 increasing the salarv of the county clerk; ooo to guarnntee certain debentures of tile Village of Cbntnwonh. These bylaws were read a second time, and laid over until the last meeting. REPORT OF S S No 3 BENTINCK. Clan 5--Eddie Vickvrs. Class 4-Roh- hie Lindsav, Bessie Park. Mnggie Derby Charlie Reav John Corbett, Wilfred Livingstm.. Roy Vickers, Glam: '3 Si-. Stanley Livingston. James Couttn. Ger- tie Corbett. Nathan Grierson. James Park, Sal-uh “my. Class 3 Jr-Ken- math Purk. Ruhy Alexander, Blunt-he Wise. Class 2 sv.-- Evelyn (Jonas, George Rwy. Dough: Donnelly, Allan Wise, Lina Tux-ry, Annie Lawrence. Agnes McLean. ClassdJr. --Lily Tory, Mary Adlnm. George Adlrun. Part, 2-. Amherzine Builev. John Derby, Nor- mun Mekonnld. Evelyn McLean, Edgar Lawrence. Class 1 t4ts--BriRhttttt Liv- ingsmn. Ceeil Rwy, FTeddie Corhert, Eddie Lindsay. Clans 1 Jr,--ftex Law- rence. Edna Romy, Maggie McDonald. Average attendnnco:_3()_. By the statement of Mnnnger Harness of the house of refuge. presented to the county council, is shown the work which has been done during the past year. The total number of insulates ad- mitted was 20, of whom IO were males and 10 females. of this number 3 were male" who wete readmitted. 12 deaths occurred during the year. 7 males and 5 fenmles. On January brt, 1900, there were In the house of refuge 22 men and ll women. a total of 3%. Of this num- her 31 are chargeable on the county. there being one male and one female, par inmates, There is one married couple in the institution. The avetage age ofinmates TI years. the oldest in- ttmte is89 years and the. youngest 40. The religious denominations ore thus represented: Church of England 10, Presbyterian 8, Methodist 9. Baptist, 4 Diciple l, . Roman Catholic 1. One man and woman are atf1cted with lo- romotor ataxia, one mam and one wo- man are blind, several of both sexes through age and infh'mity are totally incapacitated from labor of any kind, and five are ttLie to do light work. There is on the farm a span of working horses, 5 nttleh cows. 2 calves, 10 young pigs and about 40 hens. The House of Refuge Statistics. 1 WW”. The Cutters are of the Brock- ville make. best of theix. kind, and a a price that meansasaving The Sleighs are the well-known Bain make, in great variety, at prices that are right "--- All thelatplementts of this famonstirm‘s make are kept on hand, Just now we want tO talk to yo: about CUTTEBS and SLEIGHS mm: nnRHAM REVIEW gtsstrllarris Agency Next Door to Post Office. not. only stimulates, hut it nour- ishes. Every dose ntrengthens and hllildo tissue, mpidlv re- placing that which was wasted dutmg the illnosn. Ito etfeetts permanent. lt. in pleunnt to take and you‘ll like it.' We warrant it to give quick and sat- iwfttctnry results. For quick recovery of nat- ural strength and vigor after severe onlds, nrippe or other de- bilitating winter allnwmt. a good "mic is needed A simple stimulant. may have a tem.. pomry etfert and mRIF you feel stronger at ftrmt, but our A tired. sleepy. " hendnchey " feeling isa symplnn of om over- mxml, HIlIRgmh liver. When the liver lags take Ihey will lend the necessary aid and make vou feel like new. Pleasant to take and mild in action, they make the most pet" fret laxative and liver "'gubuor that can he found. Prim 25c. The hverN work is greatly increased during the wintel mouths hv heavier fonds being eaten. More Federrttry balms also seem to have an effect on this urgun that muse-a it In lag. MacFarlane & Co. DRUGGISI‘S and Book-sellers, CARR’S LAXATIVE CURE When the Liver lags John McQueen When Colds Debilitate PRICE so CENTS. TONIC ELIXIR prepared by G. MCLEUD, Teacher. -_- TORONTO Tett &ippers af'i(lll()liillf 2l"iultteh, A. W. W atson Watson'" Bread-Then rs First-Class Manitoba Flour For Sale Buns a: l Biscuits in great variety All kinos ofCakes made to order WEDDING CAKES our specialty Wine! and Women 's thutdren 's, tu, Remainder of tight paper, protea it from (lPrepared by machinery from plantation tocup. The tombsdtmemodnru tobe"iusosgood"isthrt desire ot'somedealersfhr Neversuldinbarmsriit beverage of good health. Grown on the survkissed mountains of Ceylon, it Users of Grand Mogul mellow} flavor of purity. Grand qstsigoSv't_Slte- pcnd. Lotti-rhu‘- itasarutireere-rove" 111Lt1lertlcfetchttgrs Ogllvne’s Royal Hounehold,. .. .. per lmrwl . . 35.25 We have more new ranges in. All makes, styles and prices. Call and inspect these. We have one to suit you. Also other high-grade Manitoba, Flnurs, per barrel . .. . . . . . .85.40 a? fJaeet's T U D H 0 P E 'CARRIAGES Barclay & Bell ... ASUSUAL... Seem to be all the go. They are handsome and as everybodv knows, they are the most dur- able rig on the market. Call and examine them. WAREROOMS opposite Middaugh Ho. Stables. RANGES Pure Tea Tea for 2% JOHN CLARK) auu.. Apply to l My. am. 00.. w. tttith mm". It. '0. one. Brtd Residence Cor. m. and Get Bt., n foot of Hill. Old Moodie Coma. J. G. HUTTON. M. D, C M Barristers, Solicitors. Conveyance” ac. Money to Loan. Jompuny 1nd print. Fund- to Ln.- .0- Kortgugn at low.“ "to! of “are“. \‘nluahou matte ‘W I competent And careful Valium! A. G. MloKay K.C.I W. F Dunn Barrister. Solicitor in Supreme Court Notary Public, Commissioner, he. a, Gndum of mmew You and Ctt' no. Dilmeu of Rye, Bar, None. and Thin“ I"!!! be n Knapp Home, Durham, than. 85mm» In each month. Hon n. 1- 6| t m.- 0mee--LOWER TOWN. DURH‘I. Lute ”mun: to Metortuldt (London, Fattt) nnd to Kmpp'n (Sew York) Eye Hoopluhn. HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University. grsduMe of Royal “allege of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Room. Oven J & J HUNTER'N New More omee, " Fro“ SI. - - - - Owon Sou Will be u the Hiddnu'h House, Durham. the am “other!” of out: month iron 10... m. till 6 p. I. W. C, PICKERING o. o s., L. o. S. cq%ttttiots and Agency promptly “bonded Wills, Decal. Mona-gel. Lou... Lab-menu he. correctly propcrod. Run.- of doom“ " Pr. mm looked that and Exocutor'l and Adlai-Ia ”storm Accountl prop-mod and pun-d Bunny-t0 Cqun Saline". Pronto of Will-Jack.“- of Ad ministration and Guudmuuhip Obtained. - chm- and. in may 015.. und Title: reported Ten;- madame. menu tor uh. " to (um. Ac., man be nude " the Ravi": or tice, Durhun. I: -ciFiGiayie-umttf, there, or to Ceylon P.0.. will be pronpm' nmdod to, Tenn- ou 3|)le to D. IcPHML. Ceylon P. o. or to C. IAIAGE. Durban Licensed. Auctioneer fo the County of Grey. Licensed Auctioneer for an 00. of Guy. an. argl'. be no xh. human le,". ryg-n. flthlhlrhtt,lllu, on: mm Ply-roux A Sun-or. Office our J. At0. Hunter's Store ------- I ”010‘... Otttce-Calder'. Bloch? (war Post Oftiee F-tt B. n BOKOR GRADI‘A'JE Toronto t'nivert ' md unle Moral College Deutal Surgeu Gout Dentistry in all its bunches. Insurance Agent. Money to Loan Issuer of Mnringe licenses. A gen eral tiuantGi buuineu transacted Fon_ tur=--XtrP-re" old PP", All Charge- Moderate lumber an... PEEP and “neon. ARTHUR GUN. M. D., Auctioneers. it Sperm attention (in. to DIM d Women and Children. BARRISTI’R, SUICITOR, uoarnv value couvnraucun. ac. ARTHUR B. JACKSON, mee, McIntyre Block, our the Bank ttIce, over Gordon‘s Jewelry Store. Eye. Ear, Nose & Throat MEDIC. J..F. GRANT. D. D.S, L. D. S. Tolopbono Connoctlon No. " Licensed Auctioneer for Co. Grey G. LEFROY McCAUL. DURHAM, Notary Public. Commissioner, MACKAY d; DUNN, HOI‘RS In SENT J. P. TELFORD (nylon hu . ulcpbono one: CON V EYANCER. Ike. DIIL BROWN. l :PHAIL.’ DR. BURT M may to Loan. orricn MOUW, ONT. (Lower Town) C. r., loud“. lulu- Owon Sound al f.

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