West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 8 Feb 1906, p. 8

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CLEARING SALE OF DR Y GOODS Yti11ttttt/1 WWWWW; MnDp RAD“ AINC For thttsefonCrftlr, of our a; WINTER FOOTWEAR SNAPS THE-PEOPL ES s-roms) J. S. MCILRAITH Just 3 Ladies' Fur Coats left. A bargain for the early pur- chaser. Also a few Men's Fur Coats to be cleared. an"; i Fowl. Butter, Eggs and all Farm Produce taken at Highest Prices, Cash or Trade. F URS ROBERT BURNETT , We have some sizes In a few lines of Oxfords and Scrap Slippers which we are cleaning out at prices that will save money for the lucky purchasers. Spring goods are beginning to come in and we are crowded trom top to bottom and we need the room for the new arrivals. We will be pleased if you will lend a helping hand in making room. Anything we haveleit in winter lines are down in price. Call early and get a share of the good things. MORE BARGAINS A FEW HOSIERY SPECIALS 25 doa pr SOCKS, this week only . . . . . . .3 pairs for 250 An At line of Women 's ALL WOOL HOSE, all sizes. 'tao Is now on in full swing at the People’s Store and consists of Flannellettes, Cottons, Shirtings, Cot. tonades, Flannels, Ginghams, Prints, Tweeds, Remnants of all kinds. Custom work and repairing as usual. 8 prs all-wool blankets. were $4 per pr. now a. 50 A few pair. of White and Grey Flatinellrtte Blankets t o u, " uize, clear per pr . o SOME BARGAINS IN BLANKETS We're clearing out these lines, all genuine bargains, to secure 5 ce for the display of NEW SEEING GOODS, which are daily arriving. GREAT The Down Town SHOES Spring Shoes are already com- ing in. All new styles, siz- es, and prices. Call in early and secure just what you want. Shoe Store M A very successful meeting of the Farmers! Association was held on Fr" day evening, Jan 26th in the Trarney Iznool hone. u an: onnoed. The fol low- lng are the names of those who joined, which is tst1ffieient guarantee for the a- mount of common sense they possess Robert Petty, Wm. Gram, Alt MeCa be. John Kerr, Wm Morrison. Con Krellar. Wm Lauder. The meeting was very epirlted and among other bu-iness transacted at re- solution to this 'siteet was moved, Bee. oned, and unanimously adopted; that this asaueiation mpphatiealls denoun- ces the gigantic “steel” of the peo- ple's money br the representatives ot both Reformers and Conservatives and call upon Mr ll. H. Miller, S. Grey's representative to support any and every measure brought forward " the repealing of the same. A copy of the resolution was sent. arrangements were made to have Mr McErving Prety ident ot the Central Asttoeiation with as some time in Feb., providing he can come, of which lurther norico will be given. In the event ot him not be- ing able to be present the next meet- ing will be held on Friday night Feb. 23rd in the same school. Subject co- operation. -- -. -. - - -- _ "Mrs Alex McIlvride left Thursday for her Western home, going round by Mt Clemens where she will take a- nother course in the baths tor her trouble, rheumatism. A letter which she received lately trom home, contain- ing the sad news ortt ptinlul accident which befell their third eldest sun Har- old in having two of his lingers cut off by an older brother, while engaged in splitting wood. Very sorry to learn of poor Harold‘s mishap. Bert Watson delivered 4 hogs at Holstein station tor 'shipment last wee k 5 months and 3 weeks old which aver- aged 434 lbs each. Mr David Leith is the proud possessor ot the sire ot these hogs which were pure bred Yorke. Mr Wm Grant narrowly escaped los- ing a valuable horse last week while engaged drenching him by the dose getting on his lungs. Through the skilltul management of Dr Seim. of Holstein, he is going ar pull through all right. . -4 - A message was received here last week from Hamilton of the death of the Rev Mr Allewn. a former minister of the Hopeville church. Mr Alleson was: young man well liked, while here . good preacher, friendly and took well with all classes cf page. lm widow mother and other role no live in Homilton. He won only shout Wyatt-sol we. heart trouble being the 1ttMtMt of hit Moth. . qrtrvi_1tat- tokcu by amino instinct, when Mt Willing M on of and! collect-u and The cor. to the Dundalk Herald has been chumming with the Longtcllow so much lately that he thinks he can write poetry bat I think Longtellow will have his hands tall as I am of the oginion that he is like the little boy t " the teacher asked to define space. He said. " I can't, but I have, it in my head. " Congratulations to Mr and Mrs George Marshall in the arrival otu. little daughter to keep them awake at night. -7, On Friday evening last the ladies' aid ot the Salem Methodist church held a sociable evening in the church, the evening being Spent in recitations readings, instrumental music and songs. Mr Joseph Me Nelly was there with his grsmophona which amused the audience very mach. It is hinted that the proceeds were tor to buy a chair and lantern tor A certain young gentleman so that he could see who went home with the young ladies. Mr John Chislett intends gomg Wt. at with the rest of the boys next month. We are sorry to chronicle a very sad accident that happened to Mr Thos Scott on Tuesday night white he, was moving from his larm on th '. 19th concession out to his lather's in Gler- elg. He was going down a. lull and the planks on the wagon slipped for.. ward and struck the horses causing them to run away. Thev ran up main street ot the park leaving the hind wheels below the school house and M r Scott got caught in the hounds of the wagon trailing him up the grade to near Patterson‘s store where he got loose. He lav there for some time unconscious. He came to and crawled up to the store where he fainted egain. Mr Patterson happen- ed to waken up and heard him groan and got up to investigate and found him lying there unconscious. He moved him into the house and warned the neighbors and they telephoned tor Dr McWilliams, otlDundalk. The Dr advised them to move him to Dnndalk the next morning n here he could give him every care and according to lat- est reports he was in a fair way to recoverv but we think it would be ad- visable for him to move in dnvlight next time when he can watch the planks; _ _ -. . Qniteanumber took in a party at Mr Renwick's at. Brownsville on Thursday night and report a good time. We hear that there is some person or persons who take down the reeeiw cars on the telephone when people are talking and thev have very unsettled stomachs or something as they make pccu.iar noxaes I think it would he Me for them to desist as they are apt to get into trouble it they do not. Blythe's Corners Swinton Park. THE DURHAM BEViEW tioptsille ONTARIO TORONTO told the 'ople that he had tbeottr- mittee at t'g)'l'd a post omce on the mwnline of Luther township to run an Electric Railroad from Tamil) hr ty"telbarne, Egermu. Hupmille to Mr'HfOI'd. A public memiig was pro- pw-d furl.» Friday night, and the Presidentoftbe com ny Would ad- dress th meeting. 63m: a few turn- ‘d out to the meeting but the Prui- dent who is reported to be a. very rich American did not come. The meeting Was addressed by Mr Hustle mu Mr Chas anhett. A cmnmmtee was appointed and a collection Was made at the adjourned meeting that was held after ina store. Many are the rumors of how this road Will run trotu Hopeville. We had a pleasant chat with Mr Jus Robertson who returned on Mon- day last to Sault Ste Marie after snepd- in: an enjovable fortnight vhmng friends in the burg and mmunity. Mrs Wm Mills and children leave this week to visit friends in Kent Coam ty prior to their departure ior their home in the Prairie Province. Mr Archie Cameron, of Bottinean. N, D. accom anied by Mr and Mrs W. J, //ie'd","r'JoT, or Traverston. visited friends in the burg last week. Archie returns the latter part of the momh tor Uncle Sam’s domains. Mr Dunk! Corlett left on Wednes- day lusttor Mantin Michigan. owing to the serious illness at his bother, Dr Thomas Cadet: of that pluce. We hope to hear of his speedy exmgttleatmee He possesses all the characteristics ot a gnud eoueeratttionalist does Mr Edward Coleman ot the county town, whospema tew pleasant days with his friend, Mr John Corlett. About T miles from Durham on the Gun-dun Bond. rm. good. Poo-eo- oion " once. must be sold. Apply to WMQM After a. pleasant six months holiday at her home in the burg. Miss Susie McIntosh let: a tormight ago for the Queen City. Mr Samuel Black and tamilv have moved into Mrs James Watt's house, south of the bang. We welcome them no puruclpate in all the social lunctions for which our burg is famous. Please allow men little space in your paper for thin letter. I had an- other letter from the Trmt (30.. Toronto stating that 1 c'mld receive nothing but what the deed calls for. I wrote back and told them there Wu nothing men- tioned in the deed for them hut the place, and I cannot see how she can chum uny implements, I have been to a law er and he whines to sue the place an the. implements of mine that were sold after my son. John William died. If this lawyer has to come down it will costalot of money t better that the values of my implements Ibonld he tent to me " one e. [Mr Jon. tStephenson. Ito. Idaho, wands the follnmmz notice as an udver'ine- ment. We know nothing of the merits of the ("me which nprinca from the dis- pmnl of his demonized con'q estate.) To Editor of Review, Sir t S Vandmon. John A Ihyd. William Sharpe, James Willisuna. Samuel l‘eilar, Br, Thomas Harness. Henry D. Irwin. John MeArthur, (Inter Cannon. Roger McGill. James L ucunllen. Sullivtur--aosreph Pringle. Neil xcEl- heron, Alex Stephen. The: [8169. John ummrnw, William Tedford, William J Mm-re.JnmosA Thompson. George Bed- ford James Anderson. Holltuvr-oohn N Perdue, William Foa- tnr,uiclmel Howey, Cargo Price. Purir,lt Hamiltm, William Humpion. Anthony Sltute, J ~lm Cameron, Henry W Norton, Andrew Gillespie. Thom" uitcbel‘, Par- ncx Lyons. 100 Acre FARM for SALE The following are the names of the newly appointed jlhlices of the Peace in and for the County of Grey tor the follow. ing municipalities eh revised and approv- ed of by the Ontario Government, Dundalk-Peter chregor John Sin- clmr, Christopher Johnston. Isaac Tray- tt w. 1Jurhanv--Jtouets w Ora-Word. CIIBIIOI MOKWEUU. William Laidlaw, John .H L'rowu, William Us. des. 1hrmuont---cltatletr m-Innes. ”unald tecQusat, Ira Pinnock. Alvin Dunne. Samuel Shards. John Gandhi", John A Swanston, William J Isak. “mes Allan, Sr,Thoumsa Gordon, Robert Renmck, Sr. Hanover-Ah- Ball, George Hollin- ger. Robert J Ball, Jncoh Messenger. Henry Peppler. Duncan Campbell. Nortnaoy--Joln1 Robertson, Jamel Aiulct-u,Jaruct, H Eris, Henry Byrls. beorge H Sclunck. Thom-m Wallace. David Lexth. liubrro ll Fortune. Conrad Ii'ilniucer,C'orlss Hausa, Gauge Hopi, Henry Racing, chhwl Murray, Ma COL” AIL-Pm e. bhedrnck Runner. di/it-he/ar-diy,,' S Black. George Bunnie mm; J‘Youug. Daniel Edce. Charla Moffat, tir. Charles Boyle, Null McCuuuel, John Nichol. James Edge. Proton-game. Buckley, Alex McPher- snu, Duncan mcKanzie, Donald K Me- Arthur. William J Fry, John Abbott, Samuel Egerbon. Bentinek--golm xoCallum. Henry Brig. Imlu. William ' Scarf, Hugh Ruldell. Dun! ucNIchol, Donald A Smi.h. John Black. James S Wilson. Markdal-k Armstrong. Thomas Kenn. John Lyons. Artrmesia---rthtt Boluml. Ge “a War. ling. Matthew K Richar!son. Abraham New Justices of The Peace. Domoch Notice Your: trulv . J carpi: Stephan-on And will be pleased to have all troubled with defective eyesight call and consult them. They have been established in Toronto since 187: and during that time over 100,000 cases have been successfully fitted by them. One advantage they have over others is the fact that they grind their own lenses and by doing so prevent any error in the proceu of lens-making. If your eyes bother you in any way. or the glasses you now wear are not com- iortable, don't neglect this opportunity of having your eyes properly attended to All Work Absolutely Guaranteed. . Come Early as You may require a Second Testing. For Before-ea and Tooth-elm. aee Small Bills. we have n large number of Farms for Sale in the following Cotuatietr- Brant, Essex. Elgin, Grev, Huldiumnd. Huron, Kent, Launhton, meoln. Mid. dieser, Norfolk. Ontario, Oxford, Peel, Perth. h'itucoe, Victoria, \Vnterlon, \Vellmgmn. Wetland. Wentworth and York. Also nmny Bulimia- and Resi- dential propertief for Sale in all parts of the province. It you hives Farm or other property for sale. write for our terms of selling Real Estate. The Western Real Estate Exchange. The Manse at Alum Presbyterian. church hrnnmre. Purchaser to remove the building and clear off all rubbish during the mouth of May. Apply to J. M. FINDLAY Dromme. Building lot on Bruce St. Durham. " so a Brick house on same street. Four year old Clyde mare Apply to “In: Leggeue. Rocky Salim-en. To sell The Canadian Graphic. a Nat, innal Illustrated Weekly. Price five cents. Twelve copies to start with sent, free. Addresq: The (hm-Minn Graphic Publishing Company Limited. 176 Vic.. toria tit, Toronto, ontario. A Fine Dulhum Bull. bred from imported stock. " mos, old. Preserve Your Eyesight Parker's Drug Store, 0945043943 0 ”“90”“. STOCK & BUILDINGS FOR SALE. Having gone through our entire stock we have found a number of lines that; are slow sellers 2 these Just a few of those cheap Lui.. London, Ontario. l WM. W. Brunet. Agent, Thistle ' 3 bottles 12} PICKLES for........ ... 1 can PEM..........-.--- 3 cans CORN...----- 3 cans TOMATOES.................. 4 pkg CHINESE STARCH........... l lb pkg Dunham’s COCOANUI‘...... ii; SATURDAY GRUGERY BARGAINS THE Blltt STORE After stock--Taking Bargains BOYS WANTED FOR SALE. FOR SALE. ALEX. RUSSELL PROF. TAUBE d SON Manufacturing OPTICIANS and EYESIGHT SPECIALISTS of Toronto, will be at ever sold in Durham. Wed. & Thurs., Feb. 7th and 8th we mean to clean out. Fur Coats 'rt? Being lot, No. 20 on 2nd Con, N. D. R. Mud 22 and 23. on the 3rd Con. N. D. H. Glenelg. muluniml Mio “an. mun-or less. 125 acre- cleared. lulunvu Gtxi- wood bush. " miles from P. O. and school. church on property, Writ wat- ered, wells mud running Ipr‘ngu Build. ings m good repair. Will be sold nu reusmmhlr terms " miles from Durham and from Priwvilln. If sold puuessmn given for wax-k this fall. Full Posse"- ion m March. Clear title given. Apply to the proprietor. D, GEAuAu, Priwvnlle. or to A. H. JA-os, "'roiioitor, Dmhnm Jan. 2, 19N. Lot u, can 4. N. D, R. containing 11.0 mm. more or less. 85 more: cleared. Ipring creek. good well, imnk barn. im- glemeut house. largo. (mum dwelling on”. good orchard. convenient to church nod school. Building. fences. &c all in Rood condition. 25 urn-s ploughed. 4mm under fail wheat. Possession given any time after lst March. For further punk-ulna apply on the premises. Io Donald Benton. Prop. The undersigned otters his cplendid property in Upper Town for sale. For paruolarr, apply tat - All rettitrtaed Sun-k and likely uni nuns. Apply to - _ - A FEBRUARY 8, Ar, ET 'k%ii FARM FOR SALE' FARM FOR SALE. Thorough Bred Cattle and Yo'kshlro Hogs. You should see them ; The cheapest Furs FOR SALE. FOR SALE. race. Scum & Sass. Rocky Samuel) P. ll Joan Roman-runs. 250 25c 250 25c 07c MS Ill 'v,;',',',,',,',":,",'", XXX: V0 Riv va Ru Rn "ttt Ru Ree Her

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